added color canny; improved Algorithm class implementation

Vadim Pisarevsky 13 years ago
parent 716a5d04ab
commit bb93e3ab8a
  1. 31
  2. 11
  3. 51
  4. 236

@ -4288,12 +4288,31 @@ public:
void read(Algorithm* algo, const FileNode& fn) const;
string name() const;
template<typename _Tp> void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type& value,
bool readOnly=false,
typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(typename ParamType<_Tp>::const_param_type)=0,
const string& help=string());
void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const int& value, bool readOnly=false,
int (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(int)=0,
const string& help=string());
void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const double& value, bool readOnly=false,
double (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(double)=0,
const string& help=string());
void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const string& value, bool readOnly=false,
string (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const string&)=0,
const string& help=string());
void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const Mat& value, bool readOnly=false,
Mat (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const Mat&)=0,
const string& help=string());
void addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const Ptr<Algorithm>& value, bool readOnly=false,
Ptr<Algorithm> (Algorithm::*getter)()=0,
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const Ptr<Algorithm>&)=0,
const string& help=string());
AlgorithmInfoData* data;

@ -3833,17 +3833,6 @@ template<typename _Tp> inline void Algorithm::set(const char* name,
info()->set(this, name, ParamType<_Tp>::type, &value);
template<typename _Tp> inline void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type& value,
bool readOnly,
typename ParamType<_Tp>::member_type (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(typename ParamType<_Tp>::const_param_type),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<_Tp>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);
#endif // __cplusplus

@ -493,6 +493,57 @@ void AlgorithmInfo::addParam_(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name, int argTy
(int)((size_t)value - (size_t)(void*)algo),
getter, setter, help));
void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const int& value, bool readOnly,
int (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(int),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<int>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);
void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const double& value, bool readOnly,
double (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(double),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<double>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);
void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const string& value, bool readOnly,
string (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const string&),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<string>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);
void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const Mat& value, bool readOnly,
Mat (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const Mat&),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<Mat>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);
void AlgorithmInfo::addParam(const Algorithm* algo, const char* name,
const Ptr<Algorithm>& value, bool readOnly,
Ptr<Algorithm> (Algorithm::*getter)(),
void (Algorithm::*setter)(const Ptr<Algorithm>&),
const string& help)
addParam_(algo, name, ParamType<Algorithm>::type, &value, readOnly,
(Algorithm::Getter)getter, (Algorithm::Setter)setter, help);

