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How to use the OpenCV parallel_for_ to parallelize your code {#tutorial_how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_} |
================================================================== |
Goal |
---- |
The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to use the OpenCV `parallel_for_` framework to easily |
parallelize your code. To illustrate the concept, we will write a program to draw a Mandelbrot set |
exploiting almost all the CPU load available. |
The full tutorial code is [here](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp). |
If you want more information about multithreading, you will have to refer to a reference book or course as this tutorial is intended |
to remain simple. |
Precondition |
---- |
The first precondition is to have OpenCV built with a parallel framework. |
In OpenCV 3.2, the following parallel frameworks are available in that order: |
1. Intel Threading Building Blocks (3rdparty library, should be explicitly enabled) |
2. C= Parallel C/C++ Programming Language Extension (3rdparty library, should be explicitly enabled) |
3. OpenMP (integrated to compiler, should be explicitly enabled) |
4. APPLE GCD (system wide, used automatically (APPLE only)) |
5. Windows RT concurrency (system wide, used automatically (Windows RT only)) |
6. Windows concurrency (part of runtime, used automatically (Windows only - MSVC++ >= 10)) |
7. Pthreads (if available) |
As you can see, several parallel frameworks can be used in the OpenCV library. Some parallel libraries |
are third party libraries and have to be explictly built and enabled in CMake (e.g. TBB, C=), others are |
automatically available with the platform (e.g. APPLE GCD) but chances are that you should be enable to |
have access to a parallel framework either directly or by enabling the option in CMake and rebuild the library. |
The second (weak) precondition is more related to the task you want to achieve as not all computations |
are suitable / can be adatapted to be run in a parallel way. To remain simple, tasks that can be splitted |
into multiple elementary operations with no memory dependency (no possible race condition) are easily |
parallelizable. Computer vision processing are often easily parallelizable as most of the time the processing of |
one pixel does not depend to the state of other pixels. |
Simple example: drawing a Mandelbrot set |
---- |
We will use the example of drawing a Mandelbrot set to show how from a regular sequential code you can easily adapt |
the code to parallize the computation. |
Theory |
----------- |
The Mandelbrot set definition has been named in tribute to the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot by the mathematician |
Adrien Douady. It has been famous outside of the mathematics field as the image representation is an example of a |
class of fractals, a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern displayed at every scale (even more, a |
Mandelbrot set is self-similar as the whole shape can be repeatedly seen at different scale). For a more in-depth |
introduction, you can look at the corresponding [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set). |
Here, we will just introduce the formula to draw the Mandelbrot set (from the mentioned Wikipedia article). |
> The Mandelbrot set is the set of values of \f$ c \f$ in the complex plane for which the orbit of 0 under iteration |
> of the quadratic map |
> \f[\begin{cases} z_0 = 0 \\ z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c \end{cases}\f] |
> remains bounded. |
> That is, a complex number \f$ c \f$ is part of the Mandelbrot set if, when starting with \f$ z_0 = 0 \f$ and applying |
> the iteration repeatedly, the absolute value of \f$ z_n \f$ remains bounded however large \f$ n \f$ gets. |
> This can also be represented as |
> \f[\limsup_{n\to\infty}|z_{n+1}|\leqslant2\f] |
Pseudocode |
----------- |
A simple algorithm to generate a representation of the Mandelbrot set is called the |
["escape time algorithm"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set#Escape_time_algorithm). |
For each pixel in the rendered image, we test using the recurrence relation if the complex number is bounded or not |
under a maximum number of iterations. Pixels that do not belong to the Mandelbrot set will escape quickly whereas |
we assume that the pixel is in the set after a fixed maximum number of iterations. A high value of iterations will |
produce a more detailed image but the computation time will increase accordingly. We use the number of iterations |
