#. Run: ``cmake-gui ..`` and make sure you fill in where opencv was built.
#. Then click ``configure`` and then ``generate``. If it's OK, **quit cmake-gui**
#. Run ``make -j4``*(the ``-j4`` is optional, it just tells the compiler to build in 4 threads)*. Make sure it builds.
#. Start ``eclipse``. Put the workspace in some directory but **not** in ``foo`` or ``foo\\build``
#. Right click in the ``Project Explorer`` section. Select ``Import`` And then open the ``C/C++`` filter. Choose *Existing Code as a Makefile Project``
#. Name your project, say *helloworld*. Browse to the Existing Code location ``foo\\build`` (where you ran your cmake-gui from). Select *Linux GCC* in the *"Toolchain for Indexer Settings"* and press *Finish*.
#. Right click in the ``Project Explorer`` section. Select ``Properties``. Under ``C/C++ Build``, set the *build directory:* from something like ``${workspace_loc:/helloworld}`` to ``${workspace_loc:/helloworld}/build`` since that's where you are building to.
a. You can also optionally modify the ``Build command:`` from ``make`` to something like ``make VERBOSE=1 -j4`` which tells the compiler to produce detailed symbol files for debugging and also to compile in 4 parallel threads.