Added to objdetect module: meanshift grouping (groupRectangles_meanshift(...) for input rectangles); new pedestrian detection model, trained on the Daimler base (getDaimlerPeopleDetector(...) ).

Some changes in the HOGDescriptor class interface(objdetect.hpp) (added useMeanShiftGrouping parameter to the detectMultiScale(...) function)
Alexey Kazakov 14 years ago
parent 2057f2c452
commit e863c3d5f6
  1. 97
  2. 119
  3. 562
  4. 171

@ -275,6 +275,41 @@ namespace cv
CV_EXPORTS_W void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps=0.2);
CV_EXPORTS_W void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, CV_OUT vector<int>& weights, int groupThreshold, double eps=0.2);
CV_EXPORTS void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<double>& resultWeights, int groupThreshold = 2, double eps=0.2);
CV_EXPORTS void groupRectangles_meanshift(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<double>& foundWeights, vector<double>& foundScales,
double detectThreshold = 0.0, Size winDetSize = Size(64, 128));
class MeanshiftGrouping
MeanshiftGrouping(const Point3d& densKer, const vector<Point3d>& posV,
const vector<double>& wV, double modeEps = 1e-4,
int maxIt = 20);
void getModes(vector<Point3d>& modesV, vector<double>& resWeightsV, const double eps);
vector<Point3d> positionsV;
vector<double> weightsV;
Point3d densityKernel;
int positionsCount;
vector<Point3d> meanshiftV;
vector<Point3d> distanceV;
int iterMax;
double modeEps;
Point3d getNewValue(const Point3d& inPt) const;
double getResultWeight(const Point3d& inPt) const;
Point3d moveToMode(Point3d aPt) const;
double getDistance(Point3d p1, Point3d p2) const;
class CV_EXPORTS FeatureEvaluator
@ -312,7 +347,10 @@ public:
double scaleFactor=1.1,
int minNeighbors=3, int flags=0,
Size minSize=Size(),
Size maxSize=Size() );
Size maxSize=Size(),
bool outputRejectLevels = false,
vector<int>& rejectLevels = vector<int>(0));
bool isOldFormatCascade() const;
virtual Size getOriginalWindowSize() const;
@ -321,7 +359,8 @@ public:
virtual bool detectSingleScale( const Mat& image, int stripCount, Size processingRectSize,
int stripSize, int yStep, double factor, vector<Rect>& candidates );
int stripSize, int yStep, double factor, vector<Rect>& candidates,
bool outputRejectLevels = false, vector<int>& rejectLevels = vector<int>(0) );
enum { BOOST = 0 };
@ -387,6 +426,35 @@ protected:
Data data;
Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> featureEvaluator;
Ptr<CvHaarClassifierCascade> oldCascade;
int getNumStages()
int numStages;
if( !isOldFormatCascade() )
numStages = data.stages.size();
numStages = this->oldCascade->count;
return numStages;
void setNumStages(int stageCount)
if( !isOldFormatCascade() )
if( stageCount )
if( stageCount )
this->oldCascade->count = stageCount;
//////////////// HOG (Histogram-of-Oriented-Gradients) Descriptor and Object Detector //////////////
@ -438,23 +506,38 @@ public:
CV_WRAP virtual bool load(const String& filename, const String& objname=String());
CV_WRAP virtual void save(const String& filename, const String& objname=String()) const;
virtual void copyTo(HOGDescriptor& c) const;
CV_WRAP virtual void compute(const Mat& img,
CV_OUT vector<float>& descriptors,
Size winStride=Size(), Size padding=Size(),
const vector<Point>& locations=vector<Point>()) const;
//with found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
vector<double>& weights,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(),
const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
//without found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detect(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Point>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(),
const vector<Point>& searchLocations=vector<Point>()) const;
CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
int groupThreshold=2) const;
//with result weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
vector<double>& foundWeights, double hitThreshold=0,
Size winStride=Size(), Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
double finalThreshold=2.0,bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
//without found weights output
CV_WRAP virtual void detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, CV_OUT vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold=0, Size winStride=Size(),
Size padding=Size(), double scale=1.05,
double finalThreshold=2.0, bool useMeanshiftGrouping = false) const;
CV_WRAP virtual void computeGradient(const Mat& img, CV_OUT Mat& grad, CV_OUT Mat& angleOfs,
Size paddingTL=Size(), Size paddingBR=Size()) const;
static vector<float> getDefaultPeopleDetector();
static vector<float> getDaimlerPeopleDetector();
CV_PROP Size winSize;
CV_PROP Size blockSize;

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public:
static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps, vector<int>* weights)
static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps, vector<int>* weights, vector<double>* foundWeights)
if( groupThreshold <= 0 || rectList.empty() )
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double e
vector<Rect> rrects(nclasses);
vector<int> rweights(nclasses, 0);
vector<double> outWeights(nclasses, 0.0);
int i, j, nlabels = (int)labels.size();
for( i = 0; i < nlabels; i++ )
@ -92,6 +93,14 @@ static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double e
rrects[cls].height += rectList[i].height;
if ( foundWeights && !foundWeights->empty() )
for( i = 0; i < nlabels; i++ )
int cls = labels[i];
outWeights[cls] = outWeights[cls] + (*foundWeights)[i];
for( i = 0; i < nclasses; i++ )
@ -106,11 +115,14 @@ static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double e
if( weights )
if( foundWeights )
for( i = 0; i < nclasses; i++ )
Rect r1 = rrects[i];
int n1 = rweights[i];
double w1 = outWeights[i];
if( n1 <= groupThreshold )
// filter out small face rectangles inside large rectangles
@ -139,19 +151,76 @@ static void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double e
if( weights )
if( foundWeights )
//new grouping function with using meanshift
static void groupRectangles_meanshift(vector<Rect>& rectList, double detectThreshold, vector<double>* foundWeights,
vector<double>& scales, Size winDetSize)
int detectionCount = rectList.size();
vector<Point3d> hits(detectionCount), resultHits;
vector<double> hitWeights(detectionCount), resultWeights;
Point2d hitCenter;
for (int i=0; i < detectionCount; i++)
hitWeights[i] = (*foundWeights)[i];
hitCenter = (rectList[i].tl() + rectList[i].br())*(0.5); //center of rectangles
hits[i] = Point3d(hitCenter.x, hitCenter.y, std::log(scales[i]));
if (foundWeights)
double logZ = std::log(1.3);
Point3d smothing(8, 16, logZ);
MeanshiftGrouping msGrouping(smothing, hits, hitWeights, 1e-5, 100);
msGrouping.getModes(resultHits, resultWeights, 1);
for (unsigned i=0; i < resultHits.size(); ++i)
double scale = exp(resultHits[i].z);
hitCenter.x = resultHits[i].x;
hitCenter.y = resultHits[i].y;
Size s( int(winDetSize.width * scale), int(winDetSize.height * scale) );
Rect resultRect( int(hitCenter.x-s.width/2), int(hitCenter.y-s.height/2),
int(s.width), int(s.height) );
if (resultWeights[i] > detectThreshold)
void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps)
groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold, eps, 0);
groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold, eps, 0, 0);
void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<int>& weights, int groupThreshold, double eps)
groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold, eps, &weights);
groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold, eps, &weights, 0);
void groupRectangles(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<double>& foundWeights, int groupThreshold, double eps)
groupRectangles(rectList, groupThreshold, eps, 0, &foundWeights);
