@ -45,36 +45,59 @@
// The number of degrees between orientation samples in calcOrientation
# define ORI_SEARCH_INC 5
// The local size of the calcOrientation kernel
# define ORI_LOCAL_SIZE ( 360 / ORI_SEARCH_INC )
// specialized for non-image2d_t supported platform, intel HD4000, for example
# define IMAGE_INT32 __global uint *
# define IMAGE_INT8 __global uchar *
# else
# define IMAGE_INT32 image2d_t
# define IMAGE_INT8 image2d_t
# endif
# ifndef HAV E_IMAGE2D
__inline uint read_sumTex_ ( __global uint* sumTex, int sum_step, int img_rows, int img_cols, int2 coord )
int x = clamp ( coord.x, 0 , img_cols ) ;
int y = clamp ( coord.y, 0 , img_rows ) ;
return sumTex[sum_step * y + x] ;
uint read_sumTex ( IMAGE_INT32 img, sampler_t sam, int2 coord , int rows, int cols, int elemPerRow )
__inline uchar read_imgTex_ ( __global uchar* imgTex, int img_step , int img_ rows, int img_cols, float2 coord )
int x = clamp ( coord.x, 0 , cols ) ;
int y = clamp ( coord.y, 0 , rows ) ;
return img[elemPerRow * y + x] ;
int x = clamp ( convert_int_rte ( coord.x ) , 0 , img_cols-1 ) ;
int y = clamp ( convert_int_rte ( coord.y ) , 0 , img_rows-1 ) ;
return imgTex[img_step * y + x] ;
# define read_sumTex ( coord ) read_sumTex_ ( sumTex, sum_step, img_rows, img_cols, coord )
# define read_imgTex ( coord ) read_imgTex_ ( imgTex, img_step, img_rows, img_cols, coord )
# define __PARAM_sumTex__ __global uint* sumTex, int sum_step, int sum_offset
# define __PARAM_imgTex__ __global uchar* imgTex, int img_step, int img_offset
# define __PASS_sumTex__ sumTex, sum_step, sum_offset
# define __PASS_imgTex__ imgTex, img_step, img_offset
# else
return read_imageui ( img, sam, coord ) . x ;
# endif
__inline uint read_sumTex_ ( image2d_t sumTex, sampler_t sam, int2 coord )
return read_imageui ( sumTex, sam, coord ) . x ;
uchar read_imgTex ( IMAGE_INT8 img, sampler_t sam, float2 coord, int rows, int cols, int elemPerRow )
__inline uchar read_imgTex_ ( image2d_t imgTex, sampler_t sam, float2 coord )
int x = clamp ( round ( coord.x ) , 0 , cols - 1 ) ;
int y = clamp ( round ( coord.y ) , 0 , rows - 1 ) ;
return img[elemPerRow * y + x] ;
# else
return ( uchar ) read_imageui ( img, sam, coord ) . x ;
# endif
return ( uchar ) read_imageui ( imgTex, sam, coord ) . x ;
# define read_sumTex ( coord ) read_sumTex_ ( sumTex, sampler, coord )
# define read_imgTex ( coord ) read_imgTex_ ( imgTex, sampler, coord )
# define __PARAM_sumTex__ image2d_t sumTex
# define __PARAM_imgTex__ image2d_t imgTex
# define __PASS_sumTex__ sumTex
# define __PASS_imgTex__ imgTex
# endif
// dynamically change the precision used for floating type
# if defined ( DOUBLE_SUPPORT )
@ -89,7 +112,7 @@ uchar read_imgTex(IMAGE_INT8 img, sampler_t sam, float2 coord, int rows, int col
# endif
// Image read mode
# ifndef FLT_EPSILON
# define FLT_EPSILON ( 1e-15 )
@ -99,45 +122,6 @@ __constant sampler_t sampler = CLK_NORMALIZED_COORDS_FALSE | CLK_ADDRESS_CLAM
# define CV_PI_F 3.14159265f
# endif
// Use integral image to calculate haar wavelets.
