* service * tutorials * samples * gitignorepull/22/head
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
*.pyc |
.DS_Store |
refman.rst |
OpenCV4Tegra/ |
*.user |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
tbb*.tgz |
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ |
#!/bin/sh |
cd `dirname $0`/.. |
rm -rf package |
mkdir -p package |
cd package |
PRG_DIR=`pwd` |
mkdir opencv |
# neon-enabled build |
#cd $PRG_DIR |
#mkdir build-neon |
#cd build-neon |
#make -j8 install/strip || exit 1 |
#cd "$PRG_DIR/opencv" |
#rm -rf doc include src .classpath .project AndroidManifest.xml default.properties share/OpenCV/haarcascades share/OpenCV/lbpcascades share/OpenCV/*.cmake share/OpenCV/OpenCV.mk |
#mv libs/armeabi-v7a libs/armeabi-v7a-neon |
#mv share/OpenCV/3rdparty/libs/armeabi-v7a share/OpenCV/3rdparty/libs/armeabi-v7a-neon |
# armeabi-v7a build |
cd "$PRG_DIR" |
mkdir build |
cd build |
make -j8 install/strip || exit 1 |
cd "$PRG_DIR/opencv" |
rm -rf doc include src .classpath .project AndroidManifest.xml default.properties project.properties share/OpenCV/haarcascades share/OpenCV/lbpcascades share/OpenCV/*.cmake share/OpenCV/OpenCV.mk |
# armeabi build |
cd "$PRG_DIR/build" |
rm -rf CMakeCache.txt |
make -j8 install/strip docs || exit 1 |
find doc -name "*.pdf" -exec cp {} $PRG_DIR/opencv/doc \; |
cd $PRG_DIR |
rm -rf opencv/doc/CMakeLists.txt |
cp "$ANDROID_DIR/README.android" opencv/ |
cp "$ANDROID_DIR/../README" opencv/ |
# get opencv version |
CV_VERSION=`grep -o "[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+" opencv/share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig-version.cmake` |
mv opencv $OPENCV_NAME |
#samples |
cp -r "$ANDROID_DIR/../samples/android" "$PRG_DIR/samples" |
cd "$PRG_DIR/samples" |
#enable for loops over items with spaces in their name |
IFS=" |
" |
for dir in `ls -1` |
do |
if [ -f "$dir/default.properties" ] |
then |
HAS_REFERENCE=`cat "$dir/project.properties" | grep -c android.library.reference.1` |
if [ $HAS_REFERENCE = 1 ] |
then |
echo -n > "$dir/project.properties" |
android update project --name "$dir" --target "android-8" --library "../../$OPENCV_NAME" --path "$dir" |
#echo 'android update project --name "$dir" --target "android-8" --library "../opencv$CV_VERSION" --path "$dir"' |
fi |
else |
if [ -f "$dir/default.properties" ] |
then |
HAS_REFERENCE=`cat "$dir/default.properties" | grep -c android.library.reference.1` |
if [ $HAS_REFERENCE = 1 ] |
then |
echo -n > "$dir/default.properties" |
android update project --name "$dir" --target "android-8" --library "../../$OPENCV_NAME" --path "$dir" |
#echo 'android update project --name "$dir" --target "android-8" --library "../opencv$CV_VERSION" --path "$dir"' |
fi |
else |
rm -rf "$dir" |
fi |
fi |
done |
echo "OPENCV_MK_PATH:=../../$OPENCV_NAME/share/OpenCV/OpenCV.mk" > includeOpenCV.mk |
#clean samples |
cd "$PRG_DIR/samples" |
#remove ignored files/folders |
svn status --no-ignore | grep ^I | cut -c9- | xargs -d \\n rm -rf |
#remove unversioned files/folders |
svn status | grep ^\? | cut -c9- | xargs -d \\n rm -rf |
#generate "gen" folders to eliminate eclipse warnings |
cd "$PRG_DIR/samples" |
for dir in `ls -1` |
do |
if [ -d "$dir" ] |
then |
mkdir "$dir/gen" |
fi |
done |
#generate folders "gen" and "res" for opencv (dummy eclipse stiff) |
cd $PRG_DIR |
mkdir "$OPENCV_NAME/gen" |
mkdir "$OPENCV_NAME/res" |
# pack all files |
cd $PRG_DIR |
PRG_NAME=OpenCV-$CV_VERSION-tp-android-bin.tar.bz2 |
tar cjpf $PRG_NAME --exclude-vcs $OPENCV_NAME samples || exit -1 |
echo |
echo "Package $PRG_NAME is successfully created" |
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ |
.. _O4A_SDK: |
OpenCV4Android SDK |
****************** |
This tutorial was designed to help you with installation and configuration of OpenCV4Android SDK. |
This guide was written with MS Windows 7 in mind, though it should work with GNU Linux and Apple MacOS as well. |
This tutorial assumes you have the following installed and configured: |
* JDK |
* Android SDK and NDK |
* Eclipse IDE |
* ADT and CDT plugins for Eclipse |
.. |
If you need help with anything of the above, you may refer to our :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide. |
If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via `OpenCV4Android <https://groups.google.com/group/android-opencv/>`_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum <http://answers.opencv.org>`_. We'll do our best to help you out. |
General info |
============ |
OpenCV4Android SDK package enables development of Android applications with use of OpenCV library. |
The structure of package contents looks as follows: |
:: |
OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk |
|_ apk |
| |_ OpenCV_2.4.2_binary_pack_XXX.apk |
| |_ OpenCV_2.4.2_Manager.apk |
| |
|_ doc |
|_ samples |
|_ sdk |
| |_ etc |
| |_ java |
| |_ native |
| |_ 3rdparty |
| |_ jni |
| |_ libs |
| |_ armeabi |
| |_ armeabi-v7a |
| |_ x86 |
| |
|_ license.txt |
|_ README.android |
* :file:`sdk` folder contains OpenCV API and libraries for Android: |
* :file:`sdk/java` folder contains an Android library Eclipse project providing OpenCV Java API that can be imported into developer's workspace; |
* :file:`sdk/native` folder contains OpenCV C++ headers (for JNI code) and native Android libraries (\*\.so and \*\.a) for ARM-v5, ARM-v7a and x86 architectures; |
* :file:`sdk/etc` folder contains Haar and LBP cascades distributed with OpenCV. |
* :file:`apk` folder contains Android packages that should be installed on the target Android device to enable OpenCV library access via OpenCV Manager API (see details below). |
On production devices that have access to Google Play Market (and internet) these packages will be installed from Market on the first start of an application using OpenCV Manager API. |
But dev kits without Market or internet require this packages to be installed manually. |
(Install the `Manager.apk` and the corresponding `binary_pack.apk` depending on the device CPU, the Manager GUI provides this info). |
**Note**: installation from internet is the preferable way since we may publish updated versions of this packages on the Market. |
* :file:`samples` folder contains sample applications projects and their prebuilt packages (APK). |
Import them into Eclipse workspace (like described below) and browse the code to learn possible ways of OpenCV use on Android. |
* :file:`doc` folder contains various OpenCV documentation in PDF format. |
It's also available online at http://docs.opencv.org. |
**Note**: the most recent docs (nightly build) are at http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/. |
Generally, it's more up-to-date, but can refer to not-yet-released functionality. |
Starting version 2.4.2 `OpenCV4Android SDK` uses `OpenCV Manager` API for library initialization. `OpenCV Manager` is an Android service based solution providing the following benefits for OpenCV applications developers: |
* Compact apk-size, since all applications use the same binaries from Manager and do not store native libs within themselves; |
* Hardware specific optimizations are automatically enabled on all supported platforms; |
* Automatic updates and bug fixes; |
* Trusted OpenCV library source. All packages with OpenCV are published on Google Play; |
.. |
For additional information on OpenCV Manager see the: |
* |OpenCV4Android_Slides|_ |
* |OpenCV4Android_Reference|_ |
.. |
.. |OpenCV4Android_Slides| replace:: Slides |
.. _OpenCV4Android_Slides: https://docs.google.com/a/itseez.com/presentation/d/1EO_1kijgBg_BsjNp2ymk-aarg-0K279_1VZRcPplSuk/present#slide=id.p |
.. |OpenCV4Android_Reference| replace:: Reference Manual |
.. _OpenCV4Android_Reference: http://docs.opencv.org/android/refman.html |
Tegra Android Development Pack users |
==================================== |
You may have used `Tegra Android Development Pack <http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-android-development-pack>`_ |
(**TADP**) released by **NVIDIA** for Android development environment setup. |
Beside Android development tools the TADP 2.0 includes OpenCV4Android SDK 2.4.2, so it can be already installed in your system and you can skip to running the ``face-detection`` sample. |
More details regarding TADP can be found in the :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide. |
Manual OpenCV4Android SDK setup |
=============================== |
Get the OpenCV4Android SDK |
-------------------------- |
#. Go to the `OpenCV dowload page on SourceForge <http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-android/>`_ and download the latest available version. Currently it's |opencv_android_bin_pack_url|_ |
#. Create a new folder for Android with OpenCV development. For this tutorial I have unpacked OpenCV to the :file:`C:\\Work\\OpenCV4Android\\` directory. |
.. note:: Better to use a path without spaces in it. Otherwise you may have problems with :command:`ndk-build`. |
#. Unpack the OpenCV package into the chosen directory. |
You can unpack it using any popular archiver (e.g with |seven_zip|_): |
.. image:: images/android_package_7zip.png |
:alt: Exploring OpenCV package with 7-Zip |
:align: center |
On Unix you can use the following command: |
.. code-block:: bash |
unzip ~/Downloads/OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip |
.. |opencv_android_bin_pack| replace:: OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip |
.. _opencv_android_bin_pack_url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-android/2.4.2/OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip/download |
.. |opencv_android_bin_pack_url| replace:: |opencv_android_bin_pack| |
.. |seven_zip| replace:: 7-Zip |
.. _seven_zip: http://www.7-zip.org/ |
Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse |
------------------------------------------ |
#. Start *Eclipse* and choose your workspace location. |
We recommend to start working with OpenCV for Android from a new clean workspace. A new Eclipse workspace can for example be created in the folder where you have unpacked OpenCV4Android SDK package: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_1_choose_workspace.png |
:alt: Choosing C:\Work\android-opencv\ as workspace location |
:align: center |
#. Import OpenCV library and samples into workspace. |
OpenCV library is packed as a ready-for-use `Android Library Project |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects>`_. You can simply reference it in your projects. |
Each sample included into the |opencv_android_bin_pack| is a regular Android project that already references OpenCV library. |
Follow the steps below to import OpenCV and samples into the workspace: |
* Right click on the :guilabel:`Package Explorer` window and choose :guilabel:`Import...` option from the context menu: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_5_import_command.png |
:alt: Select Import... from context menu |
:align: center |
* In the main panel select :menuselection:`General --> Existing Projects into Workspace` and press :guilabel:`Next` button: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_6_import_existing_projects.png |
:alt: General > Existing Projects into Workspace |
:align: center |
* In the :guilabel:`Select root directory` field locate your OpenCV package folder. Eclipse should automatically locate OpenCV library and samples: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_7_select_projects.png |
