@ -2153,10 +2153,10 @@ CV_EXPORTS void convertPointsHomogeneous( InputArray src, OutputArray dst ); |
floating-point (single or double precision). |
@param points2 Array of the second image points of the same size and format as points1 . |
@param method Method for computing a fundamental matrix. |
- **CV_FM_7POINT** for a 7-point algorithm. \f$N = 7\f$ |
- **CV_FM_8POINT** for an 8-point algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
- **CV_FM_RANSAC** for the RANSAC algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
- **CV_FM_LMEDS** for the LMedS algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
- @ref FM_7POINT for a 7-point algorithm. \f$N = 7\f$ |
- @ref FM_8POINT for an 8-point algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
- @ref FM_RANSAC for the RANSAC algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
- @ref FM_LMEDS for the LMedS algorithm. \f$N \ge 8\f$ |
@param ransacReprojThreshold Parameter used only for RANSAC. It is the maximum distance from a point to an epipolar |
line in pixels, beyond which the point is considered an outlier and is not used for computing the |
final fundamental matrix. It can be set to something like 1-3, depending on the accuracy of the |