// N = 2
// for simple haar paatern
float icvCalcHaarPatternSum_2 (
IMAGE_INT32 sumTex,
__constant float2 *src,
int oldSize,
int newSize,
int y, int x,
int rows, int cols, int elemPerRow )
float ratio = ( float ) newSize / oldSize ;
F d = 0 ;
int2 dx1 = convert_int2 ( round ( ratio * src[0] ) ) ;
int2 dy1 = convert_int2 ( round ( ratio * src[1] ) ) ;
int2 dx2 = convert_int2 ( round ( ratio * src[2] ) ) ;
int2 dy2 = convert_int2 ( round ( ratio * src[3] ) ) ;
F t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx1.x, y + dy1.x ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx1.x, y + dy2.x ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx2.x, y + dy1.x ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx2.x, y + dy2.x ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
d += t * src[4].x / ( ( dx2.x - dx1.x ) * ( dy2.x - dy1.x ) ) ;
t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx1.y, y + dy1.y ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx1.y, y + dy2.y ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx2.y, y + dy1.y ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + dx2.y, y + dy2.y ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
d += t * src[4].y / ( ( dx2.y - dx1.y ) * ( dy2.y - dy1.y ) ) ;
return ( float ) d ;
// Hessian
@ -175,23 +159,21 @@ F calcAxisAlignedDerivative(
//calculate targeted layer per-pixel determinant and trace with an integral image
__kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace (
IMAGE_INT32 sumTex, // input integral image
__global float * det, // output Determinant
__kernel void SURF_calcLayerDetAndTrace (
__PARAM_sumTex__, // input integral image
int img_rows, int img_cols,
int c_nOctaveLayers, int c_octave, int c_layer_rows,
__global float * det, // output determinant
int det_step, int det_offset,
__global float * trace, // output trace
int det_step, // the step of det in bytes
int trace_step, // the step of trace in bytes
int c_img_rows,
int c_img_cols,
int c_nOctaveLayers,
int c_octave,
int c_layer_rows,
int sumTex_step
int trace_step, int trace_offset )
det_step /= sizeof ( *det ) ;
trace_step /= sizeof ( *trace ) ;
sumTex_step/= sizeof ( uint ) ;
# ifndef HAVE_IMAGE2D
sum_step/= sizeof ( uint ) ;
# endif
// Determine the indices
const int gridDim_y = get_num_groups ( 1 ) / ( c_nOctaveLayers + 2 ) ;
const int blockIdx_y = get_group_id ( 1 ) % gridDim_y ;
@ -203,13 +185,13 @@ __kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace(
const int size = calcSize ( c_octave, layer ) ;
const int samples_i = 1 + ( ( c_ img_rows - size ) >> c_octave ) ;
const int samples_j = 1 + ( ( c_ img_cols - size ) >> c_octave ) ;
const int samples_i = 1 + ( ( img_rows - size ) >> c_octave ) ;
const int samples_j = 1 + ( ( img_cols - size ) >> c_octave ) ;
// Ignore pixels where some of the kernel is outside the image
const int margin = ( size >> 1 ) >> c_octave ;
if ( size <= c_ img_rows && size <= c_ img_cols && i < samples_i && j < samples_j )
if ( size <= img_rows && size <= img_cols && i < samples_i && j < samples_j )
int x = j << c_octave ;
int y = i << c_octave ;
@ -233,14 +215,14 @@ __kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace(
// Some of the pixels needed to compute the derivative are
// repeated, so we only don 't duplicate the fetch here.
int t02 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t07 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x, y + r7 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t32 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r3, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t37 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r3, y + r7 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t62 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r6, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t67 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r6, y + r7 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t92 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r9, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t97 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r9, y + r7 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t02 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x, y + r2 ) ) ;
int t07 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x, y + r7 ) ) ;
int t32 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r3, y + r2 ) ) ;
int t37 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r3, y + r7 ) ) ;
int t62 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r6, y + r2 ) ) ;
int t67 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r6, y + r7 ) ) ;
int t92 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r9, y + r2 ) ) ;
int t97 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r9, y + r7 ) ) ;
d = calcAxisAlignedDerivative ( t02, t07, t32, t37, ( r3 ) * ( r7 - r2 ) ,
t62, t67, t92, t97, ( r9 - r6 ) * ( r7 - r2 ) ,
@ -253,14 +235,14 @@ __kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace(
// Some of the pixels needed to compute the derivative are
// repeated, so we only don 't duplicate the fetch here.
