Merge pull request #17683 from ivashmak:homography
[GSoC] New RANSAC. Homography part * change enum and squash commits * add small improvements * change function to static, update magsac * remove path from samples, remove license, small updates * update pnp solver, small improvements * fix warnings * add tutorial, comments * fix markdown warnings * fix markdown warnings * fix markdown warningspull/18116/head
29 changed files with 9460 additions and 3 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ |
--- |
author: |
- Maksym Ivashechkin |
bibliography: 'bibs.bib' |
csl: 'acm-sigchi-proceedings.csl' |
date: August 2020 |
title: 'Google Summer of Code: Improvement of Random Sample Consensus in OpenCV' |
... |
Contribution |
============ |
The integrated part to OpenCV `calib3d` module is RANSAC-based universal |
framework USAC (`namespace usac`) written in C++. The framework includes |
different state-of-the-arts methods for sampling, verification or local |
optimization. The main advantage of the framework is its independence to |
any estimation problem and modular structure. Therefore, new solvers or |
methods can be added/removed easily. So far it includes the following |
components: |
1. Sampling method: |
1. Uniform – standard RANSAC sampling proposed in \[8\] which draw |
minimal subset independently uniformly at random. *The default |
option in proposed framework*. |
2. PROSAC – method \[4\] that assumes input data points sorted by |
quality so sampling can start from the most promising points. |
Correspondences for this method can be sorted e.g., by ratio of |
descriptor distances of the best to second match obtained from |
SIFT detector. *This is method is recommended to use because it |
can find good model and terminate much earlier*. |
3. NAPSAC – sampling method \[10\] which takes initial point |
uniformly at random and the rest of points for minimal sample in |
the neighborhood of initial point. This is method can be |
potentially useful when models are localized. For example, for |
plane fitting. However, in practise struggles from degenerate |
issues and defining optimal neighborhood size. |
4. Progressive-NAPSAC – sampler \[2\] which is similar to NAPSAC, |
although it starts from local and gradually converges to |
global sampling. This method can be quite useful if local models |
are expected but distribution of data can be arbitrary. The |
implemented version assumes data points to be sorted by quality |
as in PROSAC. |
2. Score Method. USAC as well as standard RANSAC finds model which |
minimizes total loss. Loss can be represented by following |
functions: |
1. RANSAC – binary 0 / 1 loss. 1 for outlier, 0 for inlier. *Good |
option if the goal is to find as many inliers as possible.* |
2. MSAC – truncated squared error distance of point to model. *The |
default option in framework*. The model might not have as many |
inliers as using RANSAC score, however will be more accurate. |
3. MAGSAC – threshold-free method \[3\] to compute score. Using, |
although, maximum sigma (standard deviation of noise) level to |
marginalize residual of point over sigma. Score of the point |
represents likelihood of point being inlier. *Recommended option |
when image noise is unknown since method does not require |
threshold*. However, it is still recommended to provide at least |
approximated threshold, because termination itself is based on |
number of points which error is less than threshold. By giving 0 |
threshold the method will output model after maximum number of |
iterations reached. |
4. LMeds – the least median of squared error distances. In the |
framework finding median is efficiently implement with $O(n)$ |
complexity using quick-sort algorithm. Note, LMeds does not have |
to work properly when inlier ratio is less than 50%, in other |
cases this method is robust and does not require threshold. |
3. Error metric which describes error distance of point to |
estimated model. |
1. Re-projection distance – used for affine, homography and |
projection matrices. For homography also symmetric re-projection |
distance can be used. |
2. Sampson distance – used for Fundamental matrix. |
3. Symmetric Geometric distance – used for Essential matrix. |
4. Degeneracy: |
1. DEGENSAC – method \[7\] which for Fundamental matrix estimation |
efficiently verifies and recovers model which has at least 5 |
points in minimal sample lying on the dominant plane. |
2. Collinearity test – for affine and homography matrix estimation |
checks if no 3 points lying on the line. For homography matrix |
since points are planar is applied test which checks if points |
in minimal sample lie on the same side w.r.t. to any line |
crossing any two points in sample (does not assume reflection). |
3. Oriented epipolar constraint – method \[6\] for epipolar |
geometry which verifies model (fundamental and essential matrix) |
to have points visible in the front of the camera. |
5. SPRT verification – method \[9\] which verifies model by its |
evaluation on randomly shuffled points using statistical properties |
given by probability of inlier, relative time for estimation, |
average number of output models etc. Significantly speeding up |
framework, because bad model can be rejected very quickly without |
explicitly computing error for every point. |
6. Local Optimization: |
1. Locally Optimized RANSAC – method \[5\] that iteratively |
improves so-far-the-best model by non-minimal estimation. *The |
default option in framework. This procedure is the fastest and |
not worse than others local optimization methods.* |
2. Graph-Cut RANSAC – method \[1\] that refine so-far-the-best |
model, however, it exploits spatial coherence of the |
data points. *This procedure is quite precise however |
computationally slower.* |
3. Sigma Consensus – method \[3\] which improves model by applying |
non-minimal weighted estimation, where weights are computed with |
the same logic as in MAGSAC score. This method is better to use |
together with MAGSAC score. |
7. Termination: |
1. Standard – standard equation for independent and |
uniform sampling. |
2. PROSAC – termination for PROSAC. |
3. SPRT – termination for SPRT. |
8. Solver. In the framework there are minimal and non-minimal solvers. |
In minimal solver standard methods for estimation is applied. In |
non-minimal solver usually the covariance matrix is built and the |
model is found as the eigen vector corresponding to the highest |
eigen value. |
1. Affine2D matrix |
2. Homography matrix – for minimal solver is used RHO |
(Gaussian elimination) algorithm from OpenCV. |
3. Fundamental matrix – for 7-points algorithm two null vectors are |
found using Gaussian elimination (eliminating to upper |
triangular matrix and back-substitution) instead of SVD and then |
solving 3-degrees polynomial. For 8-points solver Gaussian |
elimination is used too. |
4. Essential matrix – 4 null vectors are found using |
Gaussian elimination. Then the solver based on Gröbner basis |
described in \[11\] is used. Essential matrix can be computed |
only if <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">LAPACK</span> or |
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Eigen</span> are |
installed as it requires eigen decomposition with complex |
eigen values. |
5. Perspective-n-Point – the minimal solver is classical 3 points |
with up to 4 solutions. For RANSAC the low number of sample size |
plays significant role as it requires less iterations, |
furthermore in average P3P solver has around 1.39 |
estimated models. Also, in new version of `solvePnPRansac(...)` |
with `UsacParams` there is an options to pass empty intrinsic |
matrix `InputOutputArray cameraMatrix`. If matrix is empty than |
using Direct Linear Transformation algorithm (PnP with 6 points) |
framework outputs not only rotation and translation vector but |
also calibration matrix. |
Also, the framework can be run in parallel. The parallelization is done |
in the way that multiple RANSACs are created and they share two atomic |
variables `bool success` and `int num_hypothesis_tested` which |
determines when all RANSACs must terminate. If one of RANSAC terminated |
successfully then all other RANSAC will terminate as well. In the end |
the best model is synchronized from all threads. If PROSAC sampler is |
used then threads must share the same sampler since sampling is done |
sequentially. However, using default options of framework parallel |
RANSAC is not deterministic since it depends on how often each thread is |
running. The easiest way to make it deterministic is using PROSAC |
sampler without SPRT and Local Optimization and not for Fundamental |
matrix, because they internally use random generators.\ |
\ |
For NAPSAC, Progressive NAPSAC or Graph-Cut methods is required to build |
a neighborhood graph. In framework there are 3 options to do it: |
1. `NEIGH_FLANN_KNN` – estimate neighborhood graph using OpenCV FLANN |
K nearest-neighbors. The default value for KNN is 7. KNN method may |
work good for sampling but not good for GC-RANSAC. |
2. `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` – similarly as in previous case finds neighbor |
points which distance is less than 20 pixels. |
3. `NEIGH_GRID` – for finding points’ neighborhood tiles points in |
cells using hash-table. The method is described in \[2\]. Less |
accurate than `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS`, although significantly faster. |
Note, `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` and `NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS` are not able to PnP |
solver, since there are 3D object points.\ |
\ |
New flags: |
1. `USAC_DEFAULT` – has standard LO-RANSAC. |
2. `USAC_PARALLEL` – has LO-RANSAC and RANSACs run in parallel. |
4. `USAC_FAST` – has LO-RANSAC with smaller number iterations in local |
optimization step. Uses RANSAC score to maximize number of inliers |
and terminate earlier. |
5. `USAC_PROSAC` – has PROSAC sampling. Note, points must be sorted. |
6. `USAC_FM_8PTS` – has LO-RANSAC. Only valid for Fundamental matrix |
with 8-points solver. |
7. `USAC_MAGSAC` – has MAGSAC++. |
Every flag uses SPRT verification. And in the end the final |
so-far-the-best model is polished by non minimal estimation of all found |
inliers.\ |
\ |
A few other important parameters: |
1. `randomGeneratorState` – since every USAC solver is deterministic in |
OpenCV (i.e., for the same points and parameters returns the |
same result) by providing new state it will output new model. |
2. `loIterations` – number of iterations for Local Optimization method. |
*The default value is 10*. By increasing `loIterations` the output |
model could be more accurate, however, the computationial time may |
also increase. |
3. `loSampleSize` – maximum sample number for Local Optimization. *The |
default value is 14*. Note, that by increasing `loSampleSize` the |
accuracy of model can increase as well as the computational time. |
However, it is recommended to keep value less than 100, because |
estimation on low number of points is faster and more robust. |
Samples: |
There are three new sample files in opencv/samples directory. |
1. `epipolar_lines.cpp` – input arguments of `main` function are two |
pathes to images. Then correspondences are found using |
SIFT detector. Fundamental matrix is found using RANSAC from |
tentaive correspondences and epipolar lines are plot. |
2. `essential_mat_reconstr.cpp` – input arguments are path to data file |
containing image names and single intrinsic matrix and directory |
where these images located. Correspondences are found using SIFT. |
The essential matrix is estimated using RANSAC and decomposed to |
rotation and translation. Then by building two relative poses with |
projection matrices image points are triangulated to object points. |
By running RANSAC with 3D plane fitting object points as well as |
correspondences are clustered into planes. |
3. `` – the same functionality as in .cpp |
file, however instead of clustering points to plane the 3D map of |
object points is plot. |
References: |
1\. Daniel Barath and Jiří Matas. 2018. Graph-Cut RANSAC. In *Proceedings |
of the iEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition*, |
6733–6741. |
2\. Daniel Barath, Maksym Ivashechkin, and Jiri Matas. 2019. Progressive |
NAPSAC: Sampling from gradually growing neighborhoods. *arXiv preprint |
arXiv:1906.02295*. |
3\. Daniel Barath, Jana Noskova, Maksym Ivashechkin, and Jiri Matas. |
2020. MAGSAC++, a fast, reliable and accurate robust estimator. In |
*Proceedings of the iEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern |
recognition (cVPR)*. |
4\. O. Chum and J. Matas. 2005. Matching with PROSAC-progressive sample |
consensus. In *Computer vision and pattern recognition*. |
5\. O. Chum, J. Matas, and J. Kittler. 2003. Locally optimized RANSAC. In |
*Joint pattern recognition symposium*. |
6\. O. Chum, T. Werner, and J. Matas. 2004. Epipolar geometry estimation |
via RANSAC benefits from the oriented epipolar constraint. In |
*International conference on pattern recognition*. |
7\. Ondrej Chum, Tomas Werner, and Jiri Matas. 2005. Two-view geometry |
estimation unaffected by a dominant plane. In *2005 iEEE computer |
society conference on computer vision and pattern recognition |
(cVPR’05)*, 772–779. |
8\. M. A. Fischler and R. C. Bolles. 1981. Random sample consensus: A |
paradigm for model fitting with applications to image analysis and |
automated cartography. *Communications of the ACM*. |
9\. Jiri Matas and Ondrej Chum. 2005. Randomized RANSAC with sequential |
probability ratio test. In *Tenth iEEE international conference on |
computer vision (iCCV’05) volume 1*, 1727–1732. |
10\. D. R. Myatt, P. H. S. Torr, S. J. Nasuto, J. M. Bishop, and R. |
Craddock. 2002. NAPSAC: High noise, high dimensional robust estimation. |
In *In bMVC02*, 458–467. |
11\. Henrik Stewénius, Christopher Engels, and David Nistér. 2006. Recent |
developments on direct relative orientation. |
@ -0,0 +1,800 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
enum EstimationMethod { Homography, Fundamental, Fundamental8, Essential, Affine, P3P, P6P}; |
enum VerificationMethod { NullVerifier, SprtVerifier }; |
enum PolishingMethod { NonePolisher, LSQPolisher }; |
// Abstract Error class
class Error : public Algorithm { |
public: |
// set model to use getError() function
virtual void setModelParameters (const Mat &model) = 0; |
// returns error of point wih @point_idx w.r.t. model
virtual float getError (int point_idx) const = 0; |
virtual const std::vector<float> &getErrors (const Mat &model) = 0; |
virtual Ptr<Error> clone () const = 0; |
}; |
// Symmetric Reprojection Error for Homography
class ReprojectionErrorSymmetric : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorSymmetric> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Forward Reprojection Error for Homography
class ReprojectionErrorForward : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorForward> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Sampson Error for Fundamental matrix
class SampsonError : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<SampsonError> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Symmetric Geometric Distance (to epipolar lines) for Fundamental and Essential matrix
class SymmetricGeometricDistance : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<SymmetricGeometricDistance> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Reprojection Error for Projection matrix
class ReprojectionErrorPmatrix : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorPmatrix> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Reprojection Error for Affine matrix
class ReprojectionErrorAffine : public Error { |
public: |
static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorAffine> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
// Normalizing transformation of data points
class NormTransform : public Algorithm { |
public: |
* @norm_points is output matrix of size pts_size x 4 |
* @sample constains indices of points |
* @sample_number is number of used points in sample <0; sample_number) |
* @T1, T2 are output transformation matrices |
*/ |
virtual void getNormTransformation (Mat &norm_points, const std::vector<int> &sample, |
int sample_number, Matx33d &T1, Matx33d &T2) const = 0; |
static Ptr<NormTransform> create (const Mat &points); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////// SOLVER ///////////////////////////////////////////
class MinimalSolver : public Algorithm { |
public: |
// Estimate models from minimal sample. models.size() == number of found solutions
virtual int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const = 0; |
// return minimal sample size required for estimation.
virtual int getSampleSize() const = 0; |
// return maximum number of possible solutions.
virtual int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const = 0; |
virtual Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const = 0; |
}; |
//-------------------------- HOMOGRAPHY MATRIX -----------------------
class HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX -----------------------
class FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
class FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- ESSENTIAL MATRIX -----------------------
class EssentialMinimalSolverStewenius5pts : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<EssentialMinimalSolverStewenius5pts> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- PNP -----------------------
class PnPMinimalSolver6Pts : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<PnPMinimalSolver6Pts> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
class P3PSolver : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<P3PSolver> create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K); |
}; |
//-------------------------- AFFINE -----------------------
class AffineMinimalSolver : public MinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<AffineMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////////// NON MINIMAL SOLVER ///////////////////////////////////////
class NonMinimalSolver : public Algorithm { |
public: |
// Estimate models from non minimal sample. models.size() == number of found solutions
virtual int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, |
std::vector<Mat> &models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const = 0; |
// return minimal sample size required for non-minimal estimation.
virtual int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const = 0; |
// return maximum number of possible solutions.
virtual int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const = 0; |
virtual Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const = 0; |
}; |
//-------------------------- HOMOGRAPHY MATRIX -----------------------
class HomographyNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<HomographyNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX -----------------------
class FundamentalNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<FundamentalNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- ESSENTIAL MATRIX -----------------------
class EssentialNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<EssentialNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
//-------------------------- PNP -----------------------
class PnPNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<PnPNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points); |
}; |
class DLSPnP : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<DLSPnP> create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K); |
}; |
//-------------------------- AFFINE -----------------------
class AffineNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver { |
public: |
static Ptr<AffineNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////// SCORE ///////////////////////////////////////////
class Score { |
public: |
int inlier_number; |
double score; |
Score () { // set worst case
inlier_number = 0; |
score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
} |
Score (int inlier_number_, double score_) { // copy constructor
inlier_number = inlier_number_; |
score = score_; |
} |
// Compare two scores. Objective is minimization of score. Lower score is better.
inline bool isBetter (const Score &score2) const { |
return score < score2.score; |
} |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////// QUALITY ///////////////////////////////////////////
class Quality : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~Quality() override = default; |
* Calculates number of inliers and score of the @model. |
* return Score with calculated inlier_number and score. |
* @model: Mat current model, e.g., H matrix. |
*/ |
virtual Score getScore (const Mat &model) const = 0; |
virtual Score getScore (const std::vector<float> &/*errors*/) const { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "getScore(errors)"); |
} |
// get @inliers of the @model. Assume threshold is given
// @inliers must be preallocated to maximum points size.
virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const = 0; |
// get @inliers of the @model for given threshold
virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const = 0; |
// Set the best score, so evaluation of the model can terminate earlier
virtual void setBestScore (double best_score_) = 0; |
// set @inliers_mask: true if point i is inlier, false - otherwise.
virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const = 0; |
virtual int getPointsSize() const = 0; |
virtual Ptr<Quality> clone () const = 0; |
static int getInliers (const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model, |
std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask, double threshold); |
static int getInliers (const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model, |
std::vector<int> &inliers, double threshold); |
}; |
// RANSAC (binary) quality
class RansacQuality : public Quality { |
public: |
static Ptr<RansacQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_,const Ptr<Error> &error_); |
}; |
// M-estimator quality - truncated Squared error
class MsacQuality : public Quality { |
public: |
static Ptr<MsacQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_); |
}; |
// Marginlizing Sample Consensus quality, D. Barath et al.
class MagsacQuality : public Quality { |
public: |
static Ptr<MagsacQuality> create(double maximum_thr, int points_size_,const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
double tentative_inlier_threshold_, int DoF, double sigma_quantile, |
double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
double lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_); |
}; |
// Least Median of Squares Quality
class LMedsQuality : public Quality { |
public: |
static Ptr<LMedsQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////////// DEGENERACY //////////////////////////////////
class Degeneracy : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~Degeneracy() override = default; |
* Check if sample causes degenerate configurations. |
* For example, test if points are collinear. |
*/ |
virtual bool isSampleGood (const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/) const { |
return true; |
} |
* Check if model satisfies constraints. |
* For example, test if epipolar geometry satisfies oriented constraint. |
*/ |
virtual bool isModelValid (const Mat &/*model*/, const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/) const { |
return true; |
} |
virtual bool isModelValid (const Mat &/*model*/, const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/, |
int /*sample_size*/) const { |
return true; |
} |
* Fix degenerate model. |
* Return true if model is degenerate, false - otherwise |
*/ |
virtual bool recoverIfDegenerate (const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/,const Mat &/*best_model*/, |
Mat &/*non_degenerate_model*/, Score &/*non_degenerate_model_score*/) { |
return false; |
} |
virtual Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const { return makePtr<Degeneracy>(); } |
}; |
class EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy : public Degeneracy { |
public: |
static void recoverRank (Mat &model); |
static Ptr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy> create (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_); |
}; |
class EssentialDegeneracy : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy { |
public: |
static Ptr<EssentialDegeneracy>create (const Mat &points, int sample_size); |
}; |
class HomographyDegeneracy : public Degeneracy { |
public: |
static Ptr<HomographyDegeneracy> create(const Mat &points_); |
}; |
class FundamentalDegeneracy : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy { |
public: |
// threshold for homography is squared so is around 2.236 pixels
static Ptr<FundamentalDegeneracy> create (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Mat &points_, int sample_size_, double homography_threshold); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////////// ESTIMATOR //////////////////////////////////
class Estimator : public Algorithm{ |
public: |
* Estimate models with minimal solver. |
* Return number of valid solutions after estimation. |
* Return models accordingly to number of solutions. |
* Note, vector of models must allocated before. |
* Note, not all degenerate tests are included in estimation. |
*/ |
virtual int |
estimateModels (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const = 0; |
* Estimate model with non-minimal solver. |
* Return number of valid solutions after estimation. |
* Note, not all degenerate tests are included in estimation. |
*/ |
virtual int |
estimateModelNonMinimalSample (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, |
std::vector<Mat> &models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const = 0; |
// return minimal sample size required for minimal estimation.
virtual int getMinimalSampleSize () const = 0; |
// return minimal sample size required for non-minimal estimation.
virtual int getNonMinimalSampleSize () const = 0; |
// return maximum number of possible solutions of minimal estimation.
virtual int getMaxNumSolutions () const = 0; |
// return maximum number of possible solutions of non-minimal estimation.
virtual int getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal () const = 0; |
virtual Ptr<Estimator> clone() const = 0; |
}; |
class HomographyEstimator : public Estimator { |
public: |
static Ptr<HomographyEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_, |
const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> °eneracy_); |
}; |
class FundamentalEstimator : public Estimator { |
public: |
static Ptr<FundamentalEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_, |
const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> °eneracy_); |
}; |
class EssentialEstimator : public Estimator { |
public: |
static Ptr<EssentialEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_, |
const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> °eneracy_); |
}; |
class AffineEstimator : public Estimator { |
public: |
static Ptr<AffineEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_, |
const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_); |
}; |
class PnPEstimator : public Estimator { |
public: |
static Ptr<PnPEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_, |
const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////// MODEL VERIFIER ////////////////////////////////////
class ModelVerifier : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~ModelVerifier() override = default; |
// Return true if model is good, false - otherwise.
virtual bool isModelGood(const Mat &model) = 0; |
// Return true if score was computed during evaluation.
virtual bool getScore(Score &score) const = 0; |
// update verifier by given inlier number
virtual void update (int highest_inlier_number) = 0; |
virtual const std::vector<float> &getErrors() const = 0; |
virtual bool hasErrors () const = 0; |
virtual Ptr<ModelVerifier> clone (int state) const = 0; |
static Ptr<ModelVerifier> create(); |
}; |
struct SPRT_history { |
* delta: |
* The probability of a data point being consistent |
* with a ‘bad’ model is modeled as a probability of |
* a random event with Bernoulli distribution with parameter |
* δ : p(1|Hb) = δ. |
* epsilon: |
* The probability p(1|Hg) = ε |
* that any randomly chosen data point is consistent with a ‘good’ model |
* is approximated by the fraction of inliers ε among the data |
* points |
* A is the decision threshold, the only parameter of the Adapted SPRT |
*/ |
double epsilon, delta, A; |
// number of samples processed by test
int tested_samples; // k
SPRT_history () { |
tested_samples = 0; |
} |
}; |
///////////////////////////////// SPRT VERIFIER /////////////////////////////////////////
* Matas, Jiri, and Ondrej Chum. "Randomized RANSAC with sequential probability ratio test." |
* Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2005. |
*/ |
class SPRT : public ModelVerifier { |
public: |
// return constant reference of vector of SPRT histories for SPRT termination.
virtual const std::vector<SPRT_history> &getSPRTvector () const = 0; |
static Ptr<SPRT> create (int state, const Ptr<Error> &err_, int points_size_, |
double inlier_threshold_, double prob_pt_of_good_model, |
double prob_pt_of_bad_model, double time_sample, double avg_num_models, |
ScoreMethod score_type_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLER ///////////////////////////////////////
class Sampler : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~Sampler() override = default; |
// set new points size
virtual void setNewPointsSize (int points_size) = 0; |
// generate sample. Fill @sample with indices of points.
virtual void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) = 0; |
virtual Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const = 0; |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////// NEIGHBORHOOD GRAPH /////////////////////////////////////////
class NeighborhoodGraph : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~NeighborhoodGraph() override = default; |
// Return neighbors of the point with index @point_idx_ in the graph.
virtual const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx_) const = 0; |
}; |
class RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph { |
public: |
static Ptr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph> create (const Mat &points, int points_size, |
double radius_, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees); |
}; |
class FlannNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph { |
public: |
static Ptr<FlannNeighborhoodGraph> create(const Mat &points, int points_size, |
int k_nearest_neighbors_, bool get_distances, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees); |
virtual const std::vector<double> &getNeighborsDistances (int idx) const = 0; |
}; |
class GridNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph { |
public: |
static Ptr<GridNeighborhoodGraph> create(const Mat &points, int points_size, |
int cell_size_x_img1_, int cell_size_y_img1_, |
int cell_size_x_img2_, int cell_size_y_img2_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////// UNIFORM SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
class UniformSampler : public Sampler { |
public: |
static Ptr<UniformSampler> create(int state, int sample_size_, int points_size_); |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////// PROSAC (SIMPLE) SAMPLER ///////////////////////////////////////
class ProsacSimpleSampler : public Sampler { |
public: |
static Ptr<ProsacSimpleSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_prosac_samples_count); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
class ProsacSampler : public Sampler { |
public: |
static Ptr<ProsacSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int growth_max_samples); |
// return number of samples generated (for prosac termination).
virtual int getKthSample () const = 0; |
// return constant reference of growth function of prosac sampler (for prosac termination)
virtual const std::vector<int> &getGrowthFunction () const = 0; |
virtual void setTerminationLength (int termination_length) = 0; |
}; |
////////////////////////// NAPSAC (N adjacent points sample consensus) SAMPLER ////////////////////
class NapsacSampler : public Sampler { |
public: |
static Ptr<NapsacSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////// P-NAPSAC SAMPLER /////////////////////////////////////////
class ProgressiveNapsac : public Sampler { |
public: |
static Ptr<ProgressiveNapsac> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> &layers, int sampler_length); |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////////// TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
class TerminationCriteria : public Algorithm { |
public: |
// update termination object by given @model and @inlier number.
// and return maximum number of predicted iteration
virtual int update(const Mat &model, int inlier_number) = 0; |
// clone termination
virtual Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const = 0; |
}; |
//////////////////////////////// STANDARD TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
class StandardTerminationCriteria : public TerminationCriteria { |
public: |
static Ptr<StandardTerminationCriteria> create(double confidence, int points_size_, |
int sample_size_, int max_iterations_); |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////// SPRT TERMINATION //////////////////////////////////////////
class SPRTTermination : public TerminationCriteria { |
public: |
static Ptr<SPRTTermination> create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_, |
double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_); |
}; |
///////////////////////////// PROGRESSIVE-NAPSAC-SPRT TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////
class SPRTPNapsacTermination : public TerminationCriteria { |
public: |
static Ptr<SPRTPNapsacTermination> create(const std::vector<SPRT_history>& |
sprt_histories_, double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////////////
class ProsacTerminationCriteria : public TerminationCriteria { |
public: |
static Ptr<ProsacTerminationCriteria> create(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler_, |
const Ptr<Error> &error_, int points_size_, int sample_size, double confidence, |
int max_iters, int min_termination_length, double beta, double non_randomness_phi, |
double inlier_thresh); |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////////////// UTILS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
namespace Utils { |
* calibrate points: [x'; 1] = K^-1 [x; 1] |
* @points is matrix N x 4. |
* @norm_points is output matrix N x 4 with calibrated points. |
*/ |
void calibratePoints (const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2, const Mat &points, Mat &norm_points); |
void calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP (const Mat &K, const Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts); |
void normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP (const Mat &K, Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts); |
void decomposeProjection (const Mat &P, Mat &K_, Mat &R, Mat &t, bool same_focal=false); |
double getCalibratedThreshold (double threshold, const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2); |
float findMedian (std::vector<float> &array); |
} |
namespace Math { |
// return skew symmetric matrix
Matx33d getSkewSymmetric(const Vec3d &v_); |
// eliminate matrix with m rows and n columns to be upper triangular.
void eliminateUpperTriangular (std::vector<double> &a, int m, int n); |
Matx33d rotVec2RotMat (const Vec3d &v); |
Vec3d rotMat2RotVec (const Matx33d &R); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////////// RANDOM GENERATOR /////////////////////////////////////
class RandomGenerator : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~RandomGenerator() override = default; |
// interval is <0, max_range);
virtual void resetGenerator (int max_range) = 0; |
// return sample filled with random numbers
virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample) = 0; |
// fill @sample of size @subset_size with random numbers in range <0, @max_range)
virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample, int subset_size, |
int max_range) = 0; |
// fill @sample of size @sample.size() with random numbers in range <0, @max_range)
virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample, int max_range) = 0; |
// return subset=sample size
virtual void setSubsetSize (int subset_sz) = 0; |
virtual int getSubsetSize () const = 0; |
// return random number from <0, max_range), where max_range is from constructor
virtual int getRandomNumber () = 0; |
// return random number from <0, max_rng)
virtual int getRandomNumber (int max_rng) = 0; |
virtual const std::vector<int> &generateUniqueRandomSubset (std::vector<int> &array1, |
int size1) = 0; |
virtual Ptr<RandomGenerator> clone (int state) const = 0; |
}; |
class UniformRandomGenerator : public RandomGenerator { |
public: |
static Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> create (int state); |
static Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> create (int state, int max_range, int subset_size_); |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////// LOCAL OPTIMIZATION /////////////////////////////////////////
class LocalOptimization : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~LocalOptimization() override = default; |
* Refine so-far-the-best RANSAC model in local optimization step. |
* @best_model: so-far-the-best model |
* @new_model: output refined new model. |
* @new_model_score: score of @new_model. |
* Returns bool if model was refined successfully, false - otherwise |
*/ |
virtual bool refineModel (const Mat &best_model, const Score &best_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) = 0; |
virtual Ptr<LocalOptimization> clone(int state) const = 0; |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////// GRAPH CUT LO ////////////////////////////////////////
class GraphCut : public LocalOptimization { |
public: |
static Ptr<GraphCut> |
create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_, |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, double threshold_, |
double spatial_coherence_term, int gc_iters); |
}; |
//////////////////////////////////// INNER + ITERATIVE LO ///////////////////////////////////////
class InnerIterativeLocalOptimization : public LocalOptimization { |
public: |
static Ptr<InnerIterativeLocalOptimization> |
create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, int pts_size, double threshold_, |
bool is_iterative_, int lo_iter_sample_size_, int lo_inner_iterations, |
int lo_iter_max_iterations, double threshold_multiplier); |
}; |
class SigmaConsensus : public LocalOptimization { |
public: |
static Ptr<SigmaConsensus> |
create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality, const Ptr<ModelVerifier> &verifier_, |
int max_lo_sample_size, int number_of_irwls_iters_, |
int DoF, double sigma_quantile, double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
double C_, double maximum_thr); |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////////// FINAL MODEL POLISHER //////////////////////////////////////
class FinalModelPolisher : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~FinalModelPolisher() override = default; |
* Polish so-far-the-best RANSAC model in the end of RANSAC. |
* @model: input final RANSAC model. |
* @new_model: output polished model. |
* @new_score: score of output model. |
* Return true if polishing was successful, false - otherwise. |
*/ |
virtual bool polishSoFarTheBestModel (const Mat &model, const Score &best_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) = 0; |
}; |
///////////////////////////////////// LEAST SQUARES POLISHER //////////////////////////////////////
class LeastSquaresPolishing : public FinalModelPolisher { |
public: |
static Ptr<LeastSquaresPolishing> create (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, int lsq_iterations); |
}; |
/////////////////////////////////// RANSAC OUTPUT ///////////////////////////////////
class RansacOutput : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual ~RansacOutput() override = default; |
static Ptr<RansacOutput> create(const Mat &model_, |
const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask_, |
int time_mcs_, double score_, int number_inliers_, int number_iterations_, |
int number_estimated_models_, int number_good_models_); |
// Return inliers' indices. size of vector = number of inliers
virtual const std::vector<int > &getInliers() = 0; |
// Return inliers mask. Vector of points size. 1-inlier, 0-outlier.
virtual const std::vector<bool> &getInliersMask() const = 0; |
virtual int getTimeMicroSeconds() const = 0; |
virtual int getTimeMicroSeconds1() const = 0; |
virtual int getTimeMilliSeconds2() const = 0; |
virtual int getTimeSeconds3() const = 0; |
virtual int getNumberOfInliers() const = 0; |
virtual int getNumberOfMainIterations() const = 0; |
virtual int getNumberOfGoodModels () const = 0; |
virtual int getNumberOfEstimatedModels () const = 0; |
virtual const Mat &getModel() const = 0; |
}; |
////////////////////////////////////////////// MODEL /////////////////////////////////////////////
class Model : public Algorithm { |
public: |
virtual bool isFundamental () const = 0; |
virtual bool isHomography () const = 0; |
virtual bool isEssential () const = 0; |
virtual bool isPnP () const = 0; |
// getters
virtual int getSampleSize () const = 0; |
virtual bool isParallel() const = 0; |
virtual int getMaxNumHypothesisToTestBeforeRejection() const = 0; |
virtual PolishingMethod getFinalPolisher () const = 0; |
virtual LocalOptimMethod getLO () const = 0; |
virtual ErrorMetric getError () const = 0; |
virtual EstimationMethod getEstimator () const = 0; |
virtual ScoreMethod getScore () const = 0; |
virtual int getMaxIters () const = 0; |
virtual double getConfidence () const = 0; |
virtual double getThreshold () const = 0; |
virtual VerificationMethod getVerifier () const = 0; |
virtual SamplingMethod getSampler () const = 0; |
virtual double getTimeForModelEstimation () const = 0; |
virtual double getSPRTdelta () const = 0; |
virtual double getSPRTepsilon () const = 0; |
virtual double getSPRTavgNumModels () const = 0; |
virtual NeighborSearchMethod getNeighborsSearch () const = 0; |
virtual int getKNN () const = 0; |
virtual int getCellSize () const = 0; |
virtual int getGraphRadius() const = 0; |
virtual double getRelaxCoef () const = 0; |
virtual int getFinalLSQIterations () const = 0; |
virtual int getDegreesOfFreedom () const = 0; |
virtual double getSigmaQuantile () const = 0; |
virtual double getUpperIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const = 0; |
virtual double getLowerIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const = 0; |
virtual double getC () const = 0; |
virtual double getMaximumThreshold () const = 0; |
virtual double getGraphCutSpatialCoherenceTerm () const = 0; |
virtual int getLOSampleSize () const = 0; |
virtual int getLOThresholdMultiplier() const = 0; |
virtual int getLOIterativeSampleSize() const = 0; |
virtual int getLOIterativeMaxIters() const = 0; |
virtual int getLOInnerMaxIters() const = 0; |
virtual const std::vector<int> &getGridCellNumber () const = 0; |
virtual int getRandomGeneratorState () const = 0; |
// setters
virtual void setLocalOptimization (LocalOptimMethod lo_) = 0; |
virtual void setKNearestNeighhbors (int knn_) = 0; |
virtual void setNeighborsType (NeighborSearchMethod neighbors) = 0; |
virtual void setCellSize (int cell_size_) = 0; |
virtual void setParallel (bool is_parallel) = 0; |
virtual void setVerifier (VerificationMethod verifier_) = 0; |
virtual void setPolisher (PolishingMethod polisher_) = 0; |
virtual void setError (ErrorMetric error_) = 0; |
virtual void setLOIterations (int iters) = 0; |
virtual void setLOIterativeIters (int iters) = 0; |
virtual void setLOSampleSize (int lo_sample_size) = 0; |
virtual void setRandomGeneratorState (int state) = 0; |
virtual void maskRequired (bool required) = 0; |
virtual bool isMaskRequired () const = 0; |
static Ptr<Model> create(double threshold_, EstimationMethod estimator_, SamplingMethod sampler_, |
double confidence_=0.95, int max_iterations_=5000, ScoreMethod score_ =ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
}; |
Mat findHomography(InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, int method, |
double ransacReprojThreshold, OutputArray mask, |
const int maxIters, const double confidence); |
Mat findFundamentalMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2, |
int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, double confidence, |
int maxIters, OutputArray mask=noArray()); |
bool solvePnPRansac( InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints, |
InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, |
OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec, |
bool useExtrinsicGuess, int iterationsCount, |
float reprojectionError, double confidence, |
OutputArray inliers, int flags); |
Mat findEssentialMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2, |
InputArray cameraMatrix1, |
int method, double prob, |
double threshold, OutputArray mask); |
Mat estimateAffine2D(InputArray from, InputArray to, OutputArray inliers, |
int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, int maxIters, |
double confidence, int refineIters); |
void saveMask (OutputArray mask, const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask); |
void setParameters (Ptr<Model> ¶ms, EstimationMethod estimator, const UsacParams &usac_params, |
bool mask_need); |
bool run (const Ptr<const Model> ¶ms, InputArray points1, InputArray points2, int state, |
Ptr<RansacOutput> &ransac_output, InputArray K1_, InputArray K2_, |
InputArray dist_coeff1, InputArray dist_coeff2); |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
class EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; // i-th row xi1 yi1 xi2 yi2
const int min_sample_size; |
public: |
explicit EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points ((float*), min_sample_size (sample_size_) {} |
* Do oriented constraint to verify if epipolar geometry is in front or behind the camera. |
* Return: true if all points are in front of the camers w.r.t. tested epipolar geometry - satisfies constraint. |
* false - otherwise. |
*/ |
inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override { |
return isModelValid(F, sample, min_sample_size); |
} |
/* Oriented constraint:
* x'^T F x = 0 |
* e' × x' ~+ Fx <=> λe' × x' = Fx, λ > 0 |
* e × x ~+ x'^T F |
*/ |
inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F_, const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size_) const override { |
// F is of rank 2, taking cross product of two rows we obtain null vector of F
Vec3d ec_mat = F_.row(0).cross(F_.row(2)); |
auto * ec = ec_mat.val; // of size 3x1
// e is zero vector, recompute e
if (ec[0] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[0] >= -1.9984e-15 && |
ec[1] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[1] >= -1.9984e-15 && |
ec[2] <= 1.9984e-15 && ec[2] >= -1.9984e-15) { |
ec_mat = F_.row(1).cross(F_.row(2)); |
ec = ec_mat.val; |
} |
// F is 9x1 row-major ordered F matrix. ec is 3x1
const auto * const F = (double *); |
// without loss of generality, let the first point in sample be in front of the camera.
int pt = 4*sample[0]; |
// s1 = F11 * x2 + F21 * y2 + F31 * 1
// s2 = e'_2 * 1 - e'_3 * y1
// sign1 = s1 * s2
const double sign1 = (F[0]*points[pt+2]+F[3]*points[pt+3]+F[6])*(ec[1]-ec[2]*points[pt+1]); |
int num_pts_behind = 0; |
for (int i = 1; i < sample_size_; i++) { |
pt = 4 * sample[i]; |
// if signum of the first point and tested point differs
// then two points are on different sides of the camera.
if (sign1*(F[0]*points[pt+2]+F[3]*points[pt+3]+F[6])*(ec[1]-ec[2]*points[pt+1])<0) |
// if 3 points are behind the camera for non-minimal sample then model is
// not valid. Testing by one point as in case for minimal sample is not very
// precise. The number 3 was chosen experimentally.
if (min_sample_size == sample_size_ || ++num_pts_behind >= 3) |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override { |
return makePtr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat, min_sample_size); |
} |
}; |
void EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy::recoverRank (Mat &model) { |
* Do singular value decomposition. |
* Make last eigen value zero of diagonal matrix of singular values. |
*/ |
Matx33d U, Vt; |
Vec3d w; |
SVD::compute(model, w, U, Vt, SVD::FULL_UV + SVD::MODIFY_A); |
model = Mat(U * Matx33d(w(0), 0, 0, 0, w(1), 0, 0, 0, 0) * Vt); |
} |
Ptr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy> EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_, |
int sample_size_) { |
return makePtr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl>(points_, sample_size_); |
} |
class HomographyDegeneracyImpl : public HomographyDegeneracy { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit HomographyDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points ((float *) {} |
inline bool isSampleGood (const std::vector<int> &sample) const override { |
const int smpl1 = 4*sample[0], smpl2 = 4*sample[1], smpl3 = 4*sample[2], smpl4 = 4*sample[3]; |
// planar correspondences must lie on the same side of any line from two points in sample
const float x1 = points[smpl1], y1 = points[smpl1+1], X1 = points[smpl1+2], Y1 = points[smpl1+3]; |
const float x2 = points[smpl2], y2 = points[smpl2+1], X2 = points[smpl2+2], Y2 = points[smpl2+3]; |
const float x3 = points[smpl3], y3 = points[smpl3+1], X3 = points[smpl3+2], Y3 = points[smpl3+3]; |
const float x4 = points[smpl4], y4 = points[smpl4+1], X4 = points[smpl4+2], Y4 = points[smpl4+3]; |
// line from points 1 and 2
const float ab_cross_x = y1 - y2, ab_cross_y = x2 - x1, ab_cross_z = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2; |
const float AB_cross_x = Y1 - Y2, AB_cross_y = X2 - X1, AB_cross_z = X1 * Y2 - Y1 * X2; |
// check if points 3 and 4 are on the same side of line ab on both images
if ((ab_cross_x * x3 + ab_cross_y * y3 + ab_cross_z) * |
(AB_cross_x * X3 + AB_cross_y * Y3 + AB_cross_z) < 0) |
return false; |
if ((ab_cross_x * x4 + ab_cross_y * y4 + ab_cross_z) * |
(AB_cross_x * X4 + AB_cross_y * Y4 + AB_cross_z) < 0) |
return false; |
// line from points 3 and 4
const float cd_cross_x = y3 - y4, cd_cross_y = x4 - x3, cd_cross_z = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4; |
const float CD_cross_x = Y3 - Y4, CD_cross_y = X4 - X3, CD_cross_z = X3 * Y4 - Y3 * X4; |
// check if points 1 and 2 are on the same side of line cd on both images
if ((cd_cross_x * x1 + cd_cross_y * y1 + cd_cross_z) * |
(CD_cross_x * X1 + CD_cross_y * Y1 + CD_cross_z) < 0) |
return false; |
if ((cd_cross_x * x2 + cd_cross_y * y2 + cd_cross_z) * |
(CD_cross_x * X2 + CD_cross_y * Y2 + CD_cross_z) < 0) |
return false; |
// Checks if points are not collinear
// If area of triangle constructed with 3 points is less then threshold then points are collinear:
// |x1 y1 1| |x1 y1 1|
// (1/2) det |x2 y2 1| = (1/2) det |x2-x1 y2-y1 0| = (1/2) det |x2-x1 y2-y1| < threshold
// |x3 y3 1| |x3-x1 y3-y1 0| |x3-x1 y3-y1|
// for points on the first image
if (fabsf((x2-x1) * (y3-y1) - (y2-y1) * (x3-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,3
if (fabsf((x2-x1) * (y4-y1) - (y2-y1) * (x4-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,4
if (fabsf((x3-x1) * (y4-y1) - (y3-y1) * (x4-x1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,3,4
if (fabsf((x3-x2) * (y4-y2) - (y3-y2) * (x4-x2)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //2,3,4
// for points on the second image
if (fabsf((X2-X1) * (Y3-Y1) - (Y2-Y1) * (X3-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,3
if (fabsf((X2-X1) * (Y4-Y1) - (Y2-Y1) * (X4-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,2,4
if (fabsf((X3-X1) * (Y4-Y1) - (Y3-Y1) * (X4-X1)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //1,3,4
if (fabsf((X3-X2) * (Y4-Y2) - (Y3-Y2) * (X4-X2)) * 0.5 < FLT_EPSILON) return false; //2,3,4
return true; |
} |
Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override { |
return makePtr<HomographyDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<HomographyDegeneracy> HomographyDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<HomographyDegeneracyImpl>(points_); |
} |
///////////////////////////////// Fundamental Matrix Degeneracy ///////////////////////////////////
class FundamentalDegeneracyImpl : public FundamentalDegeneracy { |
private: |
RNG rng; |
const Ptr<Quality> quality; |
const float * const points; |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const Ptr<ReprojectionErrorForward> h_reproj_error; |
const EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl ep_deg; |
// threshold to find inliers for homography model
const double homography_threshold, log_conf = log(0.05); |
// points (1-7) to verify in sample
std::vector<std::vector<int>> h_sample {{0,1,2},{3,4,5},{0,1,6},{3,4,6},{2,5,6}}; |
const int points_size, sample_size; |
public: |
FundamentalDegeneracyImpl (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Mat &points_, |
int sample_size_, double homography_threshold_) : |
rng (state), quality(quality_), points((float *), points_mat(&points_), |
h_reproj_error(ReprojectionErrorForward::create(points_)), |
ep_deg (points_, sample_size_), homography_threshold (homography_threshold_), |
points_size (quality_->getPointsSize()), sample_size (sample_size_) { |
if (sample_size_ == 8) { |
// add more homography samples to test for 8-points F
h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{0, 1, 7}); |
h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{0, 2, 7}); |
h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{3, 5, 7}); |
h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{3, 6, 7}); |
h_sample.emplace_back(std::vector<int>{2, 4, 7}); |
} |
} |
inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override { |
return ep_deg.isModelValid(F, sample); |
} |
inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &F, const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size_) const override { |
return ep_deg.isModelValid(F, sample, sample_size_); |
} |
bool recoverIfDegenerate (const std::vector<int> &sample, const Mat &F_best, |
Mat &non_degenerate_model, Score &non_degenerate_model_score) override { |
non_degenerate_model_score = Score(); // set worst case
// According to Two-view Geometry Estimation Unaffected by a Dominant Plane
// (
// only 5 homographies enough to test
// triplets {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {1,2,7}, {4,5,7} and {3,6,7}
// H = A - e' (M^-1 b)^T
// A = [e']_x F
// b_i = (x′i × (A xi))^T (x′i × e′)‖x′i×e′‖^−2,
// M is a 3×3 matrix with rows x^T_i
// epipole e' is left nullspace of F s.t. e′^T F=0,
// find e', null space of F^T
Vec3d e_prime = F_best.col(0).cross(F_best.col(2)); |
if (fabs(e_prime(0)) < 1e-10 && fabs(e_prime(1)) < 1e-10 && |
fabs(e_prime(2)) < 1e-10) // if e' is zero
e_prime = F_best.col(1).cross(F_best.col(2)); |
const Matx33d A = Math::getSkewSymmetric(e_prime) * Matx33d(F_best); |
Vec3d xi_prime(0,0,1), xi(0,0,1), b; |
Matx33d M(0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1); // last column of M is 1
bool is_model_degenerate = false; |
for (const auto &h_i : h_sample) { // only 5 samples
for (int pt_i = 0; pt_i < 3; pt_i++) { |
// find b and M
const int smpl = 4*sample[h_i[pt_i]]; |
xi[0] = points[smpl]; |
xi[1] = points[smpl+1]; |
xi_prime[0] = points[smpl+2]; |
xi_prime[1] = points[smpl+3]; |
// (x′i × e')
const Vec3d xprime_X_eprime = xi_prime.cross(e_prime); |
// (x′i × (A xi))
const Vec3d xprime_X_Ax = xi_prime.cross(A * xi); |
// x′i × (A xi))^T (x′i × e′) / ‖x′i×e′‖^2,
b[pt_i] = / |
std::pow(norm(xprime_X_eprime), 2); |
// M from x^T
M(pt_i, 0) = xi[0]; |
M(pt_i, 1) = xi[1]; |
} |
// compute H
const Matx33d H = A - e_prime * (M.inv() * b).t(); |
int inliers_on_plane = 0; |
h_reproj_error->setModelParameters(Mat(H)); |
// find inliers from sample, points related to H, x' ~ Hx
for (int s = 0; s < sample_size; s++) |
if (h_reproj_error->getError(sample[s]) < homography_threshold) |
inliers_on_plane++; |
// if there are at least 5 points lying on plane then F is degenerate
if (inliers_on_plane >= 5) { |
is_model_degenerate = true; |
Mat newF; |
const Score newF_score = planeAndParallaxRANSAC(H, newF); |
if (newF_score.isBetter(non_degenerate_model_score)) { |
// store non degenerate model
non_degenerate_model_score = newF_score; |
newF.copyTo(non_degenerate_model); |
} |
} |
} |
return is_model_degenerate; |
} |
Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int state) const override { |
return makePtr<FundamentalDegeneracyImpl>(state, quality->clone(), *points_mat, |
sample_size, homography_threshold); |
} |
private: |
// RANSAC with plane-and-parallax to find new Fundamental matrix
Score planeAndParallaxRANSAC (const Matx33d &H, Mat &best_F) { |
int max_iters = 100; // with 95% confidence assume at least 17% of inliers
Score best_score; |
for (int iters = 0; iters < max_iters; iters++) { |
// draw two random points
int h_outlier1 = rng.uniform(0, points_size); |
int h_outlier2 = rng.uniform(0, points_size); |
while (h_outlier1 == h_outlier2) |
h_outlier2 = rng.uniform(0, points_size); |
// find outliers of homography H
if (h_reproj_error->getError(h_outlier1) > homography_threshold && |
h_reproj_error->getError(h_outlier2) > homography_threshold) { |
// do plane and parallax with outliers of H
const Vec3d pt1 (points[4*h_outlier1], points[4*h_outlier1+1], 1); |
const Vec3d pt2 (points[4*h_outlier2], points[4*h_outlier2+1], 1); |
const Vec3d pt1_prime (points[4*h_outlier1+2],points[4*h_outlier1+3],1); |
const Vec3d pt2_prime (points[4*h_outlier2+2],points[4*h_outlier2+3],1); |
// F = [(p1' x Hp1) x (p2' x Hp2)]_x H
const Matx33d F = Math::getSkewSymmetric((pt1_prime.cross(H * pt1)).cross |
(pt2_prime.cross(H * pt2))) * H; |
const Score score = quality->getScore(Mat(F)); |
if (score.isBetter(best_score)) { |
best_score = score; |
best_F = Mat(F); |
const double predicted_iters = log_conf / log(1 - std::pow |
(static_cast<double>(score.inlier_number) / points_size, 2)); |
if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < max_iters) |
max_iters = static_cast<int>(predicted_iters); |
} |
} |
} |
return best_score; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<FundamentalDegeneracy> FundamentalDegeneracy::create (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Mat &points_, int sample_size_, double homography_threshold_) { |
return makePtr<FundamentalDegeneracyImpl>(state, quality_, points_, sample_size_, |
homography_threshold_); |
} |
class EssentialDegeneracyImpl : public EssentialDegeneracy { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const int sample_size; |
const EpipolarGeometryDegeneracyImpl ep_deg; |
public: |
explicit EssentialDegeneracyImpl (const Mat &points, int sample_size_) : |
points_mat(&points), sample_size(sample_size_), ep_deg (points, sample_size_) {} |
inline bool isModelValid(const Mat &E, const std::vector<int> &sample) const override { |
return ep_deg.isModelValid(E, sample); |
} |
Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const override { |
return makePtr<EssentialDegeneracyImpl>(*points_mat, sample_size); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<EssentialDegeneracy> EssentialDegeneracy::create (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_) { |
return makePtr<EssentialDegeneracyImpl>(points_, sample_size_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,877 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2019 Czech Technical University.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of Czech Technical University nor the
// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// Please contact the author of this library if you have any questions.
// Author: Daniel Barath (
// Modification: Maksym Ivashechkin (
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#if defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
#include <Eigen/Eigen> |
#elif defined(HAVE_LAPACK) |
#include "opencv_lapack.h" |
#endif |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
// This is the estimator class for estimating a homography matrix between two images. A model estimation method and error calculation method are implemented
class DLSPnPImpl : public DLSPnP { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat, * calib_norm_points_mat, * K_mat; |
#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
const Mat &K; |
const float * const calib_norm_points, * const points; |
#endif |
public: |
explicit DLSPnPImpl (const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_points_, const Mat &K_) : |
points_mat(&points_), calib_norm_points_mat(&calib_norm_points_), K_mat (&K_) |
#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
, K(K_), calib_norm_points((float*), points((float*) |
#endif |
{} |
// return minimal sample size required for non-minimal estimation.
int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const override { return 3; } |
// return maximum number of possible solutions.
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 27; } |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<DLSPnPImpl>(*points_mat, *calib_norm_points_mat, *K_mat); |
} |
#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
int estimate(const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_number, |
std::vector<Mat> &models_, const std::vector<double> &/*weights_*/) const override { |
if (sample_number < getMinimumRequiredSampleSize()) |
return 0; |
// Estimate the model parameters from the given point sample
// using weighted fitting if possible.
// Holds the normalized feature positions cross multiplied with itself
// i.e. n * n^t. This value is used multiple times so it is efficient to
// pre-compute it.
std::vector<Matx33d> normalized_feature_cross(sample_number); |
std::vector<Vec3d> world_points(sample_number); |
const Matx33d eye = Matx33d::eye(); |
// The bottom-right symmetric block matrix of inverse(A^T * A). Matrix H from
// Eq. 25 in the Appendix of the DLS paper.
Matx33d h_inverse = sample_number * eye; |
// Compute V*W*b with the rotation parameters factored out. This is the
// translation parameterized by the 9 entries of the rotation matrix.
Matx<double, 3, 9> translation_factor = Matx<double, 3, 9>::zeros(); |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_number; i++) { |
const int idx_world = 5 * sample[i], idx_calib = 3 * sample[i]; |
Vec3d normalized_feature_pos(calib_norm_points[idx_calib], |
calib_norm_points[idx_calib+1], |
calib_norm_points[idx_calib+2]); |
normalized_feature_cross[i] = normalized_feature_pos * normalized_feature_pos.t(); |
world_points[i] = Vec3d(points[idx_world + 2], points[idx_world + 3], points[idx_world + 4]); |
h_inverse -= normalized_feature_cross[i]; |
translation_factor += (normalized_feature_cross[i] - eye) * leftMultiplyMatrix(world_points[i]); |
} |
const Matx33d h_matrix = h_inverse.inv(); |
translation_factor = h_matrix * translation_factor; |
// Compute the cost function J' of Eq. 17 in DLS paper. This is a factorized
// version where the rotation matrix parameters have been pulled out. The
// entries to this equation are the coefficients to the cost function which is
// a quartic in the rotation parameters.
Matx<double, 9, 9> ls_cost_coefficients = Matx<double, 9, 9>::zeros(); |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_number; i++) |
ls_cost_coefficients += |
(leftMultiplyMatrix(world_points[i]) + translation_factor).t() * |
(eye - normalized_feature_cross[i]) * |
(leftMultiplyMatrix(world_points[i]) + translation_factor); |
// Extract the coefficients of the jacobian (Eq. 18) from the
// ls_cost_coefficients matrix. The jacobian represent 3 monomials in the
// rotation parameters. Each entry of the jacobian will be 0 at the roots of
// the polynomial, so we can arrange a system of polynomials from these
// equations.
double f1_coeff[20], f2_coeff[20], f3_coeff[20]; |
extractJacobianCoefficients(ls_cost_coefficients.val, f1_coeff, f2_coeff, f3_coeff); |
// We create one equation with random terms that is generally non-zero at the
// roots of our system.
RNG rng; |
const double macaulay_term[4] = { 100 * rng.uniform(-1.,1.), 100 * rng.uniform(-1.,1.), |
100 * rng.uniform(-1.,1.), 100 * rng.uniform(-1.,1.) }; |
// Create Macaulay matrix that will be used to solve our polynonomial system.
Mat macaulay_matrix = Mat_<double>::zeros(120, 120); |
createMacaulayMatrix(f1_coeff, f2_coeff, f3_coeff, macaulay_term, (double*); |
// Via the Schur complement trick, the top-left of the Macaulay matrix
// contains a multiplication matrix whose eigenvectors correspond to solutions
// to our system of equations.
Mat sol; |
if (!solve(macaulay_matrix.colRange(27, 120).rowRange(27, 120), |
macaulay_matrix.colRange(0 , 27).rowRange(27, 120), sol, DECOMP_LU)) |
return 0; |
const Mat solution_polynomial = macaulay_matrix.colRange(0,27).rowRange(0,27) - |
(macaulay_matrix.colRange(27,120).rowRange(0,27) * sol); |
// Extract eigenvectors of the solution polynomial to obtain the roots which
// are contained in the entries of the eigenvectors.
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 27, 27>> sol_poly((double*); |
const Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> eigen_solver(sol_poly); |
const auto &eigen_vectors = eigen_solver.eigenvectors(); |
const auto &eigen_values = eigen_solver.eigenvalues(); |
#else |
int mat_order = 27, info, lda = 27, ldvl = 1, ldvr = 27, lwork = 500; |
double wr[27], wi[27] = {0}; // 27 = mat_order
std::vector<double> work(lwork), eig_vecs(729); |
char jobvl = 'N', jobvr = 'V'; // only left eigen vectors are computed
dgeev_(&jobvl, &jobvr, &mat_order, (double*), &lda, wr, wi, nullptr, &ldvl, |
&eig_vecs[0], &ldvr, &work[0], &lwork, &info); |
if (info != 0) return 0; |
#endif |
models_ = std::vector<Mat>(); models_.reserve(3); |
const int max_pts_to_eval = std::min(sample_number, 100); |
std::vector<int> pts_random_shuffle(sample_number); |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_number; i++) |
pts_random_shuffle[i] = i; |
randShuffle(pts_random_shuffle); |
for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { |
// If the rotation solutions are real, treat this as a valid candidate
// rotation.
// The first entry of the eigenvector should equal 1 according to our
// polynomial, so we must divide each solution by the first entry.
