Improved error handling on entry to mex files

hbristow 12 years ago
parent 9b32c6e653
commit da63919811
  1. 8
  2. 87

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "bridge.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <opencv2/{{includes}}.hpp>
using namespace cv;
@ -29,9 +30,10 @@ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[]) {
// assertions
mxAssert(nrhs >= {{fun.req|length - fun.req|outputs|length}}, "Too few required input arguments specified");
mxAssert(nrhs <= {{fun.req|length + fun.opt|length - fun.req|outputs|length - fun.opt|outputs|length}}, "Too many input arguments specified");
mxAssert(nlhs <= {{ fun.rtp|void|not + fun.req|outputs|length + fun.opt|outputs|length}}, "Too many output arguments specified");
mexPrintf("nrhs: %d, nlhs: %d\n", nrhs, nlhs);
conditionalError(nrhs >= {{fun.req|length - fun.req|outputs|length}}, "Too few required input arguments specified");
conditionalError(nrhs <= {{fun.req|length + fun.opt|length - fun.req|outputs|length - fun.opt|outputs|length}}, "Too many input arguments specified");
conditionalError(nlhs <= {{ fun.rtp|void|not + fun.req|outputs|length + fun.opt|outputs|length}}, "Too many output arguments specified");
// setup
std::vector<Bridge> inputs(plhs, plhs+nrhs);

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "mex.h"
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <ext/hash_map>
* Custom typedefs
@ -13,6 +14,11 @@ typedef std::vector<cv::Mat> vector_Mat;
typedef std::vector<cv::Point> vector_Point;
typedef std::vector<int> vector_int;
void conditionalError(bool expr, const std::string& str) {
if (!expr) mexErrMsgTxt(std::string("condition failed: ").append(str).c_str());
* @class Bridge
* @brief Type conversion class for converting OpenCV and native C++ types
@ -50,11 +56,52 @@ typedef std::vector<int> vector_int;
class Bridge {
mxArray* ptr_;
// bridges are default constructible
Bridge() {}
virtual ~Bridge() {}
/*! @brief unpack an object from Matlab into C++
* this function checks whether the given bridge is derived from an
* object in Matlab. If so, it converts it to a (platform dependent)
* pointer to the underlying C++ object.
* NOTE! This function assumes that the C++ pointer is stored in inst_
template <typename Object>
Object* getObjectByName(const char* name) {
// check that the object is actually of correct type before unpacking
// TODO: Traverse class hierarchy?
if (!mxIsClass(ptr_, name)) {
const char* actual = mxGetClassName(ptr_);
mexErrMsgTxt(std::string("Expected class ").append(std::string(name))
.append(" but was given ").append(std::string(actual)).c_str());
// get the instance field
mxArray* inst = mxGetField(ptr_, 0, "inst_");
Object* obj = NULL;
// make sure the pointer is the correct size for the system
if (sizeof(void *) == 8 && mxIsClass(inst, "uint64")) {
// 64-bit pointers
// TODO: Do we REALLY REALLY need to reinterpret_cast?
obj = reinterpret_cast<Object *>(
reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(mxGetData(inst))[0]);
} else if (sizeof(void *) == 4 && mxIsClass(inst, "uint32")) {
// 32-bit pointers
obj = reinterpret_cast<Object *>(
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(mxGetData(inst))[0]);
} else {
mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect pointer type stored for architecture");
// finally check if the object is NULL
if (!obj) mexErrMsgTxt(std::string("Object ").append(std::string(name)).append(std::string(" is NULL")).c_str());
return obj;
// --------------------------- mxArray --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const mxArray* obj) { return *this; }
Bridge(const mxArray* obj) {}
@ -62,78 +109,86 @@ public:
// --------------------------- cv::Mat --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Mat& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::Mat() { return cv::Mat(); }
cv::Mat toMat() { return cv::Mat(); }
operator cv::Mat() { return toMat(); }
// -------------------- vector_Mat --------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Mat& obj) { return *this; }
operator vector_Mat() { return vector_Mat(); }
vector_Mat toVectorMat() { return vector_Mat(); }
operator vector_Mat() { return toVectorMat(); }
// --------------------------- int --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const int& obj) { return *this; }
operator int() { return 0; }
int toInt() { return 0; }
operator int() { return toInt(); }
// --------------------------- vector_int ----------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_int& obj) { return *this; }
operator vector_int() { return vector_int(); }
vector_int toVectorInt() { return vector_int(); }
operator vector_int() { return toVectorInt(); }
// --------------------------- string --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const std::string& obj) { return *this; }
operator std::string() { return ""; }
std::string toString() { return ""; }
operator std::string() { return toString(); }
// --------------------------- bool --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const bool& obj) { return *this; }
operator bool() { return 0; }
bool toBool() { return 0; }
operator bool() { return toBool(); }
// --------------------------- double --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const double& obj) { return *this; }
operator double() { return 0; }
double toDouble() { return 0; }
operator double() { return toDouble(); }
// -------------------------- Point --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Point& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::Point() { return cv::Point(); }
cv::Point toPoint() { return cv::Point(); }
operator cv::Point() { return toPoint(); }
// -------------------------- Size ---------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Size& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::Size() { return cv::Size(); }
cv::Size toSize() { return cv::Size(); }
operator cv::Size() { return toSize(); }
// ------------------------ vector_Point ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const vector_Point& obj) { return *this; }
operator vector_Point() { return vector_Point(); }
vector_Point toVectorPoint() { return vector_Point(); }
operator vector_Point() { return toVectorPoint(); }
// -------------------------- Scalar --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Scalar& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::Scalar() { return cv::Scalar(); }
cv::Scalar toScalar() { return cv::Scalar(); }
operator cv::Scalar() { return toScalar(); }
// -------------------------- Rect --------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::Rect& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::Rect() { return cv::Rect(); }
cv::Rect toRect() { return cv::Rect(); }
operator cv::Rect() { return toRect(); }
// ---------------------- RotatedRect ------------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RotatedRect& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::RotatedRect() { return cv::RotatedRect(); }
cv::RotatedRect toRotatedRect() { return cv::RotatedRect(); }
operator cv::RotatedRect() { return toRotatedRect(); }
// ---------------------- TermCriteria -----------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::TermCriteria& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::TermCriteria() { return cv::TermCriteria(); }
cv::TermCriteria toTermCriteria() { return cv::TermCriteria(); }
operator cv::TermCriteria() { return toTermCriteria(); }
// ---------------------- RNG -----------------------------------
Bridge& operator=(const cv::RNG& obj) { return *this; }
operator cv::RNG() { return cv::RNG(); }
cv::RNG toRNG() { return cv::RNG(); }
/*! @brief explicit conversion to cv::RNG()
* Converts a bridge object to a cv::RNG(). We explicitly assert that
* the object is an RNG in matlab space before attempting to deference
* its pointer
cv::RNG toRNG() {
return (*getObjectByName<cv::RNG>("RNG"));
operator cv::RNG() { return toRNG(); }