needed to "escape" to depict the pixel value in the image. |
``` |
For each pixel (Px, Py) on the screen, do: |
{ |
x0 = scaled x coordinate of pixel (scaled to lie in the Mandelbrot X scale (-2, 1)) |
y0 = scaled y coordinate of pixel (scaled to lie in the Mandelbrot Y scale (-1, 1)) |
x = 0.0 |
y = 0.0 |
iteration = 0 |
max_iteration = 1000 |
while (x*x + y*y < 2*2 AND iteration < max_iteration) { |
xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0 |
y = 2*x*y + y0 |
x = xtemp |
iteration = iteration + 1 |
} |
color = palette[iteration] |
plot(Px, Py, color) |
} |
``` |
To relate between the pseudocode and the theory, we have: |
* \f$ z = x + iy \f$ |
* \f$ z^2 = x^2 + i2xy - y^2 \f$ |
* \f$ c = x_0 + iy_0 \f$ |
![](images/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_640px-Mandelset_hires.png) |
On this figure, we recall that the real part of a complex number is on the x-axis and the imaginary part on the y-axis. |
You can see that the whole shape can be repeatedly visible if we zoom at particular locations. |
Implementation |
----------- |
Escape time algorithm implementation |
-------------------------- |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-escape-time-algorithm |
Here, we used the [`std::complex`](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/complex) template class to represent a |
complex number. This function performs the test to check if the pixel is in set or not and returns the "escaped" iteration. |
Sequential Mandelbrot implementation |
-------------------------- |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-sequential |
In this implementation, we sequentially iterate over the pixels in the rendered image to perform the test to check if the |
pixel is likely to belong to the Mandelbrot set or not. |
Another thing to do is to transform the pixel coordinate into the Mandelbrot set space with: |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-transformation |
Finally, to assign the grayscale value to the pixels, we use the following rule: |
* a pixel is black if it reaches the maximum number of iterations (pixel is assumed to be in the Mandelbrot set), |
* otherwise we assign a grayscale value depending on the escaped iteration and scaled to fit the grayscale range. |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-grayscale-value |
Using a linear scale transformation is not enough to perceive the grayscale variation. To overcome this, we will boost |
the perception by using a square root scale transformation (borrowed from Jeremy D. Frens in his |
[blog post](http://www.programming-during-recess.net/2016/06/26/color-schemes-for-mandelbrot-sets/)): |
\f$ f \left( x \right) = \sqrt{\frac{x}{\text{maxIter}}} \times 255 \f$ |
![](images/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_sqrt_scale_transformation.png) |
The green curve corresponds to a simple linear scale transformation, the blue one to a square root scale transformation |
and you can observe how the lowest values will be boosted when looking at the slope at these positions. |
Parallel Mandelbrot implementation |
-------------------------- |
When looking at the sequential implementation, we can notice that each pixel is computed independently. To optimize the |
computation, we can perform multiple pixel calculations in parallel, by exploiting the multi-core architecture of modern |
processor. To achieve this easily, we will use the OpenCV @ref cv::parallel_for_ framework. |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-parallel |
The first thing is to declare a custom class that inherits from @ref cv::ParallelLoopBody and to override the |
`virtual void operator ()(const cv::Range& range) const`. |
The range in the `operator ()` represents the subset of pixels that will be treated by an individual thread. |
This splitting is done automatically to distribuate equally the computation load. We have to convert the pixel index coordinate |
to a 2D `[row, col]` coordinate. Also note that we have to keep a reference on the mat image to be able to modify in-place |
the image. |
The parallel execution is called with: |
@snippet how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp mandelbrot-parallel-call |
Here, the range represents the total number of operations to be executed, so the total number of pixels in the image. |
To set the number of threads, you can use: @ref cv::setNumThreads. You can also specify the number of splitting using the |
