ipp_countNonZero build fix;

Removed IPP port for tiny arithm.cpp functions

Additional warnings fix on various platforms.

Build without OPENCL and GCC warnings fixed

Fixed warnings, trailing spaces and removed unused secure_cpy.

IPP code refactored.

IPP code path  implemented as separate static functions to simplify future work with IPP code and make it more readable.
Dmitry Budnikov 10 years ago committed by Pavel Vlasov
parent b1a8e4f760
commit a5a21019b2
  1. 1
  2. 58
  3. 96
  4. 345
  5. 140
  6. 1
  7. 1058
  8. 498
  9. 1344
  10. 81
  11. 176
  12. 161
  13. 37
  14. 101
  15. 13
  16. 198
  17. 346
  18. 104
  19. 147
  20. 37

@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ enum BorderTypes {
#define CV_UNUSED(name) (void)name
//! @endcond
/*! @brief Signals an error and raises the exception.

@ -235,9 +235,67 @@ static inline IppDataType ippiGetDataType(int depth)
# define IPP_VERSION_X100 0
#define HAVE_ICV 1
#define HAVE_ICV 0
#define CV_IPP_CHECK_COND (cv::ipp::useIPP())
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
#define CV_IPP_RUN_(condition, func, ...) \
{ \
if (cv::ipp::useIPP() && (condition) && func) \
{ \
printf("%s: IPP implementation is running\n", CV_Func); \
fflush(stdout); \
return __VA_ARGS__; \
} \
else \
{ \
printf("%s: Plain implementation is running\n", CV_Func); \
fflush(stdout); \
} \
#elif defined CV_IPP_RUN_ASSERT
#define CV_IPP_RUN_(condition, func, ...) \
{ \
if (cv::ipp::useIPP() && (condition)) \
{ \
if(func) \
{ \
} \
else \
{ \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsAssert, #func); \
} \
return __VA_ARGS__; \
} \
#define CV_IPP_RUN_(condition, func, ...) \
if (cv::ipp::useIPP() && (condition) && func) \
{ \
return __VA_ARGS__; \
#define CV_IPP_RUN_(condition, func, ...)
#define CV_IPP_RUN(condition, func, ...) CV_IPP_RUN_(condition, func, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifndef IPPI_CALL
# define IPPI_CALL(func) CV_Assert((func) >= 0)

@ -5194,17 +5194,9 @@ dtype* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, double* scale) \
static void cvt##suffix( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, size_t, \
dtype* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, double*) \
{ \
if (src && dst)\
if (src && dst)\
if (ippiConvert_##ippFavor(src, (int)sstep, dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height)) >= 0) \
return; \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiConvert_##ippFavor(src, (int)sstep, dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height)) >= 0)\
cvt_(src, sstep, dst, dstep, size); \
@ -5213,17 +5205,9 @@ static void cvt##suffix( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, size_t, \
static void cvt##suffix( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, size_t, \
dtype* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, double*) \
{ \
if (src && dst)\
if (src && dst)\
if (ippiConvert_##ippFavor(src, (int)sstep, dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), ippRndFinancial, 0) >= 0) \
return; \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiConvert_##ippFavor(src, (int)sstep, dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), ippRndFinancial, 0) >= 0)\
cvt_(src, sstep, dst, dstep, size); \
@ -5907,6 +5891,55 @@ private:
namespace cv
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
static bool ipp_lut(InputArray _src, InputArray _lut, OutputArray _dst)
int cn = _src.channels();
int lutcn = _lut.channels();
Mat src = _src.getMat(), lut = _lut.getMat();
_dst.create(src.dims, src.size, CV_MAKETYPE(_lut.depth(), cn));
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
if (_src.dims() <= 2)
bool ok = false;
Ptr<ParallelLoopBody> body;
size_t elemSize1 = CV_ELEM_SIZE1(dst.depth());
#if 0 // there are no performance benefits (PR #2653)
if (lutcn == 1)
ParallelLoopBody* p = new ipp::IppLUTParallelBody_LUTC1(src, lut, dst, &ok);
if ((lutcn == 3 || lutcn == 4) && elemSize1 == 1)
ParallelLoopBody* p = new ipp::IppLUTParallelBody_LUTCN(src, lut, dst, &ok);
if (body != NULL && ok)
Range all(0, dst.rows);
if (dst.total()>>18)
parallel_for_(all, *body, (double)std::max((size_t)1, dst.total()>>16));
if (ok)
return true;
return false;
void cv::LUT( InputArray _src, InputArray _lut, OutputArray _dst )
int cn = _src.channels(), depth = _src.depth();
@ -5919,6 +5952,10 @@ void cv::LUT( InputArray _src, InputArray _lut, OutputArray _dst )
CV_OCL_RUN(_dst.isUMat() && _src.dims() <= 2,
ocl_LUT(_src, _lut, _dst))
CV_IPP_RUN((_src.dims() <= 2 && ((lutcn == 1 || lutcn == 3 || lutcn == 4) && CV_ELEM_SIZE1(_dst.depth()) == 1) && lutcn != 1), //lutcn == 1 ipp implementation switched off
ipp_lut(_src, _lut, _dst));
Mat src = _src.getMat(), lut = _lut.getMat();
_dst.create(src.dims, src.size, CV_MAKETYPE(_lut.depth(), cn));
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
@ -5927,25 +5964,6 @@ void cv::LUT( InputArray _src, InputArray _lut, OutputArray _dst )
bool ok = false;
Ptr<ParallelLoopBody> body;
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
size_t elemSize1 = CV_ELEM_SIZE1(dst.depth());
#if 0 // there are no performance benefits (PR #2653)
if (lutcn == 1)
ParallelLoopBody* p = new ipp::IppLUTParallelBody_LUTC1(src, lut, dst, &ok);
if ((lutcn == 3 || lutcn == 4) && elemSize1 == 1)
ParallelLoopBody* p = new ipp::IppLUTParallelBody_LUTCN(src, lut, dst, &ok);
if (body == NULL || ok == false)
ok = false;