int t20 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t23 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r3 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t70 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t73 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r3 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t26 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r6 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t76 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r6 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t29 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r9 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t79 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r9 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
int t20 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y ) ) ;
int t23 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r3 ) ) ;
int t70 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y ) ) ;
int t73 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r3 ) ) ;
int t26 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r6 ) ) ;
int t76 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r6 ) ) ;
int t29 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r9 ) ) ;
int t79 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r7, y + r9 ) ) ;
d = calcAxisAlignedDerivative ( t20, t23, t70, t73, ( r7 - r2 ) * ( r3 ) ,
t26, t29, t76, t79, ( r7 - r2 ) * ( r9 - r6 ) ,
@ -274,31 +256,31 @@ __kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace(
// There 's no saving us here, we just have to get all of the pixels in
// separate fetches
F t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r1 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r1 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r1 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r4 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r1 ) ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r4 ) ) ;
d += t / ( ( r4 - r1 ) * ( r4 - r1 ) ) ;
t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r1 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r1 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r1 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r4 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r1 ) ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r4 ) ) ;
d -= t / ( ( r8 - r5 ) * ( r4 - r1 ) ) ;
t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r5 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r8 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r5 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r8 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r5 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r1, y + r8 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r5 ) ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r8 ) ) ;
d -= t / ( ( r4 - r1 ) * ( r8 - r5 ) ) ;
t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r5 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r8 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r5 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r8 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sumTex_step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r5 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r5, y + r8 ) ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r5 ) ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r8, y + r8 ) ) ;
d += t / ( ( r8 - r5 ) * ( r8 - r5 ) ) ;
const float dxy = ( float ) d ;
@ -311,171 +293,17 @@ __kernel void icvCalcLayerDetAndTrace(
__constant float c_DM[5] = {0, 0 , 9 , 9 , 1} ;
bool within_check ( IMAGE_INT32 maskSumTex, int sum_i, int sum_j, int size, int rows, int cols, int step )
float ratio = ( float ) size / 9.0f ;
float d = 0 ;
int dx1 = round ( ratio * c_DM[0] ) ;
int dy1 = round ( ratio * c_DM[1] ) ;
int dx2 = round ( ratio * c_DM[2] ) ;
int dy2 = round ( ratio * c_DM[3] ) ;
float t = 0 ;
t += read_sumTex ( maskSumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( sum_j + dx1, sum_i + dy1 ) , rows, cols, step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( maskSumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( sum_j + dx1, sum_i + dy2 ) , rows, cols, step ) ;
t -= read_sumTex ( maskSumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( sum_j + dx2, sum_i + dy1 ) , rows, cols, step ) ;
t += read_sumTex ( maskSumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( sum_j + dx2, sum_i + dy2 ) , rows, cols, step ) ;
d += t * c_DM[4] / ( ( dx2 - dx1 ) * ( dy2 - dy1 ) ) ;
return ( d >= 0.5f ) ;
// Non-maximal suppression to further filtering the candidates from previous step
void icvFindMaximaInLayer_withmask (
__global const float * det,
__global const float * trace,
__global int4 * maxPosBuffer,
volatile __global int* maxCounter,
int counter_offset,
int det_step, // the step of det in bytes
int trace_step, // the step of trace in bytes
int c_img_rows,
int c_img_cols,
int c_nOctaveLayers,
int c_octave,
int c_layer_rows,
int c_layer_cols,
int c_max_candidates,
float c_hessianThreshold,
IMAGE_INT32 maskSumTex,
int mask_step
volatile __local float N9[768] ; // threads.x * threads.y * 3
det_step /= sizeof ( *det ) ;
trace_step /= sizeof ( *trace ) ;
maxCounter += counter_offset ;
mask_step /= sizeof ( uint ) ;
// Determine the indices
const int gridDim_y = get_num_groups ( 1 ) / c_nOctaveLayers ;
const int blockIdx_y = get_group_id ( 1 ) % gridDim_y ;
const int blockIdx_z = get_group_id ( 1 ) / gridDim_y ;
const int layer = blockIdx_z + 1 ;
const int size = calcSize ( c_octave, layer ) ;
// Ignore pixels without a 3x3x3 neighbourhood in the layer above
const int margin = ( ( calcSize ( c_octave, layer + 1 ) >> 1 ) >> c_octave ) + 1 ;
const int j = get_local_id ( 0 ) + get_group_id ( 0 ) * ( get_local_size ( 0 ) - 2 ) + margin - 1 ;
const int i = get_local_id ( 1 ) + blockIdx_y * ( get_local_size ( 1 ) - 2 ) + margin - 1 ;
// Is this thread within the hessian buffer?
