@ -276,12 +276,11 @@ namespace cv |
class PnPRansacCallback : public PointSetRegistrator::Callback |
{ |
public: |
bool checkSubset( InputArray _ms1, InputArray _ms2, int count ) const |
{ |
// which kind of checking??
return true; |
} |
PnPRansacCallback(Mat _cameraMatrix=Mat(3,3,CV_64F), Mat _distCoeffs=Mat(4,1,CV_64F), int _flags=cv::ITERATIVE, |
bool _useExtrinsicGuess=false, Mat _rvec=Mat(), Mat _tvec=Mat() ) |
: cameraMatrix(_cameraMatrix), distCoeffs(_distCoeffs), flags(_flags), useExtrinsicGuess(_useExtrinsicGuess), |
rvec(_rvec), tvec(_tvec) {} |
/* Pre: True */ |
/* Post: compute _model with given points an eturn number of found models */ |
@ -289,18 +288,20 @@ public: |
{ |
Mat opoints = _m1.getMat(), ipoints = _m2.getMat(); |
Mat cameraMatrix = _model.getMat(0); |
Mat distCoeffs = _model.getMat(1); |
Mat rvec = _model.getMat(2); |
Mat tvec = _model.getMat(3); |
int flags = _model.getMat(4).at<int>(0); |
bool correspondence = cv::solvePnP( _m1, _m2, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, |
rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess, flags ); |
bool useExtrinsicGuess = true; |
if(correspondence) |
{ |
Mat _local_model; |
_local_model.push_back(rvec); |
_local_model.push_back(tvec); |
bool correspondence = cv::solvePnP( opoints, ipoints, |
cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess, flags ); |
_local_model.copyTo(_model); |
} |
return 1; |
return correspondence; |
} |
/* Pre: True */ |
@ -308,28 +309,33 @@ public: |
void computeError( InputArray _m1, InputArray _m2, InputArray _model, OutputArray _err ) const |
{ |
Mat opoints = _m1.getMat(), ipoints = _m2.getMat(); |
Mat cameraMatrix = _model.getMat(0); |
Mat distCoeffs = _model.getMat(1); |
Mat rvec = _model.getMat(2); |
Mat tvec = _model.getMat(3); |
Mat opoints = _m1.getMat(), ipoints = _m2.getMat(), model = _model.getMat(); |
int i, count = opoints.cols; |
Mat _rvec = model.rowRange(0,3); |
Mat _tvec = model.rowRange(3, 6); |
Mat projpoints(count, 2, CV_64FC1); |
cv::projectPoints(opoints, rvec, tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projpoints); |
Mat projpoints(count, 2, CV_32FC1); |
cv::projectPoints(opoints, _rvec, _tvec, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projpoints); |
const Point2f* ipoints_ptr = ipoints.ptr<Point2f>(); |
const Point2f* projpoints_ptr = projpoints.ptr<Point2f>(); |
_err.create(count, 1, CV_64FC1); |
_err.create(count, 1, CV_32FC1); |
float* err = _err.getMat().ptr<float>(); |
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i) |
err[i] = cv::norm( ipoints_ptr[i] - projpoints_ptr[i] ); |
} |
Mat cameraMatrix; |
Mat distCoeffs; |
int flags; |
bool useExtrinsicGuess; |
Mat rvec; |
Mat tvec; |
}; |
void cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints, |
@ -338,7 +344,7 @@ void cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints, |
int iterationsCount, float reprojectionError, int minInliersCount, |
OutputArray _inliers, int flags) |
{ |
Mat opoints = _opoints.getMat(), ipoints = _ipoints.getMat(); |
Mat cameraMatrix = _cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeffs = _distCoeffs.getMat(); |
@ -349,11 +355,6 @@ void cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints, |
CV_Assert(ipoints.depth() == CV_32F); |
CV_Assert((ipoints.rows == 1 && ipoints.channels() == 2) || ipoints.cols*ipoints.channels() == 2); |
_rvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
_tvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
Mat rvec = _rvec.getMat(); |
Mat tvec = _tvec.getMat(); |
Mat objectPoints = opoints.reshape(3, 1), imagePoints = ipoints.reshape(2, 1); |
if (minInliersCount <= 0) |
@ -365,47 +366,59 @@ void cv::solvePnPRansac(InputArray _opoints, InputArray _ipoints, |
params.useExtrinsicGuess = useExtrinsicGuess; |
params.camera.init(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs); |
params.flags = flags; |
cv::Mat flag(1, 1, CV_8UC1); |
flag.at<int>(0) = params.flags; |
Ptr<PointSetRegistrator::Callback> cb; // pointer to callback
// Embed input model to a Mat
std::vector<cv::Mat> _model; |
_rvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
_tvec.create(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
_model.push_back(_cameraMatrix.getMat()); // 3x3
_model.push_back(_distCoeffs.getMat()); // 4x1
_model.push_back(_rvec.getMat()); // 3x1
_model.push_back(_tvec.getMat()); // 3x1
_model.push_back(flag); // 1x1
Mat rvec, tvec; |
cv::Mat local_inliers; |
if (useExtrinsicGuess) // use given rvec & tvec
{ |
rvec = _rvec.getMat(); |
tvec = _tvec.getMat(); |
cb = makePtr<PnPRansacCallback>( params.camera.intrinsics, params.camera.distortion, |
params.flags, params.useExtrinsicGuess, rvec, tvec); |
} |
else |
{ |
rvec = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
tvec = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1); |
Ptr<PointSetRegistrator::Callback> cb = makePtr<PnPRansacCallback>(); // pointer to callback
cb = makePtr<PnPRansacCallback>( params.camera.intrinsics, params.camera.distortion, |
params.flags, params.useExtrinsicGuess, rvec, tvec); |
} |
int model_points = 7; // number of model points. From fundamentalMatrix, must change
int model_points = 7; // number of model points
double param1 = params.reprojectionError ; // reprojection error
double param2 = 0.99; // confidence
int param3 = params.iterationsCount; // number maximum iterations
cv::Mat _local_model(3, 2, CV_64FC1); |
cv::Mat _mask_local_inliers(1, opoints.rows, CV_8UC1); |
// call Ransac
int result = createRANSACPointSetRegistrator(cb, model_points, param1, param2, param3)->run(_opoints, _ipoints, _local_model, _mask_local_inliers); |
// NO COMPILE, IT DOESN'T LIKE vector<Mat> in run
int result = createRANSACPointSetRegistrator(cb, model_points, param1, param2, param3)->run(objectPoints, imagePoints, _model, local_inliers); |
_rvec.assign(_local_model.rowRange(0,3)); // output rotation vector
_tvec.assign(_local_model.rowRange(3,6)); // output translation vector
_rvec.assign(_model.at<cv::Mat>(2)); // output rotation vector
_tvec.assign(_model.at<cv::Mat>(3)); // output translation vector
//std::cout << _mask_local_inliers.type() << std::endl;
// output inliers vector
Mat _local_inliers; |
int count = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < local_inliers.rows; ++i) |
for (int i = 0; i < _mask_local_inliers.rows; ++i) |
{ |
if(local_inliers.at<int>(i) == 1) |
if((int)_mask_local_inliers.at<uchar>(i) == 1) // inliers mask
{ |
cv::Mat & inliers = _inliers.getMat().at<int>(count) = i; |
_local_inliers.push_back(count); // output inliers vector
count++; |
} |
} |
_local_inliers.copyTo(_inliers); |