@ -46,13 +46,19 @@ |
#include "opencv2/core.hpp" |
@defgroup videoio Media I/O |
@defgroup videoio Video I/O |
@brief Read and write video or images sequence with OpenCV |
### See also: |
- @ref videoio_overview |
- Tutorials: @ref tutorial_table_of_content_videoio |
@{ |
@defgroup videoio_flags_base Flags for video I/O |
@defgroup videoio_flags_others Additional flags for video I/O API backends |
@defgroup videoio_c C API |
@defgroup videoio_ios iOS glue |
@defgroup videoio_winrt WinRT glue |
@defgroup videoio_c C API for video I/O |
@defgroup videoio_ios iOS glue for video I/O |
@defgroup videoio_winrt WinRT glue for video I/O |
@} |
*/ |
@ -69,20 +75,18 @@ namespace cv |
//! @addtogroup videoio_flags_base
//! @{
/** @brief Capture API backends.
/** @brief %VideoCapture API backends identifier.
Select preferred API for a capture object. |
To be used in the constructor VideoCapture::VideoCapture or VideoCapture::open |
@note Backends are available only if they have been built with your OpenCV binaries.<br> |
Check in <tt>cvconfig.h</tt> to know which APIs are currently available (e.g. <tt>HAVE_MSMF, HAVE_VFW, HAVE_LIBV4L</tt>). |
To enable/disable APIs, you have to: |
1. re-configure OpenCV using the appropriates CMake switches |
(e.g. <tt>-DWITH_MSMF=ON -DWITH_VFW=ON ... </tt>) or checking related switch in cmake-gui |
2. rebuild OpenCV itself |
To be used in the VideoCapture::VideoCapture() constructor or VideoCapture::open() |
@note Backends are available only if they have been built with your OpenCV binaries. |
See @ref videoio_overview for more information. |
*/ |
enum VideoCaptureAPIs { |
CAP_ANY = 0, //!< Auto detect
CAP_ANY = 0, //!< Auto detect == 0
CAP_VFW = 200, //!< Video For Windows (platform native)
CAP_V4L = 200, //!< V4L/V4L2 capturing support via libv4l
CAP_V4L2 = CAP_V4L, //!< Same as CAP_V4L
@ -108,11 +112,13 @@ enum VideoCaptureAPIs { |
CAP_OPENNI2_ASUS = 1610, //!< OpenNI2 (for Asus Xtion and Occipital Structure sensors)
CAP_GPHOTO2 = 1700, //!< gPhoto2 connection
CAP_GSTREAMER = 1800, //!< GStreamer
CAP_FFMPEG = 1900, //!< FFMPEG
CAP_FFMPEG = 1900, //!< Open and record video file or stream using the FFMPEG library
CAP_IMAGES = 2000 //!< OpenCV Image Sequence (e.g. img_%02d.jpg)
}; |
//! generic properties (based on DC1394 properties)
/** @brief %VideoCapture generic properties identifier.
@sa videoio_flags_others, VideoCapture::get(), VideoCapture::set() |
*/ |
enum VideoCaptureProperties { |
CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC =0, //!< Current position of the video file in milliseconds.
CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES =1, //!< 0-based index of the frame to be decoded/captured next.
@ -150,13 +156,15 @@ enum VideoCaptureProperties { |
CAP_PROP_SETTINGS =37, //! Pop up video/camera filter dialog (note: only supported by DSHOW backend currently. Property value is ignored)
}; |
//! @brief Generic camera output modes.
//! @note Currently, these are supported through the libv4l interface only.
/** @brief Generic camera output modes identifier.
@note Currently, these are supported through the libv4l backend only. |
*/ |
enum VideoCaptureModes { |
CAP_MODE_BGR = 0, //!< BGR24 (default)
CAP_MODE_RGB = 1, //!< RGB24
@ -164,7 +172,8 @@ enum VideoCaptureModes { |
}; |
/** @brief Generic properties identifier for VideoWriter
/** @brief %VideoWriter generic properties identifier.
@sa VideoWriter::get(), VideoWriter::set() |
*/ |
enum VideoWriterProperties { |
VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY = 1, //!< Current quality (0..100%) of the encoded videostream. Can be adjusted dynamically in some codecs.