void groupRectangles_meanshift(vector<Rect>& rectList, vector<double>& foundWeights,
vector<double>& foundScales, double detectThreshold, Size winDetSize)
groupRectangles_meanshift(rectList, detectThreshold, &foundWeights, foundScales, winDetSize);
@ -802,7 +871,8 @@ bool CascadeClassifier::setImage( Ptr<FeatureEvaluator>& featureEvaluator, const
struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
CascadeClassifierInvoker( CascadeClassifier& _cc, Size _sz1, int _stripSize, int _yStep, double _factor, ConcurrentRectVector& _vec )
CascadeClassifierInvoker( CascadeClassifier& _cc, Size _sz1, int _stripSize, int _yStep, double _factor,
ConcurrentRectVector& _vec, vector<int>& _levels, bool outputLevels = false )
classifier = &_cc;
processingRectSize = _sz1;
@ -810,6 +880,7 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
yStep = _yStep;
scalingFactor = _factor;
rectangles = &_vec;
rejectLevels = outputLevels ? &_levels : 0;
void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
@ -824,7 +895,17 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
for( int x = 0; x < processingRectSize.width; x += yStep )
int result = classifier->runAt(evaluator, Point(x, y));
if( result > 0 )
if( rejectLevels )
if( result == 1 )
result = -1*classifier->data.stages.size();
if( classifier->data.stages.size() + result < 6 )
rectangles->push_back(Rect(cvRound(x*scalingFactor), cvRound(y*scalingFactor), winSize.width, winSize.height));
else if( result > 0 )
rectangles->push_back(Rect(cvRound(x*scalingFactor), cvRound(y*scalingFactor),
winSize.width, winSize.height));
if( result == 0 )
@ -838,18 +919,31 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
Size processingRectSize;
int stripSize, yStep;
double scalingFactor;
vector<int> *rejectLevels;
struct getRect { Rect operator ()(const CvAvgComp& e) const { return e.rect; } };
bool CascadeClassifier::detectSingleScale( const Mat& image, int stripCount, Size processingRectSize,
int stripSize, int yStep, double factor, vector<Rect>& candidates )
int stripSize, int yStep, double factor, vector<Rect>& candidates,
bool outputRejectLevels, vector<int>& levels )
if( !featureEvaluator->setImage( image, data.origWinSize ) )
return false;
ConcurrentRectVector concurrentCandidates;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor, concurrentCandidates));
vector<int> rejectLevels;
if( outputRejectLevels )
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
concurrentCandidates, rejectLevels, true));
levels.insert( levels.end(), rejectLevels.begin(), rejectLevels.end() );
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
concurrentCandidates, rejectLevels, false));
candidates.insert( candidates.end(), concurrentCandidates.begin(), concurrentCandidates.end() );
return true;
@ -877,7 +971,8 @@ bool CascadeClassifier::setImage(const Mat& image)
void CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale( const Mat& image, vector<Rect>& objects,
double scaleFactor, int minNeighbors,
int flags, Size minObjectSize, Size maxObjectSize )
int flags, Size minObjectSize, Size maxObjectSize,
bool outputRejectLevels, vector<int>& rejectLevels )
const double GROUP_EPS = 0.2;
@ -946,14 +1041,16 @@ void CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale( const Mat& image, vector<Rect>& object
stripSize = processingRectSize.height;
if( !detectSingleScale( scaledImage, stripCount, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor, candidates ) )
if( !detectSingleScale( scaledImage, stripCount, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor, candidates,
outputRejectLevels, rejectLevels ) )
std::copy(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), objects.begin());
groupRectangles( objects, minNeighbors, GROUP_EPS );
groupRectangles( objects, rejectLevels, minNeighbors, GROUP_EPS );
bool CascadeClassifier::Data::read(const FileNode &root)

@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ void HOGDescriptor::compute(const Mat& img, vector<float>& descriptors,
void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img,
vector<Point>& hits, double hitThreshold,
vector<Point>& hits, vector<double>& weights, double hitThreshold,
Size winStride, Size padding, const vector<Point>& locations) const
@ -923,16 +923,26 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img,
if( s >= hitThreshold )
void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img, vector<Point>& hits, double hitThreshold,
Size winStride, Size padding, const vector<Point>& locations) const
vector<double> weightsV;
detect(img, hits, weightsV, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, locations);
struct HOGInvoker
HOGInvoker( const HOGDescriptor* _hog, const Mat& _img,
double _hitThreshold, Size _winStride, Size _padding,
const double* _levelScale, ConcurrentRectVector* _vec )
const double* _levelScale, ConcurrentRectVector* _vec,
vector<double>* _weights=0, vector<double>* _scales=0 )
hog = _hog;
img = _img;
@ -941,6 +951,8 @@ struct HOGInvoker
padding = _padding;
levelScale = _levelScale;
vec = _vec;
weights = _weights;
scales = _scales;
void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
@ -950,6 +962,7 @@ struct HOGInvoker
Size maxSz(cvCeil(img.cols/minScale), cvCeil(img.rows/minScale));
Mat smallerImgBuf(maxSz, img.type());
vector<Point> locations;
vector<double> hitsWeights;
for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ )
@ -960,12 +973,25 @@ struct HOGInvoker
smallerImg = Mat(sz, img.type(),, img.step);
resize(img, smallerImg, sz);
hog->detect(smallerImg, locations, hitThreshold, winStride, padding);
hog->detect(smallerImg, locations, hitsWeights, hitThreshold, winStride, padding);
Size scaledWinSize = Size(cvRound(hog->winSize.width*scale), cvRound(hog->winSize.height*scale));
for( size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++ )
scaledWinSize.width, scaledWinSize.height));
if (scales) {
if (weights && (!hitsWeights.empty()))
for (size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++)
@ -976,13 +1002,15 @@ struct HOGInvoker
Size padding;
const double* levelScale;
ConcurrentRectVector* vec;
vector<double>* weights;
vector<double>* scales;
void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(
const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations, vector<double>& foundWeights,
double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding,
double scale0, int groupThreshold) const
double scale0, double finalThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) const
double scale = 1.;
int levels = 0;
@ -1002,15 +1030,32 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(
ConcurrentRectVector allCandidates;
vector<double> foundScales;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, (int)levelScale.size()),
HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates));
HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates, &foundWeights, &foundScales));
std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), foundLocations.begin());
groupRectangles(foundLocations, groupThreshold, 0.2);
if ( useMeanshiftGrouping )
groupRectangles_meanshift(foundLocations, foundWeights, foundScales, finalThreshold, winSize);
groupRectangles(foundLocations, (int)finalThreshold, 0.2);
void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(const Mat& img, vector<Rect>& foundLocations,
double hitThreshold, Size winStride, Size padding,
double scale0, double finalThreshold, bool useMeanshiftGrouping) const
vector<double> foundWeights;
detectMultiScale(img, foundLocations, foundWeights, hitThreshold, winStride,
padding, scale0, finalThreshold, useMeanshiftGrouping);
typedef RTTIImpl<HOGDescriptor> HOGRTTI;
@ -1827,5 +1872,508 @@ vector<float> HOGDescriptor::getDefaultPeopleDetector()
-0.02411991f, -0.04229729f, 0.10666174f, -6.66579151f };
return vector<float>(detector, detector + sizeof(detector)/sizeof(detector[0]));
//This function renurn 1981 SVM coeffs obtained from daimler's base.
