videoio: mv plugin_api.hpp (preserve git history)

Alexander Alekhin 4 years ago
parent 63982d6771
commit b3233de1c2
  1. 0
  2. 232

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <opencv2/core/cvdef.h>
#include <opencv2/core/llapi/llapi.h>
#if !defined(BUILD_PLUGIN)
/// increased for backward-compatible changes, e.g. add new function
/// Caller API <= Plugin API -> plugin is fully compatible
/// Caller API > Plugin API -> plugin is not fully compatible, caller should use extra checks to use plugins with older API
#define API_VERSION 1 // preview
/// increased for incompatible changes, e.g. remove function argument
/// Caller ABI == Plugin ABI -> plugin is compatible
/// Caller ABI > Plugin ABI -> plugin is not compatible, caller should use shim code to use old ABI plugins (caller may know how lower ABI works, so it is possible)
/// Caller ABI < Plugin ABI -> plugin can't be used (plugin should provide interface with lower ABI to handle that)
#define ABI_VERSION 0 // preview
#else // !defined(BUILD_PLUGIN)
#if !defined(ABI_VERSION) || !defined(API_VERSION)
#error "Plugin must define ABI_VERSION and API_VERSION before including plugin_api.hpp"
#endif // !defined(BUILD_PLUGIN)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef CvResult (CV_API_CALL *cv_videoio_retrieve_cb_t)(int stream_idx, unsigned const char* data, int step, int width, int height, int cn, void* userdata);
typedef struct CvPluginCapture_t* CvPluginCapture;
typedef struct CvPluginWriter_t* CvPluginWriter;
struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_0_api_entries
/** OpenCV capture ID (VideoCaptureAPIs)
@note API-ENTRY 1, API-Version == 0
int captureAPI;
/** @brief Open video capture
@param filename File name or NULL to use camera_index instead
@param camera_index Camera index (used if filename == NULL)
@param[out] handle pointer on Capture handle
@note API-CALL 2, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_open)(const char* filename, int camera_index, CV_OUT CvPluginCapture* handle);
/** @brief Release Capture handle
@param handle Capture handle
@note API-CALL 3, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_release)(CvPluginCapture handle);
/** @brief Get property value
@param handle Capture handle
@param prop Property index
@param[out] val property value
@note API-CALL 4, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_getProperty)(CvPluginCapture handle, int prop, CV_OUT double* val);
/** @brief Set property value
@param handle Capture handle
@param prop Property index
@param val property value
@note API-CALL 5, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_setProperty)(CvPluginCapture handle, int prop, double val);
/** @brief Grab frame
@param handle Capture handle
@note API-CALL 6, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_grab)(CvPluginCapture handle);
/** @brief Retrieve frame
@param handle Capture handle
@param stream_idx stream index to retrieve (BGR/IR/depth data)
@param callback retrieve callback (synchronous)
@param userdata callback context data
@note API-CALL 7, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Capture_retreive)(CvPluginCapture handle, int stream_idx, cv_videoio_retrieve_cb_t callback, void* userdata);
/** @brief Try to open video writer
@param filename Destination location
@param fourcc FOURCC code
@param fps FPS
@param width frame width
@param height frame height
@param isColor true if video stream should save color frames
@param[out] handle pointer on Writer handle
@note API-CALL 8, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Writer_open)(const char* filename, int fourcc, double fps, int width, int height, int isColor,
CV_OUT CvPluginWriter* handle);
/** @brief Release Writer handle
@param handle Writer handle
@note API-CALL 9, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Writer_release)(CvPluginWriter handle);
/** @brief Get property value
@param handle Capture handle
@param prop Property index
@param[out] val property value
@note API-CALL 10, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Writer_getProperty)(CvPluginWriter handle, int prop, CV_OUT double* val);
/** @brief Set property value
@param handle Capture handle
@param prop Property index
@param val property value
@note API-CALL 11, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Writer_setProperty)(CvPluginWriter handle, int prop, double val);
/** @brief Write frame
@param handle Capture handle
@param data Capture handle
@param step step in bytes
@param width frame width in pixels
@param height frame height
@param cn number of channels per pixel
@note API-CALL 12, API-Version == 0
CvResult (CV_API_CALL *Writer_write)(CvPluginWriter handle, const unsigned char *data, int step, int width, int height, int cn);
}; // OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_0_api_entries
struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_1_api_entries
/** @brief Try to open video writer
@param filename Destination location
@param fourcc FOURCC code
@param fps FPS
@param width frame width
@param height frame height
@param params pointer on 2*n_params array of 'key,value' pairs
@param n_params number of passed parameters
@param[out] handle pointer on Writer handle
@note API-CALL 13, API-Version == 1
CvResult (CV_API_CALL* Writer_open_with_params)(
const char* filename, int fourcc, double fps, int width, int height,
int* params, unsigned n_params,
CV_OUT CvPluginWriter* handle
}; // OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_1_api_entries
typedef struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v0
OpenCV_API_Header api_header;
struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_0_api_entries v0;
} OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v0;
typedef struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v1
OpenCV_API_Header api_header;
struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_0_api_entries v0;
struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_v0_1_api_entries v1;
} OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v1;
#if ABI_VERSION == 0 && API_VERSION == 1
typedef struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v1 OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview;
#elif ABI_VERSION == 0 && API_VERSION == 0
typedef struct OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview_v0 OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview;
#error "Not supported configuration: check ABI_VERSION/API_VERSION"
#if (defined _WIN32 || defined WINCE || defined __CYGWIN__)
# define CV_PLUGIN_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 4
# define CV_PLUGIN_EXPORTS __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
const OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview* CV_API_CALL opencv_videoio_plugin_init_v0
(int requested_abi_version, int requested_api_version, void* reserved /*NULL*/) CV_NOEXCEPT;
typedef const OpenCV_VideoIO_Plugin_API_preview* (CV_API_CALL *FN_opencv_videoio_plugin_init_t)
(int requested_abi_version, int requested_api_version, void* reserved /*NULL*/);
#endif // BUILD_PLUGIN
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // PLUGIN_API_HPP