From d70053aba528ec5ddf8d6906109c7cc9310654a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maxim Pashchenkov <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2021 13:27:28 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #20144 from mpashchenkov:mp/python-ge

G-API: Python. Gaze Estimation sample.

* GE pep8

* Added function description, wrapped copy

* Applying review comments

* One more change

* Added gin

* Rstrt bb
 .../misc/python/samples/    | 467 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 467 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 modules/gapi/misc/python/samples/

diff --git a/modules/gapi/misc/python/samples/ b/modules/gapi/misc/python/samples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db190f67bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gapi/misc/python/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+import argparse
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import cv2 as cv
+# ------------------------Service operations------------------------
+def weight_path(model_path):
+    """ Get path of weights based on path to IR
+    Params:
+    model_path: the string contains path to IR file
+    Return:
+    Path to weights file
+    """
+    assert model_path.endswith('.xml'), "Wrong topology path was provided"
+    return model_path[:-3] + 'bin'
+def build_argparser():
+    """ Parse arguments from command line
+    Return:
+    Pack of arguments from command line
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This is an OpenCV-based version of Gaze Estimation example')
+    parser.add_argument('--input',
+                        help='Path to the input video file')
+    parser.add_argument('--out',
+                        help='Path to the output video file')
+    parser.add_argument('--facem',
+                        default='face-detection-retail-0005.xml',
+                        help='Path to OpenVINO face detection model (.xml)')
+    parser.add_argument('--faced',
+                        default='CPU',
+                        help='Target device for the face detection' +
+                        '(e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...)')
+    parser.add_argument('--headm',
+                        default='head-pose-estimation-adas-0001.xml',
+                        help='Path to OpenVINO head pose estimation model (.xml)')
+    parser.add_argument('--headd',
+                        default='CPU',
+                        help='Target device for the head pose estimation inference ' +
+                        '(e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...)')
+    parser.add_argument('--landm',
+                        default='facial-landmarks-35-adas-0002.xml',
+                        help='Path to OpenVINO landmarks detector model (.xml)')
+    parser.add_argument('--landd',
+                        default='CPU',
+                        help='Target device for the landmarks detector (e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...)')
+    parser.add_argument('--gazem',
+                        default='gaze-estimation-adas-0002.xml',
+                        help='Path to OpenVINO gaze vector estimaiton model (.xml)')
+    parser.add_argument('--gazed',
+                        default='CPU',
+                        help='Target device for the gaze vector estimation inference ' +
+                        '(e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...)')
+    parser.add_argument('--eyem',
+                        default='open-closed-eye-0001.xml',
+                        help='Path to OpenVINO open closed eye model (.xml)')
+    parser.add_argument('--eyed',
+                        default='CPU',
+                        help='Target device for the eyes state inference (e.g. CPU, GPU, VPU, ...)')
+    return parser
+# ------------------------Support functions for custom kernels------------------------
+def intersection(surface, rect):
+    """ Remove zone of out of bound from ROI
+    Params:
+    surface: image bounds is rect representation (top left coordinates and width and height)
+    rect: region of interest is also has rect representation
+    Return:
+    Modified ROI with correct bounds
+    """
+    l_x = max(surface[0], rect[0])
+    l_y = max(surface[1], rect[1])
+    width = min(surface[0] + surface[2], rect[0] + rect[2]) - l_x
+    height = min(surface[1] + surface[3], rect[1] + rect[3]) - l_y
+    if width < 0 or height < 0:
+        return (0, 0, 0, 0)
+    return (l_x, l_y, width, height)
