@ -577,6 +577,7 @@ class RunInfo(object):
logfile = userlog [ 0 ] [ userlog [ 0 ] . find ( " : " ) + 1 : ]
if self . targetos == " android " :
hostlogpath = " "
try :
andoidcwd = " /data/bin/ " + getpass . getuser ( ) . replace ( " " , " " ) + " _perf/ "
exename = os . path . basename ( exe )
@ -594,18 +595,22 @@ class RunInfo(object):
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
command = exename + " " + " " . join ( args )
if self . options . help :
command = exename + " --help "
else :
command = exename + " " + " " . join ( args )
print >> _stderr , " Running: " , command
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " export OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH= " + self . test_data_path + " && cd " + andoidcwd + " && ./ " + command ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
# try get log
print >> _stderr , " Pulling " , logfile , " from device... "
hostlogpath = os . path . join ( workingDir , logfile )
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " pull " , andoidcwd + logfile , hostlogpath ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
if output != 0 :
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
#rm log
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + andoidcwd + logfile ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
if not self . options . help :
print >> _stderr , " Pulling " , logfile , " from device... "
hostlogpath = os . path . join ( workingDir , logfile )
output = Popen ( self . adb + [ " pull " , andoidcwd + logfile , hostlogpath ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
if output != 0 :
print >> _stderr , " adb finishes unexpectedly with error code " , output
#rm log
Popen ( self . adb + [ " shell " , " rm " + andoidcwd + logfile ] , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr ) . wait ( )
except OSError :
if os . path . isfile ( hostlogpath ) :
@ -613,7 +618,10 @@ class RunInfo(object):
return None
else :
cmd = [ exe ]
cmd . extend ( args )
if self . options . help :
cmd . append ( " --help " )
else :
cmd . extend ( args )
print >> _stderr , " Running: " , " " . join ( cmd )
try :
Popen ( cmd , stdout = _stdout , stderr = _stderr , cwd = workingDir ) . wait ( )
@ -652,6 +660,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser . add_option ( " " , " --android_test_data_path " , dest = " test_data_path " , help = " OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH for Android run " , metavar = " PATH " , default = " /sdcard/opencv_testdata/ " )
parser . add_option ( " " , " --configuration " , dest = " configuration " , help = " force Debug or Release donfiguration " , metavar = " CFG " , default = " " )
parser . add_option ( " " , " --serial " , dest = " adb_serial " , help = " Android: directs command to the USB device or emulator with the given serial number " , metavar = " serial number " , default = " " )
parser . add_option ( " " , " --help-tests " , dest = " help " , help = " Show help for test executable " , action = " store_true " , default = False )
( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( argv )