6 changed files with 9 additions and 1240 deletions
@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
import os, sys, re, string, glob |
from optparse import OptionParser |
# Black list for classes and methods that does not implemented in Java API |
# Created to exclude referencies to them in @see tag |
JAVADOC_ENTITY_BLACK_LIST = set(["org.opencv.core.Core#abs", \ |
"org.opencv.core.Core#theRNG", \ |
"org.opencv.core.Core#extractImageCOI", \ |
"org.opencv.core.PCA", \ |
"org.opencv.core.SVD", \ |
"org.opencv.core.RNG", \ |
"org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc#createMorphologyFilter", \ |
"org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc#createLinearFilter", \ |
"org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc#createSeparableLinearFilter", \ |
"org.opencv.imgproc.FilterEngine"]) |
class JavadocGenerator(object): |
def __init__(self, definitions = {}, modules= [], javadoc_marker = "//javadoc:"): |
self.definitions = definitions |
self.javadoc_marker = javadoc_marker |
self.markers_processed = 0 |
self.markers_documented = 0 |
self.params_documented = 0 |
self.params_undocumented = 0 |
self.known_modules = modules |
self.verbose = False |
self.show_warnings = True |
self.show_errors = True |
def parceJavadocMarker(self, line): |
assert line.lstrip().startswith(self.javadoc_marker) |
offset = line[:line.find(self.javadoc_marker)] |
line = line.strip()[len(self.javadoc_marker):] |
args_start = line.rfind("(") |
args_end = line.rfind(")") |
assert args_start * args_end > 0 |
if args_start >= 0: |
assert args_start < args_end |
name = line[:args_start].strip() |
if name.startswith("java"): |
name = name[4:] |
return (name, offset, filter(None, list(arg.strip() for arg in line[args_start+1:args_end].split(",")))) |
name = line.strip() |
if name.startswith("java"): |
name = name[4:] |
return (name, offset, []) |
def document(self, infile, outfile): |
inf = open(infile, "rt") |
outf = open(outfile, "wt") |
module = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infile))[0].split("+")[0] |
if module not in self.known_modules: |
module = "unknown" |
try: |
for l in inf.readlines(): |
org = l |
l = l.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "")#remove all whitespace |
if l.startswith(self.javadoc_marker): |
marker = self.parceJavadocMarker(l) |
self.markers_processed += 1 |
decl = self.definitions.get(marker[0],None) |
if decl: |
javadoc = self.makeJavadoc(decl, marker[2]) |
if self.verbose: |
print |
print("Javadoc for \"%s\" File: %s line %s" % (decl["name"], decl["file"], decl["line"])) |
print(javadoc) |
for line in javadoc.split("\n"): |
outf.write(marker[1] + line + "\n") |
self.markers_documented += 1 |
elif self.show_errors: |
sys.stderr.write("gen_javadoc error: could not find documentation for %s (module: %s)" % (l.lstrip()[len(self.javadoc_marker):-1].strip(), module)) |
else: |
outf.write(org.replace("\t", " ").rstrip()+"\n") |
except: |
inf.close() |
outf.close() |
os.remove(outfile) |
raise |
else: |
inf.close() |
outf.close() |
def FinishParagraph(self, text): |
return text[:-1] + "</p>\n" |
def ReformatForJavadoc(self, s): |
out = "" |
in_paragraph = False |
in_list = False |
for term in s.split("\n"): |
in_list_item = False |
if term.startswith("*"): |
in_list_item = True |
if in_paragraph: |
out = self.FinishParagraph(out) |
in_paragraph = False |
if not in_list: |
out += " * <ul>\n" |
in_list = True |
term = " <li>" + term[1:] |
if term.startswith("#."): |
in_list_item = True |
if in_paragraph: |
out = self.FinishParagraph(out) |
in_paragraph = False |
if not in_list: |
out += " * <ul>\n" |
in_list = True |
term = " <li>" + term[2:] |
if not term: |
if in_paragraph: |
out = self.FinishParagraph(out) |
in_paragraph = False |
out += " *\n" |
else: |
if in_list and not in_list_item: |
in_list = False |
if out.endswith(" *\n"): |
out = out[:-3] + " * </ul>\n *\n" |
else: |
out += " * </ul>\n" |
pos_start = 0 |
pos_end = min(77, len(term)-1) |
while pos_start < pos_end: |
if pos_end - pos_start == 77: |
while pos_end >= pos_start+60: |
if not term[pos_end].isspace(): |
pos_end -= 1 |
else: |
break |
if pos_end < pos_start+60: |
pos_end = min(pos_start + 77, len(term)-1) |
while pos_end < len(term): |
if not term[pos_end].isspace(): |
pos_end += 1 |
else: |
break |
if in_paragraph or term.startswith("@") or in_list_item: |
