@ -58,7 +58,13 @@ void Test_TFLite::testModel(Net& net, const std::string& modelName, const Mat& i |
ASSERT_EQ(outs.size(), outNames.size()); |
for (int i = 0; i < outNames.size(); ++i) { |
Mat ref = blobFromNPY(findDataFile(format("dnn/tflite/%s_out_%s.npy", modelName.c_str(), outNames[i].c_str()))); |
normAssert(ref.reshape(1, 1), outs[i].reshape(1, 1), outNames[i].c_str(), l1, lInf); |
// A workaround solution for the following cases due to inconsistent shape definitions.
// The details please see: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/25297#issuecomment-2039081369
if (modelName == "face_landmark" || modelName == "selfie_segmentation") { |
ref = ref.reshape(1, 1); |
outs[i] = outs[i].reshape(1, 1); |
} |
normAssert(ref, outs[i], outNames[i].c_str(), l1, lInf); |
} |
} |