@ -177,9 +186,12 @@ enum VideoWriterProperties { |
//! @addtogroup videoio_flags_others
//! @{
/** @brief DC1394 only
/** @name IEEE 1394 drivers
@{ |
*/ |
modes of the controlling registers (can be: auto, manual, auto single push, absolute Latter allowed with any other mode) |
/** @brief Modes of the IEEE 1394 controlling registers
(can be: auto, manual, auto single push, absolute Latter allowed with any other mode) |
every feature can have only one mode turned on at a time |
*/ |
enum { CAP_PROP_DC1394_OFF = -4, //!< turn the feature off (not controlled manually nor automatically).
@ -189,6 +201,11 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_DC1394_OFF = -4, //!< turn the feature off (not c |
CAP_PROP_DC1394_MAX = 31 |
}; |
//! @} IEEE 1394 drivers
/** @name OpenNI (for Kinect)
@{ |
*/ |
//! OpenNI map generators
enum { CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR = 1 << 31, |
@ -197,7 +214,7 @@ enum { CAP_OPENNI_DEPTH_GENERATOR = 1 << 31, |
}; |
//! Properties of cameras available through OpenNI interfaces
//! Properties of cameras available through OpenNI backend
@ -247,11 +264,20 @@ enum { CAP_OPENNI_VGA_30HZ = 0, |
}; |
//! @} OpenNI
/** @name GStreamer
@{ |
*/ |
//! GStreamer
enum { CAP_PROP_GSTREAMER_QUEUE_LENGTH = 200 //!< Default is 1
}; |
//! @} GStreamer
/** @name PvAPI, Prosilica GigE SDK
@{ |
*/ |
enum { CAP_PROP_PVAPI_MULTICASTIP = 300, //!< IP for enable multicast master mode. 0 for disable multicast.
@ -289,7 +315,13 @@ enum { CAP_PVAPI_PIXELFORMAT_MONO8 = 1, //!< Mono8 |
}; |
//! Properties of cameras available through XIMEA SDK interface
//! @} PvAPI
/** @name XIMEA Camera API
@{ |
*/ |
//! Properties of cameras available through XIMEA SDK backend
enum { CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING = 400, //!< Change image resolution by binning or skipping.
CAP_PROP_XI_DATA_FORMAT = 401, //!< Output data format.
CAP_PROP_XI_OFFSET_X = 402, //!< Horizontal offset from the origin to the area of interest (in pixels).
@ -392,8 +424,8 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING = 400, //!< Chan |
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FOCAL_LENGTH = 516, //!< Lens focal distance in mm.
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FEATURE_SELECTOR = 517, //!< Selects the current feature which is accessible by XI_PRM_LENS_FEATURE.
CAP_PROP_XI_LENS_FEATURE = 518, //!< Allows access to lens feature value currently selected by XI_PRM_LENS_FEATURE_SELECTOR.
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_MODEL_ID = 521, //!< Return device model id.
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_SN = 522, //!< Return device serial number.
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_MODEL_ID = 521, //!< Returns device model id.
CAP_PROP_XI_DEVICE_SN = 522, //!< Returns device serial number.
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT_RGB32_ALPHA = 529, //!< The alpha channel of RGB32 output image format.
CAP_PROP_XI_IMAGE_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 530, //!< Buffer size in bytes sufficient for output image returned by xiGetImage.
CAP_PROP_XI_TRANSPORT_PIXEL_FORMAT = 531, //!< Current format of pixels on transport layer.
@ -404,7 +436,7 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING = 400, //!< Chan |
CAP_PROP_XI_COUNTER_SELECTOR = 536, //!< Select counter.
CAP_PROP_XI_COUNTER_VALUE = 537, //!< Counter status.
CAP_PROP_XI_ACQ_TIMING_MODE = 538, //!< Type of sensor frames timing.
CAP_PROP_XI_AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH = 539, //!< Calculate and return available interface bandwidth(int Megabits).
CAP_PROP_XI_AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH = 539, //!< Calculate and returns available interface bandwidth(int Megabits).
CAP_PROP_XI_BUFFER_POLICY = 540, //!< Data move policy.
CAP_PROP_XI_LUT_EN = 541, //!< Activates LUT.
CAP_PROP_XI_LUT_INDEX = 542, //!< Control the index (offset) of the coefficient to access in the LUT.
@ -442,8 +474,14 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_XI_DOWNSAMPLING = 400, //!< Chan |
CAP_PROP_XI_SENSOR_FEATURE_VALUE = 586, //!< Allows access to sensor feature value currently selected by XI_PRM_SENSOR_FEATURE_SELECTOR.
