@ -17,13 +17,88 @@ import joblib
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import yaml
import math
def insideImageMask ( pts , w , h ) :
return np . logical_and ( np . logical_and ( pts [ 0 ] < w , pts [ 1 ] < h ) , np . logical_and ( pts [ 0 ] > 0 , pts [ 1 ] > 0 ) )
def read_gt_rig ( file , num_cameras , num_frames ) :
Ks_gt = [ ]
distortions_gt = [ ]
rvecs_gt = [ ]
tvecs_gt = [ ]
rvecs0_gt = [ ]
tvecs0_gt = [ ]
with open ( file , " r " ) as f :
# Read in camera information
for _ in range ( num_cameras ) :
f . readline ( ) # camera label
# 3 lines of K
f . readline ( )
K = np . zeros ( [ 3 , 3 ] )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
K [ i ] = np . array ( [ float ( x ) for x in f . readline ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) ] )
Ks_gt . append ( K )
# 1 line of distortion
f . readline ( )
distortions_gt . append ( np . array ( [ float ( x ) for x in f . readline ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) ] ) )
# 3 line of rotation
f . readline ( )
R = np . zeros ( [ 3 , 3 ] )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
R [ i ] = np . array ( [ float ( x ) for x in f . readline ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) ] )
rvecs_gt . append ( R )
# 1 line of translation
f . readline ( )
t = np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
t [ i ] = np . array ( float ( f . readline ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] ) )
tvecs_gt . append ( t )
# Read in frame gt
status = True
for _ in range ( num_frames ) :
# 3 line of rotation
f . readline ( )
R = np . zeros ( [ 3 , 3 ] )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
line = f . readline ( )
if not line :
status = False
R [ i ] = np . array ( [ float ( x ) for x in line . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) ] )
if not status :
rvecs0_gt . append ( R )
# 3 line of translation
f . readline ( )
t = np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
t [ i ] = np . array ( float ( f . readline ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] ) )
tvecs0_gt . append ( t )
return Ks_gt , distortions_gt , rvecs_gt , tvecs_gt , rvecs0_gt , tvecs0_gt
def calc_angle ( R1 , R2 ) :
cos_r = ( ( R1 . T @ R2 ) . trace ( ) - 1 ) / 2
cos_r = min ( max ( cos_r , - 1. ) , 1. )
return np . degrees ( math . acos ( cos_r ) )
def calc_trans ( R1 , t1 , R2 , t2 ) :
return np . linalg . norm ( ( R1 . T @ t1 - R2 . T @ t2 ) )
def getDimBox ( pts ) :
return np . array ( [ [ pts [ . . . , k ] . min ( ) , pts [ . . . , k ] . max ( ) ] for k in range ( pts . shape [ - 1 ] ) ] )
def plotCamerasPosition ( R , t , image_sizes , pairs , pattern , frame_idx , cam_ids ) :
def plotCamerasPosition ( R , t , image_sizes , pairs , pattern , frame_idx , cam_ids , detection_mask ) :
cam_box = np . array ( [
[ 1 , 1 , 3 ] ,
[ 1 , - 1 , 3 ] ,
@ -37,7 +112,7 @@ def plotCamerasPosition(R, t, image_sizes, pairs, pattern, frame_idx, cam_ids):
ax_lines = [ None ] * len ( R )
ax . set_title ( f ' Cameras position and pattern of frame { frame_idx } ' ,
loc = ' center ' , wrap = True , fontsize = 20 )
loc = ' center ' , wrap = True , fontsize = 15 )
all_pts = [ pattern ]
colors = np . random . RandomState ( 0 ) . rand ( len ( R ) , 3 )
@ -84,14 +159,32 @@ def plotCamerasPosition(R, t, image_sizes, pairs, pattern, frame_idx, cam_ids):
' - ' , color = colors [ i ] )
# Plot lines between cameras
base_width = 3 / detection_mask . shape [ 1 ]
maps_pairs = set ( )
for ( i , j ) in pairs :
overlaps = np . sum ( ( detection_mask [ i ] > 0 ) * ( detection_mask [ j ] > 0 ) )
maps_pairs . add ( ( np . minimum ( i , j ) , np . maximum ( i , j ) ) )
xs = [ t [ i ] [ 0 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 0 , 0 ] ]
ys = [ t [ i ] [ 1 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 1 , 0 ] ]
