@ -41,10 +41,8 @@ |
#include <precomp.hpp> |
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> |
#if !defined (HAVE_CUDA) |
cv::gpu::SCascade::SCascade(const double, const double, const int, const int) { throw_nogpu(); } |
cv::gpu::SCascade::~SCascade() { throw_nogpu(); } |
@ -53,18 +51,16 @@ bool cv::gpu::SCascade::load(const FileNode&) { throw_nogpu(); return false;} |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray, Stream&) const { throw_nogpu(); } |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::genRoi(InputArray, OutputArray, Stream&) const { throw_nogpu(); } |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::read(const FileNode& fn) { Algorithm::read(fn); } |
cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor::Preprocessor() { throw_nogpu(); } |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor::create(const int, const int, const int) { throw_nogpu(); } |
cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::ChannelsProcessor() { throw_nogpu(); } |
cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::~ChannelsProcessor() { throw_nogpu(); } |
cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor> cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::create(const int, const int, const int) |
{ throw_nogpu(); return cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor>(0); } |
#else |
#include <icf.hpp> |
# include <icf.hpp> |
cv::gpu::device::icf::Level::Level(int idx, const Octave& oct, const float scale, const int w, const int h) |
: octave(idx), step(oct.stages), relScale(scale / oct.scale) |
@ -96,23 +92,22 @@ namespace icf { |
void bgr2Luv(const PtrStepSzb& bgr, PtrStepSzb luv); |
void gray2hog(const PtrStepSzb& gray, PtrStepSzb mag, const int bins); |
void shrink(const cv::gpu::PtrStepSzb& channels, cv::gpu::PtrStepSzb shrunk); |
} |
namespace imgproc { |
void shfl_integral_gpu_buffered(PtrStepSzb, PtrStepSz<uint4>, PtrStepSz<unsigned int>, int, cudaStream_t); |
// namespace imgproc {
// void shfl_integral_gpu_buffered(PtrStepSzb, PtrStepSz<uint4>, PtrStepSz<unsigned int>, int, cudaStream_t);
template <typename T> |
void resize_gpu(PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepSzb srcWhole, int xoff, int yoff, float fx, float fy, |
PtrStepSzb dst, int interpolation, cudaStream_t stream); |
} |
// template <typename T>
// void resize_gpu(PtrStepSzb src, PtrStepSzb srcWhole, int xoff, int yoff, float fx, float fy,
// PtrStepSzb dst, int interpolation, cudaStream_t stream);
// }
}}} |
struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields |
{ |
static Fields* parseCascade(const FileNode &root, const float mins, const float maxs, const int totals) |
static Fields* parseCascade(const FileNode &root, const float mins, const float maxs, const int totals, const int method) |
{ |
static const char *const SC_STAGE_TYPE = "stageType"; |
static const char *const SC_BOOST = "BOOST"; |
@ -253,9 +248,9 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields |
CV_Assert(!hleaves.empty()); |
Fields* fields = new Fields(mins, maxs, totals, origWidth, origHeight, shrinkage, 0, |
hoctaves, hstages, hnodes, hleaves); |
hoctaves, hstages, hnodes, hleaves, method); |
fields->voctaves = voctaves; |
fields->createLevels(FRAME_HEIGHT, FRAME_WIDTH); |
return fields; |
} |
@ -310,12 +305,6 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields |
bool update(int fh, int fw, int shr) |
{ |
if ((fh == luv.rows) && (fw == luv.cols)) return false; |
plane.create(fh * (HOG_LUV_BINS + 1), fw, CV_8UC1); |
fplane.create(fh * HOG_BINS, fw, CV_32FC1); |
luv.create(fh, fw, CV_8UC3); |
shrunk.create(fh / shr * HOG_LUV_BINS, fw / shr, CV_8UC1); |
integralBuffer.create(shrunk.rows, shrunk.cols, CV_32SC1); |
