@ -139,7 +139,14 @@ namespace cv{ |
}*/ |
} |
void readPCAFeatures(const char* filename, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors); |
void readPCAFeatures(const char* filename, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors, const char *postfix = ""); |
void savePCAFeatures(FileStorage &fs, const char* postfix, CvMat* avg, CvMat* eigenvectors); |
void calcPCAFeatures(vector<IplImage*>& patches, FileStorage &fs, const char* postfix, CvMat** avg, |
CvMat** eigenvectors); |
void loadPCAFeatures(const char* path, const char* images_list, vector<IplImage*>& patches, CvSize patch_size); |
void generatePCAFeatures(const char* path, const char* img_filename, FileStorage& fs, const char* postfix, |
CvSize patch_size, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors); |
void eigenvector2image(CvMat* eigenvector, IplImage* img); |
void FindOneWayDescriptor(int desc_count, const OneWayDescriptor* descriptors, IplImage* patch, int& desc_idx, int& pose_idx, float& distance, |
@ -1262,6 +1269,48 @@ namespace cv{ |
} |
OneWayDescriptorBase::OneWayDescriptorBase(CvSize patch_size, int pose_count, const string &pca_filename, |
const string &train_path, const string &images_list, int pyr_levels, |
int pca_dim_high, int pca_dim_low) : m_pca_dim_high(pca_dim_high), m_pca_dim_low(pca_dim_low) |
{ |
// m_pca_descriptors_matrix = 0;
m_patch_size = patch_size; |
m_pose_count = pose_count; |
m_pyr_levels = pyr_levels; |
m_poses = 0; |
m_transforms = 0; |
m_pca_avg = 0; |
m_pca_eigenvectors = 0; |
m_pca_hr_avg = 0; |
m_pca_hr_eigenvectors = 0; |
m_pca_descriptors = 0; |
m_descriptors = 0; |
CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(pca_filename.c_str(), NULL, CV_STORAGE_READ); |
if (fs != 0) |
{ |
cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); |
readPCAFeatures(pca_filename.c_str(), &m_pca_avg, &m_pca_eigenvectors, "_lr"); |
readPCAFeatures(pca_filename.c_str(), &m_pca_hr_avg, &m_pca_hr_eigenvectors, "_hr"); |
m_pca_descriptors = new OneWayDescriptor[m_pca_dim_high + 1]; |
#if !defined(_GH_REGIONS) |
LoadPCADescriptors(pca_filename.c_str()); |
#endif //_GH_REGIONS
} |
else |
{ |
GeneratePCA(train_path.c_str(), images_list.c_str()); |
m_pca_descriptors = new OneWayDescriptor[m_pca_dim_high + 1]; |
char pca_default_filename[1024]; |
sprintf(pca_default_filename, "%s/%s", train_path.c_str(), GetPCAFilename().c_str()); |
LoadPCADescriptors(pca_default_filename); |
} |
} |
OneWayDescriptorBase::~OneWayDescriptorBase() |
{ |
cvReleaseMat(&m_pca_avg); |
@ -1555,19 +1604,169 @@ namespace cv{ |
return 1; |
} |
void savePCAFeatures(FileStorage &fs, const char* postfix, CvMat* avg, CvMat* eigenvectors) |
{ |
char buf[1024]; |
sprintf(buf, "avg_%s", postfix); |
fs.writeObj(buf, avg); |
sprintf(buf, "eigenvectors_%s", postfix); |
fs.writeObj(buf, eigenvectors); |
} |
void calcPCAFeatures(vector<IplImage*>& patches, FileStorage &fs, const char* postfix, CvMat** avg, |
CvMat** eigenvectors) |
{ |
int width = patches[0]->width; |
int height = patches[0]->height; |
int length = width * height; |
int patch_count = (int)patches.size(); |
CvMat* data = cvCreateMat(patch_count, length, CV_32FC1); |
*avg = cvCreateMat(1, length, CV_32FC1); |
CvMat* eigenvalues = cvCreateMat(1, length, CV_32FC1); |
*eigenvectors = cvCreateMat(length, length, CV_32FC1); |
for (int i = 0; i < patch_count; i++) |
{ |
float sum = cvSum(patches[i]).val[0]; |
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) |
{ |
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) |
{ |
*((float*)(data->data.ptr + data->step * i) + y * width + x) |
= (float)(unsigned char)patches[i]->imageData[y * patches[i]->widthStep + x] / sum; |
} |
} |
} |
//printf("Calculating PCA...");
cvCalcPCA(data, *avg, eigenvalues, *eigenvectors, CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW); |
// save pca data
savePCAFeatures(fs, postfix, *avg, *eigenvectors); |
cvReleaseMat(&data); |
cvReleaseMat(&eigenvalues); |
} |
void loadPCAFeatures(const char* path, const char* images_list, vector<IplImage*>& patches, CvSize patch_size) |
{ |
char images_filename[1024]; |
sprintf(images_filename, "%s/%s", path, images_list); |
FILE *pFile = fopen(images_filename, "r"); |
if (pFile == 0) |
{ |
printf("Cannot open images list file %s\n", images_filename); |
return; |
} |
while (!feof(pFile)) |
{ |
char imagename[1024]; |
if (fscanf(pFile, "%s", imagename) <= 0) |
{ |
break; |
} |
char filename[1024]; |
sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", path, imagename); |
//printf("Reading image %s...", filename);
IplImage* img = cvLoadImage(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); |
vector<KeyPoint> features; |
SURF surf_extractor(1.0f); |
//printf("Extracting SURF features...");
surf_extractor(img, Mat(), features); |
for (int j = 0; j < (int)features.size(); j++) |
{ |
int patch_width = patch_size.width; |
int patch_height = patch_size.height; |
CvPoint center = features[j].pt; |
CvRect roi = cvRect(center.x - patch_width / 2, center.y - patch_height / 2, patch_width, patch_height); |