const int zoff = get_local_size ( 0 ) * get_local_size ( 1 ) ;
const int localLin = get_local_id ( 0 ) + get_local_id ( 1 ) * get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff ;
N9[localLin - zoff] =
det[det_step *
( c_layer_rows * ( layer - 1 ) + min ( max ( i, 0 ) , c_img_rows - 1 ) ) // y
+ min ( max ( j, 0 ) , c_img_cols - 1 ) ] ; // x
N9[localLin ] =
det[det_step *
( c_layer_rows * ( layer ) + min ( max ( i, 0 ) , c_img_rows - 1 ) ) // y
+ min ( max ( j, 0 ) , c_img_cols - 1 ) ] ; // x
N9[localLin + zoff] =
det[det_step *
( c_layer_rows * ( layer + 1 ) + min ( max ( i, 0 ) , c_img_rows - 1 ) ) // y
+ min ( max ( j, 0 ) , c_img_cols - 1 ) ] ; // x
barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ;
if ( i < c_layer_rows - margin
&& j < c_layer_cols - margin
&& get_local_id ( 0 ) > 0
&& get_local_id ( 0 ) < get_local_size ( 0 ) - 1
&& get_local_id ( 1 ) > 0
&& get_local_id ( 1 ) < get_local_size ( 1 ) - 1 // these are unnecessary conditions ported from CUDA
float val0 = N9[localLin] ;
if ( val0 > c_hessianThreshold )
// Coordinates for the start of the wavelet in the sum image. There
// is some integer division involved, so don 't try to simplify this
// ( cancel out sampleStep ) without checking the result is the same
const int sum_i = ( i - ( ( size >> 1 ) >> c_octave ) ) << c_octave ;
const int sum_j = ( j - ( ( size >> 1 ) >> c_octave ) ) << c_octave ;
if ( within_check ( maskSumTex, sum_i, sum_j, size, c_img_rows, c_img_cols, mask_step ) )
// Check to see if we have a max ( in its 26 neighbours )
const bool condmax = val0 > N9[localLin - 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) - zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) ]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 - get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin - 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
&& val0 > N9[localLin + 1 + get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff]
if ( condmax )
int ind = atomic_inc ( maxCounter ) ;
if ( ind < c_max_candidates )
const int laplacian = ( int ) copysign ( 1.0f, trace[trace_step* ( layer * c_layer_rows + i ) + j] ) ;
maxPosBuffer[ind] = ( int4 ) ( j, i, layer, laplacian ) ;
void icvFindMaximaInLayer (
void SURF_findMaximaInLayer (
__global float * det,
int det_step, int det_offset,
__global float * trace,
int trace_step, int trace_offset,
__global int4 * maxPosBuffer,
volatile __global int* maxCounter,
int counter_offset,
int det_step, // the step of det in bytes
int trace_step, // the step of trace in bytes
int c_img_rows,
int c_img_cols,
int img_rows,
int img_cols,
int c_nOctaveLayers,
int c_octave,
int c_layer_rows,
@ -509,8 +337,8 @@ void icvFindMaximaInLayer(
const int zoff = get_local_size ( 0 ) * get_local_size ( 1 ) ;
const int localLin = get_local_id ( 0 ) + get_local_id ( 1 ) * get_local_size ( 0 ) + zoff ;
int l_x = min ( max ( j, 0 ) , c_ img_cols - 1 ) ;
int l_y = c_layer_rows * layer + min ( max ( i, 0 ) , c_ img_rows - 1 ) ;
int l_x = min ( max ( j, 0 ) , img_cols - 1 ) ;
int l_y = c_layer_rows * layer + min ( max ( i, 0 ) , img_rows - 1 ) ;
N9[localLin - zoff] =
det[det_step * ( l_y - c_layer_rows ) + l_x] ;
@ -590,7 +418,7 @@ inline bool solve3x3_float(const float4 *A, const float *b, float *x)
if ( det != 0 )
F invdet = 1.0 / det ;
F invdet = 1.0f / det ;
x[0] = invdet *
( b[0] * ( A[1].y * A[2].z - A[1].z * A[2].y ) -
@ -624,15 +452,15 @@ inline bool solve3x3_float(const float4 *A, const float *b, float *x)
void icvI nterpolateKeypoint (
void SURF_ interpolateKeypoint(
__global const float * det,
int det_step, int det_offset,
__global const int4 * maxPosBuffer,
__global float * keypoints,
volatile __global int * featureCounter,
int det_step,
int keypoints_step,
int c_img_rows,
int c_img_cols,
int keypoints_step, int keypoints_offset,
volatile __global int* featureCounter,
int img_rows,
int img_cols,
int c_octave,
int c_layer_rows,
int c_max_features
@ -724,7 +552,7 @@ void icvInterpolateKeypoint(
const int grad_wav_size = 2 * round ( 2.0f * s ) ;
// check when grad_wav_size is too big
if ( ( c_ img_rows + 1 ) >= grad_wav_size && ( c_ img_cols + 1 ) >= grad_wav_size )
if ( ( img_rows + 1 ) >= grad_wav_size && ( img_cols + 1 ) >= grad_wav_size )
// Get a new feature index.
