fixed some more compile bugs (including Python bindings)

Vadim Pisarevsky 12 years ago
parent d3076c5014
commit de521fc9fa
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 23
  5. 3
  6. 117

@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ if(WIN32 AND NOT PYTHON_EXECUTABLE)
find_host_package(PythonInterp 2.7)
find_host_package(PythonInterp "${MIN_VER_PYTHON}")

@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ struct CV_EXPORTS UMatData
int flags;
void* handle;
void* userdata;

@ -80,8 +80,10 @@ public:
void deallocate(UMatData* u) const
delete u;
delete u;
void map(UMatData*, int) const

@ -1394,6 +1394,15 @@ struct Device::Impl
sz == sizeof(temp) ? _TpOut(temp) : _TpOut();
bool getBoolProp(cl_device_info prop) const
cl_bool temp = CL_FALSE;
size_t sz = 0;
return clGetDeviceInfo(handle, prop, sizeof(temp), &temp, &sz) >= 0 &&
sz == sizeof(temp) ? temp != 0 : false;
String getStrProp(cl_device_info prop) const
char buf[1024];
@ -1479,13 +1488,13 @@ int Device::addressBits() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_uint, int>(CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS) : 0; }
bool Device::available() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE) : false; }
bool Device::compilerAvailable() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_COMPILER_AVAILABLE) : false; }
bool Device::linkerAvailable() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_LINKER_AVAILABLE) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_LINKER_AVAILABLE) : false; }
int Device::doubleFPConfig() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_device_fp_config, int>(CL_DEVICE_DOUBLE_FP_CONFIG) : 0; }
@ -1497,10 +1506,10 @@ int Device::halfFPConfig() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_device_fp_config, int>(CL_DEVICE_HALF_FP_CONFIG) : 0; }
bool Device::endianLittle() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_ENDIAN_LITTLE) : false; }
bool Device::errorCorrectionSupport() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_ERROR_CORRECTION_SUPPORT) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_ERROR_CORRECTION_SUPPORT) : false; }
int Device::executionCapabilities() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_device_exec_capabilities, int>(CL_DEVICE_EXECUTION_CAPABILITIES) : 0; }
@ -1524,10 +1533,10 @@ int Device::localMemType() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_device_local_mem_type, int>(CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_TYPE) : 0; }
bool Device::hostUnifiedMemory() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_HOST_UNIFIED_MEMORY) : false; }
bool Device::imageSupport() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<cl_bool, bool>(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT) : 0; }
{ return p ? p->getBoolProp(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_SUPPORT) : false; }
size_t Device::image2DMaxWidth() const
{ return p ? p->getProp<size_t, size_t>(CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH) : 0; }

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ UMatData::UMatData(const MatAllocator* allocator)
size = 0;
flags = 0;
handle = 0;
userdata = 0;
void UMatData::lock()
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ Mat UMat::getMat(int accessFlags) const
return hdr;
void* UMat::handle(int accessFlags) const
void* UMat::handle(int /*accessFlags*/) const
if( !u )
return 0;

