- Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! - Operations with imagespull/11942/head
12 changed files with 1200 additions and 169 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
/* Snippet code for Operations with images tutorial (not intended to be run but should built successfully) */ |
#include "opencv2/core.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h" |
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" |
#include <iostream> |
using namespace cv; |
using namespace std; |
int main(int,char**) |
{ |
std::string filename = ""; |
// Input/Output
{ |
//! [Load an image from a file]
Mat img = imread(filename); |
//! [Load an image from a file]
CV_UNUSED(img); |
} |
{ |
//! [Load an image from a file in grayscale]
Mat img = imread(filename, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
//! [Load an image from a file in grayscale]
CV_UNUSED(img); |
} |
{ |
Mat img(4,4,CV_8U); |
//! [Save image]
imwrite(filename, img); |
//! [Save image]
} |
// Accessing pixel intensity values
{ |
Mat img(4,4,CV_8U); |
int y = 0, x = 0; |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 1]
Scalar intensity = img.at<uchar>(y, x); |
//! [Pixel access 1]
CV_UNUSED(intensity); |
} |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 2]
Scalar intensity = img.at<uchar>(Point(x, y)); |
//! [Pixel access 2]
CV_UNUSED(intensity); |
} |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 3]
Vec3b intensity = img.at<Vec3b>(y, x); |
uchar blue = intensity.val[0]; |
uchar green = intensity.val[1]; |
uchar red = intensity.val[2]; |
//! [Pixel access 3]
CV_UNUSED(blue); |
CV_UNUSED(green); |
CV_UNUSED(red); |
} |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 4]
Vec3f intensity = img.at<Vec3f>(y, x); |
float blue = intensity.val[0]; |
float green = intensity.val[1]; |
float red = intensity.val[2]; |
//! [Pixel access 4]
CV_UNUSED(blue); |
CV_UNUSED(green); |
CV_UNUSED(red); |
} |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 5]
img.at<uchar>(y, x) = 128; |
//! [Pixel access 5]
} |
{ |
int i = 0; |
//! [Mat from points vector]
vector<Point2f> points; |
//... fill the array
Mat pointsMat = Mat(points); |
//! [Mat from points vector]
//! [Point access]
Point2f point = pointsMat.at<Point2f>(i, 0); |
//! [Point access]
CV_UNUSED(point); |
} |
} |
// Memory management and reference counting
{ |
//! [Reference counting 1]
std::vector<Point3f> points; |
// .. fill the array
Mat pointsMat = Mat(points).reshape(1); |
//! [Reference counting 1]
CV_UNUSED(pointsMat); |
} |
{ |
//! [Reference counting 2]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat img1 = img.clone(); |
//! [Reference counting 2]
CV_UNUSED(img1); |
} |
{ |
//! [Reference counting 3]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat sobelx; |
Sobel(img, sobelx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
//! [Reference counting 3]
} |
// Primitive operations
{ |
Mat img; |
{ |
//! [Set image to black]
img = Scalar(0); |
//! [Set image to black]
} |
{ |
//! [Select ROI]
Rect r(10, 10, 100, 100); |
Mat smallImg = img(r); |
//! [Select ROI]
CV_UNUSED(smallImg); |
} |
} |
{ |
//! [C-API conversion]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
IplImage img1 = img; |
CvMat m = img; |
//! [C-API conversion]
CV_UNUSED(img1); |
} |
{ |
//! [BGR to Gray]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); // loading a 8UC3 image
Mat grey; |
cvtColor(img, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
//! [BGR to Gray]
} |
{ |
Mat dst, src; |
//! [Convert to CV_32F]
src.convertTo(dst, CV_32F); |
//! [Convert to CV_32F]
} |
// Visualizing images
{ |
//! [imshow 1]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
namedWindow("image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
imshow("image", img); |
waitKey(); |
//! [imshow 1]
} |
{ |
//! [imshow 2]
Mat img = imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat grey; |
cvtColor(img, grey, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
Mat sobelx; |
Sobel(grey, sobelx, CV_32F, 1, 0); |
double minVal, maxVal; |
minMaxLoc(sobelx, &minVal, &maxVal); //find minimum and maximum intensities
Mat draw; |
sobelx.convertTo(draw, CV_8U, 255.0/(maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0/(maxVal - minVal)); |
namedWindow("image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
imshow("image", draw); |
waitKey(); |
//! [imshow 2]
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
import java.util.Scanner; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