zs = [ t [ i ] [ 2 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 2 , 0 ] ]
edge_line = ax . plot ( xs , ys , zs , ' - ' , color = ' black ' ) [ 0 ]
edge_line = ax . plot ( xs , ys , zs , ' - ' , color = ' black ' , linewidth = overlaps * base_width ) [ 0 ]
# Plot all connected points
for i in range ( len ( R ) ) :
for j in range ( i + 1 , len ( R ) ) :
overlaps = np . sum ( ( detection_mask [ i ] > 0 ) * ( detection_mask [ j ] > 0 ) )
if overlaps == 0 :
xs = [ t [ i ] [ 0 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 0 , 0 ] ]
ys = [ t [ i ] [ 1 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 1 , 0 ] ]
zs = [ t [ i ] [ 2 , 0 ] , t [ j ] [ 2 , 0 ] ]
if ( i , j ) in maps_pairs :
else :
edge_line_extra = ax . plot ( xs , ys , zs , ' -- ' , color = ' gray ' , linewidth = overlaps * base_width ) [ 0 ]
ax . scatter ( pattern [ : , 0 ] , pattern [ : , 1 ] , pattern [ : , 2 ] , color = ' red ' , marker = ' o ' )
ax . legend ( ax_lines + [ edge_line ] , cam_ids + [ ' stereo pair ' ] , fontsize = 6 )
ax . legend ( ax_lines + [ edge_line ] + [ edge_line_extra ] , cam_ids + [ ' stereo pair ' ] + [ ' full pairs ' ] , fontsize = 6 )
dim_box = getDimBox ( np . concatenate ( ( all_pts ) ) )
@ -113,13 +206,43 @@ def plotCamerasPosition(R, t, image_sizes, pairs, pattern, frame_idx, cam_ids):
ax . view_init ( azim = 90 , elev = - 40 )
# [plot_detection]
def plotDetection ( image_sizes , image_points ) :
num_cameras = len ( image_sizes )
num_frames = len ( image_points [ 0 ] )
for c in range ( num_cameras ) :
w , h = image_sizes [ c ]
w = int ( w / 10 ) + 1
h = int ( h / 10 ) + 1
counts = np . zeros ( [ h , w ] , dtype = np . int32 )
for f in range ( num_frames ) :
if len ( image_points [ c ] [ f ] ) :
pos = np . floor ( image_points [ c ] [ f ] / 10 ) . astype ( np . int32 )
counts [ pos [ : , 1 ] , pos [ : , 0 ] ] + = 1
vmax = np . max ( counts )
plt . figure ( )
plt . imshow ( counts , cmap = ' hot ' , interpolation = ' nearest ' , vmax = vmax )
# Adding colorbar for reference
plt . colorbar ( )
plt . axis ( " off " )
savefile = " counts " + str ( c ) + " .png "
print ( " Saving: " + savefile )
plt . savefig ( savefile , dpi = 300 , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
plt . close ( )
# [plot_detection]
def showUndistorted ( image_points , Ks , distortions , image_names ) :
detection_mask = getDetectionMask ( image_points )
for cam in range ( len ( image_points ) ) :
detected_imgs = np . where ( detection_mask [ cam ] ) [ 0 ]
random_frame = np . random . RandomState ( 0 ) . choice ( detected_imgs , 1 , replace = False ) [ 0 ]
undistorted_pts = cv . undistortPoints (
image_points [ cam ] [ random_frame ] ,
image_points [ cam ] [ random_frame ] [ image_points [ cam ] [ random_frame ] [ : , 0 ] > 0 ] ,
Ks [ cam ] ,
distortions [ cam ] ,
P = Ks [ cam ]
@ -218,9 +341,11 @@ def plotProjection(points_2d, pattern_points, rvec0, tvec0, rvec1, tvec1,
else :
legend_str . append ( f ' between { thrs [ i - 1 ] : .1f } and { thrs [ i ] : .1f } ' )
ax . legend ( legend , legend_str , fontsize = 15 )
ax . set_title ( title , loc = ' center ' , wrap = True , fontsize = 16 )
ax . legend ( legend , legend_str , fontsize = 10 )
ax . set_title ( title , loc = ' center ' , wrap = True , fontsize = 12 )
plt . savefig ( " projection_error.png " )
plt . close ( )
def getDetectionMask ( image_points ) :
detection_mask = np . zeros ( ( len ( image_points ) , len ( image_points [ 0 ] ) ) , dtype = np . uint8 )
@ -255,13 +380,8 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
with np . printoptions ( threshold = np . inf ) : # type: ignore
print ( " detection mask Matrix: \n " , str ( detection_mask ) . replace ( ' 0 \n ' , ' 0 ' ) . replace ( ' 1 \n ' , ' 1 ' ) )
#HACK: OpenCV API does not well support mix of fisheye and pinhole models.