:alt: Locate OpenCV library and samples |
:align: center |
* Click :guilabel:`Finish` button to complete the import operation. |
After clicking :guilabel:`Finish` button Eclipse will load all selected projects into workspace. Numerous errors will be indicated: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_8_false_alarm.png |
:alt: Confusing Eclipse screen with numerous errors |
:align: center |
However, **all these errors are only false-alarms**! |
Just give a minute to Eclipse to complete initialization. |
In some cases these errors disappear after :menuselection:`Project --> Clean... --> Clean all --> OK` |
or after pressing :kbd:`F5` (for Refresh action) when selecting error-label-marked projects in :guilabel:`Package Explorer`. |
Sometimes more advanced manipulations are required: |
The provided projects are configured for ``API 11`` target (and ``API 9`` for the library) that can be missing platform in your Android SDK. |
After right click on any project select :guilabel:`Properties` and then :guilabel:`Android` on the left pane. |
Click some target with `API Level` 11 or higher: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_8a_target.png |
:alt: Updating target |
:align: center |
Eclipse will rebuild your workspace and error icons will disappear one by one: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_9_errors_dissapearing.png |
:alt: After small help Eclipse removes error icons! |
:align: center |
Once Eclipse completes build you will have the clean workspace without any build errors: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_10_crystal_clean.png |
:alt: OpenCV package imported into Eclipse |
:align: center |
.. _Running_OpenCV_Samples: |
Running OpenCV Samples |
---------------------- |
At this point you should be able to build and run the samples. Keep in mind, that ``face-detection``, ``Tutorial 3`` and ``Tutorial 4`` include some native code and require Android NDK and CDT plugin for Eclipse to build working applications. |
If you haven't installed these tools see the corresponding section of :ref:`Android_Dev_Intro`. |
Also, please consider that ``Tutorial 0`` and ``Tutorial 1`` samples use Java Camera API that definitelly accessible on emulator from the Android SDK. |
Other samples use OpenCV Native Camera which may not work with emulator. |
.. note:: Recent *Android SDK tools, revision 19+* can run ARM v7a OS images but they available not for all Android versions. |
Well, running samples from Eclipse is very simple: |
* Connect your device with :command:`adb` tool from Android SDK or create an emulator with camera support. |
* See `Managing Virtual Devices |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/index.html>`_ document for help with Android Emulator. |
* See `Using Hardware Devices |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html>`_ for help with real devices (not emulators). |
* Select project you want to start in :guilabel:`Package Explorer` and just press :kbd:`Ctrl + F11` or select option :menuselection:`Run --> Run` from the main menu, or click :guilabel:`Run` button on the toolbar. |
.. note:: Android Emulator can take several minutes to start. So, please, be patient. |
* On the first run Eclipse will ask you about the running mode for your application: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_11_run_as.png |
:alt: Run sample as Android Application |
:align: center |
* Select the :guilabel:`Android Application` option and click :guilabel:`OK` button. Eclipse will install and run the sample. |
Chances are that on the first launch you will not have the `OpenCV Manager <https://docs.google.com/a/itseez.com/presentation/d/1EO_1kijgBg_BsjNp2ymk-aarg-0K279_1VZRcPplSuk/present#slide=id.p>`_ package installed. |
In this case you will see the following message: |
.. image:: images/android_emulator_opencv_manager_fail.png |
:alt: You will see this message if you have no OpenCV Manager installed |
:align: center |
To get rid of the message you will need to install `OpenCV Manager` and the appropriate `OpenCV binary pack`. |
Simply tap :menuselection:`Yes` if you have *Google Play Market* installed on your device/emulator. It will redirect you to the corresponding page on *Google Play Market*. |
If you have no access to the *Market*, which is often the case with emulators - you will need to install the packages from OpenCV4Android SDK folder manually. Open the console/terminal and type in the following two commands: |
.. code-block:: sh |
:linenos: |
<Android SDK path>/platform-tools/adb install <OpenCV4Android SDK path>/apk/OpenCV_2.4.2_Manager.apk |
<Android SDK path>/platform-tools/adb install <OpenCV4Android SDK path>/apk/OpenCV_2.4.2_binary_pack_armv7a.apk |
If you're running Windows, that will probably look like this: |
.. image:: images/install_opencv_manager_with_adb.png |
:alt: Run these commands in the console to install OpenCV Manager |
:align: center |
When done, you will be able to run OpenCV samples on your device/emulator seamlessly. |
* Here is ``Tutorial 2 - Use OpenCV Camera`` sample, running on top of stock camera-preview of the emulator. |
.. image:: images/emulator_canny.png |
:height: 600px |
:alt: Tutorial 1 Basic - 1. Add OpenCV - running Canny |
:align: center |
What's next |
=========== |
Now, when you have your instance of OpenCV4Adroid SDK set up and configured, you may want to proceed to using OpenCV in your own application. You can learn how to do that in a separate :ref:`dev_with_OCV_on_Android` tutorial. |
@ -1,470 +0,0 @@ |
.. _Android_Binary_Package: |
Using Android binary package with Eclipse |
***************************************** |
This tutorial was tested using Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 SP1 operating systems. |
Nevertheless, it should also work on any other **OS**\ es supported by Android SDK (including Mac OS X). |
If you encounter errors after following the steps described here, feel free to contact us via `OpenCV4Android <https://groups.google.com/group/android-opencv/>`_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum <http://answers.opencv.org>`_ and we will try to help you. |
Quick environment setup for Android development |
=============================================== |
If you are making a clean environment installation then you can try `Tegra Android Development Pack <http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-android-development-pack>`_ |
(**TADP**) released by **NVIDIA**: |
It will cover all of the environment set up automatically and you can go to the next step :ref:`Get_the_OpenCV_package_for_Android_development` right after automatic setup. |
If you are a beginner in Android development then we recommend you to start with TADP. |
.. note:: *NVIDIA*\ 's Tegra Android Development Pack includes some special features for |Nvidia_Tegra_Platform|_ but it is not just for *Tegra* devices |
+ You need at least *1.6 Gb* free disk space for installation. |
+ TADP will download Android SDK platforms and Android NDK from Google's server, so you need an Internet connection for the installation. |
+ TADP can ask you to flash your development kit at the end of installation process. Just skip this step if you have no |Tegra_Ventana_Development_Kit|_\ . |
+ (``UNIX``) TADP will ask you for a *root* in the middle of installation, so you need to be a member of *sudo* group. |
.. |
.. |Nvidia_Tegra_Platform| replace:: *NVIDIA*\ ’s Tegra platform |
.. _Nvidia_Tegra_Platform: http://developer.nvidia.com/node/19071 |
.. |Tegra_Ventana_Development_Kit| replace:: Tegra Ventana Development Kit |
.. _Tegra_Ventana_Development_Kit: http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-ventana-development-kit |
.. _Android_Environment_Setup_Lite: |
Manual environment setup for Android Development |
================================================ |
You need the following tools to be installed: |
#. **Sun JDK 6** |
Visit `Java SE Downloads page <http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/>`_ and download installer for your OS. |
Here is a detailed :abbr:`JDK (Java Development Kit)` `installation guide <http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html#installing-the-jdk>`_ |
for Ubuntu and Mac OS (only JDK sections are applicable for OpenCV) |
.. note:: OpenJDK is not usable for Android development because Android SDK supports only Sun JDK. |
If you use Ubuntu, after installation of Sun JDK you should run the following command to set Sun java environment: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun |
#. **Android SDK** |
Get the latest ``Android SDK`` from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html |
Here is Google's `install guide <http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html>`_ for SDK. |
.. note:: If you choose SDK packed into Windows installer, then you should have 32-bit JRE installed. It is not needed for Android development, but installer is x86 application and requires 32-bit Java runtime. |
.. note:: If you are running x64 version of Ubuntu Linux, then you need ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems to be installed. You can install them with the following command: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs |
For Red Hat based systems the following command might be helpful: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo yum install libXtst.i386 |
#. **Android SDK components** |
You need the following SDK components to be installed: |
* *Android SDK Tools, revision14* or newer |
Older revisions should also work, but they are not recommended. |
* *SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11* (also known as *android-11*) |
The minimal platform supported by OpenCV Java API is **Android 2.2** (API 8). This is also the minimum API Level required for the provided samples to run. |
See the ``<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/>`` tag in their **AndroidManifest.xml** files. |
But for successful compilation of some samples the **target** platform should be set to Android 3.0 (API 11) or higher. It will not block them from running on Android 2.2+. |
.. image:: images/android_sdk_and_avd_manager.png |
:height: 500px |
:alt: Android SDK Manager |
:align: center |
See `Adding SDK Components <http://developer.android.com/sdk/adding-components.html>`_ for help with installing/updating SDK components. |
#. **Eclipse IDE** |
Check the `Android SDK System Requirements <http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html>`_ document for a list of Eclipse versions that are compatible with the Android SDK. |
For OpenCV 2.4.x we recommend Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) or later versions. They work well for OpenCV under both Windows and Linux. |
If you have no Eclipse installed, you can get it from the `download page <http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/>`_. |
#. **ADT plugin for Eclipse** |
This instruction is copied from `Android Developers site <http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html>`_. |
Please, visit `that page <http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#downloading>`_ if you have any troubles with :abbr:`ADT(Android Development Tools)` plugin installation. |
Assuming that you have Eclipse IDE installed, as described above, follow these steps to download and install the ADT plugin: |
#. Start Eclipse, then select :menuselection:`Help --> Install New Software...` |
#. Click :guilabel:`Add` (in the top-right corner). |
