@ -1257,5 +1257,440 @@ void fastGEMM1T( const int8_t* vec, const int8_t* weights,
# endif // CV_LASX
# if !defined(CV_CPU_OPTIMIZATION_DECLARATIONS_ONLY) && CV_RVV && defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic) && __riscv_v_intrinsic>=11000
static const size_t __cv_rvv_e8m1_max = __riscv_vsetvlmax_e8m1 ( ) ;
static const size_t __cv_rvv_e16m1_max = __riscv_vsetvlmax_e16m1 ( ) ;
static const size_t __cv_rvv_e32m2_max = __riscv_vsetvlmax_e32m2 ( ) ;
inline vint32m2_t __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vint32m2_t & dst , const vint8m1_t & a , const vint8m1_t & b , size_t vl ) {
vint16m2_t tmp = __riscv_vwmul ( a , b , vl ) ;
dst = __riscv_vwadd_wv_i32m2_tu ( dst , dst , __riscv_vget_i16m1 ( tmp , 0 ) , vl ) ;
dst = __riscv_vwadd_wv_i32m2_tu ( dst , dst , __riscv_vget_i16m1 ( tmp , 1 ) , vl > __cv_rvv_e16m1_max ? vl - __cv_rvv_e16m1_max : 0 ) ;
return dst ;
enum { FASCONV_BASE_VECSZ = 4 } ;
void fastConv ( const int8_t * weights , size_t wstep , const int * bias ,
const int8_t * rowbuf , int * output , const int * outShape ,
int blockSize , int vecsize , int vecsize_aligned , int outZp ,
const float * multiplier , bool initOutput , bool finalOutput )
const size_t e8m1 = __cv_rvv_e8m1_max ;
int outCn = outShape [ 1 ] ;
size_t outPlaneSize = outShape [ 2 ] * outShape [ 3 ] ;
// now compute dot product of the weights
// and im2row-transformed part of the tensor
for ( int i = 0 ; i < outCn ; i + = 3 )
int unroll_tail = FASCONV_BASE_VECSZ ;
const int8_t * wptr0 = weights + i * wstep ;
const int8_t * wptr1 = wptr0 + wstep ;
const int8_t * wptr2 = wptr1 + wstep ;
int * outptr0 = output + i * outPlaneSize ;
int * outptr1 = outptr0 + outPlaneSize ;
int * outptr2 = outptr1 + outPlaneSize ;
int bias0 = bias [ i ] , bias1 = bias [ i + 1 ] , bias2 = bias [ i + 2 ] ;
float mult0 = multiplier [ i ] , mult1 = multiplier [ i + 1 ] , mult2 = multiplier [ i + 2 ] ;
if ( i + 2 > = outCn )
wptr2 = wptr1 ;
outptr2 = outptr1 ;
bias2 = bias1 ;
mult2 = mult1 ;
if ( i + 1 > = outCn )
wptr2 = wptr1 = wptr0 ;
outptr2 = outptr1 = outptr0 ;
bias2 = bias1 = bias0 ;
mult2 = mult1 = mult0 ;
int j = 0 ;
for ( ; j < blockSize ; j + = FASCONV_BASE_VECSZ )
const int8_t * rptr = rowbuf + j * vecsize_aligned ;
const int8_t * rptr1 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * 1 ,
* rptr2 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * 2 ,
* rptr3 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * 3 ;
if ( j + FASCONV_BASE_VECSZ > blockSize )
unroll_tail = blockSize - j ;
rptr1 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * std : : min ( 1 , unroll_tail - 1 ) ;
rptr2 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * std : : min ( 2 , unroll_tail - 1 ) ;
rptr3 = rptr + vecsize_aligned * std : : min ( 3 , unroll_tail - 1 ) ;
int vl , avl = vecsize ;
vs00 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs10 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs20 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) ,
vs01 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs11 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs21 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) ,
vs02 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs12 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs22 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) ,
vs03 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs13 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) , vs23 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , e8m1 ) ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < vecsize ; k + = vl , avl - = vl )
vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1 ( avl ) ;
vint8m1_t w0 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr0 + k , vl ) ) ;
vint8m1_t w1 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr1 + k , vl ) ) ;
vint8m1_t w2 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr2 + k , vl ) ) ;
vint8m1_t r0 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( rptr , vl ) ) ;
vs00 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs00 , w0 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs10 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs10 , w1 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs20 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs20 , w2 , r0 , vl ) ;
r0 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( rptr1 , vl ) ) ;
vs01 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs01 , w0 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs11 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs11 , w1 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs21 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs21 , w2 , r0 , vl ) ;
r0 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( rptr2 , vl ) ) ;
vs02 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs02 , w0 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs12 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs12 , w1 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs22 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs22 , w2 , r0 , vl ) ;
r0 = ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( rptr3 , vl ) ) ;
vs03 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs03 , w0 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs13 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs13 , w1 , r0 , vl ) ;
vs23 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs23 , w2 , r0 , vl ) ;
rptr + = vl ; rptr1 + = vl ; rptr2 + = vl ; rptr3 + = vl ;
// compute sum of each vs
vint32m1_t zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( 0 , e8m1 ) ;
sum0 [ 0 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs00 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum0 [ 1 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs01 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum0 [ 2 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs02 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum0 [ 3 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs03 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum1 [ 0 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs10 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum1 [ 1 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs11 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum1 [ 2 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs12 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum1 [ 3 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs13 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum2 [ 0 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs20 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum2 [ 1 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs21 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum2 [ 2 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs22 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
sum2 [ 3 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs23 , zero , e8m1 ) ) ;