+def process_landmarks(r_x, r_y, r_w, r_h, landmarks):
+    """ Create points from result of inference of facial-landmarks network and size of input image
+    Params:
+    r_x: x coordinate of top left corner of input image
+    r_y: y coordinate of top left corner of input image
+    r_w: width of input image
+    r_h: height of input image
+    landmarks: result of inference of facial-landmarks network
+    Return:
+    Array of landmarks points for one face
+    """
+    lmrks = landmarks[0]
+    raw_x = lmrks[::2] * r_w + r_x
+    raw_y = lmrks[1::2] * r_h + r_y
+    return np.array([[int(x), int(y)] for x, y in zip(raw_x, raw_y)])
+def eye_box(p_1, p_2, scale=1.8):
+    """ Get bounding box of eye
+    Params:
+    p_1: point of left edge of eye
+    p_2: point of right edge of eye
+    scale: change size of box with this value
+    Return:
+    Bounding box of eye and its midpoint
+    """
+    size = np.linalg.norm(p_1 - p_2)
+    midpoint = (p_1 + p_2) / 2
+    width = scale * size
+    height = width
+    p_x = midpoint[0] - (width / 2)
+    p_y = midpoint[1] - (height / 2)
+    return (int(p_x), int(p_y), int(width), int(height)), list(map(int, midpoint))
+# ------------------------Custom graph operations------------------------
+            in_types=[cv.GArray.GMat, cv.GArray.GMat, cv.GArray.GMat],
+            out_types=[cv.GArray.GMat])
+class GProcessPoses:
+    @staticmethod
+    def outMeta(arr_desc0, arr_desc1, arr_desc2):
+        return cv.empty_array_desc()
+            in_types=[cv.GArray.GMat, cv.GArray.Rect, cv.GOpaque.Size],
+            out_types=[cv.GArray.Rect, cv.GArray.Rect, cv.GArray.Point, cv.GArray.Point])
+class GParseEyes:
+    @staticmethod
+    def outMeta(arr_desc0, arr_desc1, arr_desc2):
+        return cv.empty_array_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc(), \
+               cv.empty_array_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc()
+            in_types=[cv.GArray.GMat, cv.GArray.GMat],
+            out_types=[cv.GArray.Int, cv.GArray.Int])
+class GGetStates:
+    @staticmethod
+    def outMeta(arr_desc0, arr_desc1):
+        return cv.empty_array_desc(), cv.empty_array_desc()
+# ------------------------Custom kernels------------------------
+class GProcessPosesImpl:
+    """ Custom kernel. Processed poses of heads
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def run(in_ys, in_ps, in_rs):
+        """ Сustom kernel executable code
+        Params:
+        in_ys: yaw angle of head
+        in_ps: pitch angle of head
+        in_rs: roll angle of head
+        Return:
+        Arrays with heads poses
+        """
+        out_poses = []
+        size = len(in_ys)
+        for i in range(size):
+            out_poses.append(np.array([in_ys[i][0], in_ps[i][0], in_rs[i][0]]).T)
+        return out_poses
+class GParseEyesImpl:
+    """ Custom kernel. Get information about eyes
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def run(in_landm_per_face, in_face_rcs, frame_size):
+        """ Сustom kernel executable code
+        Params:
+        in_landm_per_face: landmarks from inference of facial-landmarks network for each face
+        in_face_rcs: bounding boxes for each face
+        frame_size: size of input image
+        Return:
+        Arrays of ROI for left and right eyes, array of midpoints and
+        array of landmarks points
+        """
+        left_eyes = []
+        right_eyes = []
+        midpoints = []
+        lmarks = []
+        num_faces = len(in_landm_per_face)
+        surface = (0, 0, *frame_size)
+        for i in range(num_faces):
+            rect = in_face_rcs[i]
+            points = process_landmarks(*rect, in_landm_per_face[i])
+            for p in points:
+                lmarks.append(p)
+            size = int(len(in_landm_per_face[i][0]) / 2)
+            rect, midpoint_l = eye_box(lmarks[0 + i * size], lmarks[1 + i * size])
+            left_eyes.append(intersection(surface, rect))
+            rect, midpoint_r = eye_box(lmarks[2 + i * size], lmarks[3 + i * size])
+            right_eyes.append(intersection(surface, rect))
+            midpoints += [midpoint_l, midpoint_r]
+        return left_eyes, right_eyes, midpoints, lmarks
+class GGetStatesImpl:
+    """ Custom kernel. Get state of eye - open or closed
+    """
+    @staticmethod
+    def run(eyesl, eyesr):
+        """ Сustom kernel executable code
+        Params:
+        eyesl: result of inference of open-closed-eye network for left eye
+        eyesr: result of inference of open-closed-eye network for right eye
