mirror of https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
Merge pull request #20471 from ibvfteh:pointcloudio
GSoC module to save and load point cloud * Add functionality to read point cloud data from files * address issues found on review, add tests for mesh, refactor * enable fail-safe execution and empty arrays as output * Some improvements for point cloud io module Co-authored-by: Julie Bareeva <julia.bareeva@xperience.ai>pull/21997/head
19 changed files with 1113 additions and 12 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ |
Point cloud visualisation {#tutorial_point_cloud} |
============================== |
| | | |
| -: | :- | |
| Original author | Dmitrii Klepikov | |
| Compatibility | OpenCV >= 5.0 | |
Goal |
---- |
In this tutorial you will: |
- Load and save point cloud data |
- Visualise your data |
Requirements |
------------ |
For visualisations you need to compile OpenCV library with OpenGL support. |
For this you should set WITH_OPENGL flag ON in CMake while building OpenCV from source. |
Practice |
------- |
Loading and saving of point cloud can be done using `cv::loadPointCloud` and `cv::savePointCloud` accordingly. |
Currently supported formats are: |
- [.OBJ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file) (supported keys are v(which is responsible for point position), vn(normal coordinates) and f(faces of a mesh), other keys are ignored) |
- [.PLY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PLY_(file_format)) (all encoding types(ascii and byte) are supported with limitation to only float type for data) |
@code{.py} |
vertices, normals = cv2.loadPointCloud("teapot.obj") |
@endcode |
Function `cv::loadPointCloud` returns vector of points of float (`cv::Point3f`) and vector of their normals(if specified in source file). |
To visualize it you can use functions from viz3d module and it is needed to reinterpret data into another format |
@code{.py} |
vertices = np.squeeze(vertices, axis=1) |
color = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] |
colors = np.tile(color, (vertices.shape[0], 1)) |
obj_pts = np.concatenate((vertices, colors), axis=1).astype(np.float32) |
cv2.viz3d.showPoints("Window", "Points", obj_pts) |
cv2.waitKey(0) |
@endcode |
In presented code sample we add a colour attribute to every point |
Result will be: |
![](tutorial_point_cloud_teapot.jpg) |
For additional info grid can be added |
@code{.py} |
vertices, normals = cv2.loadPointCloud("teapot.obj") |
@endcode |
![](teapot_grid.jpg) |
Other possible way to draw 3d objects can be a mesh. |
For that we use special functions to load mesh data and display it. |
Here for now only .OBJ files are supported and they should be triangulated before processing (triangulation - process of breaking faces into triangles). |
@code{.py} |
vertices, _, indices = cv2.loadMesh("../data/teapot.obj") |
vertices = np.squeeze(vertices, axis=1) |
cv2.viz3d.showMesh("window", "mesh", vertices, indices) |
@endcode |
![](teapot_mesh.jpg) |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 45 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 26 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
3d processing and visualisation (3d module) {#tutorial_table_of_content_3d} |
========================================================== |
- @subpage tutorial_point_cloud |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "io_base.hpp" |
namespace cv { |
void BasePointCloudDecoder::setSource(const std::string &filename) noexcept |
{ |
m_filename = filename; |
} |
void BasePointCloudDecoder::readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals) |
{ |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> indices; |
readData(points, normals, indices); |
} |
void BasePointCloudEncoder::setDestination(const std::string &filename) noexcept |
{ |
m_filename = filename; |
} |
void BasePointCloudEncoder::writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals) |
{ |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> indices; |
writeData(points, normals, indices); |
} |
} /* namespace cv */ |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#ifndef _CODERS_BASE_H_ |
#define _CODERS_BASE_H_ |
#include <vector> |
#include <memory> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
namespace cv { |
class BasePointCloudDecoder; |
class BasePointCloudEncoder; |
using PointCloudDecoder = std::unique_ptr<BasePointCloudDecoder>; |
using PointCloudEncoder = std::unique_ptr<BasePointCloudEncoder>; |
///////////////////////////////// base class for decoders ////////////////////////