vint32m1_t s0 , s1 , s2 ;
if ( initOutput )
s0 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( bias0 , unroll_tail ) ;
s1 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( bias1 , unroll_tail ) ;
s2 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( bias2 , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( outptr0 + j , unroll_tail ) ;
s1 = __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( outptr1 + j , unroll_tail ) ;
s2 = __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( outptr2 + j , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( sum0 , unroll_tail ) , s0 , unroll_tail ) ;
s1 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( sum1 , unroll_tail ) , s1 , unroll_tail ) ;
s2 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vle32_v_i32m1 ( sum2 , unroll_tail ) , s2 , unroll_tail ) ;
if ( finalOutput )
s0 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vfcvt_x_f_v_i32m1 ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m1 ( s0 , unroll_tail ) , mult0 , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) , outZp , unroll_tail ) ;
s1 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vfcvt_x_f_v_i32m1 ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m1 ( s1 , unroll_tail ) , mult1 , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) , outZp , unroll_tail ) ;
s2 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vfcvt_x_f_v_i32m1 ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m1 ( s2 , unroll_tail ) , mult2 , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) , outZp , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( s0 , - 128 , unroll_tail ) , 127 , unroll_tail ) ;
s1 = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( s1 , - 128 , unroll_tail ) , 127 , unroll_tail ) ;
s2 = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( s2 , - 128 , unroll_tail ) , 127 , unroll_tail ) ;
__riscv_vse32 ( outptr0 + j , s0 , unroll_tail ) ;
__riscv_vse32 ( outptr1 + j , s1 , unroll_tail ) ;
__riscv_vse32 ( outptr2 + j , s2 , unroll_tail ) ;
void fastDepthwiseConv ( const int8_t * wptr ,
int kernel_h , int kernel_w ,
int stride_h , int stride_w ,
int dilation_h , int dilation_w ,
int pad_t , int pad_l ,
const int * biasptr , const float * multptr ,
const int8_t * inptr_ ,
int height , int width ,
int * outptr_ ,
int out_d , int outH , int outW ,
int inpZp , int outZp )
int vl ;
const int8_t w00_ = wptr [ 0 ] , w01_ = wptr [ 1 ] , w02_ = wptr [ 2 ] ,
w10 = wptr [ 3 ] , w11 = wptr [ 4 ] , w12 = wptr [ 5 ] ,
w20_ = wptr [ 6 ] , w21_ = wptr [ 7 ] , w22_ = wptr [ 8 ] ;
int outW1 = std : : min ( outW , ( width - dilation_w * ( kernel_w - 1 ) + pad_l ) / stride_w ) ;
float mult = multptr [ out_d ] ;
int bias = biasptr [ out_d ] ;
int biasCopy ;
for ( int out_i = 0 ; out_i < outH ; out_i + + )
int in_i = out_i * stride_h - pad_t , out_j = 0 ;
const int8_t * imgptr0 = inptr_ + in_i * width ;
const int8_t * imgptr1 = imgptr0 + dilation_h * width ;
const int8_t * imgptr2 = imgptr0 + ( dilation_h * 2 ) * width ;
int8_t w00 = w00_ , w01 = w01_ , w02 = w02_ ;
int8_t w20 = w20_ , w21 = w21_ , w22 = w22_ ;
int out , out1 ;
biasCopy = bias ;
if ( in_i < 0 )
biasCopy + = inpZp * ( w00 + w01 + w02 ) ;
w00 = w01 = w02 = 0 ;
imgptr0 = imgptr1 ;
else if ( in_i + dilation_h * ( kernel_h - 1 ) > = height )
biasCopy + = inpZp * ( w20 + w21 + w22 ) ;
w20 = w21 = w22 = 0 ;
imgptr2 = imgptr1 ;
int * outptr = outptr_ + out_i * outW ;
if ( pad_l > 0 )
out = ( int ) imgptr0 [ 0 ] * w01 + ( int ) imgptr0 [ dilation_w ] * w02 +
( int ) imgptr1 [ 0 ] * w11 + ( int ) imgptr1 [ dilation_w ] * w12 +
( int ) imgptr2 [ 0 ] * w21 + ( int ) imgptr2 [ dilation_w ] * w22 +
biasCopy + inpZp * ( w00 + w10 + w20 ) ;
out1 = outZp + ( int ) std : : round ( out * mult ) ;
outptr [ 0 ] = std : : min ( std : : max ( out1 , - 128 ) , 127 ) ;
out_j = 1 ;
if ( stride_w = = 1 | | ( stride_w = = 2 & & dilation_w = = 1 ) )
int avl = outW1 - out_j ;
if ( stride_w = = 1 )
for ( ; out_j < outW1 ; out_j + = vl , avl - = vl )
vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m2 ( avl ) ;
int in_j = out_j * stride_w - pad_l ;
vint32m8_t vout = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m8 ( biasCopy , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w00 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w01 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j + dilation_w , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w02 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j + dilation_w * 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w10 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w11 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j + dilation_w , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w12 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j + dilation_w * 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w20 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w21 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j + dilation_w , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w22 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vle8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j + dilation_w * 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vfcvt_x ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m8 ( vout , vl ) , mult , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vadd ( vout , outZp , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( vout , - 128 , vl ) , 127 , vl ) ;
__riscv_vse32_v_i32m8 ( outptr + out_j , vout , vl ) ;
else //stride_w == 2 && dilation_w == 1;
for ( ; out_j < outW1 ; out_j + = vl , avl - = vl )
vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m2 ( avl ) ;
int in_j = out_j * stride_w - pad_l ;
vint32m8_t vout = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m8 ( biasCopy , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w00 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w01 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j + 1 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w02 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr0 + in_j + 2 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w10 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w11 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j + 1 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w12 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr1 + in_j + 2 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w20 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w21 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j + 1 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vwmacc ( vout , w22 , __riscv_vwcvt_x_x_v_i16m4 ( __riscv_vlse8_v_i8m2 ( imgptr2 + in_j + 2 , 2 , vl ) , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vfcvt_x ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m8 ( vout , vl ) , mult , vl ) , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vadd ( vout , outZp , vl ) ;
