G-API: Introduce GAbstractExecutor

GExecutor is now a subclass of GAbstractExecutor. Other to come
Dmitry Matveev 3 years ago
parent 70fb1cd603
commit a31fb88fd0
  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 6
  4. 25
  5. 80
  6. 11
  7. 54

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ set(gapi_srcs
# Executor

@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
#include "compiler/gcompiled_priv.hpp"
#include "backends/common/gbackend.hpp"
#include "executor/gexecutor.hpp"
// GCompiled private implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////
void cv::GCompiled::Priv::setup(const GMetaArgs &_metaArgs,
const GMetaArgs &_outMetas,
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GExecutor> &&_pE)
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GAbstractExecutor> &&_pE)
m_metas = _metaArgs;
m_outMetas = _outMetas;

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#include "opencv2/gapi/util/optional.hpp"
#include "compiler/gmodel.hpp"
#include "executor/gexecutor.hpp"
#include "executor/gabstractexecutor.hpp"
// NB: BTW, GCompiled is the only "public API" class which
// private part (implementation) is hosted in the "compiler/" module.
@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ class GAPI_EXPORTS GCompiled::Priv
// If we want to go autonomous, we might to do something with this.
GMetaArgs m_metas; // passed by user
GMetaArgs m_outMetas; // inferred by compiler
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GExecutor> m_exec;
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GAbstractExecutor> m_exec;
void checkArgs(const cv::gimpl::GRuntimeArgs &args) const;
void setup(const GMetaArgs &metaArgs,
const GMetaArgs &outMetas,
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GExecutor> &&pE);
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GAbstractExecutor> &&pE);
bool isEmpty() const;
bool canReshape() const;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <opencv2/gapi/opencv_includes.hpp>
#include "executor/gabstractexecutor.hpp"
cv::gimpl::GAbstractExecutor::GAbstractExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&g_model)
: m_orig_graph(std::move(g_model))
, m_island_graph(GModel::Graph(*m_orig_graph).metadata()
, m_gm(*m_orig_graph)
, m_gim(*m_island_graph)
const cv::gimpl::GModel::Graph& cv::gimpl::GAbstractExecutor::model() const
return m_gm;

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
// Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation
#include <memory> // unique_ptr, shared_ptr
#include <utility> // tuple, required by magazine
#include <unordered_map> // required by magazine
#include <ade/graph.hpp>
#include "backends/common/gbackend.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace gimpl {
// Graph-level executor interface.
// This class specifies API for a "super-executor" which orchestrates
// the overall Island graph execution.
// Every Island (subgraph) execution is delegated to a particular
// backend and is done opaquely to the GExecutor.
// Inputs to a GExecutor instance are:
// - GIslandModel - a high-level graph model which may be seen as a
// "procedure" to execute.
// - GModel - a low-level graph of operations (from which a GIslandModel
// is projected)
// - GComputation runtime arguments - vectors of input/output objects
// Every GExecutor is responsible for
// a. Maintaining non-island (intermediate) data objects within graph
// b. Providing GIslandExecutables with input/output data according to
// their protocols
// c. Triggering execution of GIslandExecutables when task/data dependencies
// are met.
// By default G-API stores all data on host, and cross-Island
// exchange happens via host buffers (and CV data objects).
// Today's exchange data objects are:
// - cv::Mat, cv::RMat - for image buffers
// - cv::Scalar - for single values (with up to four components inside)
// - cv::detail::VectorRef - an untyped wrapper over std::vector<T>
// - cv::detail::OpaqueRef - an untyped wrapper over T
// - cv::MediaFrame - for image textures and surfaces (e.g. in planar format)
class GAbstractExecutor
std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> m_orig_graph;
std::shared_ptr<ade::Graph> m_island_graph;
cv::gimpl::GModel::Graph m_gm; // FIXME: make const?
cv::gimpl::GIslandModel::Graph m_gim; // FIXME: make const?
explicit GAbstractExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&g_model);
virtual ~GAbstractExecutor() = default;
virtual void run(cv::gimpl::GRuntimeArgs &&args) = 0;
virtual bool canReshape() const = 0;
virtual void reshape(const GMetaArgs& inMetas, const GCompileArgs& args) = 0;
virtual void prepareForNewStream() = 0;
const GModel::Graph& model() const; // FIXME: make it ConstGraph?
} // namespace gimpl
} // namespace cv

@ -16,11 +16,7 @@
#include "compiler/passes/passes.hpp"
cv::gimpl::GExecutor::GExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&g_model)
: m_orig_graph(std::move(g_model))
, m_island_graph(GModel::Graph(*m_orig_graph).metadata()
, m_gm(*m_orig_graph)
, m_gim(*m_island_graph)
: GAbstractExecutor(std::move(g_model))
// NB: Right now GIslandModel is acyclic, so for a naive execution,
// simple unrolling to a list of triggers is enough
@ -424,11 +420,6 @@ void cv::gimpl::GExecutor::run(cv::gimpl::GRuntimeArgs &&args)
const cv::gimpl::GModel::Graph& cv::gimpl::GExecutor::model() const
return m_gm;
bool cv::gimpl::GExecutor::canReshape() const
// FIXME: Introduce proper reshaping support on GExecutor level

@ -8,58 +8,18 @@
#include <memory> // unique_ptr, shared_ptr
#include <utility> // tuple, required by magazine
#include <unordered_map> // required by magazine
#include <ade/graph.hpp>
#include "backends/common/gbackend.hpp"
#include "executor/gabstractexecutor.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace gimpl {
// Graph-level executor interface.
// This class specifies API for a "super-executor" which orchestrates
// the overall Island graph execution.
// Every Island (subgraph) execution is delegated to a particular
// backend and is done opaquely to the GExecutor.
// Inputs to a GExecutor instance are:
// - GIslandModel - a high-level graph model which may be seen as a
// "procedure" to execute.
// - GModel - a low-level graph of operations (from which a GIslandModel
// is projected)
// - GComputation runtime arguments - vectors of input/output objects
// Every GExecutor is responsible for
// a. Maintaining non-island (intermediate) data objects within graph
// b. Providing GIslandExecutables with input/output data according to
// their protocols
// c. Triggering execution of GIslandExecutables when task/data dependencies
// are met.
// By default G-API stores all data on host, and cross-Island
// exchange happens via host buffers (and CV data objects).
// Today's exchange data objects are:
// - cv::Mat - for image buffers
// - cv::Scalar - for single values (with up to four components inside)
// - cv::detail::VectorRef - an untyped wrapper over std::vector<T>
class GExecutor
class GExecutor final: public GAbstractExecutor
Mag m_res;
std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> m_orig_graph;
std::shared_ptr<ade::Graph> m_island_graph;
cv::gimpl::GModel::Graph m_gm; // FIXME: make const?
cv::gimpl::GIslandModel::Graph m_gim; // FIXME: make const?
// FIXME: Naive executor details are here for now
// but then it should be moved to another place
@ -85,14 +45,12 @@ protected:
explicit GExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&g_model);
void run(cv::gimpl::GRuntimeArgs &&args);
bool canReshape() const;
void reshape(const GMetaArgs& inMetas, const GCompileArgs& args);
void run(cv::gimpl::GRuntimeArgs &&args) override;
void prepareForNewStream();
bool canReshape() const override;
void reshape(const GMetaArgs& inMetas, const GCompileArgs& args) override;
const GModel::Graph& model() const; // FIXME: make it ConstGraph?
void prepareForNewStream() override;
} // namespace gimpl