#. In the :guilabel:`Add Repository` dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location: |
https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ |
#. Click :guilabel:`OK` |
.. note:: If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using "http" in the Location URL, instead of "https" (https is preferred for security reasons). |
#. In the :guilabel:`Available Software` dialog, select the checkbox next to :guilabel:`Developer Tools` and click :guilabel:`Next`. |
#. In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click :guilabel:`Next`. |
#. Read and accept the license agreements, then click :guilabel:`Finish`. |
.. note:: If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click :guilabel:`OK`. |
#. When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. |
.. _Get_the_OpenCV_package_for_Android_development: |
Get the OpenCV package for Android development |
============================================== |
#. Go to the `OpenCV dowload page on SourceForge <http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-android/>`_ and download the latest available version. Currently it is |opencv_android_bin_pack_url|_ |
#. Create new folder for Android+OpenCV development. For this tutorial I have unpacked OpenCV to the :file:`C:\\Work\\android-opencv\\` directory. |
.. note:: Better to use a path without spaces in it. Otherwise you will probably have problems with :command:`ndk-build`. |
#. Unpack the OpenCV package into that dir. |
You can unpack it using any popular archiver (for example with |seven_zip|_): |
.. image:: images/android_package_7zip.png |
:alt: Exploring OpenCV package with 7-Zip |
:align: center |
On Unix you can use the following command: |
.. code-block:: bash |
unzip ~/Downloads/OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip |
.. |opencv_android_bin_pack| replace:: OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip |
.. _opencv_android_bin_pack_url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-android/2.4.2/OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk.zip/download |
.. |opencv_android_bin_pack_url| replace:: |opencv_android_bin_pack| |
.. |seven_zip| replace:: 7-Zip |
.. _seven_zip: http://www.7-zip.org/ |
Open OpenCV library and samples in Eclipse |
========================================== |
#. Start the *Eclipse* and choose your workspace location. |
I recommend to start familiarizing yourself with OpenCV for Android from a new clean workspace. So I have chosen my OpenCV package directory for the new workspace: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_1_choose_workspace.png |
:alt: Choosing C:\Work\android-opencv\ as workspace location |
:align: center |
#. Configure your ADT plugin (if needed) |
.. important:: In most cases the ADT plugin finds Android SDK automatically, but sometimes it fails and shows the following prompt: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_1a_locate_sdk.png |
:alt: Locating Android SDK |
:align: center |
Select :guilabel:`Use existing SDKs` option, browse for Android SDK folder and click :guilabel:`Finish`. |
To make sure the SDK folder is set correctly do the following step taken from `Configuring the ADT Plugin <http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html#configuring>`_ document from *Google*: |
* Select :menuselection:`Window --> Preferences...` to open the Preferences panel (Mac OS X: :menuselection:`Eclipse --> Preferences`): |
.. image:: images/eclipse_2_window_preferences.png |
:alt: Select Window > Preferences... |
:align: center |
* Select :guilabel:`Android` from the left panel. |
You may see a dialog asking whether you want to send usage statistics to *Google*. If so, make your choice and click :guilabel:`Proceed`. You cannot continue with this procedure until you click :guilabel:`Proceed`. |
If the SDK folder isn't set you'll see the following: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_3_preferences_android.png |
:alt: Select Android from the left panel |
:align: center |
* For the SDK Location in the main panel, click :guilabel:`Browse...` and locate your Android SDK directory. |
* Click :guilabel:`Apply` button at the bottom right corner of main panel. |
If the SDK folder is already set correctly you'll see something like this: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_4_locate_sdk.png |
:alt: Locate Android SDK |
:align: center |
* Click :guilabel:`OK` to close preferences dialog. |
#. Import OpenCV and samples into workspace. |
OpenCV library is packed as a ready-for-use `Android Library Project |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects>`_. You can simply reference it in your projects. |
Each sample included into the |opencv_android_bin_pack| is a regular Android project that already references OpenCV library. |
Follow the steps below to import OpenCV and samples into the workspace: |
* Right click on the :guilabel:`Package Explorer` window and choose :guilabel:`Import...` option from the context menu: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_5_import_command.png |
:alt: Select Import... from context menu |
:align: center |
* In the main panel select :menuselection:`General --> Existing Projects into Workspace` and press :guilabel:`Next` button: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_6_import_existing_projects.png |
:alt: General > Existing Projects into Workspace |
:align: center |
* For the :guilabel:`Select root directory` in the main panel locate your OpenCV package folder. (If you have created workspace in the package directory, then just click :guilabel:`Browse...` button and instantly close directory choosing dialog with :guilabel:`OK` button!) Eclipse should automatically locate OpenCV library and samples: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_7_select_projects.png |
:alt: Locate OpenCV library and samples |
:align: center |
* Click :guilabel:`Finish` button to complete the import operation. |
After clicking :guilabel:`Finish` button Eclipse will load all selected projects into workspace. And... will indicate numerous errors: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_8_false_alarm.png |
:alt: Confusing Eclipse screen with numerous errors |
:align: center |
However **all these errors are only false-alarms**! |
To help Eclipse to understand that there are no any errors choose OpenCV library in :guilabel:`Package Explorer` (left mouse click) and press :kbd:`F5` button on your keyboard. Then choose any sample (except first samples in *Tutorial Base* and *Tutorial Advanced*) and also press :kbd:`F5`. |
In some cases these errors disappear after :menuselection:`Project --> Clean... --> Clean all --> OK`. |
Sometimes more advanced manipulations are needed: |
* The provided projects are configured for `android-11` target that can be missing platform in your Android SDK. After right click on any project select :guilabel:`Properties` and then :guilabel:`Android` on the left pane. Click some target with `API Level` 11 or higher: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_8a_target.png |
:alt: Updating target |
:align: center |
After this manipulation Eclipse will rebuild your workspace and error icons will disappear one after another: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_9_errors_dissapearing.png |
:alt: After small help Eclipse removes error icons! |
:align: center |
Once Eclipse completes build you will have the clean workspace without any build errors: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_10_crystal_clean.png |
:alt: OpenCV package imported into Eclipse |
:align: center |
Running OpenCV Samples |
====================== |
At this point you should be able to build and run all samples except the last two (Tutorial 3 and 4). These samples include native code and require Android NDK to build working applications, see the next tutorial :ref:`Android_Binary_Package_with_NDK` to learn how to compile them. |
Also I want to note that only ``Tutorial 0 - Android Camera`` and ``Tutorial 1 - Add OpenCV`` samples are able to run on Emulator from the Android SDK. Other samples are using OpenCV Native Camera which does not work with emulator. |
.. note:: Latest *Android SDK tools, revision 19* can run ARM v7a OS images but *Google* provides such image for Android 4.x only. |
Well, running samples from Eclipse is very simple: |
* Connect your device with :command:`adb` tool from Android SDK or create Emulator with camera support. |
* See `Managing Virtual Devices |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/devices/index.html>`_ document for help with Android Emulator. |
* See `Using Hardware Devices |
<http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html>`_ for help with real devices (not emulators). |
* Select project you want to start in :guilabel:`Package Explorer` and just press :kbd:`Ctrl + F11` or select option :menuselection:`Run --> Run` from the main menu, or click :guilabel:`Run` button on the toolbar. |
.. note:: Android Emulator can take several minutes to start. So, please, be patient. |
* On the first run Eclipse will ask you about the running mode for your application: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_11_run_as.png |
:alt: Run sample as Android Application |
:align: center |
* Select the :guilabel:`Android Application` option and click :guilabel:`OK` button. Eclipse will install and run the sample. |
Here is ``Tutorial 1 - Add OpenCV`` sample detecting edges using Canny algorithm from OpenCV: |
.. image:: images/emulator_canny.png |
:height: 600px |
:alt: Tutorial 1 Basic - 1. Add OpenCV - running Canny |
:align: center |
How to use OpenCV library project in your application |
===================================================== |
In this section we will explain how to make some existing application to use OpenCV. |
Starting from 2.4.2 release on Android so-called "OpenCV Manager" is used for providing applications with the best version of OpenCV. |
You can get more information here: :ref:`Android_OpenCV_Manager`. |
Application development with async initialization |
------------------------------------------------- |
Using async initialization is a preferred way for application development. It uses the OpenCV Manager for access to OpenCV libraries. |
#. Add OpenCV library project to your workspace. Use menu :guilabel:`File –> Import –> Existing project in your workspace`, |
push :guilabel:`Browse` button and select OpenCV SDK path (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk`). |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. In application project add a reference to the OpenCV Java SDK in :guilabel:`Project –> Properties –> Android –> Library –> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.2``. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
To use OpenCV Manager-based approach you need to install packages with the `Manager` and `OpenCV binary package` for you platform. |
You can do it using Google Play Market or manually with ``adb`` tool: |
.. code-block:: sh |
:linenos: |
adb install ./org.opencv.engine.apk |
adb install ./org.opencv.lib_v24_<hardware version>.apk |
There is a very base code snippet implementing the async initialization. It shows basic principles. See the "15-puzzle" OpenCV sample for details. |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements HelperCallbackInterface |
{ |
private BaseLoaderCallback mOpenCVCallBack = new BaseLoaderCallback(this) { |