int ind = atomic_inc ( featureCounter ) ;
@ -829,23 +657,19 @@ void reduce_32_sum(volatile __local float * data, volatile float* partial_reduc
void icvCalcOrientation (
IMAGE_INT32 sumTex,
__global float * keypoints,
int keypoints_step,
int c_img_rows,
int c_img_cols,
int sum_step
void SURF_calcOrientation (
__PARAM_sumTex__, int img_rows, int img_cols,
__global float * keypoints, int keypoints_step, int keypoints_offset )
keypoints_step /= sizeof ( *keypoints ) ;
# ifndef HAVE_IMAGE2D
sum_step /= sizeof ( uint ) ;
# endif
__global float* featureX = keypoints + X_ROW * keypoints_step ;
__global float* featureY = keypoints + Y_ROW * keypoints_step ;
__global float* featureSize = keypoints + SIZE_ROW * keypoints_step ;
__global float* featureDir = keypoints + ANGLE_ROW * keypoints_step ;
__local float s_X[ORI_SAMPLES] ;
__local float s_Y[ORI_SAMPLES] ;
__local float s_angle[ORI_SAMPLES] ;
@ -860,7 +684,6 @@ void icvCalcOrientation(
and building the keypoint descriptor are defined relative to 's ' */
const float s = featureSize[get_group_id ( 0 ) ] * 1.2f / 9.0f ;
/* To find the dominant orientation, the gradients in x and y are
sampled in a circle of radius 6s using wavelets of size 4s.
We ensure the gradient wavelet size is even to ensure the
@ -868,7 +691,7 @@ void icvCalcOrientation(
const int grad_wav_size = 2 * round ( 2.0f * s ) ;
// check when grad_wav_size is too big
if ( ( c_ img_rows + 1 ) < grad_wav_size | | ( c_ img_cols + 1 ) < grad_wav_size )
if ( ( img_rows + 1 ) < grad_wav_size | | ( img_cols + 1 ) < grad_wav_size )
return ;
// Calc X, Y, angle and store it to shared memory
@ -880,8 +703,8 @@ void icvCalcOrientation(
float ratio = ( float ) grad_wav_size / 4 ;
int r2 = round ( ratio * 2.0 ) ;
int r4 = round ( ratio * 4.0 ) ;
int r2 = round ( ratio * 2.0f ) ;
int r4 = round ( ratio * 4.0f ) ;
for ( int i = tid ; i < ORI_SAMPLES; i += ORI_LOCAL_SIZE )
float X = 0.0f, Y = 0.0f, angle = 0.0f ;
@ -889,21 +712,20 @@ void icvCalcOrientation(
const int x = round ( featureX[get_group_id ( 0 ) ] + c_aptX[i] * s - margin ) ;
const int y = round ( featureY[get_group_id ( 0 ) ] + c_aptY[i] * s - margin ) ;
if ( y >= 0 && y < ( c_ img_rows + 1 ) - grad_wav_size &&
x >= 0 && x < ( c_ img_cols + 1 ) - grad_wav_size )
if ( y >= 0 && y < ( img_rows + 1 ) - grad_wav_size &&
x >= 0 && x < ( img_cols + 1 ) - grad_wav_size )
float apt = c_aptW[i] ;
// Compute the haar sum without fetching duplicate pixels.