//To use these coeffs the detection window size should be (48,96)
vector<float> HOGDescriptor::getDaimlerPeopleDetector()
static const float detector[] = {
0.294350f, -0.098796f, -0.129522f, 0.078753f,
0.387527f, 0.261529f, 0.145939f, 0.061520f,
0.328699f, 0.227148f, -0.066467f, -0.086723f,
0.047559f, 0.106714f, 0.037897f, 0.111461f,
-0.024406f, 0.304769f, 0.254676f, -0.069235f,
0.082566f, 0.147260f, 0.326969f, 0.148888f,
0.055270f, -0.087985f, 0.261720f, 0.143442f,
0.026812f, 0.238212f, 0.194020f, 0.056341f,
-0.025854f, -0.034444f, -0.156631f, 0.205174f,
0.089008f, -0.139811f, -0.100147f, -0.037830f,
-0.029230f, -0.055641f, 0.033248f, -0.016512f,
0.155244f, 0.247315f, -0.124694f, -0.048414f,
-0.062219f, 0.193683f, 0.004574f, 0.055089f,
0.093565f, 0.167712f, 0.167581f, 0.018895f,
0.215258f, 0.122609f, 0.090520f, -0.067219f,
-0.049029f, -0.099615f, 0.241804f, -0.094893f,
-0.176248f, 0.001727f, -0.134473f, 0.104442f,
0.050942f, 0.081165f, 0.072156f, 0.121646f,
0.002656f, -0.297974f, -0.133587f, -0.060121f,
-0.092515f, -0.048974f, -0.084754f, -0.180111f,
-0.038590f, 0.086283f, -0.134636f, -0.107249f,
0.132890f, 0.141556f, 0.249425f, 0.130273f,
-0.030031f, 0.073212f, -0.008155f, 0.019931f,
0.071688f, 0.000300f, -0.019525f, -0.021725f,
-0.040993f, -0.086841f, 0.070124f, 0.240033f,
0.265350f, 0.043208f, 0.166754f, 0.091453f,
0.060916f, -0.036972f, -0.091043f, 0.079873f,
0.219781f, 0.158102f, -0.140618f, -0.043016f,
0.124802f, 0.093668f, 0.103208f, 0.094872f,
0.080541f, 0.137711f, 0.160566f, -0.169231f,
0.013983f, 0.309508f, -0.004217f, -0.057200f,
-0.064489f, 0.014066f, 0.361009f, 0.251328f,
-0.080983f, -0.044183f, 0.061436f, -0.037381f,
-0.078786f, 0.030993f, 0.066314f, 0.037683f,
0.152325f, -0.091683f, 0.070203f, 0.217856f,
0.036435f, -0.076462f, 0.006254f, -0.094431f,
0.154829f, -0.023038f, -0.196961f, -0.024594f,
0.178465f, -0.050139f, -0.045932f, -0.000965f,
0.109112f, 0.046165f, -0.159373f, -0.008713f,
0.041307f, 0.097129f, -0.057211f, -0.064599f,
0.077165f, 0.176167f, 0.138322f, 0.065753f,
-0.104950f, 0.017933f, 0.136255f, -0.011598f,
0.047007f, 0.080550f, 0.068619f, 0.084661f,
-0.035493f, -0.091314f, -0.041411f, 0.060971f,
-0.101912f, -0.079870f, -0.085977f, -0.022686f,
0.079788f, -0.098064f, -0.054603f, 0.040383f,
0.300794f, 0.128603f, 0.094844f, 0.047407f,
0.101825f, 0.061832f, -0.162160f, -0.204553f,
-0.035165f, 0.101450f, -0.016641f, -0.027140f,
-0.134392f, -0.008743f, 0.102331f, 0.114853f,
0.009644f, 0.062823f, 0.237339f, 0.167843f,
0.053066f, -0.012592f, 0.043158f, 0.002305f,
0.065001f, -0.038929f, -0.020356f, 0.152343f,
0.043469f, -0.029967f, -0.042948f, 0.032481f,
0.068488f, -0.110840f, -0.111083f, 0.111980f,
-0.002072f, -0.005562f, 0.082926f, 0.006635f,
-0.108153f, 0.024242f, -0.086464f, -0.189884f,
-0.017492f, 0.191456f, -0.007683f, -0.128769f,
-0.038017f, -0.132380f, 0.091926f, 0.079696f,
-0.106728f, -0.007656f, 0.172744f, 0.011576f,
0.009883f, 0.083258f, -0.026516f, 0.145534f,
0.153924f, -0.130290f, -0.108945f, 0.124490f,
-0.003186f, -0.100485f, 0.015024f, -0.060512f,
0.026288f, -0.086713f, -0.169012f, 0.076517f,
0.215778f, 0.043701f, -0.131642f, -0.012585f,
-0.045181f, -0.118183f, -0.241544f, -0.167293f,
-0.020107f, -0.019917f, -0.101827f, -0.107096f,
-0.010503f, 0.044938f, 0.189680f, 0.217119f,
-0.046086f, 0.044508f, 0.199716f, -0.036004f,
-0.148927f, 0.013355f, -0.078279f, 0.030451f,
0.056301f, -0.024609f, 0.083224f, 0.099533f,
-0.039432f, -0.138880f, 0.005482f, -0.024120f,
-0.140468f, -0.066381f, -0.017057f, 0.009260f,
-0.058004f, -0.028486f, -0.061610f, 0.007483f,
-0.158309f, -0.150687f, -0.044595f, -0.105121f,
-0.045763f, -0.006618f, -0.024419f, -0.117713f,
-0.119366f, -0.175941f, -0.071542f, 0.119027f,
0.111362f, 0.043080f, 0.034889f, 0.093003f,
0.007842f, 0.057368f, -0.108834f, -0.079968f,
0.230959f, 0.020205f, 0.011470f, 0.098877f,
0.101310f, -0.030215f, -0.018018f, -0.059552f,
-0.106157f, 0.021866f, -0.036471f, 0.080051f,
0.041165f, -0.082101f, 0.117726f, 0.030961f,
-0.054763f, -0.084102f, -0.185778f, -0.061305f,
-0.038089f, -0.110728f, -0.264010f, 0.076675f,
-0.077111f, -0.137644f, 0.036232f, 0.277995f,
0.019116f, 0.107738f, 0.144003f, 0.080304f,
0.215036f, 0.228897f, 0.072713f, 0.077773f,
0.120168f, 0.075324f, 0.062730f, 0.122478f,
