@ -330,250 +330,32 @@ SVD::backSubst( const Matx<_Tp, nm, 1>& w, const Matx<_Tp, m, nm>& u, |
CV_Assert(_dst.data == (uchar*)&dst.val[0]); |
CV_Assert(_dst.data == (uchar*)&dst.val[0]); |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////// Vector ////////////////////////////////
// Multiply-with-Carry RNG
inline RNG::RNG() { state = 0xffffffff; } |
// template vector class. It is similar to STL's vector,
inline RNG::RNG(uint64 _state) { state = _state ? _state : 0xffffffff; } |
// with a few important differences:
// 1) it can be created on top of user-allocated data w/o copying it
// 2) vector b = a means copying the header,
// not the underlying data (use clone() to make a deep copy)
template <typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS Vector |
{ |
public: |
typedef _Tp value_type; |
typedef _Tp* iterator; |
typedef const _Tp* const_iterator; |
typedef _Tp& reference; |
typedef const _Tp& const_reference; |
struct CV_EXPORTS Hdr |
{ |
Hdr() : data(0), datastart(0), refcount(0), size(0), capacity(0) {}; |
_Tp* data; |
_Tp* datastart; |
int* refcount; |
size_t size; |
size_t capacity; |
}; |
Vector() {} |
Vector(size_t _size) { resize(_size); } |
Vector(size_t _size, const _Tp& val) |
{ |
resize(_size); |
for(size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++) |
hdr.data[i] = val; |
} |
Vector(_Tp* _data, size_t _size, bool _copyData=false) |
{ set(_data, _size, _copyData); } |
template<int n> Vector(const Vec<_Tp, n>& vec) |
{ set((_Tp*)&vec.val[0], n, true); } |
Vector(const std::vector<_Tp>& vec, bool _copyData=false) |
{ set(!vec.empty() ? (_Tp*)&vec[0] : 0, vec.size(), _copyData); } |
Vector(const Vector& d) { *this = d; } |
Vector(const Vector& d, const Range& r_) |
{ |
Range r = r_ == Range::all() ? Range(0, d.size()) : r_; |
/*if( r == Range::all() )
r = Range(0, d.size());*/ |
if( r.size() > 0 && r.start >= 0 && r.end <= d.size() ) |
{ |
if( d.hdr.refcount ) |
CV_XADD(d.hdr.refcount, 1); |
hdr.refcount = d.hdr.refcount; |
hdr.datastart = d.hdr.datastart; |
hdr.data = d.hdr.data + r.start; |
hdr.capacity = hdr.size = r.size(); |
} |
} |
Vector<_Tp>& operator = (const Vector& d) |
{ |
if( this != &d ) |
{ |
if( d.hdr.refcount ) |
CV_XADD(d.hdr.refcount, 1); |
release(); |
hdr = d.hdr; |
} |
return *this; |
} |
~Vector() { release(); } |
Vector<_Tp> clone() const |
{ return hdr.data ? Vector<_Tp>(hdr.data, hdr.size, true) : Vector<_Tp>(); } |
void copyTo(Vector<_Tp>& vec) const |
{ |
size_t i, sz = size(); |
vec.resize(sz); |
const _Tp* src = hdr.data; |
_Tp* dst = vec.hdr.data; |
for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) |
dst[i] = src[i]; |
} |
void copyTo(std::vector<_Tp>& vec) const |
{ |
size_t i, sz = size(); |
vec.resize(sz); |
const _Tp* src = hdr.data; |
_Tp* dst = sz ? &vec[0] : 0; |
for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ ) |
dst[i] = src[i]; |
} |
// operator CvMat() const
// { return cvMat((int)size(), 1, type(), (void*)hdr.data); }
_Tp& operator [] (size_t i) { CV_DbgAssert( i < size() ); return hdr.data[i]; } |
const _Tp& operator [] (size_t i) const { CV_DbgAssert( i < size() ); return hdr.data[i]; } |
Vector operator() (const Range& r) const { return Vector(*this, r); } |
_Tp& back() { CV_DbgAssert(!empty()); return hdr.data[hdr.size-1]; } |
const _Tp& back() const { CV_DbgAssert(!empty()); return hdr.data[hdr.size-1]; } |
_Tp& front() { CV_DbgAssert(!empty()); return hdr.data[0]; } |
const _Tp& front() const { CV_DbgAssert(!empty()); return hdr.data[0]; } |
_Tp* begin() { return hdr.data; } |
_Tp* end() { return hdr.data + hdr.size; } |
const _Tp* begin() const { return hdr.data; } |
const _Tp* end() const { return hdr.data + hdr.size; } |
void addref() { if( hdr.refcount ) CV_XADD(hdr.refcount, 1); } |
void release() |
{ |
if( hdr.refcount && CV_XADD(hdr.refcount, -1) == 1 ) |
{ |
delete[] hdr.datastart; |
delete hdr.refcount; |
} |
hdr = Hdr(); |
} |
void set(_Tp* _data, size_t _size, bool _copyData=false) |
{ |
if( !_copyData ) |
{ |
release(); |
hdr.data = hdr.datastart = _data; |
hdr.size = hdr.capacity = _size; |
hdr.refcount = 0; |
} |
else |
{ |
reserve(_size); |
for( size_t i = 0; i < _size; i++ ) |
hdr.data[i] = _data[i]; |
hdr.size = _size; |
} |
} |
void reserve(size_t newCapacity) |
{ |
_Tp* newData; |
int* newRefcount; |
