diff --git a/samples/c/blobtrack_sample.cpp b/samples/c/blobtrack_sample.cpp
index f613bdb708..34110cb7ca 100644
--- a/samples/c/blobtrack_sample.cpp
+++ b/samples/c/blobtrack_sample.cpp
@@ -5,32 +5,6 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
-void help()
-	printf("\nExample of using background_segm.hpp and legacy blobtrack.hpp (somewhat out of date\n"
-			"This somewhat over complex program segments blobs and tracks them with a Kalman filter\n"
-			"Usage:\n"
-	);
-    printf("blobtrack [fg=<fg_name>] [bd=<bd_name>]\n"
-        "          [bt=<bt_name>] [btpp=<btpp_name>]\n"
-        "          [bta=<bta_name>\n"
-        "          [bta_data=<bta_data_name>\n"
-        "          [bt_corr=<bt_corr_way>]\n"
-        "          [btgen=<btgen_name>]\n"
-        "          [track=<track_file_name>]\n"
-        "          [scale=<scale val>] [noise=<noise_name>] [IVar=<IVar_name>]\n"
-        "          [FGTrainFrames=<FGTrainFrames>]\n"
-        "          [btavi=<avi output>] [fgavi=<avi output on FG>]\n"
-        "          <avi_file>\n");
-    printf("WHERE:\n  <bt_corr_way> is way of blob position corrrection for \"Blob Tracking\" module\n"
-        "     <bt_corr_way>=none,PostProcRes\n"
-        "  <FGTrainFrames> is number of frames for FG training\n"
-        "  <track_file_name> is file name for save tracked trajectories\n"
-        "  <bta_data> is file name for data base of trajectory analysis module\n"
-        "  <avi_file> is file name of avi to process by BlobTrackerAuto\n");
 /* Select appropriate case insensitive string comparison function: */
 #if defined WIN32 || defined _MSC_VER
   #define MY_STRNICMP strnicmp
@@ -429,7 +403,24 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     if(argc < 2)
     {   /* Print help: */
         int i;
-        help();
+        printf("blobtrack [fg=<fg_name>] [bd=<bd_name>]\n"
+            "          [bt=<bt_name>] [btpp=<btpp_name>]\n"
+            "          [bta=<bta_name>\n"
+            "          [bta_data=<bta_data_name>\n"
+            "          [bt_corr=<bt_corr_way>]\n"
+            "          [btgen=<btgen_name>]\n"
+            "          [track=<track_file_name>]\n"
+            "          [scale=<scale val>] [noise=<noise_name>] [IVar=<IVar_name>]\n"
+            "          [FGTrainFrames=<FGTrainFrames>]\n"
+            "          [btavi=<avi output>] [fgavi=<avi output on FG>]\n"
+            "          <avi_file>\n");
+        printf("  <bt_corr_way> is the method of blob position correction for the \"Blob Tracking\" module\n"
+            "     <bt_corr_way>=none,PostProcRes\n"
+            "  <FGTrainFrames> is number of frames for FG training\n"
+            "  <track_file_name> is file name for save tracked trajectories\n"
+            "  <bta_data> is file name for data base of trajectory analysis module\n"
+            "  <avi_file> is file name of avi to process by BlobTrackerAuto\n");
 #define PR(_name,_m,_mt)\