@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ void preparePyramidImage(InputArray image, InputOutputArrayOfArrays pyramidImage |
template<typename TMat> |
void preparePyramidMask(InputArray mask, InputArrayOfArrays pyramidDepth, float minDepth, float maxDepth, |
InputArrayOfArrays pyramidNormal, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays pyramidMask) |
InputArrayOfArrays pyramidNormal, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays pyramidMask) |
{ |
minDepth = std::max(0.f, minDepth); |
@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ void preparePyramidSobel(InputArrayOfArrays pyramidImage, int dx, int dy, InputO |
} |
void preparePyramidTexturedMask(InputArrayOfArrays pyramid_dI_dx, InputArrayOfArrays pyramid_dI_dy, |
InputArray minGradMagnitudes, InputArrayOfArrays pyramidMask, double maxPointsPart, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays pyramidTexturedMask, double sobelScale) |
InputArray minGradMagnitudes, InputArrayOfArrays pyramidMask, double maxPointsPart, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays pyramidTexturedMask, double sobelScale) |
{ |
size_t didxLevels = pyramid_dI_dx.size(-1).width; |
size_t texLevels = pyramidTexturedMask.size(-1).width; |
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void preparePyramidNormals(InputArray normals, InputArrayOfArrays pyramidDepth, |
} |
void preparePyramidNormalsMask(InputArray pyramidNormals, InputArray pyramidMask, double maxPointsPart, |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays /*std::vector<Mat>&*/ pyramidNormalsMask) |
InputOutputArrayOfArrays /*std::vector<Mat>&*/ pyramidNormalsMask) |
{ |
size_t maskLevels = pyramidMask.size(-1).width; |
size_t norMaskLevels = pyramidNormalsMask.size(-1).width; |
@ -648,39 +648,26 @@ void preparePyramidNormalsMask(InputArray pyramidNormals, InputArray pyramidMask |
} |
} |
bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, float& scale, const Mat& initRt, |
const OdometryFrame srcFrame, |
const OdometryFrame dstFrame, |
const Matx33f& cameraMatrix, |
float maxDepthDiff, float angleThreshold, const std::vector<int>& iterCounts, |
double maxTranslation, double maxRotation, double sobelScale, |
OdometryType method, OdometryTransformType transfromType, OdometryAlgoType algtype) |
OdometryType method, OdometryTransformType transformType, OdometryAlgoType algtype) |
{ |
int transformDim = -1; |
CalcRgbdEquationCoeffsPtr rgbdEquationFuncPtr = 0; |
CalcICPEquationCoeffsPtr icpEquationFuncPtr = 0; |
switch(transfromType) |
if ((transformType == OdometryTransformType::RIGID_TRANSFORMATION) && |
(std::abs(scale) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) |
{ |
transformType = OdometryTransformType::SIM_TRANSFORMATION; |
} |
else |
{ |
case OdometryTransformType::RIGID_TRANSFORMATION: |
transformDim = 6; |
rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffs; |
icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffs; |
break; |
case OdometryTransformType::ROTATION: |
transformDim = 3; |
rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffsRotation; |
icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffsRotation; |
break; |
case OdometryTransformType::TRANSLATION: |
transformDim = 3; |
rgbdEquationFuncPtr = calcRgbdEquationCoeffsTranslation; |
icpEquationFuncPtr = calcICPEquationCoeffsTranslation; |
break; |
default: |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Incorrect transformation type"); |
scale = 1.0f; |
} |
int transformDim = getTransformDim(transformType); |
