docs/tutorials: improve plugin sections

Maksim Shabunin 4 years ago
parent 2610724ee0
commit a4d0a1483a
  1. 28
  2. 31

@ -396,13 +396,14 @@ There are multiple less popular frameworks which can be used to read and write v
### videoio plugins
Some _videoio_ backends can be built as plugins thus breaking strict dependency on third-party libraries and making them optional at runtime. Following options can be used to control this mechanism:
Since version 4.1.0 some _videoio_ backends can be built as plugins thus breaking strict dependency on third-party libraries and making them optional at runtime. Following options can be used to control this mechanism:
| Option | Default | Description |
| --------| ------ | ------- |
| `VIDEOIO_ENABLE_PLUGINS` | _ON_ | Enable or disable plugins completely. |
| `VIDEOIO_PLUGIN_LIST` | _empty_ | Comma- or semicolon-separated list of backend names to be compiled as plugins. Supported names are _ffmpeg_, _gstreamer_, _msmf_, _mfx_ and _all_. |
| `VIDEOIO_ENABLE_STRICT_PLUGIN_CHECK` | _ON_ | Enable strict runtime version check to only allow plugins built with the same version of OpenCV. |
Check @ref tutorial_general_install for standalone plugins build instructions.
## Parallel processing {#tutorial_config_reference_func_core}
@ -421,6 +422,17 @@ Some of OpenCV algorithms can use multithreading to accelerate processing. OpenC
@note OpenCV can download and build TBB library from GitHub, this functionality can be enabled with the `BUILD_TBB` option.
### Threading plugins
Since version 4.5.2 OpenCV supports dynamically loaded threading backends. At this moment only separate compilation process is supported: first you have to build OpenCV with some _default_ parallel backend (e.g. pthreads), then build each plugin and copy resulting binaries to the _lib_ or _bin_ folder.
| Option | Default | Description |
| ------ | ------- | ----------- |
| PARALLEL_ENABLE_PLUGINS | ON | Enable plugin support, if this option is disabled OpenCV will not try to load anything |
Check @ref tutorial_general_install for standalone plugins build instructions.
## GUI backends (highgui module) {#tutorial_config_reference_highgui}
OpenCV relies on various GUI libraries for window drawing.
@ -442,6 +454,18 @@ OpenCV relies on various GUI libraries for window drawing.
OpenGL integration can be used to draw HW-accelerated windows with following backends: GTK, WIN32 and Qt. And enables basic interoperability with OpenGL, see @ref core_opengl and @ref highgui_opengl for details.
### highgui plugins
Since OpenCV 4.5.3 GTK backend can be build as a dynamically loaded plugin. Following options can be used to control this mechanism:
| Option | Default | Description |
| --------| ------ | ------- |
| `HIGHGUI_ENABLE_PLUGINS` | _ON_ | Enable or disable plugins completely. |
| `HIGHGUI_PLUGIN_LIST` | _empty_ | Comma- or semicolon-separated list of backend names to be compiled as plugins. Supported names are _gtk_, _gtk2_, _gtk3_, and _all_. |
Check @ref tutorial_general_install for standalone plugins build instructions.
## Deep learning neural networks inference backends and options (dnn module) {#tutorial_config_reference_dnn}
OpenCV have own DNN inference module which have own build-in engine, but can also use other libraries for optimized processing. Multiple backends can be enabled in single build. Selection happens at runtime automatically or manually.

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ cmake --build <build-directory> <build-options>
## Step 3: Install {#tutorial_general_install_sources_4}
## (optional) Step 3: Install {#tutorial_general_install_sources_4}
During installation procedure build results and other files from build directory will be copied to the install location. Default installation location is `/usr/local` on UNIX and `C:/Program Files` on Windows. This location can be changed at the configuration step by setting `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` option. To perform installation run the following command:
@ -117,3 +117,32 @@ This step is optional, OpenCV can be used directly from the build directory.
If the installation root location is a protected system directory, so the installation process must be run with superuser or administrator privileges (e.g. `sudo cmake ...`).
## (optional) Step 4: Build plugins {#tutorial_general_install_plugins_4}
It is possible to decouple some of OpenCV dependencies and make them optional by extracting parts of the code into dynamically-loaded plugins. It helps to produce adaptive binary distributions which can work on systems with less dependencies and extend functionality just by installing missing libraries. For now modules _core_, _videoio_ and _highgui_ support this mechanism for some of their dependencies. In some cases it is possible to build plugins together with OpenCV by setting options like `VIDEOIO_PLUGIN_LIST` or `HIGHGUI_PLUGIN_LIST`, more options related to this scenario can be found in the @ref tutorial_config_reference. In other cases plugins should be built separately in their own build procedure and this section describes such standalone build process.
@note It is recommended to use compiler, configuration and build options which are compatible to the one used for OpenCV build, otherwise resulting library can refuse to load or cause other runtime problems. Note that some functionality can be limited or work slower when backends are loaded dynamically due to extra barrier between OpenCV and corresponding third-party library.
Build procedure is similar to the main OpenCV build, but you have to use special CMake projects located in corresponding subdirectories, these folders can also contain reference scripts and Docker images. It is important to use `opencv_<module>_<backend>` name prefix for plugins so that loader is able to find them. Each supported prefix can be used to load only one library, however multiple candidates can be probed for a single prefix. For example, you can have _libopencv_videoio_ffmpeg_3.so_ and _libopencv_videoio_ffmpeg_4.so_ plugins and the first one which can be loaded successfully will occupy internal slot and stop probing process. Possible prefixes and project locations are presented in the table below:
| module | backends | location |
| ------ | -------- | -------- |
| core | parallel_tbb, parallel_onetbb, parallel_openmp | _opencv/modules/core/misc/plugins_ |
| highgui | gtk, gtk2, gtk3 | _opencv/modules/highgui/misc/plugins_ |
| videoio | ffmpeg, gstreamer, intel_mfx, msmf | _opencv/modules/videoio/misc_ |
# set-up environment for TBB detection, for example:
# export TBB_DIR=<dir-with-tbb-cmake-config>
cmake -G<generator> \
-DOPENCV_PLUGIN_NAME=opencv_core_tbb_<suffix> \
cmake --build . --config <config>
@note On Windows plugins must be linked with existing OpenCV build. Set `OpenCV_DIR` environment or CMake variable to the directory with _OpenCVConfig.cmake_ file, it can be OpenCV build directory or some path in the location where you performed installation.