out += " * " |
else: |
in_paragraph = True |
out += " * <p>" |
out += term[pos_start:pos_end+1].rstrip() + "\n" |
pos_start = pos_end + 1 |
pos_end = min(pos_start + 77, len(term)-1) |
if in_paragraph: |
out = self.FinishParagraph(out) |
if in_list: |
out += " * </ul>\n" |
return out |
def getJavaName(self, decl, methodSeparator = "."): |
name = "org.opencv." |
name += decl["module"] |
if "class" in decl: |
name += "." + decl["class"] |
else: |
name += "." + decl["module"].capitalize() |
if "method" in decl: |
name += methodSeparator + decl["method"] |
return name |
def getDocURL(self, decl): |
url = "" |
url += decl["module"] |
url += "/doc/" |
url += os.path.basename(decl["file"]).replace(".rst",".html") |
url += "#" + decl["name"].replace("::","-").replace("()","").replace("=","").strip().rstrip("_").replace(" ","-").replace("_","-").lower() |
return url |
def makeJavadoc(self, decl, args = None): |
doc = "" |
prefix = "/**\n" |
if decl.get("isclass", False): |
decl_type = "class" |
elif decl.get("isstruct", False): |
decl_type = "struct" |
elif "class" in decl: |
decl_type = "method" |
else: |
decl_type = "function" |
# brief goes first |
if "brief" in decl: |
doc += prefix + self.ReformatForJavadoc(decl["brief"]) |
prefix = " *\n" |
elif "long" not in decl: |
if self.show_warnings: |
print >> sys.stderr, "gen_javadoc warning: no description for " + decl_type + " \"%s\" File: %s (line %s)" % (func["name"], func["file"], func["line"]) |
doc += prefix + self.ReformatForJavadoc("This " + decl_type + " is undocumented") |
prefix = " *\n" |
# long goes after brief |
if "long" in decl: |
doc += prefix + self.ReformatForJavadoc(decl["long"]) |
prefix = " *\n" |
# @param tags |
if args and (decl_type == "method" or decl_type == "function"): |
documented_params = decl.get("params",{}) |
for arg in args: |
arg_doc = documented_params.get(arg, None) |
if not arg_doc: |
arg_doc = "a " + arg |
if self.show_warnings: |
sys.stderr.write("gen_javadoc warning: parameter \"%s\" of \"%s\" is undocumented. File: %s (line %s)" % (arg, decl["name"], decl["file"], decl["line"])) |
self.params_undocumented += 1 |
else: |
self.params_documented += 1 |
doc += prefix + self.ReformatForJavadoc("@param " + arg + " " + arg_doc) |
prefix = "" |
prefix = " *\n" |
# @see tags |
# always link to documentation |
doc += prefix + " * @see <a href=\"" + self.getDocURL(decl) + "\">" + self.getJavaName(decl) + "</a>\n" |
prefix = "" |
# other links |
if "seealso" in decl: |
for see in decl["seealso"]: |
seedecl = self.definitions.get(see,None) |
if seedecl: |
javadoc_name = self.getJavaName(seedecl, "#") |
if (javadoc_name not in JAVADOC_ENTITY_BLACK_LIST): |
doc += prefix + " * @see " + javadoc_name + "\n" |
prefix = " *\n" |
#doc += prefix + " * File: " + decl["file"] + " (line " + str(decl["line"]) + ")\n" |
return (doc + " */").replace("::",".") |
def printSummary(self): |
print("Javadoc Generator Summary:") |
print(" Total markers: %s" % self.markers_processed) |
print( " Undocumented markers: %s" % (self.markers_processed - self.markers_documented)) |
print( " Generated comments: %s" % self.markers_documented) |
print |
print(" Documented params: %s" % self.params_documented) |
print(" Undocumented params: %s" % self.params_undocumented) |
print |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
selfpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) |
hdr_parser_path = os.path.join(selfpath, "../../python/src2") |
sys.path.append(selfpath) |
sys.path.append(hdr_parser_path) |
import hdr_parser |
import rst_parser |
parser = OptionParser() |
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Print verbose log to stdout", action="store_true", default=False) |
parser.add_option("", "--no-warnings", dest="warnings", help="Hide warning messages", action="store_false", default=True) |
parser.add_option("", "--no-errors", dest="errors", help="Hide error messages", action="store_false", default=True) |
parser.add_option("", "--modules", dest="modules", help="comma-separated list of modules to generate comments", metavar="MODS", default=",".join(rst_parser.allmodules)) |
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) |
options.modules = options.modules.split(",") |
if len(args) < 2 or len(options.modules) < 1: |
parser.print_help() |
exit(0) |
parser = rst_parser.RstParser(hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser()) |