@Override |
public void onManagerConnected(int status) { |
switch (status) { |
case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS: |
{ |
Log.i(TAG, "OpenCV loaded successfully"); |
// Create and set View |
mView = new puzzle15View(mAppContext); |
setContentView(mView); |
} break; |
default: |
{ |
super.onManagerConnected(status); |
} break; |
} |
} |
}; |
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ |
@Override |
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) |
{ |
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate"); |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
Log.i(TAG, "Trying to load OpenCV library"); |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_2, this, mOpenCVCallBack)) |
{ |
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot connect to OpenCV Manager"); |
} |
} |
// ... |
} |
It this case application works with OpenCV Manager in asynchronous fashion. ``OnManagerConnected`` callback will be called in UI thread, when initialization finishes. |
Please note, that it is not allowed to use OpenCV calls or load OpenCV-dependent native libs before invoking this callback. |
Load your own native libraries that depend on OpenCV after the successful OpenCV initialization. |
Application development with static initialization |
-------------------------------------------------- |
According to this approach all OpenCV binaries are included into your application package. It is designed mostly for development purposes. |
This approach is deprecated for the production code, release package is recommended to communicate with OpenCV Manager via the async initialization described above. |
#. Add the OpenCV library project to your workspace the same way as for the async initialization above. |
Use menu :guilabel:`File –> Import –> Existing project in your workspace`, push :guilabel:`Browse` button and select OpenCV SDK path (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk`). |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. In the application project add a reference to the OpenCV Java SDK in :guilabel:`Project –> Properties –> Android –> Library –> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.2``; |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. If your application project **doesn't have a JNI part**, just copy the OpenCV native libs to your project directory to folder :file:`libs/target_arch/`. |
In case of the application project **with a JNI part**, instead of manual libraries copying you need to modify your ``Android.mk`` file: |
add the following two code lines after the ``"include $(CLEAR_VARS)"`` and before ``"include path_to_OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk"`` |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
The result should look like the following: |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
# OpenCV |
include ../../sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk |
After that the OpenCV libraries will be copied to your application :file:`libs` folder during the JNI part build. |
Eclipse will automatically include all the libraries from the :file:`libs` folder to the application package (APK). |
#. The last step of enabling OpenCV in your application is Java initialization code before call to OpenCV API. |
It can be done, for example, in the static section of the ``Activity`` class: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
static { |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) { |
// Handle initialization error |
} |
} |
If you application includes other OpenCV-dependent native libraries you should load them **after** OpenCV initialization: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
static { |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) { |
// Handle initialization error |
} else { |
System.loadLibrary("my_jni_lib1"); |
System.loadLibrary("my_jni_lib2"); |
} |
} |
What's next? |
============ |
Read the :ref:`Android_Binary_Package_with_NDK` tutorial to learn how to add native OpenCV code to your Android project. |
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ |
.. _Android_Binary_Package_with_NDK: |
Using C++ OpenCV code with Android binary package |
************************************************* |
The Android way is writing all your code in Java. But sometimes it is not enough and you need to go to the native level and write some parts of your application in C/C++. |
This is especially important when you already have some computer vision code which is written in C++ and uses OpenCV, and you want to reuse it in your Android application, |
but do not want to rewrite the C++ code to Java. |
In this case the only way is to use JNI - a Java framework for interaction with native code. |
It means, that you should add a Java class with native methods exposing your C++ functionality to the Java part of your Android application. |
This tutorial describes a fast way to create and build Android applications containing OpenCV code written in C++. It shows how to build an application which uses OpenCV inside its JNI calls. Tutorial 3 and 4 from the OpenCV for Android SDK can be used as examples. OpenCV Sample "face-detect" also contain a call to C++ class. |
Please note that before starting this tutorial you should fulfill all the steps, described in the tutorial :ref:`Android_Binary_Package`. |
This tutorial was tested using Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 SP1 operating systems. |
Nevertheless, it should also work on Mac OS X. |
If you encounter errors after following the steps described here, feel free to contact us via |
`OpenCV4Android <https://groups.google.com/group/android-opencv/>`_ discussion group or |
OpenCV `Q&A forum <http://answers.opencv.org>`_ and we will try to help you. |
Prerequisites: Setup Android NDK |
================================ |
To compile C++ code for Android platform you need ``Android Native Development Kit`` (*NDK*). |
You can get the latest version of NDK from the `download page <http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html>`_. To install Android NDK just extract the archive to some folder on your computer. Here are `installation instructions <http://developer.android.com/sdk/ndk/index.html#installing>`_. |
.. note:: Before start you can read official Android NDK documentation which is in the Android NDK archive, in the folder :file:`docs/`. |
The main article about using Android NDK build system is in the :file:`ANDROID-MK.html` file. |
Some additional information you can find in the :file:`APPLICATION-MK.html`, :file:`NDK-BUILD.html` files, and :file:`CPU-ARM-NEON.html`, :file:`CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html`, :file:`PREBUILTS.html`. |
Theory: Android application structure |
===================================== |
Usually code of an Android application has the following structure: |
+ :file:`root folder of the project/` |
- :file:`jni/` |
- :file:`libs/` |
- :file:`res/` |
- :file:`src/` |
- :file:`AndroidManifest.xml` |
- :file:`project.properties` |
- :file:`... other files ...` |
where |
+ the :file:`src` folder contains Java code of the application, |
+ the :file:`res` folder contains resources of the application (images, xml files describing UI layout , etc), |
+ the :file:`libs` folder will contain native libraries after successful build, |
+ and the :file:`jni` folder contains C/C++ application source code and NDK's build scripts :file:`Android.mk` and :file:`Application.mk`. |
These scripts control the C++ build process (they are written in Makefile language). |
Also the root folder should contain the following files: |
* :file:`AndroidManifest.xml` file presents essential information about application to the Android system |
(name of the Application, name of main application's package, components of the application, required permissions, etc). |
It can be created using Eclipse wizard or :command:`android` tool from Android SDK. |
* :file:`project.properties` is a text file containing information about target Android platform and other build details. |
This file is generated by Eclipse or can be created with :command:`android` tool from Android SDK. |
.. note:: Both files (:file:`AndroidManifest.xml` and :file:`project.properties`) are required to compile the C++ part of the application (NDK build system uses information from these files). If any of these files does not exist, compile the Java part of the project before the C++ part. |
.. _NDK_build_cli: |
Theory: Building application with C++ native part from command line |
=================================================================== |
Here is the standard way to compile C++ part of an Android application: |
#. Open console and go to the root folder of Android application |
.. code-block:: bash |
cd <root folder of the project>/ |
.. note:: Alternatively you can go to the :file:`jni` folder of Android project. But samples from OpenCV binary package are configured for building from the project root level (because of relative path to the OpenCV library). |
#. Run the following command |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build |
.. note:: On Windows we recommend to use ``ndk-build.cmd`` in standard Windows console (``cmd.exe``) rather than the similar ``bash`` script in ``Cygwin`` shell. |
.. image:: images/ndk_build.png |
:alt: NDK build |
:align: center |
#. After executing this command the C++ part of the source code is compiled. |
After that the Java part of the application can be (re)compiled (using either *Eclipse* or :command:`ant` build tool). |
.. note:: Some parameters can be set for the :command:`ndk-build`: |
**Example 1**: Verbose compilation |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build V=1 |
**Example 2**: Rebuild all |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build -B |
.. _Android_NDK_integration_with_Eclipse: |
Theory: Building application with C++ native part from *Eclipse* |
================================================================ |
There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse compilation process. |
We recommend the approach based on Eclipse :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder. |
.. important:: Make sure your Eclipse IDE has the :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` plugin installed. Menu :guilabel:`Help -> About Eclipse SDK` and push :guilabel:`Installation Details` button. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_details.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
To install the `CDT plugin <http://eclipse.org/cdt/>`_ use menu :guilabel:`Help -> Install New Software...`, |
then paste the CDT 8.0 repository URL http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo as shown in the picture below and click :guilabel:`Add...`, name it *CDT* and click :guilabel:`OK`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
``CDT Main Features`` should be enough: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt_2.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
.. important:: OpenCV for Android 2.4.2 package contains sample projects pre-configured to use CDT Builder. It automatically builds JNI part via ``ndk-build``. |
#. Define the ``NDKROOT`` environment variable containing the path to Android NDK in your system (e.g. **"X:\\Apps\\android-ndk-r8"** or **"/opt/android-ndk-r8"**). |
#. | CDT Builder is already configured for **Windows** hosts, |