class BasicLinearTransforms { |
private byte saturate(double val) { |
int iVal = (int) Math.round(val); |
iVal = iVal > 255 ? 255 : (iVal < 0 ? 0 : iVal); |
return (byte) iVal; |
} |
public void run(String[] args) { |
/// Read image given by user
//! [basic-linear-transform-load]
String imagePath = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "../data/lena.jpg"; |
Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread(imagePath); |
if (image.empty()) { |
System.out.println("Empty image: " + imagePath); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
//! [basic-linear-transform-load]
//! [basic-linear-transform-output]
Mat newImage = Mat.zeros(image.size(), image.type()); |
//! [basic-linear-transform-output]
//! [basic-linear-transform-parameters]
double alpha = 1.0; /*< Simple contrast control */ |
int beta = 0; /*< Simple brightness control */ |
/// Initialize values
System.out.println(" Basic Linear Transforms "); |
System.out.println("-------------------------"); |
try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) { |
System.out.print("* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]: "); |
alpha = scanner.nextDouble(); |
System.out.print("* Enter the beta value [0-100]: "); |
beta = scanner.nextInt(); |
} |
//! [basic-linear-transform-parameters]
/// Do the operation newImage(i,j) = alpha*image(i,j) + beta
/// Instead of these 'for' loops we could have used simply:
/// image.convertTo(newImage, -1, alpha, beta);
/// but we wanted to show you how to access the pixels :)
//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]
byte[] imageData = new byte[(int) (image.total()*image.channels())]; |
image.get(0, 0, imageData); |
byte[] newImageData = new byte[(int) (newImage.total()*newImage.channels())]; |
for (int y = 0; y < image.rows(); y++) { |
for (int x = 0; x < image.cols(); x++) { |
for (int c = 0; c < image.channels(); c++) { |
double pixelValue = imageData[(y * image.cols() + x) * image.channels() + c]; |
/// Java byte range is [-128, 127]
pixelValue = pixelValue < 0 ? pixelValue + 256 : pixelValue; |
newImageData[(y * image.cols() + x) * image.channels() + c] |
= saturate(alpha * pixelValue + beta); |
} |
} |
} |
newImage.put(0, 0, newImageData); |
//! [basic-linear-transform-operation]
//! [basic-linear-transform-display]
/// Show stuff
HighGui.imshow("Original Image", image); |
HighGui.imshow("New Image", newImage); |
/// Wait until user press some key
HighGui.waitKey(); |
//! [basic-linear-transform-display]
System.exit(0); |
} |
} |
public class BasicLinearTransformsDemo { |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
new BasicLinearTransforms().run(args); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ |
import java.awt.BorderLayout; |
import java.awt.Container; |
import java.awt.Image; |
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; |
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; |
import javax.swing.BoxLayout; |
import javax.swing.ImageIcon; |
import javax.swing.JCheckBox; |
import javax.swing.JFrame; |
import javax.swing.JLabel; |
import javax.swing.JPanel; |
import javax.swing.JSlider; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; |
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.CvType; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
class ChangingContrastBrightnessImage { |
private static int MAX_VALUE_ALPHA = 500; |
private static int MAX_VALUE_BETA_GAMMA = 200; |
private static final String WINDOW_NAME = "Changing the contrast and brightness of an image demo"; |
private static final String ALPHA_NAME = "Alpha gain (contrast)"; |
private static final String BETA_NAME = "Beta bias (brightness)"; |
private static final String GAMMA_NAME = "Gamma correction"; |
private JFrame frame; |
private Mat matImgSrc = new Mat(); |
private JLabel imgSrcLabel; |
private JLabel imgModifLabel; |
private JPanel controlPanel; |
private JPanel alphaBetaPanel; |
private JPanel gammaPanel; |
private double alphaValue = 1.0; |
private double betaValue = 0.0; |
private double gammaValue = 1.0; |
private JCheckBox methodCheckBox; |
private JSlider sliderAlpha; |
private JSlider sliderBeta; |
private JSlider sliderGamma; |
public ChangingContrastBrightnessImage(String[] args) { |
String imagePath = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "../data/lena.jpg"; |
matImgSrc = Imgcodecs.imread(imagePath); |
if (matImgSrc.empty()) { |
System.out.println("Empty image: " + imagePath); |
System.exit(0); |
} |
// Create and set up the window.