+        Return:
+        States of left eyes and states of right eyes
+        """
+        size = len(eyesl)
+        out_l_st = []
+        out_r_st = []
+        for i in range(size):
+            for st in eyesl[i]:
+                out_l_st += [1 if st[0] < st[1] else 0]
+            for st in eyesr[i]:
+                out_r_st += [1 if st[0] < st[1] else 0]
+        return out_l_st, out_r_st
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    ARGUMENTS = build_argparser().parse_args()
+    # ------------------------Demo's graph------------------------
+    g_in = cv.GMat()
+    # Detect faces
+    face_inputs = cv.GInferInputs()
+    face_inputs.setInput('data', g_in)
+    face_outputs = cv.gapi.infer('face-detection', face_inputs)
+    faces ='detection_out')
+    # Parse faces
+    sz = cv.gapi.streaming.size(g_in)
+    faces_rc = cv.gapi.parseSSD(faces, sz, 0.5, False, False)
+    # Detect poses
+    head_inputs = cv.GInferInputs()
+    head_inputs.setInput('data', g_in)
+    face_outputs = cv.gapi.infer('head-pose', faces_rc, head_inputs)
+    angles_y ='angle_y_fc')
+    angles_p ='angle_p_fc')
+    angles_r ='angle_r_fc')
+    # Parse poses
+    heads_pos = GProcessPoses.on(angles_y, angles_p, angles_r)
+    # Detect landmarks
+    landmark_inputs = cv.GInferInputs()
+    landmark_inputs.setInput('data', g_in)
+    landmark_outputs = cv.gapi.infer('facial-landmarks', faces_rc,
+                                     landmark_inputs)
+    landmark ='align_fc3')
+    # Parse landmarks
+    left_eyes, right_eyes, mids, lmarks = GParseEyes.on(landmark, faces_rc, sz)
+    # Detect eyes
+    eyes_inputs = cv.GInferInputs()
+    eyes_inputs.setInput('input.1', g_in)
+    eyesl_outputs = cv.gapi.infer('open-closed-eye', left_eyes, eyes_inputs)
+    eyesr_outputs = cv.gapi.infer('open-closed-eye', right_eyes, eyes_inputs)
+    eyesl ='19')
+    eyesr ='19')
+    # Process eyes states
+    l_eye_st, r_eye_st = GGetStates.on(eyesl, eyesr)
+    # Gaze estimation
+    gaze_inputs = cv.GInferListInputs()
+    gaze_inputs.setInput('left_eye_image', left_eyes)
+    gaze_inputs.setInput('right_eye_image', right_eyes)
+    gaze_inputs.setInput('head_pose_angles', heads_pos)
+    gaze_outputs = cv.gapi.infer2('gaze-estimation', g_in, gaze_inputs)
+    gaze_vectors ='gaze_vector')
+    out = cv.gapi.copy(g_in)
+    # ------------------------End of graph------------------------
+    comp = cv.GComputation(cv.GIn(g_in), cv.GOut(out,
+                                                 faces_rc,
+                                                 left_eyes,
+                                                 right_eyes,
+                                                 gaze_vectors,
+                                                 angles_y,
+                                                 angles_p,
+                                                 angles_r,
+                                                 l_eye_st,
+                                                 r_eye_st,
+                                                 mids,
+                                                 lmarks))
+    # Networks
+    face_net ='face-detection', ARGUMENTS.facem,
+                                 weight_path(ARGUMENTS.facem), ARGUMENTS.faced)
+    head_pose_net ='head-pose', ARGUMENTS.headm,
+                                      weight_path(ARGUMENTS.headm), ARGUMENTS.headd)
+    landmarks_net ='facial-landmarks', ARGUMENTS.landm,
+                                      weight_path(ARGUMENTS.landm), ARGUMENTS.landd)
+    gaze_net ='gaze-estimation', ARGUMENTS.gazem,
+                                 weight_path(ARGUMENTS.gazem), ARGUMENTS.gazed)
+    eye_net ='open-closed-eye', ARGUMENTS.eyem,
+                                weight_path(ARGUMENTS.eyem), ARGUMENTS.eyed)
+    nets = cv.gapi.networks(face_net, head_pose_net, landmarks_net, gaze_net, eye_net)
+    # Kernels pack
+    kernels = cv.gapi.kernels(GParseEyesImpl, GProcessPosesImpl, GGetStatesImpl)
+    # ------------------------Execution part------------------------
+    ccomp = comp.compileStreaming(args=cv.gapi.compile_args(kernels, nets))
+    source = cv.gapi.wip.make_capture_src(ARGUMENTS.input)
+    ccomp.setSource(cv.gin(source))
+    ccomp.start()
+    frames = 0
+    fps = 0
+    print('Processing')
+    START_TIME = time.time()
+    while True:
+        start_time_cycle = time.time()
+        has_frame, (oimg,
+                    outr,
+                    l_eyes,
+                    r_eyes,
+                    outg,