@ -82,17 +82,7 @@ copyMask_(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, ucha
template<> void
copyMask_<uchar>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, uchar* _dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (ippiCopy_8u_C1MR(_src, (int)sstep, _dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiCopy_8u_C1MR(_src, (int)sstep, _dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
for( ; size.height--; mask += mstep, _src += sstep, _dst += dstep )
@ -132,17 +122,7 @@ copyMask_<uchar>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mste
template<> void
copyMask_<ushort>(const uchar* _src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, uchar* _dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (ippiCopy_16u_C1MR((const Ipp16u *)_src, (int)sstep, (Ipp16u *)_dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiCopy_16u_C1MR((const Ipp16u *)_src, (int)sstep, (Ipp16u *)_dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)
for( ; size.height--; mask += mstep, _src += sstep, _dst += dstep )
@ -214,15 +194,7 @@ static void copyMask##suffix(const uchar* src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask,
static void copyMask##suffix(const uchar* src, size_t sstep, const uchar* mask, size_t mstep, \
uchar* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, void*) \
{ \
if (ippiCopy_##ippfavor((const ipptype *)src, (int)sstep, (ipptype *)dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), (const Ipp8u *)mask, (int)mstep) >= 0) \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiCopy_##ippfavor((const ipptype *)src, (int)sstep, (ipptype *)dst, (int)dstep, ippiSize(size), (const Ipp8u *)mask, (int)mstep) >= 0)\
copyMask_<type>(src, sstep, mask, mstep, dst, dstep, size); \
@ -319,17 +291,7 @@ void Mat::copyTo( OutputArray _dst ) const
Size sz = getContinuousSize(*this, dst);
size_t len = sz.width*elemSize();
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (ippiCopy_8u_C1R(sptr, (int)step, dptr, (int)dst.step, ippiSize((int)len, sz.height)) >= 0)
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ippiCopy_8u_C1R(sptr, (int)step, dptr, (int)dst.step, ippiSize((int)len, sz.height)) >= 0)
for( ; sz.height--; sptr += step, dptr += dst.step )
memcpy( dptr, sptr, len );
@ -461,98 +423,101 @@ Mat& Mat::operator = (const Scalar& s)
return *this;
Mat& Mat::setTo(InputArray _value, InputArray _mask)
#if defined HAVE_IPP
static bool ipp_Mat_setTo(Mat *src, InputArray _value, InputArray _mask)
if( empty() )
return *this;
Mat value = _value.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
int cn = src->channels(), depth0 = src->depth();
CV_Assert( checkScalar(value, type(), _value.kind(), _InputArray::MAT ));
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && size == mask.size) );
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (!mask.empty() && (src->dims <= 2 || (src->isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())) &&
(/*depth0 == CV_8U ||*/ depth0 == CV_16U || depth0 == CV_16S || depth0 == CV_32S || depth0 == CV_32F) &&
(cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4))
int cn = channels(), depth0 = depth();
uchar _buf[32];
void * buf = _buf;
convertAndUnrollScalar( value, src->type(), _buf, 1 );
if (!mask.empty() && (dims <= 2 || (isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())) &&
(/*depth0 == CV_8U ||*/ depth0 == CV_16U || depth0 == CV_16S || depth0 == CV_32S || depth0 == CV_32F) &&
(cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4))
uchar _buf[32];
void * buf = _buf;
convertAndUnrollScalar( value, type(), _buf, 1 );
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { src->cols, src->rows };
int mstep = (int)mask.step[0], dstep = (int)src->step[0];
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { cols, rows };
int mstep = (int)mask.step[0], dstep = (int)step[0];
if (src->isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
roisize.width = (int)src->total();
roisize.height = 1;
if (isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
roisize.width = (int)total();
roisize.height = 1;
if (cn == 1)
/*if (depth0 == CV_8U)
status = ippiSet_8u_C1MR(*(Ipp8u *)buf, (Ipp8u *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else*/ if (depth0 == CV_16U)
status = ippiSet_16u_C1MR(*(Ipp16u *)buf, (Ipp16u *)src->data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_16S)
status = ippiSet_16s_C1MR(*(Ipp16s *)buf, (Ipp16s *)src->data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32S)
status = ippiSet_32s_C1MR(*(Ipp32s *)buf, (Ipp32s *)src->data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32F)
status = ippiSet_32f_C1MR(*(Ipp32f *)buf, (Ipp32f *)src->data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (cn == 3 || cn == 4)
if (cn == 1)
/*if (depth0 == CV_8U)
status = ippiSet_8u_C1MR(*(Ipp8u *)buf, (Ipp8u *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else*/ if (depth0 == CV_16U)
status = ippiSet_16u_C1MR(*(Ipp16u *)buf, (Ipp16u *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_16S)
status = ippiSet_16s_C1MR(*(Ipp16s *)buf, (Ipp16s *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32S)
status = ippiSet_32s_C1MR(*(Ipp32s *)buf, (Ipp32s *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (depth0 == CV_32F)
status = ippiSet_32f_C1MR(*(Ipp32f *)buf, (Ipp32f *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep);
else if (cn == 3 || cn == 4)
#define IPP_SET(ippfavor, ippcn) \
do \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ipptype; \
ipptype ippvalue[4] = { ((ipptype *)buf)[0], ((ipptype *)buf)[1], ((ipptype *)buf)[2], ((ipptype *)buf)[3] }; \
status = ippiSet_##ippfavor##_C##ippcn##MR(ippvalue, (ipptype *)data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep); \
} while ((void)0, 0)
do \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ipptype; \
ipptype ippvalue[4] = { ((ipptype *)buf)[0], ((ipptype *)buf)[1], ((ipptype *)buf)[2], ((ipptype *)buf)[3] }; \
status = ippiSet_##ippfavor##_C##ippcn##MR(ippvalue, (ipptype *)src->data, dstep, roisize, mask.data, mstep); \
} while ((void)0, 0)
#define IPP_SET_CN(ippcn) \
do \
{ \
if (cn == ippcn) \
do \
{ \
/*if (depth0 == CV_8U) \
IPP_SET(8u, ippcn); \
else*/ if (depth0 == CV_16U) \
IPP_SET(16u, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_16S) \
IPP_SET(16s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32S) \
IPP_SET(32s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32F) \
IPP_SET(32f, ippcn); \
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
if (cn == ippcn) \
{ \
/*if (depth0 == CV_8U) \
IPP_SET(8u, ippcn); \
else*/ if (depth0 == CV_16U) \
IPP_SET(16u, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_16S) \
IPP_SET(16s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32S) \
IPP_SET(32s, ippcn); \
else if (depth0 == CV_32F) \
IPP_SET(32f, ippcn); \
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
#undef IPP_SET_CN
#undef IPP_SET
if (status >= 0)
return *this;
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
Mat& Mat::setTo(InputArray _value, InputArray _mask)
if( empty() )
return *this;
Mat value = _value.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
CV_Assert( checkScalar(value, type(), _value.kind(), _InputArray::MAT ));
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.type() == CV_8U && size == mask.size) );
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_Mat_setTo((cv::Mat*)this, _value, _mask), *this)
size_t esz = elemSize();
BinaryFunc copymask = getCopyMaskFunc(esz);
@ -725,6 +690,80 @@ static bool ocl_flip(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int flipCode )
#if defined HAVE_IPP
static bool ipp_flip( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int flip_mode )
Size size = _src.size();
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int type = src.type();
_dst.create( size, type );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMirror)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiAxis flip);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMirrorI)(const void * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiAxis flip);
ippiMirror ippFunc = 0;
ippiMirrorI ippFuncI = 0;
if (src.data == dst.data)
ippFuncI =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C1IR :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C3IR :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C4IR :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C1IR :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C3IR :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C4IR :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C1IR :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C3IR :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C4IR :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C1IR :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C3IR :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C4IR :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C1IR :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C3IR :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C4IR : 0;
ippFunc =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C3R :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C4R :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C1R :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C3R :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C4R :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C1R :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C3R :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C4R :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C1R :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C3R :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C4R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C3R :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C4R : 0;
IppiAxis axis = flip_mode == 0 ? ippAxsHorizontal :
flip_mode > 0 ? ippAxsVertical : ippAxsBoth;
IppiSize roisize = { dst.cols, dst.rows };
if (ippFunc != 0)
if (ippFunc(src.ptr(), (int)src.step, dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, ippiSize(src.cols, src.rows), axis) >= 0)
return true;
else if (ippFuncI != 0)
if (ippFuncI(dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roisize, axis) >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void flip( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int flip_mode )
CV_Assert( _src.dims() <= 2 );
@ -747,85 +786,15 @@ void flip( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int flip_mode )
CV_OCL_RUN( _dst.isUMat(), ocl_flip(_src, _dst, flip_mode))
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_flip(_src, _dst, flip_mode));
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int type = src.type();
_dst.create( size, type );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
size_t esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
#if defined HAVE_IPP
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMirror)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiAxis flip);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMirrorI)(const void * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiAxis flip);
ippiMirror ippFunc = 0;
ippiMirrorI ippFuncI = 0;
if (src.data == dst.data)
ippFuncI =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C1IR :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C3IR :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_8u_C4IR :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C1IR :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C3IR :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16u_C4IR :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C1IR :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C3IR :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_16s_C4IR :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C1IR :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C3IR :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32s_C4IR :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C1IR :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C3IR :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMirrorI)ippiMirror_32f_C4IR : 0;
ippFunc =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C3R :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_8u_C4R :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C1R :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C3R :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16u_C4R :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C1R :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C3R :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_16s_C4R :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C1R :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C3R :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32s_C4R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C3R :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiMirror)ippiMirror_32f_C4R : 0;
IppiAxis axis = flip_mode == 0 ? ippAxsHorizontal :
flip_mode > 0 ? ippAxsVertical : ippAxsBoth;
IppiSize roisize = { dst.cols, dst.rows };
if (ippFunc != 0)
if (ippFunc(src.ptr(), (int)src.step, dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, ippiSize(src.cols, src.rows), axis) >= 0)
else if (ippFuncI != 0)
if (ippFuncI(dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roisize, axis) >= 0)
if( flip_mode <= 0 )
flipVert( src.ptr(), src.step, dst.ptr(), dst.step, src.size(), esz );

@ -3088,8 +3088,78 @@ static bool ocl_transpose( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
static bool ipp_transpose( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst )
int type = _src.type();
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiTranspose)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiTransposeI)(const void * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiTranspose ippFunc = 0;
ippiTransposeI ippFuncI = 0;
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
Mat src = _src.getMat();
if (dst.data == src.data && dst.cols == dst.rows)
ippFuncI =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C1IR :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C3IR :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C4IR :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C1IR :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C3IR :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C4IR :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C1IR :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C3IR :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C4IR :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C1IR :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C3IR :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C4IR :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C1IR :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C3IR :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C4IR : 0;
ippFunc =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C3R :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C4R :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C1R :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C3R :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C4R :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C1R :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C3R :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C4R :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C1R :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C3R :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C4R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C3R :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C4R : 0;
IppiSize roiSize = { src.cols, src.rows };
if (ippFunc != 0)
if (ippFunc(src.ptr(), (int)src.step, dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roiSize) >= 0)
return true;
else if (ippFuncI != 0)
if (ippFuncI(dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roiSize) >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::transpose( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst )
int type = _src.type(), esz = CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
@ -3116,76 +3186,8 @@ void cv::transpose( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst )
#if defined HAVE_IPP
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiTranspose)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiTransposeI)(const void * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiTranspose ippFunc = 0;
ippiTransposeI ippFuncI = 0;
if (dst.data == src.data && dst.cols == dst.rows)
ippFuncI =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C1IR :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C3IR :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_8u_C4IR :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C1IR :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C3IR :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16u_C4IR :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C1IR :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C3IR :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_16s_C4IR :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C1IR :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C3IR :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32s_C4IR :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C1IR :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C3IR :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiTransposeI)ippiTranspose_32f_C4IR : 0;
ippFunc =
type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C3R :
type == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_8u_C4R :
type == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C1R :
type == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C3R :
type == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16u_C4R :
type == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C1R :
type == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C3R :
type == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_16s_C4R :
type == CV_32SC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C1R :
type == CV_32SC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C3R :
type == CV_32SC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32s_C4R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C3R :
type == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiTranspose)ippiTranspose_32f_C4R : 0;
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_transpose(_src, _dst))
IppiSize roiSize = { src.cols, src.rows };
if (ippFunc != 0)
if (ippFunc(src.ptr(), (int)src.step, dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roiSize) >= 0)
else if (ippFuncI != 0)
if (ippFuncI(dst.ptr(), (int)dst.step, roiSize) >= 0)
if( dst.data == src.data )

