Tutorial Smoothing Images

tribta 8 years ago
parent 5f6ce6f4b0
commit bc18fb481f
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@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
Smoothing Images {#tutorial_gausian_median_blur_bilateral_filter}
In this tutorial you will learn how to apply diverse linear filters to smooth images using OpenCV
functions such as:
- @ref cv::blur
- @ref cv::GaussianBlur
- @ref cv::medianBlur
- @ref cv::bilateralFilter
- **blur()**
- **GaussianBlur()**
- **medianBlur()**
- **bilateralFilter()**
@ -92,38 +94,65 @@ Code
- Loads an image
- Applies 4 different kinds of filters (explained in Theory) and show the filtered images
- **Downloadable code**: Click
- **Code at glance:**
@include samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.cpp
- **Downloadable code**: Click
- **Code at glance:**
@include samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.java
- **Downloadable code**: Click
- **Code at glance:**
@include samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp
@include samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/Smoothing/smoothing.py
-# Let's check the OpenCV functions that involve only the smoothing procedure, since the rest is
already known by now.
-# **Normalized Block Filter:**
Let's check the OpenCV functions that involve only the smoothing procedure, since the rest is
already known by now.
OpenCV offers the function @ref cv::blur to perform smoothing with this filter.
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp blur
#### Normalized Block Filter:
- OpenCV offers the function **blur()** to perform smoothing with this filter.
We specify 4 arguments (more details, check the Reference):
- *src*: Source image
- *dst*: Destination image
- *Size( w,h )*: Defines the size of the kernel to be used ( of width *w* pixels and height
- *Size( w, h )*: Defines the size of the kernel to be used ( of width *w* pixels and height
*h* pixels)
- *Point(-1, -1)*: Indicates where the anchor point (the pixel evaluated) is located with
respect to the neighborhood. If there is a negative value, then the center of the kernel is
considered the anchor point.
-# **Gaussian Filter:**
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.cpp blur
It is performed by the function @ref cv::GaussianBlur :
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp gaussianblur
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.java blur
Here we use 4 arguments (more details, check the OpenCV reference):
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/Smoothing/smoothing.py blur
#### Gaussian Filter:
- It is performed by the function **GaussianBlur()** :
Here we use 4 arguments (more details, check the OpenCV reference):
- *src*: Source image
- *dst*: Destination image
- *Size(w, h)*: The size of the kernel to be used (the neighbors to be considered). \f$w\f$ and
@ -134,35 +163,65 @@ Explanation
- \f$\sigma_{y}\f$: The standard deviation in y. Writing \f$0\f$ implies that \f$\sigma_{y}\f$ is
calculated using kernel size.
-# **Median Filter:**
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.cpp gaussianblur
This filter is provided by the @ref cv::medianBlur function:
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp medianblur
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.java gaussianblur
We use three arguments:
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/Smoothing/smoothing.py gaussianblur
#### Median Filter:
- This filter is provided by the **medianBlur()** function:
We use three arguments:
- *src*: Source image
- *dst*: Destination image, must be the same type as *src*
- *i*: Size of the kernel (only one because we use a square window). Must be odd.
-# **Bilateral Filter**
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.cpp medianblur
Provided by OpenCV function @ref cv::bilateralFilter
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing.cpp bilateralfilter
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.java medianblur
We use 5 arguments:
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/Smoothing/smoothing.py medianblur
#### Bilateral Filter
- Provided by OpenCV function **bilateralFilter()**
We use 5 arguments:
- *src*: Source image
- *dst*: Destination image
- *d*: The diameter of each pixel neighborhood.
- \f$\sigma_{Color}\f$: Standard deviation in the color space.
- \f$\sigma_{Space}\f$: Standard deviation in the coordinate space (in pixel terms)
@snippet cpp/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.cpp bilateralfilter
@snippet samples/java/tutorial_code/ImgProc/Smoothing/Smoothing.java bilateralfilter
@snippet samples/python/tutorial_code/imgProc/Smoothing/smoothing.py bilateralfilter
- The code opens an image (in this case *lena.jpg*) and display it under the effects of the 4
filters explained.