| on **Linux** or **MacOS** a small modification is required: |
Open `Project Properties` of the projects having JNI part (`face-detection`, `Tutorial 3` and `Tutorial 4`), |
select :guilabel:`C/C++ Build` in the left pane, |
remove **".cmd"** and leave ``"${NDKROOT}/ndk-build"`` in the :guilabel:`Build command` edit box and click :guilabel:`OK`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Use menu :guilabel:`Project` -> :guilabel:`Clean...` to make sure that NDK build is invoked on the project build: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_ndk_build.png |
:alt: Select resources folder to refresh automatically |
:align: center |
Theory: The structure of :file:`Android.mk` and :file:`Application.mk` scripts |
============================================================================== |
The script :file:`Android.mk` usually have the following structure: |
.. code-block:: make |
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
LOCAL_MODULE := <module_name> |
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := <list of .c and .cpp project files> |
<some variable name> := <some variable value> |
... |
<some variable name> := <some variable value> |
This is the minimal file :file:`Android.mk`, which builds a C++ source code of an Android application. Note that the first two lines and the last line are mandatory for any :file:`Android.mk`. |
Usually the file :file:`Application.mk` is optional, but in case of project using OpenCV, when STL and exceptions are used in C++, it also should be written. Example of the file :file:`Application.mk`: |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_STL := gnustl_static |
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions |
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a |
Practice: Build samples from OpenCV binary package |
================================================== |
OpenCV binary package includes 3 samples having JNI resources: |
* *Tutorial 3 (Advanced) - Add Native OpenCV* |
This sample illustrates how you can use OpenCV in C++ but without OpenCV Java API. |
* *Tutorial 4 (Advanced) - Mix Java+Native OpenCV* |
This sample shows how you can mix OpenCV Java API and native C++ code. |
* *Sample - face-detection* |
This sample illustrates usage of both simple OpenCV face detector via Java API and advanced detection based face tracker via JNI and C++. |
.. important:: Before OpenCV **2.4.2** for Android these projects were not configured to use CDT for building their native part , so you can do it yourself. |
Practice: Create an Android application, which uses OpenCV |
========================================================== |
To build your own Android application, which uses OpenCV from native part, the following steps should be done: |
#. The archive with OpenCV binary package should be downloaded and extracted to some folder (e.g. ``C:\Work\android-opencv\OpenCV-2.4.0``) |
#. You can use an environment variable to specify the location of OpenCV package or just hardcode full or relative path in the :file:`jni/Android.mk` of your projects. |
#. The file :file:`jni/Android.mk` should be written for the current application using the common rules for the file. |
For detailed information see the Android NDK documentation from the Android NDK archive, in the file |
:file:`<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/docs/ANDROID-MK.html` |
#. The line |
.. code-block:: make |
include C:\Work\android-opencv\OpenCV-2.4.0\share\OpenCV\OpenCV.mk |
should be inserted into the :file:`jni/Android.mk` file **after** the line |
.. code-block:: make |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
#. Several variables can be used to customize OpenCV stuff, but you **don't need** to use them when your application uses the `async initialization` via the `OpenCV Manager` API. |
Note: these variables should be set **before** the ``"include .../OpenCV.mk"`` line: |
.. code-block:: make |
Copies necessary OpenCV dynamic libs to the project ``libs`` folder in order to include them into the APK. |
.. code-block:: make |
Skip native OpenCV camera related libs copying to the project ``libs`` folder. |
.. code-block:: make |
Perform static link with OpenCV. By default dynamic link is used and the project JNI lib depends on ``libopencv_java.so``. |
#. The file :file:`Application.mk` should exist and should contain lines |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_STL := gnustl_static |
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions |
Also the line |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a |
is recommended for the applications targeting modern ARMs |
#. Either use :ref:`manual <NDK_build_cli>` ``ndk-build`` invocation or :ref:`setup Eclipse CDT Builder <Android_NDK_integration_with_Eclipse>` to build native JNI lib before Java part [re]build and APK creation. |
@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ |
.. _Android_Dev_Intro: |
Introduction into Android Development |
************************************* |
This guide was designed to help you in learning Android development basics and seting up your working environment quickly. |
This guide was written with Windows 7 in mind, though it would work with Linux (Ubuntu), Mac OS X and any other OS supported by Android SDK. |
If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via `OpenCV4Android <https://groups.google.com/group/android-opencv/>`_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum <http://answers.opencv.org>`_. We'll do our best to help you out. |
Preface |
======= |
Android is a Linux-based, open source mobile operating system developed by Open Handset Alliance led by Google. See the `Android home site <http://www.android.com/about/>`_ for general details. |
Development for Android significantly differs from development for other platforms. |
So before starting programming for Android we recommend you make sure that you are familiar with the following key topis: |
#. `Java <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language)>`_ programming language that is the primary development technology for Android OS. Also, you can find `Oracle docs on Java <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/>`_ useful. |
#. `Java Native Interface (JNI) <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Native_Interface>`_ that is a technology of running native code in Java virtual machine. Also, you can find `Oracle docs on JNI <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jni/>`_ useful. |
#. `Android Activity <http://developer.android.com/training/basics/activity-lifecycle/starting.html>`_ and its lifecycle, that is an essential Android API class. |
#. OpenCV development will certainly require some knowlege of the `Android Camera <http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/camera.html>`_ specifics. |
Quick environment setup for Android development |
=============================================== |
If you are making a clean environment install, then you can try `Tegra Android Development Pack <http://developer.nvidia.com/mobile/tegra-android-development-pack>`_ |
(**TADP**) released by **NVIDIA**. |
When unpacked, TADP will cover all of the environment setup automatically and you can skip the rest of the guide. |
If you are a beginner in Android development then we also recommend you to start with TADP. |
.. note:: *NVIDIA*\ 's Tegra Android Development Pack includes some special features for |Nvidia_Tegra_Platform|_ but its use is not limited to *Tegra* devices only. |
* You need at least *1.6 Gb* free disk space for the install. |
* TADP will download Android SDK platforms and Android NDK from Google's server, so Internet connection is required for the installation. |
* TADP may ask you to flash your development kit at the end of installation process. Just skip this step if you have no |Tegra_Development_Kit|_\ . |
* (``UNIX``) TADP will ask you for *root* in the middle of installation, so you need to be a member of *sudo* group. |
.. |
.. |Nvidia_Tegra_Platform| replace:: *NVIDIA*\ ’s Tegra platform |
.. _Nvidia_Tegra_Platform: http://www.nvidia.com/object/tegra-3-processor.html |
.. |Tegra_Development_Kit| replace:: Tegra Development Kit |
.. _Tegra_Development_Kit: http://developer.nvidia.com/mobile/tegra-hardware-sales-inquiries |
.. _Android_Environment_Setup_Lite: |
Manual environment setup for Android development |
================================================ |
Development in Java |
------------------- |
You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android in Java: |
#. **Sun JDK 6** |
Visit `Java SE Downloads page <http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/>`_ and download an installer for your OS. |
Here is a detailed :abbr:`JDK (Java Development Kit)` `installation guide <http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html#installing-the-jdk>`_ |
for Ubuntu and Mac OS (only JDK sections are applicable for OpenCV) |
.. note:: OpenJDK is not suitable for Android development, since Android SDK supports only Sun JDK. |
If you use Ubuntu, after installation of Sun JDK you should run the following command to set Sun java environment: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun |
.. **TODO:** add a note on Sun/Oracle Java installation on Ubuntu 12. |
#. **Android SDK** |
Get the latest ``Android SDK`` from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html |
Here is Google's `install guide <http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html>`_ for the SDK. |
.. note:: If you choose SDK packed into a Windows installer, then you should have 32-bit JRE installed. It is not a prerequisite for Android development, but installer is a x86 application and requires 32-bit Java runtime. |
.. note:: If you are running x64 version of Ubuntu Linux, then you need ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems to be installed. You can install them with the following command: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs |
For Red Hat based systems the following command might be helpful: |
.. code-block:: bash |
sudo yum install libXtst.i386 |
#. **Android SDK components** |
You need the following SDK components to be installed: |
* *Android SDK Tools, revision14* or newer. |
Older revisions should also work, but they are not recommended. |
* *SDK Platform Android 3.0*, ``API 11`` and *Android 2.3.1*, ``API 9``. |
The minimal platform supported by OpenCV Java API is **Android 2.2** (``API 8``). This is also the minimum API Level required for the provided samples to run. |
See the ``<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/>`` tag in their **AndroidManifest.xml** files. |
But for successful compilation of some samples the **target** platform should be set to Android 3.0 (API 11) or higher. It will not prevent them from running on Android 2.2. |
.. image:: images/android_sdk_and_avd_manager.png |
:height: 500px |
:alt: Android SDK Manager |
:align: center |
See `Adding Platforms and Packages <http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/adding-packages.html>`_ for help with installing/updating SDK components. |
#. **Eclipse IDE** |
Check the `Android SDK System Requirements <http://developer.android.com/sdk/requirements.html>`_ document for a list of Eclipse versions that are compatible with the Android SDK. |
For OpenCV 2.4.x we recommend **Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)** or later versions. They work well for OpenCV under both Windows and Linux. |
