Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/3.4' into merge-3.4

Alexander Alekhin 2 years ago
commit d3ae175bca
  1. 25
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 2
  5. 59
  6. 233

@ -1670,6 +1670,12 @@ static double cvCalibrateCamera2Internal( const CvMat* objectPoints,
Mat mask = cvarrToMat(solver.mask);
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(mask);
if (nparams_nz >= 2 * total)
("There should be less vars to optimize (having %d) than the number of residuals (%d = 2 per point)", nparams_nz, 2 * total));
// 2. initialize extrinsic parameters
for( i = 0, pos = 0; i < nimages; i++, pos += ni )
@ -1795,27 +1801,24 @@ static double cvCalibrateCamera2Internal( const CvMat* objectPoints,
if( stdDevs )
Mat mask = cvarrToMat(solver.mask);
int nparams_nz = countNonZero(mask);
Mat JtJinv, JtJN;
JtJN.create(nparams_nz, nparams_nz, CV_64F);
subMatrix(cvarrToMat(_JtJ), JtJN, mask, mask);
completeSymm(JtJN, false);
cv::invert(JtJN, JtJinv, DECOMP_SVD);
//sigma2 is deviation of the noise
//see any papers about variance of the least squares estimator for
//detailed description of the variance estimation methods
double sigma2 = norm(allErrors, NORM_L2SQR) / (total - nparams_nz);
// an explanation of that denominator correction can be found here:
// R. Hartley, A. Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, 2004, section 5.1.3, page 134
// see the discussion for more details:
int nErrors = 2 * total - nparams_nz;
double sigma2 = norm(allErrors, NORM_L2SQR) / nErrors;
Mat stdDevsM = cvarrToMat(stdDevs);
int j = 0;
for ( int s = 0; s < nparams; s++ )
{<double>(s) =[s] ? std::sqrt(<double>(j,j) * sigma2) : 0.0;
if([s] )
{<double>(s) = std::sqrt(<double>(j,j) * sigma2);
else<double>(s) = 0.;

@ -1594,13 +1594,18 @@ void cv::internal::EstimateUncertainties(InputArrayOfArrays objectPoints, InputA
Vec<double, 1> sigma_x;
meanStdDev(ex.reshape(1, 1), noArray(), sigma_x);
sigma_x *= sqrt(2.0 * (double) * (double) - 1.0));
Mat JJ2, ex3;
ComputeJacobians(objectPoints, imagePoints, params, omc, Tc, check_cond, thresh_cond, JJ2, ex3);
sqrt(JJ2.inv(), JJ2);
int nParams = JJ2.rows;
// an explanation of that denominator correction can be found here:
// R. Hartley, A. Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, 2004, section 5.1.3, page 134
// see the discussion for more details:
sigma_x *= sqrt(2.0 * (double) * (double) - nParams));
errors = 3 * sigma_x(0) * JJ2.diag();
rms = sqrt(norm(ex, NORM_L2SQR)/;

@ -597,9 +597,9 @@ TEST_F(fisheyeTest, EstimateUncertainties)
cv::internal::EstimateUncertainties(objectPoints, imagePoints, param, rvec, tvec,
errors, err_std, thresh_cond, check_cond, rms);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.f, cv::Vec2d(1.29837104202046, 1.31565641071524), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.c, cv::Vec2d(0.890439368129246, 0.816096854937896), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.k, cv::Vec4d(0.00516248605191506, 0.0168181467500934, 0.0213118690274604, 0.00916010877545648), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.f, cv::Vec2d(1.34250246865020720, 1.36037536429654530), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.c, cv::Vec2d(0.92070526160049848, 0.84383585812851514), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(errors.k, cv::Vec4d(0.0053379581373996041, 0.017389792901700545, 0.022036256089491224, 0.0094714594258908952), 1e-10);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(err_std, cv::Vec2d(0.187475975266883, 0.185678953263995), 1e-10);
CV_Assert(fabs(rms - 0.263782587133546) < 1e-10);
CV_Assert(errors.alpha == 0);

