Merge pull request #21420 from lukasalexanderweber:4.x
Introduce Cropping to OpenCV Stitching Tool * Introduced Cropping * integrate * fixed failing subsetter tests * updated stuffpull/21555/head
17 changed files with 651 additions and 168 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ |
from collections import namedtuple |
import cv2 as cv |
from .blender import Blender |
from .stitching_error import StitchingError |
class Rectangle(namedtuple('Rectangle', 'x y width height')): |
__slots__ = () |
@property |
def area(self): |
return self.width * self.height |
@property |
def corner(self): |
return (self.x, self.y) |
@property |
def size(self): |
return (self.width, self.height) |
@property |
def x2(self): |
return self.x + self.width |
@property |
def y2(self): |
return self.y + self.height |
def times(self, x): |
return Rectangle(*(int(round(i*x)) for i in self)) |
def draw_on(self, img, color=(0, 0, 255), size=1): |
if len(img.shape) == 2: |
img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) |
start_point = (self.x, self.y) |
end_point = (self.x2-1, self.y2-1) |
cv.rectangle(img, start_point, end_point, color, size) |
return img |
class Cropper: |
def __init__(self, crop=DEFAULT_CROP): |
self.do_crop = crop |
self.overlapping_rectangles = [] |
self.cropping_rectangles = [] |
def prepare(self, imgs, masks, corners, sizes): |
if self.do_crop: |
mask = self.estimate_panorama_mask(imgs, masks, corners, sizes) |
self.compile_numba_functionality() |
lir = self.estimate_largest_interior_rectangle(mask) |
corners = self.get_zero_center_corners(corners) |
rectangles = self.get_rectangles(corners, sizes) |
self.overlapping_rectangles = self.get_overlaps( |
rectangles, lir) |
self.intersection_rectangles = self.get_intersections( |
rectangles, self.overlapping_rectangles) |
def crop_images(self, imgs, aspect=1): |
for idx, img in enumerate(imgs): |
yield self.crop_img(img, idx, aspect) |
def crop_img(self, img, idx, aspect=1): |
if self.do_crop: |
intersection_rect = self.intersection_rectangles[idx] |
scaled_intersection_rect = intersection_rect.times(aspect) |
cropped_img = self.crop_rectangle(img, scaled_intersection_rect) |
return cropped_img |
return img |
def crop_rois(self, corners, sizes, aspect=1): |
if self.do_crop: |
scaled_overlaps = \ |
[r.times(aspect) for r in self.overlapping_rectangles] |
cropped_corners = [r.corner for r in scaled_overlaps] |
cropped_corners = self.get_zero_center_corners(cropped_corners) |
cropped_sizes = [r.size for r in scaled_overlaps] |
return cropped_corners, cropped_sizes |
return corners, sizes |
@staticmethod |
def estimate_panorama_mask(imgs, masks, corners, sizes): |
_, mask = Blender.create_panorama(imgs, masks, corners, sizes) |
return mask |
def compile_numba_functionality(self): |
# numba functionality is only imported if cropping |
# is explicitely desired |
try: |
import numba |
except ModuleNotFoundError: |
raise StitchingError("Numba is needed for cropping but not installed") |
from .largest_interior_rectangle import largest_interior_rectangle |
self.largest_interior_rectangle = largest_interior_rectangle |
def estimate_largest_interior_rectangle(self, mask): |
lir = self.largest_interior_rectangle(mask) |
lir = Rectangle(*lir) |
return lir |
@staticmethod |
def get_zero_center_corners(corners): |
min_corner_x = min([corner[0] for corner in corners]) |
min_corner_y = min([corner[1] for corner in corners]) |
return [(x - min_corner_x, y - min_corner_y) for x, y in corners] |
@staticmethod |
def get_rectangles(corners, sizes): |
rectangles = [] |
for corner, size in zip(corners, sizes): |
rectangle = Rectangle(*corner, *size) |
rectangles.append(rectangle) |
return rectangles |
@staticmethod |
def get_overlaps(rectangles, lir): |
return [Cropper.get_overlap(r, lir) for r in rectangles] |
@staticmethod |
def get_overlap(rectangle1, rectangle2): |
x1 = max(rectangle1.x, rectangle2.x) |
y1 = max(rectangle1.y, rectangle2.y) |
x2 = min(rectangle1.x2, rectangle2.x2) |
