5 changed files with 0 additions and 1753 deletions
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ |
set(the_target "example_gpu_performance") |
file(GLOB sources "performance/*.cpp") |
file(GLOB headers "performance/*.h") |
if(HAVE_opencv_xfeatures2d) |
ocv_include_modules_recurse(opencv_xfeatures2d) |
endif() |
if(HAVE_opencv_bgsegm) |
ocv_include_modules_recurse(opencv_bgsegm) |
endif() |
add_executable(${the_target} ${sources} ${headers}) |
ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_target} ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS} ${OPENCV_CUDA_SAMPLES_REQUIRED_DEPS}) |
if(HAVE_opencv_xfeatures2d) |
ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_target} opencv_xfeatures2d) |
endif() |
if(HAVE_opencv_bgsegm) |
ocv_target_link_libraries(${the_target} opencv_bgsegm) |
endif() |
set_target_properties(${the_target} PROPERTIES |
OUTPUT_NAME "performance_gpu" |
set_target_properties(${the_target} PROPERTIES FOLDER "samples//gpu") |
endif() |
if(WIN32) |
endif() |
ocv_install_example_src("gpu/performance" performance/*.cpp performance/*.h) |
@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ |
#include <iomanip> |
#include <stdexcept> |
#include <string> |
#include "performance.h" |
#include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp" |
using namespace std; |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace cv::cuda; |
void TestSystem::run() |
{ |
if (is_list_mode_) |
{ |
for (vector<Runnable*>::iterator it = tests_.begin(); it != tests_.end(); ++it) |
cout << (*it)->name() << endl; |
return; |
} |
// Run test initializers
for (vector<Runnable*>::iterator it = inits_.begin(); it != inits_.end(); ++it) |
{ |
if ((*it)->name().find(test_filter_, 0) != string::npos) |
(*it)->run(); |
} |
printHeading(); |
// Run tests
for (vector<Runnable*>::iterator it = tests_.begin(); it != tests_.end(); ++it) |
{ |
try |
{ |
if ((*it)->name().find(test_filter_, 0) != string::npos) |
{ |
cout << endl << (*it)->name() << ":\n"; |
(*it)->run(); |
finishCurrentSubtest(); |
} |
} |
catch (const Exception&) |
{ |
// Message is printed via callback
resetCurrentSubtest(); |
} |
catch (const runtime_error& e) |
{ |
printError(e.what()); |
resetCurrentSubtest(); |
} |
} |
printSummary(); |
} |
void TestSystem::finishCurrentSubtest() |
{ |
if (cur_subtest_is_empty_) |
// There is no need to print subtest statistics
return; |
double cpu_time = cpu_elapsed_ / getTickFrequency() * 1000.0; |
double gpu_time = gpu_elapsed_ / getTickFrequency() * 1000.0; |
double speedup = static_cast<double>(cpu_elapsed_) / std::max(1.0, gpu_elapsed_); |
speedup_total_ += speedup; |
printMetrics(cpu_time, gpu_time, speedup); |
num_subtests_called_++; |
resetCurrentSubtest(); |
} |
double TestSystem::meanTime(const vector<int64> &samples) |
{ |
double sum = accumulate(samples.begin(), samples.end(), 0.); |
if (samples.size() > 1) |
return (sum - samples[0]) / (samples.size() - 1); |
return sum; |
} |
void TestSystem::printHeading() |
{ |
cout << endl; |
cout << setiosflags(ios_base::left); |
cout << TAB << setw(10) << "CPU, ms" << setw(10) << "GPU, ms" |
<< setw(14) << "SPEEDUP" |
cout << resetiosflags(ios_base::left); |
} |
void TestSystem::printSummary() |
{ |
cout << setiosflags(ios_base::fixed); |
cout << "\naverage GPU speedup: x" |
<< setprecision(3) << speedup_total_ / std::max(1, num_subtests_called_) |
<< endl; |
cout << resetiosflags(ios_base::fixed); |
} |
void TestSystem::printMetrics(double cpu_time, double gpu_time, double speedup) |
{ |
