Add documentation and example program for intersectConvexConvex

Steve Nicholson 6 years ago
parent 938d8dce06
commit acb3b3bd4d
  1. 18
  2. 161

@ -4149,7 +4149,23 @@ without self-intersections. Otherwise, the function output is undefined.
CV_EXPORTS_W bool isContourConvex( InputArray contour );
//! finds intersection of two convex polygons
/** @example samples/cpp/intersectExample.cpp
Examples of how intersectConvexConvex works
/** @brief Finds intersection of two convex polygons
@param _p1 First polygon
@param _p2 Second polygon
@param _p12 Output polygon describing the intersecting area
@param handleNested When true, an intersection is found if one of the polygons is fully enclosed in the other.
When false, no intersection is found. If the polygons share a side or the vertex of one polygon lies on an edge
of the other, they are not considered nested and an intersection will be found regardless of the value of handleNested.
@returns Absolute value of area of intersecting polygon
@note intersectConvexConvex doesn't confirm that both polygons are convex and will return invalid results if they aren't.
CV_EXPORTS_W float intersectConvexConvex( InputArray _p1, InputArray _p2,
OutputArray _p12, bool handleNested = true );

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
* Author: Steve Nicholson
* A program that illustrates intersectConvexConvex in various scenarios
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Create a vector of points describing a rectangle with the given corners
static vector<Point> makeRectangle(Point topLeft, Point bottomRight)
vector<Point> rectangle;
rectangle.push_back(Point(bottomRight.x, topLeft.y));
rectangle.push_back(Point(topLeft.x, bottomRight.y));
return rectangle;
static vector<Point> makeTriangle(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3)
vector<Point> triangle;
return triangle;
// Run intersectConvexConvex on two polygons then draw the polygons and their intersection (if there is one)
// Return the area of the intersection
static float drawIntersection(Mat &image, vector<Point> polygon1, vector<Point> polygon2, bool handleNested = true)
vector<Point> intersectionPolygon;
vector<vector<Point> > polygons;
float intersectArea = intersectConvexConvex(polygon1, polygon2, intersectionPolygon, handleNested);
if (intersectArea > 0)
Scalar fillColor(200, 200, 200);
// If the input is invalid, draw the intersection in red
if (!isContourConvex(polygon1) || !isContourConvex(polygon2))
fillColor = Scalar(0, 0, 255);
vector<vector<Point> > pp;
fillPoly(image, pp, fillColor);
polylines(image, polygons, true, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
return intersectArea;
static void drawDescription(Mat &image, int intersectionArea, string description, Point origin)
const size_t bufSize=1024;
char caption[bufSize];
snprintf(caption, bufSize, "Intersection area: %d%s", intersectionArea, description.c_str());
putText(image, caption, origin, FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
static void intersectConvexExample()
Mat image(610, 550, CV_8UC3, Scalar(255, 255, 255));
float intersectionArea;
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 10), Point(50, 50)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 20), Point(60, 60)));
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, "", Point(70, 40));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 70), Point(35, 95)),
makeRectangle(Point(35, 95), Point(60, 120)));
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, "", Point(70, 100));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 130), Point(60, 180)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 140), Point(50, 170)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested true)", Point(70, 160));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 190), Point(60, 240)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 200), Point(50, 230)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested false)", Point(70, 220));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 250), Point(60, 300)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 250), Point(50, 290)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested true)", Point(70, 280));
// These rectangles share an edge so handleNested can be false and an intersection is still found
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 310), Point(60, 360)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 310), Point(50, 350)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested false)", Point(70, 340));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 370), Point(60, 420)),
makeRectangle(Point(20, 371), Point(50, 410)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested false)", Point(70, 400));
// A vertex of the triangle lies on an edge of the rectangle so handleNested can be false and an intersection is still found
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 430), Point(60, 480)),
makeTriangle(Point(35, 430), Point(20, 470), Point(50, 470)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (handleNested false)", Point(70, 460));
// Show intersection of overlapping rectangle and triangle
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 490), Point(40, 540)),
makeTriangle(Point(25, 500), Point(25, 530), Point(60, 515)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, "", Point(70, 520));
// This concave polygon is invalid input to intersectConvexConvex so it returns an invalid intersection
vector<Point> notConvex;
notConvex.push_back(Point(25, 560));
notConvex.push_back(Point(25, 590));
notConvex.push_back(Point(45, 580));
notConvex.push_back(Point(60, 600));
notConvex.push_back(Point(60, 550));
notConvex.push_back(Point(45, 570));
intersectionArea = drawIntersection(image,
makeRectangle(Point(10, 550), Point(50, 600)),
drawDescription(image, (int)intersectionArea, " (invalid input: not convex)", Point(70, 580));
imshow("Intersections", image);
int main()