@ -70,13 +70,12 @@ that should be used to find the match. |
- The mask must have the same dimensions as the template |
- The mask should be a grayscale image where each pixel contains some value from black to white. |
Pixels that are white are fully included in calculating the best match. Pixels that are black |
are excluded from the match. A value between black and white will include some of |
the match in proportion to how dark the pixel is. Although the image should be a grayscale whose |
output from the file command should look something like: "PNG image data, 128 x 128, 8-bit gray |
+alpha, non-interlaced", opencv will read the image into an rgb matrix that will be applied |
during the image match. |
- The mask should have a CV_8U or CV_32F depth and the same number of channels |
as the template image. In CV_8U case, the mask values are treated as binary, |
i.e. zero and non-zero. In CV_32F case, the values should fall into [0..1] |
range and the template pixels will be multiplied by the corresponding mask pixel |
values. Since the input images in the sample have the CV_8UC3 type, the mask |
is also read as color image. |
![](images/Template_Matching_Mask_Example.jpg) |