cout << TAB << setiosflags(ios_base::left); |
stringstream stream; |
stream << cpu_time; |
cout << setw(10) << stream.str(); |
stream.str(""); |
stream << gpu_time; |
cout << setw(10) << stream.str(); |
stream.str(""); |
stream << "x" << setprecision(3) << speedup; |
cout << setw(14) << stream.str(); |
cout << cur_subtest_description_.str(); |
cout << resetiosflags(ios_base::left) << endl; |
} |
void TestSystem::printError(const std::string& msg) |
{ |
cout << TAB << "[error: " << msg << "] " << cur_subtest_description_.str() << endl; |
} |
void gen(Mat& mat, int rows, int cols, int type, Scalar low, Scalar high) |
{ |
mat.create(rows, cols, type); |
RNG rng(0); |
rng.fill(mat, RNG::UNIFORM, low, high); |
} |
string abspath(const string& relpath) |
{ |
return TestSystem::instance().workingDir() + relpath; |
} |
static int cvErrorCallback(int /*status*/, const char* /*func_name*/, |
const char* err_msg, const char* /*file_name*/, |
int /*line*/, void* /*userdata*/) |
{ |
TestSystem::instance().printError(err_msg); |
return 0; |
} |
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) |
{ |
int num_devices = getCudaEnabledDeviceCount(); |
if (num_devices == 0) |
{ |
cerr << "No GPU found or the library was compiled without CUDA support"; |
return -1; |
} |
redirectError(cvErrorCallback); |
const char* keys = |
"{ h help | | print help message }" |
"{ f filter | | filter for test }" |
"{ w workdir | | set working directory }" |
"{ l list | | show all tests }" |
"{ d device | 0 | device id }" |
"{ i iters | 10 | iteration count }"; |
CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv, keys); |
if (cmd.has("help") || !cmd.check()) |
{ |
cmd.printMessage(); |
cmd.printErrors(); |
return 0; |
} |
int device = cmd.get<int>("device"); |
if (device < 0 || device >= num_devices) |
{ |
cerr << "Invalid device ID" << endl; |
return -1; |
} |
DeviceInfo dev_info(device); |
if (!dev_info.isCompatible()) |
{ |
cerr << "CUDA module isn't built for GPU #" << device << " " << << ", CC " << dev_info.majorVersion() << '.' << dev_info.minorVersion() << endl; |
return -1; |
} |
setDevice(device); |
printShortCudaDeviceInfo(device); |
string filter = cmd.get<string>("filter"); |
string workdir = cmd.get<string>("workdir"); |
bool list = cmd.has("list"); |
int iters = cmd.get<int>("iters"); |
if (!filter.empty()) |
TestSystem::instance().setTestFilter(filter); |
if (!workdir.empty()) |
{ |
if (workdir[workdir.size() - 1] != '/' && workdir[workdir.size() - 1] != '\\') |
workdir += '/'; |
TestSystem::instance().setWorkingDir(workdir); |
} |
if (list) |
TestSystem::instance().setListMode(true); |
TestSystem::instance().setNumIters(iters); |
cout << "\nNote: the timings for GPU don't include data transfer" << endl; |
TestSystem::instance().run(); |
return 0; |
} |
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ |
#include <iostream> |
#include <cstdio> |
#include <vector> |
#include <numeric> |
#include <string> |
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp> |
#define TAB " " |
class Runnable |
{ |
public: |
explicit Runnable(const std::string& nameStr): name_(nameStr) {} |
virtual ~Runnable() {} |
const std::string& name() const { return name_; } |
virtual void run() = 0; |
private: |
std::string name_; |
}; |
class TestSystem |
{ |
public: |
static TestSystem& instance() |
{ |
static TestSystem me; |
return me; |
} |
void setWorkingDir(const std::string& val) { working_dir_ = val; } |
const std::string& workingDir() const { return working_dir_; } |
void setTestFilter(const std::string& val) { test_filter_ = val; } |