- The code opens an image (in this case [lena.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencv/opencv/master/samples/data/lena.jpg))
and display it under the effects of the 4 filters explained.
- Here is a snapshot of the image smoothed using *medianBlur*:

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ In this section you will learn about the image processing (manipulation) functio
- @subpage tutorial_gausian_median_blur_bilateral_filter
*Languages:* C++, Java, Python
*Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0
*Author:* Ana Huamán

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
* file Smoothing.cpp
* brief Sample code for simple filters
* author OpenCV team
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
/// Global Variables
int DELAY_CAPTION = 1500;
int DELAY_BLUR = 100;
Mat src; Mat dst;
char window_name[] = "Smoothing Demo";
/// Function headers
int display_caption( const char* caption );
int display_dst( int delay );
* function main
int main( void )
namedWindow( window_name, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
/// Load the source image
src = imread( "../data/lena.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR );
if( display_caption( "Original Image" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
dst = src.clone();
if( display_dst( DELAY_CAPTION ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
/// Applying Homogeneous blur
if( display_caption( "Homogeneous Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ blur( src, dst, Size( i, i ), Point(-1,-1) );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Gaussian blur
if( display_caption( "Gaussian Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ GaussianBlur( src, dst, Size( i, i ), 0, 0 );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Median blur
if( display_caption( "Median Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ medianBlur ( src, dst, i );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Bilateral Filter
if( display_caption( "Bilateral Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ bilateralFilter ( src, dst, i, i*2, i/2 );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Wait until user press a key
display_caption( "End: Press a key!" );
return 0;
* @function display_caption
int display_caption( const char* caption )
dst = Mat::zeros( src.size(), src.type() );
putText( dst, caption,
Point( src.cols/4, src.rows/2),
FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, Scalar(255, 255, 255) );
imshow( window_name, dst );
int c = waitKey( DELAY_CAPTION );
if( c >= 0 ) { return -1; }
return 0;
* @function display_dst
int display_dst( int delay )
imshow( window_name, dst );
int c = waitKey ( delay );
if( c >= 0 ) { return -1; }
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* file Smoothing.cpp
* brief Sample code for simple filters
* author OpenCV team
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
/// Global Variables
int DELAY_CAPTION = 1500;
int DELAY_BLUR = 100;
Mat src; Mat dst;
char window_name[] = "Smoothing Demo";
/// Function headers
int display_caption( const char* caption );
int display_dst( int delay );
* function main
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
namedWindow( window_name, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
/// Load the source image
const char* filename = argc >=2 ? argv[1] : "../data/lena.jpg";
src = imread( filename, IMREAD_COLOR );
printf(" Error opening image\n");
printf(" Usage: ./Smoothing [image_name -- default ../data/lena.jpg] \n");
return -1;
if( display_caption( "Original Image" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
dst = src.clone();
if( display_dst( DELAY_CAPTION ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
/// Applying Homogeneous blur
if( display_caption( "Homogeneous Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ blur( src, dst, Size( i, i ), Point(-1,-1) );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Gaussian blur
if( display_caption( "Gaussian Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ GaussianBlur( src, dst, Size( i, i ), 0, 0 );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Median blur
if( display_caption( "Median Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ medianBlur ( src, dst, i );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Applying Bilateral Filter
if( display_caption( "Bilateral Blur" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2 )
{ bilateralFilter ( src, dst, i, i*2, i/2 );
if( display_dst( DELAY_BLUR ) != 0 ) { return 0; } }
/// Done
display_caption( "Done!" );
return 0;
* @function display_caption
int display_caption( const char* caption )
dst = Mat::zeros( src.size(), src.type() );
putText( dst, caption,
Point( src.cols/4, src.rows/2),
FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, Scalar(255, 255, 255) );
return display_dst(DELAY_CAPTION);
* @function display_dst
int display_dst( int delay )
imshow( window_name, dst );
int c = waitKey ( delay );
if( c >= 0 ) { return -1; }
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import org.opencv.core.*;
import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
class SmoothingRun {
/// Global Variables
int DELAY_CAPTION = 1500;
int DELAY_BLUR = 100;
Mat src = new Mat(), dst = new Mat();
String windowName = "Filter Demo 1";
public void run(String[] args) {
String filename = ((args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "../data/lena.jpg");
src = Imgcodecs.imread(filename, Imgcodecs.IMREAD_COLOR);
if( src.empty() ) {
System.out.println("Error opening image");
System.out.println("Usage: ./Smoothing [image_name -- default ../data/lena.jpg] \n");
if( displayCaption( "Original Image" ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
dst = src.clone();
if( displayDst( DELAY_CAPTION ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
/// Applying Homogeneous blur
if( displayCaption( "Homogeneous Blur" ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
//! [blur]
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2) {
Imgproc.blur(src, dst, new Size(i, i), new Point(-1, -1));
//! [blur]
/// Applying Gaussian blur
if( displayCaption( "Gaussian Blur" ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
//! [gaussianblur]
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2) {
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(src, dst, new Size(i, i), 0, 0);
//! [gaussianblur]
/// Applying Median blur
if( displayCaption( "Median Blur" ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
//! [medianblur]
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2) {
Imgproc.medianBlur(src, dst, i);
//! [medianblur]
/// Applying Bilateral Filter
if( displayCaption( "Bilateral Blur" ) != 0 ) { System.exit(0); }
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH; i = i + 2) {
Imgproc.bilateralFilter(src, dst, i, i * 2, i / 2);
/// Done
displayCaption( "Done!" );
int displayCaption(String caption) {
dst = Mat.zeros(src.size(), src.type());
Imgproc.putText(dst, caption,
new Point(src.cols() / 4, src.rows() / 2),
Core.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, new Scalar(255, 255, 255));
return displayDst(DELAY_CAPTION);
int displayDst(int delay) {
HighGui.imshow( windowName, dst );
int c = HighGui.waitKey( delay );
if (c >= 0) { return -1; }
return 0;
public class Smoothing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Load the native library.
new SmoothingRun().run(args);

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Global Variables
src = None
dst = None
window_name = 'Smoothing Demo'
def main(argv):
cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# Load the source image
imageName = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else "../data/lena.jpg"
global src
src = cv2.imread(imageName, 1)
if src is None:
print ('Error opening image')
print ('Usage: smoothing.py [image_name -- default ../data/lena.jpg] \n')
return -1
if display_caption('Original Image') != 0:
return 0
global dst
dst = np.copy(src)
if display_dst(DELAY_CAPTION) != 0:
return 0
# Applying Homogeneous blur
if display_caption('Homogeneous Blur') != 0:
return 0
## [blur]
for i in range(1, MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH, 2):
dst = cv2.blur(src, (i, i))
if display_dst(DELAY_BLUR) != 0:
return 0
## [blur]
# Applying Gaussian blur
if display_caption('Gaussian Blur') != 0:
return 0
## [gaussianblur]
for i in range(1, MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH, 2):
dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(src, (i, i), 0)
if display_dst(DELAY_BLUR) != 0:
return 0
## [gaussianblur]
# Applying Median blur
if display_caption('Median Blur') != 0:
return 0
## [medianblur]
for i in range(1, MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH, 2):
dst = cv2.medianBlur(src, i)
if display_dst(DELAY_BLUR) != 0:
return 0
## [medianblur]
# Applying Bilateral Filter
if display_caption('Bilateral Blur') != 0:
return 0
## [bilateralfilter]
# Remember, bilateral is a bit slow, so as value go higher, it takes long time
for i in range(1, MAX_KERNEL_LENGTH, 2):
dst = cv2.bilateralFilter(src, i, i * 2, i / 2)
if display_dst(DELAY_BLUR) != 0:
return 0
## [bilateralfilter]
# Done
return 0
def display_caption(caption):
global dst
dst = np.zeros(src.shape, src.dtype)
rows, cols, ch = src.shape
cv2.putText(dst, caption,
(int(cols / 4), int(rows / 2)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255))
return display_dst(DELAY_CAPTION)
def display_dst(delay):
cv2.imshow(window_name, dst)
c = cv2.waitKey(delay)
if c >= 0 : return -1
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":