# Pinhole models with rational distortion model is used instead
fisheyes = np . count_nonzero ( is_fisheye )
intrinsics_flag = 0
if ( fisheyes > 0 ) and ( fisheyes != num_cameras ) :
intrinsics_flag = cv . CALIB_RATIONAL_MODEL + cv . CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST + cv . CALIB_FIX_K5 + cv . CALIB_FIX_K6
pinhole_flag = cv . CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST
if Ks is not None and distortions is not None :
else :
@ -278,7 +398,10 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
image_points_c ,
image_sizes [ c ] ,
None ,
None ,
None ,
None ,
else :
image_points_c = [
@ -290,7 +413,7 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
image_sizes [ c ] ,
None ,
None ,
flags = intrinsics _flag
flags = pinhole _flag
print ( f ' Intrinsics calibration for camera { c } , reproj error { repr_err_c : .2f } (px) ' )
Ks . append ( K )
@ -299,17 +422,19 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
start_time = time . time ( )
# try:
# [multiview_calib]
rmse , rvec s, Ts , Ks , distortions , rvecs0 , tvecs0 , errors_per_frame , output_pairs = \
rmse , R s, Ts , Ks , distortions , rvecs0 , tvecs0 , errors_per_frame , output_pairs = \
cv . calibrateMultiview (
objPoints = pattern_points_all ,
imagePoints = image_points ,
imageSize = image_sizes ,
detectionMask = detection_mask ,
Rs = None ,
Ts = None ,
Ks = Ks ,
distortions = distortions ,
isFisheye = np . array ( is_fisheye , dtype = np . uint8 ) ,
useIntrinsicsGuess = USE_INTRINSICS_GUESS ,
flagsForIntrinsics = np . full ( ( num_cameras ) , intrinsics_flag , dtype = int )
flagsForIntrinsics = np . array ( [ pinhole_flag if not is_fisheye [ x ] else fisheye_flag for x in range ( num_cameras ) ] , dtype = int ) ,
# [multiview_calib]
# except Exception as e:
@ -317,8 +442,8 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
# sys.exit(0)
print ( ' calibration time ' , time . time ( ) - start_time , ' seconds ' )
print ( ' rvecs ' , rvecs )
print ( ' tvec s' , Ts )
print ( ' Rs ' , [ Rs [ x ] for x in range ( len ( Rs ) ) ] )
print ( ' T s' , [ Ts [ x ] . transpose ( ) for x in range ( len ( Ts ) ) ] )
print ( ' K ' , Ks )
print ( ' distortion ' , distortions )
print ( ' mean RMS error over all visible frames %.3E ' % rmse )
@ -327,7 +452,7 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
print ( ' mean RMS errors per camera ' , np . array ( [ np . mean ( errs [ errs > 0 ] ) for errs in errors_per_frame ] ) )
return {
' rvecs ' : rvec s,
' Rs ' : R s,
' distortions ' : distortions ,
' Ks ' : Ks ,
' Ts ' : Ts ,
@ -344,31 +469,40 @@ def calibrateFromPoints(
def visualizeResults ( detection_mask , rvec s, Ts , Ks , distortions , is_fisheye ,
def visualizeResults ( detection_mask , R s, Ts , Ks , distortions , is_fisheye ,
image_points , errors_per_frame , rvecs0 , tvecs0 ,
pattern_points , image_sizes , output_pairs , image_names , cam_ids ) :
R s = [ cv . Rodrigues ( rvec ) [ 0 ] for rvec in rvec s]
rvec s = [ cv . Rodrigues ( R ) [ 0 ] for R in R s]
errors = errors_per_frame [ errors_per_frame > 0 ]
detection_mask_idxs = np . stack ( np . where ( detection_mask ) ) # 2 x M, first row is camera idx, second is frame idx
# Get very first frame from first camera
frame_idx = detection_mask_idxs [ 1 , 0 ]
pos = 0
while rvecs0 [ frame_idx ] is None :
pos + = 1
frame_idx = detection_mask_idxs [ 1 , pos ]
R_frame = cv . Rodrigues ( rvecs0 [ frame_idx ] ) [ 0 ]
pattern_frame = ( R_frame @ pattern_points . T + tvecs0 [ frame_idx ] ) . T
plotCamerasPosition ( Rs , Ts , image_sizes , output_pairs , pattern_frame , frame_idx , cam_ids )
plotCamerasPosition ( Rs , Ts , image_sizes , output_pairs , pattern_frame , frame_idx , cam_ids , detection_mask )
save_file = ' cam_poses.png '
print ( ' Saving: ' , save_file )
