@ -2439,4 +2439,102 @@ TEST(Calib3d_Triangulate, accuracy)
TEST ( CV_RecoverPoseTest , regression_15341 )
// initialize test data
const int invalid_point_count = 2 ;
const float _points1_ [ ] = {
1537.7f , 166.8f ,
1599.1f , 179.6f ,
1288.0f , 207.5f ,
1507.1f , 193.2f ,
1742.7f , 210.0f ,
1041.6f , 271.7f ,
1591.8f , 247.2f ,
1524.0f , 261.3f ,
1330.3f , 285.0f ,
1403.1f , 284.0f ,
1506.6f , 342.9f ,
1502.8f , 347.3f ,
1344.9f , 364.9f ,
0.0f , 0.0f // last point is initial invalid
} ;
const float _points2_ [ ] = {
1533.4f , 532.9f ,
1596.6f , 552.4f ,
1277.0f , 556.4f ,
1502.1f , 557.6f ,
1744.4f , 601.3f ,
1023.0f , 612.6f ,
1589.2f , 621.6f ,
1519.4f , 629.0f ,
1320.3f , 637.3f ,
1395.2f , 642.2f ,
1501.5f , 710.3f ,
1497.6f , 714.2f ,
1335.1f , 719.61f ,
1000.0f , 1000.0f // last point is initial invalid
} ;
vector < Point2f > _points1 ; Mat ( 14 , 1 , CV_32FC2 , ( void * ) _points1_ ) . copyTo ( _points1 ) ;
vector < Point2f > _points2 ; Mat ( 14 , 1 , CV_32FC2 , ( void * ) _points2_ ) . copyTo ( _points2 ) ;
const int point_count = ( int ) _points1 . size ( ) ;
CV_Assert ( point_count = = ( int ) _points2 . size ( ) ) ;
// camera matrix with both focal lengths = 1, and principal point = (0, 0)
const Mat cameraMatrix = Mat : : eye ( 3 , 3 , CV_64F ) ;
int Inliers = 0 ;
const int ntests = 3 ;
for ( int testcase = 1 ; testcase < = ntests ; + + testcase )
if ( testcase = = 1 ) // testcase with vector input data
// init temporary test data
vector < unsigned char > mask ( point_count ) ;
vector < Point2f > points1 ( _points1 ) ;
vector < Point2f > points2 ( _points2 ) ;
// Estimation of fundamental matrix using the RANSAC algorithm
Mat E , R , t ;
E = findEssentialMat ( points1 , points2 , cameraMatrix , RANSAC , 0.999 , 1.0 , mask ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 0 , ( int ) mask [ 13 ] ) < < " Detecting outliers in function findEssentialMat failed, testcase " < < testcase ;
points2 [ 12 ] = Point2f ( 0.0f , 0.0f ) ; // provoke another outlier detection for recover Pose
Inliers = recoverPose ( E , points1 , points2 , cameraMatrix , R , t , mask ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 0 , ( int ) mask [ 12 ] ) < < " Detecting outliers in function failed, testcase " < < testcase ;
else // testcase with mat input data
Mat points1 ( _points1 , true ) ;
Mat points2 ( _points2 , true ) ;
Mat mask ;
if ( testcase = = 2 )
// init temporary testdata
mask = Mat : : zeros ( point_count , 1 , CV_8UC1 ) ;
else // testcase == 3 - with transposed mask
mask = Mat : : zeros ( 1 , point_count , CV_8UC1 ) ;
// Estimation of fundamental matrix using the RANSAC algorithm
Mat E , R , t ;
E = findEssentialMat ( points1 , points2 , cameraMatrix , RANSAC , 0.999 , 1.0 , mask ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 0 , ( int ) mask . at < unsigned char > ( 13 ) ) < < " Detecting outliers in function findEssentialMat failed, testcase " < < testcase ;
points2 . at < Point2f > ( 12 ) = Point2f ( 0.0f , 0.0f ) ; // provoke an outlier detection
Inliers = recoverPose ( E , points1 , points2 , cameraMatrix , R , t , mask ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( 0 , ( int ) mask . at < unsigned char > ( 12 ) ) < < " Detecting outliers in function failed, testcase " < < testcase ;
EXPECT_EQ ( Inliers , point_count - invalid_point_count ) < <
" Number of inliers differs from expected number of inliers, testcase " < < testcase ;
} } // namespace