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
if (eigen_values(i).imag() != 0) |
continue; |
const double eigen_vec_1i = 1 / eigen_vectors(0, i).real(); |
const double s1 = eigen_vectors(9, i).real() * eigen_vec_1i, |
s2 = eigen_vectors(3, i).real() * eigen_vec_1i, |
s3 = eigen_vectors(1, i).real() * eigen_vec_1i; |
#else |
if (wi[i] != 0) |
continue; |
const double eigen_vec_1i = 1 / eig_vecs[mat_order*i]; |
const double s1 = eig_vecs[mat_order*i+9] * eigen_vec_1i, |
s2 = eig_vecs[mat_order*i+3] * eigen_vec_1i, |
s3 = eig_vecs[mat_order*i+1] * eigen_vec_1i; |
#endif |
// Compute the rotation (which is the transpose rotation of our solution)
// and translation.
const double qi = s1, qi2 = qi*qi, qj = s2, qj2 = qj*qj, qk = s3, qk2 = qk*qk; |
const double s = 1 / (1 + qi2 + qj2 + qk2); |
const Matx33d rot_mat (1-2*s*(qj2+qk2), 2*s*(qi*qj+qk), 2*s*(qi*qk-qj), |
2*s*(qi*qj-qk), 1-2*s*(qi2+qk2), 2*s*(qj*qk+qi), |
2*s*(qi*qk+qj), 2*s*(qj*qk-qi), 1-2*s*(qi2+qj2)); |
const Matx31d soln_translation = translation_factor * rot_mat.reshape<9,1>(); |
// Check that all points are in front of the camera. Discard the solution
// if this is not the case.
bool all_points_in_front_of_camera = true; |
const Vec3d r3 (rot_mat(2,0),rot_mat(2,1),rot_mat(2,2)); |
const double z = soln_translation(2); |
for (int pt = 0; pt < max_pts_to_eval; pt++) { |
if ([pts_random_shuffle[pt]]) + z < 0) { |
all_points_in_front_of_camera = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (all_points_in_front_of_camera) { |
Mat model; |
// hconcat(rot_mat, soln_translation, model);
hconcat(Math::rotVec2RotMat(Math::rotMat2RotVec(rot_mat)), soln_translation, model); |
models_.emplace_back(K * model); |
} |
} |
return static_cast<int>(models_.size()); |
#else |
int estimate(const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/, int /*sample_number*/, |
std::vector<Mat> &/*models_*/, const std::vector<double> &/*weights_*/) const override { |
return 0; |
#endif |
} |
protected: |
#if defined(HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
const int indices[1968] = { |
0, 35, 83, 118, 120, 121, 154, 155, 174, 203, 219, 238, 241, 242, 274, 275, |
291, 294, 305, 323, 329, 339, 358, 360, 363, 395, 409, 436, 443, 478, 479, |
481, 483, 484, 514, 515, 523, 529, 534, 551, 556, 563, 579, 580, 598, 599, |
602, 604, 605, 634, 635, 641, 643, 649, 651, 654, 662, 665, 671, 676, 683, |
689, 699, 700, 711, 718, 719, 723, 726, 750, 755, 769, 795, 796, 803, 827, |
838, 839, 844, 846, 847, 870, 874, 875, 883, 885, 889, 894, 903, 911, 915, |
916, 923, 939, 940, 947, 952, 958, 959, 965, 967, 968, 990, 994, 1001, 1003, |
1005, 1006, 1009, 1011, 1014, 1022, 1023, 1025, 1026, 1031, 1035, 1036, |
1049, 1059, 1060, 1062, 1067, 1071, 1072, 1079, 1080, 1089, 1115, 1116, |
1163, 1164, 1168, 1198, 1201, 1209, 1210, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1254, |
1259, 1283, 1284, 1288, 1299, 1317, 1318, 1322, 1330, 1331, 1348, 1353, |
1354, 1355, 1356, 1371, 1374, 1377, 1379, 1385, 1403, 1404, 1408, 1409, |
1419, 1434, 1437, 1438, 1443, 1449, 1452, 1475, 1476, 1479, 1489, 1516, |
1519, 1523, 1524, 1528, 1536, 1558, 1559, 1564, 1570, 1572, 1573, 1593, |
1594, 1595, 1596, 1599, 1603, 1607, 1609, 1614, 1619, 1620, 1631, 1636, |
1639, 1643, 1644, 1648, 1650, 1656, 1659, 1660, 1677, 1678, 1679, 1685, |
1691, 1693, 1694, 1708, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1719, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1727, |
1729, 1731, 1734, 1736, 1737, 1739, 1740, 1742, 1745, 1751, 1756, 1759, |
1764, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1776, 1779, 1780, 1786, 1791, 1794, 1797, 1799, |
1806, 1812, 1815, 1829, 1830, 1835, 1836, 1839, 1849, 1874, 1875, 1876, |
1879, 1883, 1884, 1888, 1894, 1896, 1907, 1918, 1919, 1927, 1933, 1935, |
1936, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1969, |
1974, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004, 2008, |
2010, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2027, 2032, 2037, 2039, 2048, 2054, |
2056, 2057, 2068, 2069, 2070, 2073, 2079, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085, |
2086, 2087, 2091, 2096, 2097, 2099, 2100, 2102, 2103, 2105, 2106, 2108, |
2111, 2114, 2115, 2119, 2129, 2130, 2134, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, 2146, |
2147, 2151, 2152, 2154, 2157, 2169, 2178, 2195, 2196, 2213, 2242, 2243, |
2244, 2247, 2248, 2278, 2290, 2298, 2299, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315, 2316, |
2333, 2334, 2339, 2341, 2362, 2363, 2364, 2367, 2368, 2379, 2396, 2397, |
2398, 2411, 2419, 2420, 2427, 2428, 2432, 2433, 2434, 2436, 2451, 2453, |
2454, 2455, 2457, 2459, 2461, 2465, 2482, 2484, 2487, 2488, 2489, 2499, |
2513, 2514, 2516, 2517, 2532, 2538, 2541, 2555, 2556, 2558, 2559, 2569, |
2573, 2596, 2598, 2599, 2602, 2603, 2604, 2607, 2608, 2612, 2616, 2638, |
2639, 2653, 2659, 2661, 2662, 2672, 2673, 2674, 2676, 2678, 2679, 2680, |
2683, 2687, 2689, 2693, 2694, 2699, 2700, 2701, 2711, 2712, 2716, 2718, |
2719, 2722, 2724, 2727, 2728, 2730, 2732, 2735, 2736, 2739, 2740, 2756, |
2757, 2759, 2774, 2780, 2782, 2783, 2787, 2788, 2792, 2793, 2798, 2799, |
2800, 2801, 2802, 2803, 2807, 2811, 2813, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2820, |
2821, 2822, 2825, 2831, 2832, 2838, 2839, 2842, 2847, 2849, 2850, 2852, |
2855, 2856, 2860, 2866, 2871, 2873, 2874, 2876, 2877, 2895, 2901, 2904, |
2909, 2910, 2916, 2918, 2919, 2929, 2932, 2933, 2953, 2954, 2955, 2956, |
2958, 2959, 2962, 2964, 2967, 2968, 2972, 2973, 2974, 2976, 2987, 2999, |
3016, 3022, 3024, 3025, 3029, 3030, 3032, 3033, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3043, |
3044, 3045, 3047, 3052, 3053, 3059, 3060, 3061, 3063, 3068, 3071, 3072, |
3073, 3074, 3075, 3078, 3079, 3082, 3087, 3090, 3092, 3093, 3094, 3095, |
3096, 3097, 3100, 3107, 3112, 3116, 3117, 3137, 3143, 3145, 3146, 3147, |
3148, 3149, 3152, 3158, 3160, 3161, 3162, 3164, 3165, 3166, 3167, 3172, |
3175, 3176, 3177, 3180, 3181, 3182, 3183, 3186, 3188, 3192, 3193, 3194, |
3198, 3210, 3212, 3213, 3214, 3215, 3217, 3222, 3226, 3231, 3232, 3233, |
3234, 3236, 3255, 3269, 3270, 3276, 3279, 3289, 3309, 3310, 3314, 3315, |
3316, 3319, 3324, 3328, 3331, 3334, 3336, 3347, 3350, 3359, 3366, 3390, |
3395, 3409, 3429, 3435, 3436, 3443, 3467, 3470, 3478, 3479, 3504, 3509, |
3510, 3518, 3519, 3532, 3533, 3549, 3550, 3553, 3554, 3555, 3558, 3559, |
3562, 3567, 3571, 3572, 3573, 3574, 3576, 3587, 3590, 3637, 3648, 3652, |
3670, 3673, 3677, 3681, 3685, 3691, 3693, 3698, 3749, 3757, 3758, 3770, |
3772, 3789, 3790, 3793, 3794, 3797, 3798, 3800, 3806, 3811, 3812, 3813, |
3814, 3818, 3830, 3888, 3890, 3893, 3920, 3921, 3922, 3925, 3926, 3927, |
3989, 3990, 3999, 4024, 4029, 4030, 4034, 4035, 4039, 4051, 4054, 4056, |
4063, 4067, 4070, 4109, 4118, 4132, 4144, 4149, 4150, 4153, 4154, 4158, |
4171, 4172, 4173, 4174, 4183, 4190, 4237, 4252, 4264, 4270, 4273, 4277, |
4291, 4293, 4298, 4303, 4325, 4354, 4361, 4363, 4369, 4371, 4374, 4382, |
4385, 4391, 4396, 4409, 4419, 4420, 4421, 4429, 4431, 4439, 4442, 4474, |
4475, 4491, 4494, 4505, 4523, 4529, 4539, 4549, 4558, 4590, 4609, 4624, |
4629, 4635, 4636, 4663, 4667, 4670, 4679, 4708, 4713, 4731, 4737, 4739, |
4745, 4769, 4785, 4788, 4789, 4794, 4797, 4827, 4828, 4832, 4855, 4857, |
4861, 4905, 4908, 4909, 4913, 4914, 4916, 4950, 4984, 4989, 4995, 5023, |
5027, 5030, 5067, 5071, 5095, 5098, 5145, 5148, 5153, 5155, 5189, 5224, |
5229, 5230, 5234, 5251, 5254, 5263, 5270, 5308, 5337, 5385, 5388, 5389, |
5394, 5427, 5455, 5505, 5508, 5513, 5572, 5584, 5590, 5593, 5611, 5613, |
5623, 5680, 5684, 5692, 5704, 5707, 5708, 5710, 5712, 5713, 5731, 5733, |
5735, 5737, 5743, 5744, 5790, 5803, 5805, 5823, 5824, 5827, 5829, 5831, |
5835, 5860, 5863, 5864, 5867, 5870, 5872, 5921, 5925, 5926, 5942, 5943, |
5946, 5981, 5982, 5985, 5989, 5991, 5992, 6041, 6062, 6101, 6105, 6109, |
6111, 6184, 6190, 6211, 6223, 6281, 6285, 6286, 6302, 6303, 6306, 6307, |
6309, 6341, 6342, 6344, 6349, 6350, 6351, 6352, 6424, 6429, 6463, 6470, |
6585, 6589, 6644, 6664, 6667, 6668, 6670, 6691, 6697, 6703, 6704, 6825, |
6828, 6904, 6907, 6943, 6944, 7006, 7024, 7026, 7027, 7062, 7063, 7064, |
7088, 7110, 7121, 7123, 7125, 7126, 7131, 7142, 7143, 7145, 7146, 7151, |
7155, 7169, 7180, 7181, 7182, 7187, 7189, 7191, 7192, 7208, 7230, 7241, |
7243, 7245, 7246, 7251, 7262, 7263, 7265, 7266, 7267, 7269, 7271, 7275, |
7289, 7300, 7302, 7304, 7307, 7310, 7311, 7312, 7362, 7376, 7421, 7425, |
7426, 7428, 7504, 7543, 7665, 7726, 7746, 7747, 7781, 7782, 7784, 7785, |
7846, 7864, 7866, 7867, 7901, 7902, 7903, 7904, 7966, 7986, 8021, 8022, |
8025, 8141, 8145, 8201, 8203, 8211, 8222, 8225, 8231, 8249, 8260, 8261, |
8265, 8269, 8271, 8317, 8328, 8332, 8353, 8357, 8361, 8365, 8373, 8378, |
8420, 8427, 8428, 8431, 8432, 8433, 8450, 8451, 8453, 8455, 8457, 8458, |
8459, 8461, 8465, 8480, 8482, 8486, 8487, 8489, 8513, 8514, 8515, 8516, |
8517, 8565, 8583, 8584, 8587, 8589, 8623, 8624, 8630, 8632, 8681, 8685, |
8686, 8702, 8703, 8704, 8706, 8707, 8709, 8742, 8743, 8744, 8750, 8751, |
8752, 8808, 8810, 8840, 8841, 8845, 8846, 8905, 8909, 8912, 8918, 8920, |
8924, 8925, 8927, 8932, 8940, 8941, 8943, 8947, 8948, 8949, 8950, 8952, |
8953, 8954, 8958, 8970, 8971, 8972, 8973, 8974, 8975, 8977, 8984, 8990, |
8992, 8996, 9021, 9036, 9037, 9038, 9039, 9049, 9050, 9053, 9076, 9077, |
9078, 9079, 9080, 9082, 9084, 9086, 9087, 9088, 9092, 9096, 9098, 9119, |
9168, 9201, 9205, 9274, 9291, 9294, 9305, 9329, 9339, 9345, 9349, 9387, |
9391, 9397, 9400, 9402, 9415, 9416, 9418, 9432, 9437, 9455, 9458, 9461, |
9466, 9468, 9473, 9475, 9522, 9524, 9526, 9536, 9546, 9548, 9577, 9581, |
9582, 9585, 9586, 9588, 9614, 9628, 9633, 9639, 9641, 9642, 9643, 9647, |
9651, 9656, 9657, 9659, 9660, 9662, 9665, 9671, 9679, 9689, 9690, 9696, |
9700, 9701, 9706, 9708, 9709, 9711, 9714, 9717, 9751, 9752, 9757, 9758, |
9760, 9767, 9768, 9770, 9778, 9780, 9781, 9792, 9797, 9798, 9800, 9801, |
9805, 9806, 9810, 9812, 9815, 9818, 9835, 9836, 9869, 9884, 9885, 9887, |
9900, 9903, 9904, 9907, 9908, 9909, 9910, 9914, 9930, 9931, 9934, 9937, |
9943, 9944, 9950, 9952, 9986, 9987, 9991, 9997, 10000, 10002, 10004, 10006, |
10012, 10015, 10016, 10018, 10026, 10028, 10032, 10033, 10037, 10053, 10055, |
10057, 10058, 10062, 10066, 10073, 10075, 10096, 10109, 10110, 10113, 10119, |
10123, 10124, 10125, 10127, 10139, 10140, 10143, 10147, 10148, 10149, 10150, |
10151, 10154, 10155, 10159, 10170, 10171, 10174, 10176, 10177, 10180, 10184, |
10187, 10190, 10192, 10197, 10225, 10229, 10231, 10232, 10237, 10238, 10240, |
10244, 10245, 10247, 10250, 10252, 10258, 10260, 10261, 10263, 10268, 10272, |
10273, 10274, 10277, 10278, 10280, 10286, 10290, 10292, 10293, 10294, 10295, |
10297, 10298, 10312, 10315, 10316, 10351, 10357, 10360, 10364, 10368, 10372, |
10378, 10388, 10392, 10393, 10397, 10401, 10405, 10413, 10415, 10417, 10418, |
10435, 10462, 10471, 10472, 10473, 10477, 10478, 10479, 10480, 10483, 10487, |
10490, 10493, 10498, 10499, 10500, 10501, 10511, 10512, 10517, 10518, 10519, |
10520, 10522, 10526, 10527, 10530, 10532, 10535, 10536, 10538, 10540, 10555, |
10556, 10557, 10587, 10591, 10597, 10600, 10602, 10608, 10615, 10616, 10618, |
10632, 10637, 10641, 10645, 10655, 10658, 10666, 10673, 10675, 10711, 10717, |
10720, 10724, 10732, 10738, 10747, 10748, 10750, 10752, 10753, 10757, 10771, |
10773, 10775, 10777, 10778, 10784, 10795, 10827, 10840, 10842, 10855, 10856, |
10872, 10895, 10901, 10905, 10906, 10908, 10913, 10943, 10947, 10948, 10951, |
10952, 10957, 10958, 10960, 10961, 10962, 10967, 10970, 10975, 10976, 10977, |
10978, 10980, 10981, 10982, 10992, 10997, 10998, 11000, 11006, 11010, 11012, |
11015, 11018, 11026, 11031, 11033, 11034, 11035, 11036, 11057, 11068, 11069, |
11081, 11082, 11084, 11085, 11086, 11087, 11096, 11097, 11100, 11102, 11103, |
11106, 11108, 11114, 11130, 11134, 11137, 11141, 11142, 11146, 11148, 11149, |
11151, 11152, 11154, 11177, 11188, 11189, 11201, 11202, 11204, 11205, 11206, |
11207, 11216, 11217, 11220, 11222, 11223, 11226, 11227, 11228, 11229, 11230, |
11234, 11250, 11251, 11254, 11257, 11262, 11264, 11266, 11270, 11271, 11272, |
11274, 11311, 11317, 11320, 11328, 11338, 11352, 11357, 11361, 11365, 11375, |
11378, 11395, 11426, 11427, 11440, 11442, 11444, 11446, 11452, 11455, 11456, |
11466, 11468, 11472, 11473, 11493, 11495, 11497, 11501, 11502, 11506, 11508, |
11513, 11543, 11547, 11548, 11552, 11558, 11560, 11561, 11562, 11567, 11575, |
11576, 11577, 11580, 11581, 11582, 11592, 11598, 11610, 11612, 11615, 11621, |
11626, 11628, 11629, 11631, 11633, 11634, 11636, 11682, 11684, 11686, 11696, |
11706, 11707, 11708, 11710, 11731, 11737, 11741, 11742, 11744, 11746, 11748, |
11788, 11801, 11802, 11807, 11816, 11817, 11820, 11822, 11850, 11861, 11865, |
11866, 11868, 11869, 11871, 11874, 11922, 11924, 11926, 11936, 11944, 11946, |
11947, 11948, 11950, 11971, 11977, 11982, 11983, 11984, 11986, 12051, 12065, |
12089, 12105, 12109, 12157, 12158, 12159, 12168, 12170, 12173, 12197, 12198, |
12199, 12200, 12201, 12202, 12205, 12206, 12207, 12212, 12216, 12218, 12277, |
12278, 12288, 12290, 12317, 12318, 12320, 12321, 12325, 12326, 12332, 12338, |
12397, 12408, 12437, 12441, 12445, 12458, 12491, 12508, 12513, 12514, 12516, |
12531, 12534, 12537, 12539, 12545, 12564, 12568, 12569, 12579, 12588, 12589, |
12594, 12597, 12620, 12627, 12628, 12632, 12633, 12651, 12653, 12655, 12657, |
12659, 12661, 12665, 12682, 12687, 12689, 12708, 12709, 12713, 12714, 12716, |
12717, 12747, 12748, 12751, 12752, 12770, 12775, 12777, 12778, 12781, 12800, |
12806, 12828, 12829, 12833, 12834, 12835, 12836, 12867, 12871, 12888, 12895, |
12898, 12921, 12925, 12948, 12953, 12955, 12996, 13008, 13010, 13013, 13040, |
13041, 13042, 13044, 13045, 13046, 13047, 13048, 13106, 13107, 13120, 13122, |
13124, 13126, 13132, 13135, 13136, 13146, 13147, 13148, 13150, 13152, 13153, |
13171, 13173, 13175, 13177, 13182, 13184, 13186, 13193, 13207, 13230, 13234, |
13243, 13245, 13249, 13254, 13263, 13267, 13269, 13271, 13275, 13276, 13299, |
13300, 13304, 13307, 13310, 13312, 13319, 13338, 13355, 13356, 13370, 13373, |
13400, 13402, 13403, 13404, 13406, 13407, 13408, 13438, 13459, 13471, 13472, |
13473, 13474, 13476, 13490, 13493, 13494, 13498, 13499, 13501, 13520, 13522, |
13524, 13526, 13527, 13528, 13539, 13555, 13556, 13557, 13591, 13592, 13593, |
13608, 13610, 13613, 13618, 13619, 13621, 13640, 13641, 13642, 13645, 13646, |
13647, 13675, 13676, 13677, 13711, 13712, 13728, 13730, 13738, 13741, 13760, |
13761, 13765, 13766, 13795, 13796, 13831, 13848, 13858, 13881, 13885, 13915, |
13944, 13949, 13950, 13957, 13958, 13959, 13970, 13972, 13973, 13993, 13994, |
13995, 13997, 13998, 13999, 14000, 14002, 14006, 14007, 14012, 14013, 14014, |
14016, 14018, 14027, 14069, 14077, 14078, 14088, 14090, 14092, 14113, 14114, |
14117, 14118, 14120, 14121, 14125, 14126, 14132, 14133, 14134, 14138, 14187, |
14188, 14191, 14192, 14208, 14210, 14215, 14217, 14218, 14221, 14240, 14241, |
14245, 14246, 14273, 14274, 14275, 14276, 14307, 14311, 14328, 14335, 14338, |
14361, 14365, 14393, 14395 |
}; |
void createMacaulayMatrix(const double a[20], const double b[20], |
const double c[20], const double u[4], double * macaulay_matrix) const { |
// The matrix is very large (14400 elements!) and sparse (1968 non-zero
// elements) so we load it from pre-computed values calculated in matlab.
const double values[1968] = { |
u[0], a[0], b[0], c[0], u[3], u[0], a[0], a[9], b[0], b[9], c[0], c[9], |
u[3], u[0], a[9], a[13], a[0], b[9], b[0], b[13], c[0], c[9], c[13], u[2], |
u[0], a[10], a[0], b[0], b[10], c[10], c[0], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[10], a[4], |
a[0], a[9], b[10], b[0], b[9], b[4], c[10], c[0], c[4], c[9], u[2], u[3], |
u[0], a[4], a[11], a[0], a[9], a[13], a[10], b[4], b[0], b[10], b[9], b[13], |
b[11], c[10], c[4], c[9], c[0], c[11], c[13], u[2], u[0], a[0], a[14], |
a[10], b[0], b[10], b[14], c[0], c[14], c[10], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[9], |
a[14], a[5], a[10], a[0], a[4], b[14], b[0], b[10], b[9], b[4], b[5], c[14], |
c[10], c[9], c[0], c[5], c[4], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[13], a[5], a[10], a[4], |
a[9], a[0], a[11], a[14], b[5], b[10], b[9], b[14], b[0], b[4], b[13], |
b[11], c[14], c[5], c[4], c[0], c[13], c[10], c[9], c[11], u[1], u[0], a[8], |
a[0], b[8], b[0], c[0], c[8], u[1], u[3], u[0], a[0], a[8], a[3], a[9], |
b[8], b[0], b[3], b[9], c[9], c[8], c[0], c[3], u[1], u[3], u[0], a[0], |
a[9], a[3], a[7], a[13], a[8], b[3], b[0], b[9], b[8], b[7], b[13], c[13], |
c[8], c[3], c[0], c[9], c[7], u[1], u[2], u[0], a[2], a[10], a[0], a[8], |
b[8], b[0], b[2], b[10], c[10], c[0], c[2], c[8], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], |
a[10], a[2], a[16], a[4], a[9], a[8], a[0], a[3], b[2], b[10], b[0], b[8], |
b[3], b[9], b[16], b[4], c[4], c[0], c[9], c[2], c[8], c[10], c[16], c[3], |
u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[10], a[4], a[16], a[11], a[13], a[8], a[0], a[3], |
a[9], a[7], a[2], b[16], b[0], b[10], b[4], b[9], b[8], b[2], b[3], b[7], |
b[13], b[11], c[11], c[2], c[9], c[13], c[16], c[3], c[0], c[8], c[10], |
c[4], c[7], u[1], u[2], u[0], a[0], a[8], a[17], a[14], a[10], a[2], b[0], |
b[8], b[2], b[10], b[17], b[14], c[14], c[0], c[10], c[8], c[17], c[2], |
u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[9], a[3], a[14], a[17], a[5], a[4], a[2], a[0], |
a[8], a[10], a[16], b[17], b[14], b[10], b[8], b[0], b[2], b[9], b[3], |
b[16], b[4], b[5], c[5], c[10], c[9], c[4], c[0], c[17], c[2], c[3], c[8], |
c[14], c[16], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[14], a[13], a[7], a[5], a[11], a[2], |
a[10], a[16], a[9], a[3], a[8], a[4], a[17], b[10], b[14], b[5], b[4], b[2], |
b[3], b[17], b[8], b[9], b[16], b[13], b[7], b[11], c[17], c[4], c[13], |
c[11], c[9], c[16], c[8], c[10], c[7], c[2], c[3], c[14], c[5], u[1], u[0], |
a[12], a[8], a[0], b[0], b[12], b[8], c[0], c[8], c[12], u[1], u[3], u[0], |
a[0], a[8], a[12], a[18], a[3], a[9], b[12], b[8], b[0], b[9], b[18], b[3], |
c[9], c[3], c[12], c[0], c[8], c[18], u[1], u[3], u[0], a[0], a[8], a[9], |
a[3], a[18], a[7], a[12], a[13], b[18], b[0], b[8], b[3], b[9], b[12], |
b[13], b[7], c[13], c[7], c[12], c[18], c[0], c[8], c[9], c[3], u[1], u[2], |
u[0], a[1], a[2], a[0], a[8], a[12], a[10], b[12], b[0], b[8], b[10], b[1], |
b[2], c[10], c[2], c[0], c[8], c[1], c[12], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[10], |
a[2], a[1], a[16], a[9], a[3], a[0], a[12], a[8], a[18], a[4], b[1], b[2], |
b[8], b[10], b[12], b[0], b[18], b[9], b[3], b[4], b[16], c[4], c[16], c[8], |
c[9], c[0], c[3], c[1], c[12], c[10], c[2], c[18], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], |
a[10], a[2], a[4], a[16], a[13], a[7], a[9], a[12], a[8], a[18], a[3], a[1], |
a[11], b[10], b[8], b[2], b[16], b[3], b[4], b[12], b[1], b[18], b[9], |
b[13], b[7], b[11], c[11], c[1], c[3], c[13], c[9], c[7], c[18], c[8], |
c[12], c[10], c[2], c[4], c[16], u[1], u[2], u[0], a[8], a[12], a[17], |
a[10], a[2], a[1], a[0], a[14], b[0], b[8], b[12], b[1], b[10], b[2], b[14], |
b[17], c[14], c[17], c[10], c[0], c[8], c[2], c[12], c[1], u[1], u[2], u[3], |
u[0], a[3], a[18], a[14], a[17], a[4], a[16], a[10], a[1], a[8], a[12], |
a[2], a[9], a[5], b[17], b[2], b[14], b[12], b[8], b[1], b[10], b[9], b[3], |
b[18], b[4], b[16], b[5], c[5], c[2], c[4], c[9], c[3], c[10], c[16], c[8], |
c[1], c[18], c[12], c[14], c[17], u[1], u[2], u[3], u[0], a[14], a[17], |
a[7], a[5], a[11], a[4], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[18], a[12], a[16], a[13], |
b[14], b[2], b[17], b[16], b[5], b[1], b[18], b[12], b[3], b[4], b[13], |
b[7], b[11], c[16], c[11], c[13], c[7], c[4], c[3], c[12], c[2], c[1], |
c[18], c[14], c[17], c[5], u[2], a[10], a[2], a[6], a[14], a[17], b[8], |
b[0], b[10], b[2], b[17], b[14], b[6], c[6], c[0], c[10], c[14], c[2], c[8], |
c[17], u[2], a[10], a[6], a[14], b[0], b[10], b[14], b[6], c[10], c[0], |
c[6], c[14], u[2], a[2], a[1], a[14], a[17], a[10], a[6], b[12], b[8], |
b[10], b[2], b[1], b[14], b[17], b[6], c[6], c[8], c[14], c[10], c[2], |
c[17], c[1], c[12], a[17], a[6], a[1], b[19], b[1], b[17], b[6], c[6], |
c[19], c[1], c[17], a[1], a[14], a[17], a[6], a[2], b[19], b[12], b[2], |
b[1], b[14], b[17], b[6], c[6], c[12], c[17], c[2], c[1], c[14], c[19], |
a[8], a[12], a[19], b[12], b[8], b[19], c[8], c[12], c[19], a[14], a[17], |
a[6], b[8], b[2], b[10], b[14], b[17], b[6], c[10], c[14], c[6], c[8], |
c[17], c[2], a[17], a[6], a[14], b[12], b[1], b[2], b[14], b[17], b[6], |
c[2], c[6], c[14], c[17], c[12], c[1], a[6], a[17], b[19], b[1], b[17], |
b[6], c[1], c[17], c[6], c[19], u[3], a[11], a[9], a[13], a[15], a[4], |
b[11], b[9], b[4], b[13], b[15], c[4], c[11], c[13], c[0], c[10], c[9], |
c[15], u[3], a[13], a[15], a[9], b[13], b[9], b[15], c[9], c[13], c[0], |
c[15], a[14], a[6], b[0], b[10], b[14], b[6], c[0], c[14], c[10], c[6], |
a[13], a[15], a[7], b[13], b[15], b[7], c[7], c[8], c[9], c[3], c[13], |
c[15], a[13], a[7], a[15], b[13], b[7], b[15], c[12], c[3], c[18], c[13], |
c[7], c[15], a[6], b[10], b[14], b[6], c[10], c[6], c[14], a[7], a[15], |
b[7], b[15], c[19], c[18], c[7], c[15], a[6], b[2], b[17], b[14], b[6], |
c[14], c[6], c[2], c[17], a[15], b[15], c[3], c[13], c[7], c[15], a[15], |
b[15], c[18], c[7], c[15], a[6], b[1], b[17], b[6], c[17], c[6], c[1], a[6], |
a[17], a[5], b[18], b[1], b[17], b[16], b[6], b[5], c[16], c[5], c[6], |
c[17], c[18], c[1], a[5], a[6], a[14], b[14], b[9], b[10], b[4], b[6], b[5], |
c[6], c[9], c[10], c[5], c[4], c[14], a[11], a[15], a[13], b[11], b[15], |
b[13], c[4], c[13], c[14], c[5], c[11], c[15], a[15], b[15], c[13], c[4], |
c[11], c[15], b[17], b[6], c[6], c[17], a[5], a[11], a[4], b[5], b[11], |
b[4], b[13], b[15], c[14], c[4], c[13], c[6], c[15], c[5], c[11], b[14], |
b[6], c[14], c[6], c[13], c[15], a[6], b[16], b[17], b[6], b[5], c[5], c[6], |
c[16], c[17], c[7], c[15], b[5], b[6], c[5], c[6], a[6], b[11], b[6], b[5], |
c[6], c[11], c[5], u[3], a[15], a[4], a[11], a[13], a[9], a[5], b[4], b[13], |
b[5], b[9], b[11], b[15], c[5], c[11], c[10], c[9], c[15], c[14], c[4], |
c[13], u[2], a[11], a[14], a[5], a[4], a[10], a[6], b[14], b[4], b[6], |
b[10], b[9], b[13], b[5], b[11], c[6], c[5], c[10], c[9], c[11], c[13], |
c[14], c[4], a[15], b[15], c[7], c[16], c[15], c[11], b[6], c[6], c[15], |
a[11], b[11], b[15], c[5], c[11], c[15], c[6], a[5], b[15], b[5], b[11], |
c[6], c[5], c[15], c[11], a[15], b[15], c[11], c[15], c[5], c[15], c[11], |
a[13], a[15], a[11], b[13], b[11], b[15], c[11], c[15], c[9], c[10], c[4], |
c[13], a[1], a[17], a[19], b[19], b[1], b[17], c[17], c[19], c[1], u[1], |
a[8], a[12], a[9], a[3], a[18], a[13], a[19], a[7], b[8], b[12], b[9], |
b[18], b[3], b[19], b[13], b[7], c[13], c[7], c[19], c[8], c[12], c[9], |
c[3], c[18], a[6], b[6], b[4], b[14], b[5], c[4], c[14], c[5], c[6], a[6], |
a[5], a[14], b[6], b[5], b[13], b[14], b[4], b[11], c[14], c[13], c[4], |
c[11], c[6], c[5], a[12], a[19], b[19], b[12], c[12], c[19], u[2], a[16], |
a[6], a[5], a[14], a[2], a[1], a[17], a[4], b[17], b[6], b[1], b[12], b[2], |
b[18], b[3], b[14], b[4], b[16], b[5], c[17], c[3], c[5], c[4], c[16], |
c[14], c[2], c[12], c[18], c[1], c[6], u[1], a[1], a[0], a[8], a[12], a[19], |
a[10], a[2], b[19], b[0], b[8], b[12], b[10], b[2], b[1], c[10], c[2], c[1], |
c[8], c[12], c[0], c[19], a[19], b[19], c[19], a[15], a[13], b[15], b[13], |
c[13], c[15], c[0], c[9], a[16], a[11], a[15], a[7], a[18], b[16], b[18], |
b[11], b[7], b[15], c[7], c[15], c[19], c[18], c[1], c[16], c[11], a[11], |
a[15], a[7], b[11], b[7], b[15], c[15], c[16], c[7], c[17], c[11], c[5], |
u[3], a[4], a[11], a[15], a[3], a[9], a[7], a[13], a[16], b[9], b[4], b[11], |
b[13], b[3], b[16], b[7], b[15], c[16], c[13], c[15], c[7], c[8], c[9], |
c[10], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[11], a[2], a[1], a[3], a[18], a[12], a[19], a[4], |
a[16], b[2], b[19], b[1], b[12], b[3], b[18], b[16], b[4], c[4], c[16], |
c[19], c[18], c[12], c[3], c[2], c[1], a[5], a[14], a[17], a[6], b[6], |
b[17], b[3], b[2], b[14], b[16], b[4], b[5], c[6], c[4], c[5], c[14], c[3], |
c[2], c[16], c[17], u[1], a[17], a[5], a[11], a[16], a[1], a[18], a[19], |
a[7], b[17], b[1], b[5], b[19], b[18], b[16], b[7], b[11], c[7], c[16], |
c[18], c[11], c[19], c[1], c[17], c[5], u[2], a[4], a[16], a[6], a[5], |
a[17], a[10], a[2], a[14], b[6], b[14], b[2], b[8], b[10], b[3], b[9], |
b[17], b[4], b[16], b[5], c[14], c[9], c[4], c[5], c[10], c[17], c[8], |
c[16], c[3], c[2], c[6], u[1], a[18], a[14], a[17], a[4], a[16], a[2], |
a[12], a[19], a[1], a[5], a[3], b[14], b[1], b[17], b[19], b[12], b[2], |
b[3], b[18], b[4], b[16], b[5], c[5], c[1], c[16], c[3], c[18], c[2], c[12], |
c[4], c[19], c[14], c[17], a[17], a[16], a[1], a[19], a[5], a[18], b[17], |
b[19], b[1], b[18], b[16], b[5], c[5], c[18], c[1], c[19], c[16], c[17], |
u[1], a[10], a[2], a[1], a[9], a[3], a[18], a[8], a[19], a[12], a[4], a[16], |
b[10], b[1], b[12], b[2], b[19], b[8], b[9], b[3], b[18], b[4], b[16], c[4], |
c[16], c[12], c[3], c[8], c[18], c[9], c[19], c[10], c[2], c[1], a[1], |
a[16], a[7], a[18], a[19], a[11], b[1], b[19], b[16], b[18], b[7], b[11], |
c[11], c[18], c[7], c[19], c[1], c[16], a[6], a[5], a[17], a[1], a[16], |
b[6], b[19], b[1], b[18], b[17], b[16], b[5], c[18], c[16], c[17], c[1], |
c[5], c[19], c[6], a[11], a[15], a[7], b[11], b[7], b[15], c[15], c[18], |
c[1], c[7], c[16], c[11], u[1], a[2], a[1], a[4], a[16], a[13], a[7], a[3], |
a[19], a[12], a[18], a[11], b[2], b[12], b[1], b[4], b[18], b[16], b[19], |
b[3], b[13], b[7], b[11], c[11], c[18], c[7], c[3], c[13], c[12], c[19], |
c[2], c[1], c[4], c[16], u[3], a[5], a[15], a[16], a[4], a[13], a[7], a[3], |
a[11], b[4], b[5], b[11], b[16], b[7], b[3], b[13], b[15], c[11], c[15], |
c[13], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[14], c[17], c[16], c[7], c[5], u[2], a[6], a[11], |
a[17], a[14], a[4], a[16], a[2], a[5], b[14], b[6], b[5], b[17], b[16], |
b[2], b[3], b[4], b[7], b[13], b[11], c[5], c[13], c[11], c[4], c[2], c[3], |
c[14], c[7], c[17], c[16], c[6], a[1], a[18], a[19], a[16], b[1], b[19], |
b[18], b[16], c[16], c[19], c[18], c[1], u[3], a[5], a[11], a[16], a[7], |
a[18], a[15], b[5], b[16], b[18], b[7], b[11], b[15], c[15], c[11], c[7], |
c[1], c[18], c[16], c[17], c[5], u[3], a[4], a[16], a[11], a[15], a[13], |
a[18], a[3], a[7], b[4], b[3], b[16], b[7], b[11], b[18], b[13], b[15], |
c[7], c[15], c[13], c[12], c[3], c[2], c[1], c[18], c[4], c[16], c[11], |
a[5], a[11], a[16], b[5], b[16], b[7], b[11], b[15], c[15], c[11], c[17], |
c[16], c[7], c[5], c[6], a[11], a[7], a[13], a[15], b[13], b[11], b[15], |
b[7], c[15], c[3], c[2], c[13], c[4], c[16], c[7], c[11], a[6], a[5], a[17], |
b[6], b[7], b[17], b[16], b[5], b[11], c[11], c[5], c[17], c[7], c[16], |
c[6], a[15], b[15], c[15], c[9], c[13], a[8], a[12], a[19], a[10], a[2], |
a[1], b[8], b[12], b[19], b[2], b[10], b[1], c[10], c[2], c[1], c[12], |
c[19], c[8], a[12], a[19], a[2], a[1], b[12], b[19], b[1], b[2], c[2], c[1], |
c[19], c[12], a[19], a[1], b[19], b[1], c[1], c[19], u[3], a[9], a[13], |
a[7], a[15], a[3], b[7], b[9], b[13], b[3], b[15], c[15], c[3], c[7], c[0], |
c[8], c[9], c[13], u[3], a[9], a[3], a[13], a[7], a[18], a[15], b[9], b[3], |
b[7], b[13], b[18], b[15], c[15], c[18], c[8], c[12], c[9], c[3], c[13], |
c[7], a[3], a[18], a[13], a[7], a[15], b[3], b[18], b[13], b[7], b[15], |
c[15], c[12], c[19], c[3], c[18], c[13], c[7], a[18], a[7], a[15], b[18], |
b[7], b[15], c[15], c[19], c[18], c[7], a[19], a[0], a[8], a[12], b[8], |
b[0], b[12], b[19], c[0], c[8], c[12], c[19], u[2], a[6], a[5], a[17], |
a[16], a[1], a[11], b[6], b[17], b[1], b[18], b[16], b[7], b[5], b[11], |
c[7], c[11], c[5], c[16], c[1], c[18], c[17], c[6], u[2], a[4], a[6], a[14], |
a[10], a[5], b[6], b[10], b[0], b[9], b[14], b[4], b[5], c[6], c[14], c[0], |
c[4], c[9], c[10], c[5], u[1], a[19], a[12], a[0], a[8], b[0], b[8], b[19], |
b[12], c[0], c[8], c[12], c[19], u[1], a[0], a[8], a[12], a[19], a[18], |
a[9], a[3], b[19], b[0], b[12], b[8], b[9], b[3], b[18], c[9], c[3], c[18], |
c[19], c[0], c[8], c[12], a[8], a[12], a[19], a[9], a[3], a[18], b[8], |
b[19], b[12], b[3], b[9], b[18], c[9], c[3], c[18], c[8], c[12], c[19], |
a[12], a[19], a[3], a[18], b[12], b[19], b[18], b[3], c[3], c[18], c[12], |
c[19], a[19], a[18], b[19], b[18], c[18], c[19], u[1], a[12], a[19], a[10], |
a[2], a[1], a[14], a[8], a[17], b[8], b[12], b[19], b[10], b[2], b[1], |
b[14], b[17], c[14], c[17], c[2], c[8], c[12], c[1], c[10], c[19], a[19], |
a[2], a[1], a[14], a[17], a[12], b[12], b[19], b[2], b[1], b[17], b[14], |
c[14], c[17], c[1], c[12], c[19], c[2], a[12], a[19], a[3], a[18], a[13], |
a[7], b[12], b[19], b[3], b[18], b[7], b[13], c[13], c[7], c[12], c[19], |
c[3], c[18], a[19], a[18], a[7], b[19], b[18], b[7], c[7], c[19], c[18] |
}; |
for (int i = 0; i < 1968; i++) |
macaulay_matrix[indices[i]] = values[i]; |
} |
#endif |
// Transforms a 3 - vector in a 3x9 matrix such that :
// R * v = leftMultiplyMatrix(v) * vec(R)
// Where R is a rotation matrix and vec(R) converts R to a 9x1 vector.
Matx<double, 3, 9> leftMultiplyMatrix(const Vec3d& v) const { |
Matx<double, 3, 9> left_mult_mat = Matx<double, 3, 9>::zeros(); |
left_mult_mat(0,0) = v[0]; left_mult_mat(0,1) = v[1]; left_mult_mat(0,2) = v[2]; |
left_mult_mat(1,3) = v[0]; left_mult_mat(1,4) = v[1]; left_mult_mat(1,5) = v[2]; |
left_mult_mat(2,6) = v[0]; left_mult_mat(2,7) = v[1]; left_mult_mat(2,8) = v[2]; |
return left_mult_mat; |
} |
// Extracts the coefficients of the Jacobians of the LS cost function (which is
// parameterized by the 3 rotation coefficients s1, s2, s3).
void extractJacobianCoefficients(const double * const D, |
double f1_coeff[20], double f2_coeff[20], double f3_coeff[20]) const { |
f1_coeff[0] = |
2 * D[5] - 2 * D[7] + 2 * D[41] - 2 * D[43] + 2 * D[45] + |
2 * D[49] + 2 * D[53] - 2 * D[63] - 2 * D[67] - 2 * D[71] + |
2 * D[77] - 2 * D[79]; // constant term
f1_coeff[1] = |
(6 * D[1] + 6 * D[3] + 6 * D[9] - 6 * D[13] - 6 * D[17] + |
6 * D[27] - 6 * D[31] - 6 * D[35] - 6 * D[37] - 6 * D[39] - |
6 * D[73] - 6 * D[75]); // s1^2 * s2
f1_coeff[2] = |
(4 * D[6] - 4 * D[2] + 8 * D[14] - 8 * D[16] - 4 * D[18] + |
4 * D[22] + 4 * D[26] + 8 * D[32] - 8 * D[34] + 4 * D[38] - |
4 * D[42] + 8 * D[46] + 8 * D[48] + 4 * D[54] - 4 * D[58] - |
4 * D[62] - 8 * D[64] - 8 * D[66] + 4 * D[74] - |
4 * D[78]); // s1 * s2
f1_coeff[3] = |
(4 * D[1] - 4 * D[3] + 4 * D[9] - 4 * D[13] - 4 * D[17] + |
8 * D[23] - 8 * D[25] - 4 * D[27] + 4 * D[31] + 4 * D[35] - |
4 * D[37] + 4 * D[39] + 8 * D[47] + 8 * D[51] + 8 * D[59] - |
8 * D[61] - 8 * D[65] - 8 * D[69] - 4 * D[73] + |
4 * D[75]); // s1 * s3
f1_coeff[4] = (8 * D[10] - 8 * D[20] - 8 * D[30] + 8 * D[50] + |
8 * D[60] - 8 * D[70]); // s2 * s3
f1_coeff[5] = |
(4 * D[14] - 2 * D[6] - 2 * D[2] + 4 * D[16] - 2 * D[18] + |
2 * D[22] - 2 * D[26] + 4 * D[32] + 4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] + |
2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] + 4 * D[48] - 2 * D[54] + 2 * D[58] - |
2 * D[62] + 4 * D[64] + 4 * D[66] - 2 * D[74] - |
2 * D[78]); // s2^2 * s3
f1_coeff[6] = (2 * D[13] - 2 * D[3] - 2 * D[9] - 2 * D[1] - |
2 * D[17] - 2 * D[27] + 2 * D[31] - 2 * D[35] + |
2 * D[37] + 2 * D[39] - 2 * D[73] - 2 * D[75]); // s2^3
f1_coeff[7] = |
(4 * D[8] - 4 * D[0] + 8 * D[20] + 8 * D[24] + 4 * D[40] + |
8 * D[56] + 8 * D[60] + 4 * D[72] - 4 * D[80]); // s1 * s3^2
f1_coeff[8] = |
(4 * D[0] - 4 * D[40] - 4 * D[44] + 8 * D[50] - 8 * D[52] - |
8 * D[68] + 8 * D[70] - 4 * D[76] - 4 * D[80]); // s1
f1_coeff[9] = (2 * D[2] + 2 * D[6] + 4 * D[14] - 4 * D[16] + |
2 * D[18] + 2 * D[22] + 2 * D[26] - 4 * D[32] + |
4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] + 2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] - |
4 * D[48] + 2 * D[54] + 2 * D[58] + 2 * D[62] - |
4 * D[64] + 4 * D[66] + 2 * D[74] + 2 * D[78]); // s3
f1_coeff[10] = (2 * D[1] + 2 * D[3] + 2 * D[9] + 2 * D[13] + |
2 * D[17] - 4 * D[23] + 4 * D[25] + 2 * D[27] + |
2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] + 2 * D[37] + 2 * D[39] - |
4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] - 4 * D[61] + |
4 * D[65] - 4 * D[69] + 2 * D[73] + 2 * D[75]); // s2
f1_coeff[11] = |
(2 * D[17] - 2 * D[3] - 2 * D[9] - 2 * D[13] - 2 * D[1] + |
4 * D[23] + 4 * D[25] - 2 * D[27] - 2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] - |
2 * D[37] - 2 * D[39] + 4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] + |
4 * D[61] + 4 * D[65] + 4 * D[69] + 2 * D[73] + |
2 * D[75]); // s2 * s3^2
f1_coeff[12] = |
(6 * D[5] - 6 * D[7] - 6 * D[41] + 6 * D[43] + 6 * D[45] - |
6 * D[49] - 6 * D[53] - 6 * D[63] + 6 * D[67] + 6 * D[71] - |
6 * D[77] + 6 * D[79]); // s1^2
f1_coeff[13] = |
(2 * D[7] - 2 * D[5] + 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] + 4 * D[19] - |
4 * D[21] - 4 * D[29] - 4 * D[33] - 2 * D[41] + 2 * D[43] - |
2 * D[45] - 2 * D[49] + 2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] - 4 * D[57] + |
2 * D[63] + 2 * D[67] - 2 * D[71] + 2 * D[77] - |
2 * D[79]); // s3^2
f1_coeff[14] = |
(2 * D[7] - 2 * D[5] - 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] - 4 * D[19] - |
4 * D[21] - 4 * D[29] + 4 * D[33] + 2 * D[41] - 2 * D[43] - |
2 * D[45] + 2 * D[49] - 2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] + 4 * D[57] + |
2 * D[63] - 2 * D[67] + 2 * D[71] - 2 * D[77] + |
2 * D[79]); // s2^2
f1_coeff[15] = |
(2 * D[26] - 2 * D[6] - 2 * D[18] - 2 * D[22] - 2 * D[2] - |
2 * D[38] - 2 * D[42] - 2 * D[54] - 2 * D[58] + 2 * D[62] + |
2 * D[74] + 2 * D[78]); // s3^3
f1_coeff[16] = |
(4 * D[5] + 4 * D[7] + 8 * D[11] + 8 * D[15] + 8 * D[19] + |
8 * D[21] + 8 * D[29] + 8 * D[33] - 4 * D[41] - 4 * D[43] + |
4 * D[45] - 4 * D[49] - 4 * D[53] + 8 * D[55] + 8 * D[57] + |
4 * D[63] - 4 * D[67] - 4 * D[71] - 4 * D[77] - |
4 * D[79]); // s1 * s2 * s3
f1_coeff[17] = |
(4 * D[4] - 4 * D[0] + 8 * D[10] + 8 * D[12] + 8 * D[28] + |
8 * D[30] + 4 * D[36] - 4 * D[40] + 4 * D[80]); // s1 * s2^2
f1_coeff[18] = |
(6 * D[2] + 6 * D[6] + 6 * D[18] - 6 * D[22] - 6 * D[26] - |
6 * D[38] - 6 * D[42] + 6 * D[54] - 6 * D[58] - 6 * D[62] - |
6 * D[74] - 6 * D[78]); // s1^2 * s3
f1_coeff[19] = |
(4 * D[0] - 4 * D[4] - 4 * D[8] - 4 * D[36] + 4 * D[40] + |
4 * D[44] - 4 * D[72] + 4 * D[76] + 4 * D[80]); // s1^3
f2_coeff[0] = |
-2 * D[2] + 2 * D[6] - 2 * D[18] - 2 * D[22] - 2 * D[26] - |
2 * D[38] + 2 * D[42] + 2 * D[54] + 2 * D[58] + 2 * D[62] - |
2 * D[74] + 2 * D[78]; // constant term
f2_coeff[1] = |
(4 * D[4] - 4 * D[0] + 8 * D[10] + 8 * D[12] + 8 * D[28] + |
8 * D[30] + 4 * D[36] - 4 * D[40] + 4 * D[80]); // s1^2 * s2
f2_coeff[2] = |
(4 * D[7] - 4 * D[5] - 8 * D[11] + 8 * D[15] - 8 * D[19] - |
8 * D[21] - 8 * D[29] + 8 * D[33] + 4 * D[41] - 4 * D[43] - |
4 * D[45] + 4 * D[49] - 4 * D[53] + 8 * D[55] + 8 * D[57] + |
4 * D[63] - 4 * D[67] + 4 * D[71] - 4 * D[77] + |
4 * D[79]); // s1 * s2
f2_coeff[3] = (8 * D[10] - 8 * D[20] - 8 * D[30] + 8 * D[50] + |
8 * D[60] - 8 * D[70]); // s1 * s3
f2_coeff[4] = |
(4 * D[3] - 4 * D[1] - 4 * D[9] + 4 * D[13] - 4 * D[17] - |
8 * D[23] - 8 * D[25] + 4 * D[27] - 4 * D[31] + 4 * D[35] + |
4 * D[37] - 4 * D[39] - 8 * D[47] + 8 * D[51] + 8 * D[59] + |
8 * D[61] - 8 * D[65] + 8 * D[69] - 4 * D[73] + |
4 * D[75]); // s2 * s3
f2_coeff[5] = |
(6 * D[41] - 6 * D[7] - 6 * D[5] + 6 * D[43] - 6 * D[45] + |
6 * D[49] - 6 * D[53] - 6 * D[63] + 6 * D[67] - 6 * D[71] - |
6 * D[77] - 6 * D[79]); // s2^2 * s3
f2_coeff[6] = |
(4 * D[0] - 4 * D[4] + 4 * D[8] - 4 * D[36] + 4 * D[40] - |
4 * D[44] + 4 * D[72] - 4 * D[76] + 4 * D[80]); // s2^3
f2_coeff[7] = |
(2 * D[17] - 2 * D[3] - 2 * D[9] - 2 * D[13] - 2 * D[1] + |
4 * D[23] + 4 * D[25] - 2 * D[27] - 2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] - |
2 * D[37] - 2 * D[39] + 4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] + |
4 * D[61] + 4 * D[65] + 4 * D[69] + 2 * D[73] + |
2 * D[75]); // s1 * s3^2
f2_coeff[8] = (2 * D[1] + 2 * D[3] + 2 * D[9] + 2 * D[13] + |
2 * D[17] - 4 * D[23] + 4 * D[25] + 2 * D[27] + |
2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] + 2 * D[37] + 2 * D[39] - |
4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] - 4 * D[61] + |
4 * D[65] - 4 * D[69] + 2 * D[73] + 2 * D[75]); // s1
f2_coeff[9] = (2 * D[5] + 2 * D[7] - 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] - |
4 * D[19] + 4 * D[21] + 4 * D[29] - 4 * D[33] + |
2 * D[41] + 2 * D[43] + 2 * D[45] + 2 * D[49] + |
2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] - 4 * D[57] + 2 * D[63] + |
2 * D[67] + 2 * D[71] + 2 * D[77] + 2 * D[79]); // s3
f2_coeff[10] = |
(8 * D[20] - 4 * D[8] - 4 * D[0] - 8 * D[24] + 4 * D[40] - |
8 * D[56] + 8 * D[60] - 4 * D[72] - 4 * D[80]); // s2
f2_coeff[11] = |
(4 * D[0] - 4 * D[40] + 4 * D[44] + 8 * D[50] + 8 * D[52] + |
8 * D[68] + 8 * D[70] + 4 * D[76] - 4 * D[80]); // s2 * s3^2
f2_coeff[12] = |
(2 * D[6] - 2 * D[2] + 4 * D[14] - 4 * D[16] - 2 * D[18] + |
2 * D[22] + 2 * D[26] + 4 * D[32] - 4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] - |
2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] + 4 * D[48] + 2 * D[54] - 2 * D[58] - |
2 * D[62] - 4 * D[64] - 4 * D[66] + 2 * D[74] - |
2 * D[78]); // s1^2
f2_coeff[13] = |
(2 * D[2] - 2 * D[6] + 4 * D[14] + 4 * D[16] + 2 * D[18] + |
2 * D[22] - 2 * D[26] - 4 * D[32] - 4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] - |
2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] - 4 * D[48] - 2 * D[54] - 2 * D[58] + |
2 * D[62] + 4 * D[64] - 4 * D[66] - 2 * D[74] + |
2 * D[78]); // s3^2
f2_coeff[14] = |
(6 * D[2] - 6 * D[6] + 6 * D[18] - 6 * D[22] + 6 * D[26] - |
6 * D[38] + 6 * D[42] - 6 * D[54] + 6 * D[58] - 6 * D[62] + |
6 * D[74] - 6 * D[78]); // s2^2
f2_coeff[15] = |
(2 * D[53] - 2 * D[7] - 2 * D[41] - 2 * D[43] - 2 * D[45] - |
2 * D[49] - 2 * D[5] - 2 * D[63] - 2 * D[67] + 2 * D[71] + |
2 * D[77] + 2 * D[79]); // s3^3
f2_coeff[16] = |
(8 * D[14] - 4 * D[6] - 4 * D[2] + 8 * D[16] - 4 * D[18] + |
4 * D[22] - 4 * D[26] + 8 * D[32] + 8 * D[34] + 4 * D[38] + |
4 * D[42] + 8 * D[46] + 8 * D[48] - 4 * D[54] + 4 * D[58] - |
4 * D[62] + 8 * D[64] + 8 * D[66] - 4 * D[74] - |
4 * D[78]); // s1 * s2 * s3
f2_coeff[17] = |
(6 * D[13] - 6 * D[3] - 6 * D[9] - 6 * D[1] - 6 * D[17] - |
6 * D[27] + 6 * D[31] - 6 * D[35] + 6 * D[37] + 6 * D[39] - |
6 * D[73] - 6 * D[75]); // s1 * s2^2
f2_coeff[18] = |
(2 * D[5] + 2 * D[7] + 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] + 4 * D[19] + |
4 * D[21] + 4 * D[29] + 4 * D[33] - 2 * D[41] - 2 * D[43] + |
2 * D[45] - 2 * D[49] - 2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] + 4 * D[57] + |
2 * D[63] - 2 * D[67] - 2 * D[71] - 2 * D[77] - |
2 * D[79]); // s1^2 * s3
f2_coeff[19] = |
(2 * D[1] + 2 * D[3] + 2 * D[9] - 2 * D[13] - 2 * D[17] + |
2 * D[27] - 2 * D[31] - 2 * D[35] - 2 * D[37] - 2 * D[39] - |
2 * D[73] - 2 * D[75]); // s1^3
f3_coeff[0] = |
2 * D[1] - 2 * D[3] + 2 * D[9] + 2 * D[13] + 2 * D[17] - |
2 * D[27] - 2 * D[31] - 2 * D[35] + 2 * D[37] - 2 * D[39] + |
2 * D[73] - 2 * D[75]; // constant term
f3_coeff[1] = |
(2 * D[5] + 2 * D[7] + 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] + 4 * D[19] + |
4 * D[21] + 4 * D[29] + 4 * D[33] - 2 * D[41] - 2 * D[43] + |
2 * D[45] - 2 * D[49] - 2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] + 4 * D[57] + |
2 * D[63] - 2 * D[67] - 2 * D[71] - 2 * D[77] - |
2 * D[79]); // s1^2 * s2
f3_coeff[2] = (8 * D[10] - 8 * D[20] - 8 * D[30] + 8 * D[50] + |
8 * D[60] - 8 * D[70]); // s1 * s2
f3_coeff[3] = |
(4 * D[7] - 4 * D[5] + 8 * D[11] + 8 * D[15] + 8 * D[19] - |
8 * D[21] - 8 * D[29] - 8 * D[33] - 4 * D[41] + 4 * D[43] - |
4 * D[45] - 4 * D[49] + 4 * D[53] + 8 * D[55] - 8 * D[57] + |
4 * D[63] + 4 * D[67] - 4 * D[71] + 4 * D[77] - |
4 * D[79]); // s1 * s3
f3_coeff[4] = |
(4 * D[2] - 4 * D[6] + 8 * D[14] + 8 * D[16] + 4 * D[18] + |
4 * D[22] - 4 * D[26] - 8 * D[32] - 8 * D[34] + 4 * D[38] - |
4 * D[42] + 8 * D[46] - 8 * D[48] - 4 * D[54] - 4 * D[58] + |
4 * D[62] + 8 * D[64] - 8 * D[66] - 4 * D[74] + |
4 * D[78]); // s2 * s3
f3_coeff[5] = |
(4 * D[0] - 4 * D[40] + 4 * D[44] + 8 * D[50] + 8 * D[52] + |
8 * D[68] + 8 * D[70] + 4 * D[76] - 4 * D[80]); // s2^2 * s3
f3_coeff[6] = (2 * D[41] - 2 * D[7] - 2 * D[5] + 2 * D[43] - |
2 * D[45] + 2 * D[49] - 2 * D[53] - 2 * D[63] + |
2 * D[67] - 2 * D[71] - 2 * D[77] - 2 * D[79]); // s2^3
f3_coeff[7] = |
(6 * D[26] - 6 * D[6] - 6 * D[18] - 6 * D[22] - 6 * D[2] - |
6 * D[38] - 6 * D[42] - 6 * D[54] - 6 * D[58] + 6 * D[62] + |
6 * D[74] + 6 * D[78]); // s1 * s3^2
f3_coeff[8] = (2 * D[2] + 2 * D[6] + 4 * D[14] - 4 * D[16] + |
2 * D[18] + 2 * D[22] + 2 * D[26] - 4 * D[32] + |
4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] + 2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] - |
4 * D[48] + 2 * D[54] + 2 * D[58] + 2 * D[62] - |
4 * D[64] + 4 * D[66] + 2 * D[74] + 2 * D[78]); // s1
f3_coeff[9] = |
(8 * D[10] - 4 * D[4] - 4 * D[0] - 8 * D[12] - 8 * D[28] + |
8 * D[30] - 4 * D[36] - 4 * D[40] + 4 * D[80]); // s3
f3_coeff[10] = (2 * D[5] + 2 * D[7] - 4 * D[11] + 4 * D[15] - |
4 * D[19] + 4 * D[21] + 4 * D[29] - 4 * D[33] + |
2 * D[41] + 2 * D[43] + 2 * D[45] + 2 * D[49] + |
2 * D[53] + 4 * D[55] - 4 * D[57] + 2 * D[63] + |
2 * D[67] + 2 * D[71] + 2 * D[77] + 2 * D[79]); // s2
f3_coeff[11] = |
(6 * D[53] - 6 * D[7] - 6 * D[41] - 6 * D[43] - 6 * D[45] - |
6 * D[49] - 6 * D[5] - 6 * D[63] - 6 * D[67] + 6 * D[71] + |
6 * D[77] + 6 * D[79]); // s2 * s3^2
f3_coeff[12] = |
(2 * D[1] - 2 * D[3] + 2 * D[9] - 2 * D[13] - 2 * D[17] + |
4 * D[23] - 4 * D[25] - 2 * D[27] + 2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] - |
2 * D[37] + 2 * D[39] + 4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] - |
4 * D[61] - 4 * D[65] - 4 * D[69] - 2 * D[73] + |
2 * D[75]); // s1^2
f3_coeff[13] = |
(6 * D[3] - 6 * D[1] - 6 * D[9] - 6 * D[13] + 6 * D[17] + |
6 * D[27] + 6 * D[31] - 6 * D[35] - 6 * D[37] + 6 * D[39] + |
6 * D[73] - 6 * D[75]); // s3^2
f3_coeff[14] = |
(2 * D[3] - 2 * D[1] - 2 * D[9] + 2 * D[13] - 2 * D[17] - |
4 * D[23] - 4 * D[25] + 2 * D[27] - 2 * D[31] + 2 * D[35] + |
2 * D[37] - 2 * D[39] - 4 * D[47] + 4 * D[51] + 4 * D[59] + |
4 * D[61] - 4 * D[65] + 4 * D[69] - 2 * D[73] + |
2 * D[75]); // s2^2
f3_coeff[15] = |
(4 * D[0] + 4 * D[4] - 4 * D[8] + 4 * D[36] + 4 * D[40] - |
4 * D[44] - 4 * D[72] - 4 * D[76] + 4 * D[80]); // s3^3
f3_coeff[16] = |
(4 * D[17] - 4 * D[3] - 4 * D[9] - 4 * D[13] - 4 * D[1] + |
8 * D[23] + 8 * D[25] - 4 * D[27] - 4 * D[31] + 4 * D[35] - |
4 * D[37] - 4 * D[39] + 8 * D[47] + 8 * D[51] + 8 * D[59] + |
8 * D[61] + 8 * D[65] + 8 * D[69] + 4 * D[73] + |
4 * D[75]); // s1 * s2 * s3
f3_coeff[17] = |
(4 * D[14] - 2 * D[6] - 2 * D[2] + 4 * D[16] - 2 * D[18] + |
2 * D[22] - 2 * D[26] + 4 * D[32] + 4 * D[34] + 2 * D[38] + |
2 * D[42] + 4 * D[46] + 4 * D[48] - 2 * D[54] + 2 * D[58] - |
2 * D[62] + 4 * D[64] + 4 * D[66] - 2 * D[74] - |
2 * D[78]); // s1 * s2^2
f3_coeff[18] = |
(4 * D[8] - 4 * D[0] + 8 * D[20] + 8 * D[24] + 4 * D[40] + |
8 * D[56] + 8 * D[60] + 4 * D[72] - 4 * D[80]); // s1^2 * s3
f3_coeff[19] = |
(2 * D[2] + 2 * D[6] + 2 * D[18] - 2 * D[22] - 2 * D[26] - |
2 * D[38] - 2 * D[42] + 2 * D[54] - 2 * D[58] - 2 * D[62] - |
2 * D[74] - 2 * D[78]); // s1^3
} |
}; |
Ptr<DLSPnP> DLSPnP::create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K) { |
return makePtr<DLSPnPImpl>(points_, calib_norm_pts, K); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
#include <Eigen/Eigen> |
#endif |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
// Fundamental Matrix Solver:
class FundamentalMinimalSolver7ptsImpl: public FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit FundamentalMinimalSolver7ptsImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat (&points_), points ((float *) {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
const int m = 7, n = 9; // rows, cols
std::vector<double> a(m*n); |
auto * a_ = &a[0]; |
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { |
const int smpl = 4*sample[i]; |
const auto x1 = points[smpl ], y1 = points[smpl+1], |
x2 = points[smpl+2], y2 = points[smpl+3]; |
(*a_++) = x2*x1; |
(*a_++) = x2*y1; |
(*a_++) = x2; |
(*a_++) = y2*x1; |
(*a_++) = y2*y1; |
(*a_++) = y2; |
(*a_++) = x1; |
(*a_++) = y1; |
(*a_++) = 1; |
} |
Math::eliminateUpperTriangular(a, m, n); |
[a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19] |
[ 0 a22 a23 a24 a25 a26 a27 a28 a29] |
[ 0 0 a33 a34 a35 a36 a37 a38 a39] |
[ 0 0 0 a44 a45 a46 a47 a48 a49] |
[ 0 0 0 0 a55 a56 a57 a58 a59] |
[ 0 0 0 0 0 a66 a67 a68 a69] |
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 a77 a78 a79] |
f9 = 1 |
*/ |
double f1[9], f2[9]; |
f1[8] = 1.; |
f1[7] = 0.; |
f1[6] = -a[6*n+8] / a[6*n+6]; |
f2[8] = 1.; |
f2[7] = -a[6*n+8] / a[6*n+7]; |
f2[6] = 0.; |
// start from the last row
for (int i = m-2; i >= 0; i--) { |
const int row_i = i*n; |
double acc1 = 0, acc2 = 0; |
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++) { |
acc1 -= a[row_i + j] * f1[j]; |
acc2 -= a[row_i + j] * f2[j]; |
} |
f1[i] = acc1 / a[row_i + i]; |
f2[i] = acc2 / a[row_i + i]; |
// due to numerical errors return 0 solutions
if (std::isnan(f1[i]) || std::isnan(f2[i])) |
return 0; |
} |
// OpenCV:
double c[4], r[3]; |
double t0, t1, t2; |
Mat_<double> coeffs (1, 4, c); |
Mat_<double> roots (1, 3, r); |
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) |
f1[i] -= f2[i]; |
t0 = f2[4]*f2[8] - f2[5]*f2[7]; |
t1 = f2[3]*f2[8] - f2[5]*f2[6]; |
t2 = f2[3]*f2[7] - f2[4]*f2[6]; |
c[3] = f2[0]*t0 - f2[1]*t1 + f2[2]*t2; |
c[2] = f1[0]*t0 - f1[1]*t1 + f1[2]*t2 - |
f1[3]*(f2[1]*f2[8] - f2[2]*f2[7]) + |
f1[4]*(f2[0]*f2[8] - f2[2]*f2[6]) - |
f1[5]*(f2[0]*f2[7] - f2[1]*f2[6]) + |
f1[6]*(f2[1]*f2[5] - f2[2]*f2[4]) - |
f1[7]*(f2[0]*f2[5] - f2[2]*f2[3]) + |
f1[8]*(f2[0]*f2[4] - f2[1]*f2[3]); |
t0 = f1[4]*f1[8] - f1[5]*f1[7]; |
t1 = f1[3]*f1[8] - f1[5]*f1[6]; |
t2 = f1[3]*f1[7] - f1[4]*f1[6]; |
c[1] = f2[0]*t0 - f2[1]*t1 + f2[2]*t2 - |
f2[3]*(f1[1]*f1[8] - f1[2]*f1[7]) + |
f2[4]*(f1[0]*f1[8] - f1[2]*f1[6]) - |
f2[5]*(f1[0]*f1[7] - f1[1]*f1[6]) + |
f2[6]*(f1[1]*f1[5] - f1[2]*f1[4]) - |
f2[7]*(f1[0]*f1[5] - f1[2]*f1[3]) + |
f2[8]*(f1[0]*f1[4] - f1[1]*f1[3]); |
c[0] = f1[0]*t0 - f1[1]*t1 + f1[2]*t2; |
// solve the cubic equation; there can be 1 to 3 roots ...