frame = new JFrame(WINDOW_NAME); |
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); |
// Set up the content pane.
Image img = HighGui.toBufferedImage(matImgSrc); |
addComponentsToPane(frame.getContentPane(), img); |
// Use the content pane's default BorderLayout. No need for
// setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// Display the window.
frame.pack(); |
frame.setVisible(true); |
} |
private void addComponentsToPane(Container pane, Image img) { |
if (!(pane.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout)) { |
pane.add(new JLabel("Container doesn't use BorderLayout!")); |
return; |
} |
controlPanel = new JPanel(); |
controlPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(controlPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
methodCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Do gamma correction"); |
methodCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { |
@Override |
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { |
JCheckBox cb = (JCheckBox) e.getSource(); |
if (cb.isSelected()) { |
controlPanel.remove(alphaBetaPanel); |
controlPanel.add(gammaPanel); |
performGammaCorrection(); |
frame.revalidate(); |
frame.repaint(); |
frame.pack(); |
} else { |
controlPanel.remove(gammaPanel); |
controlPanel.add(alphaBetaPanel); |
performLinearTransformation(); |
frame.revalidate(); |
frame.repaint(); |
frame.pack(); |
} |
} |
}); |
controlPanel.add(methodCheckBox); |
alphaBetaPanel = new JPanel(); |
alphaBetaPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(alphaBetaPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
alphaBetaPanel.add(new JLabel(ALPHA_NAME)); |
sliderAlpha = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE_ALPHA, 100); |
sliderAlpha.setMajorTickSpacing(50); |
sliderAlpha.setMinorTickSpacing(10); |
sliderAlpha.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderAlpha.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderAlpha.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
alphaValue = sliderAlpha.getValue() / 100.0; |
performLinearTransformation(); |
} |
}); |
alphaBetaPanel.add(sliderAlpha); |
alphaBetaPanel.add(new JLabel(BETA_NAME)); |
sliderBeta = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE_BETA_GAMMA, 100); |
sliderBeta.setMajorTickSpacing(20); |
sliderBeta.setMinorTickSpacing(5); |
sliderBeta.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderBeta.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderBeta.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
betaValue = sliderBeta.getValue() - 100; |
performLinearTransformation(); |
} |
}); |
alphaBetaPanel.add(sliderBeta); |
controlPanel.add(alphaBetaPanel); |
gammaPanel = new JPanel(); |
gammaPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(gammaPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); |
gammaPanel.add(new JLabel(GAMMA_NAME)); |
sliderGamma = new JSlider(0, MAX_VALUE_BETA_GAMMA, 100); |
sliderGamma.setMajorTickSpacing(20); |
sliderGamma.setMinorTickSpacing(5); |
sliderGamma.setPaintTicks(true); |
sliderGamma.setPaintLabels(true); |
sliderGamma.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { |
@Override |
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { |
gammaValue = sliderGamma.getValue() / 100.0; |
performGammaCorrection(); |
} |
}); |
gammaPanel.add(sliderGamma); |
pane.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.PAGE_START); |
JPanel framePanel = new JPanel(); |
imgSrcLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
framePanel.add(imgSrcLabel); |
imgModifLabel = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img)); |
framePanel.add(imgModifLabel); |
pane.add(framePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); |
} |
private void performLinearTransformation() { |
Mat img = new Mat(); |
matImgSrc.convertTo(img, -1, alphaValue, betaValue); |
imgModifLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(HighGui.toBufferedImage(img))); |
frame.repaint(); |
} |
private byte saturate(double val) { |