plt . savefig ( save_file , dpi = 300 , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
plt . close ( )
# Generate and save undistorted images
def plot ( cam_idx , frame_idx ) :
image = None
if image_names is not None :
image = cv . cvtColor ( cv . imread ( image_names [ cam_idx ] [ frame_idx ] ) , cv . COLOR_BGR2RGB )
mask = insideImageMask ( image_points [ cam_idx ] [ frame_idx ] . T ,
image_sizes [ cam_idx ] [ 0 ] , image_sizes [ cam_idx ] [ 1 ] )
plotProjection (
image_points [ cam_idx ] [ frame_idx ] ,
pattern_points ,
image_points [ cam_idx ] [ frame_idx ] [ mask ] ,
pattern_points [ mask ] ,
rvecs0 [ frame_idx ] ,
tvecs0 [ frame_idx ] ,
rvecs [ cam_idx ] ,
@ -382,16 +516,17 @@ def visualizeResults(detection_mask, rvecs, Ts, Ks, distortions, is_fisheye,
image ,
plot ( detection_mask_idxs [ 0 , 0 ] , detection_mask_idxs [ 1 , 0 ] )
plot ( detection_mask_idxs [ 0 , pos ] , detection_mask_idxs [ 1 , pos ] )
showUndistorted ( image_points , Ks , distortions , image_names )
# plt.show()
plotDetection ( image_sizes , image_points )
def visualizeFromFile ( file ) :
file_read = cv . FileStorage ( file , cv . FileStorage_READ )
assert file_read . isOpened ( ) , file
read_keys = [
' rvec s' , ' distortions ' , ' Ks ' , ' Ts ' , ' rvecs0 ' , ' tvecs0 ' ,
' R s' , ' distortions ' , ' Ks ' , ' Ts ' , ' rvecs0 ' , ' tvecs0 ' ,
' errors_per_frame ' , ' output_pairs ' , ' image_points ' , ' is_fisheye ' ,
' image_sizes ' , ' pattern_points ' , ' detection_mask ' , ' cam_ids ' ,
@ -427,6 +562,9 @@ def saveToFile(path_to_save, **kwargs):
save_file . write ( ' image_names ' , list ( np . array ( kwargs [ ' image_names ' ] ) . reshape ( - 1 ) ) )
elif key == ' cam_ids ' :
save_file . write ( ' cam_ids ' , ' , ' . join ( cam_ids ) )
elif key == ' distortions ' :
value = kwargs [ key ]
save_file . write ( ' distortions ' , np . concatenate ( [ x . reshape ( [ - 1 , ] ) for x in value ] , axis = 0 ) )
else :
value = kwargs [ key ]
if key in ( ' rvecs0 ' , ' tvecs0 ' ) :
@ -436,6 +574,97 @@ def saveToFile(path_to_save, **kwargs):
save_file . release ( )
def compareGT ( gt_file , detection_mask , Rs , Ts , Ks , distortions , is_fisheye ,
image_points , errors_per_frame , rvecs0 , tvecs0 ,
pattern_points , image_sizes , output_pairs , image_names , cam_ids ) :
# Load the gt file
Ks_gt , distortions_gt , rvecs_gt , tvecs_gt , rvecs0_gt , tvecs0_gt = read_gt_rig ( gt_file , len ( cam_ids ) , detection_mask [ 0 ] . shape [ 0 ] )
# Compare the results and the gt
err_r = np . zeros ( [ len ( cam_ids ) , ] )
err_c = np . zeros ( [ len ( cam_ids ) , ] )
for cam in range ( len ( cam_ids ) ) :
R = Rs [ cam ]
# Convert angle from radians to degrees
err_r [ cam ] = calc_angle ( R , rvecs_gt [ cam ] )
err_c [ cam ] = calc_trans ( R , Ts [ cam ] , rvecs_gt [ cam ] , tvecs_gt [ cam ] )
# Compute the distortion estimation error
distortions = distortions
Ks = Ks
err_dist_mean = np . zeros ( [ len ( cam_ids ) , ] )
err_dist_max = np . zeros ( [ len ( cam_ids ) , ] )
err_dist_median = np . zeros ( [ len ( cam_ids ) , ] )
for cam in range ( len ( cam_ids ) ) :
# Define the x and y coordinate vectors
width = int ( Ks_gt [ cam ] [ 0 , 2 ] * 2 )
height = int ( Ks_gt [ cam ] [ 1 , 2 ] * 2 )
# [vis_intrinsics_error]
x = np . linspace ( 0 , width - 1 , width )
y = np . linspace ( 0 , height - 1 , height )
# Generate the grid using np.meshgrid
X , Y = np . meshgrid ( x , y )
points = np . concatenate ( [ X [ : , : , None ] , Y [ : , : , None ] ] , axis = 2 ) . reshape ( [ - 1 , 1 , 2 ] )
# Undistort the image points with the estimated distortions
if is_fisheye [ cam ] :
points_undist = cv . fisheye . undistortPoints ( points , Ks [ cam ] , distortions [ cam ] )
else :
points_undist = cv . undistortPoints ( points , Ks [ cam ] , distortions [ cam ] )
pt_norm = np . concatenate ( [ points_undist , np . ones ( [ points_undist . shape [ 0 ] , 1 , 1 ] ) ] , axis = 2 )