@ -275,7 +275,9 @@ namespace {
void recordException(const cv::String& msg)
if (!hasException)
cv::AutoLock lock(cv::getInitializationMutex());
if (!hasException)

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ CollectPolyEdges( Mat& img, const Point2l* v, int npts,
int shift, Point offset=Point() );
static void
FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color );
FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color, int line_type);
static void
PolyLine( Mat& img, const Point2l* v, int npts, bool closed,
@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ EllipseEx( Mat& img, Point2l center, Size2l axes,
std::vector<PolyEdge> edges;
CollectPolyEdges( img, &v[0], (int)v.size(), edges, color, line_type, XY_SHIFT );
FillEdgeCollection( img, edges, color );
FillEdgeCollection( img, edges, color, line_type );
@ -1277,37 +1277,60 @@ CollectPolyEdges( Mat& img, const Point2l* v, int count, std::vector<PolyEdge>&
pt1.x = (pt1.x + offset.x) << (XY_SHIFT - shift);
pt1.y = (pt1.y + delta) >> shift;
if( line_type < cv::LINE_AA )
Point2l pt0c(pt0), pt1c(pt1);
if (line_type < cv::LINE_AA)
t0.y = pt0.y; t1.y = pt1.y;
t0.x = (pt0.x + (XY_ONE >> 1)) >> XY_SHIFT;
t1.x = (pt1.x + (XY_ONE >> 1)) >> XY_SHIFT;
Line( img, t0, t1, color, line_type );
Line(img, t0, t1, color, line_type);
// use clipped endpoints to create a more accurate PolyEdge
if ((unsigned)t0.x >= (unsigned)(img.cols) ||
(unsigned)t1.x >= (unsigned)(img.cols) ||
(unsigned)t0.y >= (unsigned)(img.rows) ||
(unsigned)t1.y >= (unsigned)(img.rows))
clipLine(img.size(), t0, t1);
if (t0.y != t1.y)
pt0c.y = t0.y; pt1c.y = t1.y;
pt0c.x = (int64)(t0.x) << XY_SHIFT;
pt1c.x = (int64)(t1.x) << XY_SHIFT;
pt0c.x += XY_ONE >> 1;
pt1c.x += XY_ONE >> 1;
t0.x = pt0.x; t1.x = pt1.x;
t0.y = pt0.y << XY_SHIFT;
t1.y = pt1.y << XY_SHIFT;
LineAA( img, t0, t1, color );
LineAA(img, t0, t1, color);
if( pt0.y == pt1.y )
if (pt0.y == pt1.y)
if( pt0.y < pt1.y )
edge.dx = (pt1c.x - pt0c.x) / (pt1c.y - pt0c.y);
if (pt0.y < pt1.y)
edge.y0 = (int)(pt0.y);
edge.y1 = (int)(pt1.y);
edge.x = pt0.x;
edge.x = pt0c.x + (pt0.y - pt0c.y) * edge.dx; // correct starting point for clipped lines
edge.y0 = (int)(pt1.y);
edge.y1 = (int)(pt0.y);
edge.x = pt1.x;
edge.x = pt1c.x + (pt1.y - pt1c.y) * edge.dx; // correct starting point for clipped lines
edge.dx = (pt1.x - pt0.x) / (pt1.y - pt0.y);
@ -1324,7 +1347,7 @@ struct CmpEdges
/**************** helper macros and functions for sequence/contour processing ***********/
static void
FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color )
FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color, int line_type)
PolyEdge tmp;
int i, y, total = (int)edges.size();
@ -1333,6 +1356,12 @@ FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color )
int y_max = INT_MIN, y_min = INT_MAX;
int pix_size = (int)img.elemSize();
int delta;
if (line_type < CV_AA)
delta = 0;
delta = XY_ONE - 1;
if( total < 2 )
@ -1411,12 +1440,12 @@ FillEdgeCollection( Mat& img, std::vector<PolyEdge>& edges, const void* color )
if (keep_prelast->x > prelast->x)
x1 = (int)((prelast->x + XY_ONE - 1) >> XY_SHIFT);
x1 = (int)((prelast->x + delta) >> XY_SHIFT);
x2 = (int)(keep_prelast->x >> XY_SHIFT);
x1 = (int)((keep_prelast->x + XY_ONE - 1) >> XY_SHIFT);
x1 = (int)((keep_prelast->x + delta) >> XY_SHIFT);
x2 = (int)(prelast->x >> XY_SHIFT);
@ -2017,7 +2046,7 @@ void fillPoly( InputOutputArray _img, const Point** pts, const int* npts, int nc
CollectPolyEdges(img,, npts[i], edges, buf, line_type, shift, offset);
FillEdgeCollection(img, edges, buf);
FillEdgeCollection(img, edges, buf, line_type);
void polylines( InputOutputArray _img, const Point* const* pts, const int* npts, int ncontours, bool isClosed,
@ -2672,7 +2701,7 @@ cvDrawContours( void* _img, CvSeq* contour,
if( thickness < 0 )
cv::FillEdgeCollection( img, edges, ext_buf );
cv::FillEdgeCollection( img, edges, ext_buf, line_type);
if( h_next && contour0 )
contour0->h_next = h_next;