@ -329,17 +318,19 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields |
} |
Fields( const float mins, const float maxs, const int tts, const int ow, const int oh, const int shr, const int ds, |
cv::Mat hoctaves, cv::Mat hstages, cv::Mat hnodes, cv::Mat hleaves) |
cv::Mat hoctaves, cv::Mat hstages, cv::Mat hnodes, cv::Mat hleaves, int method) |
: minScale(mins), maxScale(maxs), totals(tts), origObjWidth(ow), origObjHeight(oh), shrinkage(shr), downscales(ds) |
{ |
octaves.upload(hoctaves); |
stages.upload(hstages); |
nodes.upload(hnodes); |
leaves.upload(hleaves); |
preprocessor = ChannelsProcessor::create(shrinkage, 6, method); |
} |
void detect(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& roi, cv::gpu::GpuMat& objects, Stream& s) const |
void detect(cv::gpu::GpuMat& objects, Stream& s) const |
{ |
if (s) |
s.enqueueMemSet(objects, 0); |
@ -352,26 +343,7 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields |
= device::icf::CascadeInvoker<device::icf::GK107PolicyX4>(levels, stages, nodes, leaves); |
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(s); |
invoker(roi, hogluv, objects, downscales, stream); |
} |
void preprocess(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& colored, Stream& s) |
{ |
if (s) |
s.enqueueMemSet(plane, 0); |
else |
cudaMemset(plane.data, 0, plane.step * plane.rows); |
const int fw = colored.cols; |
const int fh = colored.rows; |
GpuMat gray(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Fields::HOG_LUV_BINS, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY, s); |
createHogBins(gray ,s); |
createLuvBins(colored, s); |
integrate(fh, fw, s); |
invoker(mask, hogluv, objects, downscales, stream); |
} |
void suppress(GpuMat& objects, Stream& s) |
@ -416,72 +388,10 @@ private: |
return res; |
} |
void createHogBins(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& gray, Stream& s) |
{ |
static const int fw = gray.cols; |
static const int fh = gray.rows; |
GpuMat dfdx(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat dfdy(fplane, cv::Rect(0, fh, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdx, CV_32F, 1, 0, sobelBuf, 3, 1, BORDER_DEFAULT, -1, s); |
cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdy, CV_32F, 0, 1, sobelBuf, 3, 1, BORDER_DEFAULT, -1, s); |
GpuMat mag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 2 * fh, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat ang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 3 * fh, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::cartToPolar(dfdx, dfdy, mag, ang, true, s); |
// normolize magnitude to uchar interval and angles to 6 bins
GpuMat nmag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 4 * fh, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat nang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 5 * fh, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::multiply(mag, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / (8 *::log(2.0f))), nmag, 1, -1, s); |
cv::gpu::multiply(ang, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / 60.f), nang, 1, -1, s); |
//create uchar magnitude
GpuMat cmag(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Fields::HOG_BINS, fw, fh)); |
if (s) |
s.enqueueConvert(nmag, cmag, CV_8UC1); |
else |
nmag.convertTo(cmag, CV_8UC1); |
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(s); |
device::icf::fillBins(plane, nang, fw, fh, Fields::HOG_BINS, stream); |
} |
void createLuvBins(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& colored, Stream& s) |
{ |
static const int fw = colored.cols; |
static const int fh = colored.rows; |
cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, luv, CV_BGR2Luv, s); |