vout = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( vout , - 128 , vl ) , 127 , vl ) ;
__riscv_vse32_v_i32m8 ( outptr + out_j , vout , vl ) ;
for ( ; out_j < outW1 ; out_j + + )
int in_j = out_j * stride_w - pad_l ;
out = ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j ] * w00 + ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j + dilation_w ] * w01 + ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j + dilation_w * 2 ] * w02 +
( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j ] * w10 + ( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j + dilation_w ] * w11 + ( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j + dilation_w * 2 ] * w12 +
( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j ] * w20 + ( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j + dilation_w ] * w21 + ( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j + dilation_w * 2 ] * w22 + biasCopy ;
outptr [ out_j ] = std : : min ( std : : max ( outZp + ( int ) std : : round ( out * mult ) , - 128 ) , 127 ) ;
for ( ; out_j < outW ; out_j + + )
int in_j0 = out_j * stride_w - pad_l , in_j1 = in_j0 + dilation_w , in_j2 = in_j0 + dilation_w * 2 ;
int s0 = 1 , s1 = 1 , s2 = 1 ;
if ( in_j0 > = width )
in_j0 = 0 ;
s0 = 0 ;
biasCopy + = inpZp * ( w00 + w10 + w20 ) ;
if ( in_j1 > = width )
in_j1 = 0 ;
s1 = 0 ;
biasCopy + = inpZp * ( w01 + w11 + w21 ) ;
if ( in_j2 > = width )
in_j2 = 0 ;
s2 = 0 ;
biasCopy + = inpZp * ( w02 + w12 + w22 ) ;
out = ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j0 ] * w00 * s0 + ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j1 ] * w01 * s1 + ( int ) imgptr0 [ in_j2 ] * w02 * s2 +
( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j0 ] * w10 * s0 + ( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j1 ] * w11 * s1 + ( int ) imgptr1 [ in_j2 ] * w12 * s2 +
( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j0 ] * w20 * s0 + ( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j1 ] * w21 * s1 + ( int ) imgptr2 [ in_j2 ] * w22 * s2 + biasCopy ;
outptr [ out_j ] = std : : min ( std : : max ( outZp + ( int ) std : : round ( out * mult ) , - 128 ) , 127 ) ;
void fastGEMM1T ( const int8_t * vec , const int8_t * weights ,
size_t wstep , const int * bias , const float * multiplier ,
int * dst , int nvecs , int vecsize , int outZp )
int i = 0 ;
for ( ; i < = nvecs - 15 ; i + = 15 )
const int8_t * wptr = weights + i * wstep ;
vs0 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs1 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs2 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs3 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs4 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs5 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs6 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs7 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs8 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs9 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs10 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs11 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs12 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs13 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs14 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ;
int avl = vecsize , vl ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < vecsize ; k + = vl , wptr + = vl , avl - = vl )
vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1 ( avl ) ;
vint8m1_t v = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( vec + k , vl ) ;
vs0 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs0 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs1 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs1 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs2 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs2 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 2 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs3 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs3 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 3 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs4 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs4 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 4 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs5 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs5 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 5 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs6 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs6 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 6 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs7 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs7 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 7 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs8 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs8 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 8 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs9 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs9 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 9 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs10 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs10 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 10 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs11 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs11 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 11 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs12 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs12 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 12 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs13 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs13 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 13 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs14 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs14 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * 14 , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
int sum [ 15 ] ;
vint32m1_t zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ;
sum [ 0 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs0 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 1 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs1 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 2 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs2 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 3 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs3 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 4 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs4 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 5 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs5 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 6 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs6 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 7 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs7 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 8 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs8 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 9 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs9 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 10 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs10 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 11 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs11 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 12 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs12 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 13 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs13 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 14 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs14 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