}; |
//! @} XIMEA
/** @name AVFoundation framework for iOS
OS X Lion will have the same API |
@{ |
*/ |
//! Properties of cameras available through AVFOUNDATION interface
//! Properties of cameras available through AVFOUNDATION backend
enum { CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FOCUS = 9001, |
@ -451,8 +489,11 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_IOS_DEVICE_FOCUS = 9001, |
}; |
/** @name Smartek Giganetix GigEVisionSDK
@{ |
*/ |
//! Properties of cameras available through Smartek Giganetix Ethernet Vision interface
//! Properties of cameras available through Smartek Giganetix Ethernet Vision backend
/* --- Vladimir Litvinenko (litvinenko.vladimir@gmail.com) --- */ |
enum { CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_X = 10001, |
@ -462,6 +503,11 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_GIGA_FRAME_OFFSET_X = 10001, |
}; |
//! @} Smartek
/** @name Intel Perceptual Computing SDK
@{ |
*/ |
@ -471,7 +517,7 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_INTELPERC_PROFILE_COUNT = 11001, |
}; |
//! Intel PerC streams
//! Intel Perceptual Streams
@ -483,9 +529,15 @@ enum { CAP_INTELPERC_DEPTH_MAP = 0, //!< Each pixel is a 16-bit int |
}; |
//! @} Intel Perceptual
/** @name gPhoto2 connection
@{ |
*/ |
/** @brief gPhoto2 properties
if propertyId is less than 0 then work on widget with that __additive inversed__ camera setting ID |
If `propertyId` is less than 0 then work on widget with that __additive inversed__ camera setting ID |
@see CvCaptureCAM_GPHOTO2 for more info |
*/ |
@ -501,114 +553,112 @@ enum { CAP_PROP_GPHOTO2_PREVIEW = 17001, //!< Capture only preview fro |
CAP_PROP_VIEWFINDER = 17010 //!< Enter liveview mode.
}; |
//enum {
//! @} gPhoto2
//! @} videoio_flags_others
class IVideoCapture; |
/** @brief Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras. The class provides C++ API
for capturing video from cameras or for reading video files and image sequences. Here is how the |
class can be used: : |
@code |
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" |
using namespace cv; |
int main(int, char**) |
{ |
VideoCapture cap(0); // open the default camera
if(!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1; |
Mat edges; |
namedWindow("edges",1); |
for(;;) |
{ |
Mat frame; |
cap >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
cvtColor(frame, edges, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); |
GaussianBlur(edges, edges, Size(7,7), 1.5, 1.5); |
Canny(edges, edges, 0, 30, 3); |
imshow("edges", edges); |
if(waitKey(30) >= 0) break; |
} |
// the camera will be deinitialized automatically in VideoCapture destructor
return 0; |
} |
@endcode |
@note In C API the black-box structure CvCapture is used instead of VideoCapture. |
/** @brief Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras.
The class provides C++ API for capturing video from cameras or for reading video files and image sequences. |
Here is how the class can be used: |
@include samples/cpp/videocapture_basic.cpp |
@note In @ref videoio_c "C API" the black-box structure `CvCapture` is used instead of %VideoCapture. |
@note |
- A basic sample on using the VideoCapture interface can be found at |
opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/starter_video.cpp |
- Another basic video processing sample can be found at |
opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/video_dmtx.cpp |
- (Python) A basic sample on using the VideoCapture interface can be found at |
opencv_source_code/samples/python/video.py |
- (Python) Another basic video processing sample can be found at |
opencv_source_code/samples/python/video_dmtx.py |
- (C++) A basic sample on using the %VideoCapture interface can be found at |
`OPENCV_SOURCE_CODE/samples/cpp/videocapture_starter.cpp` |
- (Python) A basic sample on using the %VideoCapture interface can be found at |
`OPENCV_SOURCE_CODE/samples/python/video.py` |
- (Python) A multi threaded video processing sample can be found at |
opencv_source_code/samples/python/video_threaded.py |
`OPENCV_SOURCE_CODE/samples/python/video_threaded.py` |
- (Python) %VideoCapture sample showcasing some features of the Video4Linux2 backend |
`OPENCV_SOURCE_CODE/samples/python/video_v4l2.py` |
*/ |
class CV_EXPORTS_W VideoCapture |
{ |
public: |
/** @brief
@note In C API, when you finished working with video, release CvCapture structure with |
/** @brief Default constructor
@note In @ref videoio_c "C API", when you finished working with video, release CvCapture structure with |
cvReleaseCapture(), or use Ptr\<CvCapture\> that calls cvReleaseCapture() automatically in the |
destructor. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoCapture(); |
/** @overload
@param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg. |
img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...) |
@brief Open video file or a capturing device or a IP video stream for video capturing |
Same as VideoCapture(const String& filename, int apiPreference) but using default Capture API backends |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoCapture(const String& filename); |
/** @overload
@param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg. |
img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...) |
@param apiPreference preferred Capture API to use. Can be used to enforce a specific reader |
implementation if multiple are available: e.g. cv::CAP_FFMPEG or cv::CAP_IMAGES |
@brief Open video file or a capturing device or a IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference |
@param filename it can be: |
- name of video file (eg. `video.avi`) |
- or image sequence (eg. `img_%02d.jpg`, which will read samples like `img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...`) |
- or URL of video stream (eg. `protocol://host:port/script_name?script_params|auth`).