for m in options.modules: |
parser.parse(m, os.path.join(selfpath, "../../" + m)) |
parser.printSummary() |
generator = JavadocGenerator(parser.definitions, options.modules) |
generator.verbose = options.verbose |
generator.show_warnings = options.warnings |
generator.show_errors = options.errors |
for path in args: |
folder = os.path.abspath(path) |
for jfile in [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(folder,"*.java")) if not f.endswith("")]: |
outfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.basename(jfile).replace(".java", "")) |
generator.document(jfile, outfile) |
generator.printSummary() |
@ -1,774 +0,0 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python |
from __future__ import print_function |
import os, sys, re, string, fnmatch |
allmodules = ["core", "flann", "imgproc", "imgcodecs", "videoio", "highgui", "video", "features2d", "calib3d", "objdetect", "legacy", "contrib", "cuda", "androidcamera", "java", "python", "stitching", "ts", "photo", "videostab", "softcascade", "superres"] |
verbose = False |
show_warnings = True |
show_errors = True |
show_critical_errors = True |
params_blacklist = { |
"fromarray" : ("object", "allowND"), # python only function |
"reprojectImageTo3D" : ("ddepth"), # python only argument |
"composeRT" : ("d*d*"), # wildchards in parameter names are not supported by this parser |
"error" : "args", # parameter of supporting macro |
"getConvertElem" : ("from", "cn", "to", "beta", "alpha"), # arguments of returned functions |
"gpu::swapChannels" : ("dstOrder") # parameter is not parsed correctly by the hdr_parser |
} |
WARNING_004_TABS = 4 |
params_mapping = { |
"composeRT" : { |
"dr3dr1" : "d*d*", |
"dr3dr2" : "d*d*", |
"dr3dt1" : "d*d*", |
"dr3dt2" : "d*d*", |
"dt3dr1" : "d*d*", |
"dt3dr2" : "d*d*", |
"dt3dt1" : "d*d*", |
"dt3dt2" : "d*d*" |
}, |
"CvSVM::train_auto" : { |
"coeffGrid" : "\\*Grid", |
"degreeGrid" : "\\*Grid", |
"gammaGrid" : "\\*Grid", |
"nuGrid" : "\\*Grid", |
"pGrid" : "\\*Grid" |
} |
} |
known_text_sections_names = ["Appendix", "Results", "Prerequisites", "Introduction", "Description"] |
class DeclarationParser(object): |
def __init__(self, line=None): |
if line is None: |
self.fdecl = "" |
self.lang = "" |
self.balance = 0 |
return |
self.lang = self.getLang(line) |
assert self.lang is not None |
self.fdecl = line[line.find("::")+2:].strip() |
self.balance = self.fdecl.count("(") - self.fdecl.count(")") |
assert self.balance >= 0 |
def append(self, line): |
self.fdecl += line |
self.balance = self.fdecl.count("(") - self.fdecl.count(")") |
def isready(self): |
return self.balance == 0 |
@classmethod |
def getLang(cls, line): |
if line.startswith(".. ocv:function::"): |
return "C++" |
if line.startswith(".. ocv:cfunction::"): |
return "C" |
if line.startswith(".. ocv:pyfunction::"): |
return "Python2" |
if line.startswith(".. ocv:jfunction::"): |
return "Java" |
return None |
def hasDeclaration(self, line): |
return self.getLang(line) is not None |
class ParamParser(object): |
def __init__(self, line=None): |
if line is None: |
self.prefix = "" |
|||| = "" |
self.comment = "" |
|||| = False |
return |
offset = line.find(":param") |
assert offset > 0 |
self.prefix = line[:offset] |
assert self.prefix == " "*len(self.prefix), ":param definition should be prefixed with spaces" |
line = line[offset + 6:].lstrip() |
name_end = line.find(":") |
assert name_end > 0 |
|||| = line[:name_end] |
self.comment = line[name_end+1:].lstrip() |
|||| = True |
def append(self, line): |
assert |
if (self.hasDeclaration(line)): |
|||| = False |
elif line.startswith(self.prefix) or not line: |
self.comment += "\n" + line.lstrip() |
else: |
|||| = False |
@classmethod |
def hasDeclaration(cls, line): |
return line.lstrip().startswith(":param") |
class RstParser(object): |
def __init__(self, cpp_parser): |
self.cpp_parser = cpp_parser |
self.definitions = {} |
self.sections_parsed = 0 |
self.sections_total = 0 |
self.sections_skipped = 0 |
def parse(self, module_name, module_path=None): |
if module_path is None: |
module_path = "../" + module_name |
doclist = [] |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(module_path,"doc")): |
for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.rst"): |
doclist.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) |
for doc in doclist: |
