warpFrame() test draft + script generating test data

Rostislav Vasilikhin 3 years ago
parent df490c6399
commit bee410c748
  1. 113
  2. 26
  3. 57

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import imageio
# optional, works slower w/o it
from numba import jit
depthFactor = 5000
psize = (640, 480)
fx = 525.0
fy = 525.0
cx = psize[0]/2-0.5
cy = psize[1]/2-0.5
K = np.array([[fx, 0, cx],
[ 0, fy, cy],
[ 0, 0, 1]])
# some random transform
rmat = Rotation.from_rotvec(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])).as_dcm()
tmat = np.array([[-0.04, 0.05, 0.6]]).T
rtmat = np.vstack((np.hstack((rmat, tmat)), np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])))
#TODO: warp rgb image as well
testDataPath = "/path/to/sources/opencv_extra/testdata"
srcDepth = imageio.imread(testDataPath + "/cv/rgbd/depth.png")
def reproject(image, df, K):
Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)
xsz, ysz = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
reprojected = np.zeros((ysz, xsz, 3))
for y in range(ysz):
for x in range(xsz):
z = image[y, x]/df
v = Kinv @ np.array([x*z, y*z, z]).T
#xv = (x - cx)/fx * z
#yv = (y - cy)/fy * z
#zv = z
reprojected[y, x, :] = v[:]
return reprojected
def reprojectRtProject(image, K, depthFactor, rmat, tmat):
Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)
xsz, ysz = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
projected = np.zeros((ysz, xsz, 3))
for y in range(ysz):
for x in range(xsz):
z = image[y, x]/depthFactor
v = K @ (rmat @ Kinv @ np.array([x*z, y*z, z]).T + tmat[:, 0])
projected[y, x, :] = v[:]
return projected
def reprojectRt(image, K, depthFactor, rmat, tmat):
Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K)
xsz, ysz = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
rotated = np.zeros((ysz, xsz, 3))
for y in range(ysz):
for x in range(xsz):
z = image[y, x]/depthFactor
v = rmat @ Kinv @ np.array([x*z, y*z, z]).T + tmat[:, 0]
rotated[y, x, :] = v[:]
return rotated
# put projected points on a depth map
def splat(projected, maxv):
xsz, ysz = projected.shape[1], projected.shape[0]
depth = np.full((ysz, xsz), maxv, np.float32)
for y in range(ysz):
for x in range(xsz):
p = projected[y, x, :]
z = p[2]
if z > 0:
u, v = int(p[0]/z), int(p[1]/z)
okuv = (u >= 0 and v >= 0 and u < xsz and v < ysz)
if okuv and depth[v, u] > z:
depth[v, u] = z
return depth
maxv = depthFactor
im2 = splat(reprojectRtProject(srcDepth, K, depthFactor, rmat, tmat), maxv)
im2[im2 >= maxv] = 0
im2 = im2*depthFactor
imageio.imwrite(testDataPath + "/cv/rgbd/warped.png", im2)
# debug
outObj = False
def outFile(path, ptsimg):
f = open(path, "w")
for y in range(ptsimg.shape[0]):
for x in range(ptsimg.shape[1]):
v = ptsimg[y, x, :]
if v[2] > 0:
f.write(f"v {v[0]} {v[1]} {v[2]}\n")
if outObj:
objdir = "/path/to/objdir/"
outFile(objdir + "reproj_rot_proj.obj", reproject(im2, depthFactor, K))
outFile(objdir + "rotated.obj", reprojectRt(srcDepth, K, depthFactor, rmat, tmat))