const int minOverdetermScale = 20; |
const int minCorrespsCount = minOverdetermScale * transformDim; |
@ -689,6 +676,7 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
Mat resultRt = initRt.empty() ? Mat::eye(4,4,CV_64FC1) : initRt.clone(); |
Mat currRt, ksi; |
double currScale = 1.0; |
Affine3f transform = Affine3f::Identity(); |
bool isOk = false; |
@ -740,9 +728,9 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
const Mat pyramidNormalsMask; |
dstFrame.getPyramidAt(pyramidNormalsMask, OdometryFramePyramidType::PYR_NORMMASK, level); |
computeCorresps(levelCameraMatrix, levelCameraMatrix_inv, resultRt_inv, |
Mat(), srcLevelDepth, pyramidMask, |
Mat(), dstLevelDepth, pyramidNormalsMask, maxDepthDiff, |
corresps_icp, diffs_icp, sigma_icp, OdometryType::DEPTH); |
Mat(), srcLevelDepth, pyramidMask, |
Mat(), dstLevelDepth, pyramidNormalsMask, maxDepthDiff, |
corresps_icp, diffs_icp, sigma_icp, OdometryType::DEPTH); |
} |
} |
@ -763,7 +751,7 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
dstFrame.getPyramidAt(dstPyrIdy, OdometryFramePyramidType::PYR_DIY, level); |
calcRgbdLsmMatrices(srcPyrCloud, resultRt, dstPyrIdx, dstPyrIdy, |
corresps_rgbd, diffs_rgbd, sigma_rgbd, fx, fy, sobelScale, |
AtA_rgbd, AtB_rgbd, rgbdEquationFuncPtr, transformDim); |
AtA_rgbd, AtB_rgbd, transformType); |
AtA += AtA_rgbd; |
AtB += AtB_rgbd; |
} |
@ -776,7 +764,7 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
if (algtype == OdometryAlgoType::COMMON) |
{ |
calcICPLsmMatrices(srcPyrCloud, resultRt, dstPyrCloud, dstPyrNormals, |
corresps_icp, AtA_icp, AtB_icp, icpEquationFuncPtr, transformDim); |
corresps_icp, AtA_icp, AtB_icp, currScale, transformType); |
} |
else |
{ |
@ -792,33 +780,63 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
AtB += AtB_icp; |
} |
// workaround for bad AtA matrix
if (transformType == OdometryTransformType::SIM_TRANSFORMATION) |
if (countNonZero(AtA(Range::all(), Range(6, 7))) == 0) |
{ |
Mat tmp(6, 6, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
AtA(Range(0, 6), Range(0, 6)).copyTo(tmp); |
AtA = tmp; |
transformType = OdometryTransformType::RIGID_TRANSFORMATION; |
transformDim = getTransformDim(transformType); |
break; |
} |
bool solutionExist = solveSystem(AtA, AtB, determinantThreshold, ksi); |
if (!solutionExist) |
{ |
break; |
} |
if(transfromType == OdometryTransformType::ROTATION) |
Mat tmp61(6, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
double newScale = 1.0; |
if(transformType == OdometryTransformType::ROTATION) |
ksi.copyTo(tmp61.rowRange(0,3)); |
ksi = tmp61; |
} |
else if(transformType == OdometryTransformType::TRANSLATION) |
{ |
Mat tmp(6, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
ksi.copyTo(tmp.rowRange(0,3)); |
ksi = tmp; |
ksi.copyTo(tmp61.rowRange(3,6)); |
ksi = tmp61; |
} |
else if(transfromType == OdometryTransformType::TRANSLATION) |
else if (transformType == OdometryTransformType::SIM_TRANSFORMATION) |
{ |
Mat tmp(6, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
ksi.copyTo(tmp.rowRange(3,6)); |
ksi = tmp; |
newScale = ksi.at<double>(6, 0); |
ksi.rowRange(0, 6).copyTo(tmp61); |
ksi = tmp61; |
} |
computeProjectiveMatrix(ksi, currRt); |
resultRt = currRt * resultRt; |
//resultRt = currRt * resultRt;
cv::Matx33d cr = currRt(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 3)), rr = resultRt(cv::Rect(0, 0, 3, 3)); |
cv::Vec3d ct = currRt(cv::Rect(0, 3, 3, 1)), rt = resultRt(cv::Rect(0, 3, 3, 1)); |
cv::Matx33d nr = cr * rr; |
cv::Vec3f nt = ct + cr * rt * newScale; |