-0.049008f, 0.164912f, 0.162450f, 0.041246f,
0.009891f, -0.097827f, -0.038700f, -0.023027f,
-0.120020f, 0.203364f, 0.248474f, 0.149810f,
-0.036276f, -0.082814f, -0.090343f, -0.027143f,
-0.075689f, -0.320310f, -0.000500f, -0.143334f,
-0.065077f, -0.186936f, 0.129372f, 0.116431f,
0.181699f, 0.170436f, 0.418854f, 0.460045f,
0.333719f, 0.230515f, 0.047822f, -0.044954f,
-0.068086f, 0.140179f, -0.044821f, 0.085550f,
0.092483f, -0.107296f, -0.130670f, -0.206629f,
0.114601f, -0.317869f, -0.076663f, 0.038680f,
0.212753f, -0.016059f, -0.126526f, -0.163602f,
0.210154f, 0.099887f, -0.126366f, 0.118453f,
0.019309f, -0.021611f, -0.096499f, -0.111809f,
-0.200489f, 0.142854f, 0.228840f, -0.353346f,
-0.179151f, 0.116834f, 0.252389f, -0.031728f,
-0.188135f, -0.158998f, 0.386523f, 0.122315f,
0.209944f, 0.394023f, 0.359030f, 0.260717f,
0.170335f, 0.013683f, -0.142596f, -0.026138f,
-0.011878f, -0.150519f, 0.047159f, -0.107062f,
-0.147347f, -0.187689f, -0.186027f, -0.208048f,
0.058468f, -0.073026f, -0.236556f, -0.079788f,
-0.146216f, -0.058563f, -0.101361f, -0.071294f,
-0.071093f, 0.116919f, 0.234304f, 0.306781f,
0.321866f, 0.240000f, 0.073261f, -0.012173f,
0.026479f, 0.050173f, 0.166127f, 0.228955f,
0.061905f, 0.156460f, 0.205990f, 0.120672f,
0.037350f, 0.167884f, 0.290099f, 0.420900f,
-0.012601f, 0.189839f, 0.306378f, 0.118383f,
-0.095598f, -0.072360f, -0.132496f, -0.224259f,
-0.126021f, 0.022714f, 0.284039f, 0.051369f,
-0.000927f, -0.058735f, -0.083354f, -0.141254f,
-0.187578f, -0.202669f, 0.048902f, 0.246597f,
0.441863f, 0.342519f, 0.066979f, 0.215286f,
0.188191f, -0.072240f, -0.208142f, -0.030196f,
0.178141f, 0.136985f, -0.043374f, -0.181098f,
0.091815f, 0.116177f, -0.126690f, -0.386625f,
0.368165f, 0.269149f, -0.088042f, -0.028823f,
0.092961f, 0.024099f, 0.046112f, 0.176756f,
0.135849f, 0.124955f, 0.195467f, -0.037218f,
0.167217f, 0.188938f, 0.053528f, -0.066561f,
0.133721f, -0.070565f, 0.115898f, 0.152435f,
-0.116993f, -0.110592f, -0.179005f, 0.026668f,
0.080530f, 0.075084f, -0.070401f, 0.012497f,
0.021849f, -0.139764f, -0.022020f, -0.096301f,
-0.064954f, -0.127446f, -0.013806f, -0.108315f,
0.156285f, 0.149867f, -0.011382f, 0.064532f,
0.029168f, 0.027393f, 0.069716f, 0.153735f,
0.038459f, 0.230714f, 0.253840f, 0.059522f,
-0.045053f, 0.014083f, 0.071103f, 0.068747f,
0.095887f, 0.005832f, 0.144887f, 0.026357f,
-0.067359f, -0.044151f, -0.123283f, -0.019911f,
0.005318f, 0.109208f, -0.003201f, -0.021734f,
0.142025f, -0.066907f, -0.120070f, -0.188639f,
0.012472f, -0.048704f, -0.012366f, -0.184828f,
0.168591f, 0.267166f, 0.058208f, -0.044101f,
0.033500f, 0.178558f, 0.104550f, 0.122418f,
0.080177f, 0.173246f, 0.298537f, 0.064173f,
0.053397f, 0.174341f, 0.230984f, 0.117025f,
0.166242f, 0.227781f, 0.120623f, 0.176952f,
-0.011393f, -0.086483f, -0.008270f, 0.051700f,
-0.153369f, -0.058837f, -0.057639f, -0.060115f,
0.026349f, -0.160745f, -0.037894f, -0.048575f,
0.041052f, -0.022112f, 0.060365f, 0.051906f,
0.162657f, 0.138519f, -0.050185f, -0.005938f,
0.071301f, 0.127686f, 0.062342f, 0.144400f,
0.072600f, 0.198436f, 0.246219f, -0.078185f,
-0.036169f, 0.075934f, 0.047328f, -0.013601f,
0.087205f, 0.019900f, 0.022606f, -0.015365f,
-0.092506f, 0.075275f, -0.116375f, 0.050500f,
0.045118f, 0.166567f, 0.072073f, 0.060371f,
0.131747f, -0.169863f, -0.039352f, -0.047486f,
-0.039797f, -0.204312f, 0.021710f, 0.129443f,
-0.021173f, 0.173416f, -0.070794f, -0.063986f,
0.069689f, -0.064099f, -0.123201f, -0.017372f,
-0.206870f, 0.065863f, 0.113226f, 0.024707f,
-0.071341f, -0.066964f, -0.098278f, -0.062927f,
0.075840f, 0.014716f, 0.019378f, 0.132699f,
-0.074191f, -0.089557f, -0.078446f, -0.197488f,
-0.173665f, 0.052583f, 0.044361f, 0.113549f,
0.098492f, 0.077379f, -0.011146f, -0.192593f,
-0.164435f, 0.045568f, 0.205699f, 0.049187f,
-0.082281f, 0.134874f, 0.185499f, 0.034968f,
-0.119561f, -0.112372f, -0.115091f, -0.054042f,
-0.183816f, -0.078100f, 0.190695f, 0.091617f,
0.004257f, -0.041135f, -0.061453f, -0.141592f,
-0.194809f, -0.120638f, 0.020168f, 0.109672f,
0.067398f, -0.015238f, -0.239145f, -0.264671f,
-0.185176f, 0.050472f, 0.020793f, 0.035678f,
0.022839f, -0.052055f, -0.127968f, -0.113049f,
-0.228416f, -0.258281f, -0.053437f, 0.076424f,
0.061450f, 0.237478f, 0.003618f, -0.055865f,