@ -381,14 +381,18 @@ bool Odometry::compute(InputArray srcDepthFrame, InputArray srcRGBFrame,
template<class ImageElemType>
static void
warpFrameImpl(InputArray _image, InputArray depth, InputArray _mask,
const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff,
OutputArray _warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff,
OutputArray _warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
//TODO: take into account that image can be empty
//TODO: mask can also be empty
CV_Assert(_image.size() == depth.size());
Mat cloud;
depthTo3d(depth, cameraMatrix, cloud);
//TODO: replace this by channel split/merge after the function is covered by tests
Mat cloud3;
cloud3.create(cloud.size(), CV_32FC3);
for (int y = 0; y < cloud3.rows; y++)
@ -400,11 +404,13 @@ warpFrameImpl(InputArray _image, InputArray depth, InputArray _mask,
//TODO: do the following instead of the functions: K*R*Kinv*[uv1]*z + K*t
//TODO: optimize it using K's structure
std::vector<Point2f> points2d;
Mat transformedCloud;
perspectiveTransform(cloud3, transformedCloud, Rt);
projectPoints(transformedCloud.reshape(3, 1), Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1), Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1), cameraMatrix,
distCoeff, points2d);
distCoeff, points2d);
Mat image = _image.getMat();
Size sz = _image.size();
@ -426,7 +432,8 @@ warpFrameImpl(InputArray _image, InputArray depth, InputArray _mask,
const float transformed_z = transformedCloud_row[x].z;
const Point2i p2d = points2d_row[x];
if ((!mask_row || mask_row[x]) && transformed_z > 0 && rect.contains(p2d) && /*!cvIsNaN(cloud_row[x].z) && */zBuffer.at<float>(p2d) > transformed_z)
if ((!mask_row || mask_row[x]) && transformed_z > 0 &&
rect.contains(p2d) && /*!cvIsNaN(cloud_row[x].z) && */zBuffer.at<float>(p2d) > transformed_z)
warpedImage.at<ImageElemType>(p2d) = image_row[x];
zBuffer.at<float>(p2d) = transformed_z;
@ -444,14 +451,17 @@ warpFrameImpl(InputArray _image, InputArray depth, InputArray _mask,
void warpFrame(InputArray image, InputArray depth, InputArray mask,
InputArray Rt, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeff,
OutputArray warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
InputArray Rt, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeff,
OutputArray warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
if (image.type() == CV_8UC1)
warpFrameImpl<uchar>(image, depth, mask, Rt.getMat(), cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeff.getMat(), warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask);
warpFrameImpl<uchar>(image, depth, mask, Rt.getMat(), cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeff.getMat(),
warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask);
else if (image.type() == CV_8UC3)
warpFrameImpl<Point3_<uchar> >(image, depth, mask, Rt.getMat(), cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeff.getMat(), warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask);
warpFrameImpl<Point3_<uchar>>(image, depth, mask, Rt.getMat(), cameraMatrix.getMat(), distCoeff.getMat(),
warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Image has to be type of CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3");

@ -491,4 +491,61 @@ TEST(RGBD_Odometry_FastICP, prepareFrame)
TEST(RGBD_Odometry_WarpFrame, compareToGold)
//TODO: identity transform
//TODO: finish it
std::string dataPath = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path();
std::string srcDepthFilename = dataPath + "/cv/rgbd/depth.png";
// The depth was generated using the script at 3d/misc/python/warp_test.py
std::string warpedDepthFilename = dataPath + "/cv/rgbd/warped.png";
Mat srcDepth, warpedDepth;
srcDepth = imread(srcDepthFilename, -1);
FAIL() << "Depth " << srcDepthFilename.c_str() << "can not be read" << std::endl;
warpedDepth = imread(warpedDepthFilename, -1);
FAIL() << "Depth " << warpedDepthFilename.c_str() << "can not be read" << std::endl;
CV_DbgAssert(srcDepth.type() == CV_16UC1);
CV_DbgAssert(warpedDepth.type() == CV_16UC1);
double fx = 525.0, fy = 525.0,
cx = 319.5, cy = 239.5;
Matx33d K(fx, 0, cx,
0, fy, cy,
0, 0, 1);
cv::Affine3d rt(cv::Vec3d(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), cv::Vec3d(-0.04, 0.05, 0.6));
//TODO: check with and without scaling
Mat srcDepthCvt, warpedDepthCvt;
srcDepth.convertTo(srcDepthCvt, CV_32FC1, 1.f/5000.f);
srcDepth = srcDepthCvt;
warpedDepth.convertTo(warpedDepthCvt, CV_32FC1, 1.f/5000.f);
warpedDepth = warpedDepthCvt;
srcDepth.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), srcDepth < FLT_EPSILON);
warpedDepth.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), warpedDepth < FLT_EPSILON);
//TODO: check with and without image
//TODO: check with and without mask
//TODO: check with and without distCoeff
Mat image, mask, distCoeff, dstImage, dstDepth, dstMask;
warpFrame(image, srcDepth, mask, rt.matrix, K, distCoeff,
dstImage, dstDepth, dstMask);
//TODO: check this norm
double depthDiff = cv::norm(dstDepth, warpedDepth, NORM_L2);
//TODO: find true threshold, maybe based on pixcount
ASSERT_LE(0.1, depthDiff);
}} // namespace