+                    out_y,
+                    out_p,
+                    out_r,
+                    out_st_l,
+                    out_st_r,
+                    out_mids,
+                    outl) = ccomp.pull()
+        if not has_frame:
+            break
+        # Draw
+        GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
+        RED = (0, 0, 255)
+        WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
+        BLUE = (255, 0, 0)
+        PINK = (255, 0, 255)
+        YELLOW = (0, 255, 255)
+        M_PI_180 = np.pi / 180
+        M_PI_2 = np.pi / 2
+        M_PI = np.pi
+        FACES_SIZE = len(outr)
+        for i, out_rect in enumerate(outr):
+            # Face box
+            cv.rectangle(oimg, out_rect, WHITE, 1)
+            rx, ry, rwidth, rheight = out_rect
+            # Landmarks
+            lm_radius = int(0.01 * rwidth + 1)
+            lmsize = int(len(outl) / FACES_SIZE)
+            for j in range(lmsize):
+      , outl[j + i * lmsize], lm_radius, YELLOW, -1)
+            # Headposes
+            yaw = out_y[i]
+            pitch = out_p[i]
+            roll = out_r[i]
+            sin_y = np.sin(yaw[:] * M_PI_180)
+            sin_p = np.sin(pitch[:] * M_PI_180)
+            sin_r = np.sin(roll[:] * M_PI_180)
+            cos_y = np.cos(yaw[:] * M_PI_180)
+            cos_p = np.cos(pitch[:] * M_PI_180)
+            cos_r = np.cos(roll[:] * M_PI_180)
+            axis_length = 0.4 * rwidth
+            x_center = int(rx + rwidth / 2)
+            y_center = int(ry + rheight / 2)
+            # center to right
+            cv.line(oimg, [x_center, y_center],
+                    [int(x_center + axis_length * (cos_r * cos_y + sin_y * sin_p * sin_r)),
+                     int(y_center + axis_length * cos_p * sin_r)],
+                    RED, 2)
+            # center to top
+            cv.line(oimg, [x_center, y_center],
+                    [int(x_center + axis_length * (cos_r * sin_y * sin_p + cos_y * sin_r)),
+                     int(y_center - axis_length * cos_p * cos_r)],
+                    GREEN, 2)
+            # center to forward
+            cv.line(oimg, [x_center, y_center],
+                    [int(x_center + axis_length * sin_y * cos_p),
+                     int(y_center + axis_length * sin_p)],
+                    PINK, 2)
+            scale_box = 0.002 * rwidth
+            cv.putText(oimg, "head pose: (y=%0.0f, p=%0.0f, r=%0.0f)" %
+                       (np.round(yaw), np.round(pitch), np.round(roll)),
+                       [int(rx), int(ry + rheight + 5 * rwidth / 100)],
+                       cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, scale_box * 2, WHITE, 1)
+            # Eyes boxes
+            color_l = GREEN if out_st_l[i] else RED
+            cv.rectangle(oimg, l_eyes[i], color_l, 1)
+            color_r = GREEN if out_st_r[i] else RED
+            cv.rectangle(oimg, r_eyes[i], color_r, 1)
+            # Gaze vectors
+            norm_gazes = np.linalg.norm(outg[i][0])
+            gaze_vector = outg[i][0] / norm_gazes
+            arrow_length = 0.4 * rwidth
+            gaze_arrow = [arrow_length * gaze_vector[0], -arrow_length * gaze_vector[1]]
+            left_arrow = [int(a+b) for a, b in zip(out_mids[0 + i * 2], gaze_arrow)]
+            right_arrow = [int(a+b) for a, b in zip(out_mids[1 + i * 2], gaze_arrow)]
+            if out_st_l[i]:
+                cv.arrowedLine(oimg, out_mids[0 + i * 2], left_arrow, BLUE, 2)
+            if out_st_r[i]:
+                cv.arrowedLine(oimg, out_mids[1 + i * 2], right_arrow, BLUE, 2)
+            v0, v1, v2 = outg[i][0]
+            gaze_angles = [180 / M_PI * (M_PI_2 + np.arctan2(v2, v0)),
+                           180 / M_PI * (M_PI_2 - np.arccos(v1 / norm_gazes))]
+            cv.putText(oimg, "gaze angles: (h=%0.0f, v=%0.0f)" %
+                       (np.round(gaze_angles[0]), np.round(gaze_angles[1])),
+                       [int(rx), int(ry + rheight + 12 * rwidth / 100)],
+                       cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, scale_box * 2, WHITE, 1)
+        # Add FPS value to frame
+        cv.putText(oimg, "FPS: %0i" % (fps), [int(20), int(40)],
+                   cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, RED, 2)
+        # Show result
+        cv.imshow('Gaze Estimation', oimg)
+        fps = int(1. / (time.time() - start_time_cycle))
+        frames += 1
+    EXECUTION_TIME = time.time() - START_TIME
+    print('Execution successful')
+    print('Mean FPS is ', int(frames / EXECUTION_TIME))