# Distort the image points with the ground truth distortions
if is_fisheye [ cam ] :
projected = cv . fisheye . projectPoints ( pt_norm , np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] ) , np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] ) , Ks_gt [ cam ] , distortions_gt [ cam ] ) [ 0 ]
else :
projected = cv . projectPoints ( pt_norm , np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] ) , np . zeros ( [ 3 , 1 ] ) , Ks_gt [ cam ] , distortions_gt [ cam ] ) [ 0 ]
errs_pt = np . linalg . norm ( projected - points , axis = 2 )
errs_pt = errs_pt . reshape ( [ height , width ] )
vmax = np . percentile ( errs_pt , 95 )
plt . figure ( )
plt . imshow ( errs_pt , cmap = ' hot ' , interpolation = ' nearest ' , vmax = vmax )
# Adding colorbar for reference
plt . colorbar ( )
savefile = " errors " + str ( cam ) + " .png "
print ( " Saving: " + savefile )
plt . savefig ( savefile , dpi = 300 , bbox_inches = ' tight ' )
# [vis_intrinsics_error]
err_dist_mean [ cam ] = np . mean ( errs_pt )
err_dist_max [ cam ] = np . max ( errs_pt )
err_dist_median [ cam ] = np . median ( errs_pt )
print ( " Distrotion error (mean, median): \n " , " " . join ( [ f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( err_dist_mean [ i ] , err_dist_median [ i ] ) for i in range ( len ( cam_ids ) ) ] ) )
print ( " Extrinsics error (R, C): \n " , " " . join ( [ f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( err_r [ i ] , err_c [ i ] ) for i in range ( len ( cam_ids ) ) ] ) )
print ( " Rotation error (mean, median): " , f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( np . mean ( err_r ) , np . median ( err_r ) ) )
print ( " Position error (mean, median): " , f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( np . mean ( err_c ) , np . median ( err_c ) ) )
if len ( rvecs0_gt ) > 0 :
# conver all things with respect to the first frame
R0 = [ ]
for frame in range ( 0 , len ( rvecs0_gt ) ) :
if rvecs0 [ frame ] is not None :
R0 . append ( cv . Rodrigues ( rvecs0 [ frame ] ) [ 0 ] )
else :
R0 . append ( None )
# Compare the results and the gt
err_r = np . zeros ( [ detection_mask [ 0 ] . shape [ 0 ] , ] )
err_c = np . zeros ( [ detection_mask [ 0 ] . shape [ 0 ] , ] )
for frame in range ( detection_mask [ 0 ] . shape [ 0 ] ) :
# Convert angle from radians to degrees
err_r [ frame ] = calc_angle ( R0 [ frame ] , rvecs0_gt [ frame ] )
err_c [ frame ] = calc_trans ( R0 [ frame ] , tvecs0 [ frame ] , rvecs0_gt [ frame ] , tvecs0_gt [ frame ] )
print ( " Frame rotation error (mean, median): " , f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( np . mean ( err_r ) , np . median ( err_r ) ) )
print ( " Frame position error (mean, median): " , f ' (%.4f, %.4f) ' % ( np . mean ( err_c ) , np . median ( err_c ) ) )
def chessboard_points ( grid_size , dist_m ) :
pattern = np . zeros ( ( grid_size [ 0 ] * grid_size [ 1 ] , 3 ) , np . float32 )
@ -463,8 +692,7 @@ def asym_circles_grid_points(grid_size, dist_m):
def detect ( cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name , pattern_type ,
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE ) :
# print(img_name)
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE , board_dict = None ) :
assert os . path . exists ( img_name ) , img_name
img = cv . imread ( img_name )
img_size = img . shape [ : 2 ] [ : : - 1 ]
@ -503,6 +731,33 @@ def detect(cam_idx, frame_idx, img_name, pattern_type,
if ret :
corners2 = corners / scale
elif pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' charuco ' :
dictionary = cv . aruco . getPredefinedDictionary ( board_dict [ " dictionary " ] )
board = cv . aruco . CharucoBoard (
size = ( grid_size [ 0 ] + 1 , grid_size [ 1 ] + 1 ) ,
squareLength = board_dict [ " square_size " ] ,