std::vector<GpuMat> splited; |
for(int i = 0; i < Fields::LUV_BINS; ++i) |
{ |
splited.push_back(GpuMat(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * (7 + i), fw, fh))); |
} |
cv::gpu::split(luv, splited, s); |
} |
void integrate(const int fh, const int fw, Stream& s) |
{ |
GpuMat channels(plane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh * Fields::HOG_LUV_BINS)); |
cv::gpu::resize(channels, shrunk, cv::Size(), 1.f / shrinkage, 1.f / shrinkage, CV_INTER_AREA, s); |
if (info.majorVersion() < 3) |
cv::gpu::integralBuffered(shrunk, hogluv, integralBuffer, s); |
else |
{ |
cudaStream_t stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(s); |
device::imgproc::shfl_integral_gpu_buffered(shrunk, integralBuffer, hogluv, 12, stream); |
} |
} |
public: |
cv::Ptr<ChannelsProcessor> preprocessor; |
// scales range
float minScale; |
float maxScale; |
@ -494,14 +404,6 @@ public: |
const int shrinkage; |
int downscales; |
// preallocated buffer 640x480x10 for hogluv + 640x480 got gray
GpuMat plane; |
// preallocated buffer for floating point operations
GpuMat fplane; |
// temporial mat for cvtColor
GpuMat luv; |
// 160x120x10
GpuMat shrunk; |
@ -512,11 +414,12 @@ public: |
// 161x121x10
GpuMat hogluv; |
// used for area overlap computing during
GpuMat overlaps; |
// used for suppression
GpuMat suppressed; |
// used for area overlap computing during
GpuMat overlaps; |
// Cascade from xml
GpuMat octaves; |
@ -525,36 +428,36 @@ public: |
GpuMat leaves; |
GpuMat levels; |
GpuMat sobelBuf; |
GpuMat collected; |
// For ROI
GpuMat mask; |
GpuMat genRoiTmp; |
// GpuMat collected;
cv::gpu::GpuMat genRoiTmp; |
std::vector<device::icf::Octave> voctaves; |
DeviceInfo info; |
// DeviceInfo info;
enum { BOOST = 0 }; |
{ |
FRAME_WIDTH = 640, |
HOG_BINS = 6, |
LUV_BINS = 3, |
}; |
}; |
cv::gpu::SCascade::SCascade(const double mins, const double maxs, const int sc, const int rjf) |
: fields(0), minScale(mins), maxScale(maxs), scales(sc), rejCriteria(rjf) {} |
cv::gpu::SCascade::SCascade(const double mins, const double maxs, const int sc, const int fl) |
: fields(0), minScale(mins), maxScale(maxs), scales(sc), flags(fl) {} |
cv::gpu::SCascade::~SCascade() { delete fields; } |
bool cv::gpu::SCascade::load(const FileNode& fn) |
{ |
if (fields) delete fields; |
fields = Fields::parseCascade(fn, minScale, maxScale, scales); |
fields = Fields::parseCascade(fn, minScale, maxScale, scales, flags); |
return fields != 0; |
} |
@ -572,12 +475,24 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray _image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray |
GpuMat rois = _rois.getGpuMat(), objects = _objects.getGpuMat(); |
/// roi
Fields& flds = *fields; |
int shr = flds.shrinkage; |
flds.mask.create( rois.cols / shr, rois.rows / shr, rois.type()); |
cv::gpu::resize(rois, flds.genRoiTmp, cv::Size(), 1.f / shr, 1.f / shr, CV_INTER_AREA, s); |
cv::gpu::transpose(flds.genRoiTmp, flds.mask, s); |
if (type == CV_8UC3) |
{ |
if (!flds.update(image.rows, image.cols, flds.shrinkage) || flds.check(minScale, maxScale, scales)) |
flds.update(image.rows, image.cols, flds.shrinkage); |
if (flds.check(minScale, maxScale, scales)) |
flds.createLevels(image.rows, image.cols); |
flds.preprocess(image, s); |
flds.preprocessor->apply(image, flds.shrunk); |
cv::gpu::integralBuffered(flds.shrunk, flds.hogluv, flds.integralBuffer, s); |
} |
else |
{ |
@ -587,9 +502,9 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray _image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray |
image.copyTo(flds.hogluv); |
} |
flds.detect(rois, objects, s); |
flds.detect(objects, s); |
if (rejCriteria != NO_REJECT) |