const std::string& testFilter() const { return test_filter_; } |
void setNumIters(int num_iters) { num_iters_ = num_iters; } |
void addInit(Runnable* init) { inits_.push_back(init); } |
void addTest(Runnable* test) { tests_.push_back(test); } |
void run(); |
// It's public because OpenCV callback uses it
void printError(const std::string& msg); |
std::stringstream& startNewSubtest() |
{ |
finishCurrentSubtest(); |
return cur_subtest_description_; |
} |
bool stop() const { return cur_iter_idx_ >= num_iters_; } |
void cpuOn() { cpu_started_ = cv::getTickCount(); } |
void cpuOff() |
{ |
int64 delta = cv::getTickCount() - cpu_started_; |
cpu_times_.push_back(delta); |
++cur_iter_idx_; |
} |
void cpuComplete() |
{ |
cpu_elapsed_ += meanTime(cpu_times_); |
cur_subtest_is_empty_ = false; |
cur_iter_idx_ = 0; |
} |
void gpuOn() { gpu_started_ = cv::getTickCount(); } |
void gpuOff() |
{ |
int64 delta = cv::getTickCount() - gpu_started_; |
gpu_times_.push_back(delta); |
++cur_iter_idx_; |
} |
void gpuComplete() |
{ |
gpu_elapsed_ += meanTime(gpu_times_); |
cur_subtest_is_empty_ = false; |
cur_iter_idx_ = 0; |
} |
bool isListMode() const { return is_list_mode_; } |
void setListMode(bool value) { is_list_mode_ = value; } |
private: |
TestSystem(): |
cur_subtest_is_empty_(true), cpu_elapsed_(0), |
gpu_elapsed_(0), speedup_total_(0.0), |
num_subtests_called_(0), is_list_mode_(false), |
num_iters_(10), cur_iter_idx_(0) |
{ |
cpu_times_.reserve(num_iters_); |
gpu_times_.reserve(num_iters_); |
} |
void finishCurrentSubtest(); |
void resetCurrentSubtest() |
{ |
cpu_elapsed_ = 0; |
gpu_elapsed_ = 0; |
cur_subtest_description_.str(""); |
cur_subtest_is_empty_ = true; |
cur_iter_idx_ = 0; |
cpu_times_.clear(); |
gpu_times_.clear(); |
} |
double meanTime(const std::vector<int64> &samples); |
void printHeading(); |
void printSummary(); |
void printMetrics(double cpu_time, double gpu_time, double speedup); |
std::string working_dir_; |
std::string test_filter_; |
std::vector<Runnable*> inits_; |
std::vector<Runnable*> tests_; |
std::stringstream cur_subtest_description_; |
bool cur_subtest_is_empty_; |
int64 cpu_started_; |
int64 gpu_started_; |
double cpu_elapsed_; |
double gpu_elapsed_; |
double speedup_total_; |
int num_subtests_called_; |
bool is_list_mode_; |
int num_iters_; |
int cur_iter_idx_; |
std::vector<int64> cpu_times_; |
std::vector<int64> gpu_times_; |
}; |
#define GLOBAL_INIT(name) \ |
struct name##_init: Runnable { \
name##_init(): Runnable(#name) { \
TestSystem::instance().addInit(this); \
} \
void run(); \
} name##_init_instance; \
void name##_init::run() |
#define TEST(name) \ |
struct name##_test: Runnable { \
name##_test(): Runnable(#name) { \
TestSystem::instance().addTest(this); \
} \
void run(); \
} name##_test_instance; \
void name##_test::run() |
#define SUBTEST TestSystem::instance().startNewSubtest() |
#define CPU_ON \ |
while (!TestSystem::instance().stop()) { \
TestSystem::instance().cpuOn() |
#define CPU_OFF \ |
TestSystem::instance().cpuOff(); \
} TestSystem::instance().cpuComplete() |
#define CUDA_ON \ |
while (!TestSystem::instance().stop()) { \
TestSystem::instance().gpuOn() |
#define CUDA_OFF \ |
TestSystem::instance().gpuOff(); \
} TestSystem::instance().gpuComplete() |
// Generates a matrix
void gen(cv::Mat& mat, int rows, int cols, int type, cv::Scalar low, |
cv::Scalar high); |
// Returns abs path taking into account test system working dir
std::string abspath(const std::string& relpath); |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue