@ -239,13 +239,129 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
( ( FREAK * ) this ) - > buildPattern ( ) ;
( ( FREAK * ) this ) - > buildPattern ( ) ;
// Convert to gray if not already
Mat grayImage = image ;
// if( image.channels() > 1 )
// cvtColor( image, grayImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY );
// Use 32-bit integers if we won't overflow in the integral image
if ( ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_8U | | image . depth ( ) = = CV_8S ) & &
( image . rows * image . cols ) < 8388608 ) // 8388608 = 2 ^ (32 - 8(bit depth) - 1(sign bit))
// Create the integral image appropriate for our type & usage
if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_8U )
computeDescriptors < uchar , int > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
else if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_8S )
computeDescriptors < char , int > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
CV_Error ( Error : : StsUnsupportedFormat , " " ) ;
} else {
// Create the integral image appropriate for our type & usage
if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_8U )
computeDescriptors < uchar , double > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
else if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_8S )
computeDescriptors < char , double > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
else if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_16U )
computeDescriptors < ushort , double > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
else if ( image . depth ( ) = = CV_16S )
computeDescriptors < short , double > ( grayImage , keypoints , _descriptors ) ;
CV_Error ( Error : : StsUnsupportedFormat , " " ) ;
template < typename srcMatType >
void FREAK : : extractDescriptor ( srcMatType * pointsValue , void * * ptr ) const
std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * * ptrScalar = ( std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * * ) ptr ;
// extracting descriptor preserving the order of SSE version
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( int n = 7 ; n < FREAK_NB_PAIRS ; n + = 128 )
for ( int m = 8 ; m - - ; )
int nm = n - m ;
for ( int kk = nm + 15 * 8 ; kk > = nm ; kk - = 8 , + + cnt )
( * ptrScalar ) - > set ( kk , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . i ] > = pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . j ] ) ;
- - ( * ptrScalar ) ;
# if CV_SSE2
template < >
void FREAK : : extractDescriptor ( uchar * pointsValue , void * * ptr ) const
__m128i * * ptrSSE = ( __m128i * * ) ptr ;
// note that comparisons order is modified in each block (but first 128 comparisons remain globally the same-->does not affect the 128,384 bits segmanted matching strategy)
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( int n = FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 128 ; n - - ; )
__m128i result128 = _mm_setzero_si128 ( ) ;
for ( int m = 128 / 16 ; m - - ; cnt + = 16 )
__m128i operand1 = _mm_set_epi8 ( pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . i ] ) ;
__m128i operand2 = _mm_set_epi8 ( pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . j ] ) ;
__m128i workReg = _mm_min_epu8 ( operand1 , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 ( workReg , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_and_si128 ( _mm_set1_epi16 ( short ( 0x8080 > > m ) ) , workReg ) ; // merge the last 16 bits with the 128bits std::vector until full
result128 = _mm_or_si128 ( result128 , workReg ) ;
( * * ptrSSE ) = result128 ;
+ + ( * ptrSSE ) ;
( * ptrSSE ) - = 8 ;
# endif
template < typename srcMatType , typename iiMatType >
void FREAK : : computeDescriptors ( InputArray _image , std : : vector < KeyPoint > & keypoints , OutputArray _descriptors ) const {
Mat image = _image . getMat ( ) ;
Mat imgIntegral ;
Mat imgIntegral ;
integral ( image , imgIntegral ) ;
integral ( image , imgIntegral , DataType < iiMatType > : : type ) ;
std : : vector < int > kpScaleIdx ( keypoints . size ( ) ) ; // used to save pattern scale index corresponding to each keypoints
std : : vector < int > kpScaleIdx ( keypoints . size ( ) ) ; // used to save pattern scale index corresponding to each keypoints
const std : : vector < int > : : iterator ScaleIdxBegin = kpScaleIdx . begin ( ) ; // used in std::vector erase function
const std : : vector < int > : : iterator ScaleIdxBegin = kpScaleIdx . begin ( ) ; // used in std::vector erase function
const std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > : : iterator kpBegin = keypoints . begin ( ) ; // used in std::vector erase function
const std : : vector < cv : : KeyPoint > : : iterator kpBegin = keypoints . begin ( ) ; // used in std::vector erase function
const float sizeCst = static_cast < float > ( FREAK_NB_SCALES / ( FREAK_LOG2 * nOctaves ) ) ;
const float sizeCst = static_cast < float > ( FREAK_NB_SCALES / ( FREAK_LOG2 * nOctaves ) ) ;
uchar pointsValue [ FREAK_NB_POINTS ] ;
srcMatType pointsValue [ FREAK_NB_POINTS ] ;
int thetaIdx = 0 ;
int thetaIdx = 0 ;
int direction0 ;
int direction0 ;
int direction1 ;
int direction1 ;
@ -300,13 +416,10 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
_descriptors . create ( ( int ) keypoints . size ( ) , FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 8 , CV_8U ) ;
_descriptors . create ( ( int ) keypoints . size ( ) , FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 8 , CV_8U ) ;
_descriptors . setTo ( Scalar : : all ( 0 ) ) ;
_descriptors . setTo ( Scalar : : all ( 0 ) ) ;
Mat descriptors = _descriptors . getMat ( ) ;
Mat descriptors = _descriptors . getMat ( ) ;
# if CV_SSE2
__m128i * ptr = ( __m128i * ) ( descriptors . data + ( keypoints . size ( ) - 1 ) * descriptors . step [ 0 ] ) ;
void * ptr = descriptors . data + ( keypoints . size ( ) - 1 ) * descriptors . step [ 0 ] ;
# else
std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * ptr = ( std : : bitset < FREAK_NB_PAIRS > * ) ( descriptors . data + ( keypoints . size ( ) - 1 ) * descriptors . step [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( size_t k = keypoints . size ( ) ; k - - ; ) {
# endif
for ( size_t k = keypoints . size ( ) ; k - - ; )
// estimate orientation (gradient)
// estimate orientation (gradient)
if ( ! orientationNormalized )
if ( ! orientationNormalized )
@ -316,9 +429,10 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
// get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
// get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; )
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; ) {
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity < srcMatType , iiMatType > ( image , imgIntegral ,
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity ( image , imgIntegral , keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y , kpScaleIdx [ k ] , 0 , i ) ;
keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y ,
kpScaleIdx [ k ] , 0 , i ) ;
direction0 = 0 ;
direction0 = 0 ;
direction1 = 0 ;
direction1 = 0 ;
@ -339,80 +453,14 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
// extract descriptor at the computed orientation
// extract descriptor at the computed orientation
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; )
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; ) {
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity < srcMatType , iiMatType > ( image , imgIntegral ,
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity ( image , imgIntegral , keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y , kpScaleIdx [ k ] , thetaIdx , i ) ;
keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y ,
kpScaleIdx [ k ] , thetaIdx , i ) ;
# if CV_SSE2
// note that comparisons order is modified in each block (but first 128 comparisons remain globally the same-->does not affect the 128,384 bits segmanted matching strategy)
// Extract descriptor
int cnt = 0 ;
extractDescriptor < srcMatType > ( pointsValue , & ptr ) ;
for ( int n = FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 128 ; n - - ; )
__m128i result128 = _mm_setzero_si128 ( ) ;
for ( int m = 128 / 16 ; m - - ; cnt + = 16 )
__m128i operand1 = _mm_set_epi8 (
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . i ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . i ] ) ;
__m128i operand2 = _mm_set_epi8 (
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 0 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 1 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 2 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 3 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 4 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 5 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 6 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 7 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 8 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 9 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 10 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 11 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 12 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 13 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 14 ] . j ] ,
pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt + 15 ] . j ] ) ;
__m128i workReg = _mm_min_epu8 ( operand1 , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_cmpeq_epi8 ( workReg , operand2 ) ; // emulated "not less than" for 8-bit UNSIGNED integers
workReg = _mm_and_si128 ( _mm_set1_epi16 ( short ( 0x8080 > > m ) ) , workReg ) ; // merge the last 16 bits with the 128bits std::vector until full
result128 = _mm_or_si128 ( result128 , workReg ) ;
( * ptr ) = result128 ;
+ + ptr ;
ptr - = 8 ;
# else
// extracting descriptor preserving the order of SSE version
int cnt = 0 ;
for ( int n = 7 ; n < FREAK_NB_PAIRS ; n + = 128 )
for ( int m = 8 ; m - - ; )
int nm = n - m ;
for ( int kk = nm + 15 * 8 ; kk > = nm ; kk - = 8 , + + cnt )
ptr - > set ( kk , pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . i ] > = pointsValue [ descriptionPairs [ cnt ] . j ] ) ;
- - ptr ;
# endif
else // extract all possible comparisons for selection
else // extract all possible comparisons for selection
@ -434,7 +482,9 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
//get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
//get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; )
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; )
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity ( image , imgIntegral , keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y , kpScaleIdx [ k ] , 0 , i ) ;
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity < srcMatType , iiMatType > ( image , imgIntegral ,
keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y ,
kpScaleIdx [ k ] , 0 , i ) ;
direction0 = 0 ;
direction0 = 0 ;
direction1 = 0 ;
direction1 = 0 ;
@ -456,10 +506,10 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
// get the points intensity value in the rotated pattern
// get the points intensity value in the rotated pattern
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; )
for ( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS ; i - - ; ) {
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity < srcMatType , iiMatType > ( image , imgIntegral ,
pointsValue [ i ] = meanIntensity ( image , imgIntegral , keypoints [ k ] . pt . x ,
keypoints [ k ] . pt . x , keypoints [ k ] . pt . y ,
keypoints [ k ] . pt . y , kpScaleIdx [ k ] , thetaIdx , i ) ;
kpScaleIdx [ k ] , thetaIdx , i ) ;
int cnt ( 0 ) ;
int cnt ( 0 ) ;
@ -478,13 +528,13 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Ou
// simply take average on a square patch, not even gaussian approx
// simply take average on a square patch, not even gaussian approx
uchar FREAK : : meanIntensity ( InputArray _image , InputArray _integral ,
template < typename imgType , typename iiType >
const float kp_x ,
imgType FREAK : : meanIntensity ( InputArray _image , InputArray _integral ,
const float kp_y ,
const float kp_x ,
const unsigned int scale ,
const float kp_y ,
const unsigned int rot ,
const unsigned int scale ,
const unsigned int point ) const
const unsigned int rot ,
const unsigned int point ) const {
Mat image = _image . getMat ( ) , integral = _integral . getMat ( ) ;
Mat image = _image . getMat ( ) , integral = _integral . getMat ( ) ;
// get point position in image
// get point position in image
const PatternPoint & FreakPoint = patternLookup [ scale * FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION * FREAK_NB_POINTS + rot * FREAK_NB_POINTS + point ] ;
const PatternPoint & FreakPoint = patternLookup [ scale * FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION * FREAK_NB_POINTS + rot * FREAK_NB_POINTS + point ] ;
@ -492,7 +542,6 @@ uchar FREAK::meanIntensity( InputArray _image, InputArray _integral,
const float yf = FreakPoint . y + kp_y ;
const float yf = FreakPoint . y + kp_y ;
const int x = int ( xf ) ;
const int x = int ( xf ) ;
const int y = int ( yf ) ;
const int y = int ( yf ) ;
const int & imagecols = image . cols ;
// get the sigma:
// get the sigma:
const float radius = FreakPoint . sigma ;
const float radius = FreakPoint . sigma ;
@ -505,19 +554,15 @@ uchar FREAK::meanIntensity( InputArray _image, InputArray _integral,
const int r_y = static_cast < int > ( ( yf - y ) * 1024 ) ;
const int r_y = static_cast < int > ( ( yf - y ) * 1024 ) ;
const int r_x_1 = ( 1024 - r_x ) ;
const int r_x_1 = ( 1024 - r_x ) ;
const int r_y_1 = ( 1024 - r_y ) ;
const int r_y_1 = ( 1024 - r_y ) ;
uchar * ptr = image . data + x + y * imagecols ;
unsigned int ret_val ;
unsigned int ret_val ;
// linear interpolation:
// linear interpolation:
ret_val = ( r_x_1 * r_y_1 * int ( * ptr ) ) ;
ret_val = r_x_1 * r_y_1 * int ( image . at < imgType > ( y , x ) )
ptr + + ;
+ r_x * r_y_1 * int ( image . at < imgType > ( y , x + 1 ) )
ret_val + = ( r_x * r_y_1 * int ( * ptr ) ) ;
+ r_x_1 * r_y * int ( image . at < imgType > ( y + 1 , x ) )
ptr + = imagecols ;
+ r_x * r_y * int ( image . at < imgType > ( y + 1 , x + 1 ) ) ;
ret_val + = ( r_x * r_y * int ( * ptr ) ) ;
ptr - - ;
ret_val + = ( r_x_1 * r_y * int ( * ptr ) ) ;
//return the rounded mean
//return the rounded mean
ret_val + = 2 * 1024 * 1024 ;
ret_val + = 2 * 1024 * 1024 ;
return static_cast < uchar > ( ret_val / ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) ;
return static_cast < imgType > ( ret_val / ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) ;
// expected case:
// expected case:
@ -527,15 +572,15 @@ uchar FREAK::meanIntensity( InputArray _image, InputArray _integral,
const int y_top = int ( yf - radius + 0.5 ) ;
const int y_top = int ( yf - radius + 0.5 ) ;
const int x_right = int ( xf + radius + 1.5 ) ; //integral image is 1px wider
const int x_right = int ( xf + radius + 1.5 ) ; //integral image is 1px wider
const int y_bottom = int ( yf + radius + 1.5 ) ; //integral image is 1px higher
const int y_bottom = int ( yf + radius + 1.5 ) ; //integral image is 1px higher
int ret_val ;
iiType ret_val ;
ret_val = integral . at < int > ( y_bottom , x_right ) ; //bottom right corner
ret_val = integral . at < iiType > ( y_bottom , x_right ) ; //bottom right corner
ret_val - = integral . at < int > ( y_bottom , x_left ) ;
ret_val - = integral . at < iiType > ( y_bottom , x_left ) ;
ret_val + = integral . at < int > ( y_top , x_left ) ;
ret_val + = integral . at < iiType > ( y_top , x_left ) ;
ret_val - = integral . at < int > ( y_top , x_right ) ;
ret_val - = integral . at < iiType > ( y_top , x_right ) ;
ret_val = ret_val / ( ( x_right - x_left ) * ( y_bottom - y_top ) ) ;
ret_val = ret_val / ( ( x_right - x_left ) * ( y_bottom - y_top ) ) ;
//~ std::cout<<integral.step[1]<<std::endl;
//~ std::cout<<integral.step[1]<<std::endl;
return static_cast < uchar > ( ret_val ) ;
return static_cast < imgType > ( ret_val ) ;
// pair selection algorithm from a set of training images and corresponding keypoints
// pair selection algorithm from a set of training images and corresponding keypoints