int nroots = solveCubic (coeffs, roots); |
if (nroots < 1) return 0; |
models = std::vector<Mat>(nroots); |
for (int k = 0; k < nroots; k++) { |
models[k] = Mat_<double>(3,3); |
auto * F_ptr = (double *) models[k].data; |
// for each root form the fundamental matrix
double lambda = r[k], mu = 1; |
double s = f1[8]*lambda + f2[8]; |
// normalize each matrix, so that F(3,3) (~F[8]) == 1
if (fabs(s) > FLT_EPSILON) { |
mu = 1/s; |
lambda *= mu; |
F_ptr[8] = 1; |
} else |
F_ptr[8] = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
F_ptr[i] = f1[i] * lambda + f2[i] * mu; |
} |
return nroots; |
} |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 3; } |
int getSampleSize() const override { return 7; } |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<FundamentalMinimalSolver7ptsImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts> FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<FundamentalMinimalSolver7ptsImpl>(points_); |
} |
class FundamentalMinimalSolver8ptsImpl : public FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit FundamentalMinimalSolver8ptsImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat (&points_), points ((float*) {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
const int m = 8, n = 9; // rows, cols
std::vector<double> a(m*n); |
auto * a_ = &a[0]; |
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++ ) { |
const int smpl = 4*sample[i]; |
const auto x1 = points[smpl ], y1 = points[smpl+1], |
x2 = points[smpl+2], y2 = points[smpl+3]; |
(*a_++) = x2*x1; |
(*a_++) = x2*y1; |
(*a_++) = x2; |
(*a_++) = y2*x1; |
(*a_++) = y2*y1; |
(*a_++) = y2; |
(*a_++) = x1; |
(*a_++) = y1; |
(*a_++) = 1; |
} |
Math::eliminateUpperTriangular(a, m, n); |
[a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 a18 a19] |
[ 0 a22 a23 a24 a25 a26 a27 a28 a29] |
[ 0 0 a33 a34 a35 a36 a37 a38 a39] |
[ 0 0 0 a44 a45 a46 a47 a48 a49] |
[ 0 0 0 0 a55 a56 a57 a58 a59] |
[ 0 0 0 0 0 a66 a67 a68 a69] |
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 a77 a78 a79] |
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a88 a89] |
f9 = 1 |
f8 = (-a89*f9) / a88 |
f7 = (-a79*f9 - a78*f8) / a77 |
f6 = (-a69*f9 - a68*f8 - a69*f9) / a66 |
... |
*/ |
models = std::vector<Mat>{ Mat_<double>(3,3) }; |
auto * f = (double *) models[0].data; |
f[8] = 1.; |
// start from the last row
for (int i = m-1; i >= 0; i--) { |
double acc = 0; |
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++) |
acc -= a[i*n+j]*f[j]; |
f[i] = acc / a[i*n+i]; |
// due to numerical errors return 0 solutions
if (std::isnan(f[i])) |
return 0; |
} |
return 1; |
} |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
int getSampleSize() const override { return 8; } |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<FundamentalMinimalSolver8ptsImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts> FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<FundamentalMinimalSolver8ptsImpl>(points_); |
} |
class FundamentalNonMinimalSolverImpl : public FundamentalNonMinimalSolver { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const Ptr<NormTransform> normTr; |
public: |
explicit FundamentalNonMinimalSolverImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), normTr (NormTransform::create(points_)) {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, std::vector<Mat> |
&models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const override { |
if (sample_size < getMinimumRequiredSampleSize()) |
return 0; |
Matx33d T1, T2; |
Mat norm_points; |
normTr->getNormTransformation(norm_points, sample, sample_size, T1, T2); |
const auto * const norm_pts = (float *); |
// ------- 8 points algorithm with Eigen and covariance matrix --------------
double a[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; |
double AtA[81] = {0}; // 9x9
if (weights.empty()) { |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int norm_points_idx = 4*i; |
const double x1 = norm_pts[norm_points_idx ], y1 = norm_pts[norm_points_idx+1], |
x2 = norm_pts[norm_points_idx+2], y2 = norm_pts[norm_points_idx+3]; |
a[0] = x2*x1; |
a[1] = x2*y1; |
a[2] = x2; |
a[3] = y2*x1; |
a[4] = y2*y1; |
a[5] = y2; |
a[6] = x1; |
a[7] = y1; |
// calculate covariance for eigen
for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++) |
for (int col = row; col < 9; col++) |
AtA[row*9+col] += a[row]*a[col]; |
} |
} else { |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int smpl = 4*i; |
const double weight = weights[i]; |
const double x1 = norm_pts[smpl ], y1 = norm_pts[smpl+1], |
x2 = norm_pts[smpl+2], y2 = norm_pts[smpl+3]; |
const double weight_times_x2 = weight * x2, |
weight_times_y2 = weight * y2; |
a[0] = weight_times_x2 * x1; |
a[1] = weight_times_x2 * y1; |
a[2] = weight_times_x2; |
a[3] = weight_times_y2 * x1; |
a[4] = weight_times_y2 * y1; |
a[5] = weight_times_y2; |
a[6] = weight * x1; |
a[7] = weight * y1; |
a[8] = weight; |
// calculate covariance for eigen
for (int row = 0; row < 9; row++) |
for (int col = row; col < 9; col++) |
AtA[row*9+col] += a[row]*a[col]; |
} |
} |
// copy symmetric part of covariance matrix
for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++) |
for (int z = 0; z < j; z++) |
AtA[j*9+z] = AtA[z*9+j]; |
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
models = std::vector<Mat>{ Mat_<double>(3,3) }; |
const Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>> svd((Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>(AtA)), |
Eigen::ComputeFullV); |
// extract the last nullspace
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1>>((double *)models[0].data) = svd.matrixV().col(8); |
#else |
Matx<double, 9, 9> AtA_(AtA), U, Vt; |
Vec<double, 9> W; |
SVD::compute(AtA_, W, U, Vt, SVD::FULL_UV + SVD::MODIFY_A); |
models = std::vector<Mat> { Mat(Vt.row(8).reshape<3,3>()) }; |
#endif |
// Transpose T2 (in T2 the lower diagonal is zero)
T2(2, 0) = T2(0, 2); T2(2, 1) = T2(1, 2); |
T2(0, 2) = 0; T2(1, 2) = 0; |
models[0] = T2 * models[0] * T1; |
FundamentalDegeneracy::recoverRank(models[0]); |
return 1; |
} |
int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const override { return 8; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<FundamentalNonMinimalSolverImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<FundamentalNonMinimalSolver> FundamentalNonMinimalSolver::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<FundamentalNonMinimalSolverImpl>(points_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
constexpr int stored_gamma_number = 2999; |
constexpr int stored_incomplete_gamma_number = 3999; |
constexpr double scale_of_stored_gammas_n4 = 1647.8; |
constexpr double scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas_n4 = 603.64; |
constexpr double stored_complete_gamma_values_n4[] = {0.88623,0.88618,0.8861,0.88599,0.88587,0.88573,0.88557,0.8854,0.88522,0.88502,0.88482,0.8846,0.88438,0.88415,0.8839,0.88365,0.8834,0.88313,0.88285,0.88257,0.88229,0.88199,0.88169,0.88138,0.88107,0.88075,0.88042,0.88009,0.87975,0.87941,0.87906,0.8787,0.87834,0.87798,0.87761,0.87724,0.87686,0.87647,0.87609,0.87569,0.8753,0.8749,0.87449,0.87408,0.87367,0.87325,0.87283,0.8724,0.87197,0.87154,0.8711,0.87066,0.87022,0.86977,0.86932,0.86886,0.8684,0.86794,0.86748,0.86701,0.86654,0.86606,0.86559,0.86511,0.86462,0.86414,0.86365,0.86315,0.86266,0.86216,0.86166,0.86116,0.86065,0.86014,0.85963,0.85911,0.8586,0.85808,0.85755,0.85703,0.8565,0.85597,0.85544,0.85491,0.85437,0.85383,0.85329,0.85275,0.8522,0.85165,0.8511,0.85055,0.85,0.84944,0.84888,0.84832,0.84776,0.8472,0.84663,0.84606, |
0.84549,0.84492,0.84434,0.84377,0.84319,0.84261,0.84203,0.84145,0.84086,0.84027,0.83969,0.83909,0.8385,0.83791,0.83731,0.83672,0.83612,0.83552,0.83492,0.83431,0.83371,0.8331,0.8325,0.83189,0.83128,0.83066,0.83005,0.82943,0.82882,0.8282,0.82758,0.82696,0.82634,0.82572,0.82509,0.82447,0.82384,0.82321,0.82258,0.82195,0.82132,0.82068,0.82005,0.81941,0.81878,0.81814,0.8175,0.81686,0.81622,0.81558,0.81493,0.81429,0.81364,0.813,0.81235,0.8117,0.81105,0.8104,0.80975,0.80909,0.80844,0.80779,0.80713,0.80647,0.80582,0.80516,0.8045,0.80384,0.80318,0.80251,0.80185,0.80119,0.80052,0.79986,0.79919,0.79852,0.79786,0.79719,0.79652,0.79585,0.79518,0.7945,0.79383,0.79316,0.79248,0.79181,0.79113,0.79046,0.78978,0.7891,0.78843,0.78775,0.78707,0.78639,0.78571,0.78503,0.78434,0.78366,0.78298,0.78229, |
0.78161,0.78093,0.78024,0.77955,0.77887,0.77818,0.77749,0.7768,0.77612,0.77543,0.77474,0.77405,0.77336,0.77266,0.77197,0.77128,0.77059,0.76989,0.7692,0.76851,0.76781,0.76712,0.76642,0.76573,0.76503,0.76433,0.76364,0.76294,0.76224,0.76154,0.76085,0.76015,0.75945,0.75875,0.75805,0.75735,0.75665,0.75595,0.75525,0.75454,0.75384,0.75314,0.75244,0.75174,0.75103,0.75033,0.74963,0.74892,0.74822,0.74751,0.74681,0.74611,0.7454,0.7447,0.74399,0.74328,0.74258,0.74187,0.74117,0.74046,0.73975,0.73905,0.73834,0.73763,0.73692,0.73622,0.73551,0.7348,0.73409,0.73339,0.73268,0.73197,0.73126,0.73055,0.72984,0.72913,0.72842,0.72772,0.72701,0.7263,0.72559,0.72488,0.72417,0.72346,0.72275,0.72204,0.72133,0.72062,0.71991,0.7192,0.71849,0.71778,0.71707,0.71636,0.71565,0.71494,0.71423,0.71352,0.71281,0.71209, |
0.71138,0.71067,0.70996,0.70925,0.70854,0.70783,0.70712,0.70641,0.7057,0.70499,0.70428,0.70357,0.70286,0.70215,0.70144,0.70073,0.70002,0.69931,0.6986,0.69789,0.69718,0.69647,0.69576,0.69505,0.69434,0.69363,0.69292,0.69221,0.6915,0.69079,0.69008,0.68937,0.68867,0.68796,0.68725,0.68654,0.68583,0.68512,0.68441,0.68371,0.683,0.68229,0.68158,0.68088,0.68017,0.67946,0.67875,0.67805,0.67734,0.67663,0.67593,0.67522,0.67451,0.67381,0.6731,0.6724,0.67169,0.67099,0.67028,0.66958,0.66887,0.66817,0.66746,0.66676,0.66605,0.66535,0.66465,0.66394,0.66324,0.66254,0.66183,0.66113,0.66043,0.65973,0.65903,0.65832,0.65762,0.65692,0.65622,0.65552,0.65482,0.65412,0.65342,0.65272,0.65202,0.65132,0.65062,0.64992,0.64922,0.64853,0.64783,0.64713,0.64643,0.64574,0.64504,0.64434,0.64365,0.64295,0.64225,0.64156, |
0.64086,0.64017,0.63947,0.63878,0.63808,0.63739,0.6367,0.636,0.63531,0.63462,0.63393,0.63323,0.63254,0.63185,0.63116,0.63047,0.62978,0.62909,0.6284,0.62771,0.62702,0.62633,0.62564,0.62495,0.62427,0.62358,0.62289,0.6222,0.62152,0.62083,0.62014,0.61946,0.61877,0.61809,0.6174,0.61672,0.61604,0.61535,0.61467,0.61399,0.6133,0.61262,0.61194,0.61126,0.61058,0.6099,0.60922,0.60854,0.60786,0.60718,0.6065,0.60582,0.60514,0.60446,0.60379,0.60311,0.60243,0.60176,0.60108,0.60041,0.59973,0.59906,0.59838,0.59771,0.59703,0.59636,0.59569,0.59501,0.59434,0.59367,0.593,0.59233,0.59166,0.59099,0.59032,0.58965,0.58898,0.58831,0.58764,0.58698,0.58631,0.58564,0.58498,0.58431,0.58365,0.58298,0.58232,0.58165,0.58099,0.58032,0.57966,0.579,0.57834,0.57767,0.57701,0.57635,0.57569,0.57503,0.57437,0.57371, |
0.57305,0.5724,0.57174,0.57108,0.57042,0.56977,0.56911,0.56845,0.5678,0.56714,0.56649,0.56584,0.56518,0.56453,0.56388,0.56322,0.56257,0.56192,0.56127,0.56062,0.55997,0.55932,0.55867,0.55802,0.55738,0.55673,0.55608,0.55543,0.55479,0.55414,0.5535,0.55285,0.55221,0.55156,0.55092,0.55028,0.54963,0.54899,0.54835,0.54771,0.54707,0.54643,0.54579,0.54515,0.54451,0.54387,0.54323,0.5426,0.54196,0.54132,0.54069,0.54005,0.53942,0.53878,0.53815,0.53751,0.53688,0.53625,0.53562,0.53498,0.53435,0.53372,0.53309,0.53246,0.53183,0.5312,0.53058,0.52995,0.52932,0.52869,0.52807,0.52744,0.52682,0.52619,0.52557,0.52494,0.52432,0.5237,0.52307,0.52245,0.52183,0.52121,0.52059,0.51997,0.51935,0.51873,0.51811,0.51749,0.51688,0.51626,0.51564,0.51503,0.51441,0.5138,0.51318,0.51257,0.51195,0.51134,0.51073,0.51012, |
0.5095,0.50889,0.50828,0.50767,0.50706,0.50645,0.50585,0.50524,0.50463,0.50402,0.50342,0.50281,0.50221,0.5016,0.501,0.50039,0.49979,0.49919,0.49858,0.49798,0.49738,0.49678,0.49618,0.49558,0.49498,0.49438,0.49378,0.49318,0.49259,0.49199,0.49139,0.4908,0.4902,0.48961,0.48901,0.48842,0.48783,0.48724,0.48664,0.48605,0.48546,0.48487,0.48428,0.48369,0.4831,0.48251,0.48192,0.48134,0.48075,0.48016,0.47958,0.47899,0.47841,0.47782,0.47724,0.47666,0.47607,0.47549,0.47491,0.47433,0.47375,0.47317,0.47259,0.47201,0.47143,0.47085,0.47027,0.4697,0.46912,0.46854,0.46797,0.46739,0.46682,0.46625,0.46567,0.4651,0.46453,0.46396,0.46338,0.46281,0.46224,0.46167,0.4611,0.46054,0.45997,0.4594,0.45883,0.45827,0.4577,0.45713,0.45657,0.45601,0.45544,0.45488,0.45432,0.45375,0.45319,0.45263,0.45207,0.45151, |
0.45095,0.45039,0.44983,0.44927,0.44872,0.44816,0.4476,0.44705,0.44649,0.44594,0.44538,0.44483,0.44427,0.44372,0.44317,0.44262,0.44207,0.44151,0.44096,0.44041,0.43987,0.43932,0.43877,0.43822,0.43767,0.43713,0.43658,0.43604,0.43549,0.43495,0.4344,0.43386,0.43332,0.43277,0.43223,0.43169,0.43115,0.43061,0.43007,0.42953,0.42899,0.42846,0.42792,0.42738,0.42684,0.42631,0.42577,0.42524,0.4247,0.42417,0.42364,0.4231,0.42257,0.42204,0.42151,0.42098,0.42045,0.41992,0.41939,0.41886,0.41833,0.4178,0.41728,0.41675,0.41623,0.4157,0.41517,0.41465,0.41413,0.4136,0.41308,0.41256,0.41204,0.41152,0.41099,0.41047,0.40996,0.40944,0.40892,0.4084,0.40788,0.40736,0.40685,0.40633,0.40582,0.4053,0.40479,0.40427,0.40376,0.40325,0.40274,0.40222,0.40171,0.4012,0.40069,0.40018,0.39967,0.39916,0.39866,0.39815, |
0.39764,0.39714,0.39663,0.39612,0.39562,0.39511,0.39461,0.39411,0.3936,0.3931,0.3926,0.3921,0.3916,0.3911,0.3906,0.3901,0.3896,0.3891,0.3886,0.38811,0.38761,0.38711,0.38662,0.38612,0.38563,0.38514,0.38464,0.38415,0.38366,0.38316,0.38267,0.38218,0.38169,0.3812,0.38071,0.38022,0.37974,0.37925,0.37876,0.37827,0.37779,0.3773,0.37682,0.37633,0.37585,0.37536,0.37488,0.3744,0.37392,0.37343,0.37295,0.37247,0.37199,0.37151,0.37103,0.37056,0.37008,0.3696,0.36912,0.36865,0.36817,0.3677,0.36722,0.36675,0.36627,0.3658,0.36533,0.36485,0.36438,0.36391,0.36344,0.36297,0.3625,0.36203,0.36156,0.36109,0.36062,0.36016,0.35969,0.35922,0.35876,0.35829,0.35783,0.35736,0.3569,0.35644,0.35597,0.35551,0.35505,0.35459,0.35413,0.35367,0.35321,0.35275,0.35229,0.35183,0.35137,0.35092,0.35046,0.35, |
0.34955,0.34909,0.34864,0.34818,0.34773,0.34728,0.34682,0.34637,0.34592,0.34547,0.34502,0.34457,0.34412,0.34367,0.34322,0.34277,0.34233,0.34188,0.34143,0.34099,0.34054,0.34009,0.33965,0.33921,0.33876,0.33832,0.33788,0.33743,0.33699,0.33655,0.33611,0.33567,0.33523,0.33479,0.33435,0.33391,0.33348,0.33304,0.3326,0.33216,0.33173,0.33129,0.33086,0.33042,0.32999,0.32956,0.32912,0.32869,0.32826,0.32783,0.3274,0.32697,0.32654,0.32611,0.32568,0.32525,0.32482,0.32439,0.32397,0.32354,0.32311,0.32269,0.32226,0.32184,0.32141,0.32099,0.32057,0.32014,0.31972,0.3193,0.31888,0.31846,0.31804,0.31762,0.3172,0.31678,0.31636,0.31594,0.31553,0.31511,0.31469,0.31428,0.31386,0.31345,0.31303,0.31262,0.3122,0.31179,0.31138,0.31097,0.31055,0.31014,0.30973,0.30932,0.30891,0.3085,0.30809,0.30768,0.30728,0.30687, |
0.30646,0.30606,0.30565,0.30524,0.30484,0.30443,0.30403,0.30363,0.30322,0.30282,0.30242,0.30202,0.30161,0.30121,0.30081,0.30041,0.30001,0.29961,0.29922,0.29882,0.29842,0.29802,0.29763,0.29723,0.29683,0.29644,0.29604,0.29565,0.29526,0.29486,0.29447,0.29408,0.29368,0.29329,0.2929,0.29251,0.29212,0.29173,0.29134,0.29095,0.29056,0.29018,0.28979,0.2894,0.28901,0.28863,0.28824,0.28786,0.28747,0.28709,0.2867,0.28632,0.28594,0.28555,0.28517,0.28479,0.28441,0.28403,0.28365,0.28327,0.28289,0.28251,0.28213,0.28175,0.28138,0.281,0.28062,0.28025,0.27987,0.27949,0.27912,0.27875,0.27837,0.278,0.27762,0.27725,0.27688,0.27651,0.27614,0.27577,0.27539,0.27502,0.27466,0.27429,0.27392,0.27355,0.27318,0.27281,0.27245,0.27208,0.27171,0.27135,0.27098,0.27062,0.27025,0.26989,0.26953,0.26916,0.2688,0.26844, |
0.26808,0.26772,0.26735,0.26699,0.26663,0.26627,0.26592,0.26556,0.2652,0.26484,0.26448,0.26413,0.26377,0.26341,0.26306,0.2627,0.26235,0.26199,0.26164,0.26129,0.26093,0.26058,0.26023,0.25988,0.25953,0.25917,0.25882,0.25847,0.25812,0.25777,0.25743,0.25708,0.25673,0.25638,0.25603,0.25569,0.25534,0.255,0.25465,0.2543,0.25396,0.25362,0.25327,0.25293,0.25259,0.25224,0.2519,0.25156,0.25122,0.25088,0.25054,0.2502,0.24986,0.24952,0.24918,0.24884,0.2485,0.24817,0.24783,0.24749,0.24715,0.24682,0.24648,0.24615,0.24581,0.24548,0.24515,0.24481,0.24448,0.24415,0.24381,0.24348,0.24315,0.24282,0.24249,0.24216,0.24183,0.2415,0.24117,0.24084,0.24051,0.24019,0.23986,0.23953,0.23921,0.23888,0.23855,0.23823,0.2379,0.23758,0.23726,0.23693,0.23661,0.23629,0.23596,0.23564,0.23532,0.235,0.23468,0.23436, |
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0.20396,0.20368,0.2034,0.20312,0.20284,0.20256,0.20228,0.202,0.20172,0.20144,0.20116,0.20088,0.2006,0.20032,0.20005,0.19977,0.19949,0.19922,0.19894,0.19866,0.19839,0.19811,0.19784,0.19757,0.19729,0.19702,0.19675,0.19647,0.1962,0.19593,0.19566,0.19539,0.19511,0.19484,0.19457,0.1943,0.19403,0.19376,0.1935,0.19323,0.19296,0.19269,0.19242,0.19216,0.19189,0.19162,0.19136,0.19109,0.19082,0.19056,0.19029,0.19003,0.18977,0.1895,0.18924,0.18898,0.18871,0.18845,0.18819,0.18793,0.18766,0.1874,0.18714,0.18688,0.18662,0.18636,0.1861,0.18584,0.18558,0.18533,0.18507,0.18481,0.18455,0.1843,0.18404,0.18378,0.18353,0.18327,0.18302,0.18276,0.18251,0.18225,0.182,0.18174,0.18149,0.18124,0.18098,0.18073,0.18048,0.18023,0.17998,0.17972,0.17947,0.17922,0.17897,0.17872,0.17847,0.17822,0.17797,0.17773, |
0.17748,0.17723,0.17698,0.17674,0.17649,0.17624,0.176,0.17575,0.1755,0.17526,0.17501,0.17477,0.17452,0.17428,0.17404,0.17379,0.17355,0.17331,0.17306,0.17282,0.17258,0.17234,0.1721,0.17186,0.17162,0.17137,0.17113,0.1709,0.17066,0.17042,0.17018,0.16994,0.1697,0.16946,0.16923,0.16899,0.16875,0.16852,0.16828,0.16804,0.16781,0.16757,0.16734,0.1671,0.16687,0.16663,0.1664,0.16617,0.16593,0.1657,0.16547,0.16524,0.165,0.16477,0.16454,0.16431,0.16408,0.16385,0.16362,0.16339,0.16316,0.16293,0.1627,0.16247,0.16224,0.16202,0.16179,0.16156,0.16133,0.16111,0.16088,0.16065,0.16043,0.1602,0.15998,0.15975,0.15953,0.1593,0.15908,0.15885,0.15863,0.15841,0.15818,0.15796,0.15774,0.15752,0.1573,0.15707,0.15685,0.15663,0.15641,0.15619,0.15597,0.15575,0.15553,0.15531,0.15509,0.15487,0.15466,0.15444, |
0.15422,0.154,0.15379,0.15357,0.15335,0.15314,0.15292,0.1527,0.15249,0.15227,0.15206,0.15184,0.15163,0.15142,0.1512,0.15099,0.15077,0.15056,0.15035,0.15014,0.14992,0.14971,0.1495,0.14929,0.14908,0.14887,0.14866,0.14845,0.14824,0.14803,0.14782,0.14761,0.1474,0.14719,0.14699,0.14678,0.14657,0.14636,0.14616,0.14595,0.14574,0.14554,0.14533,0.14512,0.14492,0.14471,0.14451,0.1443,0.1441,0.1439,0.14369,0.14349,0.14329,0.14308,0.14288,0.14268,0.14248,0.14227,0.14207,0.14187,0.14167,0.14147,0.14127,0.14107,0.14087,0.14067,0.14047,0.14027,0.14007,0.13987,0.13967,0.13948,0.13928,0.13908,0.13888,0.13869,0.13849,0.13829,0.1381,0.1379,0.1377,0.13751,0.13731,0.13712,0.13692,0.13673,0.13654,0.13634,0.13615,0.13595,0.13576,0.13557,0.13538,0.13518,0.13499,0.1348,0.13461,0.13442,0.13423,0.13403, |
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0.59436,0.59499,0.59563,0.59626,0.5969,0.59753,0.59817,0.5988,0.59943,0.60007,0.6007,0.60134,0.60197,0.6026,0.60323,0.60387,0.6045,0.60513,0.60576,0.60639,0.60702,0.60765,0.60828,0.60891,0.60954,0.61017,0.6108,0.61143,0.61206,0.61269,0.61332,0.61394,0.61457,0.6152,0.61583,0.61645,0.61708,0.61771,0.61833,0.61896,0.61958,0.62021,0.62083,0.62146,0.62208,0.62271,0.62333,0.62395,0.62458,0.6252,0.62582,0.62644,0.62707,0.62769,0.62831,0.62893,0.62955,0.63017,0.63079,0.63141,0.63203,0.63265,0.63327,0.63389,0.63451,0.63513,0.63574,0.63636,0.63698,0.6376,0.63821,0.63883,0.63945,0.64006,0.64068,0.64129,0.64191,0.64252,0.64314,0.64375,0.64437,0.64498,0.64559,0.6462,0.64682,0.64743,0.64804,0.64865,0.64927,0.64988,0.65049,0.6511,0.65171,0.65232,0.65293,0.65354,0.65415,0.65475,0.65536,0.65597, |
0.65658,0.65719,0.65779,0.6584,0.65901,0.65961,0.66022,0.66083,0.66143,0.66204,0.66264,0.66325,0.66385,0.66445,0.66506,0.66566,0.66626,0.66687,0.66747,0.66807,0.66867,0.66927,0.66987,0.67047,0.67107,0.67167,0.67227,0.67287,0.67347,0.67407,0.67467,0.67527,0.67587,0.67646,0.67706,0.67766,0.67825,0.67885,0.67945,0.68004,0.68064,0.68123,0.68183,0.68242,0.68302,0.68361,0.6842,0.6848,0.68539,0.68598,0.68657,0.68717,0.68776,0.68835,0.68894,0.68953,0.69012,0.69071,0.6913,0.69189,0.69248,0.69307,0.69365,0.69424,0.69483,0.69542,0.696,0.69659,0.69718,0.69776,0.69835,0.69893,0.69952,0.7001,0.70069,0.70127,0.70185,0.70244,0.70302,0.7036,0.70419,0.70477,0.70535,0.70593,0.70651,0.70709,0.70767,0.70825,0.70883,0.70941,0.70999,0.71057,0.71115,0.71173,0.7123,0.71288,0.71346,0.71403,0.71461,0.71519, |
0.71576,0.71634,0.71691,0.71749,0.71806,0.71863,0.71921,0.71978,0.72035,0.72093,0.7215,0.72207,0.72264,0.72321,0.72378,0.72436,0.72493,0.7255,0.72606,0.72663,0.7272,0.72777,0.72834,0.72891,0.72947,0.73004,0.73061,0.73117,0.73174,0.73231,0.73287,0.73344,0.734,0.73457,0.73513,0.73569,0.73626,0.73682,0.73738,0.73795,0.73851,0.73907,0.73963,0.74019,0.74075,0.74131,0.74187,0.74243,0.74299,0.74355,0.74411,0.74467,0.74522,0.74578,0.74634,0.7469,0.74745,0.74801,0.74856,0.74912,0.74967,0.75023,0.75078,0.75134,0.75189,0.75244,0.753,0.75355,0.7541,0.75465,0.7552,0.75576,0.75631,0.75686,0.75741,0.75796,0.75851,0.75906,0.7596,0.76015,0.7607,0.76125,0.7618,0.76234,0.76289,0.76344,0.76398,0.76453,0.76507,0.76562,0.76616,0.76671,0.76725,0.76779,0.76834,0.76888,0.76942,0.76996,0.7705,0.77105, |
0.77159,0.77213,0.77267,0.77321,0.77375,0.77429,0.77482,0.77536,0.7759,0.77644,0.77698,0.77751,0.77805,0.77859,0.77912,0.77966,0.78019,0.78073,0.78126,0.7818,0.78233,0.78286,0.7834,0.78393,0.78446,0.78499,0.78553,0.78606,0.78659,0.78712,0.78765,0.78818,0.78871,0.78924,0.78977,0.79029,0.79082,0.79135,0.79188,0.79241,0.79293,0.79346,0.79398,0.79451,0.79503,0.79556,0.79608,0.79661,0.79713,0.79766,0.79818,0.7987,0.79922,0.79975,0.80027,0.80079,0.80131,0.80183,0.80235,0.80287,0.80339,0.80391,0.80443,0.80495,0.80546,0.80598,0.8065,0.80701,0.80753,0.80805,0.80856,0.80908,0.80959,0.81011,0.81062,0.81114,0.81165,0.81216,0.81268,0.81319,0.8137,0.81421,0.81473,0.81524,0.81575,0.81626,0.81677,0.81728,0.81779,0.8183,0.8188,0.81931,0.81982,0.82033,0.82083,0.82134,0.82185,0.82235,0.82286,0.82337, |
0.82387,0.82437,0.82488,0.82538,0.82589,0.82639,0.82689,0.82739,0.8279,0.8284,0.8289,0.8294,0.8299,0.8304,0.8309,0.8314,0.8319,0.8324,0.8329,0.8334,0.83389,0.83439,0.83489,0.83538,0.83588,0.83638,0.83687,0.83737,0.83786,0.83836,0.83885,0.83934,0.83984,0.84033,0.84082,0.84131,0.84181,0.8423,0.84279,0.84328,0.84377,0.84426,0.84475,0.84524,0.84573,0.84622,0.84671,0.84719,0.84768,0.84817,0.84865,0.84914,0.84963,0.85011,0.8506,0.85108,0.85157,0.85205,0.85254,0.85302,0.8535,0.85399,0.85447,0.85495,0.85543,0.85591,0.85639,0.85687,0.85735,0.85783,0.85831,0.85879,0.85927,0.85975,0.86023,0.86071,0.86118,0.86166,0.86214,0.86261,0.86309,0.86356,0.86404,0.86451,0.86499,0.86546,0.86594,0.86641,0.86688,0.86736,0.86783,0.8683,0.86877,0.86924,0.86971,0.87018,0.87065,0.87112,0.87159,0.87206, |
0.87253,0.873,0.87347,0.87393,0.8744,0.87487,0.87533,0.8758,0.87627,0.87673,0.8772,0.87766,0.87813,0.87859,0.87905,0.87952,0.87998,0.88044,0.8809,0.88137,0.88183,0.88229,0.88275,0.88321,0.88367,0.88413,0.88459,0.88505,0.8855,0.88596,0.88642,0.88688,0.88733,0.88779,0.88825,0.8887,0.88916,0.88961,0.89007,0.89052,0.89098,0.89143,0.89189,0.89234,0.89279,0.89324,0.8937,0.89415,0.8946,0.89505,0.8955,0.89595,0.8964,0.89685,0.8973,0.89775,0.8982,0.89864,0.89909,0.89954,0.89999,0.90043,0.90088,0.90132,0.90177,0.90221,0.90266,0.9031,0.90355,0.90399,0.90443,0.90488,0.90532,0.90576,0.9062,0.90665,0.90709,0.90753,0.90797,0.90841,0.90885,0.90929,0.90973,0.91017,0.9106,0.91104,0.91148,0.91192,0.91235,0.91279,0.91323,0.91366,0.9141,0.91453,0.91497,0.9154,0.91584,0.91627,0.9167,0.91714, |
0.91757,0.918,0.91843,0.91886,0.9193,0.91973,0.92016,0.92059,0.92102,0.92145,0.92188,0.9223,0.92273,0.92316,0.92359,0.92402,0.92444,0.92487,0.9253,0.92572,0.92615,0.92657,0.927,0.92742,0.92785,0.92827,0.92869,0.92912,0.92954,0.92996,0.93038,0.9308,0.93123,0.93165,0.93207,0.93249,0.93291,0.93333,0.93375,0.93416,0.93458,0.935,0.93542,0.93584,0.93625,0.93667,0.93709,0.9375,0.93792,0.93833,0.93875,0.93916,0.93958,0.93999,0.9404,0.94082,0.94123,0.94164,0.94206,0.94247,0.94288,0.94329,0.9437,0.94411,0.94452,0.94493,0.94534,0.94575,0.94616,0.94657,0.94697,0.94738,0.94779,0.9482,0.9486,0.94901,0.94941,0.94982,0.95023,0.95063,0.95103,0.95144,0.95184,0.95225,0.95265,0.95305,0.95345,0.95386,0.95426,0.95466,0.95506,0.95546,0.95586,0.95626,0.95666,0.95706,0.95746,0.95786,0.95826,0.95865, |
0.95905,0.95945,0.95985,0.96024,0.96064,0.96103,0.96143,0.96182,0.96222,0.96261,0.96301,0.9634,0.9638,0.96419,0.96458,0.96497,0.96537,0.96576,0.96615,0.96654,0.96693,0.96732,0.96771,0.9681,0.96849,0.96888,0.96927,0.96966,0.97004,0.97043,0.97082,0.97121,0.97159,0.97198,0.97236,0.97275,0.97313,0.97352,0.9739,0.97429,0.97467,0.97506,0.97544,0.97582,0.9762,0.97659,0.97697,0.97735,0.97773,0.97811,0.97849,0.97887,0.97925,0.97963,0.98001,0.98039,0.98077,0.98115,0.98152,0.9819,0.98228,0.98266,0.98303,0.98341,0.98378,0.98416,0.98453,0.98491,0.98528,0.98566,0.98603,0.98641,0.98678,0.98715,0.98752,0.9879,0.98827,0.98864,0.98901,0.98938,0.98975,0.99012,0.99049,0.99086,0.99123,0.9916,0.99197,0.99234,0.9927,0.99307,0.99344,0.9938,0.99417,0.99454,0.9949,0.99527,0.99563,0.996,0.99636,0.99673, |
0.99709,0.99745,0.99782,0.99818,0.99854,0.9989,0.99927,0.99963,0.99999,1.00035,1.00071,1.00107,1.00143,1.00179,1.00215,1.00251,1.00287,1.00323,1.00358,1.00394,1.0043,1.00465,1.00501,1.00537,1.00572,1.00608,1.00643,1.00679,1.00714,1.0075,1.00785,1.00821,1.00856,1.00891,1.00927,1.00962,1.00997,1.01032,1.01067,1.01102,1.01137,1.01172,1.01208,1.01242,1.01277,1.01312,1.01347,1.01382,1.01417,1.01452,1.01486,1.01521,1.01556,1.0159,1.01625,1.0166,1.01694,1.01729,1.01763,1.01798,1.01832,1.01867,1.01901,1.01935,1.0197,1.02004,1.02038,1.02072,1.02107,1.02141,1.02175,1.02209,1.02243,1.02277,1.02311,1.02345,1.02379,1.02413,1.02447,1.0248,1.02514,1.02548,1.02582,1.02615,1.02649,1.02683,1.02716,1.0275,1.02783,1.02817,1.0285,1.02884,1.02917,1.02951,1.02984,1.03017,1.03051,1.03084,1.03117,1.0315, |
1.03183,1.03217,1.0325,1.03283,1.03316,1.03349,1.03382,1.03415,1.03448,1.03481,1.03513,1.03546,1.03579,1.03612,1.03645,1.03677,1.0371,1.03743,1.03775,1.03808,1.0384,1.03873,1.03905,1.03938,1.0397,1.04003,1.04035,1.04067,1.041,1.04132,1.04164,1.04196,1.04228,1.04261,1.04293,1.04325,1.04357,1.04389,1.04421,1.04453,1.04485,1.04517,1.04549,1.0458,1.04612,1.04644,1.04676,1.04707,1.04739,1.04771,1.04802,1.04834,1.04866,1.04897,1.04929,1.0496,1.04992,1.05023,1.05054,1.05086,1.05117,1.05148,1.0518,1.05211,1.05242,1.05273,1.05304,1.05336,1.05367,1.05398,1.05429,1.0546,1.05491,1.05522,1.05553,1.05583,1.05614,1.05645,1.05676,1.05707,1.05737,1.05768,1.05799,1.05829,1.0586,1.05891,1.05921,1.05952,1.05982,1.06013,1.06043,1.06073,1.06104,1.06134,1.06164,1.06195,1.06225,1.06255,1.06285,1.06316, |
1.06346,1.06376,1.06406,1.06436,1.06466,1.06496,1.06526,1.06556,1.06586,1.06616,1.06645,1.06675,1.06705,1.06735,1.06764,1.06794,1.06824,1.06853,1.06883,1.06913,1.06942,1.06972,1.07001,1.07031,1.0706,1.0709,1.07119,1.07148,1.07178,1.07207,1.07236,1.07265,1.07295,1.07324,1.07353,1.07382,1.07411,1.0744,1.07469,1.07498,1.07527,1.07556,1.07585,1.07614,1.07643,1.07672,1.077,1.07729,1.07758,1.07787,1.07815,1.07844,1.07873,1.07901,1.0793,1.07958,1.07987,1.08015,1.08044,1.08072,1.08101,1.08129,1.08158,1.08186,1.08214,1.08242,1.08271,1.08299,1.08327,1.08355,1.08383,1.08411,1.0844,1.08468,1.08496,1.08524,1.08552,1.08579,1.08607,1.08635,1.08663,1.08691,1.08719,1.08746,1.08774,1.08802,1.0883,1.08857,1.08885,1.08912,1.0894,1.08968,1.08995,1.09023,1.0905,1.09077,1.09105,1.09132,1.0916,1.09187, |
1.09214,1.09242,1.09269,1.09296,1.09323,1.0935,1.09377,1.09405,1.09432,1.09459,1.09486,1.09513,1.0954,1.09567,1.09594,1.0962,1.09647,1.09674,1.09701,1.09728,1.09754,1.09781,1.09808,1.09835,1.09861,1.09888,1.09914,1.09941,1.09967,1.09994,1.1002,1.10047,1.10073,1.101,1.10126,1.10153,1.10179,1.10205,1.10231,1.10258,1.10284,1.1031,1.10336,1.10362,1.10388,1.10415,1.10441,1.10467,1.10493,1.10519,1.10545,1.1057,1.10596,1.10622,1.10648,1.10674,1.107,1.10725,1.10751,1.10777,1.10803,1.10828,1.10854,1.1088,1.10905,1.10931,1.10956,1.10982,1.11007,1.11033,1.11058,1.11083,1.11109,1.11134,1.11159,1.11185,1.1121,1.11235,1.11261,1.11286,1.11311,1.11336,1.11361,1.11386,1.11411,1.11436,1.11461,1.11486,1.11511,1.11536,1.11561,1.11586,1.11611,1.11636,1.11661,1.11685,1.1171,1.11735,1.11759,1.11784, |
1.11809,1.11833,1.11858,1.11883,1.11907,1.11932,1.11956,1.11981,1.12005,1.1203,1.12054,1.12078,1.12103,1.12127,1.12151,1.12176,1.122,1.12224,1.12248,1.12272,1.12297,1.12321,1.12345,1.12369,1.12393,1.12417,1.12441,1.12465,1.12489,1.12513,1.12537,1.12561,1.12584,1.12608,1.12632,1.12656,1.1268,1.12703,1.12727,1.12751,1.12774,1.12798,1.12822,1.12845,1.12869,1.12892,1.12916,1.12939,1.12963,1.12986,1.1301,1.13033,1.13056,1.1308,1.13103,1.13126,1.13149,1.13173,1.13196,1.13219,1.13242,1.13265,1.13289,1.13312,1.13335,1.13358,1.13381,1.13404,1.13427,1.1345,1.13473,1.13495,1.13518,1.13541,1.13564,1.13587,1.1361,1.13632,1.13655,1.13678,1.137,1.13723,1.13746,1.13768,1.13791,1.13814,1.13836,1.13859,1.13881,1.13904,1.13926,1.13948,1.13971,1.13993,1.14016,1.14038,1.1406,1.14082,1.14105,1.14127, |
1.14149,1.14171,1.14194,1.14216,1.14238,1.1426,1.14282,1.14304,1.14326,1.14348,1.1437,1.14392,1.14414,1.14436,1.14458,1.1448,1.14501,1.14523,1.14545,1.14567,1.14588,1.1461,1.14632,1.14654,1.14675,1.14697,1.14718,1.1474,1.14762,1.14783,1.14805,1.14826,1.14848,1.14869,1.1489,1.14912,1.14933,1.14955,1.14976,1.14997,1.15019,1.1504,1.15061,1.15082,1.15103,1.15125,1.15146,1.15167,1.15188,1.15209,1.1523,1.15251,1.15272,1.15293,1.15314,1.15335,1.15356,1.15377,1.15398,1.15419,1.1544,1.1546,1.15481,1.15502,1.15523,1.15543,1.15564,1.15585,1.15605,1.15626,1.15647,1.15667,1.15688,1.15708,1.15729,1.15749,1.1577,1.1579,1.15811,1.15831,1.15852,1.15872,1.15892,1.15913,1.15933,1.15953,1.15974,1.15994,1.16014,1.16034,1.16054,1.16075,1.16095,1.16115,1.16135,1.16155,1.16175,1.16195,1.16215,1.16235, |
1.16255,1.16275,1.16295,1.16315,1.16335,1.16354,1.16374,1.16394,1.16414,1.16434,1.16453,1.16473,1.16493,1.16512,1.16532,1.16552,1.16571,1.16591,1.16611,1.1663,1.1665,1.16669,1.16689,1.16708,1.16728,1.16747,1.16766,1.16786,1.16805,1.16824,1.16844,1.16863,1.16882,1.16902,1.16921,1.1694,1.16959,1.16978,1.16998,1.17017,1.17036,1.17055,1.17074,1.17093,1.17112,1.17131,1.1715,1.17169,1.17188,1.17207,1.17226,1.17245,1.17264,1.17282,1.17301,1.1732,1.17339,1.17358,1.17376,1.17395,1.17414,1.17432,1.17451,1.1747,1.17488,1.17507,1.17526,1.17544,1.17563,1.17581,1.176,1.17618,1.17637,1.17655,1.17673,1.17692,1.1771,1.17729,1.17747,1.17765,1.17784,1.17802,1.1782,1.17838,1.17857,1.17875,1.17893,1.17911,1.17929,1.17947,1.17965,1.17983,1.18002,1.1802,1.18038,1.18056,1.18074,1.18092,1.18109,1.18127, |
1.18145,1.18163,1.18181,1.18199,1.18217,1.18234,1.18252,1.1827,1.18288,1.18305,1.18323,1.18341,1.18358,1.18376,1.18394,1.18411,1.18429,1.18447,1.18464,1.18482,1.18499,1.18517,1.18534,1.18552,1.18569,1.18586,1.18604,1.18621,1.18638,1.18656,1.18673,1.1869,1.18708,1.18725,1.18742,1.18759,1.18777,1.18794,1.18811,1.18828,1.18845,1.18862,1.18879,1.18896,1.18914,1.18931,1.18948,1.18965,1.18982,1.18998,1.19015,1.19032,1.19049,1.19066,1.19083,1.191,1.19117,1.19133,1.1915,1.19167,1.19184,1.192,1.19217,1.19234,1.19251,1.19267,1.19284,1.193,1.19317,1.19334,1.1935,1.19367,1.19383,1.194,1.19416,1.19433,1.19449,1.19466,1.19482,1.19498,1.19515,1.19531,1.19547,1.19564,1.1958,1.19596,1.19613,1.19629,1.19645,1.19661,1.19678,1.19694,1.1971,1.19726,1.19742,1.19758,1.19774,1.1979,1.19806,1.19823, |
1.19839,1.19855,1.19871,1.19886,1.19902,1.19918,1.19934,1.1995,1.19966,1.19982,1.19998,1.20014,1.20029,1.20045,1.20061,1.20077,1.20092,1.20108,1.20124,1.20139,1.20155,1.20171,1.20186,1.20202,1.20218,1.20233,1.20249,1.20264,1.2028,1.20295,1.20311,1.20326,1.20342,1.20357,1.20373,1.20388,1.20403,1.20419,1.20434,1.20449,1.20465,1.2048,1.20495,1.2051,1.20526,1.20541,1.20556,1.20571,1.20587,1.20602,1.20617,1.20632,1.20647,1.20662,1.20677,1.20692,1.20707,1.20722,1.20737,1.20752,1.20767,1.20782,1.20797,1.20812,1.20827,1.20842,1.20857,1.20872,1.20886,1.20901,1.20916,1.20931,1.20946,1.2096,1.20975,1.2099,1.21004,1.21019,1.21034,1.21048,1.21063,1.21078,1.21092,1.21107,1.21121,1.21136,1.21151,1.21165,1.2118,1.21194,1.21209,1.21223,1.21237,1.21252,1.21266,1.21281,1.21295,1.21309,1.21324,1.21338, |
1.21352,1.21367,1.21381,1.21395,1.21409,1.21424,1.21438,1.21452,1.21466,1.2148,1.21494,1.21509,1.21523,1.21537,1.21551,1.21565,1.21579,1.21593,1.21607,1.21621,1.21635,1.21649,1.21663,1.21677,1.21691,1.21705,1.21719,1.21732,1.21746,1.2176,1.21774,1.21788,1.21802,1.21815,1.21829,1.21843,1.21857,1.2187,1.21884,1.21898,1.21911,1.21925,1.21939,1.21952,1.21966,1.21979,1.21993,1.22007,1.2202,1.22034,1.22047,1.22061,1.22074,1.22088,1.22101,1.22114,1.22128,1.22141,1.22155,1.22168,1.22181,1.22195,1.22208,1.22221,1.22235,1.22248,1.22261,1.22274,1.22288,1.22301,1.22314,1.22327,1.2234,1.22354,1.22367,1.2238,1.22393,1.22406,1.22419,1.22432,1.22445,1.22458,1.22471,1.22484,1.22497,1.2251,1.22523,1.22536,1.22549,1.22562,1.22575,1.22588,1.22601,1.22614,1.22626,1.22639,1.22652,1.22665,1.22678,1.2269, |
1.22703,1.22716,1.22729,1.22741,1.22754,1.22767,1.22779,1.22792,1.22805,1.22817,1.2283,1.22842,1.22855,1.22868,1.2288,1.22893,1.22905,1.22918,1.2293,1.22943,1.22955,1.22968,1.2298,1.22992,1.23005,1.23017,1.2303,1.23042,1.23054,1.23067,1.23079,1.23091,1.23104,1.23116,1.23128,1.2314,1.23153,1.23165,1.23177,1.23189,1.23201,1.23213,1.23226,1.23238,1.2325,1.23262,1.23274,1.23286,1.23298,1.2331,1.23322,1.23334,1.23346,1.23358,1.2337,1.23382,1.23394,1.23406,1.23418,1.2343,1.23442,1.23454,1.23466,1.23477,1.23489,1.23501,1.23513,1.23525,1.23537,1.23548,1.2356,1.23572,1.23584,1.23595,1.23607,1.23619,1.2363,1.23642,1.23654,1.23665,1.23677,1.23688,1.237,1.23712,1.23723,1.23735,1.23746,1.23758,1.23769,1.23781,1.23792,1.23804,1.23815,1.23827,1.23838,1.2385,1.23861,1.23872,1.23884,1.23895, |
1.23906,1.23918,1.23929,1.2394,1.23952,1.23963,1.23974,1.23985,1.23997,1.24008,1.24019,1.2403,1.24042,1.24053,1.24064,1.24075,1.24086,1.24097,1.24108,1.2412,1.24131,1.24142,1.24153,1.24164,1.24175,1.24186,1.24197,1.24208,1.24219,1.2423,1.24241,1.24252,1.24263,1.24274,1.24285,1.24295,1.24306,1.24317,1.24328,1.24339,1.2435,1.2436,1.24371,1.24382,1.24393,1.24404,1.24414,1.24425,1.24436,1.24447,1.24457,1.24468,1.24479,1.24489,1.245,1.24511,1.24521,1.24532,1.24542,1.24553,1.24564,1.24574,1.24585,1.24595,1.24606,1.24616,1.24627,1.24637,1.24648,1.24658,1.24669,1.24679,1.2469,1.247,1.2471,1.24721,1.24731,1.24742,1.24752,1.24762,1.24773,1.24783,1.24793,1.24803,1.24814,1.24824,1.24834,1.24845,1.24855,1.24865,1.24875,1.24885,1.24896,1.24906,1.24916,1.24926,1.24936,1.24946,1.24956,1.24966, |
1.24977,1.24987,1.24997,1.25007,1.25017,1.25027,1.25037,1.25047,1.25057,1.25067,1.25077,1.25087,1.25097,1.25107,1.25117,1.25126,1.25136,1.25146,1.25156,1.25166,1.25176,1.25186,1.25195,1.25205,1.25215,1.25225,1.25235,1.25244,1.25254,1.25264,1.25274,1.25283,1.25293,1.25303,1.25312,1.25322,1.25332,1.25341,1.25351,1.25361,1.2537,1.2538,1.2539,1.25399,1.25409,1.25418,1.25428,1.25437,1.25447,1.25456,1.25466,1.25475,1.25485,1.25494,1.25504,1.25513,1.25523,1.25532,1.25542,1.25551,1.2556,1.2557,1.25579,1.25588,1.25598,1.25607,1.25616,1.25626,1.25635,1.25644,1.25654,1.25663,1.25672,1.25681,1.25691,1.257,1.25709,1.25718,1.25727,1.25737,1.25746,1.25755,1.25764,1.25773,1.25782,1.25791,1.25801,1.2581,1.25819,1.25828,1.25837,1.25846,1.25855,1.25864,1.25873,1.25882,1.25891,1.259,1.25909,1.25918, |
1.25927,1.25936,1.25945,1.25954,1.25963,1.25971,1.2598,1.25989,1.25998,1.26007,1.26016,1.26025,1.26033,1.26042,1.26051,1.2606,1.26069,1.26077,1.26086,1.26095,1.26104,1.26112,1.26121,1.2613,1.26139,1.26147,1.26156,1.26165,1.26173,1.26182,1.2619,1.26199,1.26208,1.26216,1.26225,1.26233,1.26242,1.26251,1.26259,1.26268,1.26276,1.26285,1.26293,1.26302,1.2631,1.26319,1.26327,1.26336,1.26344,1.26353,1.26361,1.26369,1.26378,1.26386,1.26395,1.26403,1.26411,1.2642,1.26428,1.26436,1.26445,1.26453,1.26461,1.2647,1.26478,1.26486,1.26494,1.26503,1.26511,1.26519,1.26527,1.26536,1.26544,1.26552,1.2656,1.26568,1.26577,1.26585,1.26593,1.26601,1.26609,1.26617,1.26625,1.26633,1.26642,1.2665,1.26658,1.26666,1.26674,1.26682,1.2669,1.26698,1.26706,1.26714,1.26722,1.2673,1.26738,1.26746,1.26754,1.26762, |
1.2677,1.26778,1.26785,1.26793,1.26801,1.26809,1.26817,1.26825,1.26833,1.26841,1.26848,1.26856,1.26864,1.26872,1.2688,1.26887,1.26895,1.26903,1.26911,1.26918,1.26926,1.26934,1.26942,1.26949,1.26957,1.26965,1.26972,1.2698,1.26988,1.26995,1.27003,1.27011,1.27018,1.27026,1.27034,1.27041,1.27049,1.27056,1.27064,1.27072,1.27079,1.27087,1.27094,1.27102,1.27109,1.27117,1.27124,1.27132,1.27139,1.27147,1.27154,1.27162,1.27169,1.27176,1.27184,1.27191,1.27199,1.27206,1.27214,1.27221,1.27228,1.27236,1.27243,1.2725,1.27258,1.27265,1.27272,1.2728,1.27287,1.27294,1.27301,1.27309,1.27316,1.27323,1.27331,1.27338,1.27345,1.27352,1.27359,1.27367,1.27374,1.27381,1.27388,1.27395,1.27403,1.2741,1.27417,1.27424,1.27431,1.27438,1.27445,1.27452,1.27459,1.27467,1.27474,1.27481,1.27488,1.27495,1.27502,1.27509, |
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1.28759,1.28764,1.2877,1.28775,1.28781,1.28786,1.28792,1.28797,1.28803,1.28808,1.28813,1.28819,1.28824,1.2883,1.28835,1.2884,1.28846,1.28851,1.28856,1.28862,1.28867,1.28872,1.28878,1.28883,1.28888,1.28894,1.28899,1.28904,1.2891,1.28915,1.2892,1.28925,1.28931,1.28936,1.28941,1.28946,1.28952,1.28957,1.28962,1.28967,1.28973,1.28978,1.28983,1.28988,1.28993,1.28999,1.29004,1.29009,1.29014,1.29019,1.29024,1.29029,1.29035,1.2904,1.29045,1.2905,1.29055,1.2906,1.29065,1.2907,1.29075,1.29081,1.29086,1.29091,1.29096,1.29101,1.29106,1.29111,1.29116,1.29121,1.29126,1.29131,1.29136,1.29141,1.29146,1.29151,1.29156,1.29161,1.29166,1.29171,1.29176,1.29181,1.29186,1.29191,1.29195,1.292,1.29205,1.2921,1.29215,1.2922,1.29225,1.2923,1.29235,1.2924,1.29244,1.29249,1.29254,1.29259,1.29264,1.29269, |
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constexpr double stored_gamma_values_n4[] = {0.88623,0.88622,0.8862,0.88618,0.88615,0.88612,0.88608,0.88604,0.886,0.88596,0.88591,0.88586,0.88581,0.88576,0.88571,0.88565,0.88559,0.88553,0.88547,0.88541,0.88534,0.88528,0.88521,0.88514,0.88507,0.88499,0.88492,0.88484,0.88477,0.88469,0.88461,0.88453,0.88444,0.88436,0.88428,0.88419,0.8841,0.88401,0.88392,0.88383,0.88374,0.88365,0.88356,0.88346,0.88336,0.88327,0.88317,0.88307,0.88297,0.88287,0.88277,0.88266,0.88256,0.88245,0.88235,0.88224,0.88213,0.88203,0.88192,0.88181,0.88169,0.88158,0.88147,0.88136,0.88124,0.88113,0.88101,0.88089,0.88077,0.88066,0.88054,0.88042,0.8803,0.88017,0.88005,0.87993,0.8798,0.87968,0.87955,0.87943,0.8793,0.87917,0.87904,0.87891,0.87878,0.87865,0.87852,0.87839,0.87826,0.87812,0.87799,0.87786,0.87772,0.87758,0.87745,0.87731,0.87717,0.87703,0.8769,0.87676, |
0.87662,0.87647,0.87633,0.87619,0.87605,0.8759,0.87576,0.87562,0.87547,0.87532,0.87518,0.87503,0.87488,0.87474,0.87459,0.87444,0.87429,0.87414,0.87399,0.87384,0.87368,0.87353,0.87338,0.87322,0.87307,0.87292,0.87276,0.8726,0.87245,0.87229,0.87213,0.87198,0.87182,0.87166,0.8715,0.87134,0.87118,0.87102,0.87086,0.8707,0.87053,0.87037,0.87021,0.87004,0.86988,0.86972,0.86955,0.86938,0.86922,0.86905,0.86889,0.86872,0.86855,0.86838,0.86821,0.86804,0.86787,0.8677,0.86753,0.86736,0.86719,0.86702,0.86685,0.86667,0.8665,0.86633,0.86615,0.86598,0.8658,0.86563,0.86545,0.86528,0.8651,0.86492,0.86475,0.86457,0.86439,0.86421,0.86403,0.86386,0.86368,0.8635,0.86332,0.86313,0.86295,0.86277,0.86259,0.86241,0.86222,0.86204,0.86186,0.86167,0.86149,0.86131,0.86112,0.86094,0.86075,0.86056,0.86038,0.86019, |
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0.61358,0.61333,0.61308,0.61283,0.61258,0.61233,0.61208,0.61183,0.61158,0.61133,0.61108,0.61083,0.61058,0.61033,0.61008,0.60983,0.60958,0.60934,0.60909,0.60884,0.60859,0.60834,0.60809,0.60784,0.60759,0.60734,0.60709,0.60685,0.6066,0.60635,0.6061,0.60585,0.6056,0.60535,0.60511,0.60486,0.60461,0.60436,0.60411,0.60386,0.60362,0.60337,0.60312,0.60287,0.60263,0.60238,0.60213,0.60188,0.60163,0.60139,0.60114,0.60089,0.60064,0.6004,0.60015,0.5999,0.59965,0.59941,0.59916,0.59891,0.59867,0.59842,0.59817,0.59793,0.59768,0.59743,0.59718,0.59694,0.59669,0.59644,0.5962,0.59595,0.59571,0.59546,0.59521,0.59497,0.59472,0.59447,0.59423,0.59398,0.59374,0.59349,0.59324,0.593,0.59275,0.59251,0.59226,0.59202,0.59177,0.59152,0.59128,0.59103,0.59079,0.59054,0.5903,0.59005,0.58981,0.58956,0.58932,0.58907, |
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0.31093,0.31078,0.31063,0.31047,0.31032,0.31017,0.31002,0.30987,0.30972,0.30957,0.30942,0.30927,0.30912,0.30897,0.30882,0.30867,0.30852,0.30837,0.30822,0.30807,0.30792,0.30777,0.30762,0.30747,0.30732,0.30717,0.30702,0.30688,0.30673,0.30658,0.30643,0.30628,0.30613,0.30598,0.30583,0.30568,0.30554,0.30539,0.30524,0.30509,0.30494,0.30479,0.30464,0.3045,0.30435,0.3042,0.30405,0.3039,0.30376,0.30361,0.30346,0.30331,0.30317,0.30302,0.30287,0.30272,0.30258,0.30243,0.30228,0.30213,0.30199,0.30184,0.30169,0.30155,0.3014,0.30125,0.30111,0.30096,0.30081,0.30067,0.30052,0.30037,0.30023,0.30008,0.29993,0.29979,0.29964,0.29949,0.29935,0.2992,0.29906,0.29891,0.29877,0.29862,0.29847,0.29833,0.29818,0.29804,0.29789,0.29775,0.2976,0.29746,0.29731,0.29717,0.29702,0.29688,0.29673,0.29659,0.29644,0.2963, |
0.29615,0.29601,0.29586,0.29572,0.29557,0.29543,0.29529,0.29514,0.295,0.29485,0.29471,0.29456,0.29442,0.29428,0.29413,0.29399,0.29385,0.2937,0.29356,0.29341,0.29327,0.29313,0.29298,0.29284,0.2927,0.29256,0.29241,0.29227,0.29213,0.29198,0.29184,0.2917,0.29156,0.29141,0.29127,0.29113,0.29099,0.29084,0.2907,0.29056,0.29042,0.29027,0.29013,0.28999,0.28985,0.28971,0.28956,0.28942,0.28928,0.28914,0.289,0.28886,0.28871,0.28857,0.28843,0.28829,0.28815,0.28801,0.28787,0.28773,0.28758,0.28744,0.2873,0.28716,0.28702,0.28688,0.28674,0.2866,0.28646,0.28632,0.28618,0.28604,0.2859,0.28576,0.28562,0.28548,0.28534,0.2852,0.28506,0.28492,0.28478,0.28464,0.2845,0.28436,0.28422,0.28408,0.28394,0.2838,0.28366,0.28352,0.28338,0.28324,0.28311,0.28297,0.28283,0.28269,0.28255,0.28241,0.28227,0.28213, |
0.282,0.28186,0.28172,0.28158,0.28144,0.2813,0.28117,0.28103,0.28089,0.28075,0.28061,0.28048,0.28034,0.2802,0.28006,0.27992,0.27979,0.27965,0.27951,0.27937,0.27924,0.2791,0.27896,0.27883,0.27869,0.27855,0.27841,0.27828,0.27814,0.278,0.27787,0.27773,0.27759,0.27746,0.27732,0.27718,0.27705,0.27691,0.27678,0.27664,0.2765,0.27637,0.27623,0.27609,0.27596,0.27582,0.27569,0.27555,0.27542,0.27528,0.27514,0.27501,0.27487,0.27474,0.2746,0.27447,0.27433,0.2742,0.27406,0.27393,0.27379,0.27366,0.27352,0.27339,0.27325,0.27312,0.27298,0.27285,0.27271,0.27258,0.27245,0.27231,0.27218,0.27204,0.27191,0.27177,0.27164,0.27151,0.27137,0.27124,0.2711,0.27097,0.27084,0.2707,0.27057,0.27044,0.2703,0.27017,0.27004,0.2699,0.26977,0.26964,0.2695,0.26937,0.26924,0.26911,0.26897,0.26884,0.26871,0.26857}; |