vint32m4_t s0 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vle32_v_i32m4 ( sum , 15 ) , __riscv_vle32_v_i32m4 ( bias + i , 15 ) , 15 ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vfcvt_x ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m4 ( s0 , 15 ) , __riscv_vle32_v_f32m4 ( multiplier + i , 15 ) , 15 ) , 15 ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vadd ( s0 , outZp , 15 ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( s0 , - 128 , 15 ) , 127 , 15 ) ;
__riscv_vse32_v_i32m4 ( dst + i , s0 , 15 ) ;
int unroll_tail = nvecs - i ;
if ( unroll_tail > 0 )
const int8_t * wptr = weights + i * wstep ;
vs0 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs1 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs2 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs3 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs4 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs5 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs6 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs7 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs8 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs9 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs10 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs11 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ,
vs12 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) , vs13 = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m2 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ;
int avl = vecsize , vl ;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < vecsize ; k + = vl , wptr + = vl , avl - = vl )
vl = __riscv_vsetvl_e8m1 ( avl ) ;
vint8m1_t v = __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( vec + k , vl ) ;
vs0 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs0 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs1 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs1 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 1 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs2 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs2 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 2 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs3 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs3 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 3 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs4 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs4 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 4 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs5 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs5 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 5 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs6 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs6 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 6 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs7 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs7 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 7 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs8 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs8 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 8 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs9 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs9 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 9 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs10 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs10 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 10 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs11 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs11 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 11 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs13 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs13 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 12 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
vs12 = __riscv_vwmacc_vv_i32m2 ( vs12 , __riscv_vle8_v_i8m1 ( wptr + wstep * std : : min ( 13 , unroll_tail - 1 ) , vl ) , v , vl ) ;
int sum [ 14 ] ;
vint32m1_t zero = __riscv_vmv_v_x_i32m1 ( 0 , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ;
sum [ 0 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs0 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 1 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs1 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 2 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs2 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 3 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs3 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 4 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs4 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 5 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs5 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 6 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs6 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 7 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs7 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 8 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs8 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 9 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs9 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 10 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs10 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 11 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs11 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 12 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs12 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
sum [ 13 ] = __riscv_vmv_x ( __riscv_vredsum_vs_i32m2_i32m1 ( vs13 , zero , __cv_rvv_e32m2_max ) ) ;
vint32m4_t s0 = __riscv_vadd ( __riscv_vle32_v_i32m4 ( sum , unroll_tail ) , __riscv_vle32_v_i32m4 ( bias + i , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vfcvt_x ( __riscv_vfmul ( __riscv_vfcvt_f_x_v_f32m4 ( s0 , unroll_tail ) , __riscv_vle32_v_f32m4 ( multiplier + i , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vadd ( s0 , outZp , unroll_tail ) ;
s0 = __riscv_vmin ( __riscv_vmax ( s0 , - 128 , unroll_tail ) , 127 , unroll_tail ) ;
__riscv_vse32_v_i32m4 ( dst + i , s0 , unroll_tail ) ;
# endif // CV_RVV
} } // namespace