self.parse_rst_file(module_name, doc) |
def parse_section_safe(self, module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines): |
try: |
self.parse_section(module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines) |
except AssertionError as args: |
if show_errors: |
print("RST parser error E%03d: assertion in \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (ERROR_001_SECTIONFAILURE, section_name, file_name, lineno), file=sys.stderr) |
print(" Details: %s" % args, file=sys.stderr) |
def parse_section(self, module_name, section_name, file_name, lineno, lines): |
self.sections_total += 1 |
# skip sections having whitespace in name |
#if section_name.find(" ") >= 0 and section_name.find("::operator") < 0: |
if (section_name.find(" ") >= 0 and not bool(re.match(r"(\w+::)*operator\s*(\w+|>>|<<|\(\)|->|\+\+|--|=|==|\+=|-=)", section_name)) ) or section_name.endswith(":"): |
if show_errors: |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: SKIPPED: \"%s\" File: %s:%s" % (WARNING_002_HDRWHITESPACE, section_name, file_name, lineno), file=sys.stderr) |
self.sections_skipped += 1 |
return |
func = {} |
func["name"] = section_name |
func["file"] = file_name |
func["line"] = lineno |
func["module"] = module_name |
# parse section name |
section_name = self.parse_namespace(func, section_name) |
class_separator_idx = section_name.find("::") |
if class_separator_idx > 0: |
func["class"] = section_name[:class_separator_idx] |
func["method"] = section_name[class_separator_idx+2:] |
else: |
func["method"] = section_name |
capturing_seealso = False |
skip_code_lines = False |
expected_brief = True |
was_code_line = False |
fdecl = DeclarationParser() |
pdecl = ParamParser() |
ll = None |
for l in lines: |
# read tail of function/method declaration if needed |
if not fdecl.isready(): |
fdecl.append(ll) |
if fdecl.isready(): |
self.add_new_fdecl(func, fdecl) |
continue |
# continue capture seealso |
if capturing_seealso: |
if not l or l.startswith(" "): |
seealso = func.get("seealso", []) |
seealso.extend(l.split(",")) |
func["seealso"] = seealso |
continue |
else: |
capturing_seealso = False |
ll = l.strip() |
if ll == "..": |
expected_brief = False |
skip_code_lines = False |
continue |
# skip lines if line-skipping mode is activated |
if skip_code_lines: |
if not l: |
continue |
if not l.startswith(" "): |
skip_code_lines = False |
if ll.startswith(".. code-block::") or ll.startswith(".. image::"): |
skip_code_lines = True |
continue |
# todo: parse structure members; skip them for now |
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:member::"): |
#print ll |
skip_code_lines = True |
continue |
#ignore references (todo: collect them) |
if l.startswith(".. ["): |
continue |
if ll.startswith(".. "): |
expected_brief = False |
elif ll.endswith("::"): |
# turn on line-skipping mode for code fragments |
#print ll |
skip_code_lines = True |
ll = ll[:len(ll)-2] |
# continue param parsing (process params after processing .. at the beginning of the line and :: at the end) |
if |
pdecl.append(l) |
if |
continue |
else: |
self.add_new_pdecl(func, pdecl) |
# do not continue - current line can contain next parameter definition |
# parse ".. seealso::" blocks |
if ll.startswith(".. seealso::"): |
if ll.endswith(".. seealso::"): |
capturing_seealso = True |
else: |
seealso = func.get("seealso", []) |
seealso.extend(ll[ll.find("::")+2:].split(",")) |
func["seealso"] = seealso |
continue |
# skip ".. index::" |
if ll.startswith(".. index::"): |
continue |
# parse class & struct definitions |
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:class::"): |
func["class"] = ll[ll.find("::")+2:].strip() |
if "method" in func: |
del func["method"] |
func["isclass"] = True |
expected_brief = True |
continue |
if ll.startswith(".. ocv:struct::"): |
func["class"] = ll[ll.find("::")+2:].strip() |
if "method" in func: |
del func["method"] |
func["isstruct"] = True |
expected_brief = True |
continue |
# parse function/method definitions |
if fdecl.hasDeclaration(ll): |
fdecl = DeclarationParser(ll) |
if fdecl.isready(): |
self.add_new_fdecl(func, fdecl) |
continue |
# parse parameters |
if pdecl.hasDeclaration(l): |
pdecl = ParamParser(l) |
continue |
# record brief description |
if expected_brief: |
func["brief"] = func.get("brief", "") + "\n" + ll |
if skip_code_lines: |
