@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
vector<String> typeAlgoMatch; |
vector<String> fileName; |
help(); |
system("cd"); |
// This descriptor are going to be detect and compute
typeDesc.push_back("AKAZE"); // see http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d8/d30/classcv_1_1AKAZE.html
typeDesc.push_back("ORB"); // see http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/de/dbf/classcv_1_1BRISK.html
@ -112,13 +113,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) |
drawMatches(img1, keyImg1, img2, keyImg2, bestMatches, result); |
namedWindow(*itDesc+": "+*itMatcher, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
imshow(*itDesc + ": " + *itMatcher, result); |
FileStorage fs(*itDesc+"_"+*itMatcher+"_"+fileName[0]+"_"+fileName[1]+".xml", FileStorage::WRITE); |
// Saved result could be wrong due to bug 4308
FileStorage fs(*itDesc + "_" + *itMatcher + ".yml", FileStorage::WRITE); |
fs<<"Matches"<<matches; |
vector<DMatch>::iterator it; |
cout<<"**********Match results**********\n"; |
cout << "Index \tIndex \tdistance\n"; |
cout << "in img1\tin img2\n"; |
double cumSumDist2=0; // Use to compute distance between keyPoint matches and to evaluate match algorithm
// Use to compute distance between keyPoint matches and to evaluate match algorithm
double cumSumDist2=0; |
for (it = bestMatches.begin(); it != bestMatches.end(); it++) |
{ |
cout << it->queryIdx << "\t" << it->trainIdx << "\t" << it->distance << "\n"; |