@ -86,8 +86,18 @@ protected:
//raw from camera
int m_width ;
int m_height ;
unsigned char * m_frameYUV420i ;
unsigned char * m_frameYUV420inext ;
unsigned char * m_frameYUV420 ;
unsigned char * m_frameYUV420next ;
enum YUVformat
noformat = 0 ,
yuv420sp ,
yuv420i ,
} ;
YUVformat m_frameFormat ;
void setFrame ( const void * buffer , int bufferSize ) ;
@ -117,9 +127,9 @@ private:
volatile bool m_waitingNextFrame ;
volatile bool m_shouldAutoGrab ;
void prepareCacheForYUV420i ( int width , int height ) ;
static bool convertYUV420i 2Grey ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat ) ;
static bool convertYUV420i 2BGR ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat , bool inRGBorder , bool withAlpha ) ;
void prepareCacheForYUV ( int width , int height ) ;
bool convertYUV2Grey ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat ) ;
bool convertYUV2BGR ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat , bool inRGBorder , bool withAlpha ) ;
friend class HighguiAndroidCameraActivity ;
} ;
@ -179,8 +189,8 @@ CvCapture_Android::CvCapture_Android(int cameraId)
m_height = 0 ;
m_activity = 0 ;
m_isOpened = false ;
m_frameYUV420i = 0 ;
m_frameYUV420i next = 0 ;
m_frameYUV420 = 0 ;
m_frameYUV420next = 0 ;
m_hasGray = false ;
m_hasColor = false ;
@ -188,6 +198,7 @@ CvCapture_Android::CvCapture_Android(int cameraId)
m_shouldAutoGrab = false ;
m_framesGrabbed = 0 ;
m_CameraParamsChanged = false ;
m_frameFormat = noformat ;
//try connect to camera
m_activity = new HighguiAndroidCameraActivity ( this ) ;
@ -223,10 +234,10 @@ CvCapture_Android::~CvCapture_Android()
pthread_mutex_lock ( & m_nextFrameMutex ) ;
unsigned char * tmp1 = m_frameYUV420i ;
unsigned char * tmp2 = m_frameYUV420i next ;
m_frameYUV420i = 0 ;
m_frameYUV420i next = 0 ;
unsigned char * tmp1 = m_frameYUV420 ;
unsigned char * tmp2 = m_frameYUV420next ;
m_frameYUV420 = 0 ;
m_frameYUV420next = 0 ;
delete tmp1 ;
delete tmp2 ;
@ -255,6 +266,8 @@ double CvCapture_Android::getProperty( int propIdx )
return ( double ) m_activity - > getProperty ( ANDROID_CAMERA_PROPERTY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_SIZES_STRING ) ;
return ( double ) m_activity - > getProperty ( ANDROID_CAMERA_PROPERTY_PREVIEW_FORMAT_STRING ) ;
default :
CV_Error ( CV_StsOutOfRange , " Failed attempt to GET unsupported camera property. " ) ;
break ;
@ -318,9 +331,9 @@ bool CvCapture_Android::grabFrame()
//LOGD("CvCapture_Android::grabFrame: get new frame");
//swap current and new frames
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420i ;
m_frameYUV420i = m_frameYUV420i next ;
m_frameYUV420i next = tmp ;
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420 ;
m_frameYUV420 = m_frameYUV420next ;
m_frameYUV420 next = tmp ;
//discard cached frames
m_hasGray = false ;
@ -348,27 +361,39 @@ IplImage* CvCapture_Android::retrieveFrame( int outputType )
IplImage * image = NULL ;
unsigned char * current_frameYUV420i = m_frameYUV420i ;
unsigned char * current_frameYUV420 = m_frameYUV420 ;
//Attention! all the operations in this function below should occupy less time than the period between two frames from camera
if ( NULL ! = current_frameYUV420i )
if ( NULL ! = current_frameYUV420 )
if ( m_frameFormat = = noformat )
union { double prop ; const char * name ; } u ;
u . prop = getProperty ( CV_CAP_PROP_PREVIEW_FORMAT ) ;
if ( 0 = = strcmp ( u . name , " yuv420sp " ) )
m_frameFormat = yuv420sp ;
else if ( 0 = = strcmp ( u . name , " yuv420i " ) )
m_frameFormat = yuv420i ;
m_frameFormat = yuvUnknown ;
switch ( outputType )
if ( ! m_hasGray )
if ( ! ( m_hasGray = convertYUV420i2Grey ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420i , m_frameGray . mat ) ) )
if ( ! ( m_hasGray = convertYUV2Grey ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420 , m_frameGray . mat ) ) )
return NULL ;
image = m_frameGray . getIplImagePtr ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! m_hasColor )
if ( ! ( m_hasColor = convertYUV420i2BGR ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420i , m_frameColor . mat , outputType = = CV_CAP_ANDROID_COLOR_FRAME_RGB , false ) ) )
if ( ! ( m_hasColor = convertYUV2BGR ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420 , m_frameColor . mat , outputType = = CV_CAP_ANDROID_COLOR_FRAME_RGB , false ) ) )