int iVal = (int) Math.round(val); |
iVal = iVal > 255 ? 255 : (iVal < 0 ? 0 : iVal); |
return (byte) iVal; |
} |
private void performGammaCorrection() { |
//! [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]
Mat lookUpTable = new Mat(1, 256, CvType.CV_8U); |
byte[] lookUpTableData = new byte[(int) (lookUpTable.total()*lookUpTable.channels())]; |
for (int i = 0; i < lookUpTable.cols(); i++) { |
lookUpTableData[i] = saturate(Math.pow(i / 255.0, gammaValue) * 255.0); |
} |
lookUpTable.put(0, 0, lookUpTableData); |
Mat img = new Mat(); |
Core.LUT(matImgSrc, lookUpTable, img); |
//! [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction]
imgModifLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(HighGui.toBufferedImage(img))); |
frame.repaint(); |
} |
} |
public class ChangingContrastBrightnessImageDemo { |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
// Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
// creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { |
@Override |
public void run() { |
new ChangingContrastBrightnessImage(args); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
import java.util.Arrays; |
import org.opencv.core.Core; |
import org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult; |
import org.opencv.core.CvType; |
import org.opencv.core.Mat; |
import org.opencv.core.Rect; |
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; |
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs; |
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; |
public class MatOperations { |
@SuppressWarnings("unused") |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
/* Snippet code for Operations with images tutorial (not intended to be run) */ |
// Load the native OpenCV library
System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); |
String filename = ""; |
// Input/Output
{ |
//! [Load an image from a file]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(filename); |
//! [Load an image from a file]
} |
{ |
//! [Load an image from a file in grayscale]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(filename, Imgcodecs.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); |
//! [Load an image from a file in grayscale]
} |
{ |
Mat img = new Mat(4, 4, CvType.CV_8U); |
//! [Save image]
Imgcodecs.imwrite(filename, img); |
//! [Save image]
} |
// Accessing pixel intensity values
{ |
Mat img = new Mat(4, 4, CvType.CV_8U); |
int y = 0, x = 0; |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 1]
byte[] imgData = new byte[(int) (img.total() * img.channels())]; |
img.get(0, 0, imgData); |
byte intensity = imgData[y * img.cols() + x]; |
//! [Pixel access 1]
} |
{ |
//! [Pixel access 5]
byte[] imgData = new byte[(int) (img.total() * img.channels())]; |
imgData[y * img.cols() + x] = (byte) 128; |
img.put(0, 0, imgData); |
//! [Pixel access 5]
} |
} |
// Memory management and reference counting
{ |
//! [Reference counting 2]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat img1 = img.clone(); |
//! [Reference counting 2]
} |
{ |
//! [Reference counting 3]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat sobelx = new Mat(); |
Imgproc.Sobel(img, sobelx, CvType.CV_32F, 1, 0); |
//! [Reference counting 3]
} |
// Primitive operations
{ |
Mat img = new Mat(400, 400, CvType.CV_8UC3); |
{ |
//! [Set image to black]
byte[] imgData = new byte[(int) (img.total() * img.channels())]; |
Arrays.fill(imgData, (byte) 0); |
img.put(0, 0, imgData); |
//! [Set image to black]
} |
{ |
//! [Select ROI]
Rect r = new Rect(10, 10, 100, 100); |
Mat smallImg = img.submat(r); |
//! [Select ROI]
} |
} |
{ |
//! [BGR to Gray]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg"); // loading a 8UC3 image
Mat grey = new Mat(); |
Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grey, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
//! [BGR to Gray]
} |
{ |
Mat dst = new Mat(), src = new Mat(); |
//! [Convert to CV_32F]
src.convertTo(dst, CvType.CV_32F); |
//! [Convert to CV_32F]