markerLength = board_dict [ " marker_size " ] ,
dictionary = dictionary
# The found best practice is to refine detected Aruco marker with contour,
# then refine subpix with the board functions
detector_params = cv . aruco . DetectorParameters ( )
charuco_params = cv . aruco . CharucoParameters ( )
charuco_params . tryRefineMarkers = True
detector_params . cornerRefinementMethod = cv . aruco . CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR
refine_params = cv . aruco . RefineParameters ( )
detector = cv . aruco . CharucoDetector ( board , charuco_params , detector_params , refine_params )
charucoCorners , charucoIds , _ , _ = detector . detectBoard ( img_detection )
corners = np . ones ( [ grid_size [ 0 ] * grid_size [ 1 ] , 1 , 2 ] ) * - 1
ret = ( not charucoIds is None ) and charucoIds . flatten ( ) . size > 3
if ret :
corners [ charucoIds . flatten ( ) ] = cv . cornerSubPix ( cv . cvtColor ( img , cv . COLOR_BGR2GRAY ) ,
charucoCorners / scale , winsize , ( - 1 , - 1 ) , criteria )
corners2 = corners
else :
raise ValueError ( " Calibration pattern is not supported! " )
# [detect_pattern]
@ -520,7 +775,7 @@ def detect(cam_idx, frame_idx, img_name, pattern_type,
def calibrateFromImages ( files_with_images , grid_size , pattern_type , is_fisheye ,
dist_m , winsize , points_json_file , debug_corners ,
RESIZE_IMAGE , find_intrinsics_in_python ,
is_parallel_detection = True , cam_ids = None , intrinsics_dir = ' ' ) :
is_parallel_detection = True , cam_ids = None , intrinsics_dir = ' ' , board_dict_path = None ) :
files_with_images : NUM_CAMERAS - path to file containing image names ( NUM_FRAMES )
grid_size : [ width , height ] - - size of grid pattern
@ -528,7 +783,7 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
is_fisheye : NUM_CAMERAS ( bool )
# [calib_init]
if pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' checkerboard ' :
if pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' checkerboard ' or pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' charuco ' :
pattern = chessboard_points ( grid_size , dist_m )
elif pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' circles ' :
pattern = circles_grid_points ( grid_size , dist_m )
@ -536,6 +791,11 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
pattern = asym_circles_grid_points ( grid_size , dist_m )
else :
raise NotImplementedError ( " Pattern type is not implemented! " )
if pattern_type . lower ( ) == ' charuco ' :
assert ( board_dict_path is not None ) and os . path . exists ( board_dict_path )
board_dict = json . load ( open ( board_dict_path , ' r ' ) )
# [calib_init]
assert len ( files_with_images ) == len ( is_fisheye ) and len ( grid_size ) == 2
@ -550,24 +810,26 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
images_names = open ( filename , ' r ' ) . readlines ( )
for i in range ( len ( images_names ) ) :
images_names [ i ] = images_names [ i ] . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
images_names [ i ] = images_names [ i ] . strip ( )
if images_names [ i ] != " " :
images_names [ i ] = " / " . join ( filename . split ( " / " ) [ : - 1 ] + [ images_names [ i ] ] )
all_images_names . append ( images_names )
if cam_idx > 0 :
# same number of images per file
assert len ( images_names ) == len ( all_images_names [ - 1 ] )
assert len ( images_names ) == len ( all_images_names [ 0 ] )
for frame_idx , img_name in enumerate ( images_names ) :
input_data . append ( [ cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name ] )
image_sizes = [ None ] * len ( files_with_images )
image_points_cameras = [ [ None ] * len ( images_names ) for _ in files_with_images ]
image_points_cameras = [ [ np . array ( [ ] , dtype = np . float32 ) ] * len ( images_names ) for _ in files_with_images ]
if is_parallel_detection :