class BasePointCloudDecoder |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~BasePointCloudDecoder() = default; |
virtual void setSource(const String &filename) noexcept; |
virtual void readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals); |
virtual void readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals, std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) = 0; |
protected: |
String m_filename; |
}; |
///////////////////////////////// base class for encoders ////////////////////////
class BasePointCloudEncoder |
{ |
public: |
virtual ~BasePointCloudEncoder() = default; |
virtual void setDestination(const String &filename) noexcept; |
virtual void writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals); |
virtual void writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) = 0; |
protected: |
String m_filename; |
}; |
} /* namespace cv */ |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "io_obj.hpp" |
#include <fstream> |
#include <opencv2/core/utils/logger.hpp> |
#include "utils.hpp" |
namespace cv { |
std::unordered_set<std::string> ObjDecoder::m_unsupportedKeys; |
void ObjDecoder::readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals, std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) |
{ |
points.clear(); |
normals.clear(); |
indices.clear(); |
std::ifstream file(m_filename, std::ios::binary); |
if (!file) |
{ |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Impossible to open the file: " << m_filename); |
return; |
} |
std::string s; |
while (!file.eof()) |
{ |
std::getline(file, s); |
if (s.empty()) |
continue; |
std::stringstream ss(s); |
std::string key; |
ss >> key; |
if (key == "#") |
continue; |
else if (key == "v") |
{ |
Point3f vertex; |
ss >> vertex.x >> vertex.y >> vertex.z; |
points.push_back(vertex); |
} |
else if (key == "vn") |
{ |
Point3f normal; |
ss >> normal.x >> normal.y >> normal.z; |
normals.push_back(normal); |
} |
else if (key == "f") |
{ |
std::vector<int> vertexInd; |
auto tokens = split(s, ' '); |
for (size_t i = 1; i < tokens.size(); i++) |
{ |
auto vertexinfo = split(tokens[i], '/'); |
int index; |
std::stringstream vs(vertexinfo[0]); |
vs >> index; |
vertexInd.push_back(index - 1); |
} |
indices.push_back(vertexInd); |
} |
else |
{ |
if (m_unsupportedKeys.find(key) == m_unsupportedKeys.end()) { |
m_unsupportedKeys.insert(key); |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "Key " << key << " not supported"); |
} |
} |
} |
file.close(); |
} |
void ObjEncoder::writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) |
{ |
std::ofstream file(m_filename, std::ios::binary); |
if (!file) { |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Impossible to open the file: " << m_filename); |
return; |
} |
file << "# OBJ file writer" << std::endl; |
file << "o Point_Cloud" << std::endl; |
for (const auto& point : points) |
{ |
file << "v " << point.x << " " << point.y << " " << point.z << std::endl; |
} |
for (const auto& normal : normals) |
{ |
file << "vn " << normal.x << " " << normal.y << " " << normal.z << std::endl; |
} |
for (const auto& faceIndices : indices) |
{ |
file << "f "; |
for (const auto& index : faceIndices) |
{ |
file << index + 1 << " "; |
} |
file << std::endl; |
} |
file.close(); |
} |
} /* namespace cv */ |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#ifndef _CODERS_OBJ_H_ |
#define _CODERS_OBJ_H_ |
#include "io_base.hpp" |
#include <unordered_set> |
namespace cv { |
class ObjDecoder CV_FINAL : public BasePointCloudDecoder |
{ |
public: |
void readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals, std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) CV_OVERRIDE; |
protected: |
static std::unordered_set<std::string> m_unsupportedKeys; |
}; |
class ObjEncoder CV_FINAL : public BasePointCloudEncoder |
{ |
public: |
void writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) CV_OVERRIDE; |
}; |
} /* namespace cv */ |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "io_ply.hpp" |
#include "utils.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/core/utils/logger.hpp> |
#include <fstream> |
#include <string> |
namespace cv { |
void PlyDecoder::readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals, std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) |
{ |
points.clear(); |
normals.clear(); |
CV_UNUSED(indices); |
std::ifstream file(m_filename, std::ios::binary); |
if (parseHeader(file)) |
{ |
parseBody(file, points, normals); |
} |
} |
bool PlyDecoder::parseHeader(std::ifstream &file) |
{ |
std::string s; |
std::getline(file, s); |
if (trimSpaces(s) != "ply") |