@ -680,4 +680,237 @@ TEST(Drawing, fillpoly_circle)
EXPECT_LT(diff_fp3, 1.);
TEST(Drawing, fillpoly_fully)
unsigned imageWidth = 256;
unsigned imageHeight = 256;
int type = CV_8UC1;
int shift = 0;
Point offset(0, 0);
cv::LineTypes lineType = LINE_4;
int imageSizeOffset = 15;
cv::Mat img(imageHeight, imageWidth, type);
img = 0;
std::vector<cv::Point> polygonPoints;
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(100, -50));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(imageSizeOffset, imageHeight - imageSizeOffset));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(imageSizeOffset, imageSizeOffset));
// convert data
std::vector<const cv::Point*> polygonPointPointers(polygonPoints.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < polygonPoints.size(); i++)
polygonPointPointers[i] = &polygonPoints[i];
const cv::Point** data = &polygonPointPointers.front();
int size = (int)polygonPoints.size();
const int* npts = &size;
int ncontours = 1;
// generate image
cv::fillPoly(img, data, npts, ncontours, 255, lineType, shift, offset);
// check for artifacts
cv::Mat binary = img < 128;
cv::Mat labelImage(binary.size(), CV_32S);
cv::Mat labelCentroids;
int labels = cv::connectedComponents(binary, labelImage, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(2, labels) << "artifacts occured";
// check if filling went over border
int xy_shift = 16, delta = offset.y + ((1 << shift) >> 1);
int xy_one = 1 << xy_shift;
Point pt0(polygonPoints[polygonPoints.size() - 1]), pt1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polygonPoints.size(); i++, pt0 = pt1)
pt1 = polygonPoints[i];
// offset/shift treated like in fillPoly
Point t0(pt0), t1(pt1);
t0.x = (t0.x + offset.x) << (xy_shift - shift);
t0.y = (t0.y + delta) >> shift;
t1.x = (t1.x + offset.x) << (xy_shift - shift);
t1.y = (t1.y + delta) >> shift;
if (lineType < CV_AA)
t0.x = (t0.x + (xy_one >> 1)) >> xy_shift;
t1.x = (t1.x + (xy_one >> 1)) >> xy_shift;
// LINE_4 to use the same type of line which is used in fillPoly
line(img, t0, t1, 0, 1, LINE_4, 0);
t0.x >>= (xy_shift);
t1.x >>= (xy_shift);
line(img, t0, t1, 0, 1, lineType, 0);
cv::Mat binary = img < 254;
cv::Mat labelImage(binary.size(), CV_32S);
int labels = cv::connectedComponents(binary, labelImage, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(2, labels) << "filling went over the border";
PARAM_TEST_CASE(FillPolyFully, unsigned, unsigned, int, int, Point, cv::LineTypes)
unsigned imageWidth;
unsigned imageHeight;
int type;
int shift;
Point offset;
cv::LineTypes lineType;
virtual void SetUp()
imageWidth = GET_PARAM(0);
imageHeight = GET_PARAM(1);
type = GET_PARAM(2);
shift = GET_PARAM(3);
offset = GET_PARAM(4);
lineType = GET_PARAM(5);
void draw_polygon(cv::Mat& img, const std::vector<cv::Point>& polygonPoints)
// convert data
std::vector<const cv::Point*> polygonPointPointers(polygonPoints.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < polygonPoints.size(); i++)
polygonPointPointers[i] = &polygonPoints[i];
const cv::Point** data = &polygonPointPointers.front();
