@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
# include <time.h> // for time()
// If defined, the match time and accuracy of the match results are a little different, each time the code ran.
// If defined, some outlier images descriptors add() the matcher.
@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ TrainInfo transImgAndTrain(
const string & matchername ,
const Mat & imgQuery , const vector < KeyPoint > & query_kp , const Mat & query_desc ,
const vector < Mat > & imgOutliers , const vector < vector < KeyPoint > > & outliers_kp , const vector < Mat > & outliers_desc , const int totalOutlierDescCnt ,
const float t , const testparam & tp ,
const float t , const testparam * tp ,
const int testno , const bool bVerboseOutput , const bool bSaveDrawMatches )
TrainInfo ti ;
// transform query image
Mat imgTransform ;
( tp . transfunc ) ( t , imgQuery , imgTransform ) ;
( tp - > transfunc ) ( t , imgQuery , imgTransform ) ;
// extract kp and compute desc from transformed query image
vector < KeyPoint > trans_query_kp ;
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ TrainInfo transImgAndTrain(
// draw status
sprintf ( buff , " %s accuracy:%-3.2f%% %d descriptors training time:%-3.2fms matching :%-3.2fms " , matchername . c_str ( ) , ti . accuracy , ti . traindesccnt , ti . traintime , ti . matchtime ) ;
putText ( imgResult , buff , Point ( 0 , 12 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN , 0.8 , Scalar ( 0. , 0. , 255. ) ) ;
sprintf ( buff , " %s/res%03d_%s_%s%.1f_inlier.png " , resultDir , testno , matchername . c_str ( ) , tp . transname . c_str ( ) , t ) ;
sprintf ( buff , " %s/res%03d_%s_%s%.1f_inlier.png " , resultDir , testno , matchername . c_str ( ) , tp - > transname . c_str ( ) , t ) ;
if ( bSaveDrawMatches & & ! imwrite ( buff , imgResult ) ) cout < < " Image " < < buff < < " can not be saved (may be because directory " < < resultDir < < " does not exist). " < < endl ;
@ -264,13 +264,13 @@ TrainInfo transImgAndTrain(
drawMatches ( imgQuery , query_kp , imgOutliers [ i ] , outliers_kp [ i ] , match , imgResult , Scalar : : all ( - 1 ) , Scalar : : all ( 128 ) , mask ) ; // , DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
sprintf ( buff , " query_num:%d train_num:%d matched:%d %d descriptors training time:%-3.2fms matching :%-3.2fms " , ( int ) query_kp . size ( ) , ( int ) outliers_kp [ i ] . size ( ) , matchcnt , ti . traindesccnt , ti . traintime , ti . matchtime ) ;
putText ( imgResult , buff , Point ( 0 , 12 ) , FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN , 0.8 , Scalar ( 0. , 0. , 255. ) ) ;
sprintf ( buff , " %s/res%03d_%s_%s%.1f_outlier%02d.png " , resultDir , testno , matchername . c_str ( ) , tp . transname . c_str ( ) , t , i ) ;
sprintf ( buff , " %s/res%03d_%s_%s%.1f_outlier%02d.png " , resultDir , testno , matchername . c_str ( ) , tp - > transname . c_str ( ) , t , i ) ;
if ( bSaveDrawMatches & & ! imwrite ( buff , imgResult ) ) cout < < " Image " < < buff < < " can not be saved (may be because directory " < < resultDir < < " does not exist). " < < endl ;
# endif
if ( bVerboseOutput )
cout < < tp . transname < < " image matching accuracy: " < < ti . accuracy < < " % " < < ti . traindesccnt < < " train: " < < ti . traintime < < " ms match: " < < ti . matchtime < < " ms " < < endl ;
cout < < tp - > transname < < " image matching accuracy: " < < ti . accuracy < < " % " < < ti . traindesccnt < < " train: " < < ti . traintime < < " ms match: " < < ti . matchtime < < " ms " < < endl ;
return ti ;
@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ class CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
private :
Ptr < DescriptorMatcher > bfmatcher ; // brute force matcher for accuracy of reference
Ptr < DescriptorMatcher > flmatcher ; // flann matcher to test
Ptr < Feature2D > fe ; // feature detector extractor
DescriptorMatcher * bfmatcher ; // brute force matcher for accuracy of reference
DescriptorMatcher * flmatcher ; // flann matcher to test
Feature2D * fe ; // feature detector extractor
Mat imgQuery ; // query image
vector < Mat > imgOutliers ; // outlier image
vector < KeyPoint > query_kp ; // query key points detect from imgQuery
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ private:
int totalOutlierDescCnt ;
string flmatchername ;
testparam tp ;
testparam * tp ;
double target_accuracy_margin_from_bfmatcher ;
public :
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public:
// constructor
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest ( testparam _tp , double _accuracy_margin , Ptr < Feature2D > _fe , DescriptorMatcher * _flmatcher , string _flmatchername , int norm_type_for_bfmatcher ) :