{ |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Provided file is not in PLY format"); |
return false; |
} |
std::getline(file, s); |
auto splitArr = split(s, ' '); |
if (splitArr[0] != "format") |
{ |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Provided file doesn't have format"); |
return false; |
} |
if (splitArr[1] == "ascii") |
{ |
m_inputDataFormat = DataFormat::ASCII; |
} |
else if (splitArr[1] == "binary_little_endian") |
{ |
m_inputDataFormat = DataFormat::BinaryLittleEndian; |
} |
else if (splitArr[1] == "binary_big_endian") |
{ |
m_inputDataFormat = DataFormat::BinaryBigEndian; |
} |
else |
{ |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Provided PLY file format is not supported"); |
return false; |
} |
bool onVertexRead = false; |
while (std::getline(file, s)) |
{ |
if (startsWith(s, "element")) |
{ |
auto splitArrElem = split(s, ' '); |
if (splitArrElem[1] == "vertex") |
{ |
onVertexRead = true; |
std::istringstream iss(splitArrElem[2]); |
iss >> m_vertexCount; |
} |
else |
{ |
onVertexRead = false; |
} |
continue; |
} |
if (startsWith(s, "property")) |
{ |
if (onVertexRead) |
{ |
auto splitArrElem = split(s, ' '); |
if (splitArrElem[2] == "x" || splitArrElem[2] == "red" || splitArrElem[2] == "nx") |
{ |
if (splitArrElem[1] != "float") { |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Provided PLY file format '" << splitArrElem[1] << "' is not supported"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
if (splitArrElem[2] == "red") |
{ |
m_hasColour = true; |
} |
if (splitArrElem[2] == "nx") |
{ |
m_hasNormal = true; |
} |
} |
continue; |
} |
if (startsWith(s, "end_header")) |
break; |
} |
return true; |
} |
template <typename T> |
T readNext(std::ifstream &file, DataFormat format) |
{ |
T val; |
if (format == DataFormat::ASCII) |
{ |
file >> val; |
return val; |
} |
file.read((char *)&val, sizeof(T)); |
if (!(format == DataFormat::BinaryBigEndian) ) |
{ |
swapEndian<T>(val); |
} |
#else |
if (format == DataFormat::BinaryBigEndian) |
{ |
swapEndian<T>(val); |
} |
#endif |
return val; |
} |
void PlyDecoder::parseBody(std::ifstream &file, std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals) |
{ |
points.reserve(m_vertexCount); |
if (m_hasNormal) |
{ |
normals.reserve(m_vertexCount); |
} |
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_vertexCount; i++) |
{ |
Point3f vertex; |
vertex.x = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
vertex.y = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
vertex.z = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
points.push_back(vertex); |
if (m_hasColour) |
{ |
readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
} |
if (m_hasNormal) |
{ |
Point3f normal; |
normal.x = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
normal.y = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
normal.z = readNext<float>(file, m_inputDataFormat); |
normals.push_back(normal); |
} |
} |
} |
void PlyEncoder::writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) |
{ |
CV_UNUSED(indices); |
std::ofstream file(m_filename, std::ios::binary); |
if (!file) { |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "Impossible to open the file: " << m_filename); |
return; |
} |
file << "ply" << std::endl; |
file << "format ascii 1.0" << std::endl; |
file << "comment created by OpenCV" << std::endl; |
file << "element vertex " << points.size() << std::endl; |
file << "property float x" << std::endl; |
file << "property float y" << std::endl; |
file << "property float z" << std::endl; |
file << "end_header" << std::endl; |
if (normals.size() != 0) |
{ |
file << "property float nx" << std::endl; |
file << "property float ny" << std::endl; |
file << "property float nz" << std::endl; |
} |
bool isNormals = (normals.size() != 0); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) |
{ |
file << points[i].x << " " << points[i].y << " " << points[i].z; |
if (isNormals) |
{ |
file << normals[i].x << " " << normals[i].y << " " << normals[i].z; |
} |
file << std::endl; |
} |
file.close(); |
} |
} /* namespace cv */ |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#ifndef _CODERS_PLY_H_ |
#define _CODERS_PLY_H_ |
#include "io_base.hpp" |
#include <istream> |
#include <vector> |
namespace cv { |
enum class DataFormat |
{ |
BinaryLittleEndian, |
BinaryBigEndian |
}; |
class PlyDecoder CV_FINAL : public BasePointCloudDecoder |
{ |
public: |
void readData(std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals, std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) CV_OVERRIDE; |
protected: |
bool parseHeader(std::ifstream &file); |