if ( (flags && NMS_MASK) != NO_REJECT) |
{ |
GpuMat spr(objects, cv::Rect(0, 0, flds.suppressed.cols, flds.suppressed.rows)); |
flds.suppress(objects, s); |
@ -597,79 +512,122 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray _image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray |
} |
} |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::genRoi(InputArray _roi, OutputArray _mask, Stream& stream) const |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::read(const FileNode& fn) |
{ |
CV_Assert(fields); |
int shr = (*fields).shrinkage; |
Algorithm::read(fn); |
} |
const GpuMat roi = _roi.getGpuMat(); |
_mask.create( roi.cols / shr, roi.rows / shr, roi.type()); |
GpuMat mask = _mask.getGpuMat(); |
namespace { |
GpuMat& tmp = (*fields).genRoiTmp; |
cv::gpu::resize(roi, tmp, cv::Size(), 1.f / shr, 1.f / shr, CV_INTER_AREA, stream); |
cv::gpu::transpose(tmp, mask, stream); |
} |
using cv::InputArray; |
using cv::OutputArray; |
using cv::gpu::Stream; |
using cv::gpu::GpuMat; |
void cv::gpu::SCascade::read(const FileNode& fn) |
inline void setZero(cv::gpu::GpuMat& m, Stream& s) |
{ |
Algorithm::read(fn); |
if (s) |
s.enqueueMemSet(m, 0); |
else |
m.setTo(0); |
} |
// namespace {
struct GenricPreprocessor : public cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor |
{ |
GenricPreprocessor(const int s, const int b) : cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor(), shrinkage(s), bins(b) {} |
virtual ~GenricPreprocessor() {} |
// void bgr2Luv(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& input, cv::gpu::GpuMat& luv /*integral*/)
// {
// cv::gpu::GpuMat bgr;
// cv::gpu::GaussianBlur(input, bgr, cv::Size(3, 3), -1);
virtual void apply(InputArray _frame, OutputArray _shrunk, Stream& s = Stream::Null()) |
{ |
const GpuMat frame = _frame.getGpuMat(); |
// cv::gpu::GpuMat gray, /*luv,*/ shrunk, buffer;
// luv.create(bgr.rows * 10, bgr.cols, CV_8UC1);
// luv.setTo(0);
_shrunk.create(frame.rows * (4 + bins) / shrinkage, frame.cols / shrinkage, CV_8UC1); |
GpuMat shrunk = _shrunk.getGpuMat(); |
// cv::gpu::cvtColor(bgr, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// cv::gpu::device::icf::magnitude(gray, luv(cv::Rect(0, 0, bgr.cols, bgr.rows * 7)));
channels.create(frame.rows * (4 + bins), frame.cols, CV_8UC1); |
setZero(channels, s); |
// cv::gpu::GpuMat __luv(luv, cv::Rect(0, bgr.rows * 7, bgr.cols, bgr.rows * 3));
// cv::gpu::device::icf::bgr2Luv(bgr, __luv);
cv::gpu::cvtColor(frame, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY, s); |
createHogBins(s); |
// // cv::gpu::resize(luv, shrunk, cv::Size(), 0.25f, 0.25f, CV_INTER_AREA);
// // cv::gpu::integralBuffered(shrunk, integral, buffer);
// }
// }
createLuvBins(frame, s); |
namespace { |
cv::gpu::resize(channels, shrunk, cv::Size(), 1.f / shrinkage, 1.f / shrinkage, CV_INTER_AREA, s); |
} |
using cv::InputArray; |
using cv::OutputArray; |
using cv::gpu::Stream; |
using cv::gpu::GpuMat; |
private: |
struct GenricPreprocessor : public cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor |
{ |
GenricPreprocessor(const int s, const int b) : cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor(), shrinkage(s), bins(b) {} |
void createHogBins(Stream& s) |
{ |
static const int fw = gray.cols; |
static const int fh = gray.rows; |
fplane.create(fh * HOG_BINS, fw, CV_32FC1); |
GpuMat dfdx(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat dfdy(fplane, cv::Rect(0, fh, fw, fh)); |
virtual void apply(InputArray /*frame*/, OutputArray /*channels*/, Stream& /*s*/ = Stream::Null()) |
cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdx, CV_32F, 1, 0, sobelBuf, 3, 1, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT, -1, s); |
