From dcb5464b3c5a4a090515bd78bcc41a1e8af61a94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexey Spizhevoy <no@email>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:24:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added more inpainting methods. Fixed some errors.

 modules/videostab/CMakeLists.txt              |  2 +-
 .../opencv2/videostab/frame_source.hpp        |  1 +
 .../include/opencv2/videostab/inpainting.hpp  | 15 +++++
 modules/videostab/src/inpainting.cpp          | 66 +++++++++++++++----
 samples/cpp/videostab.cpp                     | 41 ++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/videostab/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/videostab/CMakeLists.txt
index 56dbae2c73..ed7f8c45c0 100644
--- a/modules/videostab/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/modules/videostab/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 set(the_description "Video stabilization")
-ocv_define_module(videostab opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_video opencv_highgui OPTIONAL opencv_gpu)
+ocv_define_module(videostab opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_video opencv_highgui opencv_photo OPTIONAL opencv_gpu)
diff --git a/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/frame_source.hpp b/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/frame_source.hpp
index ff83a681e0..24facb5cf3 100644
--- a/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/frame_source.hpp
+++ b/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/frame_source.hpp
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS VideoFileSource : public IFrameSource
     VideoFileSource(const std::string &path, bool volatileFrame = false);
     virtual void reset();
     virtual Mat nextFrame();
diff --git a/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/inpainting.hpp b/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/inpainting.hpp
index fd65eefaaf..1d83978ab9 100644
--- a/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/inpainting.hpp
+++ b/modules/videostab/include/opencv2/videostab/inpainting.hpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
 #include "opencv2/videostab/optical_flow.hpp"
 #include "opencv2/videostab/fast_marching.hpp"
+#include "opencv2/photo/photo.hpp"
 namespace cv
@@ -163,6 +164,20 @@ private:
     FastMarchingMethod fmm_;
+class CV_EXPORTS ColorInpainter : public IInpainter
+    ColorInpainter(int method = INPAINT_TELEA, double radius = 2.)
+        : method_(method), radius_(radius) {}
+    virtual void inpaint(int idx, Mat &frame, Mat &mask);
+    int method_;
+    double radius_;
+    Mat invMask_;
 CV_EXPORTS void calcFlowMask(
         const Mat &flowX, const Mat &flowY, const Mat &errors, float maxError,
         const Mat &mask0, const Mat &mask1, Mat &flowMask);
diff --git a/modules/videostab/src/inpainting.cpp b/modules/videostab/src/inpainting.cpp
index db12cb3453..c7452dd4d1 100644
--- a/modules/videostab/src/inpainting.cpp
+++ b/modules/videostab/src/inpainting.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ struct Pixel3
-    setStdevThresh(10);
+    setStdevThresh(20);
@@ -190,24 +190,17 @@ class MotionInpaintBody
     void operator ()(int x, int y)
-        float uEst = 0.f, vEst = 0.f;
-        float wSum = 0.f;
+        float uEst = 0.f, vEst = 0.f, wSum = 0.f;
         for (int dy = -rad; dy <= rad; ++dy)
             for (int dx = -rad; dx <= rad; ++dx)
                 int qx0 = x + dx;
-                int qy0 = y + dy;
+                int qy0 = y + dy;               
-                if (qy0 > 0 && qy0+1 < mask0.rows && qx0 > 0 && qx0+1 < mask0.cols && mask0(qy0,qx0) &&
-                    mask0(qy0-1,qx0) && mask0(qy0+1,qx0) && mask0(qy0,qx0-1) && mask0(qy0,qx0+1))
+                if (qy0 >= 0 && qy0 < mask0.rows && qx0 >= 0 && qx0 < mask0.cols && mask0(qy0,qx0))
-                    float dudx = 0.5f * (flowX(qy0,qx0+1) - flowX(qy0,qx0-1));
-                    float dvdx = 0.5f * (flowY(qy0,qx0+1) - flowY(qy0,qx0-1));
-                    float dudy = 0.5f * (flowX(qy0+1,qx0) - flowX(qy0-1,qx0));
-                    float dvdy = 0.5f * (flowY(qy0+1,qx0) - flowY(qy0-1,qx0));