Note that each video stream or IP camera feed has its own URL scheme. Please refer to the |
documentation of source stream to know the right URL. |
@param apiPreference preferred Capture API backends to use. Can be used to enforce a specific reader |
implementation if multiple are available: e.g. cv::CAP_FFMPEG or cv::CAP_IMAGES or cv::CAP_DSHOW. |
@sa The list of supported API backends cv::VideoCaptureAPIs |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoCapture(const String& filename, int apiPreference); |
/** @overload
@param index = camera_id + domain_offset (CAP_*). id of the video capturing device to open. If there is a single |
camera connected, just pass 0. Advanced Usage: to open Camera 1 using the MS Media Foundation API: index = 1 + cv::CAP_MSMF |
@brief Open a camera for video capturing |
@param index camera_id + domain_offset (CAP_*) id of the video capturing device to open. To open default camera using default backend just pass 0. |
Use a `domain_offset` to enforce a specific reader implementation if multiple are available like cv::CAP_FFMPEG or cv::CAP_IMAGES or cv::CAP_DSHOW. |
e.g. to open Camera 1 using the MS Media Foundation API use `index = 1 + cv::CAP_MSMF` |
@sa The list of supported API backends cv::VideoCaptureAPIs |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoCapture(int index); |
/** @brief Default destructor
The method first calls VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
*/ |
virtual ~VideoCapture(); |
/** @brief Open video file or a capturing device for video capturing
/** @brief Open video file or a capturing device or a IP video stream for video capturing
@overload |
@param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg. |
img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...) |
Parameters are same as the constructor VideoCapture(const String& filename) |
@return `true` if the file has been successfully opened |
The methods first call VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
The method first calls VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename); |
/** @overload
@param index = camera_id + domain_offset (CAP_*). id of the video capturing device to open. If there is a single |
camera connected, just pass 0. Advanced Usage: to open Camera 1 using the MS Media Foundation API: index = 1 + cv::CAP_MSMF |
/** @brief Open a camera for video capturing
@overload |
Parameters are same as the constructor VideoCapture(int index) |
@return `true` if the camera has been successfully opened. |
The method first calls VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool open(int index); |
/** @brief Returns true if video capturing has been initialized already.
If the previous call to VideoCapture constructor or VideoCapture::open succeeded, the method returns |
If the previous call to VideoCapture constructor or VideoCapture::open() succeeded, the method returns |
true. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool isOpened() const; |
/** @brief Closes video file or capturing device.
The methods are automatically called by subsequent VideoCapture::open and by VideoCapture |
The method is automatically called by subsequent VideoCapture::open and by VideoCapture |
destructor. |
The C function also deallocates memory and clears \*capture pointer. |
@ -617,7 +667,9 @@ public: |
/** @brief Grabs the next frame from video file or capturing device.
The methods/functions grab the next frame from video file or camera and return true (non-zero) in |
@return `true` (non-zero) in the case of success. |
The method/function grabs the next frame from video file or camera and returns true (non-zero) in |
the case of success. |
The primary use of the function is in multi-camera environments, especially when the cameras do not |
@ -627,34 +679,52 @@ public: |
from different cameras will be closer in time. |
Also, when a connected camera is multi-head (for example, a stereo camera or a Kinect device), the |
correct way of retrieving data from it is to call VideoCapture::grab first and then call |
VideoCapture::retrieve one or more times with different values of the channel parameter. See |
correct way of retrieving data from it is to call VideoCapture::grab() first and then call |
VideoCapture::retrieve() one or more times with different values of the channel parameter. |
@ref tutorial_kinect_openni |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool grab(); |
/** @brief Decodes and returns the grabbed video frame.