cvSetImageROI(img, roi); |
roi = cvGetImageROI(img); |
if (roi.width != patch_width || roi.height != patch_height) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
IplImage* patch = cvCreateImage(cvSize(patch_width, patch_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); |
cvCopy(img, patch); |
patches.push_back(patch); |
cvResetImageROI(img); |
} |
//printf("Completed file, extracted %d features\n", (int)features.size());
cvReleaseImage(&img); |
} |
fclose(pFile); |
} |
void generatePCAFeatures(const char* path, const char* img_filename, FileStorage& fs, const char* postfix, |
CvSize patch_size, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors) |
{ |
vector<IplImage*> patches; |
loadPCAFeatures(path, img_filename, patches, patch_size); |
calcPCAFeatures(patches, fs, postfix, avg, eigenvectors); |
} |
void OneWayDescriptorBase::GeneratePCA(const char* img_path, const char* images_list) |
{ |
char pca_filename[1024]; |
sprintf(pca_filename, "%s/%s", img_path, GetPCAFilename().c_str()); |
FileStorage fs = FileStorage(pca_filename, FileStorage::WRITE); |
generatePCAFeatures(img_path, images_list, fs, "hr", m_patch_size, &m_pca_hr_avg, &m_pca_hr_eigenvectors); |
generatePCAFeatures(img_path, images_list, fs, "lr", cvSize(m_patch_size.width / 2, m_patch_size.height / 2), |
&m_pca_avg, &m_pca_eigenvectors); |
const int pose_count = 500; |
OneWayDescriptorBase descriptors(m_patch_size, pose_count); |
descriptors.SetPCAHigh(m_pca_hr_avg, m_pca_hr_eigenvectors); |
descriptors.SetPCALow(m_pca_avg, m_pca_eigenvectors); |
printf("Calculating %d PCA descriptors (you can grab a coffee, this will take a while)...\n", |
descriptors.GetPCADimHigh()); |
descriptors.InitializePoseTransforms(); |
descriptors.CreatePCADescriptors(); |
descriptors.SavePCADescriptors(*fs); |
fs.release(); |
} |
void OneWayDescriptorBase::SavePCADescriptors(const char* filename) |
{ |
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(); |
CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(filename, storage, CV_STORAGE_WRITE); |
SavePCADescriptors (fs);
cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); |
cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); |
} |
void OneWayDescriptorBase::SavePCADescriptors(CvFileStorage *fs) |
{ |
cvWriteInt(fs, "pca components number", m_pca_dim_high); |
cvWriteComment(fs, "The first component is the average Vector, so the total number of components is <pca components number> + 1", 0); |
cvWriteComment( |
fs, |
"The first component is the average Vector, so the total number of components is <pca components number> + 1", |
0); |
cvWriteInt(fs, "patch width", m_patch_size.width); |
cvWriteInt(fs, "patch height", m_patch_size.height); |
// pack the affine transforms into a single CvMat and write them
CvMat* poses = cvCreateMat(m_pose_count, 4, CV_32FC1); |
for(int i = 0; i < m_pose_count; i++) |
for (int i = 0; i < m_pose_count; i++) |
{ |
cvmSet(poses, i, 0, m_poses[i].phi); |
cvmSet(poses, i, 1, m_poses[i].theta); |
@ -1577,17 +1776,15 @@ namespace cv{ |
cvWrite(fs, "affine poses", poses); |
cvReleaseMat(&poses); |
for(int i = 0; i < m_pca_dim_high + 1; i++) |
for (int i = 0; i < m_pca_dim_high + 1; i++) |
{ |
char buf[1024]; |
sprintf(buf, "descriptor for pca component %d", i); |
m_pca_descriptors[i].Write(fs, buf); |
} |
cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); |
cvReleaseFileStorage(&fs); |
} |
void OneWayDescriptorBase::Allocate(int train_feature_count) |
{ |
m_train_feature_count = train_feature_count; |
@ -1728,6 +1925,14 @@ namespace cv{ |
m_part_id = 0; |
} |
OneWayDescriptorObject::OneWayDescriptorObject(CvSize patch_size, int pose_count, const string &pca_filename, |
const string &train_path, const string &images_list, int pyr_levels) : |
OneWayDescriptorBase(patch_size, pose_count, pca_filename, train_path, images_list, pyr_levels) |
{ |
m_part_id = 0; |
} |
OneWayDescriptorObject::~OneWayDescriptorObject() |
{ |
delete []m_part_id; |
@ -1771,19 +1976,22 @@ namespace cv{ |
} |
} |
void readPCAFeatures(const char* filename, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors) |
void readPCAFeatures(const char* filename, CvMat** avg, CvMat** eigenvectors, const char* postfix) |
{ |
CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(); |
CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(filename, storage, CV_STORAGE_READ); |
if(!fs) |
if (!fs) |
{ |
printf("Cannot open file %s! Exiting!", filename); |
cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); |
} |
CvFileNode* node = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "avg"); |
char buf[1024]; |
sprintf(buf, "avg%s", postfix); |
CvFileNode* node = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, buf); |
CvMat* _avg = (CvMat*)cvRead(fs, node); |
node = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, "eigenvectors"); |
sprintf(buf, "eigenvectors%s", postfix); |
node = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs, 0, buf); |
CvMat* _eigenvectors = (CvMat*)cvRead(fs, node); |
*avg = cvCloneMat(_avg); |