float t00 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x, y ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t02 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t04 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t20 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t24 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t40 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t42 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r2 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t44 = read_sumTex ( sumTex, sampler, ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r4 ) , c_img_rows, c_img_cols, sum_step ) ;
float t00 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x, y ) ) ;
float t02 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x, y + r2 ) ) ;
float t04 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x, y + r4 ) ) ;
float t20 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y ) ) ;
float t24 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r2, y + r4 ) ) ;
float t40 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y ) ) ;
float t42 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r2 ) ) ;
float t44 = read_sumTex ( ( int2 ) ( x + r4, y + r4 ) ) ;
F t = t00 - t04 - t20 + t24 ;
X -= t / ( ( r2 ) * ( r4 ) ) ;
@ -995,18 +817,17 @@ void icvCalcOrientation(
void icvSetUpr ight(
void SURF_setUpR ight(
__global float * keypoints,
int keypoints_step,
int nFeatures
int keypoints_step, int keypoints_offset,
int rows, int cols )
int i = get_global_id ( 0 ) ;
keypoints_step /= sizeof ( *keypoints ) ;
__global float* featureDir = keypoints + ANGLE_ROW * keypoints_step ;
if ( get_global_id ( 0 ) <= nFeature s)
if ( i < col s)
featureDir[get_global_id ( 0 ) ] = 270.0 f ;
keypoints[mad24 ( keypoints_step, ANGLE_ROW, i ) ] = 270.f ;
@ -1045,22 +866,14 @@ __constant float c_DW[PATCH_SZ * PATCH_SZ] =
} ;
// utility for linear filter
inline uchar readerGet (
const float centerX, const float centerY, const float win_offset, const float cos_dir, const float sin_dir,
int i, int j, int rows, int cols, int elemPerRow
float pixel_x = centerX + ( win_offset + j ) * cos_dir + ( win_offset + i ) * sin_dir ;
float pixel_y = centerY - ( win_offset + j ) * sin_dir + ( win_offset + i ) * cos_dir ;
return read_imgTex ( src, sampler, ( float2 ) ( pixel_x, pixel_y ) , rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
# define readerGet ( centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, i, j ) \
read_imgTex ( ( float2 ) ( centerX + ( win_offset + j ) * cos_dir + ( win_offset + i ) * sin_dir, \
centerY - ( win_offset + j ) * sin_dir + ( win_offset + i ) * cos_dir ) )
inline float linearFilter (
const float centerX, const float centerY, const float win_offset, const float cos_dir, const float sin_dir,
float y, float x, int rows, int cols, int elemPerRow
__PARAM_imgTex__, int img_rows, int img_cols,
float centerX, float centerY, float win_offset,
float cos_dir, float sin_dir, float y, float x )
x -= 0.5f ;
y -= 0.5f ;
@ -1072,34 +885,31 @@ inline float linearFilter(
const int x2 = x1 + 1 ;
const int y2 = y1 + 1 ;
uchar src_reg = readerGet ( src, centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y1, x1, rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
uchar src_reg = readerGet ( centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y1, x1 ) ;
out = out + src_reg * ( ( x2 - x ) * ( y2 - y ) ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( src, centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y1, x2, rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y1, x2 ) ;
out = out + src_reg * ( ( x - x1 ) * ( y2 - y ) ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( src, centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y2, x1, rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y2, x1 ) ;
out = out + src_reg * ( ( x2 - x ) * ( y - y1 ) ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( src, centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y2, x2, rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
src_reg = readerGet ( centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, y2, x2 ) ;