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
#define GET_OPTIMIZED(func) (func)
namespace cv

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -843,78 +843,87 @@ static bool ocl_accumulate( InputArray _src, InputArray _src2, InputOutputArray
void cv::accumulate( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_accumulate(InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask)
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, 0.0, _mask, ACCUMULATE))
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && (mask.empty() || mask.isContinuous())))
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && (mask.empty() || mask.isContinuous())))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAdd)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAdd ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAdd)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAdd ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddMask ippFuncMask = 0;
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAdd)ippiAdd_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddMask)ippiAdd_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr;
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (mask.empty())
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (ippFunc)
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
else if(ippFuncMask)
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::accumulate( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, 0.0, _mask, ACCUMULATE))
CV_IPP_RUN((_src.dims() <= 2 || (_src.isContinuous() && _dst.isContinuous() && (_mask.empty() || _mask.isContinuous()))),
ipp_accumulate(_src, _dst, _mask));
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
int fidx = getAccTabIdx(sdepth, ddepth);
AccFunc func = fidx >= 0 ? accTab[fidx] : 0;
CV_Assert( func != 0 );
@ -928,76 +937,84 @@ void cv::accumulate( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
func(ptrs[0], ptrs[1], ptrs[2], len, scn);
void cv::accumulateSquare( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_accumulate_square(InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask)
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, 0.0, _mask, ACCUMULATE_SQUARE))
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && (mask.empty() || mask.isContinuous())))
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && (mask.empty() || mask.isContinuous())))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddSquare)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddSquareMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAddSquare ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddSquareMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddSquare)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddSquareMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAddSquare ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddSquareMask ippFuncMask = 0;
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquare)ippiAddSquare_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddSquareMask)ippiAddSquare_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr;
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (mask.empty())
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (ippFunc)
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
else if(ippFuncMask)
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::accumulateSquare( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, 0.0, _mask, ACCUMULATE_SQUARE))
CV_IPP_RUN((_src.dims() <= 2 || (_src.isContinuous() && _dst.isContinuous() && (_mask.empty() || _mask.isContinuous()))),
ipp_accumulate_square(_src, _dst, _mask));
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
int fidx = getAccTabIdx(sdepth, ddepth);
AccFunc func = fidx >= 0 ? accSqrTab[fidx] : 0;
CV_Assert( func != 0 );
@ -1011,6 +1028,74 @@ void cv::accumulateSquare( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _m
func(ptrs[0], ptrs[1], ptrs[2], len, scn);
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_accumulate_product(InputArray _src1, InputArray _src2,
InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask)
int stype = _src1.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
Mat src1 = _src1.getMat(), src2 = _src2.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
if (src1.dims <= 2 || (src1.isContinuous() && src2.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous()))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddProduct)(const void * pSrc1, int src1Step, const void * pSrc2,
int src2Step, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddProductMask)(const void * pSrc1, int src1Step, const void * pSrc2, int src2Step,
const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAddProduct ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddProductMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
Size size = src1.size();
int src1step = (int)src1.step, src2step = (int)src2.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src1.isContinuous() && src2.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
src1step = static_cast<int>(src1.total() * src1.elemSize());
src2step = static_cast<int>(src2.total() * src2.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src1.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (ippFunc)
status = ippFunc(src1.ptr(), src1step, src2.ptr(), src2step, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(),
dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
else if(ippFuncMask)
status = ippFuncMask(src1.ptr(), src1step, src2.ptr(), src2step, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::accumulateProduct( InputArray _src1, InputArray _src2,
InputOutputArray _dst, InputArray _mask )
@ -1024,67 +1109,10 @@ void cv::accumulateProduct( InputArray _src1, InputArray _src2,
CV_OCL_RUN(_src1.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src1, _src2, _dst, 0.0, _mask, ACCUMULATE_PRODUCT))
Mat src1 = _src1.getMat(), src2 = _src2.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
if (src1.dims <= 2 || (src1.isContinuous() && src2.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous()))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddProduct)(const void * pSrc1, int src1Step, const void * pSrc2,
int src2Step, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddProductMask)(const void * pSrc1, int src1Step, const void * pSrc2, int src2Step,
const Ipp8u * pMask, int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize);
ippiAddProduct ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddProductMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProduct)ippiAddProduct_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddProductMask)ippiAddProduct_32f_C1IMR : 0;
CV_IPP_RUN( (_src1.dims() <= 2 || (_src1.isContinuous() && _src2.isContinuous() && _dst.isContinuous())),
ipp_accumulate_product(_src1, _src2, _dst, _mask));
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr;
Size size = src1.size();
int src1step = (int)src1.step, src2step = (int)src2.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src1.isContinuous() && src2.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
src1step = static_cast<int>(src1.total() * src1.elemSize());
src2step = static_cast<int>(src2.total() * src2.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>(src1.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (mask.empty())
status = ippFunc(src1.ptr(), src1step, src2.ptr(), src2step, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(),
dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
status = ippFuncMask(src1.ptr(), src1step, src2.ptr(), src2step, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height));
if (status >= 0)
Mat src1 = _src1.getMat(), src2 = _src2.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
int fidx = getAccTabIdx(sdepth, ddepth);
AccProdFunc func = fidx >= 0 ? accProdTab[fidx] : 0;
@ -1099,79 +1127,89 @@ void cv::accumulateProduct( InputArray _src1, InputArray _src2,
func(ptrs[0], ptrs[1], ptrs[2], ptrs[3], len, scn);
void cv::accumulateWeighted( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst,
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_accumulate_weighted( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst,
double alpha, InputArray _mask )
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, alpha, _mask, ACCUMULATE_WEIGHTED))
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous()))
if (src.dims <= 2 || (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous()))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddWeighted)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep,
IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32f alpha);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddWeightedMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask,
int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32f alpha);
ippiAddWeighted ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddWeightedMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddWeighted)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst, int srcdstStep,
IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32f alpha);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiAddWeightedMask)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, const Ipp8u * pMask,
int maskStep, Ipp32f * pSrcDst,
int srcDstStep, IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32f alpha);
ippiAddWeighted ippFunc = 0;
ippiAddWeightedMask ippFuncMask = 0;
if (mask.empty())
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_32f_C1IMR : 0;
ippFunc = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_8u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_16u32f_C1IR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeighted)ippiAddWeighted_32f_C1IR : 0;
else if (scn == 1)
ippFuncMask = sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_8u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_16u32f_C1IMR :
sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F ? (ippiAddWeightedMask)ippiAddWeighted_32f_C1IMR : 0;
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
if (ippFunc || ippFuncMask)
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
IppStatus status = ippStsNoErr;
Size size = src.size();
int srcstep = (int)src.step, dststep = (int)dst.step, maskstep = (int)mask.step;
if (src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous() && mask.isContinuous())
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>((int)src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (mask.empty())
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), (Ipp32f)alpha);
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), (Ipp32f)alpha);
if (status >= 0)
srcstep = static_cast<int>(src.total() * src.elemSize());
dststep = static_cast<int>(dst.total() * dst.elemSize());
maskstep = static_cast<int>(mask.total() * mask.elemSize());
size.width = static_cast<int>((int)src.total());
size.height = 1;
size.width *= scn;
if (ippFunc)
status = ippFunc(src.ptr(), srcstep, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), (Ipp32f)alpha);
else if(ippFuncMask)
status = ippFuncMask(src.ptr(), srcstep, mask.ptr<Ipp8u>(), maskstep,
dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), dststep, ippiSize(size.width, size.height), (Ipp32f)alpha);
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::accumulateWeighted( InputArray _src, InputOutputArray _dst,
double alpha, InputArray _mask )
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), scn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int dtype = _dst.type(), ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), dcn = CV_MAT_CN(dtype);
CV_Assert( _src.sameSize(_dst) && dcn == scn );
CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_src.sameSize(_mask) && _mask.type() == CV_8U) );
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_accumulate(_src, noArray(), _dst, alpha, _mask, ACCUMULATE_WEIGHTED))
CV_IPP_RUN((_src.dims() <= 2 || (_src.isContinuous() && _dst.isContinuous() && _mask.isContinuous())), ipp_accumulate_weighted(_src, _dst, alpha, _mask));
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat(), mask = _mask.getMat();
int fidx = getAccTabIdx(sdepth, ddepth);
AccWFunc func = fidx >= 0 ? accWTab[fidx] : 0;
CV_Assert( func != 0 );

