@ -720,4 +720,87 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Layer_Test, Scale_untrainable, Combine( |
/*conv fusion*/ testing::Bool() |
)); |
typedef testing::TestWithParam<tuple<Vec4i, Vec4i, int, int, int> > Crop; |
TEST_P(Crop, Accuracy) |
{ |
Vec4i inpShapeVec = get<0>(GetParam()); |
Vec4i sizShapeVec = get<1>(GetParam()); |
int axis = get<2>(GetParam()); |
int numOffsets = get<3>(GetParam()); |
int offsetVal = get<4>(GetParam()); |
const int inpShape[] = {inpShapeVec[0], inpShapeVec[1], inpShapeVec[2], inpShapeVec[3]}; |
const int sizShape[] = {sizShapeVec[0], sizShapeVec[1], sizShapeVec[2], sizShapeVec[3]}; |
// Create a network with two inputs. Crop layer crops a first input to
// the size of a second one.
// See http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/layers/crop.html
Net net; |
LayerParams lp; |
lp.name = "testCrop"; |
lp.type = "Crop"; |
lp.set("axis", axis); |
if (numOffsets > 0) |
{ |
std::vector<int> offsets(numOffsets, offsetVal); |
lp.set("offset", DictValue::arrayInt<int*>(&offsets[0], offsets.size())); |
} |
else |
offsetVal = 0; |
int id = net.addLayerToPrev(lp.name, lp.type, lp); |
net.connect(0, 1, id, 1); |
Mat inpImage(4, inpShape, CV_32F); |
Mat sizImage(4, sizShape, CV_32F); |
randu(inpImage, -1, 1); |
randu(sizImage, -1, 1); |
std::vector<String> inpNames(2); |
inpNames[0] = "cropImage"; |
inpNames[1] = "sizImage"; |
net.setInputsNames(inpNames); |
net.setInput(inpImage, inpNames[0]); |
net.setInput(sizImage, inpNames[1]); |
// There are a few conditions that represent invalid input to the crop
// layer, so in those cases we want to verify an exception is thrown.
bool shouldThrowException = false; |
if (numOffsets > 1 && numOffsets != 4 - axis) |
shouldThrowException = true; |
else |
for (int i = axis; i < 4; i++) |
if (sizShape[i] + offsetVal > inpShape[i]) |
shouldThrowException = true; |
Mat out; |
if (shouldThrowException) |
{ |
ASSERT_ANY_THROW(out = net.forward()); |
return; |
} |
else |
out = net.forward(); |
// Finally, compare the cropped output blob from the DNN layer (out)
// to a reference blob (ref) that we compute here.
std::vector<Range> crop_range; |
crop_range.resize(4, Range::all()); |
for (int i = axis; i < 4; i++) |
crop_range[i] = Range(offsetVal, sizShape[i] + offsetVal); |
Mat ref(sizImage.dims, sizImage.size, CV_32F); |
inpImage(&crop_range[0]).copyTo(ref); |
normAssert(out, ref); |
} |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Layer_Test, Crop, Combine( |
/*input blob shape*/ Values(Vec4i(1, 3, 20, 30)), |
/*cropsize blob shape*/ Values(Vec4i(1, 3, 10, 12)), |
/*start axis*/ Values(0, 1, 2), |
/*number of offsets*/ Values(0, 1, 2, 4), |
/*offset value*/ Values(3, 4) |
)); |
} |