If you have no Eclipse installed, you can get it from the `official site <http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/>`_. |
#. **ADT plugin for Eclipse** |
These instructions are copied from `Android Developers site <http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html>`_, check it out in case of any ADT-related problem. |
Assuming that you have Eclipse IDE installed, as described above, follow these steps to download and install the ADT plugin: |
#. Start Eclipse, then select :menuselection:`Help --> Install New Software...` |
#. Click :guilabel:`Add` (in the top-right corner). |
#. In the :guilabel:`Add Repository` dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location: |
https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ |
#. Click :guilabel:`OK` |
.. note:: If you have trouble acquiring the plugin, try using "http" in the Location URL, instead of "https" (https is preferred for security reasons). |
#. In the :guilabel:`Available Software` dialog, select the checkbox next to :guilabel:`Developer Tools` and click :guilabel:`Next`. |
#. In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click :guilabel:`Next`. |
#. Read and accept the license agreements, then click :guilabel:`Finish`. |
.. note:: If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click :guilabel:`OK`. |
#. When the installation completes, restart Eclipse. |
Native development in C++ |
------------------------- |
You need the following software to be installed in order to develop for Android in C++: |
#. **Android NDK** |
To compile C++ code for Android platform you need ``Android Native Development Kit`` (*NDK*). |
You can get the latest version of NDK from the `download page <http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html>`_. To install Android NDK just extract the archive to some folder on your computer. Here are `installation instructions <http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html#Installing>`_. |
.. note:: Before start you can read official Android NDK documentation which is in the Android NDK archive, in the folder :file:`docs/`. |
The main article about using Android NDK build system is in the :file:`ANDROID-MK.html` file. |
Some additional information you can find in the :file:`APPLICATION-MK.html`, :file:`NDK-BUILD.html` files, and :file:`CPU-ARM-NEON.html`, :file:`CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html`, :file:`PREBUILTS.html`. |
#. **CDT plugin for Eclipse** |
There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse compilation process. |
We recommend the approach based on Eclipse :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder. |
.. important:: Make sure your Eclipse IDE has the :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` plugin installed. Menu :guilabel:`Help -> About Eclipse SDK` and push :guilabel:`Installation Details` button. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_details.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
To install the `CDT plugin <http://eclipse.org/cdt/>`_ use menu :guilabel:`Help -> Install New Software...`, |
then paste the CDT 8.0 repository URL http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/releases/indigo as shown in the picture below and click :guilabel:`Add...`, name it *CDT* and click :guilabel:`OK`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
``CDT Main Features`` should be enough: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_cdt_2.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
That's it. Compilation of C++ code is fully integrated into Eclipse building process now. |
Android application structure |
============================= |
Usually source code of an Android application has the following structure: |
+ :file:`root folder of the project/` |
- :file:`jni/` |
- :file:`libs/` |
- :file:`res/` |
- :file:`src/` |
- :file:`AndroidManifest.xml` |
- :file:`project.properties` |
- :file:`... other files ...` |
where: |
* the :file:`src` folder contains Java code of the application, |
* the :file:`res` folder contains resources of the application (images, xml files describing UI layout, etc), |
* the :file:`libs` folder will contain native libraries after a successful build, |
* and the :file:`jni` folder contains C/C++ application source code and NDK's build scripts :file:`Android.mk` and :file:`Application.mk` |
producing the native libraries, |
* :file:`AndroidManifest.xml` file presents essential information about application to the Android system |
(name of the Application, name of main application's package, components of the application, required permissions, etc). |
It can be created using Eclipse wizard or :command:`android` tool from Android SDK. |
* :file:`project.properties` is a text file containing information about target Android platform and other build details. |
This file is generated by Eclipse or can be created with :command:`android` tool included in Android SDK. |
.. note:: Both files (:file:`AndroidManifest.xml` and :file:`project.properties`) are required to compile the C++ part of the application, |
since Android NDK build system relies on them. If any of these files does not exist, compile the Java part of the project before the C++ part. |
:file:`Android.mk` and :file:`Application.mk` scripts |
================================================================== |
The script :file:`Android.mk` usually has the following structure: |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
LOCAL_MODULE := <module_name> |
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := <list of .c and .cpp project files> |
<some variable name> := <some variable value> |
... |
<some variable name> := <some variable value> |
This is the minimal file :file:`Android.mk`, which builds C++ source code of an Android application. Note that the first two lines and the last line are mandatory for any :file:`Android.mk`. |
Usually the file :file:`Application.mk` is optional, but in case of project using OpenCV, when STL and exceptions are used in C++, it also should be created. Example of the file :file:`Application.mk`: |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
APP_STL := gnustl_static |
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions |
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a |
.. _NDK_build_cli: |
Building application native part from command line |
================================================== |
Here is the standard way to compile C++ part of an Android application: |
#. Open console and go to the root folder of an Android application |
.. code-block:: bash |
cd <root folder of the project>/ |
#. Run the following command |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build |
.. note:: On Windows we recommend to use ``ndk-build.cmd`` in standard Windows console (``cmd.exe``) rather than the similar ``bash`` script in ``Cygwin`` shell. |
.. image:: images/ndk_build.png |
:alt: NDK build |
:align: center |
#. After executing this command the C++ part of the source code is compiled. |
After that the Java part of the application can be (re)compiled (using either *Eclipse* or *Ant* build tool). |
.. note:: Some parameters can be set for the :command:`ndk-build`: |
**Example 1**: Verbose compilation |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build V=1 |
**Example 2**: Rebuild all |
.. code-block:: bash |
<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/ndk-build -B |
.. _CDT_Builder: |
Building application native part from *Eclipse* (CDT Builder) |
============================================================= |
There are several possible ways to integrate compilation of native C++ code by Android NDK into Eclipse build process. |
We recommend the approach based on Eclipse :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` Builder. |
.. important:: Make sure your Eclipse IDE has the :abbr:`CDT(C/C++ Development Tooling)` plugin installed. Menu :guilabel:`Help -> About Eclipse SDK -> Installation Details`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_inst_details.png |
:alt: Eclipse About |
:align: center |
.. important:: OpenCV for Android 2.4.2 package contains sample projects pre-configured CDT Builders. For your own projects follow the steps below. |
#. Define the ``NDKROOT`` environment variable containing the path to Android NDK in your system (e.g. ``"X:\\Apps\\android-ndk-r8"`` or ``"/opt/android-ndk-r8"``). |
**On Windows** an environment variable can be set via :guilabel:`My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment variables` and restarting Eclipse. |
On Windows 7 it's also possible to use `setx <http://ss64.com/nt/setx.html>`_ command in a console session. |
**On Linux** and **MacOS** an environment variable can be set via appending a ``"export VAR_NAME=VAR_VALUE"`` line to the :file:`"~/.bashrc"` file and logging off and then on. |
#. Open Eclipse and load the Android app project to configure. |
#. Add C/C++ Nature to the project via Eclipse menu :guilabel:`New -> Other -> C/C++ -> Convert to a C/C++ Project`. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg1.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
And: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg2.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Select the project(s) to convert. Specify "Project type" = ``Makefile project``, "Toolchains" = ``Other Toolchain``. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg3.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Open :guilabel:`Project Properties -> C/C++ Build`, unckeck ``Use default build command``, replace "Build command" text from ``"make"`` to |
``"${NDKROOT}/ndk-build.cmd"`` on Windows, |
``"${NDKROOT}/ndk-build"`` on Linux and MacOS. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg4.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Go to :guilabel:`Behaviour` tab and change "Workbench build type" section like shown below: |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg5.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Press :guilabel:`OK` and make sure the ``ndk-build`` is successfully invoked when building the project. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg6.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. If you open your C++ source file in Eclipse editor, you'll see syntax error notifications. They are not real errors, but additional CDT configuring is required. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg7.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
#. Open :guilabel:`Project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols` and add the following **Include** paths for **C++**: |
:: |
${NDKROOT}/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/include |
${ProjDirPath}/../../sdk/native/jni/include |
The last path should be changed to the correct absolute or relative path to OpenCV4Android SDK location. |
This should clear the syntax error notifications in Eclipse C++ editor. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_cdt_cfg8.png |
:alt: Configure CDT |
:align: center |
.. note:: The latest Android NDK **r8b** uses different STL headers path. So if you use this NDK release add the following **Include** paths list instead: |
:: |
${NDKROOT}/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/include |
${NDKROOT}/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.6/libs/armeabi-v7a/include |
${ProjDirPath}/../../sdk/native/jni/include |