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -523,16 +523,16 @@ static bool ocl_preCornerDetect( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ksize, i
void cv::cornerMinEigenVal( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_cornerMinEigenValVecs(_src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, 0.0, borderType, MINEIGENVAL))
static bool ipp_cornerMinEigenVal( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType )
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
#if defined(HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8)
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMinEigenValGetBufferSize)(IppiSize, int, int, int*);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiMinEigenVal)(const void*, int, Ipp32f*, int, IppiSize, IppiKernelType, int, int, Ipp8u*);
@ -583,28 +583,57 @@ void cv::cornerMinEigenVal( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, in
if (ok >= 0)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(blockSize); CV_UNUSED(borderType);
cornerEigenValsVecs( src, dst, blockSize, ksize, MINEIGENVAL, 0, borderType );
return false;
void cv::cornerHarris( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType )
void cv::cornerMinEigenVal( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, int borderType )
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_cornerMinEigenValVecs(_src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, k, borderType, HARRIS))
ocl_cornerMinEigenValVecs(_src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, 0.0, borderType, MINEIGENVAL))
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int kerSize = ksize;
if (ksize < 0)
kerSize = 3;
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
CV_IPP_RUN(((borderTypeNI == BORDER_REPLICATE && (!_src.isSubmatrix() || isolated)) &&
(kerSize == 3 || kerSize == 5) && (blockSize == 3 || blockSize == 5)) && IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8,
ipp_cornerMinEigenVal( _src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, borderType ));
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
cornerEigenValsVecs( src, dst, blockSize, ksize, MINEIGENVAL, 0, borderType );
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_cornerHarris( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType )
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
int type = src.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
@ -643,14 +672,38 @@ void cv::cornerHarris( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksi
if (status >= 0)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(blockSize); CV_UNUSED(ksize); CV_UNUSED(k); CV_UNUSED(borderType);
return false;
void cv::cornerHarris( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int blockSize, int ksize, double k, int borderType )
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_cornerMinEigenValVecs(_src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, k, borderType, HARRIS))
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
CV_IPP_RUN(((ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && (_src.type() == CV_8UC1 || _src.type() == CV_32FC1) &&
(borderTypeNI == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderTypeNI == BORDER_REPLICATE) && CV_MAT_CN(_src.type()) == 1 &&
(!_src.isSubmatrix() || isolated)) && IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0, ipp_cornerHarris( _src, _dst, blockSize, ksize, k, borderType ));
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
cornerEigenValsVecs( src, dst, blockSize, ksize, HARRIS, k, borderType );

@ -547,7 +547,39 @@ static bool IPPDerivSobel(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx,
return false;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
static bool ipp_sobel(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, int ksize, double scale, double delta, int borderType)
if (ksize < 0)
if (IPPDerivScharr(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, scale, delta, borderType))
return true;
else if (0 < ksize)
if (IPPDerivSobel(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize, scale, delta, borderType))
return true;
return false;
static bool ipp_scharr(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy, double scale, double delta, int borderType)
if (IPPDerivScharr(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, scale, delta, borderType))
return true;
return false;
@ -572,27 +604,10 @@ void cv::Sobel( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy,
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if (ksize < 0)
if (IPPDerivScharr(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, scale, delta, borderType))
else if (0 < ksize)
if (IPPDerivSobel(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize, scale, delta, borderType))
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_sobel(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, ksize, scale, delta, borderType));
int ktype = std::max(CV_32F, std::max(ddepth, sdepth));
Mat kx, ky;
@ -628,16 +643,10 @@ void cv::Scharr( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int dx, int dy,
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if (IPPDerivScharr(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, scale, delta, borderType))
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_scharr(_src, _dst, ddepth, dx, dy, scale, delta, borderType));
int ktype = std::max(CV_32F, std::max(ddepth, sdepth));
Mat kx, ky;
@ -799,33 +808,30 @@ static bool ocl_Laplacian5(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
void cv::Laplacian( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
double scale, double delta, int borderType )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_Laplacian(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
double scale, double delta, int borderType)
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
if (ddepth < 0)
ddepth = sdepth;
_dst.create( _src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, cn) );
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if ((ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && ((borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 || !_src.isSubmatrix()) &&
((stype == CV_8UC1 && ddepth == CV_16S) || (ddepth == CV_32F && stype == CV_32FC1)) && !ocl::useOpenCL())
int iscale = saturate_cast<int>(scale), idelta = saturate_cast<int>(delta);
bool floatScale = std::fabs(scale - iscale) > DBL_EPSILON, needScale = iscale != 1;
bool floatDelta = std::fabs(delta - idelta) > DBL_EPSILON, needDelta = delta != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat();
int iscale = saturate_cast<int>(scale), idelta = saturate_cast<int>(delta);
bool floatScale = std::fabs(scale - iscale) > DBL_EPSILON, needScale = iscale != 1;
bool floatDelta = std::fabs(delta - idelta) > DBL_EPSILON, needDelta = delta != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat();
if (src.data != dst.data)
Ipp32s bufsize;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppiMaskSize masksize = ksize == 3 ? ippMskSize3x3 : ippMskSize5x5;
IppiBorderType borderTypeIpp = ippiGetBorderType(borderTypeNI);
if (src.data != dst.data)
Ipp32s bufsize;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppiMaskSize masksize = ksize == 3 ? ippMskSize3x3 : ippMskSize5x5;
IppiBorderType borderTypeIpp = ippiGetBorderType(borderTypeNI);
#define IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(ippsrctype, ippdsttype, ippfavor) \
do \
@ -839,39 +845,51 @@ void cv::Laplacian( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
if (sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_16S && !floatScale && !floatDelta)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp8u, Ipp16s, 8u16s);
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)iscale, dst.ptr<Ipp16s>(), (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)idelta, dst.ptr<Ipp16s>(), (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
else if (sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp32f, Ipp32f, 32f);
if (sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_16S && !floatScale && !floatDelta)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp8u, Ipp16s, 8u16s);
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)scale, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)delta, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)iscale, dst.ptr<Ipp16s>(), (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)idelta, dst.ptr<Ipp16s>(), (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
else if (sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp32f, Ipp32f, 32f);
if (status >= 0)
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)scale, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)delta, dst.ptr<Ipp32f>(), (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::Laplacian( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
double scale, double delta, int borderType )
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
if (ddepth < 0)
ddepth = sdepth;
_dst.create( _src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, cn) );
CV_IPP_RUN((ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && ((borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 || !_src.isSubmatrix()) &&
((stype == CV_8UC1 && ddepth == CV_16S) || (ddepth == CV_32F && stype == CV_32FC1)) && (!cv::ocl::useOpenCL()),
ipp_Laplacian(_src, _dst, ddepth, ksize, scale, delta, borderType));
if (tegra::useTegra() && scale == 1.0 && delta == 0)

@ -4555,6 +4555,96 @@ cv::Ptr<cv::FilterEngine> cv::createLinearFilter( int _srcType, int _dstType,
_rowBorderType, _columnBorderType, _borderValue );
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
namespace cv
static bool ipp_filter2D( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
InputArray _kernel, Point anchor0,
double delta, int borderType )
Mat src = _src.getMat(), kernel = _kernel.getMat();
if( ddepth < 0 )
ddepth = src.depth();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, src.channels()) );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
Point anchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor0, kernel.size());
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiFilterBorder)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize dstRoiSize,
IppiBorderType border, const void * borderValue,
const IppiFilterBorderSpec* pSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);
int stype = src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype),
ktype = kernel.type(), kdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(ktype);
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
Point ippAnchor(kernel.cols >> 1, kernel.rows >> 1);
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
IppiBorderType ippBorderType = ippiGetBorderType(borderTypeNI);
if (borderTypeNI == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderTypeNI == BORDER_REPLICATE)
ippiFilterBorder ippFunc =
stype == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C1R :
stype == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C3R :
stype == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C4R :
stype == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C1R :
stype == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C3R :
stype == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C4R :
stype == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C1R :
stype == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C3R :
stype == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C4R :
stype == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C1R :
stype == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C3R :
stype == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C4R : 0;
if (sdepth == ddepth && (ktype == CV_16SC1 || ktype == CV_32FC1) &&
ippFunc && (int)ippBorderType >= 0 && (!src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) &&
std::fabs(delta - 0) < DBL_EPSILON && ippAnchor == anchor && dst.data != src.data)
IppiSize kernelSize = { kernel.cols, kernel.rows }, dstRoiSize = { dst.cols, dst.rows };
IppDataType dataType = ippiGetDataType(ddepth), kernelType = ippiGetDataType(kdepth);
Ipp32s specSize = 0, bufsize = 0;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
if ((status = ippiFilterBorderGetSize(kernelSize, dstRoiSize, dataType, kernelType, cn, &specSize, &bufsize)) >= 0)
IppiFilterBorderSpec * spec = (IppiFilterBorderSpec *)ippMalloc(specSize);
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufsize);
Ipp32f borderValue[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Mat reversedKernel;
flip(kernel, reversedKernel, -1);
if ((kdepth == CV_32F && (status = ippiFilterBorderInit_32f((const Ipp32f *)reversedKernel.data, kernelSize,
dataType, cn, ippRndFinancial, spec)) >= 0 ) ||
(kdepth == CV_16S && (status = ippiFilterBorderInit_16s((const Ipp16s *)reversedKernel.data,
kernelSize, 0, dataType, cn, ippRndFinancial, spec)) >= 0))
status = ippFunc(src.data, (int)src.step, dst.data, (int)dst.step, dstRoiSize,
ippBorderType, borderValue, spec, buffer);
if (status >= 0)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(ddepth); CV_UNUSED(_kernel), CV_UNUSED(anchor0), CV_UNUSED(delta), CV_UNUSED(borderType);
return false;
void cv::filter2D( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
InputArray _kernel, Point anchor0,
@ -4579,77 +4669,8 @@ void cv::filter2D( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
Point anchor = normalizeAnchor(anchor0, kernel.size());
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 > 0 && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiFilterBorder)(const void * pSrc, int srcStep, void * pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize dstRoiSize,
IppiBorderType border, const void * borderValue,
const IppiFilterBorderSpec* pSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);
int stype = src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype),
ktype = kernel.type(), kdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(ktype);
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
Point ippAnchor(kernel.cols >> 1, kernel.rows >> 1);
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
IppiBorderType ippBorderType = ippiGetBorderType(borderTypeNI);
if (borderTypeNI == BORDER_CONSTANT || borderTypeNI == BORDER_REPLICATE)
ippiFilterBorder ippFunc =
stype == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C1R :
stype == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C3R :
stype == CV_8UC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_8u_C4R :
stype == CV_16UC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C1R :
stype == CV_16UC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C3R :
stype == CV_16UC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16u_C4R :
stype == CV_16SC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C1R :
stype == CV_16SC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C3R :
stype == CV_16SC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_16s_C4R :
stype == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C1R :
stype == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C3R :
stype == CV_32FC4 ? (ippiFilterBorder)ippiFilterBorder_32f_C4R : 0;
if (sdepth == ddepth && (ktype == CV_16SC1 || ktype == CV_32FC1) &&
ippFunc && (int)ippBorderType >= 0 && (!src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) &&
std::fabs(delta - 0) < DBL_EPSILON && ippAnchor == anchor && dst.data != src.data)
IppiSize kernelSize = { kernel.cols, kernel.rows }, dstRoiSize = { dst.cols, dst.rows };
IppDataType dataType = ippiGetDataType(ddepth), kernelType = ippiGetDataType(kdepth);
Ipp32s specSize = 0, bufsize = 0;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
if ((status = ippiFilterBorderGetSize(kernelSize, dstRoiSize, dataType, kernelType, cn, &specSize, &bufsize)) >= 0)
IppiFilterBorderSpec * spec = (IppiFilterBorderSpec *)ippMalloc(specSize);
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufsize);
Ipp32f borderValue[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Mat reversedKernel;
flip(kernel, reversedKernel, -1);
if ((kdepth == CV_32F && (status = ippiFilterBorderInit_32f((const Ipp32f *)reversedKernel.data, kernelSize,
dataType, cn, ippRndFinancial, spec)) >= 0 ) ||
(kdepth == CV_16S && (status = ippiFilterBorderInit_16s((const Ipp16s *)reversedKernel.data,
kernelSize, 0, dataType, cn, ippRndFinancial, spec)) >= 0))
status = ippFunc(src.data, (int)src.step, dst.data, (int)dst.step, dstRoiSize,
ippBorderType, borderValue, spec, buffer);
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_filter2D(_src, _dst, ddepth, _kernel, anchor0, delta, borderType));
if (status >= 0)
if( tegra::useTegra() && tegra::filter2D(src, dst, kernel, anchor, delta, borderType) )