constexpr double scale_of_stored_gammas_n5 = 1545.88; |
constexpr double scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas_n5 = 531.27; |
constexpr double stored_complete_gamma_values_n5[] = {1.0,1.0,0.99999,0.99998,0.99997,0.99996,0.99994,0.99991,0.99989,0.99986,0.99983,0.99979,0.99975,0.99971,0.99966,0.99961,0.99956,0.9995,0.99944,0.99938,0.99931,0.99924,0.99917,0.99909,0.99901,0.99893,0.99884,0.99875,0.99866,0.99856,0.99846,0.99836,0.99826,0.99815,0.99804,0.99792,0.99781,0.99768,0.99756,0.99743,0.9973,0.99717,0.99704,0.9969,0.99675,0.99661,0.99646,0.99631,0.99616,0.996,0.99584,0.99568,0.99551,0.99534,0.99517,0.995,0.99482,0.99464,0.99446,0.99427,0.99408,0.99389,0.9937,0.9935,0.9933,0.9931,0.99289,0.99269,0.99248,0.99226,0.99205,0.99183,0.99161,0.99138,0.99115,0.99093,0.99069,0.99046,0.99022,0.98998,0.98974,0.98949,0.98925,0.989,0.98874,0.98849,0.98823,0.98797,0.98771,0.98744,0.98717,0.9869,0.98663,0.98635,0.98608,0.9858,0.98551,0.98523,0.98494,0.98465, |
0.98436,0.98406,0.98377,0.98347,0.98317,0.98286,0.98256,0.98225,0.98194,0.98162,0.98131,0.98099,0.98067,0.98035,0.98002,0.97969,0.97936,0.97903,0.9787,0.97836,0.97803,0.97769,0.97734,0.977,0.97665,0.9763,0.97595,0.9756,0.97524,0.97489,0.97453,0.97416,0.9738,0.97343,0.97307,0.9727,0.97232,0.97195,0.97157,0.9712,0.97082,0.97043,0.97005,0.96966,0.96928,0.96889,0.96849,0.9681,0.9677,0.96731,0.96691,0.9665,0.9661,0.9657,0.96529,0.96488,0.96447,0.96405,0.96364,0.96322,0.9628,0.96238,0.96196,0.96154,0.96111,0.96068,0.96026,0.95982,0.95939,0.95896,0.95852,0.95808,0.95764,0.9572,0.95676,0.95631,0.95586,0.95542,0.95497,0.95451,0.95406,0.9536,0.95315,0.95269,0.95223,0.95177,0.9513,0.95084,0.95037,0.9499,0.94943,0.94896,0.94849,0.94801,0.94754,0.94706,0.94658,0.9461,0.94562,0.94513, |
0.94465,0.94416,0.94367,0.94318,0.94269,0.9422,0.9417,0.94121,0.94071,0.94021,0.93971,0.93921,0.9387,0.9382,0.93769,0.93719,0.93668,0.93617,0.93566,0.93514,0.93463,0.93411,0.9336,0.93308,0.93256,0.93204,0.93151,0.93099,0.93046,0.92994,0.92941,0.92888,0.92835,0.92782,0.92728,0.92675,0.92621,0.92568,0.92514,0.9246,0.92406,0.92352,0.92297,0.92243,0.92188,0.92134,0.92079,0.92024,0.91969,0.91914,0.91859,0.91803,0.91748,0.91692,0.91636,0.91581,0.91525,0.91469,0.91412,0.91356,0.913,0.91243,0.91186,0.9113,0.91073,0.91016,0.90959,0.90902,0.90844,0.90787,0.9073,0.90672,0.90614,0.90556,0.90498,0.9044,0.90382,0.90324,0.90266,0.90207,0.90149,0.9009,0.90032,0.89973,0.89914,0.89855,0.89796,0.89737,0.89677,0.89618,0.89558,0.89499,0.89439,0.89379,0.8932,0.8926,0.892,0.89139,0.89079,0.89019, |
0.88959,0.88898,0.88838,0.88777,0.88716,0.88655,0.88594,0.88533,0.88472,0.88411,0.8835,0.88289,0.88227,0.88166,0.88104,0.88043,0.87981,0.87919,0.87857,0.87795,0.87733,0.87671,0.87609,0.87547,0.87484,0.87422,0.87359,0.87297,0.87234,0.87171,0.87109,0.87046,0.86983,0.8692,0.86857,0.86794,0.8673,0.86667,0.86604,0.8654,0.86477,0.86413,0.8635,0.86286,0.86222,0.86158,0.86095,0.86031,0.85967,0.85903,0.85838,0.85774,0.8571,0.85646,0.85581,0.85517,0.85452,0.85388,0.85323,0.85258,0.85194,0.85129,0.85064,0.84999,0.84934,0.84869,0.84804,0.84739,0.84674,0.84608,0.84543,0.84478,0.84412,0.84347,0.84281,0.84216,0.8415,0.84085,0.84019,0.83953,0.83887,0.83821,0.83755,0.8369,0.83623,0.83557,0.83491,0.83425,0.83359,0.83293,0.83226,0.8316,0.83094,0.83027,0.82961,0.82894,0.82828,0.82761,0.82694,0.82628, |
0.82561,0.82494,0.82427,0.82361,0.82294,0.82227,0.8216,0.82093,0.82026,0.81959,0.81892,0.81824,0.81757,0.8169,0.81623,0.81555,0.81488,0.81421,0.81353,0.81286,0.81218,0.81151,0.81083,0.81016,0.80948,0.8088,0.80813,0.80745,0.80677,0.8061,0.80542,0.80474,0.80406,0.80338,0.8027,0.80202,0.80134,0.80066,0.79998,0.7993,0.79862,0.79794,0.79726,0.79658,0.7959,0.79521,0.79453,0.79385,0.79317,0.79248,0.7918,0.79112,0.79043,0.78975,0.78906,0.78838,0.78769,0.78701,0.78632,0.78564,0.78495,0.78427,0.78358,0.7829,0.78221,0.78152,0.78084,0.78015,0.77946,0.77878,0.77809,0.7774,0.77671,0.77602,0.77534,0.77465,0.77396,0.77327,0.77258,0.77189,0.77121,0.77052,0.76983,0.76914,0.76845,0.76776,0.76707,0.76638,0.76569,0.765,0.76431,0.76362,0.76293,0.76224,0.76155,0.76086,0.76017,0.75947,0.75878,0.75809, |
0.7574,0.75671,0.75602,0.75533,0.75464,0.75394,0.75325,0.75256,0.75187,0.75118,0.75049,0.74979,0.7491,0.74841,0.74772,0.74703,0.74633,0.74564,0.74495,0.74426,0.74356,0.74287,0.74218,0.74149,0.7408,0.7401,0.73941,0.73872,0.73803,0.73733,0.73664,0.73595,0.73526,0.73456,0.73387,0.73318,0.73249,0.73179,0.7311,0.73041,0.72972,0.72902,0.72833,0.72764,0.72695,0.72625,0.72556,0.72487,0.72418,0.72349,0.72279,0.7221,0.72141,0.72072,0.72003,0.71933,0.71864,0.71795,0.71726,0.71657,0.71588,0.71519,0.71449,0.7138,0.71311,0.71242,0.71173,0.71104,0.71035,0.70966,0.70897,0.70827,0.70758,0.70689,0.7062,0.70551,0.70482,0.70413,0.70344,0.70275,0.70206,0.70137,0.70068,0.69999,0.69931,0.69862,0.69793,0.69724,0.69655,0.69586,0.69517,0.69448,0.6938,0.69311,0.69242,0.69173,0.69104,0.69036,0.68967,0.68898, |
0.68829,0.68761,0.68692,0.68623,0.68555,0.68486,0.68417,0.68349,0.6828,0.68212,0.68143,0.68074,0.68006,0.67937,0.67869,0.678,0.67732,0.67664,0.67595,0.67527,0.67458,0.6739,0.67322,0.67253,0.67185,0.67117,0.67048,0.6698,0.66912,0.66844,0.66775,0.66707,0.66639,0.66571,0.66503,0.66435,0.66367,0.66299,0.66231,0.66163,0.66095,0.66027,0.65959,0.65891,0.65823,0.65755,0.65687,0.65619,0.65551,0.65484,0.65416,0.65348,0.6528,0.65213,0.65145,0.65077,0.6501,0.64942,0.64875,0.64807,0.6474,0.64672,0.64605,0.64537,0.6447,0.64402,0.64335,0.64268,0.642,0.64133,0.64066,0.63998,0.63931,0.63864,0.63797,0.6373,0.63663,0.63596,0.63529,0.63462,0.63394,0.63328,0.63261,0.63194,0.63127,0.6306,0.62993,0.62926,0.62859,0.62793,0.62726,0.62659,0.62593,0.62526,0.62459,0.62393,0.62326,0.6226,0.62193,0.62127, |
0.6206,0.61994,0.61928,0.61861,0.61795,0.61729,0.61662,0.61596,0.6153,0.61464,0.61398,0.61332,0.61266,0.612,0.61134,0.61068,0.61002,0.60936,0.6087,0.60804,0.60738,0.60673,0.60607,0.60541,0.60476,0.6041,0.60344,0.60279,0.60213,0.60148,0.60082,0.60017,0.59951,0.59886,0.59821,0.59755,0.5969,0.59625,0.5956,0.59494,0.59429,0.59364,0.59299,0.59234,0.59169,0.59104,0.59039,0.58974,0.5891,0.58845,0.5878,0.58715,0.5865,0.58586,0.58521,0.58457,0.58392,0.58327,0.58263,0.58199,0.58134,0.5807,0.58005,0.57941,0.57877,0.57813,0.57748,0.57684,0.5762,0.57556,0.57492,0.57428,0.57364,0.573,0.57236,0.57172,0.57108,0.57045,0.56981,0.56917,0.56853,0.5679,0.56726,0.56663,0.56599,0.56536,0.56472,0.56409,0.56345,0.56282,0.56219,0.56156,0.56092,0.56029,0.55966,0.55903,0.5584,0.55777,0.55714,0.55651, |
0.55588,0.55525,0.55462,0.554,0.55337,0.55274,0.55212,0.55149,0.55086,0.55024,0.54961,0.54899,0.54836,0.54774,0.54712,0.54649,0.54587,0.54525,0.54463,0.54401,0.54339,0.54277,0.54215,0.54153,0.54091,0.54029,0.53967,0.53905,0.53843,0.53782,0.5372,0.53658,0.53597,0.53535,0.53474,0.53412,0.53351,0.53289,0.53228,0.53167,0.53106,0.53044,0.52983,0.52922,0.52861,0.528,0.52739,0.52678,0.52617,0.52556,0.52495,0.52435,0.52374,0.52313,0.52252,0.52192,0.52131,0.52071,0.5201,0.5195,0.51889,0.51829,0.51769,0.51709,0.51648,0.51588,0.51528,0.51468,0.51408,0.51348,0.51288,0.51228,0.51168,0.51108,0.51049,0.50989,0.50929,0.50869,0.5081,0.5075,0.50691,0.50631,0.50572,0.50512,0.50453,0.50394,0.50335,0.50275,0.50216,0.50157,0.50098,0.50039,0.4998,0.49921,0.49862,0.49803,0.49745,0.49686,0.49627,0.49568, |
0.4951,0.49451,0.49393,0.49334,0.49276,0.49217,0.49159,0.49101,0.49042,0.48984,0.48926,0.48868,0.4881,0.48752,0.48694,0.48636,0.48578,0.4852,0.48462,0.48405,0.48347,0.48289,0.48232,0.48174,0.48116,0.48059,0.48002,0.47944,0.47887,0.4783,0.47772,0.47715,0.47658,0.47601,0.47544,0.47487,0.4743,0.47373,0.47316,0.47259,0.47202,0.47146,0.47089,0.47032,0.46976,0.46919,0.46863,0.46806,0.4675,0.46693,0.46637,0.46581,0.46524,0.46468,0.46412,0.46356,0.463,0.46244,0.46188,0.46132,0.46076,0.46021,0.45965,0.45909,0.45853,0.45798,0.45742,0.45687,0.45631,0.45576,0.4552,0.45465,0.4541,0.45355,0.45299,0.45244,0.45189,0.45134,0.45079,0.45024,0.44969,0.44914,0.44859,0.44805,0.4475,0.44695,0.44641,0.44586,0.44532,0.44477,0.44423,0.44368,0.44314,0.4426,0.44205,0.44151,0.44097,0.44043,0.43989,0.43935, |
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0.38726,0.38677,0.38628,0.38579,0.3853,0.38481,0.38432,0.38383,0.38334,0.38286,0.38237,0.38188,0.3814,0.38091,0.38043,0.37994,0.37946,0.37897,0.37849,0.37801,0.37753,0.37704,0.37656,0.37608,0.3756,0.37512,0.37464,0.37416,0.37368,0.37321,0.37273,0.37225,0.37178,0.3713,0.37082,0.37035,0.36987,0.3694,0.36893,0.36845,0.36798,0.36751,0.36704,0.36657,0.36609,0.36562,0.36515,0.36469,0.36422,0.36375,0.36328,0.36281,0.36235,0.36188,0.36141,0.36095,0.36048,0.36002,0.35955,0.35909,0.35863,0.35816,0.3577,0.35724,0.35678,0.35632,0.35586,0.3554,0.35494,0.35448,0.35402,0.35356,0.3531,0.35265,0.35219,0.35173,0.35128,0.35082,0.35037,0.34991,0.34946,0.34901,0.34855,0.3481,0.34765,0.3472,0.34675,0.3463,0.34585,0.3454,0.34495,0.3445,0.34405,0.3436,0.34316,0.34271,0.34226,0.34182,0.34137,0.34093, |
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0.19742,0.19714,0.19686,0.19658,0.1963,0.19603,0.19575,0.19547,0.1952,0.19492,0.19465,0.19437,0.1941,0.19382,0.19355,0.19327,0.193,0.19273,0.19245,0.19218,0.19191,0.19164,0.19136,0.19109,0.19082,0.19055,0.19028,0.19001,0.18974,0.18947,0.1892,0.18894,0.18867,0.1884,0.18813,0.18787,0.1876,0.18733,0.18707,0.1868,0.18654,0.18627,0.18601,0.18574,0.18548,0.18521,0.18495,0.18469,0.18443,0.18416,0.1839,0.18364,0.18338,0.18312,0.18286,0.1826,0.18234,0.18208,0.18182,0.18156,0.1813,0.18104,0.18078,0.18052,0.18027,0.18001,0.17975,0.1795,0.17924,0.17899,0.17873,0.17848,0.17822,0.17797,0.17771,0.17746,0.1772,0.17695,0.1767,0.17645,0.17619,0.17594,0.17569,0.17544,0.17519,0.17494,0.17469,0.17444,0.17419,0.17394,0.17369,0.17344,0.17319,0.17295,0.1727,0.17245,0.1722,0.17196,0.17171,0.17147, |
0.17122,0.17097,0.17073,0.17048,0.17024,0.17,0.16975,0.16951,0.16927,0.16902,0.16878,0.16854,0.1683,0.16805,0.16781,0.16757,0.16733,0.16709,0.16685,0.16661,0.16637,0.16613,0.16589,0.16566,0.16542,0.16518,0.16494,0.1647,0.16447,0.16423,0.16399,0.16376,0.16352,0.16329,0.16305,0.16282,0.16258,0.16235,0.16212,0.16188,0.16165,0.16142,0.16118,0.16095,0.16072,0.16049,0.16026,0.16002,0.15979,0.15956,0.15933,0.1591,0.15887,0.15864,0.15841,0.15819,0.15796,0.15773,0.1575,0.15727,0.15705,0.15682,0.15659,0.15637,0.15614,0.15592,0.15569,0.15546,0.15524,0.15502,0.15479,0.15457,0.15434,0.15412,0.1539,0.15367,0.15345,0.15323,0.15301,0.15279,0.15257,0.15234,0.15212,0.1519,0.15168,0.15146,0.15124,0.15102,0.15081,0.15059,0.15037,0.15015,0.14993,0.14971,0.1495,0.14928,0.14906,0.14885,0.14863,0.14842, |
0.1482,0.14798,0.14777,0.14755,0.14734,0.14713,0.14691,0.1467,0.14649,0.14627,0.14606,0.14585,0.14564,0.14542,0.14521,0.145,0.14479,0.14458,0.14437,0.14416,0.14395,0.14374,0.14353,0.14332,0.14311,0.1429,0.1427,0.14249,0.14228,0.14207,0.14187,0.14166,0.14145,0.14125,0.14104,0.14083,0.14063,0.14042,0.14022,0.14001,0.13981,0.13961,0.1394,0.1392,0.139,0.13879,0.13859,0.13839,0.13818,0.13798,0.13778,0.13758,0.13738,0.13718,0.13698,0.13678,0.13658,0.13638,0.13618,0.13598,0.13578,0.13558,0.13538,0.13518,0.13499,0.13479,0.13459,0.1344,0.1342,0.134,0.13381,0.13361,0.13341,0.13322,0.13302,0.13283,0.13263,0.13244,0.13224,0.13205,0.13186,0.13166,0.13147,0.13128,0.13109,0.13089,0.1307,0.13051,0.13032,0.13013,0.12994,0.12974,0.12955,0.12936,0.12917,0.12898,0.12879,0.12861,0.12842,0.12823, |
0.12804,0.12785,0.12766,0.12748,0.12729,0.1271,0.12691,0.12673,0.12654,0.12635,0.12617,0.12598,0.1258,0.12561,0.12543,0.12524,0.12506,0.12487,0.12469,0.12451,0.12432,0.12414,0.12396,0.12377,0.12359,0.12341,0.12323,0.12305,0.12286,0.12268,0.1225,0.12232,0.12214,0.12196,0.12178,0.1216,0.12142,0.12124,0.12106,0.12089,0.12071,0.12053,0.12035,0.12017,0.12,0.11982,0.11964,0.11946,0.11929,0.11911,0.11894,0.11876,0.11858,0.11841,0.11823,0.11806,0.11788,0.11771,0.11754,0.11736,0.11719,0.11701,0.11684,0.11667,0.1165,0.11632,0.11615,0.11598,0.11581,0.11564,0.11546,0.11529,0.11512,0.11495,0.11478,0.11461,0.11444,0.11427,0.1141,0.11393,0.11376,0.1136,0.11343,0.11326,0.11309,0.11292,0.11276,0.11259,0.11242,0.11225,0.11209,0.11192,0.11175,0.11159,0.11142,0.11126,0.11109,0.11093,0.11076,0.1106, |
0.11043,0.11027,0.11011,0.10994,0.10978,0.10962,0.10945,0.10929,0.10913,0.10896,0.1088,0.10864,0.10848,0.10832,0.10816,0.108,0.10783,0.10767,0.10751,0.10735,0.10719,0.10703,0.10687,0.10672,0.10656,0.1064,0.10624,0.10608,0.10592,0.10577,0.10561,0.10545,0.10529,0.10514,0.10498,0.10482,0.10467,0.10451,0.10435,0.1042,0.10404,0.10389,0.10373,0.10358,0.10342,0.10327,0.10311,0.10296,0.10281,0.10265,0.1025,0.10235,0.10219,0.10204,0.10189,0.10174,0.10158,0.10143,0.10128,0.10113,0.10098,0.10083,0.10068,0.10053,0.10038,0.10023,0.10008,0.09993,0.09978,0.09963,0.09948,0.09933,0.09918,0.09903,0.09888,0.09874,0.09859,0.09844,0.09829,0.09815,0.098,0.09785,0.0977,0.09756,0.09741,0.09727,0.09712,0.09697,0.09683,0.09668,0.09654,0.09639,0.09625,0.09611,0.09596,0.09582,0.09567,0.09553,0.09539,0.09524, |
0.0951,0.09496,0.09482,0.09467,0.09453,0.09439,0.09425,0.09411,0.09396,0.09382,0.09368,0.09354,0.0934,0.09326,0.09312,0.09298,0.09284,0.0927,0.09256,0.09242,0.09228,0.09214,0.09201,0.09187,0.09173,0.09159,0.09145,0.09132,0.09118,0.09104,0.0909,0.09077,0.09063,0.09049,0.09036,0.09022,0.09009,0.08995,0.08981,0.08968,0.08954,0.08941,0.08927,0.08914,0.08901,0.08887,0.08874,0.0886,0.08847,0.08834,0.0882,0.08807,0.08794,0.0878,0.08767,0.08754,0.08741,0.08728,0.08714,0.08701,0.08688,0.08675,0.08662,0.08649,0.08636,0.08623,0.0861,0.08597,0.08584,0.08571,0.08558,0.08545,0.08532,0.08519,0.08506,0.08493,0.08481,0.08468,0.08455,0.08442,0.08429,0.08417,0.08404,0.08391,0.08378,0.08366,0.08353,0.0834,0.08328,0.08315,0.08303,0.0829,0.08278,0.08265,0.08252,0.0824,0.08228,0.08215,0.08203,0.0819, |
0.08178,0.08165,0.08153,0.08141,0.08128,0.08116,0.08104,0.08091,0.08079,0.08067,0.08055,0.08042,0.0803,0.08018,0.08006,0.07994,0.07982,0.0797,0.07957,0.07945,0.07933,0.07921,0.07909,0.07897,0.07885,0.07873,0.07861,0.07849,0.07837,0.07826,0.07814,0.07802,0.0779,0.07778,0.07766,0.07755,0.07743,0.07731,0.07719,0.07707,0.07696,0.07684,0.07672,0.07661,0.07649,0.07637,0.07626,0.07614,0.07603,0.07591,0.0758,0.07568,0.07556,0.07545,0.07533,0.07522,0.07511,0.07499,0.07488,0.07476,0.07465,0.07454,0.07442,0.07431,0.0742,0.07408,0.07397,0.07386,0.07374,0.07363,0.07352,0.07341,0.0733,0.07318,0.07307,0.07296,0.07285,0.07274,0.07263,0.07252,0.07241,0.0723,0.07219,0.07208,0.07197,0.07186,0.07175,0.07164,0.07153,0.07142,0.07131,0.0712,0.07109,0.07098,0.07087,0.07077,0.07066,0.07055,0.07044,0.07033, |
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0.78597,0.78698,0.78798,0.78898,0.78999,0.79099,0.79199,0.79299,0.79399,0.795,0.796,0.797,0.798,0.799,0.8,0.801,0.802,0.803,0.804,0.805,0.806,0.807,0.80799,0.80899,0.80999,0.81099,0.81198,0.81298,0.81398,0.81498,0.81597,0.81697,0.81796,0.81896,0.81996,0.82095,0.82195,0.82294,0.82393,0.82493,0.82592,0.82692,0.82791,0.8289,0.82989,0.83089,0.83188,0.83287,0.83386,0.83485,0.83584,0.83684,0.83783,0.83882,0.83981,0.8408,0.84179,0.84277,0.84376,0.84475,0.84574,0.84673,0.84772,0.8487,0.84969,0.85068,0.85166,0.85265,0.85364,0.85462,0.85561,0.85659,0.85758,0.85856,0.85954,0.86053,0.86151,0.86249,0.86348,0.86446,0.86544,0.86642,0.8674,0.86839,0.86937,0.87035,0.87133,0.87231,0.87329,0.87427,0.87525,0.87622,0.8772,0.87818,0.87916,0.88014,0.88111,0.88209,0.88307,0.88404, |
0.88502,0.88599,0.88697,0.88794,0.88892,0.88989,0.89086,0.89184,0.89281,0.89378,0.89476,0.89573,0.8967,0.89767,0.89864,0.89961,0.90058,0.90155,0.90252,0.90349,0.90446,0.90543,0.9064,0.90736,0.90833,0.9093,0.91026,0.91123,0.9122,0.91316,0.91413,0.91509,0.91606,0.91702,0.91798,0.91895,0.91991,0.92087,0.92184,0.9228,0.92376,0.92472,0.92568,0.92664,0.9276,0.92856,0.92952,0.93048,0.93144,0.9324,0.93335,0.93431,0.93527,0.93622,0.93718,0.93814,0.93909,0.94005,0.941,0.94196,0.94291,0.94386,0.94482,0.94577,0.94672,0.94767,0.94862,0.94957,0.95053,0.95148,0.95243,0.95338,0.95432,0.95527,0.95622,0.95717,0.95812,0.95906,0.96001,0.96096,0.9619,0.96285,0.96379,0.96474,0.96568,0.96662,0.96757,0.96851,0.96945,0.9704,0.97134,0.97228,0.97322,0.97416,0.9751,0.97604,0.97698,0.97792,0.97886,0.97979, |
0.98073,0.98167,0.9826,0.98354,0.98448,0.98541,0.98635,0.98728,0.98822,0.98915,0.99008,0.99102,0.99195,0.99288,0.99381,0.99474,0.99567,0.9966,0.99753,0.99846,0.99939,1.00032,1.00125,1.00217,1.0031,1.00403,1.00495,1.00588,1.0068,1.00773,1.00865,1.00958,1.0105,1.01142,1.01235,1.01327,1.01419,1.01511,1.01603,1.01695,1.01787,1.01879,1.01971,1.02063,1.02155,1.02247,1.02338,1.0243,1.02522,1.02613,1.02705,1.02796,1.02888,1.02979,1.0307,1.03162,1.03253,1.03344,1.03435,1.03526,1.03618,1.03709,1.038,1.0389,1.03981,1.04072,1.04163,1.04254,1.04344,1.04435,1.04526,1.04616,1.04707,1.04797,1.04888,1.04978,1.05068,1.05158,1.05249,1.05339,1.05429,1.05519,1.05609,1.05699,1.05789,1.05879,1.05969,1.06059,1.06148,1.06238,1.06328,1.06417,1.06507,1.06596,1.06686,1.06775,1.06864,1.06954,1.07043,1.07132, |
1.07221,1.0731,1.074,1.07489,1.07578,1.07666,1.07755,1.07844,1.07933,1.08022,1.0811,1.08199,1.08287,1.08376,1.08464,1.08553,1.08641,1.0873,1.08818,1.08906,1.08994,1.09082,1.0917,1.09258,1.09346,1.09434,1.09522,1.0961,1.09698,1.09785,1.09873,1.09961,1.10048,1.10136,1.10223,1.10311,1.10398,1.10485,1.10573,1.1066,1.10747,1.10834,1.10921,1.11008,1.11095,1.11182,1.11269,1.11356,1.11442,1.11529,1.11616,1.11702,1.11789,1.11875,1.11962,1.12048,1.12135,1.12221,1.12307,1.12393,1.1248,1.12566,1.12652,1.12738,1.12824,1.12909,1.12995,1.13081,1.13167,1.13252,1.13338,1.13424,1.13509,1.13595,1.1368,1.13765,1.13851,1.13936,1.14021,1.14106,1.14191,1.14276,1.14361,1.14446,1.14531,1.14616,1.14701,1.14786,1.1487,1.14955,1.15039,1.15124,1.15208,1.15293,1.15377,1.15461,1.15546,1.1563,1.15714,1.15798, |
1.15882,1.15966,1.1605,1.16134,1.16218,1.16302,1.16385,1.16469,1.16553,1.16636,1.1672,1.16803,1.16887,1.1697,1.17053,1.17136,1.1722,1.17303,1.17386,1.17469,1.17552,1.17635,1.17718,1.178,1.17883,1.17966,1.18049,1.18131,1.18214,1.18296,1.18379,1.18461,1.18543,1.18626,1.18708,1.1879,1.18872,1.18954,1.19036,1.19118,1.192,1.19282,1.19364,1.19445,1.19527,1.19609,1.1969,1.19772,1.19853,1.19935,1.20016,1.20097,1.20178,1.2026,1.20341,1.20422,1.20503,1.20584,1.20665,1.20746,1.20826,1.20907,1.20988,1.21068,1.21149,1.2123,1.2131,1.2139,1.21471,1.21551,1.21631,1.21712,1.21792,1.21872,1.21952,1.22032,1.22112,1.22192,1.22271,1.22351,1.22431,1.22511,1.2259,1.2267,1.22749,1.22829,1.22908,1.22987,1.23067,1.23146,1.23225,1.23304,1.23383,1.23462,1.23541,1.2362,1.23699,1.23777,1.23856,1.23935, |
1.24013,1.24092,1.2417,1.24249,1.24327,1.24406,1.24484,1.24562,1.2464,1.24718,1.24796,1.24874,1.24952,1.2503,1.25108,1.25186,1.25263,1.25341,1.25419,1.25496,1.25574,1.25651,1.25729,1.25806,1.25883,1.2596,1.26037,1.26115,1.26192,1.26269,1.26346,1.26422,1.26499,1.26576,1.26653,1.26729,1.26806,1.26882,1.26959,1.27035,1.27112,1.27188,1.27264,1.27341,1.27417,1.27493,1.27569,1.27645,1.27721,1.27797,1.27872,1.27948,1.28024,1.28099,1.28175,1.28251,1.28326,1.28401,1.28477,1.28552,1.28627,1.28703,1.28778,1.28853,1.28928,1.29003,1.29078,1.29153,1.29227,1.29302,1.29377,1.29451,1.29526,1.29601,1.29675,1.29749,1.29824,1.29898,1.29972,1.30046,1.30121,1.30195,1.30269,1.30343,1.30417,1.3049,1.30564,1.30638,1.30712,1.30785,1.30859,1.30932,1.31006,1.31079,1.31152,1.31226,1.31299,1.31372,1.31445,1.31518, |
1.31591,1.31664,1.31737,1.3181,1.31883,1.31955,1.32028,1.32101,1.32173,1.32246,1.32318,1.32391,1.32463,1.32535,1.32607,1.3268,1.32752,1.32824,1.32896,1.32968,1.3304,1.33111,1.33183,1.33255,1.33326,1.33398,1.3347,1.33541,1.33612,1.33684,1.33755,1.33826,1.33898,1.33969,1.3404,1.34111,1.34182,1.34253,1.34324,1.34394,1.34465,1.34536,1.34607,1.34677,1.34748,1.34818,1.34889,1.34959,1.35029,1.35099,1.3517,1.3524,1.3531,1.3538,1.3545,1.3552,1.3559,1.35659,1.35729,1.35799,1.35868,1.35938,1.36007,1.36077,1.36146,1.36216,1.36285,1.36354,1.36423,1.36493,1.36562,1.36631,1.367,1.36768,1.36837,1.36906,1.36975,1.37043,1.37112,1.37181,1.37249,1.37318,1.37386,1.37454,1.37523,1.37591,1.37659,1.37727,1.37795,1.37863,1.37931,1.37999,1.38067,1.38135,1.38202,1.3827,1.38338,1.38405,1.38473,1.3854, |
1.38607,1.38675,1.38742,1.38809,1.38876,1.38944,1.39011,1.39078,1.39145,1.39211,1.39278,1.39345,1.39412,1.39478,1.39545,1.39612,1.39678,1.39744,1.39811,1.39877,1.39943,1.4001,1.40076,1.40142,1.40208,1.40274,1.4034,1.40406,1.40472,1.40537,1.40603,1.40669,1.40734,1.408,1.40865,1.40931,1.40996,1.41061,1.41127,1.41192,1.41257,1.41322,1.41387,1.41452,1.41517,1.41582,1.41647,1.41712,1.41776,1.41841,1.41906,1.4197,1.42035,1.42099,1.42164,1.42228,1.42292,1.42356,1.4242,1.42485,1.42549,1.42613,1.42677,1.4274,1.42804,1.42868,1.42932,1.42995,1.43059,1.43123,1.43186,1.4325,1.43313,1.43376,1.4344,1.43503,1.43566,1.43629,1.43692,1.43755,1.43818,1.43881,1.43944,1.44007,1.44069,1.44132,1.44195,1.44257,1.4432,1.44382,1.44445,1.44507,1.44569,1.44631,1.44694,1.44756,1.44818,1.4488,1.44942,1.45004, |
1.45066,1.45127,1.45189,1.45251,1.45312,1.45374,1.45436,1.45497,1.45558,1.4562,1.45681,1.45742,1.45804,1.45865,1.45926,1.45987,1.46048,1.46109,1.4617,1.4623,1.46291,1.46352,1.46413,1.46473,1.46534,1.46594,1.46655,1.46715,1.46775,1.46836,1.46896,1.46956,1.47016,1.47076,1.47136,1.47196,1.47256,1.47316,1.47376,1.47436,1.47495,1.47555,1.47614,1.47674,1.47733,1.47793,1.47852,1.47912,1.47971,1.4803,1.48089,1.48148,1.48207,1.48266,1.48325,1.48384,1.48443,1.48502,1.4856,1.48619,1.48678,1.48736,1.48795,1.48853,1.48912,1.4897,1.49028,1.49087,1.49145,1.49203,1.49261,1.49319,1.49377,1.49435,1.49493,1.49551,1.49608,1.49666,1.49724,1.49781,1.49839,1.49896,1.49954,1.50011,1.50069,1.50126,1.50183,1.5024,1.50297,1.50354,1.50411,1.50468,1.50525,1.50582,1.50639,1.50696,1.50753,1.50809,1.50866,1.50922, |
1.50979,1.51035,1.51092,1.51148,1.51204,1.5126,1.51317,1.51373,1.51429,1.51485,1.51541,1.51597,1.51653,1.51708,1.51764,1.5182,1.51876,1.51931,1.51987,1.52042,1.52098,1.52153,1.52208,1.52264,1.52319,1.52374,1.52429,1.52484,1.52539,1.52594,1.52649,1.52704,1.52759,1.52814,1.52869,1.52923,1.52978,1.53032,1.53087,1.53141,1.53196,1.5325,1.53305,1.53359,1.53413,1.53467,1.53521,1.53575,1.53629,1.53683,1.53737,1.53791,1.53845,1.53899,1.53952,1.54006,1.54059,1.54113,1.54167,1.5422,1.54273,1.54327,1.5438,1.54433,1.54486,1.5454,1.54593,1.54646,1.54699,1.54752,1.54804,1.54857,1.5491,1.54963,1.55015,1.55068,1.55121,1.55173,1.55226,1.55278,1.5533,1.55383,1.55435,1.55487,1.55539,1.55592,1.55644,1.55696,1.55748,1.558,1.55851,1.55903,1.55955,1.56007,1.56058,1.5611,1.56162,1.56213,1.56265,1.56316, |
1.56367,1.56419,1.5647,1.56521,1.56572,1.56623,1.56674,1.56726,1.56776,1.56827,1.56878,1.56929,1.5698,1.57031,1.57081,1.57132,1.57182,1.57233,1.57283,1.57334,1.57384,1.57435,1.57485,1.57535,1.57585,1.57635,1.57685,1.57735,1.57785,1.57835,1.57885,1.57935,1.57985,1.58035,1.58084,1.58134,1.58184,1.58233,1.58283,1.58332,1.58381,1.58431,1.5848,1.58529,1.58578,1.58628,1.58677,1.58726,1.58775,1.58824,1.58873,1.58921,1.5897,1.59019,1.59068,1.59116,1.59165,1.59214,1.59262,1.59311,1.59359,1.59407,1.59456,1.59504,1.59552,1.596,1.59648,1.59697,1.59745,1.59793,1.59841,1.59888,1.59936,1.59984,1.60032,1.60079,1.60127,1.60175,1.60222,1.6027,1.60317,1.60365,1.60412,1.60459,1.60507,1.60554,1.60601,1.60648,1.60695,1.60742,1.60789,1.60836,1.60883,1.6093,1.60977,1.61023,1.6107,1.61117,1.61163,1.6121, |
1.61256,1.61303,1.61349,1.61396,1.61442,1.61488,1.61535,1.61581,1.61627,1.61673,1.61719,1.61765,1.61811,1.61857,1.61903,1.61949,1.61994,1.6204,1.62086,1.62131,1.62177,1.62222,1.62268,1.62313,1.62359,1.62404,1.62449,1.62495,1.6254,1.62585,1.6263,1.62675,1.6272,1.62765,1.6281,1.62855,1.629,1.62945,1.62989,1.63034,1.63079,1.63123,1.63168,1.63212,1.63257,1.63301,1.63346,1.6339,1.63434,1.63478,1.63523,1.63567,1.63611,1.63655,1.63699,1.63743,1.63787,1.63831,1.63875,1.63918,1.63962,1.64006,1.64049,1.64093,1.64137,1.6418,1.64224,1.64267,1.6431,1.64354,1.64397,1.6444,1.64484,1.64527,1.6457,1.64613,1.64656,1.64699,1.64742,1.64785,1.64828,1.6487,1.64913,1.64956,1.64998,1.65041,1.65084,1.65126,1.65169,1.65211,1.65253,1.65296,1.65338,1.6538,1.65423,1.65465,1.65507,1.65549,1.65591,1.65633, |
1.65675,1.65717,1.65759,1.65801,1.65842,1.65884,1.65926,1.65967,1.66009,1.66051,1.66092,1.66134,1.66175,1.66216,1.66258,1.66299,1.6634,1.66382,1.66423,1.66464,1.66505,1.66546,1.66587,1.66628,1.66669,1.6671,1.66751,1.66791,1.66832,1.66873,1.66913,1.66954,1.66995,1.67035,1.67076,1.67116,1.67156,1.67197,1.67237,1.67277,1.67318,1.67358,1.67398,1.67438,1.67478,1.67518,1.67558,1.67598,1.67638,1.67678,1.67717,1.67757,1.67797,1.67837,1.67876,1.67916,1.67955,1.67995,1.68034,1.68074,1.68113,1.68152,1.68192,1.68231,1.6827,1.68309,1.68348,1.68387,1.68426,1.68465,1.68504,1.68543,1.68582,1.68621,1.6866,1.68699,1.68737,1.68776,1.68815,1.68853,1.68892,1.6893,1.68969,1.69007,1.69045,1.69084,1.69122,1.6916,1.69198,1.69237,1.69275,1.69313,1.69351,1.69389,1.69427,1.69465,1.69503,1.69541,1.69578,1.69616, |
1.69654,1.69691,1.69729,1.69767,1.69804,1.69842,1.69879,1.69917,1.69954,1.69991,1.70029,1.70066,1.70103,1.7014,1.70178,1.70215,1.70252,1.70289,1.70326,1.70363,1.704,1.70436,1.70473,1.7051,1.70547,1.70583,1.7062,1.70657,1.70693,1.7073,1.70766,1.70803,1.70839,1.70876,1.70912,1.70948,1.70985,1.71021,1.71057,1.71093,1.71129,1.71165,1.71201,1.71237,1.71273,1.71309,1.71345,1.71381,1.71417,1.71452,1.71488,1.71524,1.71559,1.71595,1.71631,1.71666,1.71702,1.71737,1.71772,1.71808,1.71843,1.71878,1.71914,1.71949,1.71984,1.72019,1.72054,1.72089,1.72124,1.72159,1.72194,1.72229,1.72264,1.72299,1.72334,1.72368,1.72403,1.72438,1.72472,1.72507,1.72542,1.72576,1.72611,1.72645,1.72679,1.72714,1.72748,1.72782,1.72817,1.72851,1.72885,1.72919,1.72953,1.72987,1.73021,1.73055,1.73089,1.73123,1.73157,1.73191, |
1.73225,1.73258,1.73292,1.73326,1.73359,1.73393,1.73427,1.7346,1.73494,1.73527,1.7356,1.73594,1.73627,1.73661,1.73694,1.73727,1.7376,1.73793,1.73826,1.7386,1.73893,1.73926,1.73959,1.73992,1.74024,1.74057,1.7409,1.74123,1.74156,1.74188,1.74221,1.74254,1.74286,1.74319,1.74351,1.74384,1.74416,1.74449,1.74481,1.74514,1.74546,1.74578,1.7461,1.74643,1.74675,1.74707,1.74739,1.74771,1.74803,1.74835,1.74867,1.74899,1.74931,1.74963,1.74994,1.75026,1.75058,1.7509,1.75121,1.75153,1.75185,1.75216,1.75248,1.75279,1.75311,1.75342,1.75373,1.75405,1.75436,1.75467,1.75499,1.7553,1.75561,1.75592,1.75623,1.75654,1.75685,1.75716,1.75747,1.75778,1.75809,1.7584,1.75871,1.75901,1.75932,1.75963,1.75994,1.76024,1.76055,1.76085,1.76116,1.76146,1.76177,1.76207,1.76238,1.76268,1.76298,1.76329,1.76359,1.76389, |
1.76419,1.7645,1.7648,1.7651,1.7654,1.7657,1.766,1.7663,1.7666,1.7669,1.76719,1.76749,1.76779,1.76809,1.76838,1.76868,1.76898,1.76927,1.76957,1.76987,1.77016,1.77046,1.77075,1.77104,1.77134,1.77163,1.77192,1.77222,1.77251,1.7728,1.77309,1.77338,1.77368,1.77397,1.77426,1.77455,1.77484,1.77513,1.77541,1.7757,1.77599,1.77628,1.77657,1.77685,1.77714,1.77743,1.77771,1.778,1.77829,1.77857,1.77886,1.77914,1.77943,1.77971,1.77999,1.78028,1.78056,1.78084,1.78113,1.78141,1.78169,1.78197,1.78225,1.78253,1.78281,1.78309,1.78337,1.78365,1.78393,1.78421,1.78449,1.78477,1.78505,1.78532,1.7856,1.78588,1.78615,1.78643,1.78671,1.78698,1.78726,1.78753,1.78781,1.78808,1.78836,1.78863,1.7889,1.78918,1.78945,1.78972,1.78999,1.79027,1.79054,1.79081,1.79108,1.79135,1.79162,1.79189,1.79216,1.79243, |
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0.794,0.79377,0.79353,0.7933,0.79307,0.79283,0.7926,0.79236,0.79213,0.79189,0.79166,0.79142,0.79119,0.79095,0.79072,0.79048,0.79025,0.79001,0.78978,0.78954,0.78931,0.78907,0.78884,0.7886,0.78836,0.78813,0.78789,0.78766,0.78742,0.78719,0.78695,0.78672,0.78648,0.78625,0.78601,0.78578,0.78554,0.7853,0.78507,0.78483,0.7846,0.78436,0.78413,0.78389,0.78365,0.78342,0.78318,0.78295,0.78271,0.78248,0.78224,0.782,0.78177,0.78153,0.7813,0.78106,0.78082,0.78059,0.78035,0.78012,0.77988,0.77964,0.77941,0.77917,0.77893,0.7787,0.77846,0.77823,0.77799,0.77775,0.77752,0.77728,0.77704,0.77681,0.77657,0.77634,0.7761,0.77586,0.77563,0.77539,0.77515,0.77492,0.77468,0.77444,0.77421,0.77397,0.77373,0.7735,0.77326,0.77302,0.77279,0.77255,0.77231,0.77208,0.77184,0.7716,0.77137,0.77113,0.77089,0.77066, |
0.77042,0.77018,0.76995,0.76971,0.76947,0.76924,0.769,0.76876,0.76852,0.76829,0.76805,0.76781,0.76758,0.76734,0.7671,0.76687,0.76663,0.76639,0.76615,0.76592,0.76568,0.76544,0.76521,0.76497,0.76473,0.76449,0.76426,0.76402,0.76378,0.76354,0.76331,0.76307,0.76283,0.7626,0.76236,0.76212,0.76188,0.76165,0.76141,0.76117,0.76093,0.7607,0.76046,0.76022,0.75998,0.75975,0.75951,0.75927,0.75903,0.7588,0.75856,0.75832,0.75808,0.75785,0.75761,0.75737,0.75713,0.7569,0.75666,0.75642,0.75618,0.75595,0.75571,0.75547,0.75523,0.755,0.75476,0.75452,0.75428,0.75405,0.75381,0.75357,0.75333,0.7531,0.75286,0.75262,0.75238,0.75214,0.75191,0.75167,0.75143,0.75119,0.75096,0.75072,0.75048,0.75024,0.75,0.74977,0.74953,0.74929,0.74905,0.74882,0.74858,0.74834,0.7481,0.74786,0.74763,0.74739,0.74715,0.74691, |
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0.72288,0.72264,0.72241,0.72217,0.72193,0.72169,0.72145,0.72122,0.72098,0.72074,0.7205,0.72027,0.72003,0.71979,0.71955,0.71931,0.71908,0.71884,0.7186,0.71836,0.71813,0.71789,0.71765,0.71741,0.71718,0.71694,0.7167,0.71646,0.71622,0.71599,0.71575,0.71551,0.71527,0.71504,0.7148,0.71456,0.71432,0.71409,0.71385,0.71361,0.71337,0.71314,0.7129,0.71266,0.71242,0.71219,0.71195,0.71171,0.71147,0.71124,0.711,0.71076,0.71052,0.71029,0.71005,0.70981,0.70957,0.70934,0.7091,0.70886,0.70862,0.70839,0.70815,0.70791,0.70767,0.70744,0.7072,0.70696,0.70673,0.70649,0.70625,0.70601,0.70578,0.70554,0.7053,0.70506,0.70483,0.70459,0.70435,0.70412,0.70388,0.70364,0.7034,0.70317,0.70293,0.70269,0.70246,0.70222,0.70198,0.70175,0.70151,0.70127,0.70103,0.7008,0.70056,0.70032,0.70009,0.69985,0.69961,0.69938, |
0.69914,0.6989,0.69867,0.69843,0.69819,0.69795,0.69772,0.69748,0.69724,0.69701,0.69677,0.69653,0.6963,0.69606,0.69582,0.69559,0.69535,0.69511,0.69488,0.69464,0.6944,0.69417,0.69393,0.6937,0.69346,0.69322,0.69299,0.69275,0.69251,0.69228,0.69204,0.6918,0.69157,0.69133,0.69109,0.69086,0.69062,0.69039,0.69015,0.68991,0.68968,0.68944,0.6892,0.68897,0.68873,0.6885,0.68826,0.68802,0.68779,0.68755,0.68731,0.68708,0.68684,0.68661,0.68637,0.68613,0.6859,0.68566,0.68543,0.68519,0.68495,0.68472,0.68448,0.68425,0.68401,0.68378,0.68354,0.6833,0.68307,0.68283,0.6826,0.68236,0.68213,0.68189,0.68165,0.68142,0.68118,0.68095,0.68071,0.68048,0.68024,0.68001,0.67977,0.67953,0.6793,0.67906,0.67883,0.67859,0.67836,0.67812,0.67789,0.67765,0.67742,0.67718,0.67695,0.67671,0.67648,0.67624,0.67601,0.67577, |
0.67553,0.6753,0.67506,0.67483,0.67459,0.67436,0.67412,0.67389,0.67365,0.67342,0.67319,0.67295,0.67272,0.67248,0.67225,0.67201,0.67178,0.67154,0.67131,0.67107,0.67084,0.6706,0.67037,0.67013,0.6699,0.66966,0.66943,0.6692,0.66896,0.66873,0.66849,0.66826,0.66802,0.66779,0.66755,0.66732,0.66709,0.66685,0.66662,0.66638,0.66615,0.66592,0.66568,0.66545,0.66521,0.66498,0.66474,0.66451,0.66428,0.66404,0.66381,0.66357,0.66334,0.66311,0.66287,0.66264,0.66241,0.66217,0.66194,0.6617,0.66147,0.66124,0.661,0.66077,0.66054,0.6603,0.66007,0.65984,0.6596,0.65937,0.65914,0.6589,0.65867,0.65843,0.6582,0.65797,0.65774,0.6575,0.65727,0.65704,0.6568,0.65657,0.65634,0.6561,0.65587,0.65564,0.6554,0.65517,0.65494,0.6547,0.65447,0.65424,0.65401,0.65377,0.65354,0.65331,0.65308,0.65284,0.65261,0.65238, |
0.65214,0.65191,0.65168,0.65145,0.65121,0.65098,0.65075,0.65052,0.65028,0.65005,0.64982,0.64959,0.64936,0.64912,0.64889,0.64866,0.64843,0.64819,0.64796,0.64773,0.6475,0.64727,0.64703,0.6468,0.64657,0.64634,0.64611,0.64587,0.64564,0.64541,0.64518,0.64495,0.64472,0.64448,0.64425,0.64402,0.64379,0.64356,0.64333,0.64309,0.64286,0.64263,0.6424,0.64217,0.64194,0.64171,0.64148,0.64124,0.64101,0.64078,0.64055,0.64032,0.64009,0.63986,0.63963,0.6394,0.63916,0.63893,0.6387,0.63847,0.63824,0.63801,0.63778,0.63755,0.63732,0.63709,0.63686,0.63663,0.6364,0.63616,0.63593,0.6357,0.63547,0.63524,0.63501,0.63478,0.63455,0.63432,0.63409,0.63386,0.63363,0.6334,0.63317,0.63294,0.63271,0.63248,0.63225,0.63202,0.63179,0.63156,0.63133,0.6311,0.63087,0.63064,0.63041,0.63018,0.62995,0.62972,0.62949,0.62926, |
0.62903,0.6288,0.62857,0.62835,0.62812,0.62789,0.62766,0.62743,0.6272,0.62697,0.62674,0.62651,0.62628,0.62605,0.62582,0.62559,0.62537,0.62514,0.62491,0.62468,0.62445,0.62422,0.62399,0.62376,0.62354,0.62331,0.62308,0.62285,0.62262,0.62239,0.62216,0.62194,0.62171,0.62148,0.62125,0.62102,0.62079,0.62057,0.62034,0.62011,0.61988,0.61965,0.61942,0.6192,0.61897,0.61874,0.61851,0.61828,0.61806,0.61783,0.6176,0.61737,0.61715,0.61692,0.61669,0.61646,0.61624,0.61601,0.61578,0.61555,0.61533,0.6151,0.61487,0.61464,0.61442,0.61419,0.61396,0.61373,0.61351,0.61328,0.61305,0.61283,0.6126,0.61237,0.61215,0.61192,0.61169,0.61147,0.61124,0.61101,0.61079,0.61056,0.61033,0.61011,0.60988,0.60965,0.60943,0.6092,0.60897,0.60875,0.60852,0.60829,0.60807,0.60784,0.60762,0.60739,0.60716,0.60694,0.60671,0.60649, |
0.60626,0.60603,0.60581,0.60558,0.60536,0.60513,0.6049,0.60468,0.60445,0.60423,0.604,0.60378,0.60355,0.60333,0.6031,0.60288,0.60265,0.60243,0.6022,0.60197,0.60175,0.60152,0.6013,0.60107,0.60085,0.60062,0.6004,0.60017,0.59995,0.59973,0.5995,0.59928,0.59905,0.59883,0.5986,0.59838,0.59815,0.59793,0.5977,0.59748,0.59726,0.59703,0.59681,0.59658,0.59636,0.59613,0.59591,0.59569,0.59546,0.59524,0.59501,0.59479,0.59457,0.59434,0.59412,0.5939,0.59367,0.59345,0.59322,0.593,0.59278,0.59255,0.59233,0.59211,0.59188,0.59166,0.59144,0.59121,0.59099,0.59077,0.59054,0.59032,0.5901,0.58988,0.58965,0.58943,0.58921,0.58898,0.58876,0.58854,0.58832,0.58809,0.58787,0.58765,0.58742,0.5872,0.58698,0.58676,0.58654,0.58631,0.58609,0.58587,0.58565,0.58542,0.5852,0.58498,0.58476,0.58454,0.58431,0.58409, |
0.58387,0.58365,0.58343,0.58321,0.58298,0.58276,0.58254,0.58232,0.5821,0.58188,0.58165,0.58143,0.58121,0.58099,0.58077,0.58055,0.58033,0.58011,0.57988,0.57966,0.57944,0.57922,0.579,0.57878,0.57856,0.57834,0.57812,0.5779,0.57768,0.57746,0.57723,0.57701,0.57679,0.57657,0.57635,0.57613,0.57591,0.57569,0.57547,0.57525,0.57503,0.57481,0.57459,0.57437,0.57415,0.57393,0.57371,0.57349,0.57327,0.57305,0.57283,0.57261,0.57239,0.57217,0.57195,0.57174,0.57152,0.5713,0.57108,0.57086,0.57064,0.57042,0.5702,0.56998,0.56976,0.56954,0.56932,0.56911,0.56889,0.56867,0.56845,0.56823,0.56801,0.56779,0.56757,0.56736,0.56714,0.56692,0.5667,0.56648,0.56626,0.56605,0.56583,0.56561,0.56539,0.56517,0.56495,0.56474,0.56452,0.5643,0.56408,0.56387,0.56365,0.56343,0.56321,0.56299,0.56278,0.56256,0.56234,0.56212, |
0.56191,0.56169,0.56147,0.56126,0.56104,0.56082,0.5606,0.56039,0.56017,0.55995,0.55974,0.55952,0.5593,0.55909,0.55887,0.55865,0.55843,0.55822,0.558,0.55779,0.55757,0.55735,0.55714,0.55692,0.5567,0.55649,0.55627,0.55605,0.55584,0.55562,0.55541,0.55519,0.55497,0.55476,0.55454,0.55433,0.55411,0.5539,0.55368,0.55346,0.55325,0.55303,0.55282,0.5526,0.55239,0.55217,0.55196,0.55174,0.55153,0.55131,0.5511,0.55088,0.55067,0.55045,0.55024,0.55002,0.54981,0.54959,0.54938,0.54916,0.54895,0.54873,0.54852,0.5483,0.54809,0.54788,0.54766,0.54745,0.54723,0.54702,0.54681,0.54659,0.54638,0.54616,0.54595,0.54574,0.54552,0.54531,0.54509,0.54488,0.54467,0.54445,0.54424,0.54403,0.54381,0.5436,0.54339,0.54317,0.54296,0.54275,0.54253,0.54232,0.54211,0.54189,0.54168,0.54147,0.54126,0.54104,0.54083,0.54062, |
0.5404,0.54019,0.53998,0.53977,0.53955,0.53934,0.53913,0.53892,0.53871,0.53849,0.53828,0.53807,0.53786,0.53764,0.53743,0.53722,0.53701,0.5368,0.53659,0.53637,0.53616,0.53595,0.53574,0.53553,0.53532,0.5351,0.53489,0.53468,0.53447,0.53426,0.53405,0.53384,0.53363,0.53341,0.5332,0.53299,0.53278,0.53257,0.53236,0.53215,0.53194,0.53173,0.53152,0.53131,0.5311,0.53089,0.53068,0.53047,0.53026,0.53005,0.52983,0.52962,0.52941,0.5292,0.52899,0.52878,0.52858,0.52837,0.52816,0.52795,0.52774,0.52753,0.52732,0.52711,0.5269,0.52669,0.52648,0.52627,0.52606,0.52585,0.52564,0.52543,0.52522,0.52501,0.52481,0.5246,0.52439,0.52418,0.52397,0.52376,0.52355,0.52334,0.52314,0.52293,0.52272,0.52251,0.5223,0.52209,0.52189,0.52168,0.52147,0.52126,0.52105,0.52085,0.52064,0.52043,0.52022,0.52001,0.51981,0.5196, |
0.51939,0.51918,0.51898,0.51877,0.51856,0.51835,0.51815,0.51794,0.51773,0.51752,0.51732,0.51711,0.5169,0.5167,0.51649,0.51628,0.51608,0.51587,0.51566,0.51546,0.51525,0.51504,0.51484,0.51463,0.51442,0.51422,0.51401,0.5138,0.5136,0.51339,0.51319,0.51298,0.51277,0.51257,0.51236,0.51216,0.51195,0.51174,0.51154,0.51133,0.51113,0.51092,0.51072,0.51051,0.51031,0.5101,0.5099,0.50969,0.50949,0.50928,0.50907,0.50887,0.50866,0.50846,0.50826,0.50805,0.50785,0.50764,0.50744,0.50723,0.50703,0.50682,0.50662,0.50641,0.50621,0.50601,0.5058,0.5056,0.50539,0.50519,0.50498,0.50478,0.50458,0.50437,0.50417,0.50397,0.50376,0.50356,0.50335,0.50315,0.50295,0.50274,0.50254,0.50234,0.50213,0.50193,0.50173,0.50153,0.50132,0.50112,0.50092,0.50071,0.50051,0.50031,0.5001,0.4999,0.4997,0.4995,0.49929,0.49909, |
0.49889,0.49869,0.49848,0.49828,0.49808,0.49788,0.49768,0.49747,0.49727,0.49707,0.49687,0.49667,0.49646,0.49626,0.49606,0.49586,0.49566,0.49546,0.49526,0.49505,0.49485,0.49465,0.49445,0.49425,0.49405,0.49385,0.49365,0.49344,0.49324,0.49304,0.49284,0.49264,0.49244,0.49224,0.49204,0.49184,0.49164,0.49144,0.49124,0.49104,0.49084,0.49064,0.49044,0.49024,0.49004,0.48984,0.48964,0.48944,0.48924,0.48904,0.48884,0.48864,0.48844,0.48824,0.48804,0.48784,0.48764,0.48744,0.48724,0.48704,0.48684,0.48664,0.48644,0.48624,0.48605,0.48585,0.48565,0.48545,0.48525,0.48505,0.48485,0.48465,0.48446,0.48426,0.48406,0.48386,0.48366,0.48346,0.48327,0.48307,0.48287,0.48267,0.48247,0.48228,0.48208,0.48188,0.48168,0.48148,0.48129,0.48109,0.48089,0.48069,0.4805,0.4803,0.4801,0.4799,0.47971,0.47951,0.47931,0.47912, |
0.47892,0.47872,0.47852,0.47833,0.47813,0.47793,0.47774,0.47754,0.47734,0.47715,0.47695,0.47675,0.47656,0.47636,0.47617,0.47597,0.47577,0.47558,0.47538,0.47519,0.47499,0.47479,0.4746,0.4744,0.47421,0.47401,0.47381,0.47362,0.47342,0.47323,0.47303,0.47284,0.47264,0.47245,0.47225,0.47206,0.47186,0.47167,0.47147,0.47128,0.47108,0.47089,0.47069,0.4705,0.4703,0.47011,0.46991,0.46972,0.46953,0.46933,0.46914,0.46894,0.46875,0.46855,0.46836,0.46817,0.46797,0.46778,0.46758,0.46739,0.4672,0.467,0.46681,0.46662,0.46642,0.46623,0.46604,0.46584,0.46565,0.46546,0.46526,0.46507,0.46488,0.46468,0.46449,0.4643,0.4641,0.46391,0.46372,0.46353,0.46333,0.46314,0.46295,0.46276,0.46256,0.46237,0.46218,0.46199,0.46179,0.4616,0.46141,0.46122,0.46103,0.46083,0.46064,0.46045,0.46026,0.46007,0.45988,0.45968, |
0.45949,0.4593,0.45911,0.45892,0.45873,0.45854,0.45834,0.45815,0.45796,0.45777,0.45758,0.45739,0.4572,0.45701,0.45682,0.45663,0.45643,0.45624,0.45605,0.45586,0.45567,0.45548,0.45529,0.4551,0.45491,0.45472,0.45453,0.45434,0.45415,0.45396,0.45377,0.45358,0.45339,0.4532,0.45301,0.45282,0.45263,0.45244,0.45225,0.45207,0.45188,0.45169,0.4515,0.45131,0.45112,0.45093,0.45074,0.45055,0.45036,0.45017,0.44999,0.4498,0.44961,0.44942,0.44923,0.44904,0.44885,0.44867,0.44848,0.44829,0.4481,0.44791,0.44773,0.44754,0.44735,0.44716,0.44697,0.44679,0.4466,0.44641,0.44622,0.44604,0.44585,0.44566,0.44547,0.44529,0.4451,0.44491,0.44472,0.44454,0.44435,0.44416,0.44398,0.44379,0.4436,0.44342,0.44323,0.44304,0.44286,0.44267,0.44248,0.4423,0.44211,0.44192,0.44174,0.44155,0.44136,0.44118,0.44099,0.44081, |
0.44062,0.44043,0.44025,0.44006,0.43988,0.43969,0.43951,0.43932,0.43913,0.43895,0.43876,0.43858,0.43839,0.43821,0.43802,0.43784,0.43765,0.43747,0.43728,0.4371,0.43691,0.43673,0.43654,0.43636,0.43617,0.43599,0.4358,0.43562,0.43544,0.43525,0.43507,0.43488,0.4347,0.43452,0.43433,0.43415,0.43396,0.43378,0.4336,0.43341,0.43323,0.43304,0.43286,0.43268,0.43249,0.43231,0.43213,0.43194,0.43176,0.43158,0.43139,0.43121,0.43103,0.43085,0.43066,0.43048,0.4303,0.43011,0.42993,0.42975,0.42957,0.42938,0.4292,0.42902,0.42884,0.42865,0.42847,0.42829,0.42811,0.42793,0.42774,0.42756,0.42738,0.4272,0.42702,0.42683,0.42665,0.42647,0.42629,0.42611,0.42593,0.42574,0.42556,0.42538,0.4252,0.42502,0.42484,0.42466,0.42448,0.4243,0.42411,0.42393,0.42375,0.42357,0.42339,0.42321,0.42303,0.42285,0.42267,0.42249}; |
@ -0,0 +1,445 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
#include <Eigen/Eigen> |
#endif |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
class HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEMImpl : public HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEMImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points ((float*) {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int>& sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
// OpenCV RHO:
const int smpl0 = 4*sample[0], smpl1 = 4*sample[1], smpl2 = 4*sample[2], smpl3 = 4*sample[3]; |
const auto x0 = points[smpl0], y0 = points[smpl0+1], X0 = points[smpl0+2], Y0 = points[smpl0+3]; |
const auto x1 = points[smpl1], y1 = points[smpl1+1], X1 = points[smpl1+2], Y1 = points[smpl1+3]; |
const auto x2 = points[smpl2], y2 = points[smpl2+1], X2 = points[smpl2+2], Y2 = points[smpl2+3]; |
const auto x3 = points[smpl3], y3 = points[smpl3+1], X3 = points[smpl3+2], Y3 = points[smpl3+3]; |
const double x0X0 = x0*X0, x1X1 = x1*X1, x2X2 = x2*X2, x3X3 = x3*X3; |
const double x0Y0 = x0*Y0, x1Y1 = x1*Y1, x2Y2 = x2*Y2, x3Y3 = x3*Y3; |
const double y0X0 = y0*X0, y1X1 = y1*X1, y2X2 = y2*X2, y3X3 = y3*X3; |
const double y0Y0 = y0*Y0, y1Y1 = y1*Y1, y2Y2 = y2*Y2, y3Y3 = y3*Y3; |
double minor[2][4] = {{x0-x2, x1-x2, x2, x3-x2}, |
{y0-y2, y1-y2, y2, y3-y2}}; |
double major[3][8] = {{x2X2-x0X0, x2X2-x1X1, -x2X2, x2X2-x3X3, x2Y2-x0Y0, x2Y2-x1Y1, -x2Y2, x2Y2-x3Y3}, |
{y2X2-y0X0, y2X2-y1X1, -y2X2, y2X2-y3X3, y2Y2-y0Y0, y2Y2-y1Y1, -y2Y2, y2Y2-y3Y3}, |
{X0-X2 , X1-X2 , X2 , X3-X2 , Y0-Y2 , Y1-Y2 , Y2 , Y3-Y2 }}; |
* int i; |
* for(i=0;i<8;i++) major[2][i]=-major[2][i]; |
* Eliminate column 0 of rows 1 and 3 |
* R(1)=(x0-x2)*R(1)-(x1-x2)*R(0), y1'=(y1-y2)(x0-x2)-(x1-x2)(y0-y2) |
* R(3)=(x0-x2)*R(3)-(x3-x2)*R(0), y3'=(y3-y2)(x0-x2)-(x3-x2)(y0-y2) |
*/ |
double scalar1=minor[0][0], scalar2=minor[0][1]; |
minor[1][1]=minor[1][1]*scalar1-minor[1][0]*scalar2; |
major[0][1]=major[0][1]*scalar1-major[0][0]*scalar2; |
major[1][1]=major[1][1]*scalar1-major[1][0]*scalar2; |
