@ -4560,170 +4560,88 @@ static bool replacementFilter2D(int stype, int dtype, int kernel_type,
# ifdef HAVE_IPP
typedef IppStatus ( CV_STDCALL * IppiFilterBorder ) (
const void * pSrc , int srcStep , void * pDst , int dstStep ,
IppiSize dstRoiSize , IppiBorderType border , const void * borderValue ,
const IppiFilterBorderSpec * pSpec , Ipp8u * pBuffer ) ;
static IppiFilterBorder getIppFunc ( int stype )
switch ( stype )
case CV_8UC1 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_8u_C1R ) ;
case CV_8UC3 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_8u_C3R ) ;
case CV_8UC4 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_8u_C4R ) ;
case CV_16UC1 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16u_C1R ) ;
case CV_16UC3 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16u_C3R ) ;
case CV_16UC4 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16u_C4R ) ;
case CV_16SC1 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16s_C1R ) ;
case CV_16SC3 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16s_C3R ) ;
case CV_16SC4 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_16s_C4R ) ;
case CV_32FC1 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_32f_C1R ) ;
case CV_32FC3 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_32f_C3R ) ;
case CV_32FC4 :
return reinterpret_cast < IppiFilterBorder > ( ippiFilterBorder_32f_C4R ) ;
default :
return 0 ;
template < int kdepth >
struct IppFilterTrait { } ;
template < >
struct IppFilterTrait < CV_16S >
enum { kernel_type_id = CV_16SC1 } ;
typedef Ipp16s kernel_type ;
typedef IppStatus ( CV_STDCALL * copy_fun_type ) ( const kernel_type * pSrc , int srcStep , kernel_type * pDst , int dstStep , IppiSize roiSize ) ;
inline static copy_fun_type get_copy_fun ( ) { return ippiCopy_16s_C1R ; }
inline static IppStatus runInit ( const kernel_type * pKernel , IppiSize kernelSize , int divisor , IppDataType dataType , int numChannels , IppRoundMode roundMode , IppiFilterBorderSpec * pSpec )
return ippiFilterBorderInit_16s ( pKernel , kernelSize , divisor , dataType , numChannels , roundMode , pSpec ) ;
} ;
template < >
struct IppFilterTrait < CV_32F >
enum { kernel_type_id = CV_32FC1 } ;
typedef Ipp32f kernel_type ;
typedef IppStatus ( CV_STDCALL * copy_fun_type ) ( const kernel_type * pSrc , int srcStep , kernel_type * pDst , int dstStep , IppiSize roiSize ) ;
inline static copy_fun_type get_copy_fun ( ) { return ippiCopy_32f_C1R ; }
inline static IppStatus runInit ( const kernel_type * pKernel , IppiSize kernelSize , int divisor , IppDataType dataType , int numChannels , IppRoundMode roundMode , IppiFilterBorderSpec * pSpec )
CV_UNUSED ( divisor ) ;
return ippiFilterBorderInit_32f ( pKernel , kernelSize , dataType , numChannels , roundMode , pSpec ) ;
} ;
template < int kdepth >
static bool ippFilter2D ( int stype , int dtype ,
static bool ippFilter2D ( int stype , int dtype , int kernel_type ,
uchar * src_data , size_t src_step ,
uchar * dst_data , size_t dst_step ,
int width , int height ,
int full_width , int full_height ,
int offset_x , int offset_y ,
uchar * kernel_data , size_t kernel_step ,
int kernel_width , int kernel_height ,
int anchor_x , int anchor_y ,
double delta , int borderType , bool isSubmatrix )
double delta , int borderType ,
bool isSubmatrix )
# ifdef HAVE_IPP_IW
typedef IppFilterTrait < kdepth > trait ;
typedef typename trait : : kernel_type kernel_type ;
