Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/3.4' into merge-3.4

Alexander Alekhin 4 years ago
commit cb51a155b2
  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 1
  5. 67
  6. 2
  7. 104
  8. 16
  9. 6
  10. 9

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ using **cv.Sobel()**).
Then comes the main part. After this, they created a score, basically an equation, which
determines if a window can contain a corner or not.
\f[R = det(M) - k(trace(M))^2\f]
\f[R = \det(M) - k(\operatorname{trace}(M))^2\f]
- \f$det(M) = \lambda_1 \lambda_2\f$
- \f$trace(M) = \lambda_1 + \lambda_2\f$
- \f$\lambda_1\f$ and \f$\lambda_2\f$ are the eigenvalues of M
- \f$\det(M) = \lambda_1 \lambda_2\f$
- \f$\operatorname{trace}(M) = \lambda_1 + \lambda_2\f$
- \f$\lambda_1\f$ and \f$\lambda_2\f$ are the eigenvalues of \f$M\f$
So the magnitudes of these eigenvalues decide whether a region is a corner, an edge, or flat.

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Harris Corner Detector. The scoring function in Harris Corner Detector was given
Instead of this, Shi-Tomasi proposed:
\f[R = min(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)\f]
\f[R = \min(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)\f]
If it is a greater than a threshold value, it is considered as a corner. If we plot it in
\f$\lambda_1 - \lambda_2\f$ space as we did in Harris Corner Detector, we get an image as below:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ If it is a greater than a threshold value, it is considered as a corner. If we p
From the figure, you can see that only when \f$\lambda_1\f$ and \f$\lambda_2\f$ are above a minimum value,
\f$\lambda_{min}\f$, it is considered as a corner(green region).
\f$\lambda_{\min}\f$, it is considered as a corner(green region).

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ sift = cv.SIFT_create()
kp, des = sift.detectAndCompute(gray,None)
Here kp will be a list of keypoints and des is a numpy array of shape
\f$Number\_of\_Keypoints \times 128\f$.
\f$\text{(Number of Keypoints)} \times 128\f$.
So we got keypoints, descriptors etc. Now we want to see how to match keypoints in different images.
That we will learn in coming chapters.

@ -3482,7 +3482,6 @@ struct Kernel::Impl
void registerImageArgument(int arg, const Image2D& image)
CV_CheckGE(arg, 0, "");
CV_CheckLT(arg, (int)MAX_ARRS, "");
if (arg < (int)shadow_images.size() && shadow_images[arg].ptr() != image.ptr()) // TODO future: replace ptr => impl (more strong check)
CV_Check(arg, !isInProgress, "ocl::Kernel: clearing of pending Image2D arguments is not allowed");

@ -132,6 +132,73 @@ TEST(OpenCL, support_SPIR_programs)
TEST(OpenCL, image2Dcount_regression_19334)
cv::ocl::Context ctx = cv::ocl::Context::getDefault();
if (!ctx.ptr())
throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL is not available");
cv::ocl::Device device = cv::ocl::Device::getDefault();
if (!device.compilerAvailable())
throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL compiler is not available");
std::string module_name; // empty to disable OpenCL cache
static const char* opencl_kernel_src =
"__kernel void test_kernel(int a,\n"
" __global const uchar* src0, int src0_step, int src0_offset, int src0_rows, int src0_cols,\n"
" __global const uchar* src1, int src1_step, int src1_offset, int src1_rows, int src1_cols,\n"
" __global const uchar* src2, int src2_step, int src2_offset, int src2_rows, int src2_cols,\n"
" __read_only image2d_t image)\n"
cv::ocl::ProgramSource src(module_name, "test_opencl_image_arg", opencl_kernel_src, "");
cv::String errmsg;
cv::ocl::Program program(src, "", errmsg);
ASSERT_TRUE(program.ptr() != NULL);
cv::ocl::Kernel k("test_kernel", program);
std::vector<UMat> images(4);
for (size_t i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i)
images[i] = UMat(10, 10, CV_8UC1);
cv::ocl::Image2D image;
cv::ocl::Image2D image_(images.back());
image = image_;
catch (const cv::Exception&)
throw cvtest::SkipTestException("OpenCL images are not supported");
int nargs = 0;
int a = 0;
nargs = k.set(nargs, a);
ASSERT_EQ(1, nargs);
nargs = k.set(nargs, images[0]);
ASSERT_EQ(6, nargs);
nargs = k.set(nargs, images[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(11, nargs);
nargs = k.set(nargs, images[2]);
ASSERT_EQ(16, nargs);
// do not throw (issue of #19334)
ASSERT_NO_THROW(nargs = k.set(nargs, image));
ASSERT_EQ(17, nargs);
// allow to replace image argument if kernel is not running
UMat image2(10, 10, CV_8UC1);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(nargs = k.set(16, cv::ocl::Image2D(image2)));
ASSERT_EQ(17, nargs);
TEST(OpenCL, move_construct_assign)
cv::ocl::Context ctx1 = cv::ocl::Context::getDefault();