nstripes parameter in @ref cv::parallel_for_. For instance, if your processor has 4 threads, setting `cv::setNumThreads(2)` |
or setting `nstripes=2` should be the same as by default it will use all the processor threads available but will split the |
workload only on two threads. |
Results |
----------- |
You can find the full tutorial code [here](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_.cpp). |
The performance of the parallel implementation depends of the type of CPU you have. For instance, on 4 cores / 8 threads |
CPU, you can expect a speed-up of around 6.9X. There are many factors to explain why we do not achieve a speed-up of almost 8X. |
Main reasons should be mostly due to: |
* the overhead to create and manage the threads, |
* background processes running in parallel, |
* the difference between 4 hardware cores with 2 logical threads for each core and 8 hardware cores. |
The resulting image produced by the tutorial code (you can modify the code to use more iterations and assign a pixel color |
depending on the escaped iteration and using a color palette to get more aesthetic images): |
![Mandelbrot set with xMin=-2.1, xMax=0.6, yMin=-1.2, yMax=1.2, maxIterations=500](images/how_to_use_OpenCV_parallel_for_Mandelbrot.png) |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 62 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 33 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp> |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
namespace |
{ |
//! [mandelbrot-escape-time-algorithm]
int mandelbrot(const complex<float> &z0, const int max) |
{ |
complex<float> z = z0; |
for (int t = 0; t < max; t++) |
{ |
if (z.real()*z.real() + z.imag()*z.imag() > 4.0f) return t; |
z = z*z + z0; |
} |
return max; |
} |
//! [mandelbrot-escape-time-algorithm]
//! [mandelbrot-grayscale-value]
int mandelbrotFormula(const complex<float> &z0, const int maxIter=500) { |
int value = mandelbrot(z0, maxIter); |
if(maxIter - value == 0) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
return cvRound(sqrt(value / (float) maxIter) * 255); |
} |
//! [mandelbrot-grayscale-value]
//! [mandelbrot-parallel]
class ParallelMandelbrot : public ParallelLoopBody |
{ |
public: |
ParallelMandelbrot (Mat &img, const float x1, const float y1, const float scaleX, const float scaleY) |
: m_img(img), m_x1(x1), m_y1(y1), m_scaleX(scaleX), m_scaleY(scaleY) |
{ |
} |
virtual void operator ()(const Range& range) const |
{ |
for (int r = range.start; r < range.end; r++) |
{ |
int i = r / m_img.cols; |
int j = r % m_img.cols; |
float x0 = j / m_scaleX + m_x1; |
float y0 = i / m_scaleY + m_y1; |
complex<float> z0(x0, y0); |
uchar value = (uchar) mandelbrotFormula(z0); |
m_img.ptr<uchar>(i)[j] = value; |
} |
} |
ParallelMandelbrot& operator=(const ParallelMandelbrot &) { |
return *this; |
}; |
private: |
Mat &m_img; |
float m_x1; |
float m_y1; |
float m_scaleX; |
float m_scaleY; |
}; |
//! [mandelbrot-parallel]
//! [mandelbrot-sequential]
void sequentialMandelbrot(Mat &img, const float x1, const float y1, const float scaleX, const float scaleY) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) |
{ |
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) |
{ |
float x0 = j / scaleX + x1; |
float y0 = i / scaleY + y1; |
complex<float> z0(x0, y0); |
uchar value = (uchar) mandelbrotFormula(z0); |
img.ptr<uchar>(i)[j] = value; |
} |
} |
} |
//! [mandelbrot-sequential]
} |
int main() |
{ |
//! [mandelbrot-transformation]
Mat mandelbrotImg(4800, 5400, CV_8U); |
float x1 = -2.1f, x2 = 0.6f; |
float y1 = -1.2f, y2 = 1.2f; |
float scaleX = mandelbrotImg.cols / (x2 - x1); |
float scaleY = mandelbrotImg.rows / (y2 - y1); |
//! [mandelbrot-transformation]
double t1 = (double) getTickCount(); |
//! [mandelbrot-parallel-call]
ParallelMandelbrot parallelMandelbrot(mandelbrotImg, x1, y1, scaleX, scaleY); |
parallel_for_(Range(0, mandelbrotImg.rows*mandelbrotImg.cols), parallelMandelbrot); |
//! [mandelbrot-parallel-call]
t1 = ((double) getTickCount() - t1) / getTickFrequency(); |
cout << "Parallel Mandelbrot: " << t1 << " s" << endl; |
Mat mandelbrotImgSequential(4800, 5400, CV_8U); |
double t2 = (double) getTickCount(); |
sequentialMandelbrot(mandelbrotImgSequential, x1, y1, scaleX, scaleY); |
t2 = ((double) getTickCount() - t2) / getTickFrequency(); |
cout << "Sequential Mandelbrot: " << t2 << " s" << endl; |
cout << "Speed-up: " << t2/t1 << " X" << endl; |
imwrite("Mandelbrot_parallel.png", mandelbrotImg); |
imwrite("Mandelbrot_sequential.png", mandelbrotImgSequential); |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |
Reference in new issue