@ -1220,7 +1220,10 @@ private:
void cv::calcHist( const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels,
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_calchist(const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels,
InputArray _mask, OutputArray _hist, int dims, const int* histSize,
const float** ranges, bool uniform, bool accumulate )
@ -1228,13 +1231,10 @@ void cv::calcHist( const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels,
CV_Assert(dims > 0 && histSize);
const uchar* const histdata = _hist.getMat().ptr();
_hist.create(dims, histSize, CV_32F);
Mat hist = _hist.getMat(), ihist = hist;
ihist.flags = (ihist.flags & ~CV_MAT_TYPE_MASK)|CV_32S;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
if (nimages == 1 && images[0].type() == CV_8UC1 && dims == 1 && channels &&
channels[0] == 0 && mask.empty() && images[0].dims <= 2 &&
@ -1256,14 +1256,37 @@ void cv::calcHist( const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels,
if (ok)
ihist.convertTo(hist, CV_32F);
return true;
return false;
void cv::calcHist( const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels,
InputArray _mask, OutputArray _hist, int dims, const int* histSize,
const float** ranges, bool uniform, bool accumulate )
CV_IPP_RUN(nimages == 1 && images[0].type() == CV_8UC1 && dims == 1 && channels &&
channels[0] == 0 && _mask.getMat().empty() && images[0].dims <= 2 &&
!accumulate && uniform,
ipp_calchist(images, nimages, channels,
_mask, _hist, dims, histSize,
ranges, uniform, accumulate));
Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
CV_Assert(dims > 0 && histSize);
const uchar* const histdata = _hist.getMat().ptr();
_hist.create(dims, histSize, CV_32F);
Mat hist = _hist.getMat(), ihist = hist;
ihist.flags = (ihist.flags & ~CV_MAT_TYPE_MASK)|CV_32S;
if( !accumulate || histdata != hist.data )
hist = Scalar(0.);

@ -3092,10 +3092,34 @@ static bool ocl_resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 701
static bool ipp_resize_mt( Mat src, Mat dst,
double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y, int interpolation)
int mode = -1;
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && src.rows >= 2 && src.cols >= 2)
mode = ippLinear;
else if (interpolation == INTER_CUBIC && src.rows >= 4 && src.cols >= 4)
mode = ippCubic;
return false;
bool ok = true;
Range range(0, src.rows);
IPPresizeInvoker invoker(src, dst, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y, mode, &ok);
parallel_for_(range, invoker, dst.total()/(double)(1<<16));
if( ok )
return true;
return false;
void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
double inv_scale_x, double inv_scale_y, int interpolation )
@ -3219,6 +3243,17 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
inv_scale_y = (double)dsize.height/ssize.height;
int type = _src.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
double scale_x = 1./inv_scale_x, scale_y = 1./inv_scale_y;
int iscale_x = saturate_cast<int>(scale_x);
int iscale_y = saturate_cast<int>(scale_y);
bool is_area_fast = std::abs(scale_x - iscale_x) < DBL_EPSILON &&
std::abs(scale_y - iscale_y) < DBL_EPSILON;
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat() && _src.cols() > 10 && _src.rows() > 10,
ocl_resize(_src, _dst, dsize, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y, interpolation))
@ -3231,53 +3266,23 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
int type = src.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
double scale_x = 1./inv_scale_x, scale_y = 1./inv_scale_y;
int k, sx, sy, dx, dy;
int iscale_x = saturate_cast<int>(scale_x);
int iscale_y = saturate_cast<int>(scale_y);
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int mode = -1;
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && _src.rows() >= 2 && _src.cols() >= 2)
else if (interpolation == INTER_CUBIC && _src.rows() >= 4 && _src.cols() >= 4)
bool is_area_fast = std::abs(scale_x - iscale_x) < DBL_EPSILON &&
std::abs(scale_y - iscale_y) < DBL_EPSILON;
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 701
#define IPP_RESIZE_EPS 1e-10
double ex = fabs((double)dsize.width / src.cols - inv_scale_x) / inv_scale_x;
double ey = fabs((double)dsize.height / src.rows - inv_scale_y) / inv_scale_y;
if ( ((ex < IPP_RESIZE_EPS && ey < IPP_RESIZE_EPS && depth != CV_64F) || (ex == 0 && ey == 0 && depth == CV_64F)) &&
(interpolation == INTER_LINEAR || interpolation == INTER_CUBIC) &&
!(interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && is_area_fast && iscale_x == 2 && iscale_y == 2 && depth == CV_8U))
int mode = -1;
if (interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && src.rows >= 2 && src.cols >= 2)
mode = ippLinear;
else if (interpolation == INTER_CUBIC && src.rows >= 4 && src.cols >= 4)
mode = ippCubic;
if( mode >= 0 && (cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4) &&
(depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_16S || depth == CV_32F ||
(depth == CV_64F && mode == ippLinear)))
bool ok = true;
Range range(0, src.rows);
IPPresizeInvoker invoker(src, dst, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y, mode, &ok);
parallel_for_(range, invoker, dst.total()/(double)(1<<16));
if( ok )
const double IPP_RESIZE_EPS = 1e-10;
double ex = fabs((double)dsize.width / _src.cols() - inv_scale_x) / inv_scale_x;
double ey = fabs((double)dsize.height / _src.rows() - inv_scale_y) / inv_scale_y;
CV_IPP_RUN(IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 701 && ((ex < IPP_RESIZE_EPS && ey < IPP_RESIZE_EPS && depth != CV_64F) || (ex == 0 && ey == 0 && depth == CV_64F)) &&
(interpolation == INTER_LINEAR || interpolation == INTER_CUBIC) &&
!(interpolation == INTER_LINEAR && is_area_fast && iscale_x == 2 && iscale_y == 2 && depth == CV_8U) &&
mode >= 0 && (cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4) && (depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_16S || depth == CV_32F ||
(depth == CV_64F && mode == INTER_LINEAR)), ipp_resize_mt(src, dst, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y, interpolation))
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
@ -3285,6 +3290,9 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
int k, sx, sy, dx, dy;
// in case of scale_x && scale_y is equal to 2
// INTER_AREA (fast) also is equal to INTER_LINEAR
@ -3474,6 +3482,7 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
* General warping (affine, perspective, remap) *

@ -1711,16 +1711,9 @@ static void morphOp( int op, InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
iterations = 1;
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801
if( IPPMorphOp(op, _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue) )
CV_IPP_RUN(IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801, IPPMorphOp(op, _src, _dst, kernel, anchor, iterations, borderType, borderValue))
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), src.type() );