The methods/functions decode and return the just grabbed frame. If no frames has been grabbed |
(camera has been disconnected, or there are no more frames in video file), the methods return false |
and the functions return NULL pointer. |
@param [out] image the video frame is returned here. If no frames has been grabbed the image will be empty. |
@param flag it could be a frame index or a driver specific flag |
@return `false` if no frames has been grabbed |
The method decodes and returns the just grabbed frame. If no frames has been grabbed |
(camera has been disconnected, or there are no more frames in video file), the method returns false |
and the function returns an empty image (with %cv::Mat, test it with Mat::empty()). |
@note OpenCV 1.x functions cvRetrieveFrame and cv.RetrieveFrame return image stored inside the video |
@sa read() |
@note In @ref videoio_c "C API", functions cvRetrieveFrame() and cv.RetrieveFrame() return image stored inside the video |
capturing structure. It is not allowed to modify or release the image! You can copy the frame using |
:ocvcvCloneImage and then do whatever you want with the copy. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool retrieve(OutputArray image, int flag = 0); |
/** @brief Stream operator to read the next video frame.
@sa read() |
*/ |
virtual VideoCapture& operator >> (CV_OUT Mat& image); |
/** @overload
@sa read() |
*/ |
virtual VideoCapture& operator >> (CV_OUT UMat& image); |
/** @brief Grabs, decodes and returns the next video frame.
The methods/functions combine VideoCapture::grab and VideoCapture::retrieve in one call. This is the |
most convenient method for reading video files or capturing data from decode and return the just |
@param [out] image the video frame is returned here. If no frames has been grabbed the image will be empty. |
@return `false` if no frames has been grabbed |
The method/function combines VideoCapture::grab() and VideoCapture::retrieve() in one call. This is the |
most convenient method for reading video files or capturing data from decode and returns the just |
grabbed frame. If no frames has been grabbed (camera has been disconnected, or there are no more |
frames in video file), the methods return false and the functions return NULL pointer. |
frames in video file), the method returns false and the function returns empty image (with %cv::Mat, test it with Mat::empty()). |
@note OpenCV 1.x functions cvRetrieveFrame and cv.RetrieveFrame return image stored inside the video |
@note In @ref videoio_c "C API", functions cvRetrieveFrame() and cv.RetrieveFrame() return image stored inside the video |
capturing structure. It is not allowed to modify or release the image! You can copy the frame using |
:ocvcvCloneImage and then do whatever you want with the copy. |
*/ |
@ -662,70 +732,43 @@ public: |
/** @brief Sets a property in the VideoCapture.
@param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following: |
- cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FPS @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FPS |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FORMAT @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FORMAT |
- cv::CAP_PROP_MODE @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_MODE |
- cv::CAP_PROP_HUE @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_HUE |
- cv::CAP_PROP_GAIN @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_GAIN |
@param propId Property identifier from cv::VideoCaptureProperties (eg. cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, ...) |
or one from @ref videoio_flags_others |
@param value Value of the property. |
@return `true` if the property is supported by backend used by the VideoCapture instance. |
@note Even if it returns `true` this doesn't ensure that the property |
value has been accepted by the capture device. See note in VideoCapture::get() |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool set(int propId, double value); |
/** @brief Returns the specified VideoCapture property
@param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following: |
- cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FPS @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FPS |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FOURCC |
- cv::CAP_PROP_FORMAT @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_FORMAT |
- cv::CAP_PROP_MODE @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_MODE |
- cv::CAP_PROP_HUE @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_HUE |
- cv::CAP_PROP_GAIN @copydoc cv::CAP_PROP_GAIN |
@note When querying a property that is not supported by the backend used by the VideoCapture |
class, value 0 is returned. |
*/ |
@param propId Property identifier from cv::VideoCaptureProperties (eg. cv::CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, cv::CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, ...) |
or one from @ref videoio_flags_others |
@return Value for the specified property. Value 0 is returned when querying a property that is |
not supported by the backend used by the VideoCapture instance. |
@note Reading / writing properties involves many layers. Some unexpected result might happens |
along this chain. |
@code {.txt} |
`VideoCapture -> API Backend -> Operating System -> Device Driver -> Device Hardware` |
@endcode |
The returned value might be different from what really used by the device or it could be encoded |
using device dependant rules (eg. steps or percentage). Effective behaviour depends from device |
driver and API Backend |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual double get(int propId) const; |
/** @overload
/** @brief Open video file or a capturing device or a IP video stream for video capturing with API Preference
@param filename name of the opened video file (eg. video.avi) or image sequence (eg. |
img_%02d.jpg, which will read samples like img_00.jpg, img_01.jpg, img_02.jpg, ...) |
@overload |
@param apiPreference preferred Capture API to use. Can be used to enforce a specific reader |
implementation if multiple are available: e.g. cv::CAP_FFMPEG or cv::CAP_IMAGES |
Parameters are same as the constructor VideoCapture(const String& filename, int apiPreference) |
@return `true` if the file has been successfully opened |
The methods first call VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
*/ |
The method first calls VideoCapture::release to close the already opened file or camera. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename, int apiPreference); |
protected: |
@ -736,14 +779,21 @@ protected: |
class IVideoWriter; |
/** @brief Video writer class.