void parseBody(std::ifstream &file, std::vector<Point3f> &points, std::vector<Point3f> &normals); |
DataFormat m_inputDataFormat; |
size_t m_vertexCount{0}; |
bool m_hasColour{false}; |
bool m_hasNormal{false}; |
}; |
class PlyEncoder CV_FINAL : public BasePointCloudEncoder |
{ |
public: |
void writeData(const std::vector<Point3f> &points, const std::vector<Point3f> &normals, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &indices) CV_OVERRIDE; |
}; |
} /* namespace cv */ |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "io_base.hpp" |
#include "io_obj.hpp" |
#include "io_ply.hpp" |
#include "utils.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/core/utils/filesystem.private.hpp" |
#include <opencv2/core/utils/logger.hpp> |
#include <memory> |
namespace cv { |
static PointCloudDecoder findDecoder(const String &filename) |
{ |
auto file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
if (file_ext == "obj" || file_ext == "OBJ") |
{ |
return std::unique_ptr<ObjDecoder>(new ObjDecoder()); |
} |
if (file_ext == "ply" || file_ext == "PLY") |
{ |
return std::unique_ptr<PlyDecoder>(new PlyDecoder()); |
} |
return nullptr; |
} |
static PointCloudEncoder findEncoder(const String &filename) |
{ |
auto file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
if (file_ext == "obj" || file_ext == "OBJ") |
{ |
return std::unique_ptr<ObjEncoder>(new ObjEncoder()); |
} |
if (file_ext == "ply" || file_ext == "PLY") |
{ |
return std::unique_ptr<PlyEncoder>(new PlyEncoder()); |
} |
return nullptr; |
} |
#endif |
void loadPointCloud(const String &filename, OutputArray vertices, OutputArray normals) |
{ |
auto decoder = findDecoder(filename); |
if (!decoder) { |
String file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "File extension '" << file_ext << "' is not supported"); |
return; |
} |
decoder->setSource(filename); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_vertices; |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_normals; |
decoder->readData(vec_vertices, vec_normals); |
if (!vec_vertices.empty()) |
Mat(static_cast<int>(vec_vertices.size()), 1, CV_32FC3, &vec_vertices[0]).copyTo(vertices); |
if (!vec_normals.empty() && normals.needed()) |
Mat(static_cast<int>(vec_normals.size()), 1, CV_32FC3, &vec_normals[0]).copyTo(normals); |
CV_UNUSED(filename); |
CV_UNUSED(vertices); |
CV_UNUSED(normals); |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "File system support is disabled in this OpenCV build!"); |
#endif |
} |
void savePointCloud(const String &filename, InputArray vertices, InputArray normals) |
{ |
if (vertices.empty()) { |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "Have no vertices to save"); |
return; |
}; |
auto encoder = findEncoder(filename); |
if (!encoder) { |
String file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "File extension '" << file_ext << "' is not supported"); |
return; |
} |
encoder->setDestination(filename); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_vertices(vertices.getMat()); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_normals; |
if (!normals.empty()){ |
vec_normals = normals.getMat(); |
} |
encoder->writeData(vec_vertices, vec_normals); |
CV_UNUSED(filename); |
CV_UNUSED(vertices); |
CV_UNUSED(normals); |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "File system support is disabled in this OpenCV build!"); |
#endif |
} |
void loadMesh(const String &filename, OutputArray vertices, OutputArray normals, OutputArrayOfArrays indices) |
{ |
PointCloudDecoder decoder = findDecoder(filename); |
String file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
if (!decoder || (file_ext != "obj" && file_ext != "OBJ")) { |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "File extension '" << file_ext << "' is not supported"); |
return; |
} |
decoder->setSource(filename); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_vertices; |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_normals; |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> vec_indices; |
decoder->readData(vec_vertices, vec_normals, vec_indices); |
if (!vec_vertices.empty()) { |
Mat(1, static_cast<int>(vec_vertices.size()), CV_32FC3, vec_vertices.data()).copyTo(vertices); |
} |
if (!vec_normals.empty()) { |
Mat(1, static_cast<int>(vec_normals.size()), CV_32FC3, vec_normals.data()).copyTo(normals); |
} |
if (!vec_indices.empty()) { |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>& vec = *(std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>*)indices.getObj(); |