@ -1166,65 +1166,92 @@ static bool ocl_pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int
void cv::pyrDown( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
CV_Assert(borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT);
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_pyrDown(_src, _dst, _dsz, borderType))
static bool ipp_pyrdown( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size((_src.cols() + 1)/2, (_src.rows() + 1)/2) : _dsz;
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Mat src = _src.getMat();
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size((src.cols + 1)/2, (src.rows + 1)/2) : _dsz;
_dst.create( dsz, src.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
int depth = src.depth();
if(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT && tegra::useTegra() && tegra::pyrDown(src, dst))
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
if (borderTypeNI == BORDER_DEFAULT && (!src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) && dsz == Size((src.cols + 1)/2, (src.rows + 1)/2))
if (borderTypeNI == BORDER_DEFAULT && (!src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) && dsz == Size(src.cols*2, src.rows*2))
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiPyrDown)(const void* pSrc, int srcStep, void* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcRoi, Ipp8u* buffer);
typedef IppStatus (CV_STDCALL * ippiPyrUp)(const void* pSrc, int srcStep, void* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcRoi, Ipp8u* buffer);
int type = src.type();
ippiPyrDown pyrDownFunc = type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiPyrDown) ippiPyrDown_Gauss5x5_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiPyrDown) ippiPyrDown_Gauss5x5_8u_C3R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiPyrDown) ippiPyrDown_Gauss5x5_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiPyrDown) ippiPyrDown_Gauss5x5_32f_C3R : 0;
ippiPyrUp pyrUpFunc = type == CV_8UC1 ? (ippiPyrUp) ippiPyrUp_Gauss5x5_8u_C1R :
type == CV_8UC3 ? (ippiPyrUp) ippiPyrUp_Gauss5x5_8u_C3R :
type == CV_32FC1 ? (ippiPyrUp) ippiPyrUp_Gauss5x5_32f_C1R :
type == CV_32FC3 ? (ippiPyrUp) ippiPyrUp_Gauss5x5_32f_C3R : 0;
if (pyrDownFunc)
if (pyrUpFunc)
int bufferSize;
IppiSize srcRoi = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppDataType dataType = depth == CV_8U ? ipp8u : ipp32f;
IppStatus ok = ippiPyrDownGetBufSize_Gauss5x5(srcRoi.width, dataType, src.channels(), &bufferSize);
IppStatus ok = ippiPyrUpGetBufSize_Gauss5x5(srcRoi.width, dataType, src.channels(), &bufferSize);
if (ok >= 0)
Ipp8u* buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufferSize);
ok = pyrDownFunc(src.data, (int) src.step, dst.data, (int) dst.step, srcRoi, buffer);
ok = pyrUpFunc(src.data, (int) src.step, dst.data, (int) dst.step, srcRoi, buffer);
if (ok >= 0)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(_dsz); CV_UNUSED(borderType);
return false;
void cv::pyrDown( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
CV_Assert(borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT);
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_pyrDown(_src, _dst, _dsz, borderType))
Mat src = _src.getMat();
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size((src.cols + 1)/2, (src.rows + 1)/2) : _dsz;
_dst.create( dsz, src.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
int depth = src.depth();
if(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT && tegra::useTegra() && tegra::pyrDown(src, dst))
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
CV_IPP_RUN(borderTypeNI == BORDER_DEFAULT && (!_src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) && dsz == Size((_src.cols() + 1)/2, (_src.rows() + 1)/2),
ipp_pyrdown( _src, _dst, _dsz, borderType));
PyrFunc func = 0;
if( depth == CV_8U )
@ -1243,26 +1270,21 @@ void cv::pyrDown( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borde
func( src, dst, borderType );
void cv::pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
CV_Assert(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT);
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_pyrUp(_src, _dst, _dsz, borderType))
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_pyrup( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
Size sz = _src.dims() <= 2 ? _src.size() : Size();
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size(_src.cols()*2, _src.rows()*2) : _dsz;
Mat src = _src.getMat();
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size(src.cols*2, src.rows*2) : _dsz;
_dst.create( dsz, src.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
int depth = src.depth();
if(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT && tegra::useTegra() && tegra::pyrUp(src, dst))
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
@ -1294,15 +1316,47 @@ void cv::pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderT
if (ok >= 0)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(_dsz); CV_UNUSED(borderType);
return false;
void cv::pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderType )
CV_Assert(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT);
CV_OCL_RUN(_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
ocl_pyrUp(_src, _dst, _dsz, borderType))
Mat src = _src.getMat();
Size dsz = _dsz.area() == 0 ? Size(src.cols*2, src.rows*2) : _dsz;
_dst.create( dsz, src.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
int depth = src.depth();
if(borderType == BORDER_DEFAULT && tegra::useTegra() && tegra::pyrUp(src, dst))
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
CV_IPP_RUN(borderTypeNI == BORDER_DEFAULT && (!_src.isSubmatrix() || isolated) && dsz == Size(_src.cols()*2, _src.rows()*2),
ipp_pyrup( _src, _dst, _dsz, borderType));
PyrFunc func = 0;
if( depth == CV_8U )
func = pyrUp_<FixPtCast<uchar, 6>, PyrUpVec_32s8u >;
@ -1320,28 +1374,19 @@ void cv::pyrUp( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const Size& _dsz, int borderT
func( src, dst, borderType );
void cv::buildPyramid( InputArray _src, OutputArrayOfArrays _dst, int maxlevel, int borderType )
CV_Assert(borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT);
if (_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMatVector())
UMat src = _src.getUMat();
_dst.create( maxlevel + 1, 1, 0 );
_dst.getUMatRef(0) = src;
for( int i = 1; i <= maxlevel; i++ )
pyrDown( _dst.getUMatRef(i-1), _dst.getUMatRef(i), Size(), borderType );
#if 0 //#ifdef HAVE_IPP
namespace cv
static bool ipp_buildpyramid( InputArray _src, OutputArrayOfArrays _dst, int maxlevel, int borderType )
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( maxlevel + 1, 1, 0 );
_dst.getMatRef(0) = src;
int i=1;
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
@ -1414,8 +1459,8 @@ void cv::buildPyramid( InputArray _src, OutputArrayOfArrays _dst, int maxlevel,
if (ok < 0)
return false;
@ -1425,13 +1470,52 @@ void cv::buildPyramid( InputArray _src, OutputArrayOfArrays _dst, int maxlevel,
return false;
return true;
return false;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_dst); CV_UNUSED(maxlevel); CV_UNUSED(borderType);
return false;
void cv::buildPyramid( InputArray _src, OutputArrayOfArrays _dst, int maxlevel, int borderType )
CV_Assert(borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT);
if (_src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMatVector())
UMat src = _src.getUMat();
_dst.create( maxlevel + 1, 1, 0 );
_dst.getUMatRef(0) = src;
for( int i = 1; i <= maxlevel; i++ )
pyrDown( _dst.getUMatRef(i-1), _dst.getUMatRef(i), Size(), borderType );
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( maxlevel + 1, 1, 0 );
_dst.getMatRef(0) = src;
int i=1;
#if (IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0)
bool isolated = (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
CV_IPP_RUN(((IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0) && (borderTypeNI == BORDER_DEFAULT && (!_src.isSubmatrix() || isolated))),
ipp_buildpyramid( _src, _dst, maxlevel, borderType));
for( ; i <= maxlevel; i++ )
pyrDown( _dst.getMatRef(i-1), _dst.getMatRef(i), Size(), borderType );