@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void CvWindow::createSlider(cv::String name, int* val, int count, CvTrackbarCall
// Image control is loaded. See callback implementation in CvWindow ctor.
slider->Width = sliderDefaultWidth;
slider->Value = *val;
slider->Value = val ? *val : 0;
slider->Maximum = count;
slider->Visibility = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible;
slider->Margin = Windows::UI::Xaml::ThicknessHelper::FromLengths(10, 10, 10, 0);

@ -1536,6 +1536,8 @@ static inline void trilinearPackedInterpolate(const v_uint16& inX, const v_uint1
#endif // CV_SIMD
struct RGB2Lab_b
typedef uchar channel_type;
@ -1571,6 +1573,69 @@ struct RGB2Lab_b
template <int n>
inline void rgb2lab_batch(const ushort* tab,
const v_uint8 vRi, const v_uint8 vGi, const v_uint8 vBi,
v_int32& vL, v_int32& va, v_int32& vb) const
// Define some scalar constants which we will make use of later
const int Lscale = (116*255+50)/100;
const int Lshift = -((16*255*(1 << lab_shift2) + 50)/100);
const int xyzDescaleShift = (1 << (lab_shift - 1));
const int labDescaleShift = (1 << (lab_shift2 - 1));
const int abShift = 128*(1 << lab_shift2);
const int C0 = coeffs[0], C1 = coeffs[1], C2 = coeffs[2],
C3 = coeffs[3], C4 = coeffs[4], C5 = coeffs[5],
C6 = coeffs[6], C7 = coeffs[7], C8 = coeffs[8];
// int R = tab[src[0]], G = tab[src[1]], B = tab[src[2]];
v_int32 vR(tab[v_extract_n<4*n+0>(vRi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+1>(vRi)],
tab[v_extract_n<4*n+2>(vRi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+3>(vRi)]);
v_int32 vG(tab[v_extract_n<4*n+0>(vGi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+1>(vGi)],
tab[v_extract_n<4*n+2>(vGi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+3>(vGi)]);
v_int32 vB(tab[v_extract_n<4*n+0>(vBi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+1>(vBi)],
tab[v_extract_n<4*n+2>(vBi)], tab[v_extract_n<4*n+3>(vBi)]);
/* int fX = LabCbrtTab_b[CV_DESCALE(R*C0 + G*C1 + B*C2, lab_shift)];*/
v_int32 vfX = v_fma(vR, v_setall_s32(C0), v_setall_s32(xyzDescaleShift));
vfX = v_fma(vG, v_setall_s32(C1), vfX);
vfX = v_fma(vB, v_setall_s32(C2), vfX);
vfX = v_shr<lab_shift>(vfX);
vfX = v_int32(LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<0>(vfX)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<1>(vfX)],
LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<2>(vfX)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<3>(vfX)]);
/* int fY = LabCbrtTab_b[CV_DESCALE(R*C3 + G*C4 + B*C5, lab_shift)]; */
v_int32 vfY = v_fma(vR, v_setall_s32(C3), v_setall_s32(xyzDescaleShift));
vfY = v_fma(vG, v_setall_s32(C4), vfY);
vfY = v_fma(vB, v_setall_s32(C5), vfY);
vfY = v_shr<lab_shift>(vfY);
vfY = v_int32(LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<0>(vfY)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<1>(vfY)],
LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<2>(vfY)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<3>(vfY)]);
/* int fZ = LabCbrtTab_b[CV_DESCALE(R*C6 + G*C7 + B*C8, lab_shift)];*/
v_int32 vfZ = v_fma(vR, v_setall_s32(C6), v_setall_s32(xyzDescaleShift));
vfZ = v_fma(vG, v_setall_s32(C7), vfZ);
vfZ = v_fma(vB, v_setall_s32(C8), vfZ);
vfZ = v_shr<lab_shift>(vfZ);
vfZ = v_int32(LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<0>(vfZ)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<1>(vfZ)],
LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<2>(vfZ)], LabCbrtTab_b[v_extract_n<3>(vfZ)]);
/* int L = CV_DESCALE( Lscale*fY + Lshift, lab_shift2 );*/
vL = v_fma(vfY, v_setall_s32(Lscale), v_setall_s32(Lshift+labDescaleShift));
vL = v_shr<lab_shift2>(vL);
/* int a = CV_DESCALE( 500*(fX - fY) + 128*(1 << lab_shift2), lab_shift2 );*/
va = v_fma(vfX - vfY, v_setall_s32(500), v_setall_s32(abShift+labDescaleShift));
va = v_shr<lab_shift2>(va);
/* int b = CV_DESCALE( 200*(fY - fZ) + 128*(1 << lab_shift2), lab_shift2 );*/
vb = v_fma(vfY - vfZ, v_setall_s32(200), v_setall_s32(abShift+labDescaleShift));
vb = v_shr<lab_shift2>(vb);
#endif // CV_NEON
void operator()(const uchar* src, uchar* dst, int n) const
@ -1585,6 +1650,45 @@ struct RGB2Lab_b
i = 0;
// On each loop, we load nlanes of RGB/A v_uint8s and store nlanes of
// Lab v_uint8s
for(; i <= n - v_uint8::nlanes; i += v_uint8::nlanes,
src += scn*v_uint8::nlanes, dst += 3*v_uint8::nlanes )
// Load 4 batches of 4 src
v_uint8 vRi, vGi, vBi;
if(scn == 4)
v_uint8 vAi;
v_load_deinterleave(src, vRi, vGi, vBi, vAi);
else // scn == 3
v_load_deinterleave(src, vRi, vGi, vBi);
// Do 4 batches of 4 RGB2Labs
v_int32 vL0, va0, vb0;
rgb2lab_batch<0>(tab, vRi, vGi, vBi, vL0, va0, vb0);
v_int32 vL1, va1, vb1;
rgb2lab_batch<1>(tab, vRi, vGi, vBi, vL1, va1, vb1);
v_int32 vL2, va2, vb2;
rgb2lab_batch<2>(tab, vRi, vGi, vBi, vL2, va2, vb2);
v_int32 vL3, va3, vb3;
rgb2lab_batch<3>(tab, vRi, vGi, vBi, vL3, va3, vb3);
// Saturate, combine and store all batches
// dst[0] = saturate_cast<uchar>(L);
// dst[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>(a);
// dst[2] = saturate_cast<uchar>(b);
v_pack(v_pack_u(vL0, vL1), v_pack_u(vL2, vL3)),
v_pack(v_pack_u(va0, va1), v_pack_u(va2, va3)),
v_pack(v_pack_u(vb0, vb1), v_pack_u(vb2, vb3)));
#endif // CV_NEON
const int vsize = v_uint8::nlanes;
const int xyzDescaleShift = 1 << (lab_shift - 1);