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest ( testparam * _tp , double _accuracy_margin , Feature2D * _fe , DescriptorMatcher * _flmatcher , string _flmatchername , int norm_type_for_bfmatcher ) :
tp ( _tp ) ,
fe ( _fe ) ,
flmatcher ( _flmatcher ) ,
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ public:
srand ( ( unsigned int ) time ( 0 ) ) ;
# endif
// create brute force matcher for accuracy of reference
bfmatcher = makePtr < BFMatcher > ( norm_type_for_bfmatcher ) ;
bfmatcher = new BFMatcher ( norm_type_for_bfmatcher ) ;
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ public:
double totalMatchTime = 0. ;
double totalAccuracy = 0. ;
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( float t = tp . from ; t < = tp . to ; t + = tp . step , + + testno_for_make_filename , + + cnt )
for ( float t = tp - > from ; t < = tp - > to ; t + = tp - > step , + + testno_for_make_filename , + + cnt )
if ( SHOW_DEBUG_LOG ) cout < < " Test No. " < < testno_for_make_filename < < " BFMatcher " < < t ;
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ public:
totalMatchTime = 0. ;
totalAccuracy = 0. ;
cnt = 0 ;
for ( float t = tp . from ; t < = tp . to ; t + = tp . step , + + testno_for_make_filename , + + cnt )
for ( float t = tp - > from ; t < = tp - > to ; t + = tp - > step , + + testno_for_make_filename , + + cnt )
if ( SHOW_DEBUG_LOG ) cout < < " Test No. " < < testno_for_make_filename < < " " < < flmatchername < < " " < < t ;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ public:
// compare accuracies between the brute force matcher and the test target matcher
if ( average_accuracy < target_average_accuracy )
ts - > printf ( cvtest : : TS : : LOG , " Bad average accuracy %f < %f while test %s %s query \n " , average_accuracy , target_average_accuracy , flmatchername . c_str ( ) , tp . transname . c_str ( ) ) ;
ts - > printf ( cvtest : : TS : : LOG , " Bad average accuracy %f < %f while test %s %s query \n " , average_accuracy , target_average_accuracy , flmatchername . c_str ( ) , tp - > transname . c_str ( ) ) ;
ts - > set_failed_test_info ( cvtest : : TS : : FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY ) ;
return ;
@ -459,57 +459,75 @@ static void blur(float k, const Mat& src, Mat& dst)
TEST ( BlurredQueryFlannBasedLshShortKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " blurred " , blur , 1.0f , 11.0f , 2.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( BlurredQueryFlannBasedLshMiddleKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " blurred " , blur , 1.0f , 11.0f , 2.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( BlurredQueryFlannBasedLshLongKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " blurred " , blur , 1.0f , 11.0f , 2.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( ScaledQueryFlannBasedLshShortKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " scaled " , scale , 0.5f , 1.5f , 0.1f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( ScaledQueryFlannBasedLshMiddleKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " scaled " , scale , 0.5f , 1.5f , 0.1f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( ScaledQueryFlannBasedLshLongKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " scaled " , scale , 0.5f , 1.5f , 0.1f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( RotatedQueryFlannBasedLshShortKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " rotated " , rotate , 0.0f , 359.0f , 30.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 16 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , SHORT_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 16, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( RotatedQueryFlannBasedLshMiddleKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " rotated " , rotate , 0.0f , 359.0f , 30.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 24 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , MIDDLE_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 24, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;
TEST ( RotatedQueryFlannBasedLshLongKeyMatcherAdditionalTrainTest , accuracy )
Ptr < Feature2D > fe = OrbCreate ;
Ptr < FlannBasedMatcher > fl = makePtr < FlannBasedMatcher > ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) ;
testparam tp ( " rotated " , rotate , 0.0f , 359.0f , 30.0f ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , OrbCreate , new FlannBasedMatcher ( makePtr < flann : : LshIndexParams > ( 1 , 31 , 2 ) ) , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING ) ;
CV_FeatureDetectorMatcherBaseTest test ( & tp , LONG_LSH_KEY_ACCURACY_MARGIN , fe , fl , " FlannLsh(1, 31, 2) " , NORM_HAMMING );
test . safe_run ( ) ;