y2 = min(rectangle1.y2, rectangle2.y2) |
if x2 < x1 or y2 < y1: |
raise StitchingError("Rectangles do not overlap!") |
return Rectangle(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1) |
@staticmethod |
def get_intersections(rectangles, overlapping_rectangles): |
return [Cropper.get_intersection(r, overlap_r) for r, overlap_r |
in zip(rectangles, overlapping_rectangles)] |
@staticmethod |
def get_intersection(rectangle, overlapping_rectangle): |
x = abs(overlapping_rectangle.x - rectangle.x) |
y = abs(overlapping_rectangle.y - rectangle.y) |
width = overlapping_rectangle.width |
height = overlapping_rectangle.height |
return Rectangle(x, y, width, height) |
@staticmethod |
def crop_rectangle(img, rectangle): |
return img[rectangle.y:rectangle.y2, rectangle.x:rectangle.x2] |
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ |
import numpy as np |
import numba as nb |
import cv2 as cv |
from .stitching_error import StitchingError |
def largest_interior_rectangle(cells): |
outline = get_outline(cells) |
adjacencies = adjacencies_all_directions(cells) |
s_map, _, saddle_candidates_map = create_maps(outline, adjacencies) |
lir1 = biggest_span_in_span_map(s_map) |
candidate_cells = cells_of_interest(saddle_candidates_map) |
s_map = span_map(adjacencies[0], adjacencies[2], candidate_cells) |
lir2 = biggest_span_in_span_map(s_map) |
lir = biggest_rectangle(lir1, lir2) |
return lir |
def get_outline(cells): |
contours, hierarchy = \ |
cv.findContours(cells, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) |
# TODO support multiple contours |
# test that only one regular contour exists |
if not hierarchy.shape == (1, 1, 4) or not np.all(hierarchy == -1): |
raise StitchingError("Invalid Contour. Try without cropping.") |
contour = contours[0][:, 0, :] |
x_values = contour[:, 0].astype("uint32", order="C") |
y_values = contour[:, 1].astype("uint32", order="C") |
return x_values, y_values |
@nb.njit('uint32[:,::1](uint8[:,::1], boolean)', parallel=True, cache=True) |
def horizontal_adjacency(cells, direction): |
result = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype=np.uint32) |
for y in nb.prange(cells.shape[0]): |
span = 0 |
if direction: |
iterator = range(cells.shape[1]-1, -1, -1) |
else: |
iterator = range(cells.shape[1]) |
for x in iterator: |
if cells[y, x] > 0: |
span += 1 |
else: |
span = 0 |
result[y, x] = span |
return result |
@nb.njit('uint32[:,::1](uint8[:,::1], boolean)', parallel=True, cache=True) |
def vertical_adjacency(cells, direction): |
result = np.zeros(cells.shape, dtype=np.uint32) |
for x in nb.prange(cells.shape[1]): |
span = 0 |
if direction: |
iterator = range(cells.shape[0]-1, -1, -1) |
else: |
iterator = range(cells.shape[0]) |
for y in iterator: |
if cells[y, x] > 0: |
span += 1 |
else: |
span = 0 |
result[y, x] = span |
return result |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def adjacencies_all_directions(cells): |
h_left2right = horizontal_adjacency(cells, 1) |
h_right2left = horizontal_adjacency(cells, 0) |
v_top2bottom = vertical_adjacency(cells, 1) |
v_bottom2top = vertical_adjacency(cells, 0) |
return h_left2right, h_right2left, v_top2bottom, v_bottom2top |
@nb.njit('uint32(uint32[:])', cache=True) |
def predict_vector_size(array): |
zero_indices = np.where(array == 0)[0] |
if len(zero_indices) == 0: |
if len(array) == 0: |
return 0 |
return len(array) |
return zero_indices[0] |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:,::1], uint32, uint32)', cache=True) |
def h_vector_top2bottom(h_adjacency, x, y): |
vector_size = predict_vector_size(h_adjacency[y:, x]) |
h_vector = np.zeros(vector_size, dtype=np.uint32) |
h = np.Inf |
for p in range(vector_size): |
h = np.minimum(h_adjacency[y+p, x], h) |
h_vector[p] = h |
h_vector = np.unique(h_vector)[::-1] |
return h_vector |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:,::1], uint32, uint32)', cache=True) |
def h_vector_bottom2top(h_adjacency, x, y): |
vector_size = predict_vector_size(np.flip(h_adjacency[:y+1, x])) |