return NULL ;
image = m_frameColor . getIplImagePtr ( ) ;
break ;
if ( ! m_hasColor )
if ( ! ( m_hasColor = convertYUV420i 2BGR ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420i , m_frameColor . mat , outputType = = CV_CAP_ANDROID_COLOR_FRAME_RGBA , true ) ) )
if ( ! ( m_hasColor = convertYUV2BGR ( m_width , m_height , current_frameYUV420 , m_frameColor . mat , outputType = = CV_CAP_ANDROID_COLOR_FRAME_RGBA , true ) ) )
return NULL ;
image = m_frameColor . getIplImagePtr ( ) ;
break ;
@ -391,22 +416,22 @@ void CvCapture_Android::setFrame(const void* buffer, int bufferSize)
if ( expectedSize ! = bufferSize )
LOGE ( " ERROR reading YUV420i buffer: width=%d, height=%d, size=%d, receivedSize=%d " , width , height , expectedSize , bufferSize ) ;
LOGE ( " ERROR reading YUV buffer: width=%d, height=%d, size=%d, receivedSize=%d " , width , height , expectedSize , bufferSize ) ;
return ;
//allocate memory if needed
prepareCacheForYUV420i ( width , height ) ;
prepareCacheForYUV ( width , height ) ;
//copy data
memcpy ( m_frameYUV420i next , buffer , bufferSize ) ;
memcpy ( m_frameYUV420next , buffer , bufferSize ) ;
//LOGD("CvCapture_Android::setFrame -- memcpy is done");
#if 0 //moved this part of code into grabFrame
//swap current and new frames
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420i ;
m_frameYUV420i = m_frameYUV420i next ;
m_frameYUV420i next = tmp ;
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420 ;
m_frameYUV420 = m_frameYUV420next ;
m_frameYUV420next = tmp ;
//discard cached frames
m_hasGray = false ;
@ -418,30 +443,31 @@ void CvCapture_Android::setFrame(const void* buffer, int bufferSize)
//Attention: this method should be called inside pthread_mutex_lock(m_nextFrameMutex) only
void CvCapture_Android : : prepareCacheForYUV420i ( int width , int height )
void CvCapture_Android : : prepareCacheForYUV ( int width , int height )
if ( width ! = m_width | | height ! = m_height )
LOGD ( " CvCapture_Android::prepareCacheForYUV420i : Changing size of buffers: from width=%d height=%d to width=%d height=%d " , m_width , m_height , width , height ) ;
LOGD ( " CvCapture_Android::prepareCacheForYUV: Changing size of buffers: from width=%d height=%d to width=%d height=%d " , m_width , m_height , width , height ) ;
m_width = width ;
m_height = height ;
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420i next ;
m_frameYUV420i next = new unsigned char [ width * height * 3 / 2 ] ;
unsigned char * tmp = m_frameYUV420next ;
m_frameYUV420next = new unsigned char [ width * height * 3 / 2 ] ;
if ( tmp ! = NULL ) {
delete [ ] tmp ;
tmp = m_frameYUV420i ;
m_frameYUV420i = new unsigned char [ width * height * 3 / 2 ] ;
tmp = m_frameYUV420 ;
m_frameYUV420 = new unsigned char [ width * height * 3 / 2 ] ;
if ( tmp ! = NULL ) {
delete [ ] tmp ;
bool CvCapture_Android : : convertYUV420i 2Grey ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat )
bool CvCapture_Android : : convertYUV2Grey ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat )
if ( yuv = = 0 ) return false ;
if ( m_frameFormat ! = yuv420sp & & m_frameFormat ! = yuv420i ) return false ;
resmat . create ( height , width , CV_8UC1 ) ;
@ -453,14 +479,19 @@ bool CvCapture_Android::convertYUV420i2Grey(int width, int height, const unsigne
return ! resmat . empty ( ) ;
bool CvCapture_Android : : convertYUV420i 2BGR ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat , bool inRGBorder , bool withAlpha )
bool CvCapture_Android : : convertYUV2BGR ( int width , int height , const unsigned char * yuv , cv : : Mat & resmat , bool inRGBorder , bool withAlpha )
if ( yuv = = 0 ) return false ;
if ( m_frameFormat ! = yuv420sp & & m_frameFormat ! = yuv420i ) return false ;
CV_Assert ( width % 2 = = 0 & & height % 2 = = 0 ) ;
cv : : Mat src ( height * 3 / 2 , width , CV_8UC1 , ( void * ) yuv ) ;
cv : : cvtColor ( src , resmat , inRGBorder ? CV_YUV420i2RGB : CV_YUV420i2BGR , withAlpha ? 4 : 3 ) ;
if ( m_frameFormat = = yuv420sp )
cv : : cvtColor ( src , resmat , inRGBorder ? CV_YUV420sp2RGB : CV_YUV420sp2BGR , withAlpha ? 4 : 3 ) ;
else if ( m_frameFormat = = yuv420i )
cv : : cvtColor ( src , resmat , inRGBorder ? CV_YUV420i2RGB : CV_YUV420i2BGR , withAlpha ? 4 : 3 ) ;
return ! resmat . empty ( ) ;