@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ static void magSpectrums( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
if( k == 1 )
dataSrc += cols - 1, dataDst += cols - 1;
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0]*dataSrc[0];
dataDst[0] = (float)std::abs(dataSrc[0]);
if( rows % 2 == 0 )
dataDst[(rows-1)*stepDst] = dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc]*dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc];
dataDst[(rows-1)*stepDst] = (float)std::abs(dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc]);
for( j = 1; j <= rows - 2; j += 2 )
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ static void magSpectrums( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
if( is_1d && cn == 1 )
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0]*dataSrc[0];
dataDst[0] = (float)std::abs(dataSrc[0]);
if( cols % 2 == 0 )
dataDst[j1] = dataSrc[j1]*dataSrc[j1];
dataDst[j1] = (float)std::abs(dataSrc[j1]);
for( j = j0; j < j1; j += 2 )
@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ static void magSpectrums( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
if( k == 1 )
dataSrc += cols - 1, dataDst += cols - 1;
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0]*dataSrc[0];
dataDst[0] = std::abs(dataSrc[0]);
if( rows % 2 == 0 )
dataDst[(rows-1)*stepDst] = dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc]*dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc];
dataDst[(rows-1)*stepDst] = std::abs(dataSrc[(rows-1)*stepSrc]);
for( j = 1; j <= rows - 2; j += 2 )
@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ static void magSpectrums( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
if( is_1d && cn == 1 )
dataDst[0] = dataSrc[0]*dataSrc[0];
dataDst[0] = std::abs(dataSrc[0]);
if( cols % 2 == 0 )
dataDst[j1] = dataSrc[j1]*dataSrc[j1];
dataDst[j1] = std::abs(dataSrc[j1]);
for( j = j0; j < j1; j += 2 )

@ -1236,8 +1236,12 @@ void hlineSmoothONa_yzy_a<uint16_t, ufixedpoint32>(const uint16_t* src, int cn,
v_mul_expand(vx_load(src + pre_shift * cn), vx_setall_u16((uint16_t) *((uint32_t*)(m + pre_shift))), v_res0, v_res1);
for (int j = 0; j < pre_shift; j ++)
v_uint16 v_weight = vx_setall_u16((uint16_t) *((uint32_t*)(m + j)));
v_uint32 v_add0, v_add1;
v_mul_expand(vx_load(src + j * cn) + vx_load(src + (n - 1 - j)*cn), vx_setall_u16((uint16_t) *((uint32_t*)(m + j))), v_add0, v_add1);
v_mul_expand(vx_load(src + j * cn), v_weight, v_add0, v_add1);
v_res0 += v_add0;
v_res1 += v_add1;
v_mul_expand(vx_load(src + (n - 1 - j)*cn), v_weight, v_add0, v_add1);
v_res0 += v_add0;
v_res1 += v_add1;

@ -220,6 +220,15 @@ TEST(GaussianBlur_Bitexact, regression_15015)
ASSERT_EQ(0.0, cvtest::norm(dst, src, NORM_INF));
TEST(GaussianBlur_Bitexact, overflow_20121)
Mat src(100, 100, CV_16UC1, Scalar(65535));
Mat dst;
GaussianBlur(src, dst, cv::Size(9, 9), 0.0);
double min_val;
minMaxLoc(dst, &min_val);
ASSERT_EQ(cvRound(min_val), 65535);
static void checkGaussianBlur_8Uvs32F(const Mat& src8u, const Mat& src32f, int N, double sigma)