@ -1303,17 +1303,24 @@ cv::Ptr<cv::FilterEngine> cv::createBoxFilter( int srcType, int dstType, Size ks
srcType, dstType, sumType, borderType );
void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_boxfilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
Size ksize, Point anchor,
bool normalize, int borderType )
CV_OCL_RUN(_dst.isUMat(), ocl_boxFilter(_src, _dst, ddepth, ksize, anchor, borderType, normalize))
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int stype = src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
int stype = _src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
if( ddepth < 0 )
ddepth = sdepth;
int ippBorderType = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Point ocvAnchor, ippAnchor;
ocvAnchor.x = anchor.x < 0 ? ksize.width / 2 : anchor.x;
ocvAnchor.y = anchor.y < 0 ? ksize.height / 2 : anchor.y;
ippAnchor.x = ksize.width / 2 - (ksize.width % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
ippAnchor.y = ksize.height / 2 - (ksize.height % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
Mat src = _src.getMat();
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, cn) );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
if( borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT && normalize && (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 )
@ -1323,21 +1330,8 @@ void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
if( src.cols == 1 )
ksize.width = 1;
if ( tegra::useTegra() && tegra::box(src, dst, ksize, anchor, normalize, borderType) )
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
int ippBorderType = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Point ocvAnchor, ippAnchor;
ocvAnchor.x = anchor.x < 0 ? ksize.width / 2 : anchor.x;
ocvAnchor.y = anchor.y < 0 ? ksize.height / 2 : anchor.y;
ippAnchor.x = ksize.width / 2 - (ksize.width % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
ippAnchor.y = ksize.height / 2 - (ksize.height % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
if (normalize && !src.isSubmatrix() && ddepth == sdepth &&
(/*ippBorderType == BORDER_REPLICATE ||*/ /* returns ippStsStepErr: Step value is not valid */
ippBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT) && ocvAnchor == ippAnchor &&
@ -1361,10 +1355,9 @@ void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
if (status >= 0) \
{ \
return; \
return true; \
} \
} \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
} while ((void)0, 0)
if (stype == CV_8UC1)
@ -1399,13 +1392,57 @@ void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
return false;
void cv::boxFilter( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth,
Size ksize, Point anchor,
bool normalize, int borderType )
CV_OCL_RUN(_dst.isUMat(), ocl_boxFilter(_src, _dst, ddepth, ksize, anchor, borderType, normalize))
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int stype = src.type(), sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(stype), cn = CV_MAT_CN(stype);
if( ddepth < 0 )
ddepth = sdepth;
_dst.create( src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, cn) );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
if( borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT && normalize && (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 )
if( src.rows == 1 )
ksize.height = 1;
if( src.cols == 1 )
ksize.width = 1;
if ( tegra::useTegra() && tegra::box(src, dst, ksize, anchor, normalize, borderType) )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int ippBorderType = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Point ocvAnchor, ippAnchor;
ocvAnchor.x = anchor.x < 0 ? ksize.width / 2 : anchor.x;
ocvAnchor.y = anchor.y < 0 ? ksize.height / 2 : anchor.y;
ippAnchor.x = ksize.width / 2 - (ksize.width % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
ippAnchor.y = ksize.height / 2 - (ksize.height % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
CV_IPP_RUN((normalize && !_src.isSubmatrix() && ddepth == sdepth &&
(/*ippBorderType == BORDER_REPLICATE ||*/ /* returns ippStsStepErr: Step value is not valid */
ippBorderType == BORDER_CONSTANT) && ocvAnchor == ippAnchor &&
_dst.cols() != ksize.width && _dst.rows() != ksize.height),
ipp_boxfilter( _src, _dst, ddepth, ksize, anchor, normalize, borderType));
Ptr<FilterEngine> f = createBoxFilter( src.type(), dst.type(),
ksize, anchor, normalize, borderType );
f->apply( src, dst );
void cv::blur( InputArray src, OutputArray dst,
Size ksize, Point anchor, int borderType )
@ -1624,6 +1661,103 @@ cv::Ptr<cv::FilterEngine> cv::createGaussianFilter( int type, Size ksize,
return createSeparableLinearFilter( type, type, kx, ky, Point(-1,-1), 0, borderType );
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
namespace cv
static bool ipp_GaussianBlur( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size ksize,
double sigma1, double sigma2,
int borderType )
int type = _src.type();
Size size = _src.size();
if( borderType != BORDER_CONSTANT && (borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 )
if( size.height == 1 )
ksize.height = 1;
if( size.width == 1 )
ksize.width = 1;
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
if ((depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_16S || depth == CV_32F) && (cn == 1 || cn == 3) &&
sigma1 == sigma2 && ksize.width == ksize.height && sigma1 != 0.0 )
IppiBorderType ippBorder = ippiGetBorderType(borderType);
if (ippBorderConst == ippBorder || ippBorderRepl == ippBorder)
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat();
IppiSize roiSize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppDataType dataType = ippiGetDataType(depth);
Ipp32s specSize = 0, bufferSize = 0;
if (ippiFilterGaussianGetBufferSize(roiSize, (Ipp32u)ksize.width, dataType, cn, &specSize, &bufferSize) >= 0)
IppFilterGaussianSpec * pSpec = (IppFilterGaussianSpec *)ippMalloc(specSize);
Ipp8u * pBuffer = (Ipp8u*)ippMalloc(bufferSize);
if (ippiFilterGaussianInit(roiSize, (Ipp32u)ksize.width, (Ipp32f)sigma1, ippBorder, dataType, 1, pSpec, pBuffer) >= 0)
#define IPP_FILTER_GAUSS_C1(ippfavor) \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ippType; \
ippType borderValues = 0; \
status = ippiFilterGaussianBorder_##ippfavor##_C1R(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, roiSize, borderValues, pSpec, pBuffer); \
#define IPP_FILTER_GAUSS_CN(ippfavor, ippcn) \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ippType; \
ippType borderValues[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; \
status = ippiFilterGaussianBorder_##ippfavor##_C##ippcn##R(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, roiSize, borderValues, pSpec, pBuffer); \
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
if (type == CV_8UC1)
else if (type == CV_8UC3)
else if (type == CV_16UC1)
else if (type == CV_16UC3)
else if (type == CV_16SC1)
else if (type == CV_16SC3)
else if (type == CV_32FC3)
if (type == CV_32FC1)
if (pSpec)
if (pBuffer)
if(status >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void cv::GaussianBlur( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size ksize,
double sigma1, double sigma2,
@ -1654,72 +1788,9 @@ void cv::GaussianBlur( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size ksize,
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && 0 // these functions are slower in IPP 8.1
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
if ((depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_16U || depth == CV_16S || depth == CV_32F) && (cn == 1 || cn == 3) &&
sigma1 == sigma2 && ksize.width == ksize.height && sigma1 != 0.0 )
IppiBorderType ippBorder = ippiGetBorderType(borderType);
if (ippBorderConst == ippBorder || ippBorderRepl == ippBorder)
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat();
IppiSize roiSize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppDataType dataType = ippiGetDataType(depth);
Ipp32s specSize = 0, bufferSize = 0;
if (ippiFilterGaussianGetBufferSize(roiSize, (Ipp32u)ksize.width, dataType, cn, &specSize, &bufferSize) >= 0)
IppFilterGaussianSpec * pSpec = (IppFilterGaussianSpec *)ippMalloc(specSize);
Ipp8u * pBuffer = (Ipp8u*)ippMalloc(bufferSize);
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_GaussianBlur( _src, _dst, ksize, sigma1, sigma2, borderType));
if (ippiFilterGaussianInit(roiSize, (Ipp32u)ksize.width, (Ipp32f)sigma1, ippBorder, dataType, 1, pSpec, pBuffer) >= 0)
#define IPP_FILTER_GAUSS(ippfavor, ippcn) \
do \
{ \
typedef Ipp##ippfavor ippType; \
ippType borderValues[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; \
IppStatus status = ippcn == 1 ? \
ippiFilterGaussianBorder_##ippfavor##_C1R(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, roiSize, borderValues[0], pSpec, pBuffer) : \
ippiFilterGaussianBorder_##ippfavor##_C3R(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, roiSize, borderValues, pSpec, pBuffer); \
ippFree(pBuffer); \
ippFree(pSpec); \
if (status >= 0) \
{ \
return; \
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
if (type == CV_8UC1)
else if (type == CV_8UC3)
else if (type == CV_16UC1)
else if (type == CV_16UC3)
else if (type == CV_16SC1)
else if (type == CV_16SC3)
else if (type == CV_32FC1)
else if (type == CV_32FC3)
Mat kx, ky;
createGaussianKernels(kx, ky, type, ksize, sigma1, sigma2);
@ -2632,6 +2703,63 @@ static bool ocl_medianFilter(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int m)
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
namespace cv
static bool ipp_medianFilter( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int ksize )
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801
Mat src0 = _src0.getMat();
_dst.create( src0.size(), src0.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
#define IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(ippType, ippDataType, flavor) \
do \
{ \
if (ippiFilterMedianBorderGetBufferSize(dstRoiSize, maskSize, \
ippDataType, CV_MAT_CN(type), &bufSize) >= 0) \
{ \
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufSize); \
IppStatus status = ippiFilterMedianBorder_##flavor(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, dstRoiSize, maskSize, \
ippBorderRepl, (ippType)0, buffer); \
ippsFree(buffer); \
if (status >= 0) \
{ \
return true; \
} \
} \
} \
while ((void)0, 0)
if( ksize <= 5 )
Ipp32s bufSize;
IppiSize dstRoiSize = ippiSize(dst.cols, dst.rows), maskSize = ippiSize(ksize, ksize);
Mat src;
if( dst.data != src0.data )
src = src0;
int type = src0.type();
if (type == CV_8UC1)
else if (type == CV_16UC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp16u, ipp16u, 16u_C1R);
else if (type == CV_16SC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp16s, ipp16s, 16s_C1R);
else if (type == CV_32FC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp32f, ipp32f, 32f_C1R);
return false;
void cv::medianBlur( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int ksize )
CV_Assert( (ksize % 2 == 1) && (_src0.dims() <= 2 ));
@ -2649,53 +2777,7 @@ void cv::medianBlur( InputArray _src0, OutputArray _dst, int ksize )
_dst.create( src0.size(), src0.type() );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801
#define IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(ippType, ippDataType, flavor) \
do \
{ \
if (ippiFilterMedianBorderGetBufferSize(dstRoiSize, maskSize, \
ippDataType, CV_MAT_CN(type), &bufSize) >= 0) \
{ \
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufSize); \
IppStatus status = ippiFilterMedianBorder_##flavor(src.ptr<ippType>(), (int)src.step, \
dst.ptr<ippType>(), (int)dst.step, dstRoiSize, maskSize, \
ippBorderRepl, (ippType)0, buffer); \
ippsFree(buffer); \
if (status >= 0) \
{ \
return; \
} \
} \
setIppErrorStatus(); \
} \
while ((void)0, 0)
if( ksize <= 5 )
Ipp32s bufSize;
IppiSize dstRoiSize = ippiSize(dst.cols, dst.rows), maskSize = ippiSize(ksize, ksize);
Mat src;
if( dst.data != src0.data )
src = src0;
int type = src0.type();
if (type == CV_8UC1)
else if (type == CV_16UC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp16u, ipp16u, 16u_C1R);
else if (type == CV_16SC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp16s, ipp16s, 16s_C1R);
else if (type == CV_32FC1)
IPP_FILTER_MEDIAN_BORDER(Ipp32f, ipp32f, 32f_C1R);
CV_IPP_RUN(IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && ksize <= 5, ipp_medianFilter(_src0,_dst, ksize));
if (tegra::useTegra() && tegra::medianBlur(src0, dst, ksize))