expected_brief = False # force end brief if code block begins |
continue |
# record other lines as long description |
if (skip_code_lines): |
ll = ll.replace("/*", "/ *") |
ll = ll.replace("*/", "* /") |
if (was_code_line): |
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll + "\n" |
else: |
was_code_line = True |
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + ll +"\n<code>\n\n // C++ code:\n\n" |
else: |
if (was_code_line): |
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll + "\n</code>\n" |
was_code_line = False |
else: |
func["long"] = func.get("long", "") + "\n" + ll |
# endfor l in lines |
if fdecl.balance != 0: |
if show_critical_errors: |
print("RST parser error E%03d: invalid parentheses balance in \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (ERROR_003_PARENTHESES, section_name, file_name, lineno), file=sys.stderr) |
return |
# save last parameter if needed |
if |
self.add_new_pdecl(func, pdecl) |
# add definition to list |
func = self.normalize(func) |
if self.validate(func): |
self.definitions[func["name"]] = func |
self.sections_parsed += 1 |
if verbose: |
self.print_info(func) |
elif func: |
if func["name"] in known_text_sections_names: |
if show_errors: |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: SKIPPED: \"%s\" File: %s:%s" % (WARNING_002_HDRWHITESPACE, section_name, file_name, lineno), file=sys.stderr) |
self.sections_skipped += 1 |
elif show_errors: |
self.print_info(func, True, sys.stderr) |
def parse_rst_file(self, module_name, doc): |
doc = os.path.abspath(doc) |
lineno = 0 |
whitespace_warnings = 0 |
max_whitespace_warnings = 10 |
lines = [] |
flineno = 0 |
fname = "" |
prev_line = None |
df = open(doc, "rt") |
for l in df.readlines(): |
lineno += 1 |
# handle tabs |
if l.find("\t") >= 0: |
whitespace_warnings += 1 |
if whitespace_warnings <= max_whitespace_warnings and show_warnings: |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: tab symbol instead of space is used at %s:%s" % (WARNING_004_TABS, doc, lineno), file=sys.stderr) |
l = l.replace("\t", " ") |
# handle first line |
if prev_line == None: |
prev_line = l.rstrip() |
continue |
ll = l.rstrip() |
if len(prev_line) > 0 and len(ll) >= len(prev_line) and (ll == "-" * len(ll) or ll == "+" * len(ll) or ll == "=" * len(ll)): |
# new function candidate |
if len(lines) > 1: |
self.parse_section_safe(module_name, fname, doc, flineno, lines[:len(lines)-1]) |
lines = [] |
flineno = lineno-1 |
fname = prev_line.strip() |
elif flineno > 0: |
lines.append(ll) |
prev_line = ll |
df.close() |
# don't forget about the last function section in file!!! |
if len(lines) > 1: |
self.parse_section_safe(module_name, fname, doc, flineno, lines) |
@classmethod |
def parse_namespace(cls, func, section_name): |
known_namespaces = ["cv", "gpu", "flann", "superres"] |
l = section_name.strip() |
for namespace in known_namespaces: |
if l.startswith(namespace + "::"): |
func["namespace"] = namespace |
return l[len(namespace)+2:] |
return section_name |
def add_new_fdecl(self, func, decl): |
if decl.fdecl.endswith(";"): |
print("RST parser error E%03d: unexpected semicolon at the end of declaration in \"%s\" at %s:%s" \ |
% (ERROR_011_EOLEXPECTED, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
decls = func.get("decls", []) |
if (decl.lang == "C++" or decl.lang == "C"): |
rst_decl = self.cpp_parser.parse_func_decl_no_wrap(decl.fdecl) |
decls.append( [decl.lang, decl.fdecl, rst_decl] ) |
else: |
decls.append( [decl.lang, decl.fdecl] ) |
func["decls"] = decls |
@classmethod |
def add_new_pdecl(cls, func, decl): |
params = func.get("params", {}) |
if in params: |
if show_errors: |
#check black_list |
if not in params_blacklist.get(func["name"], []): |
print("RST parser error E%03d: redefinition of parameter \"%s\" in \"%s\" at %s:%s" \ |
% (ERROR_005_REDEFENITIONPARAM,, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
else: |
params[] = decl.comment |
func["params"] = params |
def print_info(self, func, skipped=False, out = sys.stdout): |
print(file=out) |
if skipped: |
print("SKIPPED DEFINITION:", file=out) |
print("name: %s" % (func.get("name","~empty~")), file=out) |
print("file: %s:%s" % (func.get("file","~empty~"), func.get("line","~empty~")), file=out) |
print("is class: %s" % func.get("isclass", False), file=out) |
print("is struct: %s" % func.get("isstruct", False), file=out) |
