@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public: |
oobidx.clear(); |
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) |
{ |
if( !oobmask[i] ) |
if( oobmask[i] ) |
oobidx.push_back(i); |
} |
int n_oob = (int)oobidx.size(); |
@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ public: |
else |
{ |
int ival = cvRound(val); |
//Voting scheme to combine OOB errors of each tree
int* votes = &oobvotes[j*nclasses]; |
votes[ival]++; |
int best_class = 0; |
@ -235,35 +236,35 @@ public: |
oobperm.resize(n_oob); |
for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ ) |
oobperm[i] = oobidx[i]; |
for (i = n_oob - 1; i > 0; --i) //Randomly shuffle indices so we can permute features
{ |
int r_i = rng.uniform(0, i + 1); |
std::swap(oobperm[i], oobperm[r_i]); |
} |
for( vi_ = 0; vi_ < nvars; vi_++ ) |
{ |
vi = vidx ? vidx[vi_] : vi_; |
vi = vidx ? vidx[vi_] : vi_; //Ensure that only the user specified predictors are used for training
double ncorrect_responses_permuted = 0; |
for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ ) |
{ |
int i1 = rng.uniform(0, n_oob); |
int i2 = rng.uniform(0, n_oob); |
std::swap(i1, i2); |
} |
for( i = 0; i < n_oob; i++ ) |
{ |
j = oobidx[i]; |
int vj = oobperm[i]; |
sample0 = Mat( nallvars, 1, CV_32F, psamples + sstep0*w->sidx[j], sstep1*sizeof(psamples[0]) ); |
for( k = 0; k < nallvars; k++ ) |
sample.at<float>(k) = sample0.at<float>(k); |
sample.at<float>(vi) = psamples[sstep0*w->sidx[vj] + sstep1*vi]; |
Mat sample_clone = sample0.clone(); //create a copy so we don't mess up the original data
sample_clone.at<float>(vi) = psamples[sstep0*w->sidx[vj] + sstep1*vi]; |
double val = predictTrees(Range(treeidx, treeidx+1), sample, predictFlags); |
double val = predictTrees(Range(treeidx, treeidx+1), sample_clone, predictFlags); |
if( !_isClassifier ) |
{ |
val = (val - w->ord_responses[w->sidx[j]])/max_response; |
ncorrect_responses_permuted += exp( -val*val ); |
} |
else |
{ |
ncorrect_responses_permuted += cvRound(val) == w->cat_responses[w->sidx[j]]; |
} |
} |
varImportance[vi] += (float)(ncorrect_responses - ncorrect_responses_permuted); |
} |