The functions and classes described in this section are used to allow OpenCV's 2D feature descriptors to be used in a bag of words framework, first described in \cite{sivic_zisserman_2003}.
%The functions and classes described in this section are used to allow OpenCV's
%2D feature descriptors to be used in a bag of words framework, first described
%in \cite{sivic_zisserman_2003}.
Class used for training visual vocabularies using the bag of words approach.
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ The function \texttt{cvAddText} draw \emph{text} on the image \emph{img} using a
%CVAPI(void) cvDisplayOverlay(const char* name, const char* text, int delay);
Display text on the window's image as an overlay for delay milliseconds. This is not editing the image's data. The text is display on the top of the image.
\cvdefC{void cvDisplayOverlay(const char* name, const char* text, int delay);}
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ The function \texttt{cvDisplayOverlay} aims at displaying useful information/tip
%CVAPI(void) cvDisplayStatusBar(const char* name, const char* text, int delayms);
Display text on the window's statusbar as for delay milliseconds.
\cvdefC{void cvDisplayStatusBar(const char* name, const char* text, int delayms);}
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ The function \texttt{cvDisplayOverlay} aims at displaying useful information/tip