major[2][1]=major[2][1]*scalar1-major[2][0]*scalar2; |
major[0][5]=major[0][5]*scalar1-major[0][4]*scalar2; |
major[1][5]=major[1][5]*scalar1-major[1][4]*scalar2; |
major[2][5]=major[2][5]*scalar1-major[2][4]*scalar2; |
scalar2=minor[0][3]; |
minor[1][3]=minor[1][3]*scalar1-minor[1][0]*scalar2; |
major[0][3]=major[0][3]*scalar1-major[0][0]*scalar2; |
major[1][3]=major[1][3]*scalar1-major[1][0]*scalar2; |
major[2][3]=major[2][3]*scalar1-major[2][0]*scalar2; |
major[0][7]=major[0][7]*scalar1-major[0][4]*scalar2; |
major[1][7]=major[1][7]*scalar1-major[1][4]*scalar2; |
major[2][7]=major[2][7]*scalar1-major[2][4]*scalar2; |
* Eliminate column 1 of rows 0 and 3 |
* R(3)=y1'*R(3)-y3'*R(1) |
* R(0)=y1'*R(0)-(y0-y2)*R(1) |
*/ |
scalar1=minor[1][1];scalar2=minor[1][3]; |
major[0][3]=major[0][3]*scalar1-major[0][1]*scalar2; |
major[1][3]=major[1][3]*scalar1-major[1][1]*scalar2; |
major[2][3]=major[2][3]*scalar1-major[2][1]*scalar2; |
major[0][7]=major[0][7]*scalar1-major[0][5]*scalar2; |
major[1][7]=major[1][7]*scalar1-major[1][5]*scalar2; |
major[2][7]=major[2][7]*scalar1-major[2][5]*scalar2; |
scalar2=minor[1][0]; |
minor[0][0]=minor[0][0]*scalar1-minor[0][1]*scalar2; |
major[0][0]=major[0][0]*scalar1-major[0][1]*scalar2; |
major[1][0]=major[1][0]*scalar1-major[1][1]*scalar2; |
major[2][0]=major[2][0]*scalar1-major[2][1]*scalar2; |
major[0][4]=major[0][4]*scalar1-major[0][5]*scalar2; |
major[1][4]=major[1][4]*scalar1-major[1][5]*scalar2; |
major[2][4]=major[2][4]*scalar1-major[2][5]*scalar2; |
* Eliminate columns 0 and 1 of row 2 |
* R(0)/=x0' |
* R(1)/=y1' |
* R(2)-= (x2*R(0) + y2*R(1)) |
*/ |
scalar1=1.0f/minor[0][0]; |
major[0][0]*=scalar1; |
major[1][0]*=scalar1; |
major[2][0]*=scalar1; |
major[0][4]*=scalar1; |
major[1][4]*=scalar1; |
major[2][4]*=scalar1; |
scalar1=1.0f/minor[1][1]; |
major[0][1]*=scalar1; |
major[1][1]*=scalar1; |
major[2][1]*=scalar1; |
major[0][5]*=scalar1; |
major[1][5]*=scalar1; |
major[2][5]*=scalar1; |
scalar1=minor[0][2];scalar2=minor[1][2]; |
major[0][2]-=major[0][0]*scalar1+major[0][1]*scalar2; |
major[1][2]-=major[1][0]*scalar1+major[1][1]*scalar2; |
major[2][2]-=major[2][0]*scalar1+major[2][1]*scalar2; |
major[0][6]-=major[0][4]*scalar1+major[0][5]*scalar2; |
major[1][6]-=major[1][4]*scalar1+major[1][5]*scalar2; |
major[2][6]-=major[2][4]*scalar1+major[2][5]*scalar2; |
/* Only major matters now. R(3) and R(7) correspond to the hollowed-out rows. */ |
scalar1=major[0][7]; |
major[1][7]/=scalar1; |
major[2][7]/=scalar1; |
const double m17 = major[1][7], m27 = major[2][7]; |
scalar1=major[0][0];major[1][0]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][0]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][1];major[1][1]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][1]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][2];major[1][2]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][2]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][3];major[1][3]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][3]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][4];major[1][4]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][4]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][5];major[1][5]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][5]-=scalar1*m27; |
scalar1=major[0][6];major[1][6]-=scalar1*m17;major[2][6]-=scalar1*m27; |
/* One column left (Two in fact, but the last one is the homography) */ |
major[2][3]/=major[1][3]; |
const double m23 = major[2][3]; |
major[2][0]-=major[1][0]*m23; |
major[2][1]-=major[1][1]*m23; |
major[2][2]-=major[1][2]*m23; |
major[2][4]-=major[1][4]*m23; |
major[2][5]-=major[1][5]*m23; |
major[2][6]-=major[1][6]*m23; |
major[2][7]-=major[1][7]*m23; |
// check if homography does not contain NaN values
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
if (std::isnan(major[2][i])) return 0; |
/* Homography is done. */ |
models = std::vector<Mat>(1, Mat_<double>(3,3)); |
auto * H_ = (double *) models[0].data; |
H_[0]=major[2][0]; |
H_[1]=major[2][1]; |
H_[2]=major[2][2]; |
H_[3]=major[2][4]; |
H_[4]=major[2][5]; |
H_[5]=major[2][6]; |
H_[6]=major[2][7]; |
H_[7]=major[2][3]; |
H_[8]=1.0; |
return 1; |
} |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
int getSampleSize() const override { return 4; } |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEMImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM> HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEMImpl>(points_); |
} |
class HomographyNonMinimalSolverImpl : public HomographyNonMinimalSolver { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const Ptr<NormTransform> normTr; |
public: |
explicit HomographyNonMinimalSolverImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), normTr (NormTransform::create(points_)) {} |
* Find Homography matrix using (weighted) non-minimal estimation. |
* Use Principal Component Analysis. Use normalized points. |
*/ |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, std::vector<Mat> &models, |
const std::vector<double> &weights) const override { |
if (sample_size < getMinimumRequiredSampleSize()) |
return 0; |
Matx33d T1, T2; |
Mat norm_points_; |
normTr->getNormTransformation(norm_points_, sample, sample_size, T1, T2); |
* @norm_points is matrix 4 x inlier_size |
* @weights is vector of inliers_size |
* weights[i] is weight of i-th inlier |
*/ |
const auto * const norm_points = (float *); |
double a1[9] = {0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, |
a2[9] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0}, |
AtA[81] = {0}; |
if (weights.empty()) { |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int smpl = 4*i; |
const double x1 = norm_points[smpl ], y1 = norm_points[smpl+1], |
x2 = norm_points[smpl+2], y2 = norm_points[smpl+3]; |
a1[0] = -x1; |
a1[1] = -y1; |
a1[6] = x2*x1; |
a1[7] = x2*y1; |
a1[8] = x2; |
a2[3] = -x1; |
a2[4] = -y1; |
a2[6] = y2*x1; |
a2[7] = y2*y1; |
a2[8] = y2; |
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) |
for (int z = j; z < 9; z++) |
AtA[j*9+z] += a1[j]*a1[z] + a2[j]*a2[z]; |
} |
} else { |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int smpl = 4*i; |
const double weight = weights[i]; |
const double x1 = norm_points[smpl ], y1 = norm_points[smpl+1], |
x2 = norm_points[smpl+2], y2 = norm_points[smpl+3]; |
const double minus_weight_times_x1 = -weight * x1, |
minus_weight_times_y1 = -weight * y1, |
weight_times_x2 = weight * x2, |
weight_times_y2 = weight * y2; |
a1[0] = minus_weight_times_x1; |
a1[1] = minus_weight_times_y1; |
a1[2] = -weight; |
a1[6] = weight_times_x2 * x1; |
a1[7] = weight_times_x2 * y1; |
a1[8] = weight_times_x2; |
a2[3] = minus_weight_times_x1; |
a2[4] = minus_weight_times_y1; |
a2[5] = -weight; |
a2[6] = weight_times_y2 * x1; |
a2[7] = weight_times_y2 * y1; |
a2[8] = weight_times_y2; |
for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) |
for (int z = j; z < 9; z++) |
AtA[j*9+z] += a1[j]*a1[z] + a2[j]*a2[z]; |
} |
} |
// copy symmetric part of covariance matrix
for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++) |
for (int z = 0; z < j; z++) |
AtA[j*9+z] = AtA[z*9+j]; |
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
Mat H = Mat_<double>(3,3); |
Eigen::HouseholderQR<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9>> qr((Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9> (AtA))); |
const Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 9> &Q = qr.householderQ(); |
// extract the last nullspace
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 9, 1>>((double *) = Q.col(8); |
#else |
Matx<double, 9, 9> Vt; |
Vec<double, 9> D; |
if (! eigen(Matx<double, 9, 9>(AtA), D, Vt)) return 0; |
Mat H = Mat(Vt.row(8).reshape<3,3>()); |
#endif |
models = std::vector<Mat>{ T2.inv() * H * T1 }; |
return 1; |
} |
int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const override { return 4; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<HomographyNonMinimalSolverImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<HomographyNonMinimalSolver> HomographyNonMinimalSolver::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<HomographyNonMinimalSolverImpl>(points_); |
} |
class AffineMinimalSolverImpl : public AffineMinimalSolver { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit AffineMinimalSolverImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points((float *) {} |
Affine transformation |
x1 y1 1 0 0 0 a u1 |
0 0 0 x1 y1 1 b v1 |
x2 y2 1 0 0 0 c u2 |
0 0 0 x2 y2 1 * d = v2 |
x3 y3 1 0 0 0 e u3 |
0 0 0 x3 y3 1 f v3 |
*/ |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
const int smpl1 = 4*sample[0], smpl2 = 4*sample[1], smpl3 = 4*sample[2]; |
const auto |
x1 = points[smpl1], y1 = points[smpl1+1], u1 = points[smpl1+2], v1 = points[smpl1+3], |
x2 = points[smpl2], y2 = points[smpl2+1], u2 = points[smpl2+2], v2 = points[smpl2+3], |
x3 = points[smpl3], y3 = points[smpl3+1], u3 = points[smpl3+2], v3 = points[smpl3+3]; |
// covers degeneracy test when all 3 points are collinear.
// In this case denominator will be 0
double denominator = x1*y2 - x2*y1 - x1*y3 + x3*y1 + x2*y3 - x3*y2; |
if (fabs(denominator) < FLT_EPSILON) // check if denominator is zero
return 0; |
denominator = 1. / denominator; |
double a = (u1*y2 - u2*y1 - u1*y3 + u3*y1 + u2*y3 - u3*y2) * denominator; |
double b = -(u1*x2 - u2*x1 - u1*x3 + u3*x1 + u2*x3 - u3*x2) * denominator; |
double c = u1 - a * x1 - b * y1; // ax1 + by1 + c = u1
double d = (v1*y2 - v2*y1 - v1*y3 + v3*y1 + v2*y3 - v3*y2) * denominator; |
double e = -(v1*x2 - v2*x1 - v1*x3 + v3*x1 + v2*x3 - v3*x2) * denominator; |
double f = v1 - d * x1 - e * y1; // dx1 + ey1 + f = v1
models[0] = Mat(Matx33d(a, b, c, d, e, f, 0, 0, 1)); |
return 1; |
} |
int getSampleSize() const override { return 3; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<AffineMinimalSolverImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<AffineMinimalSolver> AffineMinimalSolver::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<AffineMinimalSolverImpl>(points_); |
} |
class AffineNonMinimalSolverImpl : public AffineNonMinimalSolver { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
// const NormTransform<double> norm_transform;
public: |
explicit AffineNonMinimalSolverImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points((float*) |
/*, norm_transform(points_)*/ {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, std::vector<Mat> &models, |
const std::vector<double> &weights) const override { |
// surprisingly normalization of points does not improve the output model
// Mat norm_points_, T1, T2;
// norm_transform.getNormTransformation(norm_points_, sample, sample_size, T1, T2);
// const auto * const n_pts = (double *);
if (sample_size < getMinimumRequiredSampleSize()) |
return 0; |
// do Least Squares
// Ax = b -> A^T Ax = A^T b
// x = (A^T A)^-1 A^T b
double AtA[36] = {0}, Ab[6] = {0}; |
double r1[6] = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0}; // row 1 of A
double r2[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; // row 2 of A
if (weights.empty()) |
for (int p = 0; p < sample_size; p++) { |
// if (weights != nullptr) weight = weights[sample[p]];
const int smpl = 4*sample[p]; |
const double x1=points[smpl], y1=points[smpl+1], x2=points[smpl+2], y2=points[smpl+3]; |
// const double x1=n_pts[smpl], y1=n_pts[smpl+1], x2=n_pts[smpl+2], y2=n_pts[smpl+3];
r1[0] = x1; |
r1[1] = y1; |
r2[3] = x1; |
r2[4] = y1; |
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { |
for (int z = j; z < 6; z++) |
AtA[j * 6 + z] += r1[j] * r1[z] + r2[j] * r2[z]; |
Ab[j] += r1[j]*x2 + r2[j]*y2; |
} |
} |
else |
for (int p = 0; p < sample_size; p++) { |
const int smpl = 4*sample[p]; |
const double weight = weights[p]; |
const double weight_times_x1 = weight * points[smpl ], |
weight_times_y1 = weight * points[smpl+1], |
weight_times_x2 = weight * points[smpl+2], |
weight_times_y2 = weight * points[smpl+3]; |
r1[0] = weight_times_x1; |
r1[1] = weight_times_y1; |
r1[2] = weight; |
r2[3] = weight_times_x1; |
r2[4] = weight_times_y1; |
r2[5] = weight; |
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { |
for (int z = j; z < 6; z++) |
AtA[j * 6 + z] += r1[j] * r1[z] + r2[j] * r2[z]; |
Ab[j] += r1[j]*weight_times_x2 + r2[j]*weight_times_y2; |
} |
} |
// copy symmetric part
for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++) |
for (int z = 0; z < j; z++) |
AtA[j*6+z] = AtA[z*6+j]; |
Vec6d aff; |
if (!solve(Matx66d(AtA), Vec6d(Ab), aff)) |
return 0; |
models[0] = Mat(Matx33d(aff(0), aff(1), aff(2), |
aff(3), aff(4), aff(5), |
0, 0, 1)); |
// models[0] = T2.inv() * models[0] * T1;
return 1; |
} |
int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const override { return 3; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<AffineNonMinimalSolverImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<AffineNonMinimalSolver> AffineNonMinimalSolver::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<AffineNonMinimalSolverImpl>(points_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc/detail/gcgraph.hpp" |
#include "gamma_values.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
class GraphCutImpl : public GraphCut { |
protected: |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> neighborhood_graph; |
const Ptr<Estimator> estimator; |
const Ptr<Quality> quality; |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> lo_sampler; |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
int gc_sample_size, lo_inner_iterations, points_size; |
double spatial_coherence, sqr_trunc_thr, one_minus_lambda; |
std::vector<int> labeling_inliers; |
std::vector<double> energies, weights; |
std::vector<bool> used_edges; |
std::vector<Mat> gc_models; |
public: |
// In lo_sampler_ the sample size should be set and be equal gc_sample_size_
GraphCutImpl (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_, const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, |
double threshold_, double spatial_coherence_term, int gc_inner_iteration_number_) : |
neighborhood_graph (neighborhood_graph_), estimator (estimator_), quality (quality_), |
lo_sampler (lo_sampler_), error (error_) { |
points_size = quality_->getPointsSize(); |
spatial_coherence = spatial_coherence_term; |
sqr_trunc_thr = threshold_ * 2.25; // threshold is already squared
gc_sample_size = lo_sampler_->getSubsetSize(); |
lo_inner_iterations = gc_inner_iteration_number_; |
one_minus_lambda = 1.0 - spatial_coherence; |
energies = std::vector<double>(points_size); |
labeling_inliers = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
used_edges = std::vector<bool>(points_size*points_size); |
gc_models = std::vector<Mat> (estimator->getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal()); |
} |
bool refineModel (const Mat &best_model, const Score &best_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) override { |
if (best_model_score.inlier_number < gc_sample_size) |
return false; |
// improve best model by non minimal estimation
new_model_score = Score(); // set score to inf (worst case)
best_model.copyTo(new_model); |
bool is_best_model_updated = true; |
while (is_best_model_updated) { |
is_best_model_updated = false; |
// Build graph problem. Apply graph cut to G
int labeling_inliers_size = labeling(new_model); |
for (int iter = 0; iter < lo_inner_iterations; iter++) { |
// sample to generate min (|I_7m|, |I|)
int num_of_estimated_models; |
if (labeling_inliers_size > gc_sample_size) { |
// generate random subset in range <0; |I|>
num_of_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(lo_sampler->generateUniqueRandomSubset(labeling_inliers, |
labeling_inliers_size), gc_sample_size, gc_models, weights); |
} else { |
if (iter > 0) |
break; // break inliers are not updated
num_of_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(labeling_inliers, labeling_inliers_size, gc_models, weights); |
} |
if (num_of_estimated_models == 0) |
break; |
bool zero_inliers = false; |
for (int model_idx = 0; model_idx < num_of_estimated_models; model_idx++) { |
Score gc_temp_score = quality->getScore(gc_models[model_idx]); |
if (gc_temp_score.inlier_number == 0){ |
zero_inliers = true; break; |
} |
if (best_model_score.isBetter(gc_temp_score)) |
continue; |
// store the best model from estimated models
if (gc_temp_score.isBetter(new_model_score)) { |
is_best_model_updated = true; |
new_model_score = gc_temp_score; |
gc_models[model_idx].copyTo(new_model); |
} |
} |
if (zero_inliers) |
break; |
} // end of inner GC local optimization
} // end of while loop
return true; |
} |
private: |
// find inliers using graph cut algorithm.
int labeling (const Mat& model) { |
const auto &errors = error->getErrors(model); |
detail::GCGraph<double> graph; |
for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++) |
graph.addVtx(); |
// The distance and energy for each point
double tmp_squared_distance, energy; |
// Estimate the vertex capacities
for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++) { |
tmp_squared_distance = errors[pt]; |
if (std::isnan(tmp_squared_distance)) { |
energies[pt] = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); |
continue; |
} |
energy = tmp_squared_distance / sqr_trunc_thr; // Truncated quadratic cost
if (tmp_squared_distance <= sqr_trunc_thr) |
graph.addTermWeights(pt, 0, one_minus_lambda * (1 - energy)); |
else |
graph.addTermWeights(pt, one_minus_lambda * energy, 0); |
if (energy > 1) energy = 1; |
energies[pt] = energy; |
} |
std::fill(used_edges.begin(), used_edges.end(), false); |
// Iterate through all points and set their edges
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; ++point_idx) { |
energy = energies[point_idx]; |
// Iterate through all neighbors
for (int actual_neighbor_idx : neighborhood_graph->getNeighbors(point_idx)) { |
if (actual_neighbor_idx == point_idx || |
used_edges[actual_neighbor_idx*points_size + point_idx] || |
used_edges[point_idx*points_size + actual_neighbor_idx]) |
continue; |
used_edges[actual_neighbor_idx*points_size + point_idx] = true; |
used_edges[point_idx*points_size + actual_neighbor_idx] = true; |
double a = (0.5 * (energy + energies[actual_neighbor_idx])) * spatial_coherence, |
b = spatial_coherence, c = spatial_coherence, d = 0; |
graph.addTermWeights(point_idx, d, a); |
b -= a; |
if (b + c >= 0) |
// Non-submodular expansion term detected; smooth costs must be a metric for expansion
continue; |
if (b < 0) { |
graph.addTermWeights(point_idx, 0, b); |
graph.addTermWeights(actual_neighbor_idx, 0, -b); |
graph.addEdges(point_idx, actual_neighbor_idx, 0, b + c); |
} else if (c < 0) { |
graph.addTermWeights(point_idx, 0, -c); |
graph.addTermWeights(actual_neighbor_idx, 0, c); |
graph.addEdges(point_idx, actual_neighbor_idx, b + c, 0); |
} else |
graph.addEdges(point_idx, actual_neighbor_idx, b, c); |
} |
} |
graph.maxFlow(); |
int inlier_number = 0; |
for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++) |
if (! graph.inSourceSegment(pt)) // check for sink
labeling_inliers[inlier_number++] = pt; |
return inlier_number; |
} |
Ptr<LocalOptimization> clone(int state) const override { |
return makePtr<GraphCutImpl>(estimator->clone(), error->clone(), quality->clone(), |
neighborhood_graph,lo_sampler->clone(state), sqrt(sqr_trunc_thr / 2), |
spatial_coherence, lo_inner_iterations); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<GraphCut> GraphCut::create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_, |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, double threshold_, |
double spatial_coherence_term, int gc_inner_iteration_number) { |
return makePtr<GraphCutImpl>(estimator_, error_, quality_, neighborhood_graph_, lo_sampler_, |
threshold_, spatial_coherence_term, gc_inner_iteration_number); |
} |
*/ |
class InnerIterativeLocalOptimizationImpl : public InnerIterativeLocalOptimization { |
private: |
const Ptr<Estimator> estimator; |
const Ptr<Quality> quality; |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> lo_sampler; |
Ptr<RandomGenerator> lo_iter_sampler; |
std::vector<Mat> lo_models, lo_iter_models; |
std::vector<int> inliers_of_best_model, virtual_inliers; |
int lo_inner_max_iterations, lo_iter_max_iterations, lo_sample_size, lo_iter_sample_size; |
bool is_iterative; |
double threshold, new_threshold, threshold_step; |
std::vector<double> weights; |
public: |
InnerIterativeLocalOptimizationImpl (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, int pts_size, |
double threshold_, bool is_iterative_, int lo_iter_sample_size_, |
int lo_inner_iterations_=10, int lo_iter_max_iterations_=5, |
double threshold_multiplier_=4) : estimator (estimator_), quality (quality_), |
lo_sampler (lo_sampler_) { |
lo_inner_max_iterations = lo_inner_iterations_; |
lo_iter_max_iterations = lo_iter_max_iterations_; |
threshold = threshold_; |
lo_sample_size = lo_sampler->getSubsetSize(); |
is_iterative = is_iterative_; |
if (is_iterative) { |
lo_iter_sample_size = lo_iter_sample_size_; |
lo_iter_sampler = UniformRandomGenerator::create(0/*state*/, pts_size, lo_iter_sample_size_); |
lo_iter_models = std::vector<Mat>(estimator->getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal()); |
virtual_inliers = std::vector<int>(pts_size); |
new_threshold = threshold_multiplier_ * threshold; |
// reduce multiplier threshold K·θ by this number in each iteration.
// In the last iteration there be original threshold θ.
threshold_step = (new_threshold - threshold) / lo_iter_max_iterations_; |
} |
lo_models = std::vector<Mat>(estimator->getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal()); |
// Allocate max memory to avoid reallocation
inliers_of_best_model = std::vector<int>(pts_size); |
} |
* Implementation of Locally Optimized Ransac |
* Inner + Iterative |
*/ |
bool refineModel (const Mat &so_far_the_best_model, const Score &best_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) override { |
if (best_model_score.inlier_number < lo_sample_size) |
return false; |
so_far_the_best_model.copyTo(new_model); |
new_model_score = best_model_score; |
// get inliers from so far the best model.
int num_inliers_of_best_model = quality->getInliers(so_far_the_best_model, |
inliers_of_best_model); |
// Inner Local Optimization Ransac.
for (int iters = 0; iters < lo_inner_max_iterations; iters++) { |
int num_estimated_models; |
// Generate sample of lo_sample_size from inliers from the best model.
if (num_inliers_of_best_model > lo_sample_size) { |
// if there are many inliers take limited number at random.
num_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(lo_sampler->generateUniqueRandomSubset(inliers_of_best_model, |
num_inliers_of_best_model), lo_sample_size, lo_models, weights); |
if (num_estimated_models == 0) continue; |
} else { |
// if model was not updated in first iteration, so break.
if (iters > 0) break; |
// if inliers are less than limited number of sample then take all for estimation
// if it fails -> end Lo.
num_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(inliers_of_best_model, num_inliers_of_best_model, lo_models, weights); |
if (num_estimated_models == 0) return false; |
} |
//////// Choose the best lo_model from estimated lo_models.
for (int model_idx = 0; model_idx < num_estimated_models; model_idx++) { |
Score temp_score = quality->getScore(lo_models[model_idx]); |
if (temp_score.isBetter(new_model_score)) { |
new_model_score = temp_score; |
lo_models[model_idx].copyTo(new_model); |
} |
} |
if (is_iterative) { |
double lo_threshold = new_threshold; |
// get max virtual inliers. Note that they are nor real inliers,
// because we got them with bigger threshold.
int virtual_inliers_size = quality->getInliers |
(new_model, virtual_inliers, lo_threshold); |
Mat lo_iter_model; |
Score lo_iter_score = Score(); // set worst case
for (int iterations = 0; iterations < lo_iter_max_iterations; iterations++) { |
lo_threshold -= threshold_step; |
if (virtual_inliers_size > lo_iter_sample_size) { |
// if there are more inliers than limit for sample size then generate at random
// sample from LO model.
num_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(lo_iter_sampler->generateUniqueRandomSubset (virtual_inliers, |
virtual_inliers_size), lo_iter_sample_size, lo_iter_models, weights); |
} else { |
// break if failed, very low probability that it will not fail in next iterations
// estimate model with all virtual inliers
num_estimated_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(virtual_inliers, virtual_inliers_size, lo_iter_models, weights); |
} |
if (num_estimated_models == 0) break; |
// Get score and update virtual inliers with current threshold
//////// Choose the best lo_iter_model from estimated lo_iter_models.
lo_iter_models[0].copyTo(lo_iter_model); |
lo_iter_score = quality->getScore(lo_iter_model); |
for (int model_idx = 1; model_idx < num_estimated_models; model_idx++) { |
Score temp_score = quality->getScore(lo_iter_models[model_idx]); |
if (temp_score.isBetter(lo_iter_score)) { |
lo_iter_score = temp_score; |
lo_iter_models[model_idx].copyTo(lo_iter_model); |
} |
} |
virtual_inliers_size = quality->getInliers(lo_iter_model, virtual_inliers, lo_threshold); |
} |
if (fabs (lo_threshold - threshold) < FLT_EPSILON) { |
// Success, threshold does not differ
// last score correspond to user-defined threshold. Inliers are real.
if (lo_iter_score.isBetter(new_model_score)) { |
new_model_score = lo_iter_score; |
lo_iter_model.copyTo(new_model); |
} |
} |
} |
if (num_inliers_of_best_model < new_model_score.inlier_number && iters != lo_inner_max_iterations-1) |
num_inliers_of_best_model = quality->getInliers (new_model, inliers_of_best_model); |
} |
return true; |
} |
Ptr<LocalOptimization> clone(int state) const override { |
return makePtr<InnerIterativeLocalOptimizationImpl>(estimator->clone(), quality->clone(), |
lo_sampler->clone(state),(int)inliers_of_best_model.size(), threshold, is_iterative, |
lo_iter_sample_size, lo_inner_max_iterations, lo_iter_max_iterations, |
new_threshold / threshold); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<InnerIterativeLocalOptimization> InnerIterativeLocalOptimization::create |
(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, int pts_size, |
double threshold_, bool is_iterative_, int lo_iter_sample_size_, |
int lo_inner_iterations_, int lo_iter_max_iterations_, |
double threshold_multiplier_) { |
return makePtr<InnerIterativeLocalOptimizationImpl>(estimator_, quality_, lo_sampler_, |
pts_size, threshold_, is_iterative_, lo_iter_sample_size_, |
lo_inner_iterations_, lo_iter_max_iterations_, threshold_multiplier_); |
} |
class SigmaConsensusImpl : public SigmaConsensus { |
private: |
const Ptr<Estimator> estimator; |
const Ptr<Quality> quality; |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
const Ptr<ModelVerifier> verifier; |
// The degrees of freedom of the data from which the model is estimated.
// E.g., for models coming from point correspondences (x1,y1,x2,y2), it is 4.
const int degrees_of_freedom; |
// A 0.99 quantile of the Chi^2-distribution to convert sigma values to residuals
const double k; |
// Calculating (DoF - 1) / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double dof_minus_one_per_two; |
const double C; |
// The size of a minimal sample used for the estimation
const int sample_size; |
// Calculating 2^(DoF - 1) which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double two_ad_dof; |
// Calculating C * 2^(DoF - 1) which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double C_times_two_ad_dof; |
// Calculating the gamma value of (DoF - 1) / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double gamma_value, squared_sigma_max_2, one_over_sigma; |
// Calculating the upper incomplete gamma value of (DoF - 1) / 2 with k^2 / 2.
const double gamma_k; |
// Calculating the lower incomplete gamma value of (DoF - 1) / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double gamma_difference; |
const int points_size, number_of_irwls_iters; |
const double maximum_threshold, max_sigma; |
std::vector<double> residuals, sigma_weights, stored_gamma_values; |
std::vector<int> residuals_idxs; |
// Models fit by weighted least-squares fitting
std::vector<Mat> sigma_models; |
// Points used in the weighted least-squares fitting
std::vector<int> sigma_inliers; |
// Weights used in the the weighted least-squares fitting
int max_lo_sample_size; |
double scale_of_stored_gammas; |
RNG rng; |
public: |
SigmaConsensusImpl (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Ptr<ModelVerifier> &verifier_, |
int max_lo_sample_size_, int number_of_irwls_iters_, int DoF, |
double sigma_quantile, double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_, |
double maximum_thr) : estimator (estimator_), quality(quality_), |
error (error_), verifier(verifier_), degrees_of_freedom(DoF), |
k (sigma_quantile), C(C_), sample_size(estimator_->getMinimalSampleSize()), |
gamma_k (upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile), points_size (quality_->getPointsSize()), |
number_of_irwls_iters (number_of_irwls_iters_), |
maximum_threshold(maximum_thr), max_sigma (maximum_thr) { |
dof_minus_one_per_two = (degrees_of_freedom - 1.0) / 2.0; |
two_ad_dof = std::pow(2.0, dof_minus_one_per_two); |
C_times_two_ad_dof = C * two_ad_dof; |
gamma_value = tgamma(dof_minus_one_per_two); |
gamma_difference = gamma_value - gamma_k; |
// Calculate 2 * \sigma_{max}^2 a priori
squared_sigma_max_2 = max_sigma * max_sigma * 2.0; |
// Divide C * 2^(DoF - 1) by \sigma_{max} a priori
one_over_sigma = C_times_two_ad_dof / max_sigma; |
residuals = std::vector<double>(points_size); |
residuals_idxs = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
sigma_inliers = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
max_lo_sample_size = max_lo_sample_size_; |
sigma_weights = std::vector<double>(points_size); |
sigma_models = std::vector<Mat>(estimator->getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal()); |
if (DoF == 4) { |
scale_of_stored_gammas = scale_of_stored_gammas_n4; |
stored_gamma_values = std::vector<double>(stored_gamma_values_n4, |
stored_gamma_values_n4+stored_gamma_number+1); |
} else if (DoF == 5) { |
scale_of_stored_gammas = scale_of_stored_gammas_n5; |
stored_gamma_values = std::vector<double>(stored_gamma_values_n5, |
stored_gamma_values_n5+stored_gamma_number+1); |
} else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Sigma values are not generated"); |
} |
bool refineModel (const Mat &in_model, const Score &in_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) override { |
int residual_cnt = 0; |
if (verifier->isModelGood(in_model)) { |
if (verifier->hasErrors()) { |
const std::vector<float> &errors = verifier->getErrors(); |
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; ++point_idx) { |
// Calculate the residual of the current point
const auto residual = sqrtf(errors[point_idx]); |
if (max_sigma > residual) { |
// Store the residual of the current point and its index
residuals[residual_cnt] = residual; |
residuals_idxs[residual_cnt++] = point_idx; |
} |
// Interrupt if there is no chance of being better
if (residual_cnt + points_size - point_idx < in_model_score.inlier_number) |
return false; |
} |
} else { |
error->setModelParameters(in_model); |
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; ++point_idx) { |
const double residual = sqrtf(error->getError(point_idx)); |
if (max_sigma > residual) { |
// Store the residual of the current point and its index
residuals[residual_cnt] = residual; |
residuals_idxs[residual_cnt++] = point_idx; |
} |
if (residual_cnt + points_size - point_idx < in_model_score.inlier_number) |
return false; |
} |
} |
} else return false; |
// Initialize the polished model with the initial one
Mat polished_model; |
in_model.copyTo(polished_model); |
// A flag to determine if the initial model has been updated
bool updated = false; |
// Do the iteratively re-weighted least squares fitting
for (int iterations = 0; iterations < number_of_irwls_iters; ++iterations) { |
int sigma_inliers_cnt = 0; |
// If the current iteration is not the first, the set of possibly inliers
// (i.e., points closer than the maximum threshold) have to be recalculated.
if (iterations > 0) { |
error->setModelParameters(polished_model); |
// Remove everything from the residual vector
residual_cnt = 0; |
// Collect the points which are closer than the maximum threshold
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; ++point_idx) { |
// Calculate the residual of the current point
const double residual = error->getError(point_idx); |
if (residual < max_sigma) { |
// Store the residual of the current point and its index
residuals[residual_cnt] = residual; |
residuals_idxs[residual_cnt++] = point_idx; |
} |
} |
sigma_inliers_cnt = 0; |
} |
// Calculate the weight of each point
for (int i = 0; i < residual_cnt; i++) { |
const double residual = residuals[i]; |
const int idx = residuals_idxs[i]; |
// If the residual is ~0, the point fits perfectly and it is handled differently
if (residual > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { |
// Calculate the squared residual
const double squared_residual = residual * residual; |
// Get the position of the gamma value in the lookup table
int x = (int)round(scale_of_stored_gammas * squared_residual |
/ squared_sigma_max_2); |
// If the sought gamma value is not stored in the lookup, return the closest element
if (x >= stored_gamma_number || x < 0 /*overflow*/) // actual number of gamma values is 1 more, so >=
x = stored_gamma_number; |
sigma_inliers[sigma_inliers_cnt] = idx; // store index of point for LSQ
sigma_weights[sigma_inliers_cnt++] = one_over_sigma * (stored_gamma_values[x] - gamma_k); |
} |
} |
if (sigma_inliers_cnt > max_lo_sample_size) |
for (int i = sigma_inliers_cnt-1; i > 0; i--) { |
const int idx = rng.uniform(0, i+1); |
std::swap(sigma_inliers[i], sigma_inliers[idx]); |
std::swap(sigma_weights[i], sigma_weights[idx]); |
} |
int num_est_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample |
(sigma_inliers, std::min(max_lo_sample_size, sigma_inliers_cnt), |
sigma_models, sigma_weights); |
// If there are fewer than the minimum point close to the model, terminate.
// Estimate the model parameters using weighted least-squares fitting
if (num_est_models == 0) { |
// If the estimation failed and the iteration was never successfull,
// terminate with failure.
if (iterations == 0) |
return false; |
// Otherwise, if the iteration was successfull at least one,
// simply break it.
break; |
} |
// Update the model parameters
polished_model = sigma_models[0]; |
if (num_est_models > 1) { |
// find best over other models
Score sigma_best_score = quality->getScore(polished_model); |
for (int m = 1; m < num_est_models; m++) { |
Score sc = quality->getScore(sigma_models[m]); |
if (sc.isBetter(sigma_best_score)) { |
polished_model = sigma_models[m]; |
sigma_best_score = sc; |
} |
} |
} |
// The model has been updated
updated = true; |
} |
if (updated) { |
new_model_score = quality->getScore(polished_model); |
new_model = polished_model; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
Ptr<LocalOptimization> clone(int state) const override { |
return makePtr<SigmaConsensusImpl>(estimator->clone(), error->clone(), quality->clone(), |
verifier->clone(state), max_lo_sample_size, number_of_irwls_iters, |
degrees_of_freedom, k, gamma_k, C, maximum_threshold); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<SigmaConsensus> |
SigmaConsensus::create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality, const Ptr<ModelVerifier> &verifier_, |
int max_lo_sample_size, int number_of_irwls_iters_, int DoF, |
double sigma_quantile, double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_, |
double maximum_thr) { |
return makePtr<SigmaConsensusImpl>(estimator_, error_, quality, verifier_, max_lo_sample_size, |
number_of_irwls_iters_, DoF, sigma_quantile, upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
C_, maximum_thr); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////// FINAL MODEL POLISHER ////////////////////////
class LeastSquaresPolishingImpl : public LeastSquaresPolishing { |
private: |
const Ptr<Estimator> estimator; |
const Ptr<Quality> quality; |
Score score; |
int lsq_iterations; |
std::vector<int> inliers; |
std::vector<Mat> models; |
std::vector<double> weights; |
public: |
LeastSquaresPolishingImpl(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
int lsq_iterations_) : |
estimator(estimator_), quality(quality_) { |
lsq_iterations = lsq_iterations_; |
// allocate memory for inliers array and models
inliers = std::vector<int>(quality_->getPointsSize()); |
models = std::vector<Mat>(estimator->getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal()); |
} |
bool polishSoFarTheBestModel(const Mat &model, const Score &best_model_score, |
Mat &new_model, Score &out_score) override { |
// get inliers from input model
int inlier_number = quality->getInliers(model, inliers); |
if (inlier_number < estimator->getMinimalSampleSize()) |
return false; |
out_score = Score(); // set the worst case
// several all-inlier least-squares refines model better than only one but for
// big amount of points may be too time-consuming.
for (int lsq_iter = 0; lsq_iter < lsq_iterations; lsq_iter++) { |
bool model_updated = false; |
// estimate non minimal models with all inliers
const int num_models = estimator->estimateModelNonMinimalSample(inliers, |
inlier_number, models, weights); |
for (int model_idx = 0; model_idx < num_models; model_idx++) { |
score = quality->getScore(models[model_idx]); |
if (best_model_score.isBetter(score)) |
continue; |
if (score.isBetter(out_score)) { |
models[model_idx].copyTo(new_model); |
out_score = score; |
model_updated = true; |
} |
} |
if (!model_updated) |
// if model was not updated at the first iteration then return false
// otherwise if all-inliers LSQ has not updated model then no sense
// to do it again -> return true (model was updated before).
return lsq_iter > 0; |
// if number of inliers doesn't increase more than 5% then break
if (fabs(static_cast<double>(out_score.inlier_number) - static_cast<double> |
(best_model_score.inlier_number)) / best_model_score.inlier_number < 0.05) |
return true; |
if (lsq_iter != lsq_iterations - 1) |
// if not the last LSQ normalization then get inliers for next normalization
inlier_number = quality->getInliers(new_model, inliers); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<LeastSquaresPolishing> LeastSquaresPolishing::create (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, |
const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, int lsq_iterations_) { |
return makePtr<LeastSquaresPolishingImpl>(estimator_, quality_, lsq_iterations_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#include "../polynom_solver.h" |
#if defined(HAVE_EIGEN) |
#include <Eigen/Eigen> |
#include <Eigen/QR> |
#elif defined(HAVE_LAPACK) |
#include "opencv_lapack.h" |
#endif |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
class PnPMinimalSolver6PtsImpl : public PnPMinimalSolver6Pts { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
// linear 6 points required (11 equations)
int getSampleSize() const override { return 6; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
explicit PnPMinimalSolver6PtsImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points ((float*) {} |
DLT: |
d x = P X, x = (u, v, 1), X = (X, Y, Z, 1), P = K[R t] |
is 3x4 projection matrix with rows p1, p2, p3. d is depth |
u = p1^T X / p3^T X |
v = p2^T X / p3^T X |
(p1^T - u p3^T) X = 0 |
(p2^T - v p3^T) X = 0 |
(p11 - u p31) X + (p12 - u p32) Y + (p13 - u p33) Z + (p14 - u p34) = 0 |
(p12 - v p31) X + (p22 - v p32) Y + (p23 - v p33) Z + (p24 - v p34) = 0 |
[X, Y, Z, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u X, -u Y, -u Z, -u] [p11] [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X, Y, Z, 1, -v X, -v Y, -v Z, -v] [p12] [0] |
. = [0] |
. |
. [p34] [0] |
minimum 11 equations, each point gives 2 equation, so at least 6 points are required. |
@points is array Nx5 |
u1 v1 X1 Y1 Z1 |
... |
uN vN XN YN ZN |
@P is output projection matrix |
A1 = |
[X1, Y1, Z1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u1 X1, -u1 Y1, -u1 Z1, -u1] [p11] [0] |
[X2, Y2, Z2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u2 X2, -u2 Y2, -u2 Z2, -u2] [p12] [0] |
[X3, Y3, Z3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u3 X3, -u3 Y3, -u3 Z3, -u3] [p13] [0] |
[X4, Y4, Z4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u4 X4, -u4 Y4, -u4 Z4, -u4] [p14] [0] |
[X5, Y5, Z5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -u5 X5, -u5 Y5, -u5 Z5, -u5] [p21] [0] |
[p22] |
A2 = (without first 4 columns) |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X1, Y1, Z1, 1, -v1 X1, -v1 Y1, -v1 Z1, -v1] [p23] = [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X2, Y2, Z2, 1, -v2 X2, -v2 Y2, -v2 Z2, -v2] [p24] [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X3, Y3, Z3, 1, -v3 X3, -v3 Y3, -v3 Z3, -v3] [p31] [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X4, Y4, Z4, 1, -v4 X4, -v4 Y4, -v4 Z4, -v4] [p32] [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X5, Y5, Z5, 1, -v5 X5, -v5 Y5, -v5 Z5, -v5] [p33] [0] |
[0, 0, 0, 0, X6, Y6, Z6, 1, -v6 X6, -v6 Y6, -v6 Z6, -v6] [p34=1] [0] |
P = null A; dim null A = n - rank(A) = 12 - 11 = 1 |
*/ |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
std::vector<double> A1 (5*12, 0), A2(7*8, 0); |
int cnt1 = 0, cnt2 = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { |
const int smpl = 5 * sample[i]; |
const double u = points[smpl ], v = points[smpl + 1]; |
const double X = points[smpl + 2], Y = points[smpl + 3], Z = points[smpl + 4]; |
if (i != 5) { |
A1[cnt1++] = X; |
A1[cnt1++] = Y; |
A1[cnt1++] = Z; |
A1[cnt1++] = 1; |
cnt1 += 4; // skip zeros
A1[cnt1++] = -u * X; |
A1[cnt1++] = -u * Y; |
A1[cnt1++] = -u * Z; |
A1[cnt1++] = -u; |
} |
A2[cnt2++] = X; |
A2[cnt2++] = Y; |
A2[cnt2++] = Z; |
A2[cnt2++] = 1; |
A2[cnt2++] = -v * X; |
A2[cnt2++] = -v * Y; |
A2[cnt2++] = -v * Z; |
A2[cnt2++] = -v; |
} |
Math::eliminateUpperTriangular(A1, 5, 12); |
int offset = 4*12; |
// add last eliminated row of A1
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) |
A2[cnt2++] = A1[offset + i + 4/* skip 4 first cols*/]; |
Math::eliminateUpperTriangular(A2, 7, 8); |
// fixed scale to 1. In general the projection matrix is up-to-scale.