IppAutoBuffer < IppiFilterBorderSpec > spec ;
IppAutoBuffer < Ipp8u > buffer ;
IppAutoBuffer < kernel_type > kernelBuffer ;
IppiBorderType ippBorderType ;
int src_type ;
: : ipp : : IwiSize iwSize ( width , height ) ;
: : ipp : : IwiSize kernelSize ( kernel_width , kernel_height ) ;
IppDataType type = ippiGetDataType ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( stype ) ) ;
int channels = CV_MAT_CN ( stype ) ;
Point anchor ( anchor_x , anchor_y ) ;
# if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 900
Point ippAnchor ( ( kernel_width - 1 ) / 2 , ( kernel_height - 1 ) / 2 ) ;
# else
Point ippAnchor ( kernel_width > > 1 , kernel_height > > 1 ) ;
# endif
bool isIsolated = ( borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED ) ! = 0 ;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~ BORDER_ISOLATED ;
ippBorderType = ippiGetBorderType ( borderTypeNI ) ;
int ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( dtype ) ;
int sdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH ( stype ) ;
CV_UNUSED ( isSubmatrix ) ;
# if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 201700 && IPP_VERSION_X100 <= 201702 // IPP bug with 1x1 kernel
if ( kernel_width = = 1 & & kernel_height = = 1 )
return false ;
# endif
bool runIpp = true
& & ( borderTypeNI = = BORDER_CONSTANT | | borderTypeNI = = BORDER_REPLICATE )
& & ( sdepth = = ddepth )
& & ( getIppFunc ( stype ) )
& & ( ( int ) ippBorderType > 0 )
& & ( ! isSubmatrix | | isIsolated )
& & ( std : : fabs ( delta - 0 ) < DBL_EPSILON )
& & ( ippAnchor = = anchor )
& & src_data ! = dst_data ;
if ( ! runIpp )
# if IPP_VERSION_X100 < 201801
// Too big difference compared to OpenCV FFT-based convolution
if ( kernel_type = = CV_32FC1 & & ( type = = ipp16s | | type = = ipp16u ) & & ( kernel_width > 7 | | kernel_height > 7 ) )
return false ;
// Poor optimization for big kernels
if ( kernel_width > 7 | | kernel_height > 7 )
return false ;
# endif
if ( src_data = = dst_data )
return false ;
if ( stype ! = dtype )
return false ;
if ( kernel_type ! = CV_16SC1 & & kernel_type ! = CV_32FC1 )
return false ;
// TODO: Implement offset for 8u, 16u
if ( std : : fabs ( delta ) > = DBL_EPSILON )
return false ;
src_type = stype ;
int cn = CV_MAT_CN ( stype ) ;
IppiSize kernelSize = { kernel_width , kernel_height } ;
IppDataType dataType = ippiGetDataType ( ddepth ) ;
IppDataType kernelType = ippiGetDataType ( kdepth ) ;
Ipp32s specSize = 0 ;
Ipp32s bufsize = 0 ;
IppiSize dstRoiSize = { width , height } ;
IppStatus status ;
status = ippiFilterBorderGetSize ( kernelSize , dstRoiSize , dataType , kernelType , cn , & specSize , & bufsize ) ;
if ( status < 0 )
if ( ! ippiCheckAnchor ( anchor_x , anchor_y , kernel_width , kernel_height ) )
return false ;
kernel_type * pKerBuffer = ( kernel_type * ) kernel_data ;
size_t good_kernel_step = sizeof ( kernel_type ) * static_cast < size_t > ( kernelSize . width ) ;
# if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 900
if ( kernel_step ! = good_kernel_step ) {
kernelBuffer . allocate ( ( int ) good_kernel_step * kernelSize . height ) ;
status = trait : : get_copy_fun ( ) ( ( kernel_type * ) kernel_data , ( int ) kernel_step , kernelBuffer , ( int ) good_kernel_step , kernelSize ) ;
if ( status < 0 )
: : ipp : : IwiBorderSize iwBorderSize ;
: : ipp : : IwiBorderType iwBorderType ;
: : ipp : : IwiImage iwKernel ( ippiSize ( kernel_width , kernel_height ) , ippiGetDataType ( CV_MAT_DEPTH ( kernel_type ) ) , CV_MAT_CN ( kernel_type ) , 0 , ( void * ) kernel_data , kernel_step ) ;