vec.resize(vec_indices.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec_indices.size(); ++i) { |
Mat(1, static_cast<int>(vec_indices[i].size()), CV_32SC1, vec_indices[i].data()).copyTo(vec[i]); |
} |
} |
CV_UNUSED(filename); |
CV_UNUSED(vertices); |
CV_UNUSED(normals); |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "File system support is disabled in this OpenCV build!"); |
#endif |
} |
void saveMesh(const String &filename, InputArray vertices, InputArray normals, InputArrayOfArrays indices) |
{ |
if (vertices.empty()) { |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "Have no vertices to save"); |
return; |
} |
auto encoder = findEncoder(filename); |
String file_ext = getExtension(filename); |
if (!encoder || (file_ext != "obj" && file_ext != "OBJ")) { |
CV_LOG_ERROR(NULL, "File extension '" << file_ext << "' is not supported"); |
return; |
} |
encoder->setDestination(filename); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_vertices(vertices.getMat()); |
std::vector<Point3f> vec_normals; |
if (!normals.empty()){ |
vec_normals = normals.getMat(); |
} |
std::vector<Mat> mat_indices; |
indices.getMatVector(mat_indices); |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> vec_indices(mat_indices.size()); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < mat_indices.size(); ++i) { |
mat_indices[i].copyTo(vec_indices[i]); |
} |
encoder->writeData(vec_vertices, vec_normals, vec_indices); |
CV_UNUSED(filename); |
CV_UNUSED(vertices); |
CV_UNUSED(normals); |
CV_LOG_WARNING(NULL, "File system support is disabled in this OpenCV build!"); |
#endif |
} |
}/* namespace cv */ |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "utils.hpp" |
namespace cv { |
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delimiter) |
{ |
std::vector<std::string> tokens; |
std::string token; |
std::istringstream tokenStream(s); |
while (std::getline(tokenStream, token, delimiter)) |
{ |
tokens.push_back(token); |
} |
return tokens; |
} |
} /* namespace cv */ |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#ifndef _CODERS_UTILS_H_ |
#define _CODERS_UTILS_H_ |
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <array> |
#include <algorithm> |
namespace cv { |
std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &s, char delimiter); |
inline bool startsWith(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) |
{ |
return s1.compare(0, s2.length(), s2) == 0; |
} |
inline std::string trimSpaces(const std::string &input) |
{ |
size_t start = 0; |
while (start < input.size() && input[start] == ' ') |
{ |
start++; |
} |
size_t end = input.size(); |
while (end > start && (input[end - 1] == ' ' || input[end - 1] == '\n' || input[end - 1] == '\r')) |
{ |
end--; |
} |
return input.substr(start, end - start); |
} |
inline std::string getExtension(const std::string& filename) |
{ |
auto pos = filename.find_last_of('.'); |
if (pos == std::string::npos) |
{ |
return ""; |
} |
return filename.substr( pos + 1); |
} |
template <typename T> |
void swapEndian(T &val) |
{ |
union U |
{ |
T val; |
std::array<std::uint8_t, sizeof(T)> raw; |
} src, dst; |
src.val = val; |
std::reverse_copy(src.raw.begin(), src.raw.end(), dst.raw.begin()); |
val = dst.val; |
} |
} /* namespace cv */ |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> |
#include <vector> |
#include <cstdio> |
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/ts.hpp" |
namespace opencv_test { namespace { |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadObj) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_gold = { |
{-5.93915f, -0.13257f, 2.55837f}, |
{-5.93915f, 1.86743f, 2.55837f}, |
{-5.93915f, -0.13257f, -1.16339f}, |
{-5.93915f, 1.86743f, -1.16339f}, |
{0.399941f, -0.13257f, 2.55837f}, |
{0.399941f, 1.86743f, 2.55837f}, |
{0.399941f, -0.13257f, -1.16339f}, |
{0.399941f, 1.86743f, -1.16339f}}; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals_gold = { |
{-1.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f}, |
{0.0000f, 0.0000f, -1.0000f}, |
{1.0000f, 0.0000f, 0.0000f}, |
{0.0000f, 0.0000f, 1.0000f}, |
{0.0000f, -1.0000f, 0.0000f}, |
{0.0000f, 1.0000f, 0.0000f}}; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/orig.obj", points, normals); |
EXPECT_EQ(points_gold, points); |
EXPECT_EQ(normals_gold, normals); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadObjNoNormals) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_gold = { |
{-5.93915f, -0.13257f, 2.55837f}, |
{-5.93915f, 1.86743f, 2.55837f}, |
{-5.93915f, -0.13257f, -1.16339f}, |
{-5.93915f, 1.86743f, -1.16339f}, |
{0.399941f, -0.13257f, 2.55837f}, |
{0.399941f, 1.86743f, 2.55837f}, |