} |
// Visualizing images
{ |
//! [imshow 1]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg"); |
HighGui.namedWindow("image", HighGui.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
HighGui.imshow("image", img); |
HighGui.waitKey(); |
//! [imshow 1]
} |
{ |
//! [imshow 2]
Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg"); |
Mat grey = new Mat(); |
Imgproc.cvtColor(img, grey, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
Mat sobelx = new Mat(); |
Imgproc.Sobel(grey, sobelx, CvType.CV_32F, 1, 0); |
MinMaxLocResult res = Core.minMaxLoc(sobelx); // find minimum and maximum intensities
Mat draw = new Mat(); |
double maxVal = res.maxVal, minVal = res.minVal; |
sobelx.convertTo(draw, CvType.CV_8U, 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal), -minVal * 255.0 / (maxVal - minVal)); |
HighGui.namedWindow("image", HighGui.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); |
HighGui.imshow("image", draw); |
HighGui.waitKey(); |
//! [imshow 2]
} |
System.exit(0); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ |
from __future__ import division |
import cv2 as cv |
import numpy as np |
# Snippet code for Operations with images tutorial (not intended to be run) |
def load(): |
# Input/Output |
filename = 'img.jpg' |
## [Load an image from a file] |
img = cv.imread(filename) |
## [Load an image from a file] |
## [Load an image from a file in grayscale] |
img = cv.imread(filename, cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) |
## [Load an image from a file in grayscale] |
## [Save image] |
cv.imwrite(filename, img) |
## [Save image] |
def access_pixel(): |
# Accessing pixel intensity values |
img = np.empty((4,4,3), np.uint8) |
y = 0 |
x = 0 |
## [Pixel access 1] |
intensity = img[y,x] |
## [Pixel access 1] |
## [Pixel access 3] |
blue = img[y,x,0] |
green = img[y,x,1] |
red = img[y,x,2] |
## [Pixel access 3] |
## [Pixel access 5] |
img[y,x] = 128 |
## [Pixel access 5] |
def reference_counting(): |
# Memory management and reference counting |
## [Reference counting 2] |
img = cv.imread('image.jpg') |
img1 = np.copy(img) |
## [Reference counting 2] |
## [Reference counting 3] |
img = cv.imread('image.jpg') |
sobelx = cv.Sobel(img, cv.CV_32F, 1, 0); |
## [Reference counting 3] |
def primitive_operations(): |
img = np.empty((4,4,3), np.uint8) |
## [Set image to black] |
img[:] = 0 |
## [Set image to black] |
## [Select ROI] |
smallImg = img[10:110,10:110] |
## [Select ROI] |
## [BGR to Gray] |
img = cv.imread('image.jpg') |
grey = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
## [BGR to Gray] |
src = np.ones((4,4), np.uint8) |
## [Convert to CV_32F] |
dst = src.astype(np.float32) |
## [Convert to CV_32F] |
def visualize_images(): |
## [imshow 1] |
img = cv.imread('image.jpg') |
cv.namedWindow('image', cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) |
cv.imshow('image', img) |
cv.waitKey() |
## [imshow 1] |
## [imshow 2] |
img = cv.imread('image.jpg') |
grey = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) |
sobelx = cv.Sobel(grey, cv.CV_32F, 1, 0) |
# find minimum and maximum intensities |
minVal = np.amin(sobelx) |
maxVal = np.amax(sobelx) |
draw = cv.convertScaleAbs(sobelx, alpha=255.0/(maxVal - minVal), beta=-minVal * 255.0/(maxVal - minVal)) |
cv.namedWindow('image', cv.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) |
cv.imshow('image', draw) |
cv.waitKey() |
## [imshow 2] |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
from builtins import input |
import cv2 as cv |
import numpy as np |
import argparse |
# Read image given by user |
## [basic-linear-transform-load] |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='../data/lena.jpg') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
image = cv.imread(args.input) |
if image is None: |
print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input) |
exit(0) |
## [basic-linear-transform-load] |
## [basic-linear-transform-output] |
new_image = np.zeros(image.shape, image.dtype) |