@ -423,6 +423,69 @@ static bool ocl_integral( InputArray _src, OutputArray _sum, OutputArray _sqsum,
#if defined(HAVE_IPP)
namespace cv
static bool ipp_integral(InputArray _src, OutputArray _sum, OutputArray _sqsum, OutputArray _tilted, int sdepth, int sqdepth)
#if !defined(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) // Disabled on ICV due invalid results
int type = _src.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
if( sdepth <= 0 )
sdepth = depth == CV_8U ? CV_32S : CV_64F;
if ( sqdepth <= 0 )
sqdepth = CV_64F;
sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(sdepth), sqdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(sqdepth);
Size ssize = _src.size(), isize(ssize.width + 1, ssize.height + 1);
_sum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE(sdepth, cn) );
Mat src = _src.getMat(), sum =_sum.getMat(), sqsum, tilted;
if( _sqsum.needed() )
_sqsum.create( isize, CV_MAKETYPE(sqdepth, cn) );
sqsum = _sqsum.getMat();
if( ( depth == CV_8U ) && ( sdepth == CV_32F || sdepth == CV_32S ) && ( !_tilted.needed() ) && ( !_sqsum.needed() || sqdepth == CV_64F ) && ( cn == 1 ) )
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows );
if( sdepth == CV_32F )
if( _sqsum.needed() )
status = ippiSqrIntegral_8u32f64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, (int)sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 );
status = ippiIntegral_8u32f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 );
else if( sdepth == CV_32S )
if( _sqsum.needed() )
status = ippiSqrIntegral_8u32s64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, (int)sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 );
status = ippiIntegral_8u32s_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 );
if (0 <= status)
return true;
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(_sum); CV_UNUSED(_sqsum); CV_UNUSED(_tilted); CV_UNUSED(sdepth); CV_UNUSED(sqdepth);
return false;
void cv::integral( InputArray _src, OutputArray _sum, OutputArray _sqsum, OutputArray _tilted, int sdepth, int sqdepth )
@ -455,44 +518,9 @@ void cv::integral( InputArray _src, OutputArray _sum, OutputArray _sqsum, Output
sqsum = _sqsum.getMat();
#if defined(HAVE_IPP) && !defined(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY) // Disabled on ICV due invalid results
if( ( depth == CV_8U ) && ( sdepth == CV_32F || sdepth == CV_32S ) && ( !_tilted.needed() ) && ( !_sqsum.needed() || sqdepth == CV_64F ) && ( cn == 1 ) )
IppStatus status = ippStsErr;
IppiSize srcRoiSize = ippiSize( src.cols, src.rows );
if( sdepth == CV_32F )
if( _sqsum.needed() )
status = ippiSqrIntegral_8u32f64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, (int)sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 );
status = ippiIntegral_8u32f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32f*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 );
else if( sdepth == CV_32S )
if( _sqsum.needed() )
status = ippiSqrIntegral_8u32s64f_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, (Ipp64f*)sqsum.data, (int)sqsum.step, srcRoiSize, 0, 0 );
status = ippiIntegral_8u32s_C1R( (const Ipp8u*)src.data, (int)src.step, (Ipp32s*)sum.data, (int)sum.step, srcRoiSize, 0 );
if (0 <= status)
CV_IPP_RUN(( depth == CV_8U ) && ( sdepth == CV_32F || sdepth == CV_32S ) &&
( !_tilted.needed() ) && ( !_sqsum.needed() || sqdepth == CV_64F ) && ( cn == 1 ),
ipp_integral(_src, _sum, _sqsum, _tilted, sdepth, sqdepth));
if( _tilted.needed() )

@ -895,28 +895,13 @@ static void matchTemplateMask( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _
void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result, int method, InputArray _mask )
namespace cv
if (!_mask.empty())
cv::matchTemplateMask(_img, _templ, _result, method, _mask);
static void common_matchTemplate( Mat& img, Mat& templ, Mat& result, int method, int cn )
if( method == CV_TM_CCORR )
int type = _img.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
CV_Assert( CV_TM_SQDIFF <= method && method <= CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED );
CV_Assert( (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F) && type == _templ.type() && _img.dims() <= 2 );
bool needswap = _img.size().height < _templ.size().height || _img.size().width < _templ.size().width;
if (needswap)
CV_Assert(_img.size().height <= _templ.size().height && _img.size().width <= _templ.size().width);
CV_OCL_RUN(_img.dims() <= 2 && _result.isUMat(),
(!needswap ? ocl_matchTemplate(_img, _templ, _result, method) : ocl_matchTemplate(_templ, _img, _result, method)))
int numType = method == CV_TM_CCORR || method == CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED ? 0 :
method == CV_TM_CCOEFF || method == CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED ? 1 : 2;
@ -924,57 +909,6 @@ void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result,
method == CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED ||
Mat img = _img.getMat(), templ = _templ.getMat();
if (needswap)
std::swap(img, templ);
Size corrSize(img.cols - templ.cols + 1, img.rows - templ.rows + 1);
_result.create(corrSize, CV_32F);
Mat result = _result.getMat();
if (tegra::useTegra() && tegra::matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method))
#if defined HAVE_IPP
bool useIppMT = false;
useIppMT = (templ.rows < img.rows/2 && templ.cols < img.cols/2);
if (method == CV_TM_SQDIFF && cn == 1 && useIppMT)
if (ipp_sqrDistance(img, templ, result))
#if defined HAVE_IPP
if (cn == 1 && useIppMT)
if (!ipp_crossCorr(img, templ, result))
crossCorr( img, templ, result, result.size(), result.type(), Point(0,0), 0, 0);
crossCorr( img, templ, result, result.size(), result.type(), Point(0,0), 0, 0);
if( method == CV_TM_CCORR )
double invArea = 1./((double)templ.rows * templ.cols);
Mat sum, sqsum;
@ -1081,8 +1015,81 @@ void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result,
#if defined HAVE_IPP
namespace cv
static bool ipp_matchTemplate( Mat& img, Mat& templ, Mat& result, int method, int cn )
bool useIppMT = (templ.rows < img.rows/2 && templ.cols < img.cols/2);
if(cn == 1 && useIppMT)
if(method == CV_TM_SQDIFF)
if (ipp_sqrDistance(img, templ, result))
return true;
if(ipp_crossCorr(img, templ, result))
common_matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method, cn);
return true;
return false;
void cv::matchTemplate( InputArray _img, InputArray _templ, OutputArray _result, int method, InputArray _mask )
if (!_mask.empty())
cv::matchTemplateMask(_img, _templ, _result, method, _mask);
int type = _img.type(), depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
CV_Assert( CV_TM_SQDIFF <= method && method <= CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED );
CV_Assert( (depth == CV_8U || depth == CV_32F) && type == _templ.type() && _img.dims() <= 2 );
bool needswap = _img.size().height < _templ.size().height || _img.size().width < _templ.size().width;
if (needswap)
CV_Assert(_img.size().height <= _templ.size().height && _img.size().width <= _templ.size().width);
CV_OCL_RUN(_img.dims() <= 2 && _result.isUMat(),
(!needswap ? ocl_matchTemplate(_img, _templ, _result, method) : ocl_matchTemplate(_templ, _img, _result, method)))
Mat img = _img.getMat(), templ = _templ.getMat();
if (needswap)
std::swap(img, templ);
Size corrSize(img.cols - templ.cols + 1, img.rows - templ.rows + 1);
_result.create(corrSize, CV_32F);
Mat result = _result.getMat();
if (tegra::useTegra() && tegra::matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method))
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method, cn))
crossCorr( img, templ, result, result.size(), result.type(), Point(0,0), 0, 0);
common_matchTemplate(img, templ, result, method, cn);
CV_IMPL void
cvMatchTemplate( const CvArr* _img, const CvArr* _templ, CvArr* _result, int method )

@ -904,6 +904,24 @@ thresh_32f( const Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, float thresh, float maxval, int type )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
static bool ipp_getThreshVal_Otsu_8u( const unsigned char* _src, int step, Size size, unsigned char &thresh)
int ippStatus = -1;
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && !defined(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY)
IppiSize srcSize = { size.width, size.height };
ippStatus = ippiComputeThreshold_Otsu_8u_C1R(_src, step, srcSize, &thresh);
CV_UNUSED(_src); CV_UNUSED(step); CV_UNUSED(size); CV_UNUSED(thresh);
if(ippStatus >= 0)
return true;
return false;
static double
getThreshVal_Otsu_8u( const Mat& _src )
@ -917,22 +935,11 @@ getThreshVal_Otsu_8u( const Mat& _src )
step = size.width;
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801 && !defined(HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY)
IppiSize srcSize = { size.width, size.height };
Ipp8u thresh;
IppStatus ok = ippiComputeThreshold_Otsu_8u_C1R(_src.ptr(), step, srcSize, &thresh);
if (ok >= 0)
return thresh;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
unsigned char thresh;
CV_IPP_RUN(true, ipp_getThreshVal_Otsu_8u(_src.ptr(), step, size, thresh), thresh);
const int N = 256;
int i, j, h[N] = {0};
