@ -231,6 +231,34 @@ public: |
else |
else |
std::cout << "Frames counter is not available. Actual frames: " << count_actual << ". SKIP check." << std::endl; |
std::cout << "Frames counter is not available. Actual frames: " << count_actual << ". SKIP check." << std::endl; |
} |
} |
void doTimestampTest() |
{ |
if (!isBackendAvailable(apiPref, cv::videoio_registry::getStreamBackends())) |
throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend is not available/disabled: ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref)); |
if ((apiPref == CAP_MSMF) || ((apiPref == CAP_FFMPEG) && ((ext == "h264") || (ext == "h265")))) |
throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref) + |
cv::String(" does not support CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC option")); |
VideoCapture cap; |
EXPECT_NO_THROW(cap.open(video_file, apiPref)); |
if (!cap.isOpened()) |
throw SkipTestException(cv::String("Backend ") + cv::videoio_registry::getBackendName(apiPref) + |
cv::String(" can't open the video: ") + video_file); |
Mat img; |
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) |
{ |
double timestamp = 0; |
ASSERT_NO_THROW(cap >> img); |
EXPECT_NO_THROW(timestamp = cap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC)); |
const double frame_period = 1000.f/bunny_param.getFps(); |
// NOTE: eps == frame_period, because videoCapture returns frame begining timestamp or frame end
// timestamp depending on codec and back-end. So the first frame has timestamp 0 or frame_period.
EXPECT_NEAR(timestamp, i*frame_period, frame_period); |
} |
} |
}; |
}; |
@ -367,6 +395,8 @@ TEST_P(Videoio_Bunny, read_position) { doTest(); } |
TEST_P(Videoio_Bunny, frame_count) { doFrameCountTest(); } |
TEST_P(Videoio_Bunny, frame_count) { doFrameCountTest(); } |
TEST_P(Videoio_Bunny, frame_timestamp) { doTimestampTest(); } |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Bunny, |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(videoio, Videoio_Bunny, |
testing::Combine( |
testing::Combine( |
testing::ValuesIn(bunny_params), |
testing::ValuesIn(bunny_params), |