Matx44d nrt = Matx44d::eye(); |
nrt.get_minor<3, 3>(0, 0) = nr; |
nrt.get_minor<3, 1>(0, 3) = nt; |
nrt.copyTo(resultRt); |
currScale *= newScale; |
//TODO: fixit, transform is used for Fast ICP only
Vec6f x(ksi); |
Affine3f tinc(Vec3f(x.val), Vec3f(x.val + 3)); |
transform = tinc * transform; |
isOk = true; |
} |
} |
@ -826,7 +844,7 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
_Rt.create(resultRt.size(), resultRt.type()); |
Mat Rt = _Rt.getMat(); |
resultRt.copyTo(Rt); |
scale =(float)currScale; |
if(isOk) |
{ |
Mat deltaRt; |
@ -841,43 +859,44 @@ bool RGBDICPOdometryImpl(OutputArray _Rt, const Mat& initRt, |
return isOk; |
} |
// Rotate dst by Rt (which is inverted in fact) to get corresponding src pixels
// In RGB case compute sigma and diffs too
void computeCorresps(const Matx33f& _K, const Matx33f& _K_inv, const Mat& Rt, |
const Mat& image0, const Mat& depth0, const Mat& validMask0, |
const Mat& image1, const Mat& depth1, const Mat& selectMask1, float maxDepthDiff, |
Mat& _corresps, Mat& _diffs, double& _sigma, OdometryType method) |
const Mat& imageSrc, const Mat& depthSrc, const Mat& validMaskSrc, |
const Mat& imageDst, const Mat& depthDst, const Mat& selectMaskDst, float maxDepthDiff, |
Mat& _corresps, Mat& _diffs, double& _sigma, OdometryType method) |
{ |
CV_Assert(Rt.type() == CV_64FC1); |
Mat corresps(depth1.size(), CV_16SC2, Scalar::all(-1)); |
Mat diffs(depth1.size(), CV_32F, Scalar::all(-1)); |
Mat corresps(depthDst.size(), CV_16SC2, Scalar::all(-1)); |
Mat diffs(depthDst.size(), CV_32F, Scalar::all(-1)); |
Matx33d K(_K), K_inv(_K_inv); |
Rect r(0, 0, depth1.cols, depth1.rows); |
Rect r(0, 0, depthDst.cols, depthDst.rows); |
Mat Kt = Rt(Rect(3, 0, 1, 3)).clone(); |
Kt = K * Kt; |
const double* Kt_ptr = Kt.ptr<const double>(); |
AutoBuffer<float> buf(3 * (depth1.cols + depth1.rows)); |
AutoBuffer<float> buf(3 * (depthDst.cols + depthDst.rows)); |
float* KRK_inv0_u1 = buf.data(); |
float* KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 = KRK_inv0_u1 + depth1.cols; |
float* KRK_inv3_u1 = KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 + depth1.rows; |
float* KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 = KRK_inv3_u1 + depth1.cols; |
float* KRK_inv6_u1 = KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 + depth1.rows; |
float* KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8 = KRK_inv6_u1 + depth1.cols; |
float* KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 = KRK_inv0_u1 + depthDst.cols; |
float* KRK_inv3_u1 = KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2 + depthDst.rows; |
float* KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 = KRK_inv3_u1 + depthDst.cols; |
float* KRK_inv6_u1 = KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5 + depthDst.rows; |
float* KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8 = KRK_inv6_u1 + depthDst.cols; |
{ |
Mat R = Rt(Rect(0, 0, 3, 3)).clone(); |
Mat KRK_inv = K * R * K_inv; |
const double* KRK_inv_ptr = KRK_inv.ptr<const double>(); |
for (int u1 = 0; u1 < depth1.cols; u1++) |
for (int u1 = 0; u1 < depthDst.cols; u1++) |
{ |
KRK_inv0_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[0] * u1); |
KRK_inv3_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[3] * u1); |
KRK_inv6_u1[u1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[6] * u1); |
} |
for (int v1 = 0; v1 < depth1.rows; v1++) |
for (int v1 = 0; v1 < depthDst.rows; v1++) |
{ |
KRK_inv1_v1_plus_KRK_inv2[v1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[1] * v1 + KRK_inv_ptr[2]); |