@ -175,27 +175,27 @@ static PyObject* failmsgp(const char *fmt, ...)
return 0;
static size_t REFCOUNT_OFFSET = (size_t)&(((PyObject*)0)->ob_refcnt) +
(0x12345678 != *(const size_t*)"\x78\x56\x34\x12\0\0\0\0\0")*sizeof(int);
static inline PyObject* pyObjectFromRefcount(const int* refcount)
return (PyObject*)((size_t)refcount - REFCOUNT_OFFSET);
static inline int* refcountFromPyObject(const PyObject* obj)
return (int*)((size_t)obj + REFCOUNT_OFFSET);
class NumpyAllocator : public MatAllocator
NumpyAllocator() {}
NumpyAllocator() { stdAllocator = Mat::getStdAllocator(); }
~NumpyAllocator() {}
void allocate(int dims, const int* sizes, int type, int*& refcount,
uchar*& datastart, uchar*& data, size_t* step)
UMatData* allocate(PyObject* o, int dims, const int* sizes, int type, size_t* step) const
UMatData* u = new UMatData(this);
u->refcount = 1;
u->data = u->origdata = (uchar*)PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*) o);
npy_intp* _strides = PyArray_STRIDES((PyArrayObject*) o);
for( int i = 0; i < dims - 1; i++ )
step[i] = (size_t)_strides[i];
step[dims-1] = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
u->size = sizes[0]*step[0];
u->userdata = o;
return u;
UMatData* allocate(int dims0, const int* sizes, int type, size_t* step) const
PyEnsureGIL gil;
@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ public:
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
const int f = (int)(sizeof(size_t)/8);
int typenum = depth == CV_8U ? NPY_UBYTE : depth == CV_8S ? NPY_BYTE :
depth == CV_16U ? NPY_USHORT : depth == CV_16S ? NPY_SHORT :
depth == CV_32S ? NPY_INT : depth == CV_32F ? NPY_FLOAT :
depth == CV_64F ? NPY_DOUBLE : f*NPY_ULONGLONG + (f^1)*NPY_UINT;
int i;
depth == CV_16U ? NPY_USHORT : depth == CV_16S ? NPY_SHORT :
depth == CV_32S ? NPY_INT : depth == CV_32F ? NPY_FLOAT :
depth == CV_64F ? NPY_DOUBLE : f*NPY_ULONGLONG + (f^1)*NPY_UINT;
int i, dims = dims0;
cv::AutoBuffer<npy_intp> _sizes(dims + 1);
for( i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
_sizes[i] = sizes[i];
@ -215,22 +215,58 @@ public:
PyObject* o = PyArray_SimpleNew(dims, _sizes, typenum);
CV_Error_(Error::StsError, ("The numpy array of typenum=%d, ndims=%d can not be created", typenum, dims));
refcount = refcountFromPyObject(o);
npy_intp* _strides = PyArray_STRIDES((PyArrayObject*) o);
for( i = 0; i < dims - (cn > 1); i++ )
step[i] = (size_t)_strides[i];
datastart = data = (uchar*)PyArray_DATA((PyArrayObject*) o);
return allocate(o, dims0, sizes, type, step);
void deallocate(int* refcount, uchar*, uchar*)
bool allocate(UMatData* u, int accessFlags) const
PyEnsureGIL gil;
if( !refcount )
PyObject* o = pyObjectFromRefcount(refcount);
return stdAllocator->allocate(u, accessFlags);
void deallocate(UMatData* u) const
PyEnsureGIL gil;
PyObject* o = (PyObject*)u->userdata;
delete u;
void map(UMatData* u, int accessFlags) const
stdAllocator->map(u, accessFlags);
void unmap(UMatData* u) const
void download(UMatData* u, void* dstptr,
int dims, const size_t sz[],
const size_t srcofs[], const size_t srcstep[],
const size_t dststep[]) const
stdAllocator->download(u, dstptr, dims, sz, srcofs, srcstep, dststep);
void upload(UMatData* u, const void* srcptr, int dims, const size_t sz[],
const size_t dstofs[], const size_t dststep[],
const size_t srcstep[]) const
stdAllocator->upload(u, srcptr, dims, sz, dstofs, dststep, srcstep);
void copy(UMatData* usrc, UMatData* udst, int dims, const size_t sz[],
const size_t srcofs[], const size_t srcstep[],
const size_t dstofs[], const size_t dststep[], bool sync) const
stdAllocator->copy(usrc, udst, dims, sz, srcofs, srcstep, dstofs, dststep, sync);
const MatAllocator* stdAllocator;
NumpyAllocator g_numpyAllocator;
@ -400,16 +436,12 @@ static bool pyopencv_to(PyObject* o, Mat& m, const ArgInfo info)
m = Mat(ndims, size, type, PyArray_DATA(oarr), step);
m.u = g_numpyAllocator.allocate(o, ndims, size, type, step);
if( )
if( !needcopy )
m.refcount = refcountFromPyObject(o);
if (!needcopy)
m.addref(); // protect the original numpy array from deallocation
// (since Mat destructor will decrement the reference counter)
m.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;
return true;
@ -427,8 +459,9 @@ PyObject* pyopencv_from(const Mat& m)
p = &temp;
return pyObjectFromRefcount(p->refcount);
PyObject* o = (PyObject*)p->u->userdata;
return o;