// P = alpha * P^, alpha = 1 / P^_[3,4]
Mat P = Mat_<double>(3,4); |
auto * p = (double *); |
p[11] = 1; |
// start from the last row
for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--) { |
double acc = 0; |
for (int j = i+1; j < 8; j++) |
acc -= A2[i*8+j]*p[j+4]; |
p[i+4] = acc / A2[i*8+i]; |
// due to numerical errors return 0 solutions
if (std::isnan(p[i+4])) |
return 0; |
} |
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { |
double acc = 0; |
for (int j = i+1; j < 12; j++) |
acc -= A1[i*12+j]*p[j]; |
p[i] = acc / A1[i*12+i]; |
if (std::isnan(p[i])) |
return 0; |
} |
models = std::vector<Mat>{P}; |
return 1; |
} |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<PnPMinimalSolver6PtsImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<PnPMinimalSolver6Pts> PnPMinimalSolver6Pts::create(const Mat &points_) { |
return makePtr<PnPMinimalSolver6PtsImpl>(points_); |
} |
class PnPNonMinimalSolverImpl : public PnPNonMinimalSolver { |
private: |
const Mat * points_mat; |
const float * const points; |
public: |
explicit PnPNonMinimalSolverImpl (const Mat &points_) : |
points_mat(&points_), points ((float*){} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size, |
std::vector<Mat> &models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const override { |
if (sample_size < 6) |
return 0; |
double AtA [144] = {0}; // 12x12
double a1[12] = {0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, |
a2[12] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; |
if (weights.empty()) |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int smpl = 5 * sample[i]; |
const double u = points[smpl], v = points[smpl + 1]; |
const double X = points[smpl + 2], Y = points[smpl + 3], Z = points[smpl + 4]; |
a1[0 ] = -X; |
a1[1 ] = -Y; |
a1[2 ] = -Z; |
a1[8 ] = u * X; |
a1[9 ] = u * Y; |
a1[10] = u * Z; |
a1[11] = u; |
a2[4 ] = -X; |
a2[5 ] = -Y; |
a2[6 ] = -Z; |
a2[8 ] = v * X; |
a2[9 ] = v * Y; |
a2[10] = v * Z; |
a2[11] = v; |
// fill covarinace matrix
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) |
for (int z = j; z < 12; z++) |
AtA[j * 12 + z] += a1[j] * a1[z] + a2[j] * a2[z]; |
} |
else |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
const int smpl = 5 * sample[i]; |
const double weight = weights[i], u = points[smpl], v = points[smpl + 1]; |
const double weight_X = weight * points[smpl + 2], |
weight_Y = weight * points[smpl + 3], |
weight_Z = weight * points[smpl + 4]; |
a1[0 ] = -weight_X; |
a1[1 ] = -weight_Y; |
a1[2 ] = -weight_Z; |
a1[3 ] = -weight; |
a1[8 ] = u * weight_X; |
a1[9 ] = u * weight_Y; |
a1[10] = u * weight_Z; |
a1[11] = u * weight; |
a2[4 ] = -weight_X; |
a2[5 ] = -weight_Y; |
a2[6 ] = -weight_Z; |
a2[7 ] = -weight; |
a2[8 ] = v * weight_X; |
a2[9 ] = v * weight_Y; |
a2[10] = v * weight_Z; |
a2[11] = v * weight; |
// fill covarinace matrix
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) |
for (int z = j; z < 12; z++) |
AtA[j * 12 + z] += a1[j] * a1[z] + a2[j] * a2[z]; |
} |
// copy symmetric part of covariance matrix
for (int j = 1; j < 12; j++) |
for (int z = 0; z < j; z++) |
AtA[j*12+z] = AtA[z*12+j]; |
#ifdef HAVE_EIGEN |
models = std::vector<Mat>{ Mat_<double>(3,4) }; |
Eigen::HouseholderQR<Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12>> qr((Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12>(AtA))); |
const Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> &Q = qr.householderQ(); |
// extract the last nullspace
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 1>>((double *)models[0].data) = Q.col(11); |
#else |
Matx<double, 12, 12> Vt; |
Vec<double, 12> D; |
if (! eigen(Matx<double, 12, 12>(AtA), D, Vt)) return 0; |
models = std::vector<Mat>{ Mat(Vt.row(11).reshape<3,4>()) }; |
#endif |
return 1; |
} |
int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const override { return 6; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 1; } |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<PnPNonMinimalSolverImpl>(*points_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<PnPNonMinimalSolver> PnPNonMinimalSolver::create(const Mat &points) { |
return makePtr<PnPNonMinimalSolverImpl>(points); |
} |
class P3PSolverImpl : public P3PSolver { |
private: |
* calibrated normalized points |
* K^-1 [u v 1]^T / ||K^-1 [u v 1]^T|| |
*/ |
const Mat * points_mat, * calib_norm_points_mat, * K_mat, &K; |
const float * const calib_norm_points, * const points; |
const double VAL_THR = 1e-4; |
public: |
* @points_ is matrix N x 5 |
* u v x y z. (u,v) is image point, (x y z) is world point |
*/ |
P3PSolverImpl (const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_points_, const Mat &K_) : |
points_mat(&points_), calib_norm_points_mat(&calib_norm_points_), K_mat (&K_), |
K(K_), calib_norm_points((float*), points((float*) {} |
int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const override { |
* The description of this solution can be found here: |
* pages: 51-59 |
*/ |
const int idx1 = 5*sample[0], idx2 = 5*sample[1], idx3 = 5*sample[2]; |
const Vec3d X1 (points[idx1+2], points[idx1+3], points[idx1+4]); |
const Vec3d X2 (points[idx2+2], points[idx2+3], points[idx2+4]); |
const Vec3d X3 (points[idx3+2], points[idx3+3], points[idx3+4]); |
// find distance between world points d_ij = ||Xi - Xj||
const double d12 = norm(X1 - X2); |
const double d23 = norm(X2 - X3); |
const double d31 = norm(X3 - X1); |
if (d12 < VAL_THR || d23 < VAL_THR || d31 < VAL_THR) |
return 0; |
const int c_idx1 = 3*sample[0], c_idx2 = 3*sample[1], c_idx3 = 3*sample[2]; |
const Vec3d cx1 (calib_norm_points[c_idx1], calib_norm_points[c_idx1+1], calib_norm_points[c_idx1+2]); |
const Vec3d cx2 (calib_norm_points[c_idx2], calib_norm_points[c_idx2+1], calib_norm_points[c_idx2+2]); |
const Vec3d cx3 (calib_norm_points[c_idx3], calib_norm_points[c_idx3+1], calib_norm_points[c_idx3+2]); |
// find cosine angles, cos(x1,x2) = K^-1^-1 x2) / (||K^-1 x1|| * ||K^-1 x2||)
// calib_norm_points are already K^-1 x / ||K^-1 x||, so we perform only dot product
const double c12 = cx1(0)*cx2(0) + cx1(1)*cx2(1) + cx1(2)*cx2(2); |
const double c23 = cx2(0)*cx3(0) + cx2(1)*cx3(1) + cx2(2)*cx3(2); |
const double c31 = cx3(0)*cx1(0) + cx3(1)*cx1(1) + cx3(2)*cx1(2); |
Matx33d Z, Zw; |
auto * z = Z.val, * zw = Zw.val; |
// find coefficients of polynomial a4 x^4 + ... + a0 = 0
const double c12_p2 = c12*c12, c23_p2 = c23*c23, c31_p2 = c31*c31; |
const double d12_p2 = d12*d12, d12_p4 = d12_p2*d12_p2; |
const double d23_p2 = d23*d23, d23_p4 = d23_p2*d23_p2, d23_p6 = d23_p2*d23_p4, d23_p8 = d23_p4*d23_p4; |
const double d31_p2 = d31*d31, d31_p4 = d31_p2*d31_p2; |
const double a4 = -4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c23_p2+d23_p8-2*d23_p6*d12_p2-2*d23_p6*d31_p2+d23_p4*d12_p4+2*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2+d23_p4*d31_p4; |
const double a3 = 8*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c12*c23_p2+4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31*c23-4*d23_p4*d12_p4*c31*c23+4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c31*c23-4*d23_p8*c12+4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c12+8*d23_p6*d31_p2*c12-4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c12-4*d23_p4*d31_p4*c12; |
const double a2 = -8*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31*c12*c23-8*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c31*c12*c23+4*d23_p8*c12_p2-4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31_p2-8*d23_p6*d31_p2*c12_p2+4*d23_p4*d12_p4*c31_p2+4*d23_p4*d12_p4*c23_p2-4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c23_p2+4*d23_p4*d31_p4*c12_p2+2*d23_p8-4*d23_p6*d31_p2-2*d23_p4*d12_p4+2*d23_p4*d31_p4; |
const double a1 = 8*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31_p2*c12+4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31*c23-4*d23_p4*d12_p4*c31*c23+4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c31*c23-4*d23_p8*c12-4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c12+8*d23_p6*d31_p2*c12+4*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2*c12-4*d23_p4*d31_p4*c12; |
const double a0 = -4*d23_p6*d12_p2*c31_p2+d23_p8-2*d23_p4*d12_p2*d31_p2+2*d23_p6*d12_p2+d23_p4*d31_p4+d23_p4*d12_p4-2*d23_p6*d31_p2; |
double roots[4] = {0}; |
int num_roots = solve_deg4(a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, roots[0], roots[1], roots[2], roots[3]); |
models = std::vector<Mat>(); models.reserve(num_roots); |
for (double root : roots) { |
if (root <= 0) continue; |
const double n12 = root, n12_p2 = n12 * n12; |
const double n13 = (d12_p2*(d23_p2-d31_p2*n12_p2)+(d23_p2-d31_p2)*(d23_p2*(1+n12_p2-2*n12*c12)-d12_p2*n12_p2)) |
/ (2*d12_p2*(d23_p2*c31 - d31_p2*c23*n12) + 2*(d31_p2-d23_p2)*d12_p2*c23*n12); |
const double n1 = d12 / sqrt(1 + n12_p2 - 2*n12*c12); // 1+n12^2-2n12c12 is always > 0
const double n2 = n1 * n12; |
const double n3 = n1 * n13; |
if (n1 <= 0 || n2 <= 0 || n3 <= 0) |
continue; |
// compute and check errors
if (fabs((sqrt(n1*n1 + n2*n2 - 2*n1*n2*c12) - d12) / d12) > VAL_THR || |
fabs((sqrt(n2*n2 + n3*n3 - 2*n2*n3*c23) - d23) / d23) > VAL_THR || |
fabs((sqrt(n3*n3 + n1*n1 - 2*n3*n1*c31) - d31) / d31) > VAL_THR) |
continue; |
const Vec3d nX1 = n1 * cx1; |
Vec3d Z2 = n2 * cx2 - nX1; Z2 /= norm(Z2); |
Vec3d Z3 = n3 * cx3 - nX1; Z3 /= norm(Z3); |
Vec3d Z1 = Z2.cross(Z3); Z1 /= norm(Z1); |
const Vec3d Z3crZ1 = Z3.cross(Z1); |
z[0] = Z1(0); z[3] = Z1(1); z[6] = Z1(2); |
z[1] = Z2(0); z[4] = Z2(1); z[7] = Z2(2); |
z[2] = Z3crZ1(0); z[5] = Z3crZ1(1); z[8] = Z3crZ1(2); |
Vec3d Zw2 = (X2 - X1) / d12; |
Vec3d Zw3 = (X3 - X1) / d31; |
Vec3d Zw1 = Zw2.cross(Zw3); Zw1 /= norm(Zw1); |
const Vec3d Z3crZ1w = Zw3.cross(Zw1); |
zw[0] = Zw1(0); zw[3] = Zw1(1); zw[6] = Zw1(2); |
zw[1] = Zw2(0); zw[4] = Zw2(1); zw[7] = Zw2(2); |
zw[2] = Z3crZ1w(0); zw[5] = Z3crZ1w(1); zw[8] = Z3crZ1w(2); |
const Matx33d R = Math::rotVec2RotMat(Math::rotMat2RotVec(Z * Zw.inv())); |
Mat P, KR = K * R; |
hconcat(KR, -KR * (X1 - R.t() * nX1), P); |
models.emplace_back(P); |
} |
return static_cast<int>(models.size()); |
} |
int getSampleSize() const override { return 3; } |
int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const override { return 4; } |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<P3PSolverImpl>(*points_mat, *calib_norm_points_mat, *K_mat); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<P3PSolver> P3PSolver::create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K) { |
return makePtr<P3PSolverImpl>(points_, calib_norm_pts, K); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#include "gamma_values.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
int Quality::getInliers(const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double threshold) { |
const auto &errors = error->getErrors(model); |
int num_inliers = 0; |
for (int point = 0; point < (int)inliers.size(); point++) |
if (errors[point] < threshold) |
inliers[num_inliers++] = point; |
return num_inliers; |
} |
int Quality::getInliers(const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask, double threshold) { |
std::fill(inliers_mask.begin(), inliers_mask.end(), false); |
const auto &errors = error->getErrors(model); |
int num_inliers = 0; |
for (int point = 0; point < (int)inliers_mask.size(); point++) |
if (errors[point] < threshold) { |
inliers_mask[point] = true; |
num_inliers++; |
} |
return num_inliers; |
} |
class RansacQualityImpl : public RansacQuality { |
private: |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
const int points_size; |
const double threshold; |
double best_score; |
public: |
RansacQualityImpl (int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_) |
: error (error_), points_size(points_size_), threshold(threshold_) { |
best_score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
} |
Score getScore (const Mat &model) const override { |
error->setModelParameters(model); |
int inlier_number = 0; |
for (int point = 0; point < points_size; point++) { |
if (error->getError(point) < threshold) |
inlier_number++; |
if (inlier_number + (points_size - point) < -best_score) |
break; |
} |
// score is negative inlier number! If less then better
return Score(inlier_number, -static_cast<double>(inlier_number)); |
} |
void setBestScore(double best_score_) override { |
if (best_score > best_score_) best_score = best_score_; |
} |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, threshold); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, thr); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers_mask, threshold); } |
int getPointsSize () const override { return points_size; } |
Ptr<Quality> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<RansacQualityImpl>(points_size, threshold, error->clone()); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<RansacQuality> RansacQuality::create(int points_size_, double threshold_, |
const Ptr<Error> &error_) { |
return makePtr<RansacQualityImpl>(points_size_, threshold_, error_); |
} |
class MsacQualityImpl : public MsacQuality { |
protected: |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
const int points_size; |
const double threshold; |
double best_score; |
public: |
MsacQualityImpl (int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_) |
: error (error_), points_size (points_size_), threshold (threshold_) { |
best_score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
} |
inline Score getScore (const Mat &model) const override { |
error->setModelParameters(model); |
double err, sum_errors = 0; |
int inlier_number = 0; |
for (int point = 0; point < points_size; point++) { |
err = error->getError(point); |
if (err < threshold) { |
sum_errors += err; |
inlier_number++; |
} else |
sum_errors += threshold; |
if (sum_errors > best_score) |
break; |
} |
return Score(inlier_number, sum_errors); |
} |
void setBestScore(double best_score_) override { |
if (best_score > best_score_) best_score = best_score_; |
} |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, threshold); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, thr); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers_mask, threshold); } |
int getPointsSize () const override { return points_size; } |
Ptr<Quality> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<MsacQualityImpl>(points_size, threshold, error->clone()); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<MsacQuality> MsacQuality::create(int points_size_, double threshold_, |
const Ptr<Error> &error_) { |
return makePtr<MsacQualityImpl>(points_size_, threshold_, error_); |
} |
class MagsacQualityImpl : public MagsacQuality { |
private: |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
const int points_size; |
// for example, maximum standard deviation of noise.
const double maximum_threshold, tentative_inlier_threshold; |
// The degrees of freedom of the data from which the model is estimated.
// E.g., for models coming from point correspondences (x1,y1,x2,y2), it is 4.
const int degrees_of_freedom; |
// A 0.99 quantile of the Chi^2-distribution to convert sigma values to residuals
const double k; |
// A multiplier to convert residual values to sigmas
float threshold_to_sigma_multiplier; |
// Calculating k^2 / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double squared_k_per_2; |
// Calculating (DoF - 1) / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double dof_minus_one_per_two; |
// Calculating (DoF + 1) / 2 which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double dof_plus_one_per_two; |
const double C; |
// Calculating 2^(DoF - 1) which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double two_ad_dof_minus_one; |
// Calculating 2^(DoF + 1) which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double two_ad_dof_plus_one; |
// Calculate the gamma value of k
const double gamma_value_of_k; |
// Calculate the lower incomplete gamma value of k
const double lower_gamma_value_of_k; |
double previous_best_loss; |
// Convert the maximum threshold to a sigma value
float maximum_sigma; |
// Calculate the squared maximum sigma
float maximum_sigma_2; |
// Calculate \sigma_{max}^2 / 2
float maximum_sigma_2_per_2; |
// Calculate 2 * \sigma_{max}^2
float maximum_sigma_2_times_2; |
// Calculate the loss implied by an outlier
double outlier_loss; |
// Calculating 2^(DoF + 1) / \sigma_{max} which will be used for the estimation and,
// due to being constant, it is better to calculate it a priori.
double two_ad_dof_plus_one_per_maximum_sigma; |
double scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas; |
std::vector<double> stored_complete_gamma_values, stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values; |
public: |
MagsacQualityImpl (double maximum_thr, int points_size_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
double tentative_inlier_threshold_, int DoF, double sigma_quantile, |
double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
double lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_) |
: error (error_), points_size(points_size_), maximum_threshold(maximum_thr), |
tentative_inlier_threshold(tentative_inlier_threshold_), degrees_of_freedom(DoF), |
k(sigma_quantile), C(C_), gamma_value_of_k (upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile), |
lower_gamma_value_of_k (lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile) { |
previous_best_loss = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
threshold_to_sigma_multiplier = 1.f / (float)k; |
squared_k_per_2 = k * k / 2.0; |
dof_minus_one_per_two = (degrees_of_freedom - 1.0) / 2.0; |
dof_plus_one_per_two = (degrees_of_freedom + 1.0) / 2.0; |
two_ad_dof_minus_one = std::pow(2.0, dof_minus_one_per_two); |
two_ad_dof_plus_one = std::pow(2.0, dof_plus_one_per_two); |
maximum_sigma = threshold_to_sigma_multiplier * (float)maximum_threshold; |
maximum_sigma_2 = maximum_sigma * maximum_sigma; |
maximum_sigma_2_per_2 = maximum_sigma_2 / 2.f; |
maximum_sigma_2_times_2 = maximum_sigma_2 * 2.f; |
// penalization for outlier
outlier_loss = 10 * maximum_sigma * two_ad_dof_minus_one * lower_gamma_value_of_k; |
two_ad_dof_plus_one_per_maximum_sigma = two_ad_dof_plus_one / maximum_sigma; |
if (DoF == 4) { |
scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas = scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas_n4; |
stored_complete_gamma_values = std::vector<double>(stored_complete_gamma_values_n4, |
stored_complete_gamma_values_n4+stored_incomplete_gamma_number+1); |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values = std::vector<double> |
(stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values_n4, |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values_n4+stored_incomplete_gamma_number+1); |
} else if (DoF == 5) { |
scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas = scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas_n5; |
stored_complete_gamma_values = std::vector<double>(stored_complete_gamma_values_n5, |
stored_complete_gamma_values_n5+stored_incomplete_gamma_number+1); |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values = std::vector<double> |
(stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values_n5, |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values_n5+stored_incomplete_gamma_number+1); |
} else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Sigma values are not generated"); |
} |
Score getScore (const Mat &model) const override { |
error->setModelParameters(model); |
double total_loss = 0.0; |
int num_tentative_inliers = 0; |
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; point_idx++) { |
const float squared_residual = error->getError(point_idx); |
if (squared_residual < tentative_inlier_threshold) |
num_tentative_inliers++; |
if (squared_residual < maximum_threshold) { // consider point as inlier
// Get the position of the gamma value in the lookup table
int x=(int)round(scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas * squared_residual |
/ maximum_sigma_2_times_2); |
// If the sought gamma value is not stored in the lookup, return the closest element
if (x >= stored_incomplete_gamma_number || x < 0 /*overflow*/) |
x = stored_incomplete_gamma_number; |
// Calculate the loss implied by the current point
total_loss += two_ad_dof_plus_one_per_maximum_sigma * (maximum_sigma_2_per_2 * |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values[x] + squared_residual * 0.25 * |
(stored_complete_gamma_values[x] - gamma_value_of_k)); |
} else total_loss += outlier_loss; // outlier
if (total_loss > previous_best_loss) |
break; // break if total loss is alreay higher than the best one
} |
return Score(num_tentative_inliers, total_loss); |
} |
Score getScore (const std::vector<float> &errors) const override { |
double total_loss = 0.0; |
int num_tentative_inliers = 0; |
for (int point_idx = 0; point_idx < points_size; point_idx++) { |
const float squared_residual = errors[point_idx]; |
if (squared_residual < tentative_inlier_threshold) |
num_tentative_inliers++; |
if (squared_residual < maximum_threshold) { |
int x=(int)round(scale_of_stored_incomplete_gammas * squared_residual |
/ maximum_sigma_2_times_2); |
if (x >= stored_incomplete_gamma_number || x < 0 /*overflow*/) |
x = stored_incomplete_gamma_number; |
total_loss += two_ad_dof_plus_one_per_maximum_sigma * (maximum_sigma_2_per_2 * |
stored_lower_incomplete_gamma_values[x] + squared_residual * 0.25 * |
(stored_complete_gamma_values[x] - gamma_value_of_k)); |
} else total_loss += outlier_loss; |
if (total_loss > previous_best_loss) |
break; |
} |
return Score(num_tentative_inliers, total_loss); |
} |
void setBestScore (double best_loss) override { |
if (previous_best_loss > best_loss) previous_best_loss = best_loss; |
} |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, tentative_inlier_threshold); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, thr); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers_mask, tentative_inlier_threshold); } |
int getPointsSize () const override { return points_size; } |
Ptr<Quality> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<MagsacQualityImpl>(maximum_sigma, points_size, error->clone(), |
tentative_inlier_threshold, degrees_of_freedom, k, gamma_value_of_k, |
lower_gamma_value_of_k, C); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<MagsacQuality> MagsacQuality::create(double maximum_thr, int points_size_, const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
double tentative_inlier_threshold_, int DoF, double sigma_quantile, |
double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
double lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_) { |
return makePtr<MagsacQualityImpl>(maximum_thr, points_size_, error_, |
tentative_inlier_threshold_, DoF, sigma_quantile, upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, |
lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, C_); |
} |
class LMedsQualityImpl : public LMedsQuality { |
private: |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
const int points_size; |
const double threshold; |
public: |
LMedsQualityImpl (int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_) : |
error (error_), points_size (points_size_), threshold (threshold_) {} |
// Finds median of errors.
Score getScore (const Mat &model) const override { |
std::vector<float> errors = error->getErrors(model); |
int inlier_number = 0; |
for (int point = 0; point < points_size; point++) |
if (errors[point] < threshold) |
inlier_number++; |
// score is median of errors
return Score(inlier_number, Utils::findMedian (errors)); |
} |
void setBestScore (double /*best_score*/) override {} |
int getPointsSize () const override { return points_size; } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, threshold); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers, thr); } |
int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const override |
{ return Quality::getInliers(error, model, inliers_mask, threshold); } |
Ptr<Quality> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<LMedsQualityImpl>(points_size, threshold, error->clone()); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<LMedsQuality> LMedsQuality::create(int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_) { |
return makePtr<LMedsQualityImpl>(points_size_, threshold_, error_); |
} |
class ModelVerifierImpl : public ModelVerifier { |
private: |
std::vector<float> errors; |
public: |
inline bool isModelGood(const Mat &/*model*/) override { return true; } |
inline bool getScore(Score &/*score*/) const override { return false; } |
void update (int /*highest_inlier_number*/) override {} |
const std::vector<float> &getErrors() const override { return errors; } |
bool hasErrors () const override { return false; } |
Ptr<ModelVerifier> clone (int /*state*/) const override { return makePtr<ModelVerifierImpl>();} |
}; |
Ptr<ModelVerifier> ModelVerifier::create() { |
return makePtr<ModelVerifierImpl>(); |
} |
///////////////////////////////////// SPRT VERIFIER //////////////////////////////////////////
class SPRTImpl : public SPRT { |
private: |
RNG rng; |
const Ptr<Error> err; |
const int points_size; |
int highest_inlier_number, current_sprt_idx; // i
// time t_M needed to instantiate a model hypothesis given a sample
// Let m_S be the number of models that are verified per sample
const double inlier_threshold, t_M, m_S; |
double lowest_sum_errors, current_epsilon, current_delta, current_A, |
delta_to_epsilon, complement_delta_to_complement_epsilon; |
std::vector<SPRT_history> sprt_histories; |
std::vector<int> points_random_pool; |
std::vector<float> errors; |
Score score; |
const ScoreMethod score_type; |
bool last_model_is_good, can_compute_score, has_errors; |
public: |
SPRTImpl (int state, const Ptr<Error> &err_, int points_size_, |
double inlier_threshold_, double prob_pt_of_good_model, double prob_pt_of_bad_model, |
double time_sample, double avg_num_models, ScoreMethod score_type_) : rng(state), err(err_), |
points_size(points_size_), inlier_threshold (inlier_threshold_), |
t_M (time_sample), m_S (avg_num_models), score_type (score_type_) { |
// Generate array of random points for randomized evaluation
points_random_pool = std::vector<int> (points_size_); |
// fill values from 0 to points_size-1
for (int i = 0; i < points_size; i++) |
points_random_pool[i] = i; |
randShuffle(points_random_pool, 1, &rng); |
// reserve (approximately) some space for sprt vector.
sprt_histories.reserve(20); |
createTest(prob_pt_of_good_model, prob_pt_of_bad_model); |
highest_inlier_number = 0; |
lowest_sum_errors = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); |
last_model_is_good = false; |
can_compute_score = score_type_ == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC |
|| score_type_ == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC |
|| score_type_ == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_LMEDS; |
// for MSAC and RANSAC errors not needed
if (score_type_ != ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC && score_type_ != ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC) |
errors = std::vector<float>(points_size_); |
// however return errors only if we can't compute score
has_errors = !can_compute_score; |
} |
* p(x(r)|Hb) p(x(j)|Hb) |
* lambda(j) = Product (----------) = lambda(j-1) * ---------- |
* p(x(r)|Hg) p(x(j)|Hg) |
* Set j = 1 |
* 1. Check whether j-th data point is consistent with the |
* model |
* 2. Compute the likelihood ratio λj eq. (1) |
* 3. If λj > A, decide the model is ’bad’ (model ”re-jected”), |
* else increment j or continue testing |
* 4. If j = N the number of correspondences decide model ”accepted” |
* |
* Verifies model and returns model score. |
* Returns true if model is good, false - otherwise. |
* @model: model to verify |
* @current_hypothesis: current RANSAC iteration |
* Return: true if model is good, false - otherwise. |
*/ |
inline bool isModelGood (const Mat &model) override { |
// update error object with current model
err->setModelParameters(model); |
double lambda = 1, sum_errors = 0; |
last_model_is_good = true; |
int random_pool_idx = rng.uniform(0, points_size), tested_point, tested_inliers = 0; |
for (tested_point = 0; tested_point < points_size; tested_point++) { |
if (random_pool_idx >= points_size) |
random_pool_idx = 0; |
const double error = err->getError (points_random_pool[random_pool_idx++]); |
if (error < inlier_threshold) { |
tested_inliers++; |
lambda *= delta_to_epsilon; |
} else { |
lambda *= complement_delta_to_complement_epsilon; |
// since delta is always higher than epsilon, then lambda can increase only
// when point is not consistent with model
if (lambda > current_A) |
break; |
} |
if (score_type == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC) { |
sum_errors += error < inlier_threshold ? error : inlier_threshold; |
if (sum_errors > lowest_sum_errors) |
break; |
} else if (score_type == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC) { |
if (tested_inliers + points_size - tested_point < highest_inlier_number) |
break; |
} else errors[points_random_pool[random_pool_idx-1]] = (float)error; |
} |
last_model_is_good = tested_point == points_size; |
// increase number of samples processed by current test
sprt_histories[current_sprt_idx].tested_samples++; |
if (last_model_is_good) { |
score.inlier_number = tested_inliers; |
if (score_type == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC) { |
score.score = sum_errors; |
lowest_sum_errors = sum_errors; |
} else if (score_type == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC) |
score.score = -static_cast<double>(tested_inliers); |
else if (score_type == ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_LMEDS) |
score.score = Utils::findMedian(errors); |
const double new_epsilon = static_cast<double>(tested_inliers) / points_size; |
if (new_epsilon > current_epsilon) { |
highest_inlier_number = tested_inliers; // update max inlier number
* Model accepted and the largest support so far: |
* design (i+1)-th test (εi + 1= εˆ, δi+1 = δ, i := i + 1). |
* Store the current model parameters θ |
*/ |
createTest(new_epsilon, current_delta); |
} |
} else { |
* Since almost all tested models are ‘bad’, the probability |
* δ can be estimated as the average fraction of consistent data points |
* in rejected models. |
*/ |
// add 1 to tested_point, because loop over tested_point starts from 0
const double delta_estimated = static_cast<double> (tested_inliers) / (tested_point+1); |
if (delta_estimated > 0 && fabs(current_delta - delta_estimated) |
/ current_delta > 0.05) |
* Model rejected: re-estimate δ. If the estimate δ_ differs |
* from δi by more than 5% design (i+1)-th test (εi+1 = εi, |
* δi+1 = δˆ, i := i + 1) |
*/ |
createTest(current_epsilon, delta_estimated); |
} |
return last_model_is_good; |
} |
inline bool getScore (Score &score_) const override { |
if (!last_model_is_good || !can_compute_score) |
return false; |
score_ = score; |
return true; |
} |
bool hasErrors () const override { return has_errors; } |
const std::vector<float> &getErrors () const override { return errors; } |
const std::vector<SPRT_history> &getSPRTvector () const override { return sprt_histories; } |
void update (int highest_inlier_number_) override { |
const double new_epsilon = static_cast<double>(highest_inlier_number_) / points_size; |
if (new_epsilon > current_epsilon) { |
highest_inlier_number = highest_inlier_number_; |
if (sprt_histories[current_sprt_idx].tested_samples == 0) |
sprt_histories[current_sprt_idx].tested_samples = 1; |
// save sprt test and create new one
createTest(new_epsilon, current_delta); |
} |
} |
Ptr<ModelVerifier> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<SPRTImpl>(state, err->clone(), points_size, inlier_threshold, |
sprt_histories[current_sprt_idx].epsilon, |
sprt_histories[current_sprt_idx].delta, t_M, m_S, score_type); |
} |
private: |
// Saves sprt test to sprt history and update current epsilon, delta and threshold.
void createTest (double epsilon, double delta) { |
// if epsilon is closed to 1 then set them to 0.99 to avoid numerical problems
if (epsilon > 0.999999) epsilon = 0.999; |
// delta can't be higher than epsilon, because ratio delta / epsilon will be greater than 1
if (epsilon < delta) delta = epsilon-0.0001; |
// avoid delta going too high as it is very unlikely
// e.g., 30% of points are consistent with bad model is not very real
if (delta > 0.3) delta = 0.3; |
SPRT_history new_sprt_history; |
new_sprt_history.epsilon = epsilon; |
|||| = delta; |
new_sprt_history.A = estimateThresholdA (epsilon, delta); |
sprt_histories.emplace_back(new_sprt_history); |
current_A = new_sprt_history.A; |
current_delta = delta; |
current_epsilon = epsilon; |
delta_to_epsilon = delta / epsilon; |
complement_delta_to_complement_epsilon = (1 - delta) / (1 - epsilon); |
current_sprt_idx = static_cast<int>(sprt_histories.size()) - 1; |
} |
* A(0) = K1/K2 + 1 |
* A(n+1) = K1/K2 + 1 + log (A(n)) |
* K1 = t_M / P_g |
* K2 = m_S/(P_g*C) |
* t_M is time needed to instantiate a model hypotheses given a sample |
* P_g = epsilon ^ m, m is the number of data point in the Ransac sample. |
* m_S is the number of models that are verified per sample. |
* p (0|Hb) p (1|Hb) |
* C = p(0|Hb) log (---------) + p(1|Hb) log (---------) |
* p (0|Hg) p (1|Hg) |
*/ |
double estimateThresholdA (double epsilon, double delta) { |
const double C = (1 - delta) * log ((1 - delta) / (1 - epsilon)) + |
delta * (log(delta / epsilon)); |
// K = K1/K2 + 1 = (t_M / P_g) / (m_S / (C * P_g)) + 1 = (t_M * C)/m_S + 1
const double K = t_M * C / m_S + 1; |
double An, An_1 = K; |
// compute A using a recursive relation
// A* = lim(n->inf)(An), the series typically converges within 4 iterations
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
An = K + log(An_1); |
if (fabs(An - An_1) < FLT_EPSILON) |
break; |
An_1 = An; |
} |
return An; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<SPRT> SPRT::create (int state, const Ptr<Error> &err_, int points_size_, |
double inlier_threshold_, double prob_pt_of_good_model, double prob_pt_of_bad_model, |
double time_sample, double avg_num_models, ScoreMethod score_type_) { |
return makePtr<SPRTImpl>(state, err_, points_size_, inlier_threshold_, |
prob_pt_of_good_model, prob_pt_of_bad_model, time_sample, avg_num_models, score_type_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,977 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#include <atomic> |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
int mergePoints (InputArray pts1_, InputArray pts2_, Mat &pts, bool ispnp); |
void setParameters (int flag, Ptr<Model> ¶ms, EstimationMethod estimator, double thr, |
int max_iters, double conf, bool mask_needed); |
class RansacOutputImpl : public RansacOutput { |
private: |
Mat model; |
// vector of number_inliers size
std::vector<int> inliers; |
// vector of points size, true if inlier, false-outlier
std::vector<bool> inliers_mask; |
// vector of points size, value of i-th index corresponds to error of i-th point if i is inlier.
std::vector<double> errors; |
// the best found score of RANSAC
double score; |
int seconds, milliseconds, microseconds; |
int time_mcs, number_inliers, number_estimated_models, number_good_models; |
int number_iterations; // number of iterations of main RANSAC
public: |
RansacOutputImpl (const Mat &model_, const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask_, |
int time_mcs_, double score_, int number_inliers_, int number_iterations_, |
int number_estimated_models_, int number_good_models_) { |
model_.copyTo(model); |
inliers_mask = inliers_mask_; |
time_mcs = time_mcs_; |
score = score_; |
number_inliers = number_inliers_; |
number_iterations = number_iterations_; |
number_estimated_models = number_estimated_models_; |
number_good_models = number_good_models_; |
microseconds = time_mcs % 1000; |
milliseconds = ((time_mcs - microseconds)/1000) % 1000; |
seconds = ((time_mcs - 1000*milliseconds - microseconds)/(1000*1000)) % 60; |
} |
* Return inliers' indices. |
* size of vector = number of inliers |
*/ |
const std::vector<int> &getInliers() override { |
if (inliers.empty()) { |
inliers.reserve(inliers_mask.size()); |
int pt_cnt = 0; |
for (bool is_inlier : inliers_mask) { |
if (is_inlier) |
inliers.emplace_back(pt_cnt); |
pt_cnt++; |
} |
} |
return inliers; |
} |
// Return inliers mask. Vector of points size. 1-inlier, 0-outlier.
const std::vector<bool> &getInliersMask() const override { return inliers_mask; } |
int getTimeMicroSeconds() const override {return time_mcs; } |
int getTimeMicroSeconds1() const override {return microseconds; } |
int getTimeMilliSeconds2() const override {return milliseconds; } |
int getTimeSeconds3() const override {return seconds; } |
int getNumberOfInliers() const override { return number_inliers; } |
int getNumberOfMainIterations() const override { return number_iterations; } |
int getNumberOfGoodModels () const override { return number_good_models; } |
int getNumberOfEstimatedModels () const override { return number_estimated_models; } |
const Mat &getModel() const override { return model; } |
}; |
Ptr<RansacOutput> RansacOutput::create(const Mat &model_, const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask_, |
int time_mcs_, double score_, int number_inliers_, int number_iterations_, |
int number_estimated_models_, int number_good_models_) { |
return makePtr<RansacOutputImpl>(model_, inliers_mask_, time_mcs_, score_, number_inliers_, |
number_iterations_, number_estimated_models_, number_good_models_); |
} |
class Ransac { |
protected: |
const Ptr<const Model> params; |
const Ptr<const Estimator> _estimator; |
const Ptr<Quality> _quality; |
const Ptr<Sampler> _sampler; |
const Ptr<TerminationCriteria> _termination_criteria; |
const Ptr<ModelVerifier> _model_verifier; |
const Ptr<Degeneracy> _degeneracy; |
const Ptr<LocalOptimization> _local_optimization; |
const Ptr<FinalModelPolisher> model_polisher; |
const int points_size, state; |
const bool parallel; |
public: |
Ransac (const Ptr<const Model> ¶ms_, int points_size_, const Ptr<const Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, |
const Ptr<Sampler> &sampler_, const Ptr<TerminationCriteria> &termination_criteria_, |
const Ptr<ModelVerifier> &model_verifier_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> °eneracy_, |
const Ptr<LocalOptimization> &local_optimization_, const Ptr<FinalModelPolisher> &model_polisher_, |
bool parallel_=false, int state_ = 0) : |
params (params_), _estimator (estimator_), _quality (quality_), _sampler (sampler_), |
_termination_criteria (termination_criteria_), _model_verifier (model_verifier_), |
_degeneracy (degeneracy_), _local_optimization (local_optimization_), |
model_polisher (model_polisher_), points_size (points_size_), state(state_), |
parallel(parallel_) {} |
bool run(Ptr<RansacOutput> &ransac_output) { |
if (points_size < params->getSampleSize()) |
return false; |
const auto begin_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
// check if LO
const bool LO = params->getLO() != LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_NULL; |
const bool is_magsac = params->getLO() == LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_SIGMA; |
const int repeat_magsac = 10; |
Score best_score; |
Mat best_model; |
int final_iters; |
if (! parallel) { |
Mat non_degenerate_model, lo_model; |
Score current_score, lo_score, non_denegenerate_model_score; |
// reallocate memory for models
std::vector<Mat> models(_estimator->getMaxNumSolutions()); |
// allocate memory for sample
std::vector<int> sample(_estimator->getMinimalSampleSize()); |
int iters = 0, max_iters = params->getMaxIters(); |
for (; iters < max_iters; iters++) { |
_sampler->generateSample(sample); |
const int number_of_models = _estimator->estimateModels(sample, models); |
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_models; i++) { |
if (is_magsac && iters % repeat_magsac == 0) { |
if (!_local_optimization->refineModel |
(models[i], best_score, models[i], current_score)) |
continue; |
} else if (_model_verifier->isModelGood(models[i])) { |
if (!_model_verifier->getScore(current_score)) { |
if (_model_verifier->hasErrors()) |
current_score = _quality->getScore(_model_verifier->getErrors()); |
else current_score = _quality->getScore(models[i]); |
} |
} else continue; |
if (current_score.isBetter(best_score)) { |
if (_degeneracy->recoverIfDegenerate(sample, models[i], |
non_degenerate_model, non_denegenerate_model_score)) { |
// check if best non degenerate model is better than so far the best model
if (non_denegenerate_model_score.isBetter(best_score)) { |
best_score = non_denegenerate_model_score; |
non_degenerate_model.copyTo(best_model); |
} else |
// non degenerate models are worse then so far the best model.
continue; |
} else { |
// copy current score to best score
best_score = current_score; |
// remember best model
models[i].copyTo(best_model); |
} |
// update quality to save evaluation time of a model
// with no chance of being better than so-far-the-best
_quality->setBestScore(best_score.score); |
// update upper bound of iterations
max_iters = _termination_criteria->update |
(best_model, best_score.inlier_number); |
if (iters > max_iters) |
break; |
if (LO) {//} && iters >= max_iters_before_LO) {
// do magsac if it wasn't already run
if (is_magsac && iters % repeat_magsac == 0) continue; // magsac has already run
// update model by Local optimization
if (_local_optimization->refineModel |
(best_model, best_score, lo_model, lo_score)) |
if (lo_score.isBetter(best_score)) { |
best_score = lo_score; |
lo_model.copyTo(best_model); |
// update quality and verifier and termination again
_quality->setBestScore(best_score.score); |
_model_verifier->update(best_score.inlier_number); |
max_iters = _termination_criteria->update |
(best_model, best_score.inlier_number); |
if (iters > max_iters) |
break; |
} |
} |
} // end of if so far the best score
} // end loop of number of models
} // end main while loop
final_iters = iters; |
} else { |
const int MAX_THREADS = getNumThreads(); |
const bool is_prosac = params->getSampler() == SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROSAC; |
std::atomic_bool success(false); |
std::atomic_int num_hypothesis_tested(0); |
std::atomic_int thread_cnt(0); |
std::vector<Score> best_scores(MAX_THREADS); |
std::vector<Mat> best_models(MAX_THREADS); |
Mutex mutex; // only for prosac
parallel_for_(Range(0, MAX_THREADS), [&](const Range & /*range*/) { |
if (!success) { // cover all if not success to avoid thread creating new variables
const int thread_rng_id = thread_cnt++; |
int thread_state = state + 10*thread_rng_id; |
Ptr<Estimator> estimator = _estimator->clone(); |
Ptr<Degeneracy> degeneracy = _degeneracy->clone(thread_state++); |
Ptr<Quality> quality = _quality->clone(); |
Ptr<ModelVerifier> model_verifier = _model_verifier->clone(thread_state++); // update verifier
Ptr<LocalOptimization> local_optimization = _local_optimization->clone(thread_state++); |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> termination_criteria = _termination_criteria->clone(); |
Ptr<Sampler> sampler; |
if (!is_prosac) |
sampler = _sampler->clone(thread_state); |
Mat best_model_thread, non_degenerate_model, lo_model; |
Score best_score_thread, current_score, non_denegenerate_model_score, lo_score, |
best_score_all_threads; |
std::vector<int> sample(estimator->getMinimalSampleSize()); |
std::vector<Mat> models(estimator->getMaxNumSolutions()); |
int iters, max_iters = params->getMaxIters(); |
auto update_best = [&] (const Score &new_score, const Mat &new_model) { |
// copy new score to best score
best_score_thread = new_score; |
best_scores[thread_rng_id] = best_score_thread; |
// remember best model
new_model.copyTo(best_model_thread); |
best_model_thread.copyTo(best_models[thread_rng_id]); |
best_score_all_threads = best_score_thread; |
}; |
for (iters = 0; iters < max_iters && !success; iters++) { |
success = num_hypothesis_tested++ > max_iters; |
if (iters % 10) { |
// Synchronize threads. just to speed verification of model.
int best_thread_idx = thread_rng_id; |
bool updated = false; |
for (int t = 0; t < MAX_THREADS; t++) { |
if (best_scores[t].isBetter(best_score_all_threads)) { |
best_score_all_threads = best_scores[t]; |
updated = true; |
best_thread_idx = t; |
} |
} |
if (updated && best_thread_idx != thread_rng_id) { |
quality->setBestScore(best_score_all_threads.score); |
model_verifier->update(best_score_all_threads.inlier_number); |
} |
} |
if (is_prosac) { |
// use global sampler
mutex.lock(); |
_sampler->generateSample(sample); |
mutex.unlock(); |
} else sampler->generateSample(sample); // use local sampler
const int number_of_models = estimator->estimateModels(sample, models); |
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_models; i++) { |
if (is_magsac && iters % repeat_magsac == 0) { |
if (!local_optimization->refineModel |
(models[i], best_score_thread, models[i], current_score)) |
continue; |
} else if (model_verifier->isModelGood(models[i])) { |
if (!model_verifier->getScore(current_score)) { |
if (model_verifier->hasErrors()) |
current_score = quality->getScore(model_verifier->getErrors()); |
else current_score = quality->getScore(models[i]); |
} |
} else continue; |
if (current_score.isBetter(best_score_all_threads)) { |
if (degeneracy->recoverIfDegenerate(sample, models[i], |
non_degenerate_model, non_denegenerate_model_score)) { |
// check if best non degenerate model is better than so far the best model
if (non_denegenerate_model_score.isBetter(best_score_thread)) |
update_best(non_denegenerate_model_score, non_degenerate_model); |
else |
// non degenerate models are worse then so far the best model.