-0.108087f, -0.028937f, 0.045585f, 0.052829f,
-0.001471f, 0.022826f, 0.059565f, -0.104430f,
-0.077266f, -0.211882f, -0.212078f, 0.028074f,
0.075846f, 0.016265f, 0.161879f, 0.134477f,
0.008935f, -0.048041f, 0.074692f, 0.004928f,
-0.025156f, 0.192874f, 0.074410f, 0.308732f,
0.267400f, 0.094208f, -0.005251f, 0.042041f,
-0.032148f, 0.015588f, 0.252869f, 0.175302f,
0.022892f, 0.081673f, 0.063208f, 0.162626f,
0.194426f, 0.233890f, 0.262292f, 0.186930f,
0.084079f, -0.286388f, -0.213034f, -0.048867f,
-0.207669f, -0.170050f, 0.011673f, -0.092958f,
-0.192786f, -0.273536f, 0.230904f, 0.266732f,
0.320519f, 0.297155f, 0.548169f, 0.304922f,
0.132687f, 0.247333f, 0.212488f, -0.271472f,
-0.142105f, -0.002627f, -0.119215f, 0.128383f,
0.100079f, -0.057490f, -0.121902f, -0.228892f,
0.202292f, -0.399795f, -0.371326f, -0.095836f,
-0.063626f, -0.161375f, -0.311180f, -0.294797f,
0.242122f, 0.011788f, 0.095573f, 0.322523f,
0.511840f, 0.322880f, 0.313259f, 0.173331f,
0.002542f, -0.029802f, 0.324766f, -0.326170f,
-0.340547f, -0.138288f, -0.002963f, -0.114060f,
-0.377312f, -0.442570f, 0.212446f, -0.007759f,
-0.011576f, 0.169711f, 0.308689f, 0.317348f,
0.539390f, 0.332845f, 0.057331f, -0.068180f,
0.101994f, 0.266995f, 0.209570f, 0.355730f,
0.091635f, 0.170238f, 0.125215f, 0.274154f,
0.070223f, 0.025515f, 0.049946f, -0.000550f,
0.043715f, -0.141843f, 0.020844f, 0.129871f,
0.256588f, 0.105015f, 0.148339f, 0.170682f,
0.028792f, 0.074037f, 0.160042f, 0.405137f,
0.246187f, 0.352160f, 0.168951f, 0.222263f,
0.264439f, 0.065945f, 0.021963f, -0.075084f,
0.093105f, 0.027318f, 0.098864f, 0.057566f,
-0.080282f, 0.185032f, 0.314419f, 0.333727f,
0.125798f, 0.294919f, 0.386002f, 0.217619f,
-0.183517f, -0.278622f, -0.002342f, -0.027821f,
-0.134266f, -0.331843f, -0.008296f, 0.124564f,
0.053712f, -0.369016f, -0.095036f, 0.209381f,
0.423760f, 0.371760f, 0.106397f, 0.369408f,
0.485608f, 0.231201f, -0.138685f, -0.349208f,
-0.070083f, 0.028991f, -0.081630f, -0.395992f,
-0.146791f, -0.027354f, 0.063396f, -0.272484f,
0.058299f, 0.338207f, 0.110767f, -0.052642f,
-0.233848f, -0.027448f, 0.030328f, 0.155572f,
-0.093826f, 0.019331f, 0.120638f, 0.006292f,
-0.106083f, -0.236290f, -0.140933f, -0.088067f,
-0.025138f, -0.208395f, -0.025502f, 0.144192f,
-0.048353f, -0.106144f, -0.305121f, -0.114147f,
0.090963f, 0.327727f, 0.035606f, -0.093779f,
0.002651f, -0.171081f, -0.188131f, -0.216571f,
-0.209101f, -0.054402f, 0.157147f, -0.057127f,
0.066584f, 0.008988f, 0.041191f, 0.034456f,
-0.078255f, 0.052099f, -0.022239f, 0.066981f,
-0.117520f, -0.072637f, 0.062512f, 0.037570f,
-0.057544f, -0.312359f, 0.034357f, -0.031549f,
0.002566f, -0.207375f, -0.070654f, -0.018786f,
-0.044815f, -0.012814f, -0.076320f, 0.078183f,
0.023877f, 0.117078f, 0.022292f, -0.205424f,
-0.060430f, -0.017296f, -0.004827f, -0.321036f,
-0.092155f, 0.038837f, 0.073190f, -0.067513f,
0.026521f, 0.171945f, 0.087318f, 0.034495f,
-0.034089f, 0.154410f, -0.061431f, 0.007435f,
-0.111094f, -0.095976f, 0.014741f, -0.132324f,
-0.029517f, -0.192160f, 0.098667f, 0.020762f,
0.177050f, -0.064510f, -0.054437f, -0.058678f,
-0.001858f, 0.167602f, 0.015735f, 0.054338f,
0.016477f, 0.186381f, -0.010667f, 0.054692f,
0.126742f, 0.013140f, 0.090353f, -0.133608f,
-0.018017f, -0.152619f, 0.027600f, -0.138700f,
-0.050274f, 0.045141f, -0.118731f, 0.094797f,
-0.167605f, 0.097461f, -0.009131f, 0.199920f,
-0.052976f, 0.158194f, 0.178568f, -0.107600f,
0.009671f, -0.084072f, -0.040258f, -0.205673f,
0.102891f, 0.223511f, 0.042699f, 0.118548f,
-0.021274f, 0.110997f, -0.155121f, 0.027696f,
-0.149968f, 0.051552f, -0.129219f, 0.173524f,
0.073972f, -0.189045f, -0.034523f, -0.106655f,
-0.011843f, -0.197381f, 0.219413f, 0.183197f,
-0.054920f, 0.144955f, 0.036517f, -0.085412f,
-0.229070f, -0.143710f, -0.049486f, 0.156634f,
-0.008673f, -0.064778f, 0.082344f, 0.145673f,
0.002912f, -0.210121f, -0.116564f, 0.078425f,
0.220908f, -0.067594f, 0.048610f, 0.084912f,
-0.066202f, -0.112515f, -0.217767f, -0.082640f,
-0.017414f, 0.230265f, -0.070735f, 0.066073f,
0.215256f, 0.071157f, -0.087220f, -0.202235f,
-0.011918f, 0.099562f, 0.174716f, -0.063845f,
-0.121055f, 0.014367f, 0.132709f, -0.005060f,
-0.244606f, -0.179693f, -0.134690f, 0.023239f,
-0.193116f, -0.076975f, -0.021164f, -0.001938f,
-0.163799f, -0.111437f, -0.210362f, -0.166376f,
0.034754f, 0.010036f, -0.021917f, 0.068014f,
-0.086893f, -0.251746f, -0.267171f, 0.037383f,
0.003966f, 0.033571f, -0.151506f, 0.025437f,
-0.020626f, -0.308454f, -0.343143f, -0.092263f,
-0.026261f, -0.028345f, 0.036036f, 0.035169f,
0.129470f, 0.122205f, 0.015661f, -0.070612f,
-0.094333f, -0.066055f, -0.041083f, 0.159146f,
0.073184f, 0.110044f, 0.174471f, 0.078069f,
-0.014881f, 0.008116f, 0.013209f, 0.075857f,
0.195605f, 0.062714f, 0.067955f, 0.056544f,
-0.153908f, -0.141749f, -0.072550f, 0.033523f,
-0.024665f, 0.134487f, 0.079076f, 0.133562f,
0.227130f, 0.018054f, 0.004928f, 0.169162f,
0.065152f, 0.072160f, 0.131631f, 0.096303f,
0.054288f, 0.106256f, 0.114632f, 0.119038f,
0.515200f, 0.247429f, 0.199134f, 0.211957f,
0.127558f, -0.294684f, -0.194890f, -0.049988f,
-0.112247f, -0.008122f, -0.006176f, 0.037035f,
-0.110881f, -0.249989f, 0.152434f, 0.234621f,
0.153340f, 0.349283f, 0.683049f, 0.157174f,
0.124844f, 0.099136f, 0.064407f, -0.248400f,
-0.155323f, -0.026498f, -0.023450f, 0.049051f,
-0.114187f, 0.007195f, -0.176825f, -0.376926f,
0.366159f, -0.179938f, -0.148508f, 0.006043f,
0.170048f, 0.097866f, -0.102658f, -0.260430f,
0.248868f, 0.037019f, -0.118111f, 0.078176f,
0.194171f, 0.211328f, 0.368612f, 0.361213f,
0.130013f, 0.094650f, 0.227396f, -0.178058f,
-0.114782f, -0.008093f, 0.231080f, -0.011843f,
-0.097917f, -0.325788f, 0.141879f, 0.119738f,
-0.230427f, -0.117419f, -0.114153f, 0.037903f,
0.116383f, 0.218773f, -0.101884f, 0.059466f,
0.119255f, 0.010874f, -0.031449f, 0.045996f,
0.119931f, 0.273760f, 0.311700f, 0.261794f,
0.194809f, 0.339829f, 0.239449f, 0.064140f,
0.077597f, 0.098996f, 0.143534f, 0.184602f,
0.037507f, 0.225494f, 0.096142f, -0.147370f,
-0.207833f, -0.174742f, -0.086391f, -0.038942f,
0.159577f, -0.088492f, -0.000989f, 0.108154f,
-0.025890f, -0.072713f, 0.025997f, -0.006803f,
-0.086879f, -0.011290f, -0.269200f, -0.103450f,
-0.124910f, -0.116340f, 0.141459f, 0.208800f,
0.042268f, 0.265034f, 0.516474f, 0.217591f,
-0.018843f, -0.313328f, -0.168363f, 0.047129f,
0.090480f, -0.109852f, -0.018761f, 0.210669f,
0.281269f, -0.043591f, -0.034147f, -0.237772f,
-0.134843f, -0.072481f, -0.103831f, 0.038355f,
0.308619f, 0.148023f, -0.045867f, -0.123950f,
-0.210860f, -0.064973f, -0.036308f, -0.046731f,
-0.022099f, 0.095776f, 0.409423f, 0.060635f,
-0.065196f, 0.051828f, 0.027981f, -0.009609f,
-0.137681f, -0.095011f, -0.019045f, 0.177278f,
0.009759f, -0.092119f, -0.016958f, -0.133860f,
-0.118421f, -0.032039f, -0.006214f, -0.084541f,
0.063971f, -0.073642f, 0.165676f, 0.110443f,
0.044131f, 0.046568f, 0.053292f, -0.055466f,
0.015512f, 0.371947f, 0.232102f, -0.016923f,
0.103979f, -0.091758f, 0.005907f, 0.209100f,
0.157433f, 0.030518f, 0.250366f, 0.062322f,
0.036720f, 0.094676f, 0.017306f, -0.010328f,
-0.079012f, 0.016781f, -0.112435f, 0.061795f,
0.042543f, -0.126799f, -0.009975f, -0.056760f,
0.046424f, -0.194712f, -0.139399f, -0.037731f,
0.157989f, -0.016261f, 0.123345f, 0.230563f,
0.083300f, -0.016392f, 0.059567f, -0.016035f,
-0.064767f, 0.231945f, 0.156629f, 0.034602f,
0.145628f, 0.041315f, 0.034535f, 0.019967f,
-0.089188f, -0.012091f, 0.307857f, 0.211405f,
-0.025091f, -0.148249f, -0.129384f, 0.063536f,
-0.068603f, -0.067941f, -0.035104f, 0.210832f,
0.063810f, 0.062764f, -0.089889f, -0.030554f,
0.014791f, -0.053362f, -0.037818f, -0.196640f,
0.008388f, -0.082654f, 0.143056f, 0.064221f,
0.069795f, 0.191040f, 0.097321f, -0.028679f,
0.075794f, 0.313154f, 0.086240f, 0.207643f,
0.017809f, 0.122867f, 0.224586f, 0.167403f,
-0.023884f, 0.047434f, 0.344091f, 0.187745f,
0.136177f, 0.141738f, 0.063799f, 0.045233f,
-0.077342f, -0.003525f, -0.165041f, -0.025616f,
-0.073745f, 0.164439f, 0.011200f, -0.145896f,
-0.027954f, -0.061987f, -0.039874f, -0.142775f,
0.151042f, -0.038238f, 0.053152f, 0.078615f,
0.086061f, 0.100593f, 0.128046f, -0.071006f,
-0.116558f, 0.208445f, 0.051086f, 0.076843f,
0.023191f, -0.084781f, -0.011790f, 0.147807f,
-0.048554f, -0.113932f, 0.283322f, 0.190934f,
0.092789f, 0.033018f, -0.142428f, -0.142480f,
-0.099023f, -0.041020f, -0.042760f, 0.203295f,
-0.053475f, 0.042424f, 0.222839f, -0.019167f,
-0.133176f, -0.276216f, -0.031998f, 0.117290f,
0.177827f, -0.059973f, -0.064744f, -0.117040f,
-0.155482f, -0.099531f, 0.164121f, -0.026682f,
-0.093810f, 0.238993f, -0.006506f, 0.007830f,
0.065819f, -0.203643f, -0.100925f, -0.053652f,
-0.130770f, 0.026277f, 0.131796f, 0.032742f,
0.127186f, 0.116694f, -0.161122f, -0.279773f,
-0.252515f, -0.002638f, 0.042812f, 0.096776f,
-0.123280f, 0.064858f, -0.010455f, -0.219760f,
-0.239331f, -0.104363f, -0.058022f, -0.053584f,
0.025611f, 0.005129f, -0.100418f, -0.045712f,
-0.194418f, -0.126366f, -0.030530f, 0.051168f,
0.215959f, 0.172402f, -0.054700f, -0.185995f,
-0.278360f, -0.193693f, -0.040309f, 0.003735f,
-0.007770f, 0.123556f, 0.190179f, -0.077315f,
0.117403f, 0.212942f, 0.012160f, 0.000113f,
0.027331f, 0.040202f, 0.033293f, 0.219438f,
0.184174f, 0.259349f, 0.311206f, 0.082547f,
-0.047875f, -0.078417f, 0.010746f, 0.082620f,
0.311931f, 0.307605f, 0.003863f, 0.021405f,
-0.026388f, -0.019572f, 0.020582f, -0.059353f,
0.025199f, 0.261319f, 0.086316f, 0.143614f,
0.107780f, 0.003900f, -0.188397f, -0.038563f,
-0.106045f, -0.125154f, -0.010509f, 0.054021f,
0.242130f, 0.279152f, 0.215546f, 0.346995f,
0.440856f, 0.237452f, 0.234154f, 0.301646f,
0.168929f, -0.208358f, -0.126848f, 0.010260f,
0.121018f, -0.062975f, -0.052848f, 0.050341f,
-0.061103f, -0.266482f, 0.107186f, 0.140221f,
0.280065f, 0.287889f, 0.373198f, 0.151596f,
0.013593f, 0.115616f, 0.014616f, -0.281710f,
-0.237597f, -0.117305f, -0.000034f, -0.136739f,
-0.196275f, -0.095225f, -0.125310f, -0.250514f,
0.236804f, -0.071805f, -0.037421f, 0.048230f,
0.321596f, 0.063632f, 0.024039f, -0.029133f,
0.230983f, 0.160593f, -0.154355f, -0.013086f,
-0.079929f, 0.094692f, 0.160391f, 0.180239f,
0.053895f, 0.100759f, 0.288631f, 0.038191f,
0.181692f, 0.229682f, 0.440166f, 0.063401f,
0.006273f, 0.020865f, 0.338695f, 0.256244f,
-0.043927f, 0.115617f, 0.003296f, 0.173965f,
0.021318f, -0.040936f, -0.118932f, 0.182380f,
0.235922f, -0.053233f, -0.015053f, -0.101057f,
0.095341f, 0.051111f, 0.161831f, 0.032614f,
0.159496f, 0.072375f, 0.025089f, 0.023748f,
0.029151f, 0.161284f, -0.117717f, -0.036191f,
-0.176822f, -0.162006f, 0.226542f, -0.078329f,
0.043079f, -0.119172f, 0.054614f, -0.101365f,
-0.064541f, -0.115304f, 0.135170f, 0.298872f,
0.098060f, 0.089428f, -0.007497f, 0.110391f,
-0.028824f, 0.020835f, -0.036804f, 0.125411f,
0.192105f, -0.048931f, 0.003086f, -0.010681f,
0.074698f, -0.016263f, 0.096063f, 0.060267f,
-0.007277f, 0.139139f, -0.080635f, 0.036628f,
0.086058f, 0.131979f, 0.085707f, 0.025301f,
0.226094f, 0.194759f, 0.042193f, -0.157846f,
-0.068402f, -0.141450f, -0.112659f, -0.076305f,
-0.069085f, -0.114332f, -0.102005f, 0.132193f,
-0.067042f, 0.106643f, 0.198964f, 0.171616f,
0.167237f, -0.033730f, -0.026755f, 0.083621f,
0.149459f, -0.002799f, -0.000318f, 0.011753f,
0.065889f, -0.089375f, -0.049610f, 0.224579f,
0.216548f, -0.034908f, -0.017851f, -0.088144f,
0.007530f, 0.240268f, 0.073270f, 0.013263f,
0.175323f, 0.012082f, 0.093993f, 0.015282f,
0.105854f, 0.107990f, 0.077798f, -0.096166f,
-0.079607f, 0.177820f, 0.142392f, 0.033337f,
-0.078100f, -0.081616f, -0.046993f, 0.139459f,
0.020272f, -0.123161f, 0.175269f, 0.105217f,
0.057328f, 0.080909f, -0.012612f, -0.097081f,
0.082060f, -0.096716f, -0.063921f, 0.201884f,
0.128166f, -0.035051f, -0.032227f, -0.068139f,
-0.115915f, 0.095080f, -0.086007f, -0.067543f,
0.030776f, 0.032712f, 0.088937f, 0.054336f,
-0.039329f, -0.114022f, 0.171672f, -0.112321f,
-0.217646f, 0.065186f, 0.060223f, 0.192174f,
0.055580f, -0.131107f, -0.144338f, 0.056730f,
-0.034707f, -0.081616f, -0.135298f, -0.000614f,
0.087189f, 0.014614f, 0.067709f, 0.107689f,
0.225780f, 0.084361f, -0.008544f, 0.051649f,
-0.048369f, -0.037739f, -0.060710f, 0.002654f,
0.016935f, 0.085563f, -0.015961f, -0.019265f,
0.111788f, 0.062376f, 0.202019f, 0.047713f,
0.042261f, 0.069716f, 0.242913f, 0.021052f,
-0.072812f, -0.155920f, -0.026436f, 0.035621f,
-0.079300f, -0.028787f, -0.048329f, 0.084718f,
-0.060565f, -0.083750f, -0.164075f, -0.040742f,
-0.086219f, 0.015271f, -0.005204f, -0.016038f,
0.045816f, -0.050433f, -0.077652f, 0.117109f,
0.009611f, -0.009045f, -0.008634f, -0.055373f,
-0.085968f, 0.028527f, -0.054736f, -0.168089f,
0.175839f, 0.071205f, -0.023603f, 0.037907f,
-0.004561f, -0.022634f, 0.123831f, 0.094469f,
-0.072920f, -0.133642f, -0.014032f, -0.142754f,
-0.026999f, -0.199409f, 0.013268f, 0.226989f,