print("module: %s" % func.get("module","~unknown~"), file=out) |
print("namespace: %s" % func.get("namespace", "~empty~"), file=out) |
print("class: %s" % (func.get("class","~empty~")), file=out) |
print("method: %s" % (func.get("method","~empty~")), file=out) |
print("brief: %s" % (func.get("brief","~empty~")), file=out) |
if "decls" in func: |
print("declarations:", file=out) |
for d in func["decls"]: |
print(" %7s: %s" % (d[0], re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", d[1])), file=out) |
if "seealso" in func: |
print("seealso: ", func["seealso"], file=out) |
if "params" in func: |
print("parameters:", file=out) |
for name, comment in func["params"].items(): |
print("%23s: %s" % (name, comment), file=out) |
print("long: %s" % (func.get("long","~empty~")), file=out) |
print(file=out) |
def validate(self, func): |
if func.get("decls", None) is None: |
if not func.get("isclass", False) and not func.get("isstruct", False): |
return False |
if func["name"] in self.definitions: |
if show_errors: |
print("RST parser error E%03d: \"%s\" from: %s:%s is already documented at %s:%s" \ |
% (ERROR_006_REDEFENITIONFUNC, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"], self.definitions[func["name"]]["file"], self.definitions[func["name"]]["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
return False |
return self.validateParams(func) |
def validateParams(self, func): |
documentedParams = list(func.get("params", {}).keys()) |
params = [] |
for decl in func.get("decls", []): |
if len(decl) > 2: |
args = decl[2][3] # decl[2] -> [ funcname, return_ctype, [modifiers], [args] ] |
for arg in args: |
# arg -> [ ctype, name, def val, [mod], argno ] |
if arg[0] != "...": |
params.append(arg[1]) |
params = list(set(params))#unique |
# 1. all params are documented |
for p in params: |
if p not in documentedParams and show_warnings: |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: parameter \"%s\" of \"%s\" is undocumented. %s:%s" % (WARNING_007_UNDOCUMENTEDPARAM, p, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
# 2. only real params are documented |
for p in documentedParams: |
if p not in params and show_warnings: |
if p not in params_blacklist.get(func["name"], []): |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: unexisting parameter \"%s\" of \"%s\" is documented at %s:%s" % (WARNING_008_MISSINGPARAM, p, func["name"], func["file"], func["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
return True |
def normalize(self, func): |
if not func: |
return func |
fnname = func["name"] |
fnname = self.normalizeText(fnname) |
fnname = re.sub(r'_\?D$', "_nD", fnname) # tailing _?D can be mapped to _nD |
fnname = re.sub(r'\?D$', "ND", fnname) # tailing ?D can be mapped to ND |
fnname = re.sub(r'\(s\)$', "s", fnname) # tailing (s) can be mapped to s |
func["name"] = fnname |
if "method" in func: |
func["method"] = self.normalizeText(func["method"]) |
if "class" in func: |
func["class"] = self.normalizeText(func["class"]) |
if "brief" in func: |
func["brief"] = self.normalizeText(func.get("brief", None)) |
if not func["brief"]: |
del func["brief"] |
if "long" in func: |
func["long"] = self.normalizeText(func.get("long", None)) |
if not func["long"]: |
del func["long"] |
if "decls" in func: |
func["decls"].sort() |
if "params" in func: |
params = {} |
for name, comment in func["params"].items(): |
cmt = self.normalizeText(comment) |
if cmt: |
params[name] = cmt |
# expand some wellknown params |
pmap = params_mapping.get(fnname) |
if pmap: |
for name, alias in pmap.items(): |
params[name] = params[alias] |
func["params"] = params |
if "seealso" in func: |
seealso = [] |
for see in func["seealso"]: |
item = self.normalizeText(see.rstrip(".")).strip("\"") |
if item and (item.find(" ") < 0 or item.find("::operator") > 0): |
seealso.append(item) |
func["seealso"] = list(set(seealso)) |
if not func["seealso"]: |
del func["seealso"] |
# special case for old C functions - section name should omit "cv" prefix |
if not func.get("isclass", False) and not func.get("isstruct", False): |
self.fixOldCFunctionName(func) |
return func |
def fixOldCFunctionName(self, func): |
if not "decls" in func: |
return |
fname = None |
for decl in func["decls"]: |
if decl[0] != "C" and decl[0] != "Python1": |
return |
if decl[0] == "C": |
fname = decl[2][0] |
if fname is None: |
return |
fname = fname.replace(".", "::") |