out = out + src_reg * ( ( x - x1 ) * ( y - y1 ) ) ;
return out ;
void calc_dx_dy (
IMAGE_INT8 imgTex,
int img_rows, int img_cols,
volatile __local float *s_dx_bin,
volatile __local float *s_dy_bin,
volatile __local float *s_PATCH,
__global const float* featureX,
__global const float* featureY,
__global const float* featureSize,
__global const float* featureDir,
int rows,
int cols,
int elemPerRow
__global const float* featureDir )
const float centerX = featureX[get_group_id ( 0 ) ] ;
const float centerY = featureY[get_group_id ( 0 ) ] ;
@ -1136,7 +946,9 @@ void calc_dx_dy(
const float icoo = ( ( float ) yIndex / ( PATCH_SZ + 1 ) ) * win_size ;
const float jcoo = ( ( float ) xIndex / ( PATCH_SZ + 1 ) ) * win_size ;
s_PATCH[get_local_id ( 1 ) * 6 + get_local_id ( 0 ) ] = linearFilter ( imgTex, centerX, centerY, win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, icoo, jcoo, rows, cols, elemPerRow ) ;
s_PATCH[get_local_id ( 1 ) * 6 + get_local_id ( 0 ) ] =
linearFilter ( __PASS_imgTex__, img_rows, img_cols, centerX, centerY,
win_offset, cos_dir, sin_dir, icoo, jcoo ) ;
barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ;
@ -1162,6 +974,7 @@ void calc_dx_dy(
s_dy_bin[tid] = vy ;
void reduce_sum25 (
volatile __local float* sdata1,
volatile __local float* sdata2,
@ -1225,16 +1038,13 @@ void reduce_sum25(
void compute_descriptors64 (
IMAGE_INT8 imgTex,
void SURF_computeDescriptors64 (
int img_rows, int img_cols,
__global const float* keypoints,
int keypoints_step, int keypoints_offset,
__global float * descriptors,
__global const float * keypoints,
int descriptors_step,
int keypoints_step,
int rows,
int cols,
int img_step
int descriptors_step, int descriptors_offset )
descriptors_step /= sizeof ( float ) ;
keypoints_step /= sizeof ( float ) ;
@ -1250,7 +1060,7 @@ void compute_descriptors64(
volatile __local float sdyabs[25] ;
volatile __local float s_PATCH[6*6] ;
calc_dx_dy ( imgTex, sdx, sdy, s_PATCH, featureX, featureY, featureSize, featureDir, rows, cols, img_step ) ;
calc_dx_dy ( __PASS_ imgTex__, img_rows, img_cols , sdx, sdy, s_PATCH, featureX, featureY, featureSize, featureDir ) ;
barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ;
const int tid = get_local_id ( 1 ) * get_local_size ( 0 ) + get_local_id ( 0 ) ;
@ -1279,17 +1089,15 @@ void compute_descriptors64(
void compute_descriptors128 (
IMAGE_INT8 imgTex,
__global float * descriptors,
__global float * keypoints,
int descriptors_step,
int keypoints_step,
int rows,
int cols,
int img_step
void SURF_computeDescriptors128 (
int img_rows, int img_cols,
__global const float* keypoints,
int keypoints_step, int keypoints_offset,
__global float* descriptors,
int descriptors_step, int descriptors_offset )
descriptors_step /= sizeof ( *descriptors ) ;
keypoints_step /= sizeof ( *keypoints ) ;
@ -1310,7 +1118,7 @@ void compute_descriptors128(
volatile __local float sdabs2[25] ;
volatile __local float s_PATCH[6*6] ;
calc_dx_dy ( imgTex, sdx, sdy, s_PATCH, featureX, featureY, featureSize, featureDir, rows, cols, img_step ) ;
calc_dx_dy ( __PASS_ imgTex__, img_rows, img_cols , sdx, sdy, s_PATCH, featureX, featureY, featureSize, featureDir ) ;
barrier ( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ) ;
const int tid = get_local_id ( 1 ) * get_local_size ( 0 ) + get_local_id ( 0 ) ;
@ -1483,7 +1291,7 @@ void reduce_sum64(volatile __local float* smem, int tid)
void normalize_d escriptors128( __global float * descriptors, int descriptors_step )
void SURF_normalizeD escriptors128( __global float * descriptors, int descriptors_step, int descriptors_offset )
descriptors_step /= sizeof ( *descriptors ) ;
// no need for thread ID
@ -1509,8 +1317,9 @@ void normalize_descriptors128(__global float * descriptors, int descriptors_step
// normalize and store in output
descriptor_base[get_local_id ( 0 ) ] = lookup / len ;
void normalize_d escriptors64( __global float * descriptors, int descriptors_step )
void SURF_normalizeD escriptors64( __global float * descriptors, int descriptors_step, int descriptors_offset )
descriptors_step /= sizeof ( *descriptors ) ;
// no need for thread ID