parallel_job = joblib . Parallel ( n_jobs = multiprocessing . cpu_count ( ) )
output = parallel_job (
joblib . delayed ( detect ) (
cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name , pattern_type ,
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE
) for cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name in input_data
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE , board_dict
) for cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name in input_data if img_name != " "
assert output is not None
for cam_idx , frame_idx , img_size , corners in output :
@ -576,9 +838,11 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
image_sizes [ cam_idx ] = img_size
else :
for cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name in input_data :
if img_name == " " :
_ , _ , img_size , corners = detect (
cam_idx , frame_idx , img_name , pattern_type ,
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE
grid_size , criteria , winsize , RESIZE_IMAGE , board_dict
image_points_cameras [ cam_idx ] [ frame_idx ] = corners
if image_sizes [ cam_idx ] is None :
@ -590,7 +854,7 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
visible_frames = [ ]
for c , pts_cam in enumerate ( image_points_cameras ) :
for f , pts_frame in enumerate ( pts_cam ) :
if pts_frame is not None :
if pts_frame is not None and len ( pts_frame ) > 0 :
visible_frames . append ( ( c , f ) )
random_images = np . random . RandomState ( 0 ) . choice (
range ( len ( visible_frames ) ) , min ( num_random_plots , len ( visible_frames ) )
@ -598,7 +862,11 @@ def calibrateFromImages(files_with_images, grid_size, pattern_type, is_fisheye,
for idx in random_images :
c , f = visible_frames [ idx ]
img = cv . cvtColor ( cv . imread ( all_images_names [ c ] [ f ] ) , cv . COLOR_BGR2RGB )
cv . drawChessboardCorners ( img , grid_size , image_points_cameras [ c ] [ f ] , True )
if pattern_type . lower ( ) != ' charuco ' :
cv . drawChessboardCorners ( img , grid_size , image_points_cameras [ c ] [ f ] , True )
else :
idx = image_points_cameras [ c ] [ f ] [ : , 0 ] > 0
cv . aruco . drawDetectedCornersCharuco ( img , image_points_cameras [ c ] [ f ] [ idx , None ] , np . arange ( image_points_cameras [ c ] [ f ] . shape [ 0 ] ) [ idx ] )
plt . figure ( )
plt . imshow ( img )
plt . show ( )
@ -678,8 +946,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser . add_argument ( ' --json_file ' , type = str , default = None , help = " json file with all data. Must have keys: ' object_points ' , ' image_points ' , ' image_sizes ' , ' is_fisheye ' " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --filenames ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' Txt files containg image lists, e.g., cam_1.txt,cam_2.txt,...,cam_N.txt for N cameras ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --pattern_size ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' pattern size: width,height ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --pattern_type ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' supported: checkeboard, circles, acircles ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --fisheye ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' fisheye mask, e.g., 0,1,...' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --pattern_type ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' supported: checker board, circles, acircles, charuco ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --is_ fisheye ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' is_ mask, e.g., 0,1,...' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --pattern_distance ' , type = float , default = None , help = ' distance between object / pattern points ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --find_intrinsics_in_python ' , required = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' calibrate intrinsics in Python sample instead of C++ ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --winsize ' , type = str , default = ' 5,5 ' , help = ' window size for corners detection: w,h ' )