size_t i, oldSize = hdr.size; |
if( (!hdr.refcount || *hdr.refcount == 1) && hdr.capacity >= newCapacity ) |
return; |
newCapacity = std::max(newCapacity, oldSize); |
newData = new _Tp[newCapacity]; |
newRefcount = new int(1); |
for( i = 0; i < oldSize; i++ ) |
newData[i] = hdr.data[i]; |
release(); |
hdr.data = hdr.datastart = newData; |
hdr.capacity = newCapacity; |
hdr.size = oldSize; |
hdr.refcount = newRefcount; |
} |
void resize(size_t newSize) |
{ |
size_t i; |
newSize = std::max(newSize, (size_t)0); |
if( (!hdr.refcount || *hdr.refcount == 1) && hdr.size == newSize ) |
return; |
if( newSize > hdr.capacity ) |
reserve(std::max(newSize, std::max((size_t)4, hdr.capacity*2))); |
for( i = hdr.size; i < newSize; i++ ) |
hdr.data[i] = _Tp(); |
hdr.size = newSize; |
} |
Vector<_Tp>& push_back(const _Tp& elem) |
{ |
if( hdr.size == hdr.capacity ) |
reserve( std::max((size_t)4, hdr.capacity*2) ); |
hdr.data[hdr.size++] = elem; |
return *this; |
} |
Vector<_Tp>& pop_back() |
{ |
if( hdr.size > 0 ) |
--hdr.size; |
return *this; |
} |
size_t size() const { return hdr.size; } |
size_t capacity() const { return hdr.capacity; } |
bool empty() const { return hdr.size == 0; } |
void clear() { resize(0); } |
int type() const { return DataType<_Tp>::type; } |
protected: |
Hdr hdr; |
}; |
template<typename _Tp> inline typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type |
inline RNG::operator uchar() { return (uchar)next(); } |
dot(const Vector<_Tp>& v1, const Vector<_Tp>& v2) |
inline RNG::operator schar() { return (schar)next(); } |
{ |
inline RNG::operator ushort() { return (ushort)next(); } |
typedef typename DataType<_Tp>::work_type _Tw; |
inline RNG::operator short() { return (short)next(); } |
size_t i = 0, n = v1.size(); |
inline RNG::operator int() { return (int)next(); } |
assert(v1.size() == v2.size()); |
inline RNG::operator unsigned() { return next(); } |
inline RNG::operator float() { return next()*2.3283064365386962890625e-10f; } |
inline RNG::operator double() { unsigned t = next(); return (((uint64)t << 32) | next()) * 5.4210108624275221700372640043497e-20; } |
_Tw s = 0; |
inline unsigned RNG::operator ()(unsigned N) { return (unsigned)uniform(0,N); } |
const _Tp *ptr1 = &v1[0], *ptr2 = &v2[0]; |
inline unsigned RNG::operator ()() { return next(); } |
for( ; i < n; i++ ) |
s += (_Tw)ptr1[i]*ptr2[i]; |
return s; |
inline int RNG::uniform(int a, int b) { return a == b ? a : (int)(next() % (b - a) + a); } |
} |
inline float RNG::uniform(float a, float b) { return ((float)*this)*(b - a) + a; } |
inline double RNG::uniform(double a, double b) { return ((double)*this)*(b - a) + a; } |
// Multiply-with-Carry RNG
inline RNG::RNG() { state = 0xffffffff; } |
inline RNG::RNG(uint64 _state) { state = _state ? _state : 0xffffffff; } |
inline unsigned RNG::next() |
inline unsigned RNG::next() |
{ |
{ |
state = (uint64)(unsigned)state* /*CV_RNG_COEFF*/ 4164903690U + (unsigned)(state >> 32); |
state = (uint64)(unsigned)state* /*CV_RNG_COEFF*/ 4164903690U + (unsigned)(state >> 32); |
return (unsigned)state; |
return (unsigned)state; |
} |
} |
inline RNG::operator uchar() { return (uchar)next(); } |
inline RNG::operator schar() { return (schar)next(); } |
inline RNG::operator ushort() { return (ushort)next(); } |
inline RNG::operator short() { return (short)next(); } |
inline RNG::operator unsigned() { return next(); } |
inline unsigned RNG::operator ()(unsigned N) {return (unsigned)uniform(0,N);} |
inline unsigned RNG::operator ()() {return next();} |
inline RNG::operator int() { return (int)next(); } |
// * (2^32-1)^-1
inline RNG::operator float() { return next()*2.3283064365386962890625e-10f; } |
inline RNG::operator double() |
{ |
unsigned t = next(); |
return (((uint64)t << 32) | next())*5.4210108624275221700372640043497e-20; |
} |
inline int RNG::uniform(int a, int b) { return a == b ? a : (int)(next()%(b - a) + a); } |
inline float RNG::uniform(float a, float b) { return ((float)*this)*(b - a) + a; } |
inline double RNG::uniform(double a, double b) { return ((double)*this)*(b - a) + a; } |
inline uchar* LineIterator::operator *() { return ptr; } |
inline uchar* LineIterator::operator *() { return ptr; } |
inline LineIterator& LineIterator::operator ++() |
inline LineIterator& LineIterator::operator ++() |
{ |
{ |