                     int qx1 = cvRound(qx0 + flowX(qy0,qx0));
                     int qy1 = cvRound(qy0 + flowY(qy0,qx0));
                     int px1 = qx1 - dx;
@@ -216,14 +209,54 @@ public:
                     if (qx1 >= 0 && qx1 < mask1.cols && qy1 >= 0 && qy1 < mask1.rows && mask1(qy1,qx1) &&
                         px1 >= 0 && px1 < mask1.cols && py1 >= 0 && py1 < mask1.rows && mask1(py1,px1))
+                        float dudx = 0.f, dvdx = 0.f, dudy = 0.f, dvdy = 0.f;
+                        if (qx0 > 0 && mask0(qy0,qx0-1))
+                        {
+                            if (qx0+1 < mask0.cols && mask0(qy0,qx0+1))
+                            {
+                                dudx = (flowX(qy0,qx0+1) - flowX(qy0,qx0-1)) * 0.5f;
+                                dvdx = (flowY(qy0,qx0+1) - flowY(qy0,qx0-1)) * 0.5f;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                dudx = flowX(qy0,qx0) - flowX(qy0,qx0-1);
+                                dvdx = flowY(qy0,qx0) - flowY(qy0,qx0-1);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else if (qx0+1 < mask0.cols && mask0(qy0,qx0+1))
+                        {
+                            dudx = flowX(qy0,qx0+1) - flowX(qy0,qx0);
+                            dvdx = flowY(qy0,qx0+1) - flowY(qy0,qx0);
+                        }
+                        if (qy0 > 0 && mask0(qy0-1,qx0))
+                        {
+                            if (qy0+1 < mask0.rows && mask0(qy0+1,qx0))
+                            {
+                                dudy = (flowX(qy0+1,qx0) - flowX(qy0-1,qx0)) * 0.5f;
+                                dvdy = (flowY(qy0+1,qx0) - flowY(qy0-1,qx0)) * 0.5f;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                dudy = flowX(qy0,qx0) - flowX(qy0-1,qx0);
+                                dvdy = flowY(qy0,qx0) - flowY(qy0-1,qx0);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else if (qy0+1 < mask0.rows && mask0(qy0+1,qx0))
+                        {
+                            dudy = flowX(qy0+1,qx0) - flowX(qy0,qx0);
+                            dvdy = flowY(qy0+1,qx0) - flowY(qy0,qx0);
+                        }
                         Point3_<uchar> cp = frame1(py1,px1), cq = frame1(qy1,qx1);
                         float distColor = sqr(cp.x-cq.x) + sqr(cp.y-cq.y) + sqr(cp.z-cq.z);
                         float w = 1.f / (sqrt(distColor * (dx*dx + dy*dy)) + eps);
                         uEst += w * (flowX(qy0,qx0) - dudx*dx - dudy*dy);
                         vEst += w * (flowY(qy0,qx0) - dvdx*dx - dvdy*dy);
                         wSum += w;
-                    //else return;
@@ -317,7 +350,7 @@ void MotionInpainter::inpaint(int idx, Mat &frame, Mat &mask), body);
-                    flowMask_, flowX_, flowY_, transformedFrame1_, transformedMask1_, frame, mask);
+                flowMask_, flowX_, flowY_, transformedFrame1_, transformedMask1_, frame, mask);
@@ -364,6 +397,13 @@ void ColorAverageInpainter::inpaint(int /*idx*/, Mat &frame, Mat &mask)
+void ColorInpainter::inpaint(int /*idx*/, Mat &frame, Mat &mask)
+    bitwise_not(mask, invMask_);
+    cv::inpaint(frame, invMask_, frame, radius_, method_);
 void calcFlowMask(
         const Mat &flowX, const Mat &flowY, const Mat &errors, float maxError,
         const Mat &mask0, const Mat &mask1, Mat &flowMask)
diff --git a/samples/cpp/videostab.cpp b/samples/cpp/videostab.cpp
index 6616624a86..68b62192db 100644
--- a/samples/cpp/videostab.cpp
+++ b/samples/cpp/videostab.cpp
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void printHelp()
             "      you can turn it off if you want to use one pass only).\n"
             "  --incl-constr=(yes|no)\n"
             "      Ensure the inclusion constraint is always satisfied. The default is no.\n"
-            "  --border-mode=(replicate|const)\n"
+            "  --border-mode=(replicate|reflect|const)\n"
             "      Set border extrapolation mode. The default is replicate.\n"
             "  --mosaic=(yes|no)\n"
             "      Do consistent mosaicing. The default is no.\n"