0.048650f, -0.170988f, -0.050141f, 0.007880f,
0.061880f, 0.019078f, -0.043578f, -0.038139f,
0.134814f, 0.054097f, -0.081670f, 0.176838f,
0.047920f, -0.038176f, 0.050406f, -0.107181f,
-0.036279f, 0.027060f, 0.081594f, -0.002820f,
0.090507f, -0.033338f, -0.059571f, 0.013404f,
-0.099860f, 0.073371f, 0.342805f, 0.098305f,
-0.150910f, -0.020822f, -0.056960f, 0.046262f,
-0.043413f, -0.149405f, -0.129105f, -0.010899f,
-0.014229f, -0.179949f, -0.113044f, -0.049468f,
-0.065513f, 0.090269f, -0.011919f, 0.087846f,
0.095796f, 0.146127f, 0.101599f, 0.078066f,
-0.084348f, -0.100002f, -0.020134f, -0.050169f,
0.062122f, 0.014640f, 0.019143f, 0.036543f,
0.180924f, -0.013976f, -0.066768f, -0.001090f,
-0.070419f, -0.004839f, -0.001504f, 0.034483f,
-0.044954f, -0.050336f, -0.088638f, -0.174782f,
-0.116082f, -0.205507f, 0.015587f, -0.042839f,
-0.096879f, -0.144097f, -0.050268f, -0.196796f,
0.109639f, 0.271411f, 0.173732f, 0.108070f,
0.156437f, 0.124255f, 0.097242f, 0.238693f,
0.083941f, 0.109105f, 0.223940f, 0.267188f,
0.027385f, 0.025819f, 0.125070f, 0.093738f,
0.040353f, 0.038645f, -0.012730f, 0.144063f,
0.052931f, -0.009138f, 0.084193f, 0.160272f,
-0.041366f, 0.011951f, -0.121446f, -0.106713f,
-0.047566f, 0.047984f, -0.255224f, -0.076116f,
0.098685f, -0.150845f, -0.171513f, -0.156590f,
0.058331f, 0.187493f, 0.413018f, 0.554265f,
0.372242f, 0.237943f, 0.124571f, 0.110829f,
0.010322f, -0.174477f, -0.067627f, -0.001979f,
0.142913f, 0.040597f, 0.019907f, 0.025963f,
-0.043585f, -0.120732f, 0.099937f, 0.091059f,
0.247307f, 0.204226f, -0.042753f, -0.068580f,
-0.119002f, 0.026722f, 0.034853f, -0.060934f,
-0.025054f, -0.093026f, -0.035372f, -0.233209f,
-0.049869f, -0.039151f, -0.022279f, -0.065380f,
return vector<float>(detector, detector + sizeof(detector)/sizeof(detector[0]));

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
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// For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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// Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
MeanshiftGrouping::MeanshiftGrouping(const Point3d& densKer, const vector<Point3d>& posV,
const vector<double>& wV, double modeEps, int maxIter):
densityKernel(densKer), weightsV(wV), positionsV(posV), positionsCount(posV.size()),
meanshiftV(positionsCount), distanceV(positionsCount), modeEps(modeEps),
iterMax (maxIter)
for (unsigned i=0; i<positionsV.size(); i++)
meanshiftV[i] = getNewValue(positionsV[i]);
distanceV[i] = moveToMode(meanshiftV[i]);
meanshiftV[i] -= positionsV[i];
void MeanshiftGrouping::getModes(vector<Point3d>& modesV, vector<double>& resWeightsV, double eps)
for (size_t i=0; i <distanceV.size(); i++)
bool is_found = false;
for(size_t j=0; j<modesV.size(); j++)
if ( getDistance(distanceV[i], modesV[j]) < eps)
if (!is_found)
for (size_t i=0; i<modesV.size(); i++)
resWeightsV[i] = getResultWeight(modesV[i]);
Point3d MeanshiftGrouping::moveToMode(Point3d aPt) const
Point3d bPt;
for (int i = 0; i<iterMax; i++)
bPt = aPt;
aPt = getNewValue(bPt);
if ( getDistance(aPt, bPt) <= modeEps )
return aPt;
Point3d MeanshiftGrouping::getNewValue(const Point3d& inPt) const
Point3d resPoint(.0);
Point3d ratPoint(.0);
for (size_t i=0; i<positionsV.size(); i++)
Point3d aPt= positionsV[i];
Point3d bPt = inPt;
Point3d sPt = densityKernel;
sPt.x *= exp(aPt.z);
sPt.y *= exp(aPt.z);
aPt.x /= sPt.x;
aPt.y /= sPt.y;
aPt.z /= sPt.z;
bPt.x /= sPt.x;
bPt.y /= sPt.y;
bPt.z /= sPt.z;
double w = (weightsV[i])*std::exp(-((aPt-bPt).dot(aPt-bPt))/2)/std::sqrt(,1,1)));
resPoint += w*aPt;
ratPoint.x += w/sPt.x;
ratPoint.y += w/sPt.y;
ratPoint.z += w/sPt.z;
resPoint.x /= ratPoint.x;
resPoint.y /= ratPoint.y;
resPoint.z /= ratPoint.z;
return resPoint;
double MeanshiftGrouping::getResultWeight(const Point3d& inPt) const
double sumW=0;
for (size_t i=0; i<positionsV.size(); i++)
Point3d aPt = positionsV[i];
Point3d sPt = densityKernel;
sPt.x *= exp(aPt.z);
sPt.y *= exp(aPt.z);
aPt -= inPt;
aPt.x /= sPt.x;
aPt.y /= sPt.y;
aPt.z /= sPt.z;
return sumW;
double MeanshiftGrouping::getDistance(Point3d p1, Point3d p2) const
Point3d ns = densityKernel;
ns.x *= exp(p2.z);
ns.y *= exp(p2.z);
p2 -= p1;
p2.x /= ns.x;
p2.y /= ns.y;
p2.z /= ns.z;