continue; |
} else |
update_best(current_score, models[i]); |
// update upper bound of iterations
max_iters = termination_criteria->update |
(best_model_thread, best_score_thread.inlier_number); |
if (num_hypothesis_tested > max_iters) { |
success = true; break; |
} |
if (LO) { |
// do magsac if it wasn't already run
if (is_magsac && iters % repeat_magsac == 0) continue; |
// update model by Local optimizaion
if (local_optimization->refineModel |
(best_model_thread, best_score_thread, lo_model, lo_score)) |
if (lo_score.isBetter(best_score_thread)) { |
update_best(lo_score, lo_model); |
// update termination again
max_iters = termination_criteria->update |
(best_model_thread, best_score_thread.inlier_number); |
if (num_hypothesis_tested > max_iters) { |
success = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} // end of if so far the best score
} // end loop of number of models
} // end of loop over iters
}}); // end parallel
// find best model from all threads' models
best_score = best_scores[0]; |
int best_thread_idx = 0; |
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) { |
if (best_scores[i].isBetter(best_score)) { |
best_score = best_scores[i]; |
best_thread_idx = i; |
} |
} |
best_model = best_models[best_thread_idx]; |
final_iters = num_hypothesis_tested; |
} |
if (best_model.empty()) |
return false; |
// polish final model
if (params->getFinalPolisher() != PolishingMethod::NonePolisher) { |
Mat polished_model; |
Score polisher_score; |
if (model_polisher->polishSoFarTheBestModel(best_model, best_score, |
polished_model, polisher_score)) |
if (polisher_score.isBetter(best_score)) { |
best_score = polisher_score; |
polished_model.copyTo(best_model); |
} |
} |
// ================= here is ending ransac main implementation ===========================
std::vector<bool> inliers_mask; |
if (params->isMaskRequired()) { |
inliers_mask = std::vector<bool>(points_size); |
// get final inliers from the best model
_quality->getInliers(best_model, inliers_mask); |
} |
// Store results
ransac_output = RansacOutput::create(best_model, inliers_mask, |
static_cast<int>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds> |
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin_time).count()), best_score.score, |
best_score.inlier_number, final_iters, -1, -1); |
return true; |
} |
}; |
* pts1, pts2 are matrices either N x a, N x b or a x N or b x N, where N > a and N > b |
* pts1 are image points, if pnp pts2 are object points otherwise - image points as well. |
* output is matrix of size N x (a + b) |
* return points_size = N |
*/ |
int mergePoints (InputArray pts1_, InputArray pts2_, Mat &pts, bool ispnp) { |
Mat pts1 = pts1_.getMat(), pts2 = pts2_.getMat(); |
auto convertPoints = [] (Mat &points, int pt_dim) { |
points.convertTo(points, CV_32F); // convert points to have float precision
if (points.channels() > 1) |
points = points.reshape(1, (int); // convert point to have 1 channel
if (points.rows < points.cols) |
transpose(points, points); // transpose so points will be in rows
CV_CheckGE(points.cols, pt_dim, "Invalid dimension of point"); |
if (points.cols != pt_dim) // in case when image points are 3D convert them to 2D
points = points.colRange(0, pt_dim); |
}; |
convertPoints(pts1, 2); // pts1 are always image points
convertPoints(pts2, ispnp ? 3 : 2); // for PnP points are 3D
// points are of size [Nx2 Nx2] = Nx4 for H, F, E
// points are of size [Nx2 Nx3] = Nx5 for PnP
hconcat(pts1, pts2, pts); |
return pts.rows; |
} |
void saveMask (OutputArray mask, const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) { |
if (mask.needed()) { |
const int points_size = (int) inliers_mask.size(); |
mask.create(1, points_size, CV_8U); |
auto * maskptr = mask.getMat().ptr<uchar>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < points_size; i++) |
maskptr[i] = (uchar) inliers_mask[i]; |
} |
} |
void setParameters (Ptr<Model> ¶ms, EstimationMethod estimator, const UsacParams &usac_params, |
bool mask_needed) { |
params = Model::create(usac_params.threshold, estimator, usac_params.sampler, |
usac_params.confidence, usac_params.maxIterations, usac_params.score); |
params->setLocalOptimization(usac_params.loMethod); |
params->setLOSampleSize(usac_params.loSampleSize); |
params->setLOIterations(usac_params.loIterations); |
params->setParallel(usac_params.isParallel); |
params->setNeighborsType(usac_params.neighborsSearch); |
params->setRandomGeneratorState(usac_params.randomGeneratorState); |
params->maskRequired(mask_needed); |
} |
void setParameters (int flag, Ptr<Model> ¶ms, EstimationMethod estimator, double thr, |
int max_iters, double conf, bool mask_needed) { |
switch (flag) { |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, conf, max_iters, |
ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_AND_ITER_LO); |
break; |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, conf, max_iters, |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_SIGMA); |
params->setLOSampleSize(100); |
break; |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, conf, max_iters, |
ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
params->setParallel(true); |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_LO); |
break; |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, conf, max_iters, |
ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_GC); |
break; |
case USAC_FAST: |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, conf, max_iters, |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_AND_ITER_LO); |
params->setLOIterations(7); |
params->setLOIterativeIters(4); |
break; |
params = Model::create(thr, estimator, SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROSAC, conf, max_iters, |
ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_LO); |
break; |
case USAC_FM_8PTS: |
params = Model::create(thr, EstimationMethod::Fundamental8,SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM, |
conf, max_iters,ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC); |
params->setLocalOptimization(LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_LO); |
break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadFlag, "Incorrect flag for USAC!"); |
} |
params->maskRequired(mask_needed); |
} |
Mat findHomography (InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, int method, double thr, |
OutputArray mask, const int max_iters, const double confidence) { |
Ptr<Model> params; |
setParameters(method, params, EstimationMethod::Homography, thr, max_iters, confidence, mask.needed()); |
Ptr<RansacOutput> ransac_output; |
if (run(params, srcPoints, dstPoints, params->getRandomGeneratorState(), |
ransac_output, noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), noArray())) { |
saveMask(mask, ransac_output->getInliersMask()); |
return ransac_output->getModel() / ransac_output->getModel().at<double>(2,2); |
} else return Mat(); |
} |
Mat findFundamentalMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2, int method, double thr, |
double confidence, int max_iters, OutputArray mask ) { |
Ptr<Model> params; |
setParameters(method, params, EstimationMethod::Fundamental, thr, max_iters, confidence, mask.needed()); |
Ptr<RansacOutput> ransac_output; |
if (run(params, points1, points2, params->getRandomGeneratorState(), |
ransac_output, noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), noArray())) { |
saveMask(mask, ransac_output->getInliersMask()); |
return ransac_output->getModel(); |
} else return Mat(); |
} |
Mat findEssentialMat (InputArray points1, InputArray points2, InputArray cameraMatrix1, |
int method, double prob, double thr, OutputArray mask) { |
Ptr<Model> params; |
setParameters(method, params, EstimationMethod::Essential, thr, 1000, prob, mask.needed()); |
Ptr<RansacOutput> ransac_output; |
if (run(params, points1, points2, params->getRandomGeneratorState(), |
ransac_output, cameraMatrix1, cameraMatrix1, noArray(), noArray())) { |
saveMask(mask, ransac_output->getInliersMask()); |
return ransac_output->getModel(); |
} else return Mat(); |
} |
bool solvePnPRansac( InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints, |
InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec, |
bool /*useExtrinsicGuess*/, int max_iters, float thr, double conf, |
OutputArray mask, int method) { |
Ptr<Model> params; |
setParameters(method, params, cameraMatrix.empty() ? EstimationMethod ::P6P : EstimationMethod ::P3P, |
thr, max_iters, conf, mask.needed()); |
Ptr<RansacOutput> ransac_output; |
if (run(params, imagePoints, objectPoints, params->getRandomGeneratorState(), |
ransac_output, cameraMatrix, noArray(), distCoeffs, noArray())) { |
saveMask(mask, ransac_output->getInliersMask()); |
const Mat &model = ransac_output->getModel(); |
model.col(0).copyTo(rvec); |
model.col(1).copyTo(tvec); |
return true; |
} else return false; |
} |
Mat estimateAffine2D(InputArray from, InputArray to, OutputArray mask, int method, |
double thr, int max_iters, double conf, int /*refineIters*/) { |
Ptr<Model> params; |
setParameters(method, params, EstimationMethod ::Affine, thr, max_iters, conf, mask.needed()); |
Ptr<RansacOutput> ransac_output; |
if (run(params, from, to, params->getRandomGeneratorState(), |
ransac_output, noArray(), noArray(), noArray(), noArray())) { |
saveMask(mask, ransac_output->getInliersMask()); |
return ransac_output->getModel().rowRange(0,2); |
} else return Mat(); |
} |
class ModelImpl : public Model { |
private: |
// main parameters:
double threshold, confidence; |
int sample_size, max_iterations; |
EstimationMethod estimator; |
SamplingMethod sampler; |
ScoreMethod score; |
// for neighborhood graph
int k_nearest_neighbors = 8;//, flann_search_params = 5, num_kd_trees = 1; // for FLANN
int cell_size = 25; // pixels, for grid neighbors searching
int radius = 20; // pixels, for radius-search neighborhood graph
NeighborSearchMethod neighborsType = NeighborSearchMethod::NEIGH_GRID; |
// Local Optimization parameters
LocalOptimMethod lo = LocalOptimMethod ::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_AND_ITER_LO; |
int lo_sample_size=14, lo_inner_iterations=15, lo_iterative_iterations=5, |
lo_thr_multiplier=3, lo_iter_sample_size = 30; |
// Graph cut parameters
const double spatial_coherence_term = 0.975; |
// apply polisher for final RANSAC model
PolishingMethod polisher = PolishingMethod ::LSQPolisher; |
// preemptive verification test
VerificationMethod verifier = VerificationMethod ::SprtVerifier; |
const int max_hypothesis_test_before_verification = 10; |
// sprt parameters
// lower bound estimate is 1.1% of inliers
double sprt_eps = 0.011, sprt_delta = 0.01, avg_num_models, time_for_model_est; |
// estimator error
ErrorMetric est_error; |
// progressive napsac
double relax_coef = 0.1; |
// for building neighborhood graphs
const std::vector<int> grid_cell_number = {16, 8, 4, 2}; |
//for final least squares polisher
int final_lsq_iters = 2; |
bool need_mask = true, is_parallel = false; |
int random_generator_state = 0; |
// magsac parameters:
int DoF = 4; |
double sigma_quantile = 3.64, upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile = 0.00365, |
lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile = 1.30122, C = 0.25, maximum_thr = 10.; |
public: |
ModelImpl (double threshold_, EstimationMethod estimator_, SamplingMethod sampler_, double confidence_=0.95, |
int max_iterations_=5000, ScoreMethod score_ =ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC) { |
estimator = estimator_; |
sampler = sampler_; |
confidence = confidence_; |
max_iterations = max_iterations_; |
score = score_; |
switch (estimator_) { |
// time for model estimation is basically a ratio of time need to estimate a model to
// time needed to verify if a point is consistent with this model
case (EstimationMethod::Affine): |
avg_num_models = 1; time_for_model_est = 50; |
sample_size = 3; est_error = ErrorMetric ::FORW_REPR_ERR; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::Homography): |
avg_num_models = 1; time_for_model_est = 90; |
sample_size = 4; est_error = ErrorMetric ::FORW_REPR_ERR; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::Fundamental): |
avg_num_models = 2.38; time_for_model_est = 150; maximum_thr = 3; |
sample_size = 7; est_error = ErrorMetric ::SAMPSON_ERR; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::Fundamental8): |
avg_num_models = 1; time_for_model_est = 100; maximum_thr = 3; |
sample_size = 8; est_error = ErrorMetric ::SAMPSON_ERR; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::Essential): |
avg_num_models = 3.93; time_for_model_est = 2000; maximum_thr = 3; |
sample_size = 5; est_error = ErrorMetric ::SGD_ERR; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::P3P): |
avg_num_models = 1.38; time_for_model_est = 800; |
sample_size = 3; est_error = ErrorMetric ::RERPOJ; break; |
case (EstimationMethod::P6P): |
avg_num_models = 1; time_for_model_est = 300; |
sample_size = 6; est_error = ErrorMetric ::RERPOJ; break; |
default: CV_Assert(0 && "Estimator has not implemented yet!"); |
} |
if (estimator_ == EstimationMethod::P3P || estimator_ == EstimationMethod::P6P) { |
neighborsType = NeighborSearchMethod::NEIGH_FLANN_KNN; |
k_nearest_neighbors = 2; |
DoF = 5; |
sigma_quantile = 3.88; |
upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile = 0.00458; |
lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile = 1.96032; |
C = 0.13298; |
} |
threshold = threshold_; |
} |
void setVerifier (VerificationMethod verifier_) override { verifier = verifier_; } |
void setPolisher (PolishingMethod polisher_) override { polisher = polisher_; } |
void setParallel (bool is_parallel_) override { is_parallel = is_parallel_; } |
void setError (ErrorMetric error_) override { est_error = error_; } |
void setLocalOptimization (LocalOptimMethod lo_) override { lo = lo_; } |
void setKNearestNeighhbors (int knn_) override { k_nearest_neighbors = knn_; } |
void setNeighborsType (NeighborSearchMethod neighbors) override { neighborsType = neighbors; } |
void setCellSize (int cell_size_) override { cell_size = cell_size_; } |
void setLOIterations (int iters) override { lo_inner_iterations = iters; } |
void setLOIterativeIters (int iters) override {lo_iterative_iterations = iters; } |
void setLOSampleSize (int lo_sample_size_) override { lo_sample_size = lo_sample_size_; } |
void maskRequired (bool need_mask_) override { need_mask = need_mask_; } |
void setRandomGeneratorState (int state) override { random_generator_state = state; } |
bool isMaskRequired () const override { return need_mask; } |
NeighborSearchMethod getNeighborsSearch () const override { return neighborsType; } |
int getKNN () const override { return k_nearest_neighbors; } |
ErrorMetric getError () const override { return est_error; } |
EstimationMethod getEstimator () const override { return estimator; } |
int getSampleSize () const override { return sample_size; } |
int getFinalLSQIterations () const override { return final_lsq_iters; } |
int getDegreesOfFreedom () const override { return DoF; } |
double getSigmaQuantile () const override { return sigma_quantile; } |
double getUpperIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const override { |
return upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile; |
} |
double getLowerIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const override { |
return lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile; |
} |
double getC () const override { return C; } |
double getMaximumThreshold () const override { return maximum_thr; } |
double getGraphCutSpatialCoherenceTerm () const override { return spatial_coherence_term; } |
int getLOSampleSize () const override { return lo_sample_size; } |
int getMaxNumHypothesisToTestBeforeRejection() const override { |
return max_hypothesis_test_before_verification; |
} |
PolishingMethod getFinalPolisher () const override { return polisher; } |
int getLOThresholdMultiplier() const override { return lo_thr_multiplier; } |
int getLOIterativeSampleSize() const override { return lo_iter_sample_size; } |
int getLOIterativeMaxIters() const override { return lo_iterative_iterations; } |
int getLOInnerMaxIters() const override { return lo_inner_iterations; } |
LocalOptimMethod getLO () const override { return lo; } |
ScoreMethod getScore () const override { return score; } |
int getMaxIters () const override { return max_iterations; } |
double getConfidence () const override { return confidence; } |
double getThreshold () const override { return threshold; } |
VerificationMethod getVerifier () const override { return verifier; } |
SamplingMethod getSampler () const override { return sampler; } |
int getRandomGeneratorState () const override { return random_generator_state; } |
double getSPRTdelta () const override { return sprt_delta; } |
double getSPRTepsilon () const override { return sprt_eps; } |
double getSPRTavgNumModels () const override { return avg_num_models; } |
int getCellSize () const override { return cell_size; } |
int getGraphRadius() const override { return radius; } |
double getTimeForModelEstimation () const override { return time_for_model_est; } |
double getRelaxCoef () const override { return relax_coef; } |
const std::vector<int> &getGridCellNumber () const override { return grid_cell_number; } |
bool isParallel () const override { return is_parallel; } |
bool isFundamental () const override { |
return estimator == EstimationMethod ::Fundamental || |
estimator == EstimationMethod ::Fundamental8; |
} |
bool isHomography () const override { return estimator == EstimationMethod ::Homography; } |
bool isEssential () const override { return estimator == EstimationMethod ::Essential; } |
bool isPnP() const override { |
return estimator == EstimationMethod ::P3P || estimator == EstimationMethod ::P6P; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<Model> Model::create(double threshold_, EstimationMethod estimator_, SamplingMethod sampler_, |
double confidence_, int max_iterations_, ScoreMethod score_) { |
return makePtr<ModelImpl>(threshold_, estimator_, sampler_, confidence_, |
max_iterations_, score_); |
} |
bool run (const Ptr<const Model> ¶ms, InputArray points1, InputArray points2, int state, |
Ptr<RansacOutput> &ransac_output, InputArray K1_, InputArray K2_, |
InputArray dist_coeff1, InputArray dist_coeff2) { |
Ptr<Error> error; |
Ptr<Estimator> estimator; |
Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> graph; |
Ptr<Degeneracy> degeneracy; |
Ptr<Quality> quality; |
Ptr<ModelVerifier> verifier; |
Ptr<Sampler> sampler; |
Ptr<RandomGenerator> lo_sampler; |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> termination; |
Ptr<LocalOptimization> lo; |
Ptr<FinalModelPolisher> polisher; |
Ptr<MinimalSolver> min_solver; |
Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> non_min_solver; |
Mat points, K1, K2, calib_points, undist_points1, undist_points2; |
int points_size; |
double threshold = params->getThreshold(), max_thr = params->getMaximumThreshold(); |
const int min_sample_size = params->getSampleSize(); |
if (params->isPnP()) { |
if (! K1_.empty()) { |
K1 = K1_.getMat(); K1.convertTo(K1, CV_64F); |
if (! dist_coeff1.empty()) { |
// undistortPoints also calibrate points using K
undistortPoints(points1, undist_points1, K1_, dist_coeff1); |
points_size = mergePoints(undist_points1, points2, points, true); |
Utils::normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP (K1, points, calib_points); |
} else { |
points_size = mergePoints(points1, points2, points, true); |
Utils::calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP(K1, points, calib_points); |
} |
} else |
points_size = mergePoints(points1, points2, points, true); |
} else { |
if (params->isEssential()) { |
CV_CheckEQ(!K1_.empty() && !K2_.empty(), true, "Intrinsic matrix must not be empty!"); |
K1 = K1_.getMat(); K1.convertTo(K1, CV_64F); |
K2 = K2_.getMat(); K2.convertTo(K2, CV_64F); |
if (! dist_coeff1.empty() || ! dist_coeff2.empty()) { |
// undistortPoints also calibrate points using K
cv::undistortPoints(points1, undist_points1, K1_, dist_coeff1); |
cv::undistortPoints(points2, undist_points2, K2_, dist_coeff2); |
points_size = mergePoints(undist_points1, undist_points2, calib_points, false); |
} else { |
points_size = mergePoints(points1, points2, points, false); |
Utils::calibratePoints(K1, K2, points, calib_points); |
} |
threshold = Utils::getCalibratedThreshold(threshold, K1, K2); |
max_thr = Utils::getCalibratedThreshold(max_thr, K1, K2); |
} else |
points_size = mergePoints(points1, points2, points, false); |
} |
// Since error function output squared error distance, so make
// threshold squared as well
threshold *= threshold; |
if (params->getSampler() == SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_NAPSAC || params->getLO() == LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_GC) { |
if (params->getNeighborsSearch() == NeighborSearchMethod::NEIGH_GRID) { |
graph = GridNeighborhoodGraph::create(points, points_size, |
params->getCellSize(), params->getCellSize(), |
params->getCellSize(), params->getCellSize()); |
} else if (params->getNeighborsSearch() == NeighborSearchMethod::NEIGH_FLANN_KNN) { |
graph = FlannNeighborhoodGraph::create(points, points_size,params->getKNN(), false, 5, 1); |
} else if (params->getNeighborsSearch() == NeighborSearchMethod::NEIGH_FLANN_RADIUS) { |
graph = RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph::create(points, points_size, |
params->getGraphRadius(), 5, 1); |
} else CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Graph type is not implemented!"); |
} |
std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> layers; |
if (params->getSampler() == SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE_NAPSAC) { |
CV_CheckEQ(params->isPnP(), false, "ProgressiveNAPSAC for PnP is not implemented!"); |
const auto &cell_number_per_layer = params->getGridCellNumber(); |
layers.reserve(cell_number_per_layer.size()); |
const auto * const pts = (float *); |
float img1_width = 0, img1_height = 0, img2_width = 0, img2_height = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * points_size; i += 4) { |
if (pts[i ] > img1_width ) img1_width = pts[i ]; |
if (pts[i + 1] > img1_height) img1_height = pts[i + 1]; |
if (pts[i + 2] > img2_width ) img2_width = pts[i + 2]; |
if (pts[i + 3] > img2_height) img2_height = pts[i + 3]; |
} |
// Create grid graphs (overlapping layes of given cell numbers)
for (int layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < (int)cell_number_per_layer.size(); layer_idx++) { |
const int cell_number = cell_number_per_layer[layer_idx]; |
if (layer_idx > 0) |
if (cell_number_per_layer[layer_idx-1] <= cell_number) |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "Progressive NAPSAC sampler: " |
"Cell number in layers must be in decreasing order!"); |
layers.emplace_back(GridNeighborhoodGraph::create(points, points_size, |
(int)(img1_width / (float)cell_number), (int)(img1_height / (float)cell_number), |
(int)(img2_width / (float)cell_number), (int)(img2_height / (float)cell_number))); |
} |
} |
// update points by calibrated for Essential matrix after graph is calculated
if (params->isEssential()) { |
points = calib_points; |
// if maximum calibrated threshold significanlty differs threshold then set upper bound
if (max_thr > 10*threshold) |
max_thr = 10*threshold; |
} |
switch (params->getError()) { |
case ErrorMetric::SYMM_REPR_ERR: |
error = ReprojectionErrorSymmetric::create(points); break; |
case ErrorMetric::FORW_REPR_ERR: |
if (params->getEstimator() == EstimationMethod::Affine) |
error = ReprojectionErrorAffine::create(points); |
else error = ReprojectionErrorForward::create(points); |
break; |
case ErrorMetric::SAMPSON_ERR: |
error = SampsonError::create(points); break; |
case ErrorMetric::SGD_ERR: |
error = SymmetricGeometricDistance::create(points); break; |
case ErrorMetric::RERPOJ: |
error = ReprojectionErrorPmatrix::create(points); break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented , "Error metric is not implemented!"); |
} |
switch (params->getScore()) { |
case ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_RANSAC : |
quality = RansacQuality::create(points_size, threshold, error); break; |
case ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC : |
quality = MsacQuality::create(points_size, threshold, error); break; |
case ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MAGSAC : |
quality = MagsacQuality::create(max_thr, points_size, error, |
threshold, params->getDegreesOfFreedom(), params->getSigmaQuantile(), |
params->getUpperIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile(), |
params->getLowerIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile(), params->getC()); break; |
case ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_LMEDS : |
quality = LMedsQuality::create(points_size, threshold, error); break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Score is not imeplemeted!"); |
} |
if (params->isHomography()) { |
degeneracy = HomographyDegeneracy::create(points); |
min_solver = HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM::create(points); |
non_min_solver = HomographyNonMinimalSolver::create(points); |
estimator = HomographyEstimator::create(min_solver, non_min_solver, degeneracy); |
} else if (params->isFundamental()) { |
degeneracy = FundamentalDegeneracy::create(state++, quality, points, min_sample_size, 5. /*sqr homogr thr*/); |
if(min_sample_size == 7) min_solver = FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts::create(points); |
else min_solver = FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts::create(points); |
non_min_solver = FundamentalNonMinimalSolver::create(points); |
estimator = FundamentalEstimator::create(min_solver, non_min_solver, degeneracy); |
} else if (params->isEssential()) { |
degeneracy = EssentialDegeneracy::create(points, min_sample_size); |
min_solver = EssentialMinimalSolverStewenius5pts::create(points); |
non_min_solver = EssentialNonMinimalSolver::create(points); |
estimator = EssentialEstimator::create(min_solver, non_min_solver, degeneracy); |
} else if (params->isPnP()) { |
degeneracy = makePtr<Degeneracy>(); |
if (min_sample_size == 3) { |
non_min_solver = DLSPnP::create(points, calib_points, K1); |
min_solver = P3PSolver::create(points, calib_points, K1); |
} else { |
min_solver = PnPMinimalSolver6Pts::create(points); |
non_min_solver = PnPNonMinimalSolver::create(points); |
} |
estimator = PnPEstimator::create(min_solver, non_min_solver); |
} else if (params->getEstimator() == EstimationMethod::Affine) { |
degeneracy = makePtr<Degeneracy>(); |
min_solver = AffineMinimalSolver::create(points); |
non_min_solver = AffineNonMinimalSolver::create(points); |
estimator = AffineEstimator::create(min_solver, non_min_solver); |
} else CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Estimator not implemented!"); |
switch (params->getSampler()) { |
case SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_UNIFORM: |
sampler = UniformSampler::create(state++, min_sample_size, points_size); break; |
case SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROSAC: |
sampler = ProsacSampler::create(state++, points_size, min_sample_size, 200000); break; |
sampler = ProgressiveNapsac::create(state++, points_size, min_sample_size, layers, 20); break; |
case SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_NAPSAC: |
sampler = NapsacSampler::create(state++, points_size, min_sample_size, graph); break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Sampler is not implemented!"); |
} |
switch (params->getVerifier()) { |
case VerificationMethod::NullVerifier: verifier = ModelVerifier::create(); break; |
case VerificationMethod::SprtVerifier: |
verifier = SPRT::create(state++, error, points_size, params->getScore() == ScoreMethod ::SCORE_METHOD_MAGSAC ? max_thr : threshold, |
params->getSPRTepsilon(), params->getSPRTdelta(), params->getTimeForModelEstimation(), |
params->getSPRTavgNumModels(), params->getScore()); break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "Verifier is not imeplemented!"); |
} |
if (params->getSampler() == SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROSAC) { |
termination = ProsacTerminationCriteria::create(sampler.dynamicCast<ProsacSampler>(), error, |
points_size, min_sample_size, params->getConfidence(), |
params->getMaxIters(), 100, 0.05, 0.05, threshold); |
} else if (params->getSampler() == SamplingMethod::SAMPLING_PROGRESSIVE_NAPSAC) { |
if (params->getVerifier() == VerificationMethod::SprtVerifier) |
termination = SPRTPNapsacTermination::create(((SPRT *)verifier.get())->getSPRTvector(), |
params->getConfidence(), points_size, min_sample_size, |
params->getMaxIters(), params->getRelaxCoef()); |
else |
termination = StandardTerminationCriteria::create (params->getConfidence(), |
points_size, min_sample_size, params->getMaxIters()); |
} else if (params->getVerifier() == VerificationMethod::SprtVerifier) { |
termination = SPRTTermination::create(((SPRT *) verifier.get())->getSPRTvector(), |
params->getConfidence(), points_size, min_sample_size, params->getMaxIters()); |
} else |
termination = StandardTerminationCriteria::create |
(params->getConfidence(), points_size, min_sample_size, params->getMaxIters()); |
if (params->getLO() != LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_NULL) { |
lo_sampler = UniformRandomGenerator::create(state++, points_size, params->getLOSampleSize()); |
switch (params->getLO()) { |
case LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_LO: |
lo = InnerIterativeLocalOptimization::create(estimator, quality, lo_sampler, |
points_size, threshold, false, params->getLOIterativeSampleSize(), |
params->getLOInnerMaxIters(), params->getLOIterativeMaxIters(), |
params->getLOThresholdMultiplier()); break; |
case LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_INNER_AND_ITER_LO: |
lo = InnerIterativeLocalOptimization::create(estimator, quality, lo_sampler, |
points_size, threshold, true, params->getLOIterativeSampleSize(), |
params->getLOInnerMaxIters(), params->getLOIterativeMaxIters(), |
params->getLOThresholdMultiplier()); break; |
case LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_GC: |
lo = GraphCut::create(estimator, error, quality, graph, lo_sampler, threshold, |
params->getGraphCutSpatialCoherenceTerm(), params->getLOInnerMaxIters()); break; |
case LocalOptimMethod::LOCAL_OPTIM_SIGMA: |
lo = SigmaConsensus::create(estimator, error, quality, verifier, params->getLOSampleSize(), 1, |
params->getDegreesOfFreedom(), params->getSigmaQuantile(), |
params->getUpperIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile(), params->getC(), max_thr); break; |
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented , "Local Optimization is not implemented!"); |
} |
} |
if (params->getFinalPolisher() == PolishingMethod::LSQPolisher) |
polisher = LeastSquaresPolishing::create(estimator, quality, params->getFinalLSQIterations()); |
Ransac ransac (params, points_size, estimator, quality, sampler, |
termination, verifier, degeneracy, lo, polisher, params->isParallel(), state); |
if ( { |
if (params->isPnP()) { |
// convert R to rodrigues and back and recalculate inliers which due to numerical
// issues can differ
Mat out, R, newR, newP, t, rvec; |
if (K1.empty()) { |
usac::Utils::decomposeProjection (ransac_output->getModel(), K1, R, t); |
Rodrigues(R, rvec); |
hconcat(rvec, t, out); |
hconcat(out, K1, out); |
} else { |
const Mat Rt = K1.inv() * ransac_output->getModel(); |
t = Rt.col(3); |
Rodrigues(Rt.colRange(0,3), rvec); |
hconcat(rvec, t, out); |
} |
Rodrigues(rvec, newR); |
hconcat(K1 * newR, K1 * t, newP); |
std::vector<bool> inliers_mask(points_size); |
quality->getInliers(newP, inliers_mask); |
ransac_output = RansacOutput::create(out, inliers_mask, 0,0,0,0,0,0); |
} |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,548 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
* Uniform Sampler: |
* Choose uniformly m (sample size) points from N (points size). |
* Uses Fisher-Yates shuffle. |
*/ |
class UniformSamplerImpl : public UniformSampler { |
private: |
std::vector<int> points_random_pool; |
int sample_size, random_pool_size, points_size = 0; |
RNG rng; |
public: |
UniformSamplerImpl (int state, int sample_size_, int points_size_) : rng(state) { |
sample_size = sample_size_; |
setPointsSize (points_size_); |
} |
void setNewPointsSize (int points_size_) override { |
setPointsSize(points_size_); |
} |
void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) override { |
random_pool_size = points_size; // random points of entire range
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) { |
// get random point index
const int array_random_index = rng.uniform(0, random_pool_size); |
// get point by random index
// store sample
sample[i] = points_random_pool[array_random_index]; |
// swap random point with the end of random pool
std::swap(points_random_pool[array_random_index], |
points_random_pool[--random_pool_size]); |
} |
} |
Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<UniformSamplerImpl>(state, sample_size, points_size); |
} |
private: |
void setPointsSize (int points_size_) { |
CV_Assert (sample_size <= points_size_); |
if (points_size_ > points_size) |
points_random_pool = std::vector<int>(points_size_); |
if (points_size != points_size_) { |
points_size = points_size_; |
for (int i = 0; i < points_size; i++) |
points_random_pool[i] = i; |
} |
} |
}; |
Ptr<UniformSampler> UniformSampler::create(int state, int sample_size_, int points_size_) { |
return makePtr<UniformSamplerImpl>(state, sample_size_, points_size_); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////// PROSAC (SIMPLE) SAMPLER ///////////////////////////////////////
* PROSAC (simple) sampler does not use array of precalculated T_n (n is subset size) samples, but computes T_n for |
* specific n directy in generateSample() function. |
* Also, the stopping length (or maximum subset size n*) by default is set to points_size (N) and does not updating |
* during computation. |
*/ |
class ProsacSimpleSamplerImpl : public ProsacSimpleSampler { |
protected: |
int points_size, subset_size, t_n_prime, kth_sample_number, |
max_prosac_samples_count, largest_sample_size, sample_size; |
double t_n; |
Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> random_gen; |
public: |
ProsacSimpleSamplerImpl (int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_prosac_samples_count_) : random_gen(UniformRandomGenerator::create(state)) { |
CV_Assert(sample_size_ <= points_size_); |
sample_size = sample_size_; |
points_size = points_size_; |
max_prosac_samples_count = max_prosac_samples_count_; |
initialize (); |
} |
void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) override { |
if (kth_sample_number > max_prosac_samples_count) { |
// do uniform sampling, if prosac has not found solution
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size, points_size); |
return; |
} |
kth_sample_number++; // t := t + 1
// Choice of the hypothesis generation set
if (kth_sample_number >= t_n_prime && subset_size < largest_sample_size) { |
// do not use array of growth sample, calculate it directly
double t_n_plus1 = (subset_size + 1) * t_n / (subset_size + 1 - sample_size); |
t_n_prime += static_cast<int>(ceil(t_n_plus1 - t_n)); |
t_n = t_n_plus1; |
subset_size++; |
} |
// Semi-random sample Mt of size m
if (t_n_prime < kth_sample_number) { |
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size, subset_size); |
} else { |
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size-1, subset_size-1); |
sample[sample_size-1] = subset_size-1; // Make the last point from the nth position.
} |
} |
// Set the sample such that you are sampling the kth prosac sample (Eq. 6).
void setSampleNumber (int k) { |
kth_sample_number = k; |
// If the method should act exactly like RANSAC
if (kth_sample_number > max_prosac_samples_count) |
return; |
else { // Increment the size of the sampling pool while required
t_n = max_prosac_samples_count; |
t_n_prime = 1; // reset growth function
subset_size = sample_size; // reset subset size as from the beginning
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) |
t_n *= static_cast<double>(subset_size - i) / (points_size - i); |
while (kth_sample_number > t_n_prime) { // t_n_prime == growth_function
double t_n_plus1 = static_cast<double>(subset_size + 1) * t_n / (subset_size + 1 - sample_size); |
t_n_prime += static_cast<int>(ceil(t_n_plus1 - t_n)); |
t_n = t_n_plus1; |
subset_size++; |
} |
if (subset_size > points_size) |
subset_size = points_size; |
} |
} |
void setNewPointsSize (int points_size_) override { |
CV_Assert(sample_size <= points_size_); |
points_size = points_size_; |
initialize (); |
} |
Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<ProsacSimpleSamplerImpl>(state, points_size, sample_size, |
max_prosac_samples_count); |
} |
private: |
void initialize () { |
largest_sample_size = points_size; // termination length, n*
subset_size = sample_size; // n
t_n = max_prosac_samples_count; |
t_n_prime = 1; |
// From Equations leading up to Eq 3 in Chum et al.
// t_n samples containing only data points from U_n and
// t_n+1 samples containing only data points from U_n+1
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) |
t_n *= static_cast<double>(subset_size - i) / (points_size - i); |
kth_sample_number = 0; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<ProsacSimpleSampler> ProsacSimpleSampler::create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_prosac_samples_count_) { |
return makePtr<ProsacSimpleSamplerImpl>(state, points_size_, sample_size_, |
max_prosac_samples_count_); |
} |
////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
class ProsacSamplerImpl : public ProsacSampler { |
protected: |
std::vector<int> growth_function; |
// subset_size = size of sampling range (subset of good sorted points)
// termination_length = n*, maximum sampling range (largest subset size)
int points_size, sample_size, subset_size, termination_length; |
// it is T_N
// Imagine standard RANSAC drawing T_N samples of size m out of N data points
// In our experiments, the parameter was set to T_N = 200000
int growth_max_samples; |
// how many time PROSAC generateSample() was called
int kth_sample_number; |
Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> random_gen; |
public: |
void setTerminationLength (int termination_length_) override { |
termination_length = termination_length_; |
} |
// return constant reference to prosac termination criteria
int getKthSample () const override { |
return kth_sample_number; |
} |
// return constant points of growth function to prosac termination criteria
const std::vector<int> & getGrowthFunction () const override { |
return growth_function; |
} |
ProsacSamplerImpl (int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int growth_max_samples_) : random_gen(UniformRandomGenerator::create(state)) { |
CV_Assert(sample_size_ <= points_size_); |
sample_size = sample_size_; |
points_size = points_size_; |
growth_max_samples = growth_max_samples_; |
growth_function = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
kth_sample_number = 0; |
// The data points in U_N are sorted in descending order w.r.t. the quality function q.
// Let {Mi}i = 1...T_N denote the sequence of samples Mi c U_N that are uniformly drawn by Ransac.
// Let T_n be an average number of samples from {Mi}i=1...T_N that contain data points from U_n only.
// compute initial value for T_n
// n - i
// T_n = T_N * Product i = 0...m-1 -------, n >= sample size, N = points size
// N - i
double T_n = growth_max_samples; |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) |
T_n *= static_cast<double> (sample_size-i) / (points_size-i); |
int T_n_prime = 1; |
// fill growth function with T'_n until sample_size
for (int n = 0; n < sample_size; n++) |
growth_function[n] = T_n_prime; |
// compute values using recurrent relation
// n + 1
// T(n+1) = --------- T(n), m is sample size.
// n + 1 - m
// growth function is defined as
// g(t) = min {n, T'_(n) >= t}
// T'_(n+1) = T'_(n) + (T_(n+1) - T_(n))
// T'_m = 1
for (int n = sample_size; n < points_size; n++) { |
double Tn_plus1 = static_cast<double>(n + 1) * T_n / (n + 1 - sample_size); |
growth_function[n] = T_n_prime + (int) ceil(Tn_plus1 - T_n); // T'_{n+1}
// update
T_n = Tn_plus1; |
T_n_prime = growth_function[n]; // T'_{n+1}
} |
// other initializations
termination_length = points_size; // n* = N, largest set sampled in PROSAC (termination length)
subset_size = sample_size; // n, size of the current sampling pool
kth_sample_number = 0; // t (iteration)
} |
void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) override { |
// std::cout << "PROSAC sampler, termination length " << termination_length << "\n";
if (kth_sample_number > growth_max_samples) { |
// if PROSAC has not converged to solution then do uniform sampling.
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size, points_size); |
return; |
} |
kth_sample_number++; // t := t + 1
// Choice of the hypothesis generation set
// if (t = T'_n) & (n < n*) then n = n + 1 (eqn. 4)
if (kth_sample_number == growth_function[subset_size-1] && subset_size < termination_length) |
subset_size++; |
// Semi-random sample M_t of size m
// if T'n < t then
if (growth_function[subset_size-1] < kth_sample_number) { |
// The sample contains m-1 points selected from U_(n-1) at random and u_n
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size-1, subset_size-1); |
sample[sample_size-1] = subset_size-1; |
} else { |
// Select m points from U_n at random.
random_gen->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size, subset_size); |
} |
} |
// Set the sample such that you are sampling the kth prosac sample (Eq. 6).
void setSampleNumber (int k) { |
kth_sample_number = k; |
// If the method should act exactly like RANSAC
if (kth_sample_number > growth_max_samples) |
return; |
else { // Increment the size of the sampling pool while required
subset_size = sample_size; // reset subset size as from the beginning
while (kth_sample_number > growth_function[subset_size-1]) { |
subset_size++; |
if (subset_size >= points_size){ |
subset_size = points_size; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (termination_length < subset_size) |
termination_length = subset_size; |
} |
} |
void setNewPointsSize (int /*points_size_*/) override { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "Changing points size in PROSAC requires to change also " |
"termination criteria! Use PROSAC simpler version"); |
} |
Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<ProsacSamplerImpl>(state, points_size, sample_size, |
growth_max_samples); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<ProsacSampler> ProsacSampler::create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int growth_max_samples_) { |
return makePtr<ProsacSamplerImpl>(state, points_size_, sample_size_, growth_max_samples_); |
} |
////////////////////////////////////// P-NAPSAC SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
class ProgressiveNapsacImpl : public ProgressiveNapsac { |
private: |
int max_progressive_napsac_iterations, points_size; |
// how many times generateSample() was called.
int kth_sample_number, grid_layers_number, sample_size, sampler_length; |
const Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> random_generator; |
ProsacSamplerImpl one_point_prosac, prosac_sampler; |
// The overlapping neighborhood layers
const std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> * layers; |
std::vector<int> growth_function; |
std::vector<int> hits_per_point; // number of iterations, t
std::vector<int> subset_size_per_point; // k
std::vector<int> current_layer_per_point; // layer of grid neighborhood graph
public: |
// points must be sorted
ProgressiveNapsacImpl (int state,int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> &layers_, int sampler_length_) : |
// initialize one-point prosac sampler and global prosac sampler
random_generator (UniformRandomGenerator::create(state)), |
one_point_prosac (random_generator->getRandomNumber(INT_MAX), points_size_, |
1 /* sample_size*/,points_size_), |
prosac_sampler (random_generator->getRandomNumber(INT_MAX), points_size_, |
sample_size_, 200000), layers(&layers_) { |
CV_Assert(sample_size_ <= points_size_); |
sample_size = sample_size_; |
points_size = points_size_; |
sampler_length = sampler_length_; |
grid_layers_number = static_cast<int>(layers_.size()); |
// Create growth function for P-NAPSAC
growth_function = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
// 20 is sampler_length = The length of fully blending to global sampling
max_progressive_napsac_iterations = sampler_length * points_size; |
const int local_sample_size = sample_size - 1; // not including initial point
double T_n = max_progressive_napsac_iterations; |
for (int i = 0; i < local_sample_size; i++) |
T_n *= static_cast<double> (local_sample_size - i) / (points_size - i); |
// calculate growth function by recurrent relation (see PROSAC)
int T_n_prime = 1; |
for (int n = 0; n < points_size; n++) { |
if (n + 1 <= local_sample_size) { |
growth_function[n] = T_n_prime; |
continue; |
} |
double Tn_plus1 = (n+1) * T_n / (n + 1 - local_sample_size); |
growth_function[n] = T_n_prime + static_cast<int>(ceil(Tn_plus1 - T_n)); |
T_n = Tn_plus1; |
T_n_prime = growth_function[n]; |
} |
subset_size_per_point = std::vector<int>(points_size, sample_size); // subset size
hits_per_point = std::vector<int>(points_size, 0); // 0 hits
current_layer_per_point = std::vector<int>(points_size, 0); // 0-th layer
kth_sample_number = 0; // iteration
} |
void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) override { |
// Do completely global sampling (PROSAC is used now), instead of Progressive NAPSAC,
// if the maximum iterations has been done without finding the sought model.
if (kth_sample_number > max_progressive_napsac_iterations) { |
prosac_sampler.generateSample(sample); |
return; |
} |
kth_sample_number++; |
// get PROSAC one-point sample (initial point)
one_point_prosac.generateSample(sample); |
const int initial_point = sample[0]; |
// get hits number and subset size (i.e., the size of the neighborhood sphere)
// of initial point (note, get by reference)
int &iters_of_init_pt = ++hits_per_point[initial_point]; // t := t + 1, increase iteration
int &subset_size_of_init_pt = subset_size_per_point[initial_point]; |
while (iters_of_init_pt > growth_function[subset_size_of_init_pt - 1] && subset_size_of_init_pt < points_size) |
subset_size_of_init_pt++; |
// Get layer of initial point (note, get by reference)
int ¤t_layer = current_layer_per_point[initial_point]; |
bool is_last_layer = false; |
do {// Try to find the grid which contains enough points
// In the case when the grid with a single cell is used,
// apply PROSAC.
if (current_layer >= grid_layers_number) { |
is_last_layer = true; |
break; |
} |
// If there are not enough points in the cell, start using a
// less fine grid.
if ((int)layers->at(current_layer)->getNeighbors(initial_point).size() < subset_size_of_init_pt) { |
++current_layer; // Jump to the next layer with bigger cells.
continue; |
} |
// If the procedure got to this point, there is no reason to choose a different layer of grids
// since the current one has enough points.
break; |
} while (true); |
// If not the last layer has been chosen, sample from the neighbors of the initially selected point.
if (!is_last_layer) { |
// The indices of the points which are in the same cell as the
// initially selected one.
const std::vector<int> &neighbors = layers->at(current_layer)->getNeighbors(initial_point); |
// Put the selected point to the end of the sample array to avoid
// being overwritten when sampling the remaining points.
sample[sample_size - 1] = initial_point; |
// The next point should be the farthest one from the initial point. Note that the points in the grid cell are
// not ordered w.r.t. to their distances from the initial point. However, they are ordered as in PROSAC.
sample[sample_size - 2] = neighbors[subset_size_of_init_pt - 1]; |
// Select n - 2 points randomly
random_generator->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, sample_size - 2, subset_size_of_init_pt - 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size - 2; i++) { |
sample[i] = neighbors[sample[i]]; // Replace the neighbor index by the index of the point
++hits_per_point[sample[i]]; // Increase the hit number of each selected point
} |
++hits_per_point[sample[sample_size - 2]]; // Increase the hit number of each selected point
} |
// If the last layer (i.e., the layer with a single cell) has been chosen, do global sampling
// by PROSAC sampler.
else { |
// last layer, all points are neighbors
// If local sampling
prosac_sampler.setSampleNumber(kth_sample_number); |
prosac_sampler.generateSample (sample); |
sample[sample_size - 1] = initial_point; |
} |
} |
void setNewPointsSize (int /*points_size_*/) override { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "Changing points size requires changing neighborhood graph! " |
"You must reinitialize P-NAPSAC!"); |
} |
Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<ProgressiveNapsacImpl>(state, points_size, sample_size, *layers, |
sampler_length); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<ProgressiveNapsac> ProgressiveNapsac::create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> &layers, int sampler_length_) { |
return makePtr<ProgressiveNapsacImpl>(state, points_size_, sample_size_, |
layers, sampler_length_); |
} |
////////////////////// N adjacent points sample consensus (NAPSAC) SAMPLER ////////////////////////
class NapsacSamplerImpl : public NapsacSampler { |
private: |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> neighborhood_graph; |
const Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> random_generator; |
bool do_uniform = false; |
std::vector<int> points_large_neighborhood; |
int points_large_neighborhood_size, points_size, sample_size; |
public: |
NapsacSamplerImpl (int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_) : |
neighborhood_graph (neighborhood_graph_), |
random_generator(UniformRandomGenerator::create(state, points_size_, sample_size_)) { |
CV_Assert(points_size_ >= sample_size_); |
points_size = points_size_; |
sample_size = sample_size_; |
points_large_neighborhood = std::vector<int>(points_size); |
points_large_neighborhood_size = 0; |
// find indicies of points that have sufficient neighborhood (at least sample_size-1)
for (int pt_idx = 0; pt_idx < points_size; pt_idx++) |
if ((int)neighborhood_graph->getNeighbors(pt_idx).size() >= sample_size-1) |
points_large_neighborhood[points_large_neighborhood_size++] = pt_idx; |
// if no points with sufficient neighborhood then do only uniform sampling
if (points_large_neighborhood_size == 0) |
do_uniform = true; |
// set random generator to generate random points of sample_size-1
random_generator->setSubsetSize(sample_size-1); |
} |
void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) override { |
if (do_uniform) |
// uniform sampling
random_generator->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, points_size); |
else { |
// Take uniformly one initial point from points with sufficient neighborhood
int initial_point = points_large_neighborhood |
[random_generator->getRandomNumber(points_large_neighborhood_size)]; |
const std::vector<int> &neighbors = neighborhood_graph->getNeighbors(initial_point); |
// select random neighbors of initial point
random_generator->generateUniqueRandomSet(sample, (int)neighbors.size()); |
for (int i = 0; i < sample_size-1; i++) |
sample[i] = neighbors[sample[i]]; |
// sample includes initial point too.
sample[sample_size-1] = initial_point; |
} |
} |
void setNewPointsSize (int /*points_size_*/) override { |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "Changing points size requires changing neighborhood graph!" |
" You must reinitialize NAPSAC!"); |
} |
Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<NapsacSamplerImpl>(state, points_size, sample_size, neighborhood_graph); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<NapsacSampler> NapsacSampler::create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_) { |
return makePtr<NapsacSamplerImpl>(state, points_size_, sample_size_, neighborhood_graph_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
////////////////////////////////// STANDARD TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
class StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl : public StandardTerminationCriteria { |
private: |
const double log_confidence; |
const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS; |
public: |
StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl (double confidence, int points_size_, |
int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) : |
log_confidence(log(1 - confidence)), points_size (points_size_), |
sample_size (sample_size_), MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations_) {} |
* Get upper bound iterations for any sample number |
* n is points size, w is inlier ratio, p is desired probability, k is expceted number of iterations. |
* 1 - p = (1 - w^n)^k, |
* k = log_(1-w^n) (1-p) |
* k = ln (1-p) / ln (1-w^n) |
* |
* w^n is probability that all N points are inliers. |
* (1 - w^n) is probability that at least one point of N is outlier. |
* 1 - p = (1-w^n)^k is probability that in K steps of getting at least one outlier is 1% (5%). |
*/ |
int update (const Mat &/*model*/, int inlier_number) override { |
const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow |
(static_cast<double>(inlier_number) / points_size, sample_size)); |
// if inlier_prob == 1 then log(0) = -inf, predicted_iters == -0
// if inlier_prob == 0 then log(1) = 0 , predicted_iters == (+-) inf
if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < MAX_ITERATIONS) |
return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters); |
} |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl>(1-exp(log_confidence), points_size, |
sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<StandardTerminationCriteria> StandardTerminationCriteria::create(double confidence, |
int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) { |
return makePtr<StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl>(confidence, points_size_, |
sample_size_, max_iterations_); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////// SPRT TERMINATION //////////////////////////////////////////
class SPRTTerminationImpl : public SPRTTermination { |
private: |
const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories; |
const double log_eta_0; |
const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS; |
public: |
SPRTTerminationImpl (const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_, double confidence, |
int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) |
: sprt_histories (sprt_histories_), log_eta_0(log(1-confidence)), |
points_size (points_size_), sample_size (sample_size_),MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations_){} |
* Termination criterion: |
* l is number of tests |
* n(l) = Product from i = 0 to l ( 1 - P_g (1 - A(i)^(-h(i)))^k(i) ) |
* log n(l) = sum from i = 0 to l k(i) * ( 1 - P_g (1 - A(i)^(-h(i))) ) |
* |
* log (n0) - log (n(l-1)) |
* k(l) = ----------------------- (9) |
* log (1 - P_g*A(l)^-1) |
* |
* A is decision threshold |
* P_g is probability of good model. |
* k(i) is number of samples verified by i-th sprt. |
* n0 is typically set to 0.05 |
* this equation does not have to be evaluated before nR < n0 |
* nR = (1 - P_g)^k |
*/ |
int update (const Mat &/*model*/, int inlier_size) override { |
if (sprt_histories.empty()) |
return std::min(MAX_ITERATIONS, getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size)); |
const double epsilon = static_cast<double>(inlier_size) / points_size; // inlier probability
const double P_g = pow (epsilon, sample_size); // probability of good sample
double log_eta_lmin1 = 0; |
int total_number_of_tested_samples = 0; |
const int sprts_size_min1 = static_cast<int>(sprt_histories.size())-1; |
if (sprts_size_min1 < 0) return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size); |
// compute log n(l-1), l is number of tests
for (int test = 0; test < sprts_size_min1; test++) { |
log_eta_lmin1 += log (1 - P_g * (1 - pow (sprt_histories[test].A, |
-computeExponentH(sprt_histories[test].epsilon, epsilon,sprt_histories[test].delta)))) |
* sprt_histories[test].tested_samples; |
total_number_of_tested_samples += sprt_histories[test].tested_samples; |
} |
// Implementation note: since η > ηR the equation (9) does not have to be evaluated
// before ηR < η0 is satisfied.
if (std::pow(1 - P_g, total_number_of_tested_samples) < log_eta_0) |
return std::min(MAX_ITERATIONS, getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size)); |
// use decision threshold A for last test (l-th)
const double predicted_iters_sprt = (log_eta_0 - log_eta_lmin1) / |
log (1 - P_g * (1 - 1 / sprt_histories[sprts_size_min1].A)); // last A
if (std::isnan(predicted_iters_sprt) || std::isinf(predicted_iters_sprt)) |
return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size); |
if (predicted_iters_sprt < 0) return 0; |
// compare with standard upper bound
if (predicted_iters_sprt < MAX_ITERATIONS) |
return std::min(static_cast<int>(predicted_iters_sprt), |
getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size)); |
return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size); |
} |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<SPRTTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories, 1-exp(log_eta_0), points_size, |
sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS); |
} |
private: |
inline int getStandardUpperBound(int inlier_size) const { |
const double predicted_iters = log_eta_0 / log(1 - std::pow |
(static_cast<double>(inlier_size) / points_size, sample_size)); |
return (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < MAX_ITERATIONS) ? |
static_cast<int>(predicted_iters) : MAX_ITERATIONS; |
} |
* h(i) must hold |
* |
* δ(i) 1 - δ(i) |
* ε (-----)^h(i) + (1 - ε) (--------)^h(i) = 1 |
* ε(i) 1 - ε(i) |
* |
* ε * a^h + (1 - ε) * b^h = 1 |
* Has numerical solution. |
*/ |
static double computeExponentH (double epsilon, double epsilon_new, double delta) { |
const double a = log (delta / epsilon); // log likelihood ratio
const double b = log ((1 - delta) / (1 - epsilon)); |
const double x0 = log (1 / (1 - epsilon_new)) / b; |
const double v0 = epsilon_new * exp (x0 * a); |
const double x1 = log ((1 - 2*v0) / (1 - epsilon_new)) / b; |
const double v1 = epsilon_new * exp (x1 * a) + (1 - epsilon_new) * exp(x1 * b); |
const double h = x0 - (x0 - x1) / (1 + v0 - v1) * v0; |
if (std::isnan(h)) |
// The equation always has solution for h = 0
// ε * a^0 + (1 - ε) * b^0 = 1
// ε + 1 - ε = 1 -> 1 = 1
return 0; |
return h; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<SPRTTermination> SPRTTermination::create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_, |
double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) { |
return makePtr<SPRTTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_, sample_size_, |
max_iterations_); |
} |
///////////////////////////// PROGRESSIVE-NAPSAC-SPRT TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////
class SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl : public SPRTPNapsacTermination { |
private: |
SPRTTerminationImpl sprt_termination; |
const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories; |
const double relax_coef, log_confidence; |
const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERS; |
public: |
SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl (const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_, |
double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_) |
: sprt_termination (sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_, sample_size_, |
max_iterations_), sprt_histories (sprt_histories_), |
relax_coef (relax_coef_), log_confidence(log(1-confidence)), |
points_size (points_size_), sample_size (sample_size_), |
MAX_ITERS (max_iterations_) {} |
int update (const Mat &model, int inlier_number) override { |
int predicted_iterations = sprt_termination.update(model, inlier_number); |
const double inlier_prob = static_cast<double>(inlier_number) / points_size + relax_coef; |
if (inlier_prob >= 1) |
return 0; |
const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow(inlier_prob, sample_size)); |
if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < predicted_iterations) |
return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters); |
return predicted_iterations; |
} |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories, 1-exp(log_confidence), |
points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERS, relax_coef); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<SPRTPNapsacTermination> SPRTPNapsacTermination::create(const std::vector<SPRT_history>& |
sprt_histories_, double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, |
int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_) { |
return makePtr<SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_, |
sample_size_, max_iterations_, relax_coef_); |
} |
////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////////////
class ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl : public ProsacTerminationCriteria { |
private: |
const double log_confidence, beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_threshold; |
const int MAX_ITERATIONS, points_size, min_termination_length, sample_size; |
const Ptr<ProsacSampler> sampler; |
std::vector<int> non_random_inliers; |
const Ptr<Error> error; |
public: |
ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl (const Ptr<Error> &error_, int points_size_,int sample_size_, |
double confidence, int max_iterations, int min_termination_length_, double beta_, |
double non_randomness_phi_, double inlier_threshold_) : log_confidence |
(log(1-confidence)), beta(beta_), non_randomness_phi(non_randomness_phi_), |
inlier_threshold(inlier_threshold_), MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations), |
points_size (points_size_), min_termination_length (min_termination_length_), |
sample_size(sample_size_), error (error_) { init(); } |
ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl (const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler_,const Ptr<Error> &error_, |
int points_size_, int sample_size_, double confidence, int max_iterations, |
int min_termination_length_, double beta_, double non_randomness_phi_, |
double inlier_threshold_) : log_confidence(log(1-confidence)), beta(beta_), |
non_randomness_phi(non_randomness_phi_), inlier_threshold(inlier_threshold_), |
MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations), points_size (points_size_), |
min_termination_length (min_termination_length_), sample_size(sample_size_), |
sampler(sampler_), error (error_) { init(); } |
void init () { |
// m is sample_size
// N is points_size
// non-randomness constraint
// The non-randomness requirement prevents PROSAC
// from selecting a solution supported by outliers that are
// by chance consistent with it. The constraint is typically
// checked ex-post in standard approaches [1]. The distribution
// of the cardinalities of sets of random ‘inliers’ is binomial
// i-th entry - inlier counts for termination up to i-th point (term length = i+1)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize the data structures that determine stopping
// see probabilities description below.
non_random_inliers = std::vector<int>(points_size, 0); |
std::vector<double> pn_i_arr(points_size); |
const double beta2compl_beta = beta / (1-beta); |
const int step_n = 50, max_n = std::min(points_size, 1200); |
for (int n = sample_size; n <= points_size; n+=step_n) { |
if (n > max_n) { |
// skip expensive calculation
break; |
} |
// P^R_n(i) = β^(i−m) (1−β)^(n−i+m) (n−m i−m). (7) i = m,...,N
// initial value for i = m = sample_size
// P^R_n(i=m) = β^(0) (1−β)^(n) (n-m 0) = (1-β)^(n)
// P^R_n(i=m+1) = β^(1) (1−β)^(n−1) (n−m 1) = P^R_n(i=m) * β / (1-β) * (n-m) / 1
// P^R_n(i=m+2) = β^(2) (1−β)^(n−2) (n−m 2) = P^R_n(i=m) * β^2 / (1-β)^2 * (n-m-1)(n-m) / 2
// So, for each i=m+1.., P^R_n(i+1) must be calculated as P^R_n(i) * β / (1-β) * (n-i+1) / (i-m)
pn_i_arr[sample_size-1] = std::pow(1-beta, n); |
double pn_i = pn_i_arr[sample_size-1]; // prob of random inlier set of size i for subset size n
for (int i = sample_size+1; i <= n; i++) { |
// use recurrent relation to fulfill remaining values
pn_i *= beta2compl_beta * static_cast<double>(n-i+1) / (i-sample_size); |
// update
pn_i_arr[i-1] = pn_i; |
} |
// find minimum number of inliers satisfying the non-randomness constraint
// Imin n = min{j : n∑i=j P^R_n(i) < Ψ }. (8)
double acc = 0; |
int i_min = sample_size; // there is always sample_size inliers
for (int i = n; i >= sample_size; i--) { |
acc += pn_i_arr[i-1]; |
if (acc < non_randomness_phi) i_min = i; |
else break; |
} |
non_random_inliers[n-1] = i_min; |
} |
// approximate values of binomial distribution
for (int n = sample_size; n <= points_size; n+=step_n) { |
if (n-1+step_n >= max_n) { |
// copy rest of the values
std::fill(&non_random_inliers[0]+n-1, &non_random_inliers[0]+points_size, non_random_inliers[n-1]); |
break; |
} |
const int non_rand_n = non_random_inliers[n-1]; |
const double step = (double)(non_random_inliers[n-1+step_n] - non_rand_n) / (double)step_n; |
for (int i = 0; i < step_n-1; i++) |
non_random_inliers[n+i] = (int)(non_rand_n + (i+1)*step); |
} |
} |
* The PROSAC algorithm terminates if the number of inliers I_n* |
* within the set U_n* satisfies the following conditions: |
* |
* • non-randomness – the probability that I_n* out of n* (termination_length) |
* data points are by chance inliers to an arbitrary incorrect model |
* is smaller than Ψ (typically set to 5%) |
* |
* • maximality – the probability that a solution with more than |
* In* inliers in U_n* exists and was not found after k |
* samples is smaller than η0 (typically set to 5%). |
*/ |
int update (const Mat &model, int inliers_size) override { |
int predicted_iterations = MAX_ITERATIONS; |
* The termination length n* is chosen to minimize k_n*(η0) subject to I_n* ≥ I_min n*; |
* k_n*(η0) >= log(η0) / log(1 - (I_n* / n*)^m) |
* g(k) <= n, I_n is number of inliers under termination length n. |
*/ |
const auto &errors = error->getErrors(model); |
// find number of inliers under g(k)
int num_inliers_under_termination_len = 0; |
for (int pt = 0; pt < min_termination_length; pt++) |
if (errors[pt] < inlier_threshold) |
num_inliers_under_termination_len++; |
for (int termination_len = min_termination_length; termination_len < points_size;termination_len++){ |
if (errors[termination_len /* = point*/] < inlier_threshold) { |
num_inliers_under_termination_len++; |
// non-random constraint must satisfy I_n* ≥ I_min n*.
if (num_inliers_under_termination_len < non_random_inliers[termination_len]) |
continue; |
// add 1 to termination length since num_inliers_under_termination_len is updated
const double new_max_samples = log_confidence / log(1 - |
std::pow(static_cast<double>(num_inliers_under_termination_len) |
/ (termination_len+1), sample_size)); |
if (! std::isinf(new_max_samples) && predicted_iterations > new_max_samples) { |
predicted_iterations = static_cast<int>(new_max_samples); |
if (predicted_iterations == 0) break; |
if (sampler != nullptr) |
sampler->setTerminationLength(termination_len); |
} |
} |
} |
// compare also when termination length = points_size,
// so inliers under termination length is total number of inliers:
const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow |
(static_cast<double>(inliers_size) / points_size, sample_size)); |
if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < predicted_iterations) |
return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters); |
return predicted_iterations; |
} |
Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override { |
return makePtr<ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl>(error->clone(), |
points_size, sample_size, 1-exp(log_confidence), MAX_ITERATIONS, |
min_termination_length, beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_threshold); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<ProsacTerminationCriteria> |
ProsacTerminationCriteria::create(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler, const Ptr<Error> &error, |
int points_size_, int sample_size_, double confidence, int max_iterations, |
int min_termination_length_, double beta, double non_randomness_phi, double inlier_thresh) { |
return makePtr<ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl> (sampler, error, points_size_, sample_size_, |
confidence, max_iterations, min_termination_length_, |
beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_thresh); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../precomp.hpp" |
#include "../usac.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/flann/miniflann.hpp" |
#include <map> |
namespace cv { namespace usac { |
double Utils::getCalibratedThreshold (double threshold, const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2) { |
return threshold / ((<double>(0, 0) +<double>(1, 1) + |
||||<double>(0, 0) +<double>(1, 1)) / 4.0); |
} |
* K1, K2 are 3x3 intrinsics matrices |
* points is matrix of size |N| x 4 |
* Assume K = [k11 k12 k13 |
* 0 k22 k23 |
* 0 0 1] |
*/ |
void Utils::calibratePoints (const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2, const Mat &points, Mat &calib_points) { |
const auto * const points_ = (float *); |
const auto * const k1 = (double *); |
const auto inv1_k11 = float(1 / k1[0]); // 1 / k11
const auto inv1_k12 = float(-k1[1] / (k1[0]*k1[4])); // -k12 / (k11*k22)
// (-k13*k22 + k12*k23) / (k11*k22)
const auto inv1_k13 = float((-k1[2]*k1[4] + k1[1]*k1[5]) / (k1[0]*k1[4])); |
const auto inv1_k22 = float(1 / k1[4]); // 1 / k22
const auto inv1_k23 = float(-k1[5] / k1[4]); // -k23 / k22
const auto * const k2 = (double *); |
const auto inv2_k11 = float(1 / k2[0]); |
const auto inv2_k12 = float(-k2[1] / (k2[0]*k2[4])); |
const auto inv2_k13 = float((-k2[2]*k2[4] + k2[1]*k2[5]) / (k2[0]*k2[4])); |
const auto inv2_k22 = float(1 / k2[4]); |
const auto inv2_k23 = float(-k2[5] / k2[4]); |
calib_points = Mat ( points.rows, 4, points.type()); |
auto * calib_points_ = (float *); |
for (int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++) { |
const int idx = 4*i; |
(*calib_points_++) = inv1_k11 * points_[idx ] + inv1_k12 * points_[idx+1] + inv1_k13; |
(*calib_points_++) = inv1_k22 * points_[idx+1] + inv1_k23; |
(*calib_points_++) = inv2_k11 * points_[idx+2] + inv2_k12 * points_[idx+3] + inv2_k13; |
(*calib_points_++) = inv2_k22 * points_[idx+3] + inv2_k23; |
} |
} |
* K is 3x3 intrinsic matrix |
* points is matrix of size |N| x 5, first two columns are image points [u_i, v_i] |
* calib_norm_pts are K^-1 [u v 1]^T / ||K^-1 [u v 1]^T|| |
*/ |
void Utils::calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP (const Mat &K, const Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts) { |
const auto * const points = (float *); |
const auto * const k = (double *); |
const auto inv_k11 = float(1 / k[0]); |
const auto inv_k12 = float(-k[1] / (k[0]*k[4])); |
const auto inv_k13 = float((-k[2]*k[4] + k[1]*k[5]) / (k[0]*k[4])); |
const auto inv_k22 = float(1 / k[4]); |
const auto inv_k23 = float(-k[5] / k[4]); |
calib_norm_pts = Mat (pts.rows, 3, pts.type()); |
auto * calib_norm_pts_ = (float *); |
for (int i = 0; i < pts.rows; i++) { |
const int idx = 5 * i; |
const float k_inv_u = inv_k11 * points[idx] + inv_k12 * points[idx+1] + inv_k13; |
const float k_inv_v = inv_k22 * points[idx+1] + inv_k23; |
const float norm = 1.f / sqrtf(k_inv_u*k_inv_u + k_inv_v*k_inv_v + 1); |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_u * norm; |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_v * norm; |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = norm; |
} |
} |
void Utils::normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP (const Mat &K_, Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts) { |
const auto * const K = (double *); |
const auto k11 = (float)K[0], k12 = (float)K[1], k13 = (float)K[2], |
k22 = (float)K[4], k23 = (float)K[5]; |
calib_norm_pts = Mat (pts.rows, 3, pts.type()); |
auto * points = (float *); |
auto * calib_norm_pts_ = (float *); |
for (int i = 0; i < pts.rows; i++) { |
const int idx = 5 * i; |
const float k_inv_u = points[idx ]; |
const float k_inv_v = points[idx+1]; |
const float norm = 1.f / sqrtf(k_inv_u*k_inv_u + k_inv_v*k_inv_v + 1); |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_u * norm; |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = k_inv_v * norm; |
(*calib_norm_pts_++) = norm; |
points[idx ] = k11 * k_inv_u + k12 * k_inv_v + k13; |
points[idx+1] = k22 * k_inv_v + k23; |
} |
} |
* decompose Projection Matrix to calibration, rotation and translation |
* Assume K = [fx 0 tx |
* 0 fy ty |
* 0 0 1] |
*/ |
void Utils::decomposeProjection (const Mat &P, Mat &K_, Mat &R, Mat &t, bool same_focal) { |
const Mat M = P.colRange(0,3); |
double scale = norm(M.row(2)); scale *= scale; |
Matx33d K = Matx33d::eye(); |
K(1,2) = M.row(1).dot(M.row(2)) / scale; |
K(0,2) = M.row(0).dot(M.row(2)) / scale; |
K(1,1) = sqrt(M.row(1).dot(M.row(1)) / scale - K(1,2)*K(1,2)); |
K(0,0) = sqrt(M.row(0).dot(M.row(0)) / scale - K(0,2)*K(0,2)); |
if (same_focal) |
K(0,0) = K(1,1) = (K(0,0) + K(1,1)) / 2; |
R = K.inv() * M / sqrt(scale); |
if (determinant(M) < 0) R *= -1; |
t = R * M.inv() * P.col(3); |
K_ = Mat(K); |
} |
Matx33d Math::getSkewSymmetric(const Vec3d &v) { |
return Matx33d(0, -v[2], v[1], |
v[2], 0, -v[0], |
-v[1], v[0], 0); |
} |
Matx33d Math::rotVec2RotMat (const Vec3d &v) { |
const double phi = sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]); |
const double x = v[0] / phi, y = v[1] / phi, z = v[2] / phi; |
const double a = sin(phi), b = cos(phi); |
// R = I + sin(phi) * skew(v) + (1 - cos(phi) * skew(v)^2
return Matx33d((b - 1)*y*y + (b - 1)*z*z + 1, -a*z - x*y*(b - 1), a*y - x*z*(b - 1), |
a*z - x*y*(b - 1), (b - 1)*x*x + (b - 1)*z*z + 1, -a*x - y*z*(b - 1), |
-a*y - x*z*(b - 1), a*x - y*z*(b - 1), (b - 1)*x*x + (b - 1)*y*y + 1); |
} |
Vec3d Math::rotMat2RotVec (const Matx33d &R) { |
Vec3d rot_vec; |
const double trace = R(0,0)+R(1,1)+R(2,2); |
if (trace >= 3 - FLT_EPSILON) { |
rot_vec = (0.5 * (trace-3)/12)*Vec3d(R(2,1)-R(1,2), |
R(0,2)-R(2,0), |
R(1,0)-R(0,1)); |
} else if (3 - FLT_EPSILON > trace && trace > -1 + FLT_EPSILON) { |
double theta = acos((trace - 1) / 2); |
rot_vec = (theta / (2 * sin(theta))) * Vec3d(R(2,1)-R(1,2), |
R(0,2)-R(2,0), |
R(1,0)-R(0,1)); |
} else { |
int a; |
if (R(0,0) > R(1,1)) |
a = R(0,0) > R(2,2) ? 0 : 2; |
else |
a = R(1,1) > R(2,2) ? 1 : 2; |
Vec3d v; |
int b = (a + 1) % 3, c = (a + 2) % 3; |
double s = sqrt(R(a,a) - R(b,b) - R(c,c) + 1); |
v[a] = s / 2; |
v[b] = (R(b,a) + R(a,b)) / (2 * s); |
v[c] = (R(c,a) + R(a,c)) / (2 * s); |
rot_vec = M_PI * v / norm(v); |
} |
return rot_vec; |
} |
* Eliminate matrix of m rows and n columns to be upper triangular. |
*/ |
void Math::eliminateUpperTriangular (std::vector<double> &a, int m, int n) { |
for (int r = 0; r < m; r++){ |
double pivot = a[r*n+r]; |
int row_with_pivot = r; |
// find the maximum pivot value among r-th column
for (int k = r+1; k < m; k++) |
if (fabs(pivot) < fabs(a[k*n+r])) { |
pivot = a[k*n+r]; |
row_with_pivot = k; |
} |
// if pivot value is 0 continue
if (fabs(pivot) < DBL_EPSILON) |
continue; |
// swap row with maximum pivot value with current row
for (int c = r; c < n; c++) |
std::swap(a[row_with_pivot*n+c], a[r*n+c]); |
// eliminate other rows
for (int j = r+1; j < m; j++){ |
const auto fac = a[j*n+r] / pivot; |
for (int c = r; c < n; c++) |
a[j*n+c] -= fac * a[r*n+c]; |
} |
} |
} |
//////////////////////////////////////// RANDOM GENERATOR /////////////////////////////
class UniformRandomGeneratorImpl : public UniformRandomGenerator { |
private: |
int subset_size = 0, max_range = 0; |
std::vector<int> subset; |
RNG rng; |
public: |
explicit UniformRandomGeneratorImpl (int state) : rng(state) {} |
// interval is <0; max_range);
UniformRandomGeneratorImpl (int state, int max_range_, int subset_size_) : rng(state) { |
subset_size = subset_size_; |
max_range = max_range_; |
subset = std::vector<int>(subset_size_); |
} |
int getRandomNumber () override { |
return rng.uniform(0, max_range); |
} |
int getRandomNumber (int max_rng) override { |
return rng.uniform(0, max_rng); |
} |
// closed range
void resetGenerator (int max_range_) override { |
CV_CheckGE(0, max_range_, "max range must be greater than 0"); |
max_range = max_range_; |
} |
void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample) override { |
CV_CheckLE(subset_size, max_range, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!"); |
int j, num; |
sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range); |
for (int i = 1; i < subset_size;) { |
num = rng.uniform(0, max_range); |
// check if value is in array
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) |
if (num == sample[j]) |
// if so, generate again
break; |
// success, value is not in array, so it is unique, add to sample.