@@ -81,8 +81,10 @@ void printHelp()
             "      Consistent mosaicing stdev threshold. The default is 10.\n"
             "  --motion-inpaint=(yes|no)\n"
             "      Do motion inpainting (requires GPU support). The default is no.\n"
-            "  --color-inpaint=(yes|no)\n"
+            "  --color-inpaint=(no|average|ns|telea)\n"
             "      Do color inpainting. The defailt is no.\n"
+            "  --color-inpaint-radius=<float_number>\n"
+            "      Set color inpainting radius (for ns and telea options only).\n"
             "  -o, --output=<file_path>\n"
             "      Set output file path explicitely. The default is stabilized.avi.\n"
             "  --fps=<int_number>\n"
@@ -115,7 +117,8 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
                 "{ | mosaic | | }"
                 "{ | mosaic-stdev | | }"
                 "{ | motion-inpaint | | }"
-                "{ | color-inpaint | | }"
+                "{ | color-inpaint | no | }"
+                "{ | color-inpaint-radius | | }"
                 "{ o | output | stabilized.avi | }"
                 "{ | fps | | }"
                 "{ q | quiet | false | }"
@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
         if (smoothRadius > 0 && smoothStdev > 0)
             stabilizer->setMotionFilter(new GaussianMotionFilter(smoothRadius, smoothStdev));
         else if (smoothRadius > 0 && smoothStdev < 0)
-            stabilizer->setMotionFilter(new GaussianMotionFilter(smoothRadius, sqrt(smoothRadius)));
+            stabilizer->setMotionFilter(new GaussianMotionFilter(smoothRadius, sqrt(static_cast<float>(smoothRadius))));
         if (cmd.get<string>("deblur") == "yes")
@@ -191,7 +194,9 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
         if (!cmd.get<string>("incl-constr").empty())
             stabilizer->setInclusionConstraint(cmd.get<string>("incl-constr") == "yes");
-        if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "replicate")
+        if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "reflect")
+            stabilizer->setBorderMode(BORDER_REFLECT);
+        else if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "replicate")
         else if (cmd.get<string>("border-mode") == "const")
@@ -208,8 +213,30 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
         if (cmd.get<string>("motion-inpaint") == "yes")
             inpainters->pushBack(new MotionInpainter());
-        if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "yes")
-            inpainters->pushBack(new ColorAverageInpainter());
+        if (!cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint").empty())
+        {
+            if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "average")
+                inpainters->pushBack(new ColorAverageInpainter());
+            else if (!cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint-radius").empty())
+            {
+                float radius = cmd.get<float>("color-inpaint-radius");
+                if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "ns")
+                    inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS, radius));
+                else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "telea")
+                    inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA, radius));
+                else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") != "no")
+                    throw runtime_error("unknown color inpainting method: " + cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint"));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "ns")
+                    inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS));
+                else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") == "telea")
+                    inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA));
+                else if (cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint") != "no")
+                    throw runtime_error("unknown color inpainting method: " + cmd.get<string>("color-inpaint"));
+            }
+        }
         if (!inpainters->empty())