: : ipp : : IwiImage iwSrc ( iwSize , type , channels , : : ipp : : IwiBorderSize ( offset_x , offset_y , full_width - offset_x - width , full_height - offset_y - height ) , ( void * ) src_data , src_step ) ;
: : ipp : : IwiImage iwDst ( iwSize , type , channels , : : ipp : : IwiBorderSize ( offset_x , offset_y , full_width - offset_x - width , full_height - offset_y - height ) , ( void * ) dst_data , dst_step ) ;
iwBorderSize = : : ipp : : iwiSizeToBorderSize ( kernelSize ) ;
iwBorderType = ippiGetBorder ( iwSrc , borderType , iwBorderSize ) ;
if ( ! iwBorderType )
return false ;
pKerBuffer = kernelBuffer ;
CV_INSTRUMENT_FUN_IPP ( : : ipp : : iwiFilter , iwSrc , iwDst , iwKernel , : : ipp : : IwiFilterParams ( 1 , 0 , ippAlgHintNone , ippRndFinancial ) , iwBorderType ) ;
# else
kernelBuffer . Alloc ( good_kernel_step * kernelSize . height ) ;
Mat kerFlip ( Size ( kernelSize . width , kernelSize . height ) , trait : : kernel_type_id , kernelBuffer , ( int ) good_kernel_step ) ;
Mat kernel ( Size ( kernel_width , kernel_height ) , trait : : kernel_type_id , kernel_data , kernel_step ) ;
flip ( kernel , kerFlip , - 1 ) ;
pKerBuffer = kernelBuffer ;
# endif
spec . allocate ( specSize ) ;
buffer . allocate ( bufsize ) ;
status = trait : : runInit ( pKerBuffer , kernelSize , 0 , dataType , cn , ippRndFinancial , spec ) ;
if ( status < 0 ) {
catch ( : : ipp : : IwException ex )
return false ;
IppiFilterBorder ippiFilterBorder = getIppFunc ( src_type ) ;
kernel_type borderValue [ 4 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
status = CV_INSTRUMENT_FUN_IPP ( ippiFilterBorder , src_data , ( int ) src_step , dst_data , ( int ) dst_step , dstRoiSize , ippBorderType , borderValue , spec , buffer ) ;
if ( status > = 0 ) {
return true ;
# else
CV_UNUSED ( stype ) ; CV_UNUSED ( dtype ) ; CV_UNUSED ( kernel_type ) ; CV_UNUSED ( src_data ) ; CV_UNUSED ( src_step ) ;
CV_UNUSED ( dst_data ) ; CV_UNUSED ( dst_step ) ; CV_UNUSED ( width ) ; CV_UNUSED ( height ) ; CV_UNUSED ( full_width ) ;
CV_UNUSED ( full_height ) ; CV_UNUSED ( offset_x ) ; CV_UNUSED ( offset_y ) ; CV_UNUSED ( kernel_data ) ; CV_UNUSED ( kernel_step ) ;
CV_UNUSED ( kernel_width ) ; CV_UNUSED ( kernel_height ) ; CV_UNUSED ( anchor_x ) ; CV_UNUSED ( anchor_y ) ; CV_UNUSED ( delta ) ;
CV_UNUSED ( borderType ) ; CV_UNUSED ( isSubmatrix ) ;
return false ;
# endif
# endif
@ -4902,34 +4820,18 @@ void filter2D(int stype, int dtype, int kernel_type,
delta , borderType , isSubmatrix ) ;
if ( res )
return ;
# ifdef HAVE_IPP
res = false ;
if ( kernel_type = = CV_32FC1 ) {
res = ippFilter2D < CV_32F > ( stype , dtype ,
src_data , src_step ,
dst_data , dst_step ,
width , height ,
kernel_data , kernel_step ,
kernel_width , kernel_height ,
anchor_x , anchor_y ,
delta , borderType , isSubmatrix ) ;
else if ( kernel_type = = CV_16SC1 ) {
res = ippFilter2D < CV_16S > ( stype , dtype ,
CV_IPP_RUN_FAST ( ippFilter2D ( stype , dtype , kernel_type ,
src_data , src_step ,
dst_data , dst_step ,
width , height ,
full_width , full_height ,
offset_x , offset_y ,
kernel_data , kernel_step ,
kernel_width , kernel_height ,
anchor_x , anchor_y ,
delta , borderType , isSubmatrix ) ;
if ( res )
return ;
# endif
delta , borderType , isSubmatrix ) )
res = dftFilter2D ( stype , dtype , kernel_type ,
src_data , src_step ,
dst_data , dst_step ,