KRK_inv4_v1_plus_KRK_inv5[v1] = (float)(KRK_inv_ptr[4] * v1 + KRK_inv_ptr[5]); |
@ -887,11 +906,11 @@ void computeCorresps(const Matx33f& _K, const Matx33f& _K_inv, const Mat& Rt, |
double sigma = 0; |
int correspCount = 0; |
for (int v1 = 0; v1 < depth1.rows; v1++) |
for (int v1 = 0; v1 < depthDst.rows; v1++) |
{ |
const float* depth1_row = depth1.ptr<float>(v1); |
const uchar* mask1_row = selectMask1.ptr<uchar>(v1); |
for (int u1 = 0; u1 < depth1.cols; u1++) |
const float* depth1_row = depthDst.ptr<float>(v1); |
const uchar* mask1_row = selectMaskDst.ptr<uchar>(v1); |
for (int u1 = 0; u1 < depthDst.cols; u1++) |
{ |
float d1 = depth1_row[u1]; |
if (mask1_row[u1] && !cvIsNaN(d1)) |
@ -909,8 +928,8 @@ void computeCorresps(const Matx33f& _K, const Matx33f& _K_inv, const Mat& Rt, |
Kt_ptr[1])); |
if (r.contains(Point(u0, v0))) |
{ |
float d0 = depth0.at<float>(v0, u0); |
if (validMask0.at<uchar>(v0, u0) && std::abs(transformed_d1 - d0) <= maxDepthDiff) |
float d0 = depthSrc.at<float>(v0, u0); |
if (validMaskSrc.at<uchar>(v0, u0) && std::abs(transformed_d1 - d0) <= maxDepthDiff) |
{ |
CV_DbgAssert(!cvIsNaN(d0)); |
Vec2s& c = corresps.at<Vec2s>(v0, u0); |
@ -921,20 +940,20 @@ void computeCorresps(const Matx33f& _K, const Matx33f& _K_inv, const Mat& Rt, |
diff = 0; |
int exist_u1 = c[0], exist_v1 = c[1]; |
float exist_d1 = (float)(depth1.at<float>(exist_v1, exist_u1) * |
(KRK_inv6_u1[exist_u1] + KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8[exist_v1]) + Kt_ptr[2]); |
float exist_d1 = (float)(depthDst.at<float>(exist_v1, exist_u1) * |
(KRK_inv6_u1[exist_u1] + KRK_inv7_v1_plus_KRK_inv8[exist_v1]) + Kt_ptr[2]); |
if (transformed_d1 > exist_d1) |
continue; |
if (method == OdometryType::RGB) |
diff = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(image0.at<uchar>(v0, u0)) - |
static_cast<int>(image1.at<uchar>(v1, u1))); |
diff = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(imageSrc.at<uchar>(v0, u0)) - |
static_cast<int>(imageDst.at<uchar>(v1, u1))); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (method == OdometryType::RGB) |
diff = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(image0.at<uchar>(v0, u0)) - |
static_cast<int>(image1.at<uchar>(v1, u1))); |
diff = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(imageSrc.at<uchar>(v0, u0)) - |
static_cast<int>(imageDst.at<uchar>(v1, u1))); |
correspCount++; |
} |
c = Vec2s((short)u1, (short)v1); |
@ -973,16 +992,16 @@ void computeCorresps(const Matx33f& _K, const Matx33f& _K_inv, const Mat& Rt, |
} |
void calcRgbdLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
const Mat& dI_dx1, const Mat& dI_dy1, |
const Mat& corresps, const Mat& _diffs, const double _sigma, |
double fx, double fy, double sobelScaleIn, |
Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, CalcRgbdEquationCoeffsPtr func, int transformDim) |
const Mat& dI_dx1, const Mat& dI_dy1, |
const Mat& corresps, const Mat& _diffs, const double _sigma, |
double fx, double fy, double sobelScaleIn, |
Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, OdometryTransformType transformType) |
{ |
int transformDim = getTransformDim(transformType); |
AtA = Mat(transformDim, transformDim, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
AtB = Mat(transformDim, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
double* AtB_ptr = AtB.ptr<double>(); |
CV_Assert(Rt.type() == CV_64FC1); |
const double* Rt_ptr = Rt.ptr<const double>(); |
@ -1010,10 +1029,11 @@ void calcRgbdLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