## [basic-linear-transform-output] |
## [basic-linear-transform-parameters] |
alpha = 1.0 # Simple contrast control |
beta = 0 # Simple brightness control |
# Initialize values |
print(' Basic Linear Transforms ') |
print('-------------------------') |
try: |
alpha = float(input('* Enter the alpha value [1.0-3.0]: ')) |
beta = int(input('* Enter the beta value [0-100]: ')) |
except ValueError: |
print('Error, not a number') |
## [basic-linear-transform-parameters] |
# Do the operation new_image(i,j) = alpha*image(i,j) + beta |
# Instead of these 'for' loops we could have used simply: |
# new_image = cv.convertScaleAbs(image, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) |
# but we wanted to show you how to access the pixels :) |
## [basic-linear-transform-operation] |
for y in range(image.shape[0]): |
for x in range(image.shape[1]): |
for c in range(image.shape[2]): |
new_image[y,x,c] = np.clip(alpha*image[y,x,c] + beta, 0, 255) |
## [basic-linear-transform-operation] |
## [basic-linear-transform-display] |
# Show stuff |
cv.imshow('Original Image', image) |
cv.imshow('New Image', new_image) |
# Wait until user press some key |
cv.waitKey() |
## [basic-linear-transform-display] |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
from __future__ import print_function |
from __future__ import division |
import cv2 as cv |
import numpy as np |
import argparse |
alpha = 1.0 |
alpha_max = 500 |
beta = 0 |
beta_max = 200 |
gamma = 1.0 |
gamma_max = 200 |
def basicLinearTransform(): |
res = cv.convertScaleAbs(img_original, alpha=alpha, beta=beta) |
img_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, res]) |
cv.imshow("Brightness and contrast adjustments", img_corrected) |
def gammaCorrection(): |
## [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction] |
lookUpTable = np.empty((1,256), np.uint8) |
for i in range(256): |
lookUpTable[0,i] = np.clip(pow(i / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0, 0, 255) |
res = cv.LUT(img_original, lookUpTable) |
## [changing-contrast-brightness-gamma-correction] |
img_gamma_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, res]); |
cv.imshow("Gamma correction", img_gamma_corrected); |
def on_linear_transform_alpha_trackbar(val): |
global alpha |
alpha = val / 100 |
basicLinearTransform() |
def on_linear_transform_beta_trackbar(val): |
global beta |
beta = val - 100 |
basicLinearTransform() |
def on_gamma_correction_trackbar(val): |
global gamma |
gamma = val / 100 |
gammaCorrection() |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Code for Changing the contrast and brightness of an image! tutorial.') |
parser.add_argument('--input', help='Path to input image.', default='../data/lena.jpg') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
img_original = cv.imread(args.input) |
if img_original is None: |
print('Could not open or find the image: ', args.input) |
exit(0) |
img_corrected = np.empty((img_original.shape[0], img_original.shape[1]*2, img_original.shape[2]), img_original.dtype) |
img_gamma_corrected = np.empty((img_original.shape[0], img_original.shape[1]*2, img_original.shape[2]), img_original.dtype) |
img_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, img_original]) |
img_gamma_corrected = cv.hconcat([img_original, img_original]) |
cv.namedWindow('Brightness and contrast adjustments') |
cv.namedWindow('Gamma correction') |
alpha_init = int(alpha *100) |
cv.createTrackbar('Alpha gain (contrast)', 'Brightness and contrast adjustments', alpha_init, alpha_max, on_linear_transform_alpha_trackbar) |
beta_init = beta + 100 |
cv.createTrackbar('Beta bias (brightness)', 'Brightness and contrast adjustments', beta_init, beta_max, on_linear_transform_beta_trackbar) |
gamma_init = int(gamma * 100) |
cv.createTrackbar('Gamma correction', 'Gamma correction', gamma_init, gamma_max, on_gamma_correction_trackbar) |
on_linear_transform_alpha_trackbar(alpha_init) |
on_gamma_correction_trackbar(gamma_init) |
cv.waitKey() |
Reference in new issue