if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num; |
} |
} |
// interval is <0; max_range)
void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample, int max_range_) override { |
* necessary condition: |
* if subset size is bigger than range then array cannot be unique, |
* so function has infinite loop. |
*/ |
CV_CheckLE(subset_size, max_range_, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!"); |
int num, j; |
sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range_); |
for (int i = 1; i < subset_size;) { |
num = rng.uniform(0, max_range_); |
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) |
if (num == sample[j]) |
break; |
if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num; |
} |
} |
// interval is <0, max_range)
void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int>& sample, int subset_size_, int max_range_) override { |
CV_CheckLE(subset_size_, max_range_, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!"); |
int num, j; |
sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, max_range_); |
for (int i = 1; i < subset_size_;) { |
num = rng.uniform(0, max_range_); |
for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) |
if (num == sample[j]) |
break; |
if (j == -1) sample[i++] = num; |
} |
} |
const std::vector<int> &generateUniqueRandomSubset (std::vector<int> &array1, int size1) override { |
CV_CheckLE(subset_size, size1, "RandomGenerator. Subset size must be LE than range!"); |
int temp_size1 = size1; |
for (int i = 0; i < subset_size; i++) { |
const int idx1 = rng.uniform(0, temp_size1); |
subset[i] = array1[idx1]; |
std::swap(array1[idx1], array1[--temp_size1]); |
} |
return subset; |
} |
void setSubsetSize (int subset_size_) override { |
subset_size = subset_size_; |
} |
int getSubsetSize () const override { return subset_size; } |
Ptr<RandomGenerator> clone (int state) const override { |
return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state, max_range, subset_size); |
} |
}; |
Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> UniformRandomGenerator::create (int state) { |
return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state); |
} |
Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> UniformRandomGenerator::create |
(int state, int max_range, int subset_size_) { |
return makePtr<UniformRandomGeneratorImpl>(state, max_range, subset_size_); |
} |
// @k_minth - desired k-th minimal element. For median is half of array
// closed working interval of array <@left; @right>
float quicksort_median (std::vector<float> &array, int k_minth, int left, int right); |
float quicksort_median (std::vector<float> &array, int k_minth, int left, int right) { |
// length is 0, return single value
if (right - left == 0) return array[left]; |
// get pivot, the rightest value in array
const auto pivot = array[right]; |
int right_ = right - 1; // -1, not including pivot
// counter of values smaller equal than pivot
int j = left, values_less_eq_pivot = 1; // 1, inludes pivot already
for (; j <= right_;) { |
if (array[j] <= pivot) { |
j++; |
values_less_eq_pivot++; |
} else |
// value is bigger than pivot, swap with right_ value
// swap values in array and decrease interval
std::swap(array[j], array[right_--]); |
} |
if (values_less_eq_pivot == k_minth) return pivot; |
if (k_minth > values_less_eq_pivot) |
return quicksort_median(array, k_minth - values_less_eq_pivot, j, right-1); |
else |
return quicksort_median(array, k_minth, left, j-1); |
} |
// find median using quicksort with complexity O(log n)
// Note, function changes order of values in array
float Utils::findMedian (std::vector<float> &array) { |
const int length = static_cast<int>(array.size()); |
if (length % 2) { |
// odd number of values
return quicksort_median (array, length/2+1, 0, length-1); |
} else { |
// even: return average
return (quicksort_median(array, length/2 , 0, length-1) + |
quicksort_median(array, length/2+1, 0, length-1))/2; |
} |
} |
///////////////////////////////// Radius Search Graph /////////////////////////////////////////////
class RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph { |
private: |
std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph; |
public: |
RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size, |
double radius, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees) { |
// Radius search OpenCV works only with float data
CV_Assert(container_.type() == CV_32F); |
FlannBasedMatcher flann(makePtr<flann::KDTreeIndexParams>(num_kd_trees), makePtr<flann::SearchParams>(flann_search_params)); |
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch>> neighbours; |
flann.radiusMatch(container_, container_, neighbours, (float)radius); |
// allocate graph
graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>> (points_size); |
int pt = 0; |
for (const auto &n : neighbours) { |
auto &graph_row = graph[pt]; |
graph_row = std::vector<int>(n.size()-1); |
int j = 0; |
for (const auto &idx : n) |
// skip neighbor which has the same index as requested point
if (idx.trainIdx != pt) |
graph_row[j++] = idx.trainIdx; |
pt++; |
} |
} |
inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override { |
return graph[point_idx]; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph> RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph::create (const Mat &points, |
int points_size, double radius_, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees) { |
return makePtr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraphImpl> (points, points_size, radius_, |
flann_search_params, num_kd_trees); |
} |
///////////////////////////////// FLANN Graph /////////////////////////////////////////////
class FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public FlannNeighborhoodGraph { |
private: |
std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph; |
std::vector<std::vector<double>> distances; |
public: |
FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size, int k_nearest_neighbors, |
bool get_distances, int flann_search_params_, int num_kd_trees) { |
CV_Assert(k_nearest_neighbors <= points_size); |
// FLANN works only with float data
CV_Assert(container_.type() == CV_32F); |
flann::Index flannIndex (container_.reshape(1), flann::KDTreeIndexParams(num_kd_trees)); |
Mat dists, nearest_neighbors; |
flannIndex.knnSearch(container_, nearest_neighbors, dists, k_nearest_neighbors+1, |
flann::SearchParams(flann_search_params_)); |
// first nearest neighbor of point is this point itself.
// remove this first column
nearest_neighbors.colRange(1, k_nearest_neighbors+1).copyTo (nearest_neighbors); |
graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(points_size, std::vector<int>(k_nearest_neighbors)); |
const auto * const nn = (int *); |
const auto * const dists_ptr = (float *); |
if (get_distances) |
distances = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(points_size, std::vector<double>(k_nearest_neighbors)); |
for (int pt = 0; pt < points_size; pt++) { |
std::copy(nn + k_nearest_neighbors*pt, nn + k_nearest_neighbors*pt + k_nearest_neighbors, &graph[pt][0]); |
if (get_distances) |
std::copy(dists_ptr + k_nearest_neighbors*pt, dists_ptr + k_nearest_neighbors*pt + k_nearest_neighbors, |
&distances[pt][0]); |
} |
} |
const std::vector<double>& getNeighborsDistances (int idx) const override { |
return distances[idx]; |
} |
inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override { |
// CV_Assert(point_idx_ < num_vertices);
return graph[point_idx]; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<FlannNeighborhoodGraph> FlannNeighborhoodGraph::create(const Mat &points, |
int points_size, int k_nearest_neighbors_, bool get_distances, |
int flann_search_params_, int num_kd_trees) { |
return makePtr<FlannNeighborhoodGraphImpl>(points, points_size, |
k_nearest_neighbors_, get_distances, flann_search_params_, num_kd_trees); |
} |
///////////////////////////////// Grid Neighborhood Graph /////////////////////////////////////////
class GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl : public GridNeighborhoodGraph { |
private: |
// This struct is used for the nearest neighbors search by griding two images.
struct CellCoord { |
int c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y; |
CellCoord (int c1x_, int c1y_, int c2x_, int c2y_) { |
c1x = c1x_; c1y = c1y_; c2x = c2x_; c2y = c2y_; |
} |
bool operator==(const CellCoord &o) const { |
return c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x == o.c2x && c2y == o.c2y; |
} |
bool operator<(const CellCoord &o) const { |
if (c1x < o.c1x) return true; |
if (c1x == o.c1x && c1y < o.c1y) return true; |
if (c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x < o.c2x) return true; |
return c1x == o.c1x && c1y == o.c1y && c2x == o.c2x && c2y < o.c2y; |
} |
}; |
std::map<CellCoord, std::vector<int >> neighbors_map; |
std::vector<std::vector<int>> graph; |
public: |
GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl (const Mat &container_, int points_size, |
int cell_size_x_img1, int cell_size_y_img1, int cell_size_x_img2, int cell_size_y_img2) { |
const auto * const container = (float *); |
// <int, int, int, int> -> {neighbors set}
// Key is cell position. The value is indexes of neighbors.
const float cell_sz_x1 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_x_img1, |
cell_sz_y1 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_y_img1, |
cell_sz_x2 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_x_img2, |
cell_sz_y2 = 1.f / (float) cell_size_y_img2; |
const int dimension = container_.cols; |
for (int i = 0; i < points_size; i++) { |
const int idx = dimension * i; |
neighbors_map[CellCoord((int)(container[idx ] * cell_sz_x1), |
(int)(container[idx+1] * cell_sz_y1), |
(int)(container[idx+2] * cell_sz_x2), |
(int)(container[idx+3] * cell_sz_y2))].emplace_back(i); |
} |
//--------- create a graph ----------
graph = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(points_size); |
// store neighbors cells into graph (2D vector)
for (const auto &cell : neighbors_map) { |
const int neighbors_in_cell = static_cast<int>(cell.second.size()); |
// only one point in cell -> no neighbors
if (neighbors_in_cell < 2) continue; |
const std::vector<int> &neighbors = cell.second; |
// ---------- fill graph -----
for (int v_in_cell : neighbors) { |
// there is always at least one neighbor
auto &graph_row = graph[v_in_cell]; |
graph_row = std::vector<int>(neighbors_in_cell-1); |
int j = 0; |
for (int n : neighbors) |
if (n != v_in_cell) |
graph_row[j++] = n; |
} |
} |
} |
inline const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx) const override { |
// Note, neighbors vector also includes point_idx!
// return neighbors_map[vertices_to_cells[point_idx]];
return graph[point_idx]; |
} |
}; |
Ptr<GridNeighborhoodGraph> GridNeighborhoodGraph::create(const Mat &points, |
int points_size, int cell_size_x_img1_, int cell_size_y_img1_, |
int cell_size_x_img2_, int cell_size_y_img2_) { |
return makePtr<GridNeighborhoodGraphImpl>(points, points_size, |
cell_size_x_img1_, cell_size_y_img1_, cell_size_x_img2_, cell_size_y_img2_); |
} |
}} |
@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp" |
namespace opencv_test { |
enum TestSolver { Homogr, Fundam, Essen, PnP, Affine}; |
* rng -- reference to random generator |
* pts1 -- 2xN image points |
* pts2 -- for PnP is 3xN object points, otherwise 2xN image points. |
* two_calib -- True if two cameras have different calibration. |
* K1 -- intrinsic matrix of the first camera. For PnP only one camera. |
* K2 -- only if two_calib is True. |
* pts_size -- required size of points. |
* inlier_ratio -- required inlier ratio |
* noise_std -- standard deviation of Gaussian noise of image points. |
* gt_inliers -- has size of number of inliers. Contains indices of inliers. |
*/ |
static int generatePoints (cv::RNG &rng, cv::Mat &pts1, cv::Mat &pts2, cv::Mat &K1, cv::Mat &K2, |
bool two_calib, int pts_size, TestSolver test_case, double inlier_ratio, double noise_std, |
std::vector<int> >_inliers) { |
auto eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix = [] (double pitch, double yaw, double roll) { |
// Calculate rotation about x axis
cv::Matx33d R_x (1, 0, 0, 0, cos(roll), -sin(roll), 0, sin(roll), cos(roll)); |
// Calculate rotation about y axis
cv::Matx33d R_y (cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch), 0, 1, 0, -sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch)); |
// Calculate rotation about z axis
cv::Matx33d R_z (cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), 0, sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0, 0, 0, 1); |
return cv::Mat(R_z * R_y * R_x); // Combined rotation matrix
}; |
const double pitch_min = -CV_PI / 6, pitch_max = CV_PI / 6; // 30 degrees
const double yaw_min = -CV_PI / 6, yaw_max = CV_PI / 6; |
const double roll_min = -CV_PI / 6, roll_max = CV_PI / 6; |
cv::Mat R = eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(rng.uniform(pitch_min, pitch_max), |
rng.uniform(yaw_min, yaw_max), rng.uniform(roll_min, roll_max)); |
// generate random translation,
// if test for homography fails try to fix translation to zero vec so H is related by transl.
cv::Vec3d t (rng.uniform(-0.5f, 0.5f), rng.uniform(-0.5f, 0.5f), rng.uniform(1.0f, 2.0f)); |
// generate random calibration
auto getRandomCalib = [&] () { |
return cv::Mat(cv::Matx33d(rng.uniform(100.0, 1000.0), 0, rng.uniform(100.0, 100.0), |
0, rng.uniform(100.0, 1000.0), rng.uniform(-100.0, 100.0), |
0, 0, 1.)); |
}; |
K1 = getRandomCalib(); |
K2 = two_calib ? getRandomCalib() : K1.clone(); |
auto updateTranslation = [] (const cv::Mat &pts, const cv::Mat &R_, cv::Vec3d &t_) { |
// Make sure the shape is in front of the camera
cv::Mat points3d_transformed = R_ * pts + t_ * cv::Mat::ones(1, pts.cols, pts.type()); |
double min_dist, max_dist; |
cv::minMaxIdx(points3d_transformed.row(2), &min_dist, &max_dist); |
if (min_dist < 0) t_(2) -= min_dist + 1.0; |
}; |
// compute size of inliers and outliers
const int inl_size = static_cast<int>(inlier_ratio * pts_size); |
const int out_size = pts_size - inl_size; |
// all points will have top 'inl_size' of their points inliers
gt_inliers.clear(); gt_inliers.reserve(inl_size); |
for (int i = 0; i < inl_size; i++) |
gt_inliers.emplace_back(i); |
// double precision to multiply points by models
const int pts_type = CV_64F; |
cv::Mat points3d; |
if (test_case == TestSolver::Homogr) { |
points3d.create(2, inl_size, pts_type); |
rng.fill(points3d, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0.0, 1.0); // keep small range
// inliers must be planar points, let their 3D coordinate be 1
cv::vconcat(points3d, cv::Mat::ones(1, inl_size, points3d.type()), points3d); |
} else if (test_case == TestSolver::Fundam || test_case == TestSolver::Essen) { |
// create 3D points which are inliers
points3d.create(3, inl_size, pts_type); |
rng.fill(points3d, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0.0, 1.0); |
} else if (test_case == TestSolver::PnP) { |
//pts1 are image points, pts2 are object points
pts2.create(3, inl_size, pts_type); // 3D inliers
rng.fill(pts2, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 1); |
updateTranslation(pts2, R, t); |
// project 3D points (pts2) on image plane (pts1)
pts1 = K1 * (R * pts2 + t * cv::Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type())); |
cv::divide(pts1.row(0), pts1.row(2), pts1.row(0)); |
cv::divide(pts1.row(1), pts1.row(2), pts1.row(1)); |
// make 2D points
pts1 = pts1.rowRange(0, 2); |
// create random outliers
cv::Mat pts_outliers = cv::Mat(5, out_size, pts2.type()); |
rng.fill(pts_outliers, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 1000); |
// merge inliers with random image points = outliers
cv::hconcat(pts1, pts_outliers.rowRange(0, 2), pts1); |
// merge 3D inliers with 3D outliers
cv::hconcat(pts2, pts_outliers.rowRange(2, 5), pts2); |
// add Gaussian noise to image points
cv::Mat noise(pts1.rows, pts1.cols, pts1.type()); |
rng.fill(noise, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, noise_std); |
pts1 += noise; |
return inl_size; |
} else if (test_case == TestSolver::Affine) { |
} else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Unknown solver!"); |
if (test_case != TestSolver::PnP) { |
// project 3D point on image plane
// use two relative scenes. The first camera is P1 = K1 [I | 0], the second P2 = K2 [R | t]
if (test_case != TestSolver::Affine) { |
updateTranslation(points3d, R, t); |
pts1 = K1 * points3d; |
pts2 = K2 * (R * points3d + t * cv::Mat::ones(1, points3d.cols, points3d.type())); |
// normalize by 3 coordinate
cv::divide(pts1.row(0), pts1.row(2), pts1.row(0)); |
cv::divide(pts1.row(1), pts1.row(2), pts1.row(1)); |
cv::divide(pts2.row(0), pts2.row(2), pts2.row(0)); |
cv::divide(pts2.row(1), pts2.row(2), pts2.row(1)); |
} else { |
pts1 = cv::Mat(2, inl_size, pts_type); |
rng.fill(pts1, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 1000); |
cv::Matx33d sc(rng.uniform(1., 5.),0,0,rng.uniform(1., 4.),0,0, 0, 0, 1); |
cv::Matx33d tr(1,0,rng.uniform(50., 500.),0,1,rng.uniform(50., 500.), 0, 0, 1); |
const double phi = rng.uniform(0., CV_PI); |
cv::Matx33d rot(cos(phi), -sin(phi),0, sin(phi), cos(phi),0, 0, 0, 1); |
cv::Matx33d A = sc * tr * rot; |
cv::vconcat(pts1, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), points3d); |
pts2 = A * points3d; |
} |
// get 2D points
pts1 = pts1.rowRange(0,2); pts2 = pts2.rowRange(0,2); |
// generate random outliers as 2D image points
cv::Mat pts1_outliers(pts1.rows, out_size, pts1.type()), |
pts2_outliers(pts2.rows, out_size, pts2.type()); |
rng.fill(pts1_outliers, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 1000); |
rng.fill(pts2_outliers, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 1000); |
// merge inliers and outliers
cv::hconcat(pts1, pts1_outliers, pts1); |
cv::hconcat(pts2, pts2_outliers, pts2); |
// add normal / Gaussian noise to image points
cv::Mat noise1 (pts1.rows, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), noise2 (pts2.rows, pts2.cols, pts2.type()); |
rng.fill(noise1, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, noise_std); pts1 += noise1; |
rng.fill(noise2, cv::RNG::NORMAL, 0, noise_std); pts2 += noise2; |
} |
return inl_size; |
} |
* for test case = 0, 1, 2 (homography and epipolar geometry): pts1 and pts2 are 3xN |
* for test_case = 3 (PnP): pts1 are 3xN and pts2 are 4xN |
* all points are of the same type as model |
*/ |
static double getError (TestSolver test_case, int pt_idx, const cv::Mat &pts1, const cv::Mat &pts2, const cv::Mat &model) { |
cv::Mat pt1 = pts1.col(pt_idx), pt2 = pts2.col(pt_idx); |
if (test_case == TestSolver::Homogr) { // reprojection error
// compute Euclidean distance between given and reprojected points
cv::Mat est_pt2 = model * pt1; est_pt2 /=<double>(2); |
if (false) { |
cv::Mat est_pt1 = model.inv() * pt2; est_pt1 /=<double>(2); |
return (cv::norm(est_pt1 - pt1) + cv::norm(est_pt2 - pt2)) / 2; |
} |
return cv::norm(est_pt2 - pt2); |
} else |
if (test_case == TestSolver::Fundam || test_case == TestSolver::Essen) { |
cv::Mat l2 = model * pt1; |
cv::Mat l1 = model.t() * pt2; |
if (test_case == TestSolver::Fundam) // sampson error
return fabs( / sqrt(pow(<double>(0), 2) + pow(<double>(1), 2) + |
pow(<double>(0), 2) + pow(<double>(1), 2)); |
else // symmetric geometric distance
return sqrt(pow(,2) / (pow(<double>(0),2) + pow(<double>(1),2)) + |
pow(,2) / (pow(<double>(0),2) + pow(<double>(1),2))); |
} else |
if (test_case == TestSolver::PnP) { // PnP, reprojection error
cv::Mat img_pt = model * pt2; img_pt /=<double>(2); |
return cv::norm(pt1 - img_pt); |
} else |
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsBadArg, "Undefined test case!"); |
} |
* inl_size -- number of ground truth inliers |
* pts1 and pts2 are of the same size as from function generatePoints(...) |
*/ |
static void checkInliersMask (TestSolver test_case, int inl_size, double thr, const cv::Mat &pts1_, |
const cv::Mat &pts2_, const cv::Mat &model, const cv::Mat &mask) { |
ASSERT_TRUE(!model.empty() && !mask.empty()); |
cv::Mat pts1 = pts1_, pts2 = pts2_; |
if (pts1.type() != model.type()) { |
pts1.convertTo(pts1, model.type()); |
pts2.convertTo(pts2, model.type()); |
} |
// convert to homogeneous
cv::vconcat(pts1, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), pts1); |
cv::vconcat(pts2, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type()), pts2); |
thr *= 1.001; // increase a little threshold due to numerical imprecisions
const auto * const mask_ptr = mask.ptr<uchar>(); |
int num_found_inliers = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < pts1.cols; i++) |
if (mask_ptr[i]) { |
ASSERT_LT(getError(test_case, i, pts1, pts2, model), thr); |
num_found_inliers++; |
} |
// check if RANSAC found at least 80% of inliers
ASSERT_GT(num_found_inliers, 0.8 * inl_size); |
} |
TEST(usac_Homography, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 1500; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
// do not test USAC_PARALLEL, because it is not deterministic
for (double inl_ratio = 0.1; inl_ratio < 0.91; inl_ratio += 0.1) { |
cv::Mat pts1, pts2, K1, K2; |
int inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false /*two calib*/, |
pts_size, TestSolver ::Homogr, inl_ratio/*inl ratio*/, 0.1 /*noise std*/, gt_inliers); |
// compute max_iters with standard upper bound rule for RANSAC with 1.5x tolerance
const double conf = 0.99, thr = 2., max_iters = 1.3 * log(1 - conf) / |
log(1 - pow(inl_ratio, 4 /* sample size */)); |
for (auto flag : flags) { |
cv::Mat mask, H = cv::findHomography(pts1, pts2,flag, thr, mask, |
int(max_iters), conf); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Homogr, inl_size, thr, pts1, pts2, H, mask); |
} |
} |
} |
TEST(usac_Fundamental, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 2000; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
// start from 25% otherwise max_iters will be too big
const double conf = 0.99, thr = 1.; |
for (double inl_ratio = 0.25; inl_ratio < 0.91; inl_ratio += 0.1) { |
cv::Mat pts1, pts2, K1, K2; |
int inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false /*two calib*/, |
pts_size, TestSolver ::Fundam, inl_ratio, 0.1 /*noise std*/, gt_inliers); |
for (auto flag : flags) { |
const int sample_size = flag == USAC_FM_8PTS ? 8 : 7; |
const double max_iters = 1.25 * log(1 - conf) / |
log(1 - pow(inl_ratio, sample_size)); |
cv::Mat mask, F = cv::findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2,flag, thr, conf, |
int(max_iters), mask); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Fundam, inl_size, thr, pts1, pts2, F, mask); |
} |
}} |
TEST(usac_Essential, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 1500; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
// findEssentilaMat has by default number of maximum iterations equal to 1000.
// It means that with 99% confidence we assume at least 34.08% of inliers
for (double inl_ratio = 0.35; inl_ratio < 0.91; inl_ratio += 0.1) { |
cv::Mat pts1, pts2, K1, K2; |
int inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false /*two calib*/, |
pts_size, TestSolver ::Fundam, inl_ratio, 0.01 /*noise std, works bad with high noise*/, gt_inliers); |
const double conf = 0.99, thr = 1.; |
for (auto flag : flags) { |
cv::Mat mask, E; |
try { |
E = cv::findEssentialMat(pts1, pts2, K1, flag, conf, thr, mask); |
} catch (cv::Exception &e) { |
if (e.code != cv::Error::StsNotImplemented) |
FAIL() << "Essential matrix estimation failed!\n"; |
else continue; |
} |
// calibrate points
cv::Mat cpts1_3d, cpts2_3d; |
cv::vconcat(pts1, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), cpts1_3d); |
cv::vconcat(pts2, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type()), cpts2_3d); |
cpts1_3d = K1.inv() * cpts1_3d; cpts2_3d = K1.inv() * cpts2_3d; |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Essen, inl_size, thr / ((<double>(0,0) +<double>(1,1)) / 2), |
cpts1_3d.rowRange(0,2), cpts2_3d.rowRange(0,2), E, mask); |
} |
} |
} |
TEST(usac_P3P, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 3000; |
cv::Mat img_pts, obj_pts, K1, K2; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
for (double inl_ratio = 0.1; inl_ratio < 0.91; inl_ratio += 0.1) { |
int inl_size = generatePoints(rng, img_pts, obj_pts, K1, K2, false /*two calib*/, |
pts_size, TestSolver ::PnP, inl_ratio, 0.15 /*noise std*/, gt_inliers); |
const double conf = 0.99, thr = 2., max_iters = 1.3 * log(1 - conf) / |
log(1 - pow(inl_ratio, 3 /* sample size */)); |
for (auto flag : flags) { |
cv::Mat rvec, tvec, mask, R, P; |
CV_Assert(cv::solvePnPRansac(obj_pts, img_pts, K1, cv::noArray(), rvec, tvec, |
false, (int)max_iters, (float)thr, conf, mask, flag)); |
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); |
cv::hconcat(K1 * R, K1 * tvec, P); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver ::PnP, inl_size, thr, img_pts, obj_pts, P, mask); |
} |
} |
} |
TEST (usac_Affine2D, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 2000; |
cv::Mat pts1, pts2, K1, K2; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
for (double inl_ratio = 0.1; inl_ratio < 0.91; inl_ratio += 0.1) { |
int inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false /*two calib*/, |
pts_size, TestSolver ::Affine, inl_ratio, 0.15 /*noise std*/, gt_inliers); |
const double conf = 0.99, thr = 2., max_iters = 1.3 * log(1 - conf) / |
log(1 - pow(inl_ratio, 3 /* sample size */)); |
for (auto flag : flags) { |
cv::Mat mask, A = cv::estimateAffine2D(pts1, pts2, mask, flag, thr, (size_t)max_iters, conf, 0); |
cv::vconcat(A, cv::Mat(cv::Matx13d(0,0,1)), A); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Homogr /*use homography error*/, inl_size, thr, pts1, pts2, A, mask); |
} |
} |
} |
TEST(usac_testUsacParams, accuracy) { |
std::vector<int> gt_inliers; |
const int pts_size = 1500; |
cv::RNG &rng = cv::theRNG(); |
const cv::UsacParams usac_params = cv::UsacParams(); |
cv::Mat pts1, pts2, K1, K2, mask, model, rvec, tvec, R; |
int inl_size; |
auto getInlierRatio = [] (int max_iters, int sample_size, double conf) { |
return std::pow(1 - exp(log(1 - conf)/(double)max_iters), 1 / (double)sample_size); |
}; |
cv::Vec4d dist_coeff (0, 0, 0, 0); // test with 0 distortion
// Homography matrix
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false, pts_size, TestSolver::Homogr, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 4, usac_params.confidence), 0.1, gt_inliers); |
model = cv::findHomography(pts1, pts2, mask, usac_params); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Homogr, inl_size, usac_params.threshold, pts1, pts2, model, mask); |
// Fundamental matrix
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false, pts_size, TestSolver::Fundam, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 7, usac_params.confidence), 0.1, gt_inliers); |
model = cv::findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, mask, usac_params); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Fundam, inl_size, usac_params.threshold, pts1, pts2, model, mask); |
// Essential matrix
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, true, pts_size, TestSolver::Essen, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 5, usac_params.confidence), 0.01, gt_inliers); |
try { |
model = cv::findEssentialMat(pts1, pts2, K1, K2, dist_coeff, dist_coeff, mask, usac_params); |
cv::Mat cpts1_3d, cpts2_3d; |
cv::vconcat(pts1, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), cpts1_3d); |
cv::vconcat(pts2, cv::Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type()), cpts2_3d); |
cpts1_3d = K1.inv() * cpts1_3d; cpts2_3d = K2.inv() * cpts2_3d; |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Essen, inl_size, usac_params.threshold / |
((<double>(0,0) +<double>(1,1) +<double>(0,0) +<double>(1,1)) / 4), |
cpts1_3d.rowRange(0,2), cpts2_3d.rowRange(0,2), model, mask); |
} catch (cv::Exception &e) { |
if (e.code != cv::Error::StsNotImplemented) |
FAIL() << "Essential matrix estimation failed!\n"; |
// CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "Essential matrix estimation failed!");
} |
// P3P
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false, pts_size, TestSolver::PnP, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 3, usac_params.confidence), 0.01, gt_inliers); |
CV_Assert(cv::solvePnPRansac(pts2, pts1, K1, dist_coeff, rvec, tvec, mask, usac_params)); |
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); cv::hconcat(K1 * R, K1 * tvec, model); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::PnP, inl_size, usac_params.threshold, pts1, pts2, model, mask); |
// P6P
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false, pts_size, TestSolver::PnP, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 6, usac_params.confidence), 0.1, gt_inliers); |
cv::Mat K_est; |
CV_Assert(cv::solvePnPRansac(pts2, pts1, K_est, dist_coeff, rvec, tvec, mask, usac_params)); |
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R); cv::hconcat(K_est * R, K_est * tvec, model); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::PnP, inl_size, usac_params.threshold, pts1, pts2, model, mask); |
// Affine2D
inl_size = generatePoints(rng, pts1, pts2, K1, K2, false, pts_size, TestSolver::Affine, |
getInlierRatio(usac_params.maxIterations, 3, usac_params.confidence), 0.1, gt_inliers); |
model = cv::estimateAffine2D(pts1, pts2, mask, usac_params); |
cv::vconcat(model, cv::Mat(cv::Matx13d(0,0,1)), model); |
checkInliersMask(TestSolver::Homogr, inl_size, usac_params.threshold, pts1, pts2, model, mask); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" |
#include <vector> |
#include <iostream> |
using namespace cv; |
int main(int args, char** argv) { |
std::string img_name1, img_name2; |
if (args < 3) { |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, |
"Path to two images \nFor example: " |
"./epipolar_lines img1.jpg img2.jpg"); |
} else { |
img_name1 = argv[1]; |
img_name2 = argv[2]; |
} |
Mat image1 = imread(img_name1); |
Mat image2 = imread(img_name2); |
Mat descriptors1, descriptors2; |
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2; |
Ptr<SIFT> detector = SIFT::create(); |
detector->detect(image1, keypoints1); |
detector->detect(image2, keypoints2); |
detector->compute(image1, keypoints1, descriptors1); |
detector->compute(image2, keypoints2, descriptors2); |
FlannBasedMatcher matcher(makePtr<flann::KDTreeIndexParams>(5), makePtr<flann::SearchParams>(32)); |
// get k=2 best match that we can apply ratio test explained by D.Lowe
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch>> matches_vector; |
matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches_vector, 2); |
std::vector<Point2d> pts1, pts2; |
pts1.reserve(matches_vector.size()); pts2.reserve(matches_vector.size()); |
for (const auto &m : matches_vector) { |
// compare best and second match using Lowe ratio test
if (m[0].distance / m[1].distance < 0.75) { |
pts1.emplace_back(keypoints1[m[0].queryIdx].pt); |
pts2.emplace_back(keypoints2[m[0].trainIdx].pt); |
} |
} |
std::cout << "Number of points " << pts1.size() << '\n'; |
Mat inliers; |
const auto begin_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
const Mat F = findFundamentalMat(pts1, pts2, RANSAC, 1., 0.99, 2000, inliers); |
std::cout << "RANSAC fundamental matrix time " << static_cast<int>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds> |
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin_time).count()) << "\n"; |
Mat points1 = Mat((int)pts1.size(), 2, CV_64F,; |
Mat points2 = Mat((int)pts2.size(), 2, CV_64F,; |
vconcat(points1.t(), Mat::ones(1, points1.rows, points1.type()), points1); |
vconcat(points2.t(), Mat::ones(1, points2.rows, points2.type()), points2); |
RNG rng; |
const int circle_sz = 3, line_sz = 1, max_lines = 300; |
std::vector<int> pts_shuffle (points1.cols); |
for (int i = 0; i < points1.cols; i++) |
pts_shuffle[i] = i; |
randShuffle(pts_shuffle); |
int plot_lines = 0, num_inliers = 0; |
double mean_err = 0; |
for (int pt : pts_shuffle) { |
if (<uchar>(pt)) { |
const Scalar col (rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256)); |
const Mat l2 = F * points1.col(pt); |
const Mat l1 = F.t() * points2.col(pt); |
double a1 =<double>(0), b1 =<double>(1), c1 =<double>(2); |
double a2 =<double>(0), b2 =<double>(1), c2 =<double>(2); |
const double mag1 = sqrt(a1*a1 + b1*b1), mag2 = (a2*a2 + b2*b2); |
a1 /= mag1; b1 /= mag1; c1 /= mag1; a2 /= mag2; b2 /= mag2; c2 /= mag2; |
if (plot_lines++ < max_lines) { |
line(image1, Point2d(0, -c1/b1), |
Point2d((double)image1.cols, -(a1*image1.cols+c1)/b1), col, line_sz); |
line(image2, Point2d(0, -c2/b2), |
Point2d((double)image2.cols, -(a2*image2.cols+c2)/b2), col, line_sz); |
} |
circle (image1, pts1[pt], circle_sz, col, -1); |
circle (image2, pts2[pt], circle_sz, col, -1); |
mean_err += (fabs(points1.col(pt).dot(l2)) / mag2 + fabs(points2.col(pt).dot(l1) / mag1)) / 2; |
num_inliers++; |
} |
} |
std::cout << "Mean distance from tentative inliers to epipolar lines " << mean_err/num_inliers |
<< " number of inliers " << num_inliers << "\n"; |
// concatenate two images
hconcat(image1, image2, image1); |
const int new_img_size = 1200 * 800; // for example
// resize with the same aspect ratio
resize(image1, image1, Size((int) sqrt ((double) image1.cols * new_img_size / image1.rows), |
(int)sqrt ((double) image1.rows * new_img_size / image1.cols))); |
imshow("epipolar lines, image 1, 2", image1); |
imwrite("epipolar_lines.png", image1); |
waitKey(0); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ |
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" |
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp" |
#include <vector> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <fstream> |
using namespace cv; |
static double getError2EpipLines (const Mat &F, const Mat &pts1, const Mat &pts2, const Mat &mask) { |
Mat points1, points2; |
vconcat(pts1, Mat::ones(1, pts1.cols, pts1.type()), points1); |
vconcat(pts2, Mat::ones(1, pts2.cols, pts2.type()), points2); |
double mean_error = 0; |
for (int pt = 0; pt < (int); pt++) |
if (<uchar>(pt)) { |
const Mat l2 = F * points1.col(pt); |
const Mat l1 = F.t() * points2.col(pt); |
mean_error += (fabs(points1.col(pt).dot(l1)) / sqrt(pow(<double>(0), 2) + pow(<double>(1), 2)) + |
fabs(points2.col(pt).dot(l2) / sqrt(pow(<double>(0), 2) + pow(<double>(1), 2)))) / 2; |
} |
return mean_error /; |
} |
static int sgn(double val) { return (0 < val) - (val < 0); } |
* @points3d - vector of Point3 or Mat of size Nx3 |
* @planes - vector of found planes |
* @labels - vector of size point3d. Every point which has non-zero label is classified to this plane. |
*/ |
static void getPlanes (InputArray points3d_, std::vector<int> &labels, std::vector<Vec4d> &planes, int desired_num_planes, double thr_, double conf_, int max_iters_) { |
Mat points3d = points3d_.getMat(); |
points3d.convertTo(points3d, CV_64F); // convert points to have double precision
if (points3d_.isVector()) |
points3d = Mat((int), 3, CV_64F,; |
else { |
if (points3d.type() != CV_64F) |
points3d = points3d.reshape(1, (int); // convert point to have 1 channel
if (points3d.rows < points3d.cols) |
transpose(points3d, points3d); // transpose so points will be in rows
CV_CheckEQ(points3d.cols, 3, "Invalid dimension of point"); |
} |
* 3D plane fitting with RANSAC |
* @best_model contains coefficients [a b c d] s.t. ax + by + cz = d |
* |
*/ |
auto plane_ransac = [] (const Mat &pts, double thr, double conf, int max_iters, Vec4d &best_model, std::vector<bool> &inliers) { |
const int pts_size = pts.rows, max_lo_inliers = 15, max_lo_iters = 10; |
int best_inls = 0; |
if (pts_size < 3) return false; |
RNG rng; |
const auto * const points = (double *); |
std::vector<int> min_sample(3); |
inliers = std::vector<bool>(pts_size); |
const double log_conf = log(1-conf); |
Vec4d model, lo_model; |
std::vector<int> random_pool (pts_size); |
for (int p = 0; p < pts_size; p++) |
random_pool[p] = p; |
// estimate plane coefficients using covariance matrix
auto estimate = [&] (const std::vector<int> &sample, Vec4d &model_) { |
const int n = static_cast<int>(sample.size()); |
if (n < 3) return false; |
double sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0, sum_z = 0; |
for (int s : sample) { |
sum_x += points[3*s ]; |
sum_y += points[3*s+1]; |
sum_z += points[3*s+2]; |
} |
const double c_x = sum_x / n, c_y = sum_y / n, c_z = sum_z / n; |
double xx = 0, yy = 0, zz = 0, xy = 0, xz = 0, yz = 0; |
for (int s : sample) { |
const double x_ = points[3*s] - c_x, y_ = points[3*s+1] - c_y, z_ = points[3*s+2] - c_z; |
xx += x_*x_; yy += y_*y_; zz += z_*z_; xy = x_*y_; yz += y_*z_; xz += x_*z_; |
} |
xx /= n; yy /= n; zz /= n; xy /= n; yz /= n; xz /= n; |
Vec3d weighted_normal(0,0,0); |
const double det_x = yy*zz - yz*yz, det_y = xx*zz - xz*xz, det_z = xx*yy - xy*xy; |
Vec3d axis_x (det_x, xz*xz-xy*zz, xy*yz-xz*yy); |
Vec3d axis_y (xz*yz-xy*zz, det_y, xy*xz-yz*xx); |
Vec3d axis_z (xy*yz-xz*yy, xy*xz-yz*xx, det_z); |
weighted_normal += axis_x * det_x * det_x; |
weighted_normal += sgn( * axis_y * det_y * det_y; |
weighted_normal += sgn( * axis_z * det_z * det_z; |
weighted_normal /= norm(weighted_normal); |
if (std::isinf(weighted_normal(0)) || |
std::isinf(weighted_normal(1)) || |
std::isinf(weighted_normal(2))) return false; |
// find plane model from normal and centroid
model_ = Vec4d(weighted_normal(0), weighted_normal(1), weighted_normal(2), |
||||, c_y, c_z))); |
return true; |
}; |
// calculate number of inliers
auto getInliers = [&] (const Vec4d &model_) { |
const double a = model_(0), b = model_(1), c = model_(2), d = model_(3); |
int num_inliers = 0; |
std::fill(inliers.begin(), inliers.end(), false); |
for (int p = 0; p < pts_size; p++) { |
inliers[p] = fabs(a * points[3*p] + b * points[3*p+1] + c * points[3*p+2] - d) < thr; |
if (inliers[p]) num_inliers++; |
if (num_inliers + pts_size - p < best_inls) break; |
} |
return num_inliers; |
}; |
// main RANSAC loop
for (int iters = 0; iters < max_iters; iters++) { |
// find minimal sample: 3 points
min_sample[0] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); |
min_sample[1] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); |
min_sample[2] = rng.uniform(0, pts_size); |
if (! estimate(min_sample, model)) |
continue; |
int num_inliers = getInliers(model); |
if (num_inliers > best_inls) { |
// store so-far-the-best
std::vector<bool> best_inliers = inliers; |
// do Local Optimization
for (int lo_iter = 0; lo_iter < max_lo_iters; lo_iter++) { |
std::vector<int> inliers_idx; inliers_idx.reserve(max_lo_inliers); |
randShuffle(random_pool); |
for (int p : random_pool) { |
if (best_inliers[p]) { |
inliers_idx.emplace_back(p); |
if ((int)inliers_idx.size() >= max_lo_inliers) |
break; |
} |
} |
if (! estimate(inliers_idx, lo_model)) |
continue; |
int lo_inls = getInliers(lo_model); |
if (best_inls < lo_inls) { |
best_model = lo_model; |
best_inls = lo_inls; |
best_inliers = inliers; |
} |
} |
if (best_inls < num_inliers) { |
best_model = model; |
best_inls = num_inliers; |
} |
// update max iters
// because points are quite noisy we need more iterations
const double max_hyp = 3 * log_conf / log(1 - pow(double(best_inls) / pts_size, 3)); |
if (! std::isinf(max_hyp) && max_hyp < max_iters) |
max_iters = static_cast<int>(max_hyp); |
} |
} |
getInliers(best_model); |
return best_inls != 0; |
}; |
labels = std::vector<int>(points3d.rows, 0); |
Mat pts3d_plane_fit = points3d.clone(); |
// keep array of indices of points corresponding to original points3d
std::vector<int> to_orig_pts_arr(pts3d_plane_fit.rows); |
for (int i = 0; i < (int) to_orig_pts_arr.size(); i++) |
to_orig_pts_arr[i] = i; |
for (int num_planes = 1; num_planes <= desired_num_planes; num_planes++) { |
Vec4d model; |
std::vector<bool> inl; |
if (!plane_ransac(pts3d_plane_fit, thr_, conf_, max_iters_, model, inl)) |
break; |
planes.emplace_back(model); |
const int pts3d_size = pts3d_plane_fit.rows; |
pts3d_plane_fit = Mat(); |
pts3d_plane_fit.reserve(points3d.rows); |
int cnt = 0; |
for (int p = 0; p < pts3d_size; p++) { |
if (! inl[p]) { |
// if point is not inlier to found plane - add it to next run
to_orig_pts_arr[cnt] = to_orig_pts_arr[p]; |
pts3d_plane_fit.push_back(points3d.row(to_orig_pts_arr[cnt])); |
cnt++; |
} else labels[to_orig_pts_arr[p]] = num_planes; // otherwise label this point
} |
} |
} |
int main(int args, char** argv) { |
std::string data_file, image_dir; |
if (args < 3) { |
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, |
"Path to data file and directory to image files are missing!\nData file must have" |
" format:\n--------------\n image_name_1\nimage_name_2\nk11 k12 k13\n0 k22 k23\n" |
"0 0 1\n--------------\nIf image_name_{1,2} are not in the same directory as " |
"the data file then add argument with directory to image files.\nFor example: " |
"./essential_mat_reconstr essential_mat_data.txt ./"); |
} else { |
data_file = argv[1]; |
image_dir = argv[2]; |
} |
std::ifstream file(data_file, std::ios_base::in); |
CV_CheckEQ(file.is_open(), true, "Data file is not found!"); |
std::string filename1, filename2; |
std::getline(file, filename1); |
std::getline(file, filename2); |
Mat image1 = imread(image_dir+filename1); |
Mat image2 = imread(image_dir+filename2); |
CV_CheckEQ(image1.empty(), false, "Image 1 is not found!"); |
CV_CheckEQ(image2.empty(), false, "Image 2 is not found!"); |
// read calibration
Matx33d K; |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) |
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) |
file >> K(i,j); |
file.close(); |
Mat descriptors1, descriptors2; |
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1, keypoints2; |
// detect points with SIFT
Ptr<SIFT> detector = SIFT::create(); |
detector->detect(image1, keypoints1); |
detector->detect(image2, keypoints2); |
detector->compute(image1, keypoints1, descriptors1); |
detector->compute(image2, keypoints2, descriptors2); |
FlannBasedMatcher matcher(makePtr<flann::KDTreeIndexParams>(5), makePtr<flann::SearchParams>(32)); |
// get k=2 best match that we can apply ratio test explained by D.Lowe
std::vector<std::vector<DMatch>> matches_vector; |
matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches_vector, 2); |
// filter keypoints with Lowe ratio test
std::vector<Point2d> pts1, pts2; |
pts1.reserve(matches_vector.size()); pts2.reserve(matches_vector.size()); |
for (const auto &m : matches_vector) { |
// compare best and second match using Lowe ratio test
if (m[0].distance / m[1].distance < 0.75) { |
pts1.emplace_back(keypoints1[m[0].queryIdx].pt); |
pts2.emplace_back(keypoints2[m[0].trainIdx].pt); |
} |
} |
Mat inliers; |
const int pts_size = (int) pts1.size(); |
const auto begin_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
// fine essential matrix
const Mat E = findEssentialMat(pts1, pts2, Mat(K), RANSAC, 0.99, 1.0, inliers); |
std::cout << "RANSAC essential matrix time " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds> |
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin_time).count() << |
"mcs.\nNumber of inliers " << countNonZero(inliers) << "\n"; |
Mat points1 = Mat((int)pts1.size(), 2, CV_64F,; |
Mat points2 = Mat((int)pts2.size(), 2, CV_64F,; |
points1 = points1.t(); points2 = points2.t(); |
std::cout << "Mean error to epipolar lines " << |
getError2EpipLines(K.inv().t() * E * K.inv(), points1, points2, inliers) << "\n"; |
// decompose essential into rotation and translation
Mat R1, R2, t; |
decomposeEssentialMat(E, R1, R2, t); |
// Create two relative pose
// P1 = K [ I | 0 ]
// P2 = K [R{1,2} | {+-}t]
Mat P1; |
hconcat(K, Vec3d::zeros(), P1); |
std::vector<Mat> P2s(4); |
hconcat(K * R1, K * t, P2s[0]); |
hconcat(K * R1, -K * t, P2s[1]); |
hconcat(K * R2, K * t, P2s[2]); |
hconcat(K * R2, -K * t, P2s[3]); |
// find objects point by enumerating over 4 different projection matrices of second camera
// vector to keep object points
std::vector<std::vector<Vec3d>> obj_pts_per_cam(4); |
// vector to keep indices of image points corresponding to object points
std::vector<std::vector<int>> img_idxs_per_cam(4); |
int cam_idx = 0, best_cam_idx = 0, max_obj_pts = 0; |
for (const auto &P2 : P2s) { |
obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].reserve(pts_size); |
img_idxs_per_cam[cam_idx].reserve(pts_size); |
for (int i = 0; i < pts_size; i++) { |
// process only inliers
if (!<uchar>(i)) |
continue; |
Vec4d obj_pt; |
// find object point using triangulation
triangulatePoints(P1, P2, points1.col(i), points2.col(i), obj_pt); |
obj_pt /= obj_pt(3); // normalize 4d point
if (obj_pt(2) > 0) { // check if projected point has positive depth
obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].emplace_back(Vec3d(obj_pt(0), obj_pt(1), obj_pt(2))); |
img_idxs_per_cam[cam_idx].emplace_back(i); |
} |
} |
if (max_obj_pts < (int) obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].size()) { |
max_obj_pts = (int) obj_pts_per_cam[cam_idx].size(); |
best_cam_idx = cam_idx; |
} |
cam_idx++; |
} |
std::cout << "Number of object points " << max_obj_pts << "\n"; |
const int circle_sz = 7; |
// draw image points that are inliers on two images
std::vector<int> labels; |
std::vector<Vec4d> planes; |
getPlanes (obj_pts_per_cam[best_cam_idx], labels, planes, 4, 0.002, 0.99, 10000); |
const int num_found_planes = (int) planes.size(); |
RNG rng; |
std::vector<Scalar> plane_colors (num_found_planes); |
for (int pl = 0; pl < num_found_planes; pl++) |
plane_colors[pl] = Scalar (rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256), rng.uniform(0,256)); |
for (int obj_pt = 0; obj_pt < max_obj_pts; obj_pt++) { |
const int pt = img_idxs_per_cam[best_cam_idx][obj_pt]; |
if (labels[obj_pt] > 0) { // plot plane points
circle (image1, pts1[pt], circle_sz, plane_colors[labels[obj_pt]-1], -1); |
circle (image2, pts2[pt], circle_sz, plane_colors[labels[obj_pt]-1], -1); |
} else { // plot inliers
circle (image1, pts1[pt], circle_sz, Scalar(0,0,0), -1); |
circle (image2, pts2[pt], circle_sz, Scalar(0,0,0), -1); |
} |
} |
// concatenate two images
hconcat(image1, image2, image1); |
const int new_img_size = 1200 * 800; // for example
// resize with the same aspect ratio
resize(image1, image1, Size((int)sqrt ((double) image1.cols * new_img_size / image1.rows), |
(int)sqrt ((double) image1.rows * new_img_size / image1.cols))); |
imshow("image 1-2", image1); |
imwrite("planes.png", image1); |
waitKey(0); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
leuvenA.jpg |
leuvenB.jpg |
651.4462353114224 0 376.27522319223914 |
0 653.7348054191838 280.1106539526218 |
0 0 1 |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 317 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 305 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ |
import numpy as np, cv2 as cv, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, time, sys, os |
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D |
def getEpipolarError(F, pts1_, pts2_, inliers): |
pts1 = np.concatenate((pts1_.T, np.ones((1, pts1_.shape[0]))))[:,inliers] |
pts2 = np.concatenate((pts2_.T, np.ones((1, pts2_.shape[0]))))[:,inliers] |
lines2 = , pts1) |
lines1 =, pts2) |
return np.median((np.abs(np.sum(pts1 * lines1, axis=0)) / np.sqrt(lines1[0,:]**2 + lines1[1,:]**2) + |
np.abs(np.sum(pts2 * lines2, axis=0)) / np.sqrt(lines2[0,:]**2 + lines2[1,:]**2))/2) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
if len(sys.argv) < 3: |
print("Path to data file and directory to image files are missing!\nData file must have" |
" format:\n--------------\n image_name_1\nimage_name_2\nk11 k12 k13\n0 k22 k23\n" |
"0 0 1\n--------------\nIf image_name_{1,2} are not in the same directory as " |
"the data file then add argument with directory to image files.\nFor example: " |
"python essential_mat_data.txt ./") |
exit(1) |
else: |
data_file = sys.argv[1] |
image_dir = sys.argv[2] |
if not os.path.isfile(data_file): |
print('Incorrect path to data file!') |
exit(1) |
with open(data_file, 'r') as f: |
image1 = cv.imread(image_dir+f.readline()[:-1]) # remove '\n' |
image2 = cv.imread(image_dir+f.readline()[:-1]) |
K = np.array([[float(x) for x in f.readline().split(' ')], |
[float(x) for x in f.readline().split(' ')], |
[float(x) for x in f.readline().split(' ')]]) |
if image1 is None or image2 is None: |
print('Incorrect directory to images!') |
exit(1) |
if K.shape != (3,3): |
print('Intrinsic matrix has incorrect format!') |
exit(1) |
print('find keypoints and compute descriptors') |
detector = cv.SIFT_create(nfeatures=20000) |
keypoints1, descriptors1 = detector.detectAndCompute(cv.cvtColor(image1, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), None) |
keypoints2, descriptors2 = detector.detectAndCompute(cv.cvtColor(image2, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), None) |
matcher = cv.FlannBasedMatcher(dict(algorithm=0, trees=5), dict(checks=32)) |
print('match with FLANN, size of descriptors', descriptors1.shape, descriptors2.shape) |
matches_vector = matcher.knnMatch(descriptors1, descriptors2, k=2) |
print('find good keypoints') |
pts1 = []; pts2 = [] |
for m in matches_vector: |
# compare best and second match using Lowe ratio test |
if m[0].distance / m[1].distance < 0.75: |
pts1.append(keypoints1[m[0].queryIdx].pt) |
pts2.append(keypoints2[m[0].trainIdx].pt) |
pts1 = np.array(pts1); pts2 = np.array(pts2) |
print('points size', pts1.shape[0]) |
print('Essential matrix RANSAC') |
start = time.time() |
E, inliers = cv.findEssentialMat(pts1, pts2, K, cv.RANSAC, 0.999, 1.0) |
print('RANSAC time', time.time() - start, 'seconds') |
print('Median error to epipolar lines', getEpipolarError |
(,, np.linalg.inv(K))), pts1, pts2, inliers.squeeze()), |
'number of inliers', inliers.sum()) |
print('Decompose essential matrix') |
R1, R2, t = cv.decomposeEssentialMat(E) |
# Assume relative pose. Fix the first camera |
P1 = np.concatenate((K, np.zeros((3,1))), axis=1) # K [I | 0] |
P2s = [, np.concatenate((R1, t), axis=1)), # K[R1 | t] |
||||, np.concatenate((R1, -t), axis=1)), # K[R1 | -t] |
||||, np.concatenate((R2, t), axis=1)), # K[R2 | t] |
||||, np.concatenate((R2, -t), axis=1))] # K[R2 | -t] |
obj_pts_per_cam = [] |
# enumerate over all P2 projection matrices |
for cam_idx, P2 in enumerate(P2s): |
obj_pts = [] |
for i, (pt1, pt2) in enumerate(zip(pts1, pts2)): |
if not inliers[i]: |
continue |
# find object point by triangulation of image points by projection matrices |
obj_pt = cv.triangulatePoints(P1, P2, pt1, pt2) |
obj_pt /= obj_pt[3] |
# check if reprojected point has positive depth |
if obj_pt[2] > 0: |
obj_pts.append([obj_pt[0], obj_pt[1], obj_pt[2]]) |
obj_pts_per_cam.append(obj_pts) |
best_cam_idx = np.array([len(obj_pts_per_cam[0]),len(obj_pts_per_cam[1]), |
len(obj_pts_per_cam[2]),len(obj_pts_per_cam[3])]).argmax() |
max_pts = len(obj_pts_per_cam[best_cam_idx]) |
print('Number of object points', max_pts) |
# filter object points to have reasonable depth |
MAX_DEPTH = 6. |
obj_pts = [] |
for pt in obj_pts_per_cam[best_cam_idx]: |
if pt[2] < MAX_DEPTH: |
obj_pts.append(pt) |
obj_pts = np.array(obj_pts).reshape(len(obj_pts), 3) |
# visualize image points |
for i, (pt1, pt2) in enumerate(zip(pts1, pts2)): |
if inliers[i]: |
||||, (int(pt1[0]), int(pt1[1])), 7, (255,0,0), -1) |
||||, (int(pt2[0]), int(pt2[1])), 7, (255,0,0), -1) |
# concatenate two images |
image1 = np.concatenate((image1, image2), axis=1) |
# resize concatenated image |
new_img_size = 1200. * 800. |
image1 = cv.resize(image1, (int(np.sqrt(image1.shape[1] * new_img_size / image1.shape[0])), |
int(np.sqrt (image1.shape[0] * new_img_size / image1.shape[1])))) |
# plot object points |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13.0, 11.0)) |
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') |
ax.set_aspect('equal') |
ax.scatter(obj_pts[:,0], obj_pts[:,1], obj_pts[:,2], c='r', marker='o', s=3) |
ax.set_xlabel('x') |
ax.set_ylabel('y') |
ax.set_zlabel('depth') |
ax.view_init(azim=-80, elev=110) |
# save figures |
cv.imshow("matches", image1) |
cv.imwrite('matches_E.png', image1) |
plt.savefig('reconstruction_3D.png') |
cv.waitKey(0) |
|||| |
Reference in new issue