h_vector = np.zeros(vector_size, dtype=np.uint32) |
h = np.Inf |
for p in range(vector_size): |
h = np.minimum(h_adjacency[y-p, x], h) |
h_vector[p] = h |
h_vector = np.unique(h_vector)[::-1] |
return h_vector |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def h_vectors_all_directions(h_left2right, h_right2left, x, y): |
h_l2r_t2b = h_vector_top2bottom(h_left2right, x, y) |
h_r2l_t2b = h_vector_top2bottom(h_right2left, x, y) |
h_l2r_b2t = h_vector_bottom2top(h_left2right, x, y) |
h_r2l_b2t = h_vector_bottom2top(h_right2left, x, y) |
return h_l2r_t2b, h_r2l_t2b, h_l2r_b2t, h_r2l_b2t |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:,::1], uint32, uint32)', cache=True) |
def v_vector_left2right(v_adjacency, x, y): |
vector_size = predict_vector_size(v_adjacency[y, x:]) |
v_vector = np.zeros(vector_size, dtype=np.uint32) |
v = np.Inf |
for q in range(vector_size): |
v = np.minimum(v_adjacency[y, x+q], v) |
v_vector[q] = v |
v_vector = np.unique(v_vector)[::-1] |
return v_vector |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:,::1], uint32, uint32)', cache=True) |
def v_vector_right2left(v_adjacency, x, y): |
vector_size = predict_vector_size(np.flip(v_adjacency[y, :x+1])) |
v_vector = np.zeros(vector_size, dtype=np.uint32) |
v = np.Inf |
for q in range(vector_size): |
v = np.minimum(v_adjacency[y, x-q], v) |
v_vector[q] = v |
v_vector = np.unique(v_vector)[::-1] |
return v_vector |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def v_vectors_all_directions(v_top2bottom, v_bottom2top, x, y): |
v_l2r_t2b = v_vector_left2right(v_top2bottom, x, y) |
v_r2l_t2b = v_vector_right2left(v_top2bottom, x, y) |
v_l2r_b2t = v_vector_left2right(v_bottom2top, x, y) |
v_r2l_b2t = v_vector_right2left(v_bottom2top, x, y) |
return v_l2r_t2b, v_r2l_t2b, v_l2r_b2t, v_r2l_b2t |
@nb.njit('uint32[:,:](uint32[:], uint32[:])', cache=True) |
def spans(h_vector, v_vector): |
spans = np.stack((h_vector, v_vector[::-1]), axis=1) |
return spans |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:,:])', cache=True) |
def biggest_span(spans): |
if len(spans) == 0: |
return np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.uint32) |
areas = spans[:, 0] * spans[:, 1] |
biggest_span_index = np.where(areas == np.amax(areas))[0][0] |
return spans[biggest_span_index] |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def spans_all_directions(h_vectors, v_vectors): |
span_l2r_t2b = spans(h_vectors[0], v_vectors[0]) |
span_r2l_t2b = spans(h_vectors[1], v_vectors[1]) |
span_l2r_b2t = spans(h_vectors[2], v_vectors[2]) |
span_r2l_b2t = spans(h_vectors[3], v_vectors[3]) |
return span_l2r_t2b, span_r2l_t2b, span_l2r_b2t, span_r2l_b2t |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def get_n_directions(spans_all_directions): |
n_directions = 1 |
for spans in spans_all_directions: |
all_x_1 = np.all(spans[:, 0] == 1) |
all_y_1 = np.all(spans[:, 1] == 1) |
if not all_x_1 and not all_y_1: |
n_directions += 1 |
return n_directions |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def get_xy_array(x, y, spans, mode=0): |
"""0 - flip none, 1 - flip x, 2 - flip y, 3 - flip both""" |
xy = spans.copy() |
xy[:, 0] = x |
xy[:, 1] = y |
if mode == 1: |
xy[:, 0] = xy[:, 0] - spans[:, 0] + 1 |
if mode == 2: |
xy[:, 1] = xy[:, 1] - spans[:, 1] + 1 |
if mode == 3: |
xy[:, 0] = xy[:, 0] - spans[:, 0] + 1 |
xy[:, 1] = xy[:, 1] - spans[:, 1] + 1 |
return xy |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def get_xy_arrays(x, y, spans_all_directions): |
xy_l2r_t2b = get_xy_array(x, y, spans_all_directions[0], 0) |
xy_r2l_t2b = get_xy_array(x, y, spans_all_directions[1], 1) |
xy_l2r_b2t = get_xy_array(x, y, spans_all_directions[2], 2) |
xy_r2l_b2t = get_xy_array(x, y, spans_all_directions[3], 3) |
return xy_l2r_t2b, xy_r2l_t2b, xy_l2r_b2t, xy_r2l_b2t |
@nb.njit(cache=True) |
def point_on_outline(x, y, outline): |
x_vals, y_vals = outline |
x_true = x_vals == x |
y_true = y_vals == y |
both_true = np.logical_and(x_true, y_true) |
return np.any(both_true) |