if fname.startswith("cv::cv"): |
if fname[6:] == func.get("name", "").replace("*", "_n"): |
func["name"] = fname[4:] |
func["method"] = fname[4:] |
elif show_warnings: |
print("RST parser warning W%03d: \"%s\" - section name is \"%s\" instead of \"%s\" at %s:%s" % (WARNING_009_HDRMISMATCH, fname, func["name"], fname[6:], func["file"], func["line"]), file=sys.stderr) |
#self.print_info(func) |
def normalizeText(self, s): |
if s is None: |
return s |
s = re.sub(r"\.\. math::[ \r]*\n+((.|\n)*?)(\n[ \r]*\n|$)", mathReplace2, s) |
s = re.sub(r":math:`([^`]+?)`", mathReplace, s) |
s = re.sub(r" *:sup:", "^", s) |
s = s.replace(":ocv:class:", "") |
s = s.replace(":ocv:struct:", "") |
s = s.replace(":ocv:func:", "") |
s = s.replace(":ocv:cfunc:","") |
s = s.replace(":c:type:", "") |
s = s.replace(":c:func:", "") |
s = s.replace(":ref:", "") |
s = s.replace(":math:", "") |
s = s.replace(":func:", "") |
s = s.replace("]_", "]") |
s = s.replace(".. note::", "Note:") |
s = s.replace(".. table::", "") |
s = s.replace(".. ocv:function::", "") |
s = s.replace(".. ocv:cfunction::", "") |
# remove ".. identifier:" lines |
s = re.sub(r"(^|\n)\.\. [a-zA-Z_0-9]+(::[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)?:(\n|$)", "\n ", s) |
# unwrap urls |
s = re.sub(r"`([^`<]+ )<(https?://[^>]+)>`_", "\\1(\\2)", s) |
# remove tailing :: |
s = re.sub(r"::(\n|$)", "\\1", s) |
# normalize line endings |
s = re.sub(r"\r\n", "\n", s) |
# remove extra line breaks before/after _ or , |
s = re.sub(r"\n[ ]*([_,])\n", r"\1 ", s) |
# remove extra line breaks after ` |
#s = re.sub(r"`\n", "` ", s) |
# remove extra space after ( and before .,) |
s = re.sub(r"\([\n ]+", "(", s) |
s = re.sub(r"[\n ]+(\.|,|\))", "\\1", s) |
# remove extra line breaks after ".. note::" |
s = re.sub(r"\.\. note::\n+", ".. note:: ", s) |
# remove extra line breaks before * |
s = re.sub(r"\n+\*", "\n*", s) |
# remove extra line breaks after * |
s = re.sub(r"\n\*\n+", "\n* ", s) |
# remove extra line breaks before #. |
s = re.sub(r"\n+#\.", "\n#.", s) |
# remove extra line breaks after #. |
s = re.sub(r"\n#\.\n+", "\n#. ", s) |
# remove extra line breaks before ` |
#s = re.sub(r"\n[ ]*`", " `", s) |
# remove trailing whitespaces |
s = re.sub(r"[ ]+$", "", s) |
# remove .. for references |
#s = re.sub(r"\.\. \[", "[", s) |
# unescape |
s = re.sub(r"\\(.)", "\\1", s) |
# remove whitespace before . |
s = re.sub(r"[ ]+\.", ".", s) |
# remove tailing whitespace |
s = re.sub(r" +(\n|$)", "\\1", s) |
# remove leading whitespace |
s = re.sub(r"(^|\n) +", "\\1", s) |
# compress line breaks |
s = re.sub(r"\n\n+", "\n\n", s) |
# remove other newlines |
s = re.sub(r"([^.\n\\=])\n([^*#\n]|\*[^ ])", "\\1 \\2", s) |
# compress whitespace |
s = re.sub(r" +", " ", s) |
# restore math |
s = re.sub(r" *<BR> *", "\n", s) |
# remove extra space before . |
s = re.sub(r"[\n ]+\.", ".", s) |
s = s.replace("**", "") |
s = re.sub(r"``([^\n]+?)``", "<code>\\1</code>", s) |
s = s.replace("``", "\"") |
s = s.replace("`", "\"") |
s = s.replace("\"\"", "\"") |
s = s.strip() |
return s |
def printSummary(self): |
print("RST Parser Summary:") |
print(" Total sections: %s" % self.sections_total) |
print(" Skipped sections: %s" % self.sections_skipped) |
print(" Parsed sections: %s" % self.sections_parsed) |
print(" Invalid sections: %s" % (self.sections_total - self.sections_parsed - self.sections_skipped)) |
# statistic by language |
stat = {} |
classes = 0 |
structs = 0 |
for name, d in self.definitions.items(): |
if d.get("isclass", False): |
classes += 1 |
elif d.get("isstruct", False): |
structs += 1 |
else: |
for decl in d.get("decls", []): |
stat[decl[0]] = stat.get(decl[0], 0) + 1 |
print() |
print(" classes documented: %s" % classes) |
print(" structs documented: %s" % structs) |
for lang in sorted(stat.items()): |
print(" %7s functions documented: %s" % lang) |
print() |
def mathReplace2(match): |
m = mathReplace(match) |
#print "%s ===> %s" % (, m) |
return "\n\n"+m+"<BR><BR>" |
def hdotsforReplace(match): |
return '... '*int( |
def matrixReplace(match): |
m = |
m = re.sub(r" *& *", " ", m) |
return m |
def mathReplace(match): |
m = |
m = m.replace("\n", "<BR>") |
m = m.replace("<", "<") |
m = m.replace(">", ">") |