Debugging and Testing |
===================== |
In this section we will give you some easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up an emulator or hardware device for testing and debugging an Android project. |
--- |
AVD (*Android Virtual Device*) is not probably the most convenient way to test an OpenCV-dependent application, but sure the most uncomplicated one to configure. |
#. Assuming you already have *Android SDK* and *Eclipse IDE* installed, in Eclipse go :guilabel:`Window -> AVD Manager`. |
.. **TBD:** how to start AVD Manager without Eclipse... |
#. Press the :guilabel:`New` button in :guilabel:`AVD Manager` window. |
#. :guilabel:`Create new Android Virtual Device` window will let you select some properties for your new device, like target API level, size of SD-card and other. |
.. image:: images/AVD_create.png |
:alt: Configure builders |
:align: center |
#. When you click the :guilabel:`Create AVD` button, your new AVD will be availible in :guilabel:`AVD Manager`. |
#. Press :guilabel:`Start` to launch the device. Be aware that any AVD (a.k.a. Emulator) is usually much slower than a hardware Android device, so it may take up to several minutes to start. |
#. Go :guilabel:`Run -> Run/Debug` in Eclipse IDE to run your application in regular or debugging mode. :guilabel:`Device Chooser` will let you choose among the running devices or to start a new one. |
Hardware Device |
--------------- |
If you have an Android device, you can use it to test and debug your applications. This way is more authentic, though a little bit harder to set up. You need to make some actions for Windows and Linux operating systems to be able to work with Android devices. No extra actions are required for Mac OS. See detailed information on configuring hardware devices in subsections below. |
You may also consult the official `Android Developers site instructions <http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html>`_ for more information. |
Windows host computer |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
#. Enable USB debugging on the Android device (via :guilabel:`Settings` menu). |
#. Attach the Android device to your PC with a USB cable. |
#. Go to :guilabel:`Start Menu` and **right-click** on :guilabel:`Computer`. Select :guilabel:`Manage` in the context menu. You may be asked for Administrative permissions. |
#. Select :guilabel:`Device Manager` in the left pane and find an unknown device in the list. You may try unplugging it and then plugging back in order to check whether it's your exact equipment appears in the list. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_01.png |
:alt: Unknown device |
:align: center |
#. Try your luck installing `Google USB drivers` without any modifications: **right-click** on the unknown device, select :guilabel:`Properties` menu item --> :guilabel:`Details` tab --> :guilabel:`Update Driver` button. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_05.png |
:alt: Device properties |
:align: center |
#. Select :guilabel:`Browse computer for driver software`. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_06.png |
:alt: Browse for driver |
:align: center |
#. Specify the path to :file:`<Android SDK folder>/extras/google/usb_driver/` folder. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_07.png |
:alt: Browse for driver |
:align: center |
#. If you get the prompt to install unverified drivers and report about success - you've finished with USB driver installation. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_08.png |
:alt: Install prompt |
:align: center |
` ` |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_09.png |
:alt: Installed OK |
:align: center |
#. Otherwise (getting the failure like shown below) follow the next steps. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_12.png |
:alt: No driver |
:align: center |
#. Again **right-click** on the unknown device, select :guilabel:`Properties --> Details --> Hardware Ids` and copy the line like ``USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX&MI_XX``. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_02.png |
:alt: Device properties details |
:align: center |
#. Now open file :file:`<Android SDK folder>/extras/google/usb_driver/android_winusb.inf`. Select either ``Google.NTx86`` or ``Google.NTamd64`` section depending on your host system architecture. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_03.png |
:alt: "android_winusb.inf" |
:align: center |
#. There should be a record like existing ones for your device and you need to add one manually. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_04.png |
:alt: "android_winusb.inf" |
:align: center |
#. Save the :file:`android_winusb.inf` file and try to install the USB driver again. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_05.png |
:alt: Device properties |
:align: center |
` ` |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_06.png |
:alt: Browse for driver |
:align: center |
` ` |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_07.png |
:alt: Browse for driver |
:align: center |
#. This time installation should go successfully. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_08.png |
:alt: Install prompt |
:align: center |
` ` |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_09.png |
:alt: Installed OK |
:align: center |
#. And an unknown device is now recognized as an Android phone. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_10.png |
:alt: "Known" device |
:align: center |
#. Successful device USB connection can be verified in console via ``adb devices`` command. |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_11.png |
:alt: "adb devices" |
:align: center |
#. Now, in Eclipse go :guilabel:`Run -> Run/Debug` to run your application in regular or debugging mode. :guilabel:`Device Chooser` will let you choose among the devices. |
Linux host computer |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
By default Linux doesn't recognize Android devices, but it's easy to fix this issue. On Ubuntu Linux you have to create a new **/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules** configuration file that contains information about your Android device. You may find some Vendor ID's `here <http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html#VendorIds>`_ or execute :command:`lsusb` command to view VendorID of plugged Android device. Here is an example of such file for LG device: |
.. code-block:: guess |
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev" |
Then restart your adb server (even better to restart the system), plug in your Android device and execute :command:`adb devices` command. You will see the list of attached devices: |
.. image:: images/usb_device_connect_ubuntu.png |
:alt: List of attached devices |
:align: center |
MacOS host computer |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
No actions are required, just connect your device via USB and run ``adb devices`` to check connection. |
What's next |
=========== |
Now, when you have your development environment set up and configured, you may want to proceed to installing OpenCV4Android SDK. You can learn how to do that in a separate :ref:`O4A_SDK` tutorial. |
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@ |
.. _dev_with_OCV_on_Android: |
Android development with OpenCV |
******************************* |
This tutorial is created to help you use OpenCV library within your Android project. |
This guide was written with Windows 7 in mind, though it should work with any other OS supported by OpenCV4Android SDK. |
This tutorial assumes you have the following installed and configured: |
* JDK |
* Android SDK and NDK |
* Eclipse IDE |
* ADT and CDT plugins for Eclipse |
.. |
If you need help with anything of the above, you may refer to our :ref:`android_dev_intro` guide. |
This tutorial also assumes you have OpenCV4Android SDK already installed on your development machine and OpenCV Manager on your testing device correspondingly. If you need help with any of these, you may consult our :ref:`O4A_SDK` tutorial. |
If you encounter any error after thoroughly following these steps, feel free to contact us via `OpenCV4Android <https://groups.google.com/group/android-opencv/>`_ discussion group or OpenCV `Q&A forum <http://answers.opencv.org>`_ . We'll do our best to help you out. |
Using OpenCV library within your Android project |
================================================ |
In this section we will explain how to make some existing project to use OpenCV. |
Starting with 2.4.2 release for Android, *OpenCV Manager* is used to provide apps with the best available version of OpenCV. |
You can get more information here: :ref:`Android_OpenCV_Manager` and in these `slides <https://docs.google.com/a/itseez.com/presentation/d/1EO_1kijgBg_BsjNp2ymk-aarg-0K279_1VZRcPplSuk/present#slide=id.p>`_. |
Java |
---- |
Application development with async initialization |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Using async initialization is a **recommended** way for application development. It uses the OpenCV Manager to access OpenCV libraries externally installed in the target system. |
#. Add OpenCV library project to your workspace. Use menu :guilabel:`File -> Import -> Existing project in your workspace`, |
press :guilabel:`Browse` button and locate OpenCV4Android SDK (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk`). |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. In application project add a reference to the OpenCV Java SDK in :guilabel:`Project -> Properties -> Android -> Library -> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.2``. |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
To run OpenCV Manager-based application the first time you need to install packages with the `OpenCV Manager` and `OpenCV binary pack` for you platform. |
You can do it using Google Play Market or manually with ``adb`` tool: |
.. code-block:: sh |
:linenos: |
<Android SDK path>/platform-tools/adb install <OpenCV4Android SDK path>/apk/OpenCV_2.4.2_Manager.apk |
<Android SDK path>/platform-tools/adb install <OpenCV4Android SDK path>/apk/OpenCV_2.4.2_binary_pack_armv7a.apk |
There is a very base code snippet implementing the async initialization. It shows basic principles. See the "15-puzzle" OpenCV sample for details. |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements HelperCallbackInterface |
{ |
private BaseLoaderCallback mOpenCVCallBack = new BaseLoaderCallback(this) { |
@Override |
public void onManagerConnected(int status) { |
switch (status) { |
case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS: |
{ |
Log.i(TAG, "OpenCV loaded successfully"); |
// Create and set View |
mView = new puzzle15View(mAppContext); |
setContentView(mView); |
} break; |
default: |
{ |
super.onManagerConnected(status); |
} break; |
} |
} |
}; |
/** Called when the activity is first created. */ |
@Override |
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) |
{ |
Log.i(TAG, "onCreate"); |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
Log.i(TAG, "Trying to load OpenCV library"); |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_2, this, mOpenCVCallBack)) |
{ |
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot connect to OpenCV Manager"); |
} |
} |
// ... |
} |
It this case application works with OpenCV Manager in asynchronous fashion. ``OnManagerConnected`` callback will be called in UI thread, when initialization finishes. |