The class provides C++ API for writing video files or image sequences. |
Here is how the class can be used: |
@include samples/cpp/videowriter_basic.cpp |
*/ |
class CV_EXPORTS_W VideoWriter |
{ |
public: |
/** @brief VideoWriter constructors
/** @brief Default constructors
The constructors/functions initialize video writers. On Linux FFMPEG is used to write videos; on |
Windows FFMPEG or VFW is used; on MacOSX QTKit is used. |
The constructors/functions initialize video writers. |
- On Linux FFMPEG is used to write videos; |
- On Windows FFMPEG or VFW is used; |
- On MacOSX QTKit is used. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoWriter(); |
@ -759,16 +809,31 @@ public: |
@param frameSize Size of the video frames. |
@param isColor If it is not zero, the encoder will expect and encode color frames, otherwise it |
will work with grayscale frames (the flag is currently supported on Windows only). |
@b Tips: |
- With some backends `fourcc=-1` pops up the codec selection dialog from the system. |
- To save image sequence use a proper filename (eg. `img_%02d.jpg`) and `fourcc=0` |
OR `fps=0`. Use uncompressed image format (eg. `img_%02d.BMP`) to save raw frames. |
- Most codecs are lossy. If you want lossless video file you need to use a lossless codecs |
(eg. FFMPEG FFV1, Huffman HFYU, Lagarith LAGS, etc...) |
- If FFMPEG is enabled, using `codec=0; fps=0;` you can create an uncompressed (raw) video file. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP VideoWriter(const String& filename, int fourcc, double fps, |
Size frameSize, bool isColor = true); |
/** @brief Default destructor
The method first calls VideoWriter::release to close the already opened file. |
*/ |
virtual ~VideoWriter(); |
/** @brief Initializes or reinitializes video writer.
The method opens video writer. Parameters are the same as in the constructor |
VideoWriter::VideoWriter. |
@return `true` if video writer has been successfully initialized |
The method first calls VideoWriter::release to close the already opened file. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool open(const String& filename, int fourcc, double fps, |
Size frameSize, bool isColor = true); |
@ -779,44 +844,49 @@ public: |
/** @brief Closes the video writer.
The methods are automatically called by subsequent VideoWriter::open and by the VideoWriter |
The method is automatically called by subsequent VideoWriter::open and by the VideoWriter |
destructor. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual void release(); |
/** @brief Stream operator to write the next video frame.
@sa write |
*/ |
virtual VideoWriter& operator << (const Mat& image); |
/** @brief Writes the next video frame
@param image The written frame |
The functions/methods write the specified image to video file. It must have the same size as has |
The function/method writes the specified image to video file. It must have the same size as has |
been specified when opening the video writer. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual void write(const Mat& image); |
/** @brief Sets a property in the VideoWriter.
@param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following: |
@param propId Property identifier from cv::VideoWriterProperties (eg. cv::VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY) |
or one of @ref videoio_flags_others |
@param value Value of the property. |
@return `true` if the property is supported by the backend used by the VideoWriter instance. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual bool set(int propId, double value); |
/** @brief Returns the specified VideoWriter property
@param propId Property identifier. It can be one of the following: |
@param propId Property identifier from cv::VideoWriterProperties (eg. cv::VIDEOWRITER_PROP_QUALITY) |
or one of @ref videoio_flags_others |
@note When querying a property that is not supported by the backend used by the VideoWriter |
class, value 0 is returned. |
@return Value for the specified property. Value 0 is returned when querying a property that is |
not supported by the backend used by the VideoWriter instance. |
*/ |
CV_WRAP virtual double get(int propId) const; |
/** @brief Concatenates 4 chars to a fourcc code
@return a fourcc code |
This static method constructs the fourcc code of the codec to be used in the constructor |
VideoWriter::VideoWriter or VideoWriter::open. |
*/ |