int size = (int)polygonPoints.size();
const int* npts = &size;
int ncontours = 1;
// generate image
cv::fillPoly(img, data, npts, ncontours, 255, lineType, shift, offset);
void check_artifacts(cv::Mat& img)
// check for artifacts
cv::Mat binary = img < 128;
cv::Mat labelImage(binary.size(), CV_32S);
cv::Mat labelCentroids;
int labels = cv::connectedComponents(binary, labelImage, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(2, labels) << "artifacts occured";
void check_filling_over_border(cv::Mat& img, const std::vector<cv::Point>& polygonPoints)
int xy_shift = 16, delta = offset.y + ((1 << shift) >> 1);
int xy_one = 1 << xy_shift;
Point pt0(polygonPoints[polygonPoints.size() - 1]), pt1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polygonPoints.size(); i++, pt0 = pt1)
pt1 = polygonPoints[i];
// offset/shift treated like in fillPoly
Point t0(pt0), t1(pt1);
t0.x = (t0.x + offset.x) << (xy_shift - shift);
t0.y = (t0.y + delta) >> shift;
t1.x = (t1.x + offset.x) << (xy_shift - shift);
t1.y = (t1.y + delta) >> shift;
if (lineType < CV_AA)
t0.x = (t0.x + (xy_one >> 1)) >> xy_shift;
t1.x = (t1.x + (xy_one >> 1)) >> xy_shift;
// LINE_4 to use the same type of line which is used in fillPoly
line(img, t0, t1, 0, 1, LINE_4, 0);
t0.x >>= (xy_shift);
t1.x >>= (xy_shift);
line(img, t0, t1, 0, 1, lineType, 0);
cv::Mat binary = img < 254;
cv::Mat labelImage(binary.size(), CV_32S);
int labels = cv::connectedComponents(binary, labelImage, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(2, labels) << "filling went over the border";
void run_test(const std::vector<cv::Point>& polygonPoints)
cv::Mat img(imageHeight, imageWidth, type);
img = 0;
draw_polygon(img, polygonPoints);
check_filling_over_border(img, polygonPoints);
TEST_P(FillPolyFully, DISABLED_fillpoly_fully)
int imageSizeOffset = 15;
// testing for polygon with straight edge at left/right side
int positions1[2] = { imageSizeOffset, (int)imageWidth - imageSizeOffset };
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int y = imageHeight + 50; y > -50; y -= 1)
// define polygon
std::vector<cv::Point> polygonPoints;
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(100, imageHeight - y));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(positions1[i], positions1[1]));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(positions1[i], positions1[0]));
// testing for polygon with straight edge at top/bottom side
int positions2[2] = { imageSizeOffset, (int)imageHeight - imageSizeOffset };
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int x = imageWidth + 50; x > -50; x -= 1)
// define polygon
std::vector<cv::Point> polygonPoints;
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(imageWidth - x, 100));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(positions2[1], positions2[i]));
polygonPoints.push_back(cv::Point(positions2[0], positions2[i]));
FillPolyTest, FillPolyFully,
testing::Values(0, 1, 2),
testing::Values(cv::Point(0, 0), cv::Point(10, 10)),
testing::Values(LINE_4, LINE_8, LINE_AA)
}} // namespace