m = re.sub(r"\\text(tt|rm)?{(.*?)}", "\\2", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\mbox{(.*?)}", "\\1", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\mathrm{(.*?)}", "\\1", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\vecthree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "[\\1 \\2 \\3]", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\bar{(.*?)}", "\\1`", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\sqrt\[(\d)*\]{(.*?)}", "sqrt\\1(\\2)", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\sqrt{(.*?)}", "sqrt(\\1)", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\frac{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "(\\1)/(\\2)", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\fork{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2; \\3 \\4", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\forkthree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2; \\3 \\4; \\5 \\6", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\stackrel{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "\\1 \\2", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\sum _{(.*?)}", "sum{by: \\1}", m) |
m = re.sub(r" +", " ", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\begin{(?P<gtype>array|bmatrix)}(?:{[\|lcr\. ]+})? *(.*?)\\end{(?P=gtype)}", matrixReplace, m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\hdotsfor{(\d+)}", hdotsforReplace, m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\vecthreethree{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}{(.*?)}", "<BR>|\\1 \\2 \\3|<BR>|\\4 \\5 \\6|<BR>|\\7 \\8 \\9|<BR>", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\left[ ]*\\lfloor[ ]*", "[", m) |
m = re.sub(r"[ ]*\\right[ ]*\\rfloor", "]", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\\left[ ]*\([ ]*", "(", m) |
m = re.sub(r"[ ]*\\right[ ]*\)", ")", m) |
m = re.sub(r"([^\\])\$", "\\1", m) |
m = m.replace("\\times", "x") |
m = m.replace("\\pm", "+-") |
m = m.replace("\\cdot", "*") |
m = m.replace("\\sim", "~") |
m = m.replace("\\leftarrow", "<-") |
m = m.replace("\\rightarrow", "->") |
m = m.replace("\\leftrightarrow", "<->") |
m = re.sub(r" *\\neg *", " !", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\neq? *", " != ", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\geq? *", " >= ", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\leq? *", " <= ", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\vee *", " V ", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\oplus *", " (+) ", m) |
m = re.sub(r" *\\mod *", " mod ", m) |
m = re.sub(r"( *)\\partial *", "\\1d", m) |
m = re.sub(r"( *)\\quad *", "\\1 ", m) |
m = m.replace("\\,", " ") |
m = m.replace("\\:", " ") |
m = m.replace("\\;", " ") |
m = m.replace("\\!", "") |
m = m.replace("\\\\", "<BR>") |
m = m.replace("\\wedge", "/\\\\") |
m = re.sub(r"\\(.)", "\\1", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\([ ]+", "(", m) |
m = re.sub(r"[ ]+(\.|,|\))(<BR>| |$)", "\\1\\2", m) |
m = re.sub(r" +\|[ ]+([a-zA-Z0-9_(])", " |\\1", m) |
m = re.sub(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_)}])[ ]+(\(|\|)", "\\1\\2", m) |
m = re.sub(r"{\((-?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)}", "\\1", m) |
m = re.sub(r"{(-?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}", "(\\1)", m) |
m = re.sub(r"\(([0-9]+)\)", "\\1", m) |
m = m.replace("{", "(") |
m = m.replace("}", ")") |
#print "%s ===> %s" % (, m) |
return "<em>" + m + "</em>" |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
if len(sys.argv) < 2: |
print("Usage:\n", os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), " <module path>") |
exit(0) |
if len(sys.argv) >= 3: |
if sys.argv[2].lower() == "verbose": |
verbose = True |
rst_parser_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) |
hdr_parser_path = os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../python/src2") |
sys.path.append(hdr_parser_path) |
import hdr_parser |
module = sys.argv[1] |
if module != "all" and not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + module)): |
print("RST parser error E%03d: module \"%s\" could not be found." % (ERROR_010_NOMODULE, module)) |
exit(1) |
parser = RstParser(hdr_parser.CppHeaderParser()) |
if module == "all": |
for m in allmodules: |
parser.parse(m, os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + m)) |
else: |
parser.parse(module, os.path.join(rst_parser_dir, "../../" + module)) |
# summary |
parser.printSummary() |
Reference in new issue