cv::gpu::Sobel(gray, dfdy, CV_32F, 0, 1, sobelBuf, 3, 1, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT, -1, s); |
GpuMat mag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 2 * fh, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat ang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 3 * fh, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::cartToPolar(dfdx, dfdy, mag, ang, true, s); |
// normolize magnitude to uchar interval and angles to 6 bins
GpuMat nmag(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 4 * fh, fw, fh)); |
GpuMat nang(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 5 * fh, fw, fh)); |
cv::gpu::multiply(mag, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / (8 *::log(2.0f))), nmag, 1, -1, s); |
cv::gpu::multiply(ang, cv::Scalar::all(1.f / 60.f), nang, 1, -1, s); |
//create uchar magnitude
GpuMat cmag(channels, cv::Rect(0, fh * HOG_BINS, fw, fh)); |
if (s) |
s.enqueueConvert(nmag, cmag, CV_8UC1); |
else |
nmag.convertTo(cmag, CV_8UC1); |
cudaStream_t stream = cv::gpu::StreamAccessor::getStream(s); |
cv::gpu::device::icf::fillBins(channels, nang, fw, fh, HOG_BINS, stream); |
} |
void createLuvBins(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& colored, Stream& s) |
{ |
static const int fw = colored.cols; |
static const int fh = colored.rows; |
cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, luv, CV_BGR2Luv, s); |
std::vector<GpuMat> splited; |
for(int i = 0; i < LUV_BINS; ++i) |
{ |
splited.push_back(GpuMat(channels, cv::Rect(0, fh * (7 + i), fw, fh))); |
} |
cv::gpu::split(luv, splited, s); |
} |
private: |
enum {HOG_BINS = 6, LUV_BINS = 3}; |
const int shrinkage; |
const int bins; |
GpuMat gray; |
GpuMat luv; |
GpuMat channels; |
// preallocated buffer for floating point operations
GpuMat fplane; |
GpuMat sobelBuf; |
}; |
inline void setZero(cv::gpu::GpuMat& m, Stream& s) |
{ |
if (s) |
s.enqueueMemSet(m, 0); |
else |
m.setTo(0); |
} |
struct SeparablePreprocessor : public cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor |
struct SeparablePreprocessor : public cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor |
{ |
SeparablePreprocessor(const int s, const int b) : cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor(), shrinkage(s), bins(b) {} |
SeparablePreprocessor(const int s, const int b) : cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor(), shrinkage(s), bins(b) {} |
virtual ~SeparablePreprocessor() {} |
virtual void apply(InputArray _frame, OutputArray _shrunk, Stream& s = Stream::Null()) |
{ |
@ -701,16 +659,17 @@ private: |
} |
cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor::Preprocessor(){} |
cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor> cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor::create(const int s, const int b, const int m) |
cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor> cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::create(const int s, const int b, const int m) |
{ |
CV_Assert(m == SEPARABLE || m == GENERIC); |
CV_Assert((m && SEPARABLE) || (m && GENERIC)); |
if (m == GENERIC) |
return cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor>(new GenricPreprocessor(s, b)); |
if (m && GENERIC) |
return cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor>(new GenricPreprocessor(s, b)); |
return cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::SCascade::Preprocessor>(new SeparablePreprocessor(s, b)); |
return cv::Ptr<cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor>(new SeparablePreprocessor(s, b)); |
} |
cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::ChannelsProcessor() { } |
cv::gpu::ChannelsProcessor::~ChannelsProcessor() { } |
#endif |