@ -69,29 +69,42 @@ namespace cv{ |
} |
void finish(){} |
}; |
struct Point2ui64{ |
uint64_t x, y; |
Point2ui64(uint64_t _x, uint64_t _y):x(_x), y(_y){} |
}; |
template<typename LabelT> |
struct CCStatsOp{ |
OutputArray _mstatsv; |
cv::Mat statsv; |
CCStatsOp(OutputArray _statsv): statsv(_statsv.getMat()){ |
OutputArray _mcentroidsv; |
cv::Mat centroidsv; |
std::vector<Point2ui64> integrals; |
CCStatsOp(OutputArray _statsv, OutputArray _centroidsv): _mstatsv(_statsv), _mcentroidsv(_centroidsv){ |
} |
inline |
void init(const LabelT nlabels){ |
statsv = cv::Mat(nlabels, CC_STAT_MAX, cv::DataType<double>::type); |
_mstatsv.create(cv::Size(nlabels, CC_STAT_MAX), cv::DataType<int>::type); |
statsv = _mstatsv.getMat(); |
_mcentroidsv.create(cv::Size(nlabels, 2), cv::DataType<double>::type); |
centroidsv = _mcentroidsv.getMat(); |
for(int l = 0; l < (int) nlabels; ++l){ |
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0); |
unsigned int *row = (unsigned int *) &statsv.at<int>(l, 0); |
row[CC_STAT_LEFT] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max(); |
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::max(); |
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min(); |
row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT] = std::numeric_limits<LabelT>::min(); |
row[CC_STAT_CX] = 0; |
row[CC_STAT_CY] = 0; |
//row[CC_STAT_CX] = 0;
//row[CC_STAT_CY] = 0;
row[CC_STAT_AREA] = 0; |
row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X] = 0; |
row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y] = 0; |
} |
integrals.resize(nlabels, Point2ui64(0, 0)); |
} |
void operator()(int r, int c, LabelT l){ |
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0); |
int *row = &statsv.at<int>(l, 0); |
unsigned int *urow = (unsigned int *) row; |
if(c > row[CC_STAT_WIDTH]){ |
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = c; |
}else{ |
@ -106,19 +119,23 @@ namespace cv{ |
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = r; |
} |
} |
row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X] += c; |
row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y] += r; |
row[CC_STAT_AREA]++; |
urow[CC_STAT_AREA]++; |
Point2ui64 &integral = integrals[l]; |
integral.x += c; |
integral.y += r; |
} |
void finish(){ |
for(int l = 0; l < statsv.rows; ++l){ |
double *row = &statsv.at<double>(l, 0); |
unsigned int *row = (unsigned int *) &statsv.at<int>(l, 0); |
row[CC_STAT_LEFT] = std::min(row[CC_STAT_LEFT], row[CC_STAT_WIDTH]); |
row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] = row[CC_STAT_WIDTH] - row[CC_STAT_LEFT] + 1; |
row[CC_STAT_TOP] = std::min(row[CC_STAT_TOP], row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT]); |
row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT] = row[CC_STAT_HEIGHT] - row[CC_STAT_TOP] + 1; |
row[CC_STAT_CX] = row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_X] / double(row[CC_STAT_AREA]); |
row[CC_STAT_CY] = row[CC_STAT_INTEGRAL_Y] / double(row[CC_STAT_AREA]); |
Point2ui64 &integral = integrals[l]; |
double *centroid = ¢roidsv.at<double>(l, 0); |
centroid[0] = double(integral.x) / row[CC_STAT_AREA]; |
centroid[1] = double(integral.y) / row[CC_STAT_AREA]; |
} |
} |
}; |
@ -196,9 +213,7 @@ namespace cv{ |
const int G8[4][2] = {{1, -1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, -1}};//a, b, c, d neighborhoods
template<typename LabelT, typename PixelT, typename StatsOp = NoOp<LabelT>, int connectivity = 8> |
struct LabelingImpl{ |
LabelT operator()(InputArray _I, OutputArray _L, StatsOp &sop){ |
cv::Mat I = _I.getMat(); |
cv::Mat L = _L.getMat(); |
LabelT operator()(const cv::Mat &I, cv::Mat &L, StatsOp &sop){ |
CV_Assert(L.rows == I.rows); |
CV_Assert(L.cols == I.cols); |
const int rows = L.rows; |
@ -347,7 +362,8 @@ namespace cv{ |
//L's type must have an appropriate depth for the number of pixels in I
template<typename StatsOp> |
int connectedComponents_sub1(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity, StatsOp &sop){ |
static |
int connectedComponents_sub1(const cv::Mat &I, cv::Mat &L, int connectivity, StatsOp &sop){ |
CV_Assert(L.channels() == 1 && I.channels() == 1); |
CV_Assert(connectivity == 8 || connectivity == 4); |
@ -394,13 +410,15 @@ int connectedComponents_sub1(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity, Stat |
return -1; |
} |
int connectedComponents(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity){ |
int lDepth = L.depth(); |
if(lDepth == CV_8U){ |
int connectedComponents(InputArray _I, OutputArray _L, int connectivity, int ltype){ |
const cv::Mat I = _I.getMat(); |
_L.create(I.size(), CV_MAT_TYPE(ltype)); |
cv::Mat L = _L.getMat(); |
if(ltype == CV_8U){ |
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint8_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(lDepth == CV_16U){ |
}else if(ltype == CV_16U){ |
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint16_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(lDepth == CV_32S){ |
}else if(ltype == CV_32S){ |
connectedcomponents::NoOp<uint32_t> sop; return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else{ |
CV_Assert(false); |
@ -408,14 +426,16 @@ int connectedComponents(InputArray I, OutputArray L, int connectivity){ |
} |
} |
int connectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray I, OutputArray L, OutputArray statsv, int connectivity){ |
int lDepth = L.depth(); |
if(lDepth == CV_8U){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint8_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(lDepth == CV_16U){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint16_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(lDepth == CV_32S){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint32_t> sop(statsv); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
int connectedComponentsWithStats(InputArray _I, OutputArray _L, OutputArray statsv, OutputArray centroids, int connectivity, int ltype){ |
const cv::Mat I = _I.getMat(); |
_L.create(I.size(), CV_MAT_TYPE(ltype)); |
cv::Mat L = _L.getMat(); |
if(ltype == CV_8U){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint8_t> sop(statsv, centroids); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(ltype == CV_16U){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint16_t> sop(statsv, centroids); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else if(ltype == CV_32S){ |
connectedcomponents::CCStatsOp<uint32_t> sop(statsv, centroids); return connectedComponents_sub1(I, L, connectivity, sop); |
}else{ |
CV_Assert(false); |
return 0; |