tp0.y = (float)(p0[0] * Rt_ptr[4] + p0[1] * Rt_ptr[5] + p0[2] * Rt_ptr[6] + Rt_ptr[7]); |
tp0.z = (float)(p0[0] * Rt_ptr[8] + p0[1] * Rt_ptr[9] + p0[2] * Rt_ptr[10] + Rt_ptr[11]); |
func(A_ptr, |
w_sobelScale * dI_dx1.at<short int>(v1, u1), |
w_sobelScale * dI_dy1.at<short int>(v1, u1), |
tp0, fx, fy); |
rgbdCoeffsFunc(transformType, |
A_ptr, |
w_sobelScale * dI_dx1.at<short int>(v1, u1), |
w_sobelScale * dI_dy1.at<short int>(v1, u1), |
tp0, fx, fy); |
for (int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) |
{ |
@ -1031,11 +1051,13 @@ void calcRgbdLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
AtA.at<double>(x, y) = AtA.at<double>(y, x); |
} |
void calcICPLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
const Mat& cloud1, const Mat& normals1, |
const Mat& corresps, |
Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, CalcICPEquationCoeffsPtr func, int transformDim) |
const Mat& cloud1, const Mat& normals1, |
const Mat& corresps, |
Mat& AtA, Mat& AtB, double& scale, OdometryTransformType transformType) |
{ |
int transformDim = getTransformDim(transformType); |
AtA = Mat(transformDim, transformDim, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
AtB = Mat(transformDim, 1, CV_64FC1, Scalar(0)); |
double* AtB_ptr = AtB.ptr<double>(); |
@ -1062,9 +1084,9 @@ void calcICPLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
const Vec4f& p0 = cloud0.at<Vec4f>(v0, u0); |
Point3f tp0; |
tp0.x = (float)(p0[0] * Rt_ptr[0] + p0[1] * Rt_ptr[1] + p0[2] * Rt_ptr[2] + Rt_ptr[3]); |
tp0.y = (float)(p0[0] * Rt_ptr[4] + p0[1] * Rt_ptr[5] + p0[2] * Rt_ptr[6] + Rt_ptr[7]); |
tp0.z = (float)(p0[0] * Rt_ptr[8] + p0[1] * Rt_ptr[9] + p0[2] * Rt_ptr[10] + Rt_ptr[11]); |
tp0.x = (float)(p0[0] * scale * Rt_ptr[0] + p0[1] * scale * Rt_ptr[1] + p0[2] * scale * Rt_ptr[2] + Rt_ptr[3]); |
tp0.y = (float)(p0[0] * scale * Rt_ptr[4] + p0[1] * scale * Rt_ptr[5] + p0[2] * scale * Rt_ptr[6] + Rt_ptr[7]); |
tp0.z = (float)(p0[0] * scale * Rt_ptr[8] + p0[1] * scale * Rt_ptr[9] + p0[2] * scale * Rt_ptr[10] + Rt_ptr[11]); |
Vec4f n1 = normals1.at<Vec4f>(v1, u1); |
Vec4f _v = cloud1.at<Vec4f>(v1, u1); |
@ -1084,18 +1106,21 @@ void calcICPLsmMatrices(const Mat& cloud0, const Mat& Rt, |
const Vec4i& c = corresps_ptr[correspIndex]; |
int u1 = c[2], v1 = c[3]; |
double w = sigma + std::abs(diffs_ptr[correspIndex]); |
double w = sigma +std::abs(diffs_ptr[correspIndex]); |
w = w > DBL_EPSILON ? 1. / w : 1.; |
Vec4f n4 = normals1.at<Vec4f>(v1, u1); |
func(A_ptr, tps0_ptr[correspIndex], Vec3f(n4[0], n4[1], n4[2]) * w); |
Vec4f p1 = cloud1.at<Vec4f>(v1, u1); |
icpCoeffsFunc(transformType, |
A_ptr, tps0_ptr[correspIndex], Point3f(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]), Vec3f(n4[0], n4[1], n4[2]) * w); |
for (int y = 0; y < transformDim; y++) |
{ |
double* AtA_ptr = AtA.ptr<double>(y); |
for (int x = y; x < transformDim; x++) |
{ |
AtA_ptr[x] += A_ptr[y] * A_ptr[x]; |
} |
AtB_ptr[y] += A_ptr[y] * w * diffs_ptr[correspIndex]; |
} |
} |
@ -1112,7 +1137,7 @@ void computeProjectiveMatrix(const Mat& ksi, Mat& Rt) |
const double* ksi_ptr = ksi.ptr<const double>(); |
// 0.5 multiplication is here because (dual) quaternions keep half an angle/twist inside
Matx44d matdq = (DualQuatd(0, ksi_ptr[0], ksi_ptr[1], ksi_ptr[2], |
0, ksi_ptr[3], ksi_ptr[4], ksi_ptr[5]) * 0.5).exp().toMat(QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT); |
0, ksi_ptr[3], ksi_ptr[4], ksi_ptr[5]) * 0.5).exp().toMat(QUAT_ASSUME_UNIT); |
Mat(matdq).copyTo(Rt); |
} |