@ -690,8 +958,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
parser . add_argument ( ' --visualize ' , required = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' visualization flag. If set, only runs visualization but path_to_visualize must be provided ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --resize_image_detection ' , required = False , action = ' store_true ' , help = ' If set, an image will be resized to speed-up corners detection ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --intrinsics_dir ' , type = str , default = ' ' , help = ' Path to measured intrinsics ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --gt_file ' , type = str , default = None , help = " ground truth " )
parser . add_argument ( ' --board_dict_path ' , type = str , default = None , help = " path to parameters of board dictionary " )
params , _ = parser . parse_known_args ( )
print ( " params.board_dict_path: " , params . board_dict_path )
if params . visualize :
assert os . path . exists ( params . path_to_visualize ) , f ' Path to result file does not exist: { params . path_to_visualize } '
@ -702,23 +973,26 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
cam_files = sorted ( glob . glob ( ' cam_*.txt ' ) )
params . filenames = ' , ' . join ( cam_files )
print ( ' Found camera filenames: ' , params . filenames )
params . fisheye = ' , ' . join ( ' 0 ' * len ( cam_files ) )
print ( ' Fisheye parameters: ' , params . fisheye ) # TODO: Calculate it automatically
params . is_ fisheye = ' , ' . join ( ' 0 ' * len ( cam_files ) )
print ( ' Fisheye parameters: ' , params . is_ fisheye) # TODO: Calculate it automatically
if params . json_file is not None :
output = calibrateFromJSON ( params . json_file , params . find_intrinsics_in_python )
cam_ids = [ str ( x ) for x in range ( len ( output [ ' Rs ' ] ) ) ]
output [ ' cam_ids ' ] = cam_ids
else :
if ( params . pattern_type is None and params . pattern_size is None and params . pattern_distance is None ) :
print ( params . pattern_size )
if ( params . pattern_type is None or params . pattern_size is None or params . pattern_distance is None ) :
assert False and ' Either json file or all other parameters must be set '
# cam_N.txt --> cam_N --> N
cam_ids = [ os . path . splitext ( f ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' _ ' ) [ - 1 ] for f in params . filenames . split ( ' , ' ) ]
output = calibrateFromImages (
files_with_images = params . filenames . split ( ' , ' ) ,
files_with_images = [ x . strip ( ) for x in params . filenames . split ( ' , ' ) ] ,
grid_size = [ int ( v ) for v in params . pattern_size . split ( ' , ' ) ] ,
pattern_type = params . pattern_type ,
is_fisheye = [ bool ( int ( v ) ) for v in params . fisheye . split ( ' , ' ) ] ,
is_fisheye = [ bool ( int ( v ) ) for v in params . is_ fisheye. split ( ' , ' ) ] ,
dist_m = params . pattern_distance ,
winsize = tuple ( [ int ( v ) for v in params . winsize . split ( ' , ' ) ] ) ,
points_json_file = params . points_json_file ,
@ -727,9 +1001,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
find_intrinsics_in_python = params . find_intrinsics_in_python ,
cam_ids = cam_ids ,
intrinsics_dir = params . intrinsics_dir ,
board_dict_path = params . board_dict_path ,
output [ ' cam_ids ' ] = cam_ids
# Evaluate the error
if params . gt_file is not None :
assert os . path . exists ( params . gt_file ) , f ' Path to gt file does not exist: { params . gt_file } '
compareGT ( params . gt_file , * * output )
visualizeResults ( * * output )
print ( ' Saving: ' , params . path_to_save )