{0.399941f, -0.13257f, -1.16339f}, |
{0.399941f, 1.86743f, -1.16339f}}; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/orig_no_norms.obj", points, normals); |
EXPECT_EQ(points_gold, points); |
EXPECT_TRUE(normals.empty()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, SaveObj) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_gold; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals_gold; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
auto new_path = tempfile("new.obj"); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/orig.obj", points_gold, normals_gold); |
cv::savePointCloud(new_path, points_gold, normals_gold); |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
cv::loadPointCloud(new_path, points, normals); |
EXPECT_EQ(normals, normals_gold); |
EXPECT_EQ(points, points_gold); |
std::remove(new_path.c_str()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadSavePly) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
std::string new_path = tempfile("new.ply"); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/orig.ply", points, normals); |
cv::savePointCloud(new_path, points, normals); |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_gold; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals_gold; |
cv::loadPointCloud(new_path, points_gold, normals_gold); |
EXPECT_EQ(normals_gold, normals); |
EXPECT_EQ(points_gold, points); |
std::remove(new_path.c_str()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadSaveMeshObj) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> indices; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
std::string new_path = tempfile("new_mesh.obj"); |
cv::loadMesh(folder + "pointcloudio/orig.obj", points, normals, indices); |
cv::saveMesh(new_path, points, normals, indices); |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points_gold; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals_gold; |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> indices_gold; |
cv::loadMesh(new_path, points_gold, normals_gold, indices_gold); |
EXPECT_EQ(normals_gold, normals); |
EXPECT_EQ(points_gold, points); |
EXPECT_EQ(indices_gold, indices); |
EXPECT_TRUE(!indices.empty()); |
std::remove(new_path.c_str()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadSaveMeshPly) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> indices; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
std::string new_path = tempfile("new_mesh.ply"); |
// we don't support meshes in PLY format right now but it should exit silently
cv::loadMesh(folder + "pointcloudio/orig.ply", points, normals, indices); |
EXPECT_TRUE(points.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(normals.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(indices.empty()); |
cv::saveMesh(new_path, points, normals, indices); |
EXPECT_TRUE(points.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(normals.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(indices.empty()); |
std::remove(new_path.c_str()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, NonexistentFile) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/fake.obj", points, normals); |
EXPECT_TRUE(points.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(normals.empty()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, LoadBadExtension) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
cv::loadPointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/fake.fake", points, normals); |
EXPECT_TRUE(points.empty()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(normals.empty()); |
} |
TEST(PointCloud, SaveBadExtension) |
{ |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> points; |
std::vector<cv::Point3f> normals; |
auto folder = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path(); |
cv::savePointCloud(folder + "pointcloudio/fake.fake", points, normals); |
} |
}} /* namespace opencv_test */ |
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 as cv |
vertices, _ = cv.loadPointCloud("../data/teapot.obj") |
vertices = np.squeeze(vertices, axis=1) |
print(vertices) |
color = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] |
colors = np.tile(color, (vertices.shape[0], 1)) |
obj_pts = np.concatenate((vertices, colors), axis=1) |
obj_pts= np.float32(obj_pts) |
cv.viz3d.showPoints("window", "points", obj_pts) |
cv.viz3d.setGridVisible("window", True) |
cv.waitKey(0) |
vertices, _, indices = cv.loadMesh("../data/teapot.obj") |
vertices = np.squeeze(vertices, axis=1) |
cv.viz3d.showMesh("window", "mesh", vertices, indices) |
cv.waitKey(0) |
Reference in new issue