@nb.njit('Tuple((uint32[:,:,::1], uint8[:,::1], uint8[:,::1]))' |
'(UniTuple(uint32[:], 2), UniTuple(uint32[:,::1], 4))', |
parallel=True, cache=True) |
def create_maps(outline, adjacencies): |
x_values, y_values = outline |
h_left2right, h_right2left, v_top2bottom, v_bottom2top = adjacencies |
shape = h_left2right.shape |
span_map = np.zeros(shape + (2,), "uint32") |
direction_map = np.zeros(shape, "uint8") |
saddle_candidates_map = np.zeros(shape, "uint8") |
for idx in nb.prange(len(x_values)): |
x, y = x_values[idx], y_values[idx] |
h_vectors = h_vectors_all_directions(h_left2right, h_right2left, x, y) |
v_vectors = v_vectors_all_directions(v_top2bottom, v_bottom2top, x, y) |
span_arrays = spans_all_directions(h_vectors, v_vectors) |
n = get_n_directions(span_arrays) |
direction_map[y, x] = n |
xy_arrays = get_xy_arrays(x, y, span_arrays) |
for direction_idx in range(4): |
xy_array = xy_arrays[direction_idx] |
span_array = span_arrays[direction_idx] |
for span_idx in range(span_array.shape[0]): |
x, y = xy_array[span_idx][0], xy_array[span_idx][1] |
w, h = span_array[span_idx][0], span_array[span_idx][1] |
if w*h > span_map[y, x, 0] * span_map[y, x, 1]: |
span_map[y, x, :] = np.array([w, h], "uint32") |
if n == 3 and not point_on_outline(x, y, outline): |
saddle_candidates_map[y, x] = np.uint8(255) |
return span_map, direction_map, saddle_candidates_map |
def cells_of_interest(cells): |
y_vals, x_vals = cells.nonzero() |
x_vals = x_vals.astype("uint32", order="C") |
y_vals = y_vals.astype("uint32", order="C") |
return x_vals, y_vals |
@nb.njit('uint32[:, :, :]' |
'(uint32[:,::1], uint32[:,::1], UniTuple(uint32[:], 2))', |
parallel=True, cache=True) |
def span_map(h_adjacency_left2right, |
v_adjacency_top2bottom, |
cells_of_interest): |
x_values, y_values = cells_of_interest |
span_map = np.zeros(h_adjacency_left2right.shape + (2,), dtype=np.uint32) |
for idx in nb.prange(len(x_values)): |
x, y = x_values[idx], y_values[idx] |
h_vector = h_vector_top2bottom(h_adjacency_left2right, x, y) |
v_vector = v_vector_left2right(v_adjacency_top2bottom, x, y) |
s = spans(h_vector, v_vector) |
s = biggest_span(s) |
span_map[y, x, :] = s |
return span_map |
@nb.njit('uint32[:](uint32[:, :, :])', cache=True) |
def biggest_span_in_span_map(span_map): |
areas = span_map[:, :, 0] * span_map[:, :, 1] |
largest_rectangle_indices = np.where(areas == np.amax(areas)) |
x = largest_rectangle_indices[1][0] |
y = largest_rectangle_indices[0][0] |
span = span_map[y, x] |
return np.array([x, y, span[0], span[1]], dtype=np.uint32) |
def biggest_rectangle(*args): |
biggest_rect = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint32) |
for rect in args: |
if rect[2] * rect[3] > biggest_rect[2] * biggest_rect[3]: |
biggest_rect = rect |
return biggest_rect |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
from .megapix_scaler import MegapixScaler |
class MegapixDownscaler(MegapixScaler): |
@staticmethod |
def force_downscale(scale): |
return min(1.0, scale) |
def set_scale(self, scale): |
scale = self.force_downscale(scale) |
super().set_scale(scale) |
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ |
import statistics |
def estimate_final_panorama_dimensions(cameras, warper, img_handler): |
medium_to_final_ratio = img_handler.get_medium_to_final_ratio() |
panorama_scale_determined_on_medium_img = \ |
estimate_panorama_scale(cameras) |
panorama_scale = (panorama_scale_determined_on_medium_img * |
medium_to_final_ratio) |
panorama_corners = [] |
panorama_sizes = [] |
for size, camera in zip(img_handler.img_sizes, cameras): |
width, height = img_handler.final_scaler.get_scaled_img_size(size) |
roi = warper.warp_roi(width, height, camera, panorama_scale, medium_to_final_ratio) |
panorama_corners.append(roi[0:2]) |
panorama_sizes.append(roi[2:4]) |
return panorama_scale, panorama_corners, panorama_sizes |
def estimate_panorama_scale(cameras): |
focals = [cam.focal for cam in cameras] |
panorama_scale = statistics.median(focals) |
return panorama_scale |
Reference in new issue