@ -41,70 +41,32 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
double low_thresh, double high_thresh,
int aperture_size )
void cv::Canny( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
double low_thresh, double high_thresh,
int aperture_size, bool L2gradient )
Mat src = _src.getMat();
CV_Assert( src.depth() == CV_8U );
_dst.create(src.size(), CV_8U);
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
if (tegra::canny(cv::cvarrToMat(srcarr), cv::cvarrToMat(dstarr), low_thresh, high_thresh,
aperture_size & ~CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT, (aperture_size & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT) == CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT))
if (tegra::canny(src, dst, low_thresh, high_thresh, aperture_size, L2gradient))
cv::Ptr<CvMat> dx, dy;
cv::AutoBuffer<char> buffer;
std::vector<uchar*> stack;
uchar **stack_top = 0, **stack_bottom = 0;
CvMat srcstub, *src = cvGetMat( srcarr, &srcstub );
CvMat dststub, *dst = cvGetMat( dstarr, &dststub );
CvSize size;
int flags = aperture_size;
int low, high;
int* mag_buf[3];
uchar* map;
ptrdiff_t mapstep;
int maxsize;
int i, j;
CvMat mag_row;
if( CV_MAT_TYPE( src->type ) != CV_8UC1 ||
CV_MAT_TYPE( dst->type ) != CV_8UC1 )
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ))
CV_Error( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );
if( low_thresh > high_thresh )
double t;
CV_SWAP( low_thresh, high_thresh, t );
std::swap(low_thresh, high_thresh);
aperture_size &= INT_MAX;
if( (aperture_size & 1) == 0 || aperture_size < 3 || aperture_size > 7 )
if( (aperture_size & 1) == 0 || (aperture_size != -1 && (aperture_size < 3 || aperture_size > 7)) )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadFlag, "" );
size = cvGetMatSize( src );
Mat dx, dy;
Sobel(src, dx, CV_16S, 1, 0, aperture_size, 1, 0, BORDER_REFLECT_101);
Sobel(src, dy, CV_16S, 0, 1, aperture_size, 1, 0, BORDER_REFLECT_101);
dx = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 );
dy = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 );
cvSobel( src, dx, 1, 0, aperture_size );
cvSobel( src, dy, 0, 1, aperture_size );
/*if( icvCannyGetSize_p && icvCanny_16s8u_C1R_p && !(flags & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT) )
int buf_size= 0;
IPPI_CALL( icvCannyGetSize_p( size, &buf_size ));
CV_CALL( buffer = cvAlloc( buf_size ));
IPPI_CALL( icvCanny_16s8u_C1R_p( (short*)dx->data.ptr, dx->step,
(short*)dy->data.ptr, dy->step,
dst->data.ptr, dst->step,
size, (float)low_thresh,
(float)high_thresh, buffer ));
if( flags & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT )
int low, high;
if( L2gradient )
Cv32suf ul, uh;
ul.f = (float)low_thresh;
@ -119,22 +81,24 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
high = cvFloor( high_thresh );
buffer.allocate( (size.width+2)*(size.height+2) + (size.width+2)*3*sizeof(int) );
mag_buf[0] = (int*)(char*)buffer;
mag_buf[1] = mag_buf[0] + size.width + 2;
mag_buf[2] = mag_buf[1] + size.width + 2;
map = (uchar*)(mag_buf[2] + size.width + 2);
mapstep = size.width + 2;
maxsize = MAX( 1 << 10, size.width*size.height/10 );
stack.resize( maxsize );
Size size = src.size();
int i, j, k, mstep = size.width + 2, cn = src.channels();
Mat mask(size.height + 2, mstep, CV_8U);
memset( mask.ptr<uchar>(0), 1, mstep );
memset( mask.ptr<uchar>(size.height+1), 1, mstep );
Mat mag(6+cn, mstep, CV_32S);
mag = Scalar::all(0);
int* mag_buf[3] = { mag.ptr<int>(0), mag.ptr<int>(1), mag.ptr<int>(2) };
short* dxybuf[3] = { (short*)mag.ptr<int>(3), (short*)mag.ptr<int>(4), (short*)mag.ptr<int>(5) };
int* mbuf = mag.ptr<int>(6);
int maxsize = MAX( 1 << 10, size.width*size.height/10 );
std::vector<uchar*> stack( maxsize );
uchar **stack_top, **stack_bottom;
stack_top = stack_bottom = &stack[0];
memset( mag_buf[0], 0, (size.width+2)*sizeof(int) );
memset( map, 1, mapstep );
memset( map + mapstep*(size.height + 1), 1, mapstep );
/* sector numbers
(Top-Left Origin)
@ -150,8 +114,6 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
#define CANNY_PUSH(d) *(d) = (uchar)2, *stack_top++ = (d)
#define CANNY_POP(d) (d) = *--stack_top
mag_row = cvMat( 1, size.width, CV_32F );
// calculate magnitude and angle of gradient, perform non-maxima supression.
// fill the map with one of the following values:
// 0 - the pixel might belong to an edge
@ -159,10 +121,10 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
// 2 - the pixel does belong to an edge
for( i = 0; i <= size.height; i++ )
int* _mag = mag_buf[(i > 0) + 1] + 1;
int *_mag = mag_buf[(i > 0) + 1] + 1;
float* _magf = (float*)_mag;
const short* _dx = (short*)(dx->data.ptr + dx->step*i);
const short* _dy = (short*)(dy->data.ptr + dy->step*i);
const short *_dx, *_dy;
short *_ddx, *_ddy;
uchar* _map;
int x, y;
ptrdiff_t magstep1, magstep2;
@ -170,45 +132,71 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
if( i < size.height )
_mag[-1] = _mag[size.width] = 0;
if( !(flags & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT) )
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
_mag[j] = abs(_dx[j]) + abs(_dy[j]);
/*else if( icvFilterSobelVert_8u16s_C1R_p != 0 ) // check for IPP
_dx = dx.ptr<short>(i);
_dy = dy.ptr<short>(i);
_ddx = dxybuf[(i > 0) + 1];
_ddy = _ddx + size.width;
if( cn > 1 )
// use vectorized sqrt = _magf;
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
_mag = mbuf;
_magf = (float*)_mag;
if( !L2gradient )
for( j = 0; j < size.width*cn; j++ )
_mag[j] = std::abs(_dx[j]) + std::abs(_dy[j]);
for( j = 0; j < size.width*cn; j++ )
x = _dx[j]; y = _dy[j];
_magf[j] = (float)((double)x*x + (double)y*y);
_magf[j] = sqrtf((float)x*x + (float)y*y);
cvPow( &mag_row, &mag_row, 0.5 );
if( cn > 1 )
_mag = mag_buf[(i > 0) + 1] + 1;
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
x = _dx[j]; y = _dy[j];
_magf[j] = (float)std::sqrt((double)x*x + (double)y*y);
_mag[j] = mbuf[(j+1)*cn];
_ddx[j] = _dx[j*cn]; _ddy[j] = _dy[j*cn];
for( k = 1; k < cn; k++ )
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
if( mbuf[(j+1)*cn + k] > _mag[j] )
_mag[j] = mbuf[(j+1)*cn + k];
_ddx[j] = _dx[j*cn + k];
_ddy[j] = _dy[j*cn + k];
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
_ddx[j] = _dx[j]; _ddy[j] = _dy[j];
_mag[-1] = _mag[size.width] = 0;
memset( _mag-1, 0, (size.width + 2)*sizeof(int) );
memset( _mag-1, 0, (size.width + 2)*sizeof(_mag[0]) );
// at the very beginning we do not have a complete ring
// buffer of 3 magnitude rows for non-maxima suppression
if( i == 0 )
_map = map + mapstep*i + 1;
_map = &<uchar>(i, 1);
_map[-1] = _map[size.width] = 1;
_mag = mag_buf[1] + 1; // take the central row
_dx = (short*)(dx->data.ptr + dx->step*(i-1));
_dy = (short*)(dy->data.ptr + dy->step*(i-1));
_dx = dxybuf[1];
_dy = _dx + size.width;
magstep1 = mag_buf[2] - mag_buf[1];
magstep2 = mag_buf[0] - mag_buf[1];
@ -216,7 +204,7 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
if( (stack_top - stack_bottom) + size.width > maxsize )
int sz = (int)(stack_top - stack_bottom);
maxsize = MAX( maxsize * 3/2, maxsize + 8 );
maxsize = MAX( maxsize * 3/2, maxsize + size.width );
stack_bottom = &stack[0];
stack_top = stack_bottom + sz;
@ -232,8 +220,8 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
int s = x ^ y;
int m = _mag[j];
x = abs(x);
y = abs(y);
x = std::abs(x);
y = std::abs(y);
if( m > low )
int tg22x = x * TG22;
@ -245,7 +233,7 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
if( m > _mag[j-1] && m >= _mag[j+1] )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mstep] != 2 )
CANNY_PUSH( _map + j );
prev_flag = 1;
@ -259,7 +247,7 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
if( m > _mag[j+magstep2] && m >= _mag[j+magstep1] )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mstep] != 2 )
CANNY_PUSH( _map + j );
prev_flag = 1;
@ -274,7 +262,7 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
s = s < 0 ? -1 : 1;
if( m > _mag[j+magstep2-s] && m > _mag[j+magstep1+s] )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mapstep] != 2 )
if( m > high && !prev_flag && _map[j-mstep] != 2 )
CANNY_PUSH( _map + j );
prev_flag = 1;
@ -289,11 +277,16 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
_map[j] = (uchar)1;
// scroll the ring buffer
// scroll the ring buffers
_mag = mag_buf[0];
mag_buf[0] = mag_buf[1];
mag_buf[1] = mag_buf[2];
mag_buf[2] = _mag;
_ddx = dxybuf[0];
dxybuf[0] = dxybuf[1];
dxybuf[1] = dxybuf[2];
dxybuf[2] = _ddx;
// now track the edges (hysteresis thresholding)
@ -315,40 +308,39 @@ CV_IMPL void cvCanny( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr,
CANNY_PUSH( m - 1 );
if( !m[1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + 1 );
if( !m[-mapstep-1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep - 1 );
if( !m[-mapstep] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep );
if( !m[-mapstep+1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mapstep + 1 );
if( !m[mapstep-1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep - 1 );
if( !m[mapstep] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep );
if( !m[mapstep+1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mapstep + 1 );
if( !m[-mstep-1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mstep - 1 );
if( !m[-mstep] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mstep );
if( !m[-mstep+1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m - mstep + 1 );
if( !m[mstep-1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mstep - 1 );
if( !m[mstep] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mstep );
if( !m[mstep+1] )
CANNY_PUSH( m + mstep + 1 );
// the final pass, form the final image
for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ )
const uchar* _map = map + mapstep*(i+1) + 1;
uchar* _dst = dst->data.ptr + dst->step*i;
const uchar* _map = mask.ptr<uchar>(i+1) + 1;
uchar* _dst = dst.ptr<uchar>(i);
for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++ )
_dst[j] = (uchar)-(_map[j] >> 1);
void cv::Canny( InputArray image, OutputArray _edges,
double threshold1, double threshold2,
int apertureSize, bool L2gradient )
void cvCanny( const CvArr* image, CvArr* edges, double threshold1,
double threshold2, int aperture_size )
Mat src = image.getMat();
_edges.create(src.size(), CV_8U);
CvMat c_src = src, c_dst = _edges.getMat();
cvCanny( &c_src, &c_dst, threshold1, threshold2,
apertureSize + (L2gradient ? CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT : 0));
cv::Mat src = cv::cvarrToMat(image), dst = cv::cvarrToMat(edges);
CV_Assert( src.size == dst.size && src.depth() == CV_8U && dst.type() == CV_8U );
cv::Canny(src, dst, threshold1, threshold2, aperture_size & 255,
(aperture_size & CV_CANNY_L2_GRADIENT) != 0);
/* End of file. */