Please note, that it is not allowed to use OpenCV calls or load OpenCV-dependent native libs before invoking this callback. |
Load your own native libraries that depend on OpenCV after the successful OpenCV initialization. |
Application development with static initialization |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
According to this approach all OpenCV binaries are included into your application package. It is designed mostly for development purposes. |
This approach is deprecated for the production code, release package is recommended to communicate with OpenCV Manager via the async initialization described above. |
#. Add the OpenCV library project to your workspace the same way as for the async initialization above. |
Use menu :guilabel:`File -> Import -> Existing project in your workspace`, push :guilabel:`Browse` button and select OpenCV SDK path (:file:`OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk`). |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency0.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. In the application project add a reference to the OpenCV4Android SDK in :guilabel:`Project -> Properties -> Android -> Library -> Add` select ``OpenCV Library - 2.4.2``; |
.. image:: images/eclipse_opencv_dependency1.png |
:alt: Add dependency from OpenCV library |
:align: center |
#. If your application project **doesn't have a JNI part**, just copy the corresponding OpenCV native libs from :file:`<OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk>/sdk/native/libs/<target_arch>` to your project directory to folder :file:`libs/<target_arch>`. |
In case of the application project **with a JNI part**, instead of manual libraries copying you need to modify your ``Android.mk`` file: |
add the following two code lines after the ``"include $(CLEAR_VARS)"`` and before ``"include path_to_OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk/sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk"`` |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
The result should look like the following: |
.. code-block:: make |
:linenos: |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
# OpenCV |
include ../../sdk/native/jni/OpenCV.mk |
After that the OpenCV libraries will be copied to your application :file:`libs` folder during the JNI part build. |
Eclipse will automatically include all the libraries from the :file:`libs` folder to the application package (APK). |
#. The last step of enabling OpenCV in your application is Java initialization code before call to OpenCV API. |
It can be done, for example, in the static section of the ``Activity`` class: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
static { |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) { |
// Handle initialization error |
} |
} |
If you application includes other OpenCV-dependent native libraries you should load them **after** OpenCV initialization: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
static { |
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) { |
// Handle initialization error |
} else { |
System.loadLibrary("my_jni_lib1"); |
System.loadLibrary("my_jni_lib2"); |
} |
} |
Native/C++ |
---------- |
To build your own Android application, which uses OpenCV from native part, the following steps should be done: |
#. You can use an environment variable to specify the location of OpenCV package or just hardcode absolute or relative path in the :file:`jni/Android.mk` of your projects. |
#. The file :file:`jni/Android.mk` should be written for the current application using the common rules for this file. |
For detailed information see the Android NDK documentation from the Android NDK archive, in the file |
:file:`<path_where_NDK_is_placed>/docs/ANDROID-MK.html` |
#. The line |
.. code-block:: make |
include C:\Work\OpenCV4Android\OpenCV-2.4.2-android-sdk\sdk\native\jni\OpenCV.mk |
should be inserted into the :file:`jni/Android.mk` file **after** the line |
.. code-block:: make |
include $(CLEAR_VARS) |
#. Several variables can be used to customize OpenCV stuff, but you **don't need** to use them when your application uses the `async initialization` via the `OpenCV Manager` API. |
Note: these variables should be set **before** the ``"include .../OpenCV.mk"`` line: |
.. code-block:: make |
Copies necessary OpenCV dynamic libs to the project ``libs`` folder in order to include them into the APK. |
.. code-block:: make |
Skip native OpenCV camera related libs copying to the project ``libs`` folder. |
.. code-block:: make |
Perform static link with OpenCV. By default dynamic link is used and the project JNI lib depends on ``libopencv_java.so``. |
#. The file :file:`Application.mk` should exist and should contain lines: |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_STL := gnustl_static |
APP_CPPFLAGS := -frtti -fexceptions |
Also the line like this one: |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a |
should specify the application target platforms. |
In some cases a linkage error (like ``"In function 'cv::toUtf16(std::basic_string<...>... undefined reference to 'mbstowcs'"``) happens |
when building an application JNI library depending on OpenCV. |
The following line in the :file:`Application.mk` usually fixes it: |
.. code-block:: make |
APP_PLATFORM := android-9 |
#. Either use :ref:`manual <NDK_build_cli>` ``ndk-build`` invocation or :ref:`setup Eclipse CDT Builder <CDT_Builder>` to build native JNI lib before Java part [re]build and APK creation. |
Hello OpenCV Sample |
=================== |
Here are basic steps to guide you trough the process of creating a simple OpenCV-centric application. |
It will be capable of accessing camera output, processing it and displaying the result. |
#. Open Eclipse IDE, create a new clean workspace, create a new Android project (*File -> New -> Android Project*). |
#. Set name, target, package and minSDKVersion accordingly. |
#. Create a new class (*File -> New -> Class*). Name it for example: *HelloOpenCVView*. |
.. image:: images/dev_OCV_new_class.png |
:alt: Add a new class. |
:align: center |
* It should extend *SurfaceView* class. |
* It also should implement *SurfaceHolder.Callback*, *Runnable*. |
#. Edit *HelloOpenCVView* class. |
* Add an *import* line for *android.content.context*. |
* Modify autogenerated stubs: *HelloOpenCVView*, *surfaceCreated*, *surfaceDestroyed* and *surfaceChanged*. |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
package com.hello.opencv.test; |
import android.content.Context; |
public class HelloOpenCVView extends SurfaceView implements Callback, Runnable { |
public HelloOpenCVView(Context context) { |
super(context); |
getHolder().addCallback(this); |
} |
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { |
(new Thread(this)).start(); |
} |
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { |
cameraRelease(); |
} |
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { |
cameraSetup(width, height); |
} |
//... |
* Add *cameraOpen*, *cameraRelease* and *cameraSetup* voids as shown below. |
* Also, don't forget to add the public void *run()* as follows: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
public void run() { |
// TODO: loop { getFrame(), processFrame(), drawFrame() } |
} |
public boolean cameraOpen() { |
return false; //TODO: open camera |
} |
private void cameraRelease() { |
// TODO release camera |
} |
private void cameraSetup(int width, int height) { |
// TODO setup camera |
} |
#. Create a new *Activity* (*New -> Other -> Android -> Android Activity*) and name it, for example: *HelloOpenCVActivity*. For this activity define *onCreate*, *onResume* and *onPause* voids. |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) { |
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); |
mView = new HelloOpenCVView(this); |
setContentView (mView); |
} |
protected void onPause() { |
super.onPause(); |
mView.cameraRelease(); |
} |
protected void onResume() { |
super.onResume(); |
if( !mView.cameraOpen() ) { |
// MessageBox and exit app |
AlertDialog ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create(); |
ad.setCancelable(false); // This blocks the "BACK" button |
ad.setMessage("Fatal error: can't open camera!"); |
ad.setButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { |
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { |
dialog.dismiss(); |
finish(); |
} |
}); |
ad.show(); |
} |
} |
#. Add the following permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml file: |
.. code-block:: xml |
:linenos: |
</application> |
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> |
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" /> |
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" /> |
#. Reference OpenCV library within your project properties. |
.. image:: images/dev_OCV_reference.png |
:alt: Reference OpenCV library. |
:align: center |
#. We now need some code to handle the camera. Update the *HelloOpenCVView* class as follows: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
private VideoCapture mCamera; |
public boolean cameraOpen() { |
synchronized (this) { |
cameraRelease(); |
mCamera = new VideoCapture(Highgui.CV_CAP_ANDROID); |
if (!mCamera.isOpened()) { |
mCamera.release(); |
mCamera = null; |
Log.e("HelloOpenCVView", "Failed to open native camera"); |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
public void cameraRelease() { |
synchronized(this) { |
if (mCamera != null) { |
mCamera.release(); |
mCamera = null; |
} |
} |
} |
private void cameraSetup(int width, int height) { |
synchronized (this) { |
if (mCamera != null && mCamera.isOpened()) { |
List<Size> sizes = mCamera.getSupportedPreviewSizes(); |
int mFrameWidth = width; |
int mFrameHeight = height; |
{ // selecting optimal camera preview size |
double minDiff = Double.MAX_VALUE; |
for (Size size : sizes) { |
if (Math.abs(size.height - height) < minDiff) { |
mFrameWidth = (int) size.width; |
mFrameHeight = (int) size.height; |
minDiff = Math.abs(size.height - height); |
} |
} |
} |
mCamera.set(Highgui.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, mFrameWidth); |
mCamera.set(Highgui.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, mFrameHeight); |
} |
} |
} |
#. The last step would be to update the *run()* void in *HelloOpenCVView* class as follows: |
.. code-block:: java |
:linenos: |
public void run() { |
while (true) { |
Bitmap bmp = null; |
synchronized (this) { |
if (mCamera == null) |
break; |
if (!mCamera.grab()) |
break; |
bmp = processFrame(mCamera); |
} |
if (bmp != null) { |
Canvas canvas = getHolder().lockCanvas(); |
if (canvas != null) { |
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, (canvas.getWidth() - bmp.getWidth()) / 2, |
(canvas.getHeight() - bmp.getHeight()) / 2, null); |
getHolder().unlockCanvasAndPost(canvas); |
} |
bmp.recycle(); |
} |
} |
} |
protected Bitmap processFrame(VideoCapture capture) { |
Mat mRgba = new Mat(); |
capture.retrieve(mRgba, Highgui.CV_CAP_ANDROID_COLOR_FRAME_RGBA); |
//process mRgba |
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(mRgba.cols(), mRgba.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); |
try { |
Utils.matToBitmap(mRgba, bmp); |
} catch(Exception e) { |
Log.e("processFrame", "Utils.matToBitmap() throws an exception: " + e.getMessage()); |
bmp.recycle(); |
bmp = null; |
} |
return bmp; |
} |
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