@ -44,16 +44,6 @@
namespace cv
# if CV_SSSE3
// binary: 10000000 => char: 128 or hex: 0x80
static const __m128i binMask = _mm_set_epi8 ( 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 ) ;
# endif
static const double FREAK_SQRT2 = 1.4142135623731 ;
static const double FREAK_INV_SQRT2 = 1.0 / FREAK_SQRT2 ;
static const double FREAK_LOG2 = 0.693147180559945 ;
@ -234,13 +224,6 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
( ( FREAK * ) this ) - > buildPattern ( ) ;
# if CV_SSSE3
register __m128i operand1 ;
register __m128i operand2 ;
register __m128i workReg ;
register __m128i result128 ;
# endif
Mat imgIntegral ;
integral ( image , imgIntegral ) ;
std : : vector < int > kpScaleIdx ( keypoints . size ( ) ) ; // used to save pattern scale index corresponding to each keypoints
@ -292,8 +275,13 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
if ( ! extAll ) {
// extract the best comparisons only
descriptors = cv : : Mat : : zeros ( keypoints . size ( ) , FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 8 , CV_8U ) ;
# if CV_SSSE3
# if CV_SSE2
__m128i * ptr = ( __m128i * ) ( descriptors . data + ( keypoints . size ( ) - 1 ) * descriptors . step [ 0 ] ) ;
// binary: 10000000 => char: 128 or hex: 0x80
const __m128i binMask = _mm_set_epi8 ( 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ,
0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 , 0x80 ) ;
# else
std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * ptr = ( std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * ) ( descriptors . data + ( keypoints . size ( ) - 1 ) * descriptors . step [ 0 ] ) ;
# endif
@ -329,25 +317,52 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; ) {
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity ( image , imgIntegral , keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y , kpScaleIdx [ k ] , thetaIdx , i ) ;
# if CV_SSSE3
// extracting descriptor by blocks of 128 bits using SSE instructions
# if CV_SSE2
// note that comparisons order is modified in each block (but first 128 comparisons remain globally the same-->does not affect the 128,384 bits segmanted matching strategy)
int cnt ( 0 ) ;
for ( int n = 4 ; n - - ; ) {
result128 = _mm_setzero_si128 ( ) ;
for ( int m = 8 ; m - - ; cnt + = 16 ) {
operand1 = _mm_set_epi8 ( pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . i ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . i ] ) ;
operand2 = _mm_set_epi8 ( pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . j ] , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . j ] ) ;
workReg = _mm_min_epu8 ( operand1 , operand2 ) ; // emulated "greater than" for UNSIGNED int
workReg = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 ( workReg , operand2 ) ; // emulated "greater than" for UNSIGNED int
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( int n = FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 128 ; n - - ; )
__m128i result128 = _mm_setzero_si128 ( ) ;
for ( int m = 128 / 16 ; m - - ; cnt + = 16 )
__m128i operand1 = _mm_set_epi8 (
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . i ] ) ;
__m128i operand2 = _mm_set_epi8 (
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . j ] ) ;
__m128i workReg = _mm_min_epu8 ( operand1 , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 ( workReg , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_and_si128 ( _mm_srli_epi16 ( binMask , m ) , workReg ) ; // merge the last 16 bits with the 128bits std::vector until full
result128 = _mm_or_si128 ( result128 , workReg ) ;
@ -355,10 +370,20 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
( * ptr ) = result128 ;
+ + ptr ;
ptr - = 8 ;
ptr - = 8 ;
# else
for ( int m = FREAK_NB_PAIRS ; m - - ; ) {
ptr - > set ( m , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ m ] . i ] > pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ m ] . j ] ) ;
// extracting descriptor preserving the order of SSE version
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( int n = 7 ; n < FREAK_NB_PAIRS ; n + = 128 )
for ( int m = 8 ; m - - ; )
int nm = n - m ;
for ( int kk = nm + 15 * 8 ; kk > = nm ; kk - = 8 , + + cnt )
ptr - > set ( kk , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . i ] > = pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . j ] ) ;
- - ptr ;
# endif
@ -407,7 +432,7 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
for ( int i = 1 ; i < FREAK_NB_POINTS ; + + i ) {
//(generate all the pairs)
for ( int j = 0 ; j < i ; + + j ) {
ptr - > set ( cnt , pointsValue [ i ] > pointsValue [ j ] ) ;
ptr - > set ( cnt , pointsValue [